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Учебно-методическая разработка Mastering grammar through multimedia... (2) PDF

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Preview Учебно-методическая разработка Mastering grammar through multimedia... (2)

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ КАЗЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «МОСКОВСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ МВД РОССИИ ИМЕНИ В.Я. КИКОТЯ» УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зав. кафедрой иностранных языков, заслуженный работник высшей школы, к.ю.н. И.А. Горшенева Е.В. Королева УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА «Mastering grammar through multimedia» по фильму «National treasure. The Book of Secrets”. Обсуждено и одобрено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков 21.12.2017 г., протокол № 4 Москва 2017 Методические рекомендации к УМР «Mastering grammar through multimedia» по фильму «National treasure. The Book of Secrets”. Составитель: Королева Е.В., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Московского Университета МВД России им. В.Я. Кикотя; Целевая аудитория: Данная учебная разработка предназначена для работы с курсантами 1 курса факультета экономической безопасности во 2 семестре в соответствии с тематическим планом кафедры и может быть использована в качестве дополнения к программному материалу, а также в качестве материала для самостоятельной работы. Разработка выполнена на основе двенадцати эпизодов фильма «National treasure. The Book of Secrets” и направлена на формирование языковой компетенции. Цели: Данное пособие призвано способствовать: 1. формированию навыков аудирования (просмотр осуществляется на языке оригинала с русскими субтитрами) 2. формированию языковой догадки (соотнесение звукового ряда с субтитрами) 3. расширению лексического запаса 4. формированию языковой и речевой компетенции (отработка грамматических явлений и обсуждение увиденного сюжета). Методика работы с разработкой: после просмотра обозначенного отрывка из видеофильма (требуется мультимедийный проектор или телевизор), курсанты совместно с преподавателем или самостоятельно выполняют предложенные задания для отработки определенной грамматической структуры или грамматического явления: построение вопросительных, отрицательных предложений, форма и способ образования различных частей речи: причастий, герундия, имен существительных, прилагательных, использование активного и пассивного залога, видо-временных форм глагола. Затем предлагается обсудить содержание просмотренного сюжета и высказать свое мнение по проблемным вопросам для формирования навыков устно й речи. Работа с эпизодом занимает 15-20 минут, рекомендуется использовать пособие в конце занятия после выполнения заданий, предусмотренных календарно-тематическим планом по дисциплине. National treasure II. The book of secrets. Episode 1. Word formation 1 (from the beginning to 8.25). Task 1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold. How were they formed? 1.Cipher's impossible to decode without the key. 2. I'd much appreciate it if you'd finish deciphering that code now. 3. - What do you mean by "a key"? - A keyword or phrase. 4. KGC? You're Knights of the Golden Circle. You're a traitor. 5. [sobbing] Come back. It's not fair. 6. [man] I'd like to thank Ben and Patrick Gates. And say what a wonderful addition Thomas Gates is to our civilian heroes exhibit. 7. You see, I have one of those great-great-granddaddies, like you, way up in my family tree, name of Silas Wilkinson. 8. Ladies and gentlemen,I present to you...one of the missing pages from the infamous diary of John Wilkes Booth… 9. I see. Could mean mastermind of anything. 10. We'll test this thoroughly,Patrick, to authenticate it. Task 2. Try to formulate the meaning of the affixes. What part of speech do they form? Give examples. -er, or –ist - -ism – -an -ee -less -ly -ent, -ant -able, -ible -ish -ize/ise -ate re- un-, im-, il-, in-, dis-,mis- de- co- Task 3. Form adjectives from the words. Fill in the chart: Run, trend, effect, change, depend, use, practice, law, week, reason, act, crime, information, violence. -у, -ly -ful -ent, -ant -able, -ible -ive -al, -ial Task 4. Make the words with opposite meaning. real, legal, to use, to agree, proper, active, powerful, to do, to understand, personal, to approve, fair, payment, regarding. Task 5. Answer the questions: 1. Why was Tomas Gates killed? 2. Who was Booth? 3. What was Mr. Wilkinson trying to prove? 4. What piece of evidence did he show? Episode 2. Word formation 2 (8.25 – 16.10). 1. Task 1. Read and translate the sentences. Analyze the structure of the words in bold type: 1. What's the point? What am I looking for? 2. I thought that guy, Benjamin Gates, found the treasure. Well, yes, Ben did, but I am the co-finder. 3. Where's the Ferrari? - IRS impounded it. 4. My accountant set up a corporation on an island that didn't exist and assured me that that's how rich people do it. 5. Well, my girlfriend kicked me out,I'm living with my dad, my family killed President Lincoln. 6. We have 30 seconds after the alert starts to disable the alarm. 7. So, I guess I'm invisible. 8. How did you get in, Ben? Riley! Come out here! 9. - I'm Riley. We met, uh, back in... - Right. You're, uh, Ben's assistant. 10. - What did you take? - It's just my things. -Hand it over, Ben. 11. Anyone spectral-image the page? No need to. The ink writing on the page is clearly visible. 12. Dr. Samuel Mudd was convicted of being a co-conspirator in the Lincoln assassination. The evidence was circumstantial. He was later pardoned, but it didn't matter. 13. The letters are backwards. It's a cipher. 14. Playfair ciphers encode letters in pairs. This could prove his story. Unless you decode the cipher,this does not prove a theory. 15. We need a five-letter keyword. Can I get a printout of this? Task 2. Remember the meaning of these prepositions: up over out off back down Task 3. Form phrasal verbs from the following verbs. To pay, to take, to get, to give, to go, to agree Task 4. Answer the questions: 1. What happened to Riley’s car? 2. Why did Ben ask for Riley’s help? 3. Did they find what they were looking for? Episode 3. Gerund vs Participle 1 (15.30-19.30). Task 1. Read the sentences and find the –ing form. Is it the Gerund or Participle 1? Explain the difference. 1. Let's start from the beginning. 2. I don't think this is gonna stop Dr. Nichols from announcing the discovery of the page tomorrow. 3. A guy came forward with a missing Booth diary page. How's he doing? 4. Keep working. 5. We're grateful to the Wilkinson family for coming forth with the page. 6. Would you stop watching that. 7. No stopping it now. They have no understanding. 8. You and I both know he burned the page to keep Booth's men from finding the treasure. 9. That's what we're going to prove. 10. He looked him in the eye, and he said, with his dying breath, "The debt that all men pay." Task 2. Form the forms of the Gerund and Participle 1 from the verbs and make sentences with each of them: take throw read Task 3. Translate the statements. Are they true or false: Trying to save his family’s reputation, Ben is ready to do everything. Riley is willing to help his friend but is quiet skeptical. Watching the TVset helps Ben to find the key. Even dying, Ben’s great-grandfather was thinking about his son’s future. Finding the keyword was an easy task. Task 4. Find information about Edouard Laboulaye and make a report. Episode 4. Participle 2 vs Past Simple (19.30-22.10). Task 1. Read the sentences and tell what form of the verb is used. 1. We actually found some latent letter fragments on it. 2. -Gates seen this? -He's the one that discovered it. 3. We cracked the cipher. It's "Laboulaye." 4. Laboulaye was well-known in France. It could be nothing. 5. We only got a partial on the next word. 6. Do you know what Laboulaye was planning right around the time Lincoln was assassinated? 7. -She hung up. -She took your call. That was good. 8. Man who had the idea for the Statue of Liberty. 9. Laboulaye was a Mason. They built clues into everything. 10.- Have an interest in history? - Fascinated by it. 11. But he only referred to one as his "lady." Task 2. Look through the sentences from task 1 again and correct them according to grammar rules. Task 3. Translate the sentences. 1. Разговор Бена и Абигайль был подслушан. 2. Бен расшифоровал сообщение не до конца. 3. Бен принял решение ехать во Францию. 4. Райли не знал, кто такой Лабуле. 5. Вилкинсон приехал к Абигайль, чтобы поговорить. Task 4. Do you know: Who were the Masons? What role did they play in the American history? Find out and exchange the ideas with your groupmates. Episode 5. Present continuous tense. Modal verbs (22.00- 26.00). Task 1. Read and translate the sentences. Which meaning is different from the others?: 1. This is like, impossible, what you're doing. 2. I'm glad you're enjoying it. 3. Um... "Across the sea these twins stand determined...resolute …to preserve what we are looking for. 4. He's going to call you a cab. Task 2. Describe the scene using the Present Continuous Tense. Task 3. Find the sentences with modal verbs. What is their meaning? -[Ben] Laboulaye had to leave a clue somewhere on here. Move in on the torch. - [Riley] Let me get there. It's not as easy as it looks. -No. Believe me, I understand. -Excuse me, officer. May I help you? -Ah, American, eh? Of course you see no problem in disturbing everyone's pleasant morning with your buzzing there. - Hey! You know how much our constitution was influenced by your man, Montesquieu? - You know Montesquieu? - Got it. -Montesquieu, yeah. "A government should be set up so that..." [both] "...no man need be afraid of another." - That's very good. - Thank you. - I'm astonished. - I got it, I got it. - I hope you read French. - May l? - [laughs] That's ridiculous. HMS Resolute. A British ship that got lost in the Arctic in the 1800s. It was salvaged by American whalers, and then Congress sent it back to England. When the ship was finally retired, Queen Victoria had two desks made from its timbers. Voilà. Resolute twins. - And where are those desks now? - The closest one is in London. -How fast can we get to Buckingham Palace? -Don't know. Why don't you ask our new best friend? - Nice helicopter. Is that yours? - Yes, actually. It is. - OK, so you get the ticket. - [laughs] Great. Task 4. Insert appropriate form of modal verbs in the sentences: need, can, must, have to, may With the help of his helicopter Riley ________ see the inscription on the statue. The police officer tells Ben that they ___________ make noise in a public place”. Now Riley ___________ pay a fine. Riley and Ben _______ to look at the desk in Buckingham Palace. Task 5. How can you get from Paris to London? Episode 6. Requests and offers (26.00-33.00). Task 1. Read the dialogues and find requests. - Hi, Dad. - [Patrick] Ben. -It's Patrick Gates' phone. He's calling Ben. -Give me that. -The house was broken into last night. I was attacked. -Call the police. I'm coming home. - What? -What good would that do? They didn't take anything. And besides, I'm fine. -OK. We're in London. We're going to Buckingham Palace. We have an appointment with the curator tomorrow afternoon. - Son, just be careful. Goodbye. - Bye. - Hi. Ben Gates. - See security. They'll let you in. -Looking for the curator's office. Which way was it again? - Follow the stairs round, then turn first left. -Thank you so much. - Ben. - Abigail. - What's she doing here? - What're you doing? -Your dad called me. Said your next clue was here. - [Riley] She's really there? - Ben... drop her. Lose her. - I want to help. -That's very nice, but it's a bad time right now. - [scoffs] OK, I just flew all the way to London to offer my help... - Remember the plan. - You don't need it? -You're the one making a scene. - l... I'm not making a scene right now. - We want to make a scene. - That's what couples do! - Sir. You and your missis, take it outside. - Now look what you've done. You've brought the little bobbies down on us! - You two, stay. Right? - No! No, no, man. Don't leave me in here! - That's great. Wow. - Get us out. Task 2. Put the verb in the correct form: - OK. Let me ___(to try) this out. Abigail, would you like _________(to come) with me, please? -Yes. Thank you. -Ridiculous. You're __________ (to stay). It's too dangerous. - I am so coming. - You're not coming. - __________(to call) security. - Don't let her _______(to go). -All right._________(to get) in. ______(to hold) this. Let's _______(to go). - [Riley] OK, now ______(to turn) left. - Dead end. - [Riley] I mean right. _______(to go) right. -[Ben] That's it. - [Abigail] The Resolute desk. Task 3. Answer the questions: Why has Abigail come to Buckingham Palace? What was the aim of the quarrel? How did Ben and Abigail managed to get to the Queen’s room? Episode 7. Dates (33.00-43.00). Task 1. Read the dates correctly. "Malcolm Gilvary, 1880." Uh, let me see.Queen Victoria, born 1819. OK... 1876 was on the inscription Task 2. Tell when you were born. Use the model: I was born on the first of April 1995. Task 3. Find information to answer the questions: 1.When was the Civil War in the USA? 2. When did Queen Victoria get on the throne? 3. When was Lincoln assassinated? 4. When were the Resolute desks made? 5. When was the Statue of Liberty created? Episode 8. Negative form (43.00-49.30). Task 1. Analyze the sentences. How was the negative form made?

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