GENETIC EVALUATION OF SAHIWAL AND KARAN-FRIES BULLS FOR FIRST LACTATION ENERGY CORRECTED MILK PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE ICAR- NATIONAL DAIRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KARNAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF VETERINARY SCIENCE IN ANIMAL GENETICS AND BREEDING BY SHYAM SUNDAR TRIPATHY B.V.Sc. & A.H. DIVISION OF DAIRY CATTLE BREEDING ICAR- NATIONAL DAIRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) KARNAL-132 001 (HARYANA), INDIA 2015 Regn. No. 13-M-AG-02 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I feel my foremost duty to express my deepest gratitude to my benevolent advisor Dr. Atish Kumar Chakravarty, Principal Scientist & Head, Dairy Cattle Breeding Division, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal for carrying me to the fascinating world of Animal Breeding & Genetics. Throughout the duration of the dissertation, I was blessed with his enthusiastic supervision, guidance and support. He has actively involved with his students, bearing in mind their best interests. Sir, you will continue to be an eternal source of inspiration to me and my fellow students. Any success that I have or will receive in my journey through science will perpetually be dedicated, in part, to you. Thank you, sir. My profound respect and sincere gratitude is extended to Dr. A.K Gupta, Principal Scientist, DCB, Dr. Avtar Singh, Principal Scientist, DCB, Dr.R. Malhotra, Principal Scientist, DESM and Dr. Mukesh Bhakat, Senior Scientist, LPM, members of my advisory committee for their discussion and constant inspiration during the entire period of research work. My sincere thanks are due to Dr A K Srivastava, Director, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, for providing all the necessary facilities to carry out the research. Financial assistance from ICAR in the form of Junior Research Fellowship is gratefully acknowledged. I am extremely grateful to Shri. Gian Singh and other members of the computer centre for their help during the analysis of my data. A formal line of appreciation would hardly meet the end of justice to record my regards and gratitude to my divisional seniors Neeraj Kashyap, Mir Mohsin, Rajlaxmi,for being extremely supportive at all stages of my work. I also thank the staff of Dairy Cattle Breeding Division for their co-operation at all stages of my work. I specially thank Raghubir Uncleji and Vikram Uncleji for their benevolent help and providing a family atmosphere in the record room. I am also thankful to all staff of Dairy Cattle Breeding Division for their cooperation at all stages of my work . I take this opportunity to thank my dear friend Anil for being with me all through the dissertation work and for the wholehearted help and moral support rendered to me. I am extremely thankful to my wonderful and ever helping friends Rani Alex, Divya, Jamuna, Rakesh, Vineeth, Utkarsh and Nitin. Special thanks to Dr. Radhika G., Assistant Professor, College of veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy for her kind help. There are no words but only feelings to honorably pay my very regards to my Parents for their divine influence upon my life, with their countless blessings and for inspiring me to stand up for what is right. They are the sole source of inspiration for all my pursuits. I gratefully acknowledge the concern, affection and understanding of my better half Sreela without whom completion of this work was nearly impossible. The journey made in last one year had taught me invaluable lessons and will surely help me in becoming a better person. Above all thank you almighty for showing me the right path and answering all my honest prayers. Not everyone is mentioned but none is forgotten. Dated: Place: Karnal (Shyam Sundar Tripathy) Dedicated to my parents CONTENTS Chapter Title Page No. 1 INTRODUCTION 1-4 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5-43 2.1 Average of the traits 2.1.1 First lactation 305 Days or less milk yield 5 (FL305MY) 2.1.2 First Lactation 305 Days or Less Wet Average 5 2.1.3 Average Test Day Milk Yield 12 2.1.4 Average Test Day Fat Percentage 12 2.1.5 Average Test Day Fat Yield 13 2.1.6 Average Test Day Protein Percentage 14 2.1.7 Average Test Day Protein Yield 15 2.1.8 Average Test Day Lactose Percentage 16 2.2 Effect of non-genetic factors on the traits 2.2.1 First Lactation 305 Days or less Milk Yield 18 2.2.2 First Lactation 305 Wet Average 22 2.2.3 Average Test Day Fat Percentage 23 2.2.4 Average Test Day Fat Yield 23 2.2.5 Average Test Day Protein Percentage 27 2.2.6 Average Test Day Protein Yield 28 2.3 Prediction of energy corrected milk 28 2.4 Heritability of the traits 2.4.1 First Lactation 305 Days Milk Yield 29 2.4.2 Average Test Day Fat Percentage 30 2.4.3 Average test day fat yield 31 2.4.4 Average Test Day Protein Percentage 32 2.4.5 Average Test Day Protein Yield 33 2.4.6 Average Test Day Lactose Percentage 34 2.5 Sire eveluation 2.5.1 Contemporary Comparison Method 34 2.5.2 Least Squares Method 36 Chapter Title Page No. 2.5.3 Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) 37 2.5.4 Comparison of effectiveness of various methods 38 of sire evaluation 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 44-56 3.1 Source of data 44 3.2 Location of the farm and environment 44 3.3 Information on Karan-Fries and Sahiwal cattle 3.3.1 General information 44 3.3.2 Traits considered for study 45 3.3.3 Traits recorded 45 3.3.4 Traits generated 45 3.4 Data structure 3.4.1 Standardization of data 46 3.4.2 Normalization of data 46 3.5 Classification of data 3.5.1 Classification of periods 46 3.5.2 Classification of seasons 47 3.5.3 Classification of age groups 48 3.6 Statistical analysis 3.6.1 Measures of central tendency and dispersion 48 3.6.2 Least - squares analysis 48 3.6.3 Analysis of variance 49 3.6.4 Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 49 3.7 Adjustment of traits 50 3.8 Genentic and phenotypic parameters 3.8.1 Estimation of heritability 50 3.8.2 Genetic and phenotypic correlations 51 3.9 First lactation energy corrected milk 52 3.10 Prediction of first lactation energy corrected milk in Karan-Fries and Sahiwal cattle 3.10.1 Phenotypic predictor of first lactation energy 53 Chapter Title Page No. corrected milk 3.10.2 Accuracy of fitting regression model 53 3.11 Sire evaluation 3.11.1 Contemporary Comparison (CC) method 54 3.11.2 Least-Squares Method (LSM) 54 3.11.3 Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) 55 3.12 Criteria for judging the effectiveness of various sire evaluation methods 3.12.1 Within sire variance or error variance 56 3.12.2 Spearman’s rank correlations 56 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 57-120 4.1 Average of the traits 4.1.1 First Lactation 305 Days or less milk yield 57 4.1.2 First Lactation 305 Wet Average 60 4.1.3 Average Test day Milk Yield 60 4.1.4 Average Test Day Fat Percentage 61 4.1.5 Average Test Day Fat Yield 61 4.1.6 Average Test Day Protein Percentage 62 4.1.7 Average Test Day Protein Yield 62 4.1.8 Average Test Day Lactose Percentage 63 4.1.9 Average Test Day Lactose Yield 63 4.1.10 Fat Based Energy per kg 64 4.1.11 Fat Based Energy per First Lactation 305 Days Milk 64 Yield 4.1.12 Fat, Protein and Lactose Based Energy per kg 65 4.1.13 Fat, Protein and Lactose Based Energy per First 65 Lactation 305 Days Milk Yield 4.2 Effect of the non-genetic factors on traits 4.2.1 First Lactation 305 Days or less milk yield 65 4.2.2 First Lactation 305 Wet Average 67 4.2.3 Average Test day Milk Yield 78 4.2.4 Average Test Day Fat Percentage 88 4.2.5 Average Test Day Fat Yield 89 Chapter Title Page No. 4.2.6 Average Test Day Protein Percentage 90 4.2.7 Average Test Day Protein Yield 91 4.2.8 Average Test Day Lactose Percentage 92 4.2.9 Average Test Day Lactose Yield 92 4.2.10 Fat Based Energy/ kg (FBE/kg) 93 4.2.11 Fat Based Energy per First Lactation 305 Days Milk 94 Yield 4.2.12 Fat, Protein and Lactose Based Energy per kg 95 4.2.13 Fat, Protein and Lactose Based Energy per First 95 Lactation 305 Days Milk Yield 4.3 Prediction of First Lactation 305 Days Energy Corrected Milk Yield 4.3.1 Prediction of first lactation 305 days energy 97 corrected milk in Karan-Fries cattle 4.3.2 Prediction of first lactation 305 days energy 99 corrected milk in Sahiwal cattle 4.4 Genetic and phenotypic parameters 4.4.1 Heritability 100 4.4.2 Genetic and phenotypic correlations of various first 101 lactation traits in Karan-Fries and Sahiwal cattle 4.5 Sire evaluation 4.5.1 Breeding value estimation for first lactation 305 days or less milk yield and fat based energy per first 104 lactation 305 days milk yield in Karan-Fries bulls 4.5.2 Breeding value estimation for first lactation 305 days or less milk yield and first lactation 305 days energy 112 corrected milk in Sahiwal bulls 4.5.3 Relative efficiency of effectiveness of various sire evaluation methods (LSQ and BLUP) in Karan-Fries 116 and Sahiwal cattle 4.5.4 Comparison of sire evaluation methods 118 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 121-125 BIBLIOGRAPHY i-xxii LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page No. Average first lactation 305 days or less milk yield 1 6-7 (FL305MY) in Karan- Fries and HF crossbred cattle Averages of first lactation 305 days or less milk yield 2 8-9 (FL305MY) in Sahiwal cattle First lactation 305 days or less wet average of Karan Fries 3 10-11 and HF crossbred cattle First lactation 305 days or less wet average of Sahiwal and 4 12 Sahiwal crossbred cattle 5 Average test day milk yield 13 Average lactational fat percentage of Karan-Fries and HF 6 13 crossbred animals Average lactational fat percentage in Sahiwal and other 7 14 indigenous cattle 8 Average test day fat yield in different breeds of cattle 15 The average lactational protein percentage of Karan-Fries 9 16 and HF crossbred animals Average lactational protein percentage in Sahiwal and 10 17 other indigenous cattle 11 Average test day protein yield in different breeds of cattle 17 Average lactational lactose percentage in different breeds 12 18 of cattle Effect of non-genetic factors on first lactation 305 Days or 13 20-21 less milk yield in Karan-Fries and HF crossbred cattle Effect of non-genetic factors on first lactation 305 Days or 14 19 less milk yield in Sahiwal cattle Effect of non-genetic factors on first lactation 305 wet 15 24-25 average in different breeds of cattle Effect of non-genetic factors on lactational fat percentage 16 26 in different breeds of cattle Effect of non-genetic factors on lactational fat yield in 17 27 indigenous, HF and crossbred cattle Effect of season on lactational protein percentage in HF 18 28 and HF crossbred cattle 19 Effect of non-genetic factors in lactational protein yield 28 Heritability estimates of First Lactation 305 Days or less 20 30 milk yield in Karan-Fries and HF crossbred cattle Heritability estimates of First Lactation 305 Days or less 21 31 milk yield in Sahiwal cattle