11 of of oo rr PP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 1 21/9/17 2:30 PM MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 1 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg2 1 ((/MM9/1BB7II )) 2:44 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 11 M A ST E R I N G H A N D B U I L D I N G © 2017 Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. Text © 2017 Sunshine Cobb Photography by Tim Robison, except where otherwise noted First published in 2017 by Voyageur Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA. T (612) 344-8100 F (612) 344-8692 www.QuartoKnows.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringe- ment of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. Voyageur Press titles are also available at discount for retail, wholesale, promotional, and bulk purchase. For details, contact the Special Sales Manager by email at [email protected] or by mail at The Quarto Group, Attn: Special Sales Manager, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978-0-7603-5273-1 Digital edition: 978-0-76036-272-3 Hardcover edition: 978-0-76035-273-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Cobb, Sunshine, author. Title: Mastering hand building : techniques, tips, and tricks for slabs, coils, and more / Sunshine Cobb. Description: Minneapolis, MN : Voyageur Press, 2018. Identifiers: LCCN 2017030473 | ISBN 9780760352731 (hardback) Subjects: LCSH: Pottery craft. | BISAC: CRAFTS & HOBBIES / Pottery & Ceramics. | CRAFTS & HOBBIES / Reference. Classification: LCC TT920 .C626 2018 | DDC 738.1/2—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017030473 Acquiring Editor: Thom O’Hearn Project Manager: Alyssa Lochner Art Director: Cindy Samargia Laun Cover and Page Design: Laura Shaw Design Printed in China T 2 11 of of oo rr PP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 2 21/9/17 2:30 PM MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814_C2.indd 2 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinn1gg0 /((1MM0/1BB7II)) 3:47 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 22 M A ST E R I N G H A N D B U I L D I N G TECHNIQUES, TIPS, AND TRICKS FOR SLABS, COILS, AND MORE SUNSHINE COBB FOREWORD BY ANDREA GILL C 2 111 of of of ooo rrr PPP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814_C2.indd 3 10/10/17 3:49 PM JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg ((MMBBII)) MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 3 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg2 1 ((/MM9/1BB7II )) 2:44 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 22 GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 33 CONTENTS Foreword by Andrea Gill 6 3 Getting Started with Slabs 79 How to Make Slabs 80 1 The Basics 9 Templates 87 The Studio 10 Slab Bowl 90 Self-Care 16 Slab Cup (with Bisque Mold) 95 Tools and Materials 23 Slab Cake Plate 101 Clay 27 Managing the Drying Process 34 4 Next Steps in Slab Building 109 Casserole Dish 110 2 Pinch Pots and Coil Building 41 Hard-Slab Box with Capped Lid 120 Pinch Pots 42 Molds 127 Removing and Adding Clay 44 Slump-Mold Plate 135 Pinch-Pot Mug 48 Drape-Mold Plate 139 Coil-Built Vase 55 Fixing Cracks 64 5 Developing Content 145 Coil-Built Box with an Inset Flange 69 Starting Your Journey with Content 146 11 of of oo rr PP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 4 21/9/17 2:30 PM MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 4 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg2 1 ((/MM9/1BB7II )) 2:44 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 44 6 Decorating and Finishing 165 ARTIST FEATURES Adding Texture 166 Bryan Hopkins 20 Slip Techniques 171 Glazes and Underglaze 178 Janice Jakielski 32 Resists 183 Giselle Hicks 52 Kilns and Firing Schedules 189 Lilly Zuckerman 67 Slip and Glaze Recipes 192 Birdie Boone 98 Templates 197 Kate Maury 132 Resources 201 Peter Christian Johnson 151 Index 204 Zemer Peled 157 Acknowledgments 207 Chris Pickett 175 About the Author 208 Lindsay Oesterritter 186 11 of of oo rr PP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 5 21/9/17 2:30 PM JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg ((MMBBII)) MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 5 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg2 1 ((/MM9/1BB7II )) 2:44 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 44 GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 55 FOREWORD Handbuilders Unite! A short, unprecise history of a way of working. The Kansas City Art Institute was a hotbed of When I first came to ceramics, I was a painter ceramics when I arrived in the fall of 1972. Jacquie and form seemed alien to me (which was only rein- Rice had joined the faculty to add a new point of forced by a bad grade in Freshman 3D Design). view, including a variety of hand building and However, from the start I found building with decorating techniques. We were charged up by slabs was different; it was very much like drawing. I the challenge she brought to the strong high-fire could invent line with a knife and volume by press- throwing culture championed by Ken Ferguson ing slabs into molds. This system made it possible and Victor Babu. While they focused on Asian pot- to create well-rendered generic shapes quickly, tery, Jacquie taught us to use low-fire commercial then combine them to make work as large as my glazes, decals, lusters, and china paints on hand- kiln would accommodate. It was like stretching a built vessels. This entirely different aesthetic was canvas, giving me the freedom to play with two- infectious and led to what seemed like a revolution. dimensional shape, color, and pattern. I had found At some point that year, a student printed my voice, and was then able to experiment and play. bumper stickers. They were bright orange, about I still love how clay feels as a perfect leather-hard 5 x 6 inches, and read: Handbuilders Unite! I won- slab, and I usually have at least two hundred pounds der sometimes what people thought when they saw rolled before beginning a series. I enter the studio the bumper sticker. What was a hand builder and why with few expectations other than an approximate did they need to unite? The politics of the day led to number of works I will make. The making stage is many diverse manifestos on car bumpers. Ours was a divorced from decorating: I learned early on that Declaration of the Freedom of Ceramic Art. the fewer clues I left on the surface, the more I could We did not invent that phrase, but it felt like we invent the shapes of color. Sometimes I coat the pot were on the cutting edge of a new way of working. with a thick, white glaze known as Majolica, from John Gill was a senior, and already showing his work. the Italian Renaissance technique. Other work is His soft-slab teapots, jars, and cups influenced other decorated with layers of engobe. Over the years, I students, including me. (I was so impressed, I mar- have found particular cultural and historic patterns ried him!) Another curious connection was the one to use as a starting point. The forms, although not we made with Mark Pharis, who visited KCAI with planned specifically, are in response to the shapes I Warren MacKenzie and a group of students from see in the images. From Japanese prints and Turk- the University of Minnesota. I don’t know if he had ish robes to a particular image of a basket of flowers already experimented with soft slabs, but he soon on a Chinese plate, I am always looking, seeing pos- added hand building to his body of work and has sibilities for making when I least expect it. since made magnificent pots using the technique. I have taught Introductory Hand Building at About the same time, Victor Babu demonstrated Alfred University for about thirty years. The course how to use very large, stiff slabs to make a box. This is has evolved over time from one that emphasized T how I make all my work. One demo: a life is changed. vessel making to one that is heavily sculptural and 2 11 of of oo 6 rr PP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 6 21/9/17 2:30 PM MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814_C2.indd 6 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinn1gg1 /((1MM0/1BB7II)) 2:31 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 66 Basin and Vase Series: Parrots. Andrea Gill. Slab construction with press molds. Photo courtesy of Brian Ogelsbee. includes slip casting and press molding. Yet we did consistency of mud, or, of course, the plastic clay not want to change the course name to “Ceramic that now comes in convenient square blocks in Sculpture.” Hand building does not indicate a type plastic bags. Hand building has never been so easy of object, only a way of working, and that is how or as challenging as it is today. Handbuilders Unite! we want to think about it—by questioning ways of making, ways of using materials outside the typi- —ANDREA GILL, Professor Emeritus of cal beginning assignments of coil/slab/press mold Ceramic Art at Alfred University then glaze. Clay can be bone dry, already fired, the C 2 111 of of of FOREWORD 7 ooo rrr PPP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814_C2.indd 7 10/10/17 3:53 PM JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg ((MMBBII)) MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 7 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg2 1 ((/MM9/1BB7II )) 2:44 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 66 GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 77 11 of of oo rr PP MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 8 21/9/17 5:31 PM MastHandBuild_001-208_FINAL_12814.indd 8 JJoobb:: 1122881144 TTiittllee:: ## 222255223344 -- MMaasstteerriinngg HHaanndd BBuuiillddiinngg2 1 ((/MM9/1BB7II )) 2:44 PM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 88