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Mastering Chess Strategy PDF

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}OHAHNE LLSTEN EVERYMAN CHESS www.everymanchess.com Firpsutb lishien2d 0 10b yG loucesPtuebrl ishpelr(csf ormeErvleyr ymaPnu blishpelrcs) , Nortbhu rgHho use1,0 N ortbhu rgSht reeLto,n doEnC 1V OAT Copyrigh2t0©1 0J ohaHne llsten Firpsutb lish2e0d1 0b yG loucesPtuebrl ishpelrcs The riogfJh oth aHne llstteobn e i dentiafiste hdea uthoorft hiwso rkh asb eena ssertiend accordawnicteth h eC opyrigDhetssi,g annsd P atenAtcst1 988. Alrli ghrtess ervNeodp .a rotf t hipsu blicamtaiyobn e r eproducsetdo,r eidna retrieval systeomrt ransmititnae ndy f ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectroenliecc,t rosmtaagtniect,ti acp e, photocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h opurti opre rmissoifot nh ep ublisher. BritLiisbhr Caartya loguing-inD-aPtuab lication A catalogrueec orfdot rh ibso oki sa vailafbrloemt heB ritiLsihb rary. ISBN9:7 81 8574644 87 DistribiuntN eodr tAhm ericbayT heG lobPee quoPtr esPs.,OB ox4 80, 246G oosLea neG,u ilfoCrTd0 ,6 437-0480. Alolt hesra leesn quirsiheosu lbded irectteoEd v erymaCnh esNso,rt hb urgHho use, 10N orthburgh SLtornedeoEtnC, 1 VO AT tel0:2 07 2537 887f ax0:2 0 7439700 8 emaiiln:f [email protected] websitwwwe: .everymanchess.com Everymianst her egistetrreaddm ea rko fR andomH ousIen ca.n di su sedi nt hiwso rku nder licenfsreo mR andomH ouseI nc. EVERYMA(NH ESSSE RIES Chieafd visBoyrr:o Jna cobs Commissioneidnigt oJro:h nE mms Assisteadnitt oRri:c haPradl liser Typesettainndeg d itibnygF irRsatn kP ublishBirnigg,h ton. Covedre sigbnyH oratMioon teverde. Printaenddb oundi nt heU Sb yV ersPar ess. Contents Bibliography 7 Preface 9 Introduction 11 1 BasiCco ncepotfsS trategy 13 Introduction 13 A revieowft hec oncepts 13 2 ImprovitnhgeP ieces 28 Theb ishop 28 Thek night 44 Ther ook 59 Theq ueen 73 Thek ing 78 Theb ishoppa ir 86 3 Exchanges 95 Realizaim nagt eriaadlv antage 95 Realizaip nogs itioandavla ntage 98 Eliminatkienypg i eces 103 Facilitaanta itntga ck 107 Facilittahteid negf ence 112 Reduciennge mya ctivity 116 Serioefse xchanges 124 Dynamiecx changes 128 4 PawnP lay 134 Gainisnpga ce 134 Creatiwnega knesses 142 Passepda wns 156 Pawnm ajorities 168 Pawnc hains 179 Dynamics 190 5 Prophylaxis 204 Restriction 204 Prophylaxis 211 Provocation 222 6 Miscellaneous 232 Weaks quares 232 Weakp awns 239 Doublepda wns 249 Blockade 259 Thei nitiative 273 Thel inbke tweetna ctiacnsds trategy 288 Exercises 299 1-20T:h eb ishop 301 21-40T:h ek night 304 41-60T:h er ook 307 61-69T:h eq ueen 311 70-81T:h ek ing 312 82-90T:h eb ishoppa ir 315 91-96E:x changes- mataedrviaanlt age 316 97-104E:x chang-epsositioandavla ntage 317 105-11E4x:c hang-ekse yp ieces 319 115-12E6x:c hangeast-tack 321 127-13E6x:c hang-edsefence 323 137-14E8x:c hang-easctivity 325 149-15S4e:r ioefse xchanges 327 155-16D2y:n amiecx changes 328 163-17G4a:i nisnpga ce 329 175-19C2r:e atiwnega knesses 331 193-20P8a:s sepda wns 334 209-21P8a:w nm ajorities 337 219-22P8a:w nc hains 338 229-24D6y:n amics 340 247-26R6e: striction 343 267-28P6r:o phylaxis 347 287-30P6r:o vocation 350 307-31W4e:a ks quares 353 315-32W4e:a kp awns 355 325-33D4o:u blepda wns 356 335-35B0l: ockade 358 351-36T6h:e i nitiative 361 367-38T2h:e l inbke tweetna ctiacnsds trategy 363 Solutions 367 Indeoxf p layers 482 Bibliography 90S chackleEk.tAigo&rn Jeesert.,l H {laS verSicghceaksf ordb2 u0n02) BotivnniBke'sGsta meVso lu1m:1e 9 25-19M4.1B,o tv{iMnonriakvC ihaens s 2000) BovtinnBieksG'tas m eVso lu2m:1e 9 42-19M5.6B,o tv{iMnonriakvC ihaens s 2000) BotnvniiBke'sGsta meVso lu3m:1e9 57-19A7n0a-ly&t iCrciatlWi ocraklMs .,B otv{iMnon­ik ravian Chess 2000) Cheisnts h Fea sLta nMe.,A da&m Bs. Ada{mCsa do1g9a9n6 ) CheKsnso wleTdrgaei,nM iansgt,eB r.yZ,l o{tSnaihkol vnsfkoir m2a0t0o1r) CheSstsar teCgoyu rAs.eB,a rtas{hCnhieksos1vB9 a9s9e) Curlsnot ermMe.dlilol,Me {sEcDaAs2M 0I0,1 -2003) CurSsuop erMi.olrl,l escas (EDAMI, 2001-2003) DescubrlioCeson ndcoe eptnAo jse dJre.lzHl,es (tEesnf Eedriat o2r0i0a7l) DynamCihceS stsr atMe.gSyu,{b Pae rga1m9o9n1 ) ECla miHnaoc eiPlar ogreenAs joe dAr.ezY,e rmo(lGianmsb2ki0yt0 2) EndgaSmter atMe.Sghye,r esh{ePvesrkgya1 m9o8n5 ) EntrenamdieEe lniMtt.oDe v,o re&t As.kYyu su{pEodvi cEisoenue1vs9e 9 2) ExcelaltCi hnegJs As.a,g aa{rEdv eryCmhaen2s 0s0 1) ExcelaltPi onsgi tCihoenJsaAs.la, g aa(rEdv eryCmhaen2s 0s0 3) GewinmnieStni ziliMa.nTiasicmha{,Sn poovrt vBeerlral1gi9 n8,9 ) GrossmeGiesltlEee.rrG ,e{ lFzlikeurl tiSu proa1r 9t7 6) IP laAyg aiPnisetcS e.sG,l i(gBosarftio2cr0 d0 2) Leafrronm t hLee genMd.sM,a r(iQnui atlCyh e2s0s0 4) LogiSkoave rmennSyhha hmVa.tD,y dy{sPhokloy1 m9i8a9 ) LoSse credteIo aEs s ttreagMioad erennAa j edJr.ezWt,as o{nG amb2i0t0 2) MezhdunarToudrnnGiriyor s smeiDs.tBerroonv{s,Fzt ikeuilnti Su proar t 1960) MiddlegLaambeo raAt.oSruye{,tC ihneD sisg e1s9t7 4) MiddlmeegP alannPi.nRgo,m an(oAvmsekryiC chaePnsr so omtio1n9s9 0) 7 MasterCihnegSs tsr ategy MiMse joPraertsi dAaK.sa,r p(oPva ido2t0r0i0b)o ModeCrhne Sseslf -tIrnuscBtooor2k,,V .Porzshk(ayC ai1s9s9a9 ) MyB esGta meosfC hesVs.,A na(nGda mb1i9t9 8) PlayS itchieKl ainJa,.n H el(lEsvteernyC mhaen2s 0s0 8) SchaTcrha inAi.nSgu,e( tSipno rtBveerrl1la9ign8 8) SchackgAennaiteKotal ripjGo .vJ,o ha(nPsrsio1sn9m 7a6 ) SkoVlyas shMeavsot er1s-t4Mv,.Da v ore&t As.kYyu su(pFoo1vl9 i9o8 ) StormasLt.aGrre&a, Jh .nW setberg (1B9o7n9n)i ers TactCihceaEslxs c hanGg.eNse(,sB isasft o1r9d9 1) TesdtiaSn p elstByl.ra kras(,eP nr i1s9m7a7 ) ThLeif aen Gda meosfM ikhTaaiMll., T (aCla do1g9a9n7 ) ThMei ddGlaem eM,. Eu&w He. rKame(rB e&l Slo n1s9 64) Trasncah amcekdJ espHearlJ le,.l H(laN tau&r K ult2u0r0 1) TratdaedA oj edSruepzre ioYrE.,s t(rMianr tRionce1az9 81) CheIsnsof rma1n-t1 05 CheTsosd a1y- 0304 MegaB2a0se0 8 ThWee eiknC he1s-s8 00 TidrsftisfkoSrc ha2c0k0 4-2008 8

This book provides a basic foundation of strategy in all three phases of chess – the opening, middlegame and endgame – as well as an abundance of carefully selected exercises to monitor progress.
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