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Mastering Fireworks PDF

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IMPRINT Imprint © 2013 Smashing Media GmbH, Freiburg, Germany ISBN: 978-3-943075-49-6 (Version 2: April 2013) Cover Design: Ricardo Gimenes PR & Press: Stephan Poppe eBook Strategy and Editing: Vitaly Friedman Technical Editing: Cosima Mielke Planning and Quality Control: Vitaly Friedman, Iris Lješnjanin Tools: Elja Friedman. Syntax Highlighting: Prism by Lea Verou. Idea & Concept: Smashing Media GmbH About This Book With an interface similar to other creative softwares from Adobe, Fire- works allows Web Designers to create interfaces and prototypes for their websites. It’s especially helpful to see whether your application works properly before moving onto the development stage. This eBook will show you what can be achieved with Adobe Fireworks; such as cre- ating interactive prototypes, time savers, parent libraries and extracting logos. You might even rethink your workflow after having finished this reading. TTAABBLLEE OOFF CCOONNTTEENNTTSS The Power of Adobe Fireworks: What Can You Achieve With It?..............3 Developing A Design Workflow In Adobe Fireworks..................................66 Refining Your Design In Adobe Fireworks......................................................86 Interactive Prototypes And Time-Savers With Adobe Fireworks..........109 Create Interactive Prototypes With Adobe Fireworks................................127 Simulating The Letterpress: From Live Filters In Fireworks To CSS Code............................................................................................................................143 Extracting Logos Using Levels In Adobe Fireworks...................................160 Creating A Pattern Library With Evernote And Fireworks......................174 Create Demo: An Easy Way To Present Adobe Fireworks Design Proto- types............................................................................................................................184 About The Authors................................................................................................200 2 The Power of Adobe Fireworks: What Can You Achieve With It? BBYY MMIICCHHEELL BBOOZZGGOOUUNNOOVV ❧❧ This chapter will not focus so much on the tool itself, but rather on what can be achieved with it, and more specifically—what can be achieved with its visual/graphic design capabilities. We also hope that the following showcase of inspiring illustrations, created entirely in Fireworks, will not only be interesting to our readers, but will also help put an end to the common misconception that Fireworks is mostly a prototyping tool and that for “serious” design you must switch to other tools, namely Photoshop or Illustrator. What Exactly Is Fireworks? Finding the answer to this question is not so easy. Is it a prototyping or wireframing tool? Or is it a powerful graphics editor? Is it a Photoshop competitor, but for Web design only? Is it none of these, or all of the above? Perhaps presenting you with a quick overview of some of the key fea- tures of Fireworks will help you decide the answer to that question yourself. 3 THE POWER OF ADOBE FIREWORKS: WHAT CAN YOU ACHIEVE WITH IT? WWHHAATT IISS IITT?? Fireworks is a bitmap and vector graphics editor formerly developed by Macromedia and since 2006 developed by Adobe. The main purpose of Adobe Fireworks is for creating expressive, highly optimized graphics for Web, screen and various devices (it should be noted that because of its main purpose, Fireworks has certain limitations: it supports only RGB/RGBa colors and the maximum canvas size of its files is approxi- mately 10,000×10,000 pixels). WWHHAATT IISS IITT GGOOOODD FFOORR?? With Fireworks you can make websites, user interfaces and rich Inter- net application (RIA) interfaces which are editable in both vector and bitmap modes. Fireworks has Pages/Master Pages, Layers, States and Symbols—all features that considerably speed up development of Web designs. You can also use it to create wireframes and interactive proto- types—you can apply behaviors to objects to simulate interactivity; you can add text, symbols, images and also import Illustrator and Photo- shop assets; and once ready with the design you can export the files as clickable PDF mock-ups for approval. Fireworks can turn a graphic design project instantly into an inter- active Web prototype—simply export a Fireworks single-page or multi- page PNG file asHTML, CSS and images1. You can then send such an interactive prototype to a client for approval; or you can further edit the exported code (which is almoststandards compliant2and uses an exter- nal style sheet) in Dreamweaver, Coda or any other code editor of your choice. EEXXPPOORRTT FFEEAATTUURREESS Fireworks can export to JPG, GIF/GIF-animated, PNG8/24/32, TIFF and a variety of other graphic formats. The Fireworks compression algo- rithms are on par with, oreven betterthan, Photoshop’s. Not only this but Fireworks can also export graphics directly to PNG8 alpha+index transparency format with true cross-browser compatibility (this means the exported PNG files will display correctly even in Internet Explorer 6 and 7). This is one of the areas where Fireworks excels andPhotoshop still lags behind3. Fireworks also shows excellent compression options forthe iPad and iPhone4PNG formats. 1. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/fireworks/articles/fireworks_web_design_css.html 2. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/fireworks/articles/standards_compliant_design.html 3. http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2010/08/do-you-care-about-png-8-with-transparency.html 4. http://www.craftymind.com/2010/09/01/png-compression-on-iphoneipad/ 4 You can also export Fireworks PNG files as Adobe AIR application prototypes or FXG 2.0 files for development in Flash Catalyst and Flash Builder (FXG 2.0 also allows a much better integration with Illustrator and Photoshop). You can create skin components such as buttons, menu types and form elements for use in Flash Builder (previously known as Adobe Flex Builder). FFOORRMMAATTSS SSUUPPPPOORRTT Because the native file format of Fireworks is editable PNG (it simply stores additional metadata for layers, animation, vector data, text, ef- fects) and Fireworks is primarily a vector application,development for the iPhone5is easy and effective in Fireworks. There exist avarietyof toolkitsandrich symbol librariesfor Fireworks iPhone development and they can speed up your work measurably. Fireworks can open/import native Photoshop (.psd) and Illustrator (.ai) files with high fidelity of layers, effects and blend modes; you can also import native Adobe Flash vector objects (you may first need to convert them to .ai, though). And from Fireworks you can readily trans- fer graphic assets back to Illustrator and Photoshop. You can also take your design into Adobe Flash Professional and preserve layer states and symbols for animation interactivity development. HHIIGGHHLLYY EEXXTTEENNSSIIBBLLEE Fireworks is alsohighly extensible6—this makes possible the develop- ing of amazing extensions (such asTweetFire7, which lets you instantly tweet the image/design you’re currently working on without leaving Fireworks), complex panels, commands and auto shapes. The Showcase Of Fireworks Illustrations So now that we know what Fireworks is capable of, let’s see what de- signers across the globe are actuallydoingwith it! The following selection of vector illustrations, logo and icon de- signs—created in Fireworks—is limited to 19 designers. To make the most of this chapter, we have made available some Fireworks editable PNG files (.fw.png) which you are welcome to download and decon- struct. 5. http://www.adobe.com/devnet/fireworks/articles/prototype_iphone_app.html 6. http://help.adobe.com/en_US/fireworks/cs/extend/ 7. http://johndunning.com/fireworks/about/TweetFire 5 THE POWER OF ADOBE FIREWORKS: WHAT CAN YOU ACHIEVE WITH IT? 1. David Hogue Dave Hogue8is the Director of Information Design & Usability atFlu- id9, a design and development agency located in San Francisco. His ar- eas of interest include user experience design, usability, interaction de- sign and information design. Dave speaks regularly at the Web Experi- ence Forum and Adobe MAX. He is very active in the Adobe Fireworks community and he regularly posts useful Fireworks tips and tricks on hisTwitter10account. GGOOLLDDEENN CCOOMMPPAASSSS IILLLLUUSSTTRRAATTIIOONN Created in Fireworks CS4, all vectors, and inspired bythis tutorial11made for Adobe Il- lustrator (download editable PNG). 8. http://www.idux.com/ 9. http://www.fluid.com/ 10. http://twitter.com/DaveHogue 11. http://vector.tutsplus.com/tutorials/icon-design/how-to-create-a-golden-vector- compass-in-illustrator/ 6 QQUUAARRTTZZ WWAATTCCHHEESS IILLLLUUSSTTRRAATTIIOONN Created in Fireworks CS5, all vectors, and inspired by a photo of areal quartz watch12 (download editable PNG). 2. Matthew Inman Matthew is a designer and illustrator who runs the highly successful comics,The Oatmeal13. He lives in Seattle, Washington, and uses Adobe Fireworks to drawall the comic strips. “Fireworks is intended for Web design, but it’s also a very capable vec- tor editing tool and it works beautifully if your work is going to end up on a website. …I don’t use Photoshop and I’m actually pretty terri- ble with it. I also have Illustrator and I was using it for a few months, but I ended up going back to Fireworks simply because I’m more com- fortable with it and it’s better for creating Web content.” Following here is a very short selection of only 5 comic strips—all made with Fireworks (but of course you’re welcome to explore the full Oatmeal collection14): 12. http://www.uniformwares.com/product_info.php?cPath=1&products_id=28#pic25 13. http://theoatmeal.com/comics 14. http://theoatmeal.com/comics 7 THE POWER OF ADOBE FIREWORKS: WHAT CAN YOU ACHIEVE WITH IT? 1155 TTHHIINNGGSS WWOORRTTHH KKNNOOWWIINNGG AABBOOUUTT CCOOFFFFEEEE 8 2200 TTHHIINNGGSS WWOORRTTHH KKNNOOWWIINNGG AABBOOUUTT BBEEEERR 9 THE POWER OF ADOBE FIREWORKS: WHAT CAN YOU ACHIEVE WITH IT? HHOOWW AA WWEEBB DDEESSIIGGNN GGOOEESS SSTTRRAAIIGGHHTT TTOO HHEELLLL 10

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