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2011-2014 MASTER AGREEMENT MASTER AGREEMENT MASTER AGREEMENT FOR THE MASTER AGREEMENT PLUMBING AND PIPING INDUSTRY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BETWEEN CALIFORNIA PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PIPE TRADES DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 16 OF THE UNITED ASSOCIATION EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2011 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA J u Jnuely 3 10,, 22001111 SSEECCTTIIOONN’’SS APPENDIX’S Section 1 RECOGNITION……………................1 APPENDIX A SCOPE OF WORK………………….12 1.1 Recognition APPENDIX B GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATION…..14 1.2 Qualifications B.1 Strikes and Lockouts B.2 Grievance Procedure B.3 Joint Arbitration Board Section 2 CONTRACTOR STANDARDS...…....2 APPENDIX C TRUST FUNDS……………………..17 Section 3 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS……….......2 C.1 Contractor Trust Standards Section 4 WORK RULES………………….........3 C.2 Benefit Trust Funds C.3 Contributions 4.1 Work Day C.4 Delinquency 4.2 Parking C.5 Incorporation of Trust Agreements 4.3 Access C.6 “flexible” Trust Agreements 4.4 Shift Work C.7 Apprentice & Journeymen Training 4.5 Rolling 4/10’s 4.6 Payroll APPENDIX D SPECIAL AGREEMENTS………….22 4.7 Overtime 4.8 Holidays D.1 Depressed Areas 4.9 Supervision D.2 Service & Repair Work 4.10 Apprentices & Pre-apprentices D.3 Industrial & General Pipefitting 4.11 Stewards D.4 Landscape/Irrigation & Lawn Sprinkler 4.12 Special Issues D.5 Sewer & Storm Drain Section 5 HIRING PROVISIONS…………........7 APPENDIX E WAGES & BENEFITS……………..27 5.1 Hiring Provisions E.1 Wage Rates & Benefits 5.2 Registration Rules E.2 Vacation & Holiday 5.3 Referral of Men E.3 National Pension 5.4 Transfer of Men E.4 U.A. International Training Fund 5.5 Union Security E.5 Subsistence Reimbursement 5.6 Classification E.6 Service & Repair 5.7 Failure to meet obligations E.7 Forms 5.8 Subcontracting E.8 District Council 16 Dues E.9 Rate Sheets……………. (See Attached) Section 6 JURISDICTION……………………..10 WAGE MODIFICATIONS.............................31-38 Section 7 FABRICATION………………….….11 ..39 Section 8 FAVORED NATIONS………………12 Section 9 TERM TERMINATIONS…………...12 ...........41 PENSION AGREEMENT FORM ........................43 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA Rev. July 1, 2011 MASTER AGREEMENT For The PLUMBING AND PIPING INDUSTRY of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THIS AGREEMENT is entered into the 1st day of July, 2011 by and between the CALIFORNIA PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION, (“CPMCA”) for and on behalf of all its present and future members and such other Contractors who have authorized CPMCA to bargain on their behalf with full authority to bind them in collective bargaining with “the Union” on a multi- employer basis, hereinafter referred to as the “CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION” and/or “CONTRACTORS,” and SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PIPE TRADES DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 16 OF THE UNITED ASSOCIATION, for and on behalf of all employees represented by it and its following affiliated Local Unions: Numbers 78, 114, 230, 250, 345, 364,398, 403, 460, 484, 494, 582, and 761 hereinafter referred to as the “Union.” SECTION 1 Master Labor Agreement and is eliminated for Safety is attached hereto as Appendix RECOGNITION from the scope of work this Agreement. G Notwithstanding the foregoing, plumbing 1.1.1 The Union claims each individual and heating service work and incidental 1.2 QUALIFICATIONS Contractor acknowledges and agrees that a HVACR service work may continue to be majority of its employees performing performed under this Agreement. 1.2.1 Each of the parties hereto warrants plumbing and pipefitting work, as more and agrees it is under no disability of any particularly described in Section 3 herein, 1.1.3 The Contractors Association shall kind, whether arising out of the provisions have authorized the Union to represent submit a roster of their members covered of its Articles of Incorporation, them in collective bargaining. The by this Agreement within sixty (60) days Constitution, Bylaws, or otherwise, that California Plumbing and Mechanical after the effective date of this Agreement will prevent it from fully and completely Contractors Association (CPMCA) and to District Council No. 16, showing the carrying out and performing each and all each individual Contractor agrees to Contractor firm name, address, telephone of the terms and conditions of this voluntarily recognize the Union as the number, state license number, and state Agreement, and further, that it will not, by exclusive collective bargaining agent license bond carrier. the Articles, Constitution, Bylaws, or under Section 9(a) of the National Labor Charter, or by contract, or by any means Relations Act for all employees of each 1.1.4 District Council No. 16 agrees to whatever, take any action that will prevent Contractor performing plumbing and give the Contractors Association or impede it in the full and complete pipefitting work covered by this collective immediate notice of any change in the performance of each and every term and bargaining agreement. The definition of geographic boundaries of any Local Union condition hereof. employees shall also include General over that previously submitted to the Foreman and Foreman. Contractors Association. No violation of The warranties and agreements the hiring procedures will be processed contained in this Paragraph are made by 1.1.2 The Union hereby recognizes because of such change in geographical each of the signatories hereto on its own CPMCA as the sole and exclusive boundary until thirty (30) days after said behalf and on behalf of each organization collective bargaining representative for all notice is given. All men presently for which it is acting hereunder. The present and future Contractors, who are employed on a job at time of a boundary individuals signing this Agreement in their engaged on work covered by this change, may remain on said job for its official capacity and the signatories hereto Agreement, who may or have authorized duration. All other items in the Agreement hereby guarantee and warrant their CPMCA as their exclusive, authorized will remain under the Local Union authority to act for and bind the respective bargaining representative, to bargain on assuming jurisdiction. parties or organization whom their their behalf with full authority to bind signatures purport to represent, and the them in collective bargaining with the 1.1.5 STANDARDS FOR Local Unions on whose behalf the said Union, and agrees not to negotiate EXCELLENCE parties are signing said Agreement. individually with them during the term of The parties have agreed the U.A. Standard this Agreement. of Excellence shall apply to work 1.2.2 This Agreement contains all the performed under this agreement. The U.A. covenants, stipulations and provisions It is understood between the parties Standard of Excellence is attached hereto agreed upon by the parties hereto and no that service work, as defined in the as Appendix F agent or representative of either party has ARCA/MCA and District Council 16 authority to make, and none of the parties HVACR Service Master Labor 1.1.6 STANDARD FOR SAFETY shall be bound by, nor liable for any Agreement, will be performed under the The parties have agreed the U.A. Standard statement, representation, promise, terms and conditions of an area-wide for Safety shall apply to work performed inducement or agreement not set forth District Council 16 HVACR Service under this agreement. The U.A. Standard herein; that any provision in the working 1 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA Rev. July 1, 2011 rules of the Unions, with reference to the SECTION 2 2.1.6 NOTICE OF BONIFIED SALE For relations between the Contractors and their CONTRACTOR STANDARDS the purpose of this Section, a new owner is employees, in conflict with the terms of defined as a purchaser in which neither the this Agreement, shall be deemed to be 2.1.1 It is agreed that any individual, Employer hereunder, nor any of its waived and any such rules or regulations, partnership, or corporation, party to this owners, partners, officers, or stockholders, which may hereafter be adopted by the Agreement, must meet each and all of the has an ownership interest other than a Unions shall have no application to the conditions of this Section. security interest. For the purpose of this work hereunder. Section, a security interest shall be 2.1.2 SHOP. Employers signing this understood to mean a mortgage, pledge, 1.2.3 If any provision in this Agreement Agreement agree to maintain and operate lien, conditional sale contract, or other shall at any time during the terms thereof their shop, or branch shop as defined in arrangement which secures the payment of conflict with the Labor Management Appendix E, Paragraph 6.1.4 on a the purchase price upon a bona fide sale, Relations Act of 1947, or said Act as may continuous basis, and to have a current the Joint Arbitration Board shall determine be amended, or any other act or statute of business address and telephone for same ownership under this Agreement. In the the United States or State of California, listed with District Council No. 16, all event of a bona fide sale, District Council then such provision shall be deemed Contractors Associations and the Pipe No. 16 shall be notified by the Contractor modified but continue in effect to the Trades Trust Fund. Employers shall be in writing not less than ten (10) days prior extent permitted by the applicable law. assessed damages for failure to notify to close of escrow. However, if at any time thereafter such District Council No. 16 and the provisions shall no longer conflict with the Contractors Associations if they fail to The persons, firms, corporations, law, they shall be deemed restored to the maintain such a shop once listed. Such joint venture or other business entities Agreement with the same force and effect damages to be determined by the Joint bound by the terms of this Agreement are as if it had never been in conflict with the Arbitration Board for each day of the referred to in this Agreement as law. If any single provision, clause, violation. “Employer” or “Employers.” The paragraph, sentence, or Section of this Employers and the Union by entering into Agreement is held by any court, bureau, 2.1.3 SIGNS. All Contractors’ trucks and this Agreement intend to and agree to board, or administrative agency to be equipment used to transport materials, establish a single multi employer invalid, illegal or inoperative, it shall not welding rigs and/or personnel shall have collective bargaining unit. Any Employer invalidate the remaining portion or their firm name affixed to equipment, in who becomes party to this Agreement shall portions of this Agreement. letters at least two inches (2") high on thereby become a member of the multi clearly visible portions of such vehicle on employer collective bargaining unit 1.2.4 SCOPE OF BARGAINING. The both sides. Magnetic signs are not established by this Agreement. Employer and the Union acknowledge that acceptable. during the negotiations which resulted in Any Contractor who owns, or acts this Agreement, each party had the 2.1.4 The Unions agree that no workmen as an RMO, or who has financial interest unlimited right and opportunity to make covered by this Agreement who are in any business doing the same or similar demands and proposals or matter not employed by Contractors at the time he work covered by this Agreement, shall be removed by law from the area of collective makes application to sign the Labor subject to damages assessed by the Joint bargaining, and that the understandings Agreement as an Employer, will be Arbitration Board. and agreements arrived at by the parties permitted to sign the Agreement, or after the exercise of the right and operate as an employer, until thirty (30) opportunity are set forth in this days’ written notice has been given to the SECTION 3 Agreement. Contractors Association and District MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Council No. 16. Therefore, the Employer and the 3.1 MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVES Union, for the terms of this Agreement, 2.1.5 Any provisions of this Agreement Except as they are limited by the terms of each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives shall be binding upon the Employer and this Agreement, the prerogatives of the right, and each agrees that the other upon any of its successors, or assigns in management include, but are not limited shall not be obligated to bargain which the Employer or any of its owners, to, the exclusive right to hire, promote, collectively with respect to any subject or partners, officers, or stockholders has an demote, transfer, discharge, increase or matter not specifically referred to or ownership interest, be it sole, partnership, decrease the work force to meet the covered by this Agreement, including joint or coventurer, associate, corporate or exigencies of the business, and to maintain fringe benefits, even though such subject otherwise (other than a security interest as the efficiency of the operation. Any of the or matter may not have been within the hereinafter provided). In the event of any rights, powers or authority the Employer knowledge or contemplation of the parties change of ownership or in the form of the had prior to the signing of this Agreement at the time they negotiated or signed the Employer’s business organization (other are retained by the Employer except those Agreement. This shall not be construed to than a bona fide sale to a new owner), the specifically abridged, delegated or prevent the parties to this Agreement terms and obligations herein contained modified by this Agreement. agreeing to the discussion or negotiation shall continue in full force and effect as to on any subject matter. the employing organization. 2 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA Rev. July 1, 2011 SECTION 4 such emergency work shall be done at the The first or day shift shall work on WORK RULES straight time rate. a regular eight (8) hour shift as outlined in Section 4, Paragraph 4.1.1 of this 4.1 WORK DAY 4.2 PARKING Agreement. If two (2) shifts are worked, the second shift shall be eight (8) hours for 4.1.1 WORK DAY AND WEEK. The 4.2.1 Where free parking is not available which each employee shall receive pay for work days shall be eight (8) consecutive within four (4) tenths of a mile of the job the hours worked, plus fifteen percent hours, exclusive of lunch period, between or project, the Contractor shall reimburse (15%). Work in excess of eight (8) hours 6:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Forty (40) hours, employees at the lowest rate available, per shift shall be paid at overtime rates. In Monday 7:00 A.M. through Friday, 4:30 provided the employee presents a signed computing overtime pay the shift rate shall P.M., shall constitute a week’s work. The and dated receipt for each parking be the base rate. starting time shall be at 6:00 A.M., 6:30 expenditure. A.M., 7:00 A.M., 7:30 A.M. or 8:00 A.M., If three (3) shifts are worked, the Monday through Sunday. The starting time 4.3 ACCESS Employer and the Union shall establish shall be changed only to meet a bona fide mutually acceptable hours and pay for shift job requirement. Starting time shall not be 4.3.1 INACCESSIBLE AREAS. Where a work, considering among other things the staggered. job is in an area accessible only by roads schedule of shift work of the related crafts in such condition that grave damage to in the Local Building Trades area in which 4.1.2 REPORTING AND QUITTING employee’s cars might result, the the job is located. TIME. Workmen shall arrive at the Contractor shall furnish transportation over designated parking and/or transportation such roads for all employees both coming Four/Ten Work Week. The work pickup area in sufficient time to reach their to work and returning from work. This days shall be ten (10) consecutive hours, assigned work location and be ready to Section shall not apply to any road exclusive of lunch period, between 6:00 begin work at the start of the shift; and, maintained by the city, county, state or A.M. and 5:30 P.M., forty (40) hours workmen shall be allowed sufficient time federal governments. Monday through Thursday shall constitute to put away tools and equipment with a week’s work. There is no premium pay sufficient time remaining during the 4.3.2 ACCESS TO JOBS. The Business during the hours stated above in the 4/10 regular shift for each workman to depart Representative shall have access to all jobs work week unless another craft on the job their assigned work location at the end of and shops at all times during working site is receiving premium pay, and if more the shift. hours. With exception of security than one craft is receiving premium pay clearance requirements, it shall not be a then the highest premium rate shall be 4.1.3 SHOW UP PAY. Any Workman, violation of this Agreement for the Union applicable hereto as if incorporated herein. after being hired and reporting for work at to remove employees covered by this The Employer signatory hereto may only the regular starting time and for whom no Agreement until such time as access to the apply this option prior to starting the job work is provided, shall receive pay for two job is provided. The Contractor shall give unless he has received permission from the (2) hours at the prevailing rate of wages, all possible assistance for security Local Union Business Manager having unless he has been notified by the clearance and access. jurisdiction over said job. Time and one- Contractor before leaving his home not to half (11/2) shall be paid for the ten (10) report; and any workman who reports to 4.4 SHIFT WORK hours if worked on Friday. Double time work, and for whom work is provided, shall be paid for all hours worked over ten shall receive not less than four (4) hours’ 4.4.1 Where the nature of the work (10) hours Monday through Friday. pay, and if more than four (4) hours are requires the working of employees covered Saturday, Sunday and Holidays shall be worked in any one (1) day, shall receive by this Agreement on a shift basis, the double time. not less than a full day’s pay. However, the shift arrangements shall be as follows: exception shall be when strike or weather 4.5 ROLLING 4/10s conditions make it impossible to put such Shifts. Shift work may be an employee to work, where stoppage of performed at the option of the Employer, 4.5.1 Rolling Four Ten Hour Shifts. This work is occasioned thereby, or when a but when performed it must continue for a shift schedule may be worked on a project workman leaves his work of his own period of not less than five (5) consecutive provided it has a duration of at least accord. An employee reporting to work at work days. Saturday and Sunday, if sixteen (16) consecutive days. Each shift the regular starting time at a shop or job, worked, can be used for establishing the must maintain a crew size of at least fifty and for whom no work is available, due to five (5) day minimum shift work period. percent (50%) of the largest shift crew. weather conditions, will receive no pay for The straight time work week shall be reporting time unless requested by the considered to start with the day shift on Under this agreement, the day shift Employer to report. Monday and end with the conclusion of work force is organized into two (2) teams. the second and third shift on the fifth day. The “A” team works four (4) consecutive 4.1.4 EMERGENCY LUNCH PERIOD. In the event the second or third shift of any ten (10) hour days. On the fifth day, the Men who are required in an emergency to regular work day shall extend into a “B” team continues to work four (4) work through their lunch period, or from holiday, employees shall be paid at the consecutive ten (10) hour days. On the 12:00 noon to 1:00 P.M., shall take their regular shift rate. ninth day, the “A” team returns to work to period at 11:30 A.M. or 1:00 P.M., and 3 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA Rev. July 1, 2011 continue the maintenance activities. The first day the Employee reports back to The Board of Trustees may require same pattern applies for a second shift. work on his next regularly scheduled work reporting in electronic format than hard- week. copy. Workmen are to be paid at least one Payment for all hours beyond eight (1) hour before the end of the regular shift (8) hours shall be paid at one and one-half Any violation of the above shall whether working in a shop, Contractors’ (11/2) the basic straight time pay, with the make all hours worked payable at twice yard, or in the field. When men are laid off exception that all hours beyond eight (8) the hourly wage rate unless prior approval or discharged, they must be paid wages on Sunday will be paid at two (2) times the has been given by the Business Manager. due them immediately at the time of layoff basic straight time rate. or discharge, and shall remain on the 4.5.2 When the Contractor determines that payroll until paid in full. If a regular pay In this arrangement, the normal shift work is necessary, the employees day falls on a holiday, the day before the work day for all employees shall be ten who are assigned to the second or third holiday shall be designated as pay day. (10) hours of work, plus a one-half (½) shift on the first day, or on subsequent hour nonpaid meal period. days, of the necessary five (5)day period, 4.6.2 PAYROLL CHECKS. Payroll must be continued on such shift until after checks must bear the authorized signature Any employee who is called in to the five (5)day shift establishment period of, and be drawn from the account of, the work outside of his regular A, B, C and D has been completed. Any such employee Contractor to whom men are dispatched. week, to work either the 5th or 8th day, who is not continued on such shift for the The employee shall receive a check stub will be paid one and one-half (1-1/2) times five day shift establishment period shall be from each check showing the Contractor’s the basic straight time hourly wage rate for paid at double time for all work performed name and address, Trust Fund code work performed on that day. For work on on said second and third shifts. This number, pay period covered, regular and the 6th or 7th day, the employees will be provision shall not apply to employees overtime hours worked, vacation and paid at two (2) times the basic straight time who are discharged for just cause during holiday contributions, and all other hourly wage rate for work performed on the shift establishing period. deductions required by law. If a Contractor that day. Employees working six (6) or issues a check with insufficient funds in more consecutive shifts shall receive two 4.5.3 Where shift work is temporarily the bank for payment, he shall be required (2) times the basic straight time hourly interrupted for a period of one (1) work to issue only certified checks for the wage rate after the fifth regularly week for reasons beyond the control of the duration of the job or for ninety (90) days, scheduled shift. Contractor excluding the final termination whichever is longer, and shall reimburse The work day for each employee of the shift, and all three (3) shifts have the employee immediately by certified shall be defined as the twenty-four (24) worked the same number of hours that check for the NSF check issued and for hour period which begins with the regular week, and then the shifts are reestablished bank charges assessed for each check, starting time of the employee’s shift and and the same individuals go back on the subject to Subcommittee decision as ends with the regular starting time of the same shift (providing they are available), provided in Appendix C, Paragraph C.4.9. employee’s shift the following day. In this then there will be no penalty or no The Subcommittee shall have authority to shift arrangement, the day shift shall be overtime payable. If one (1) or two (2) assess one (1) day’s wages where there is worked somewhere between the hours of shifts are temporarily shut down or no satisfactory excuse. 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. interrupted for a period of one (1) work 4.6.3 Labor Release. No employee will be week, and all three shifts have not worked permitted to sign any labor release not Swing Shift (C or D Teams). For the same number of hours that week, then approved by the Joint Arbitration Board. each shift, eight (8) hours shall be paid at those who are not permitted to work must the basic straight time hourly wage rate for be paid four (4) hours’ straight time pay 4.7 OVERTIME the first through the fourth day of the but it shall not be necessary to go through scheduled work week for seven and one- another five (5) day shift establishment 4.7.1 Double time shall be paid for all half (7-1/2) hours of work. Eight (8) hours period. hours worked over ten (10) hours, Monday straight time pay shall be the basis for through Saturday. Sundays and Holidays computing fringe benefits and overtime 4.6 PAY ROLL shall be double time. Time and one half pay. Payment for all hours beyond seven shall be paid for all other overtime. When and one-half (7-1/2) hours shall be at one 4.6.1 PAY PROVISIONS. Pay day shall an employee is called back, he shall be and one-half (1-1/2) the basic straight time be the last regular scheduled work day of paid double time and a minimum of two pay, with the exception that all hours the week, with not more than three (3) (2) hours’ pay at double time. beyond seven and one-half (7-1/2) on days being withheld. If the Contractor uses Sunday will be paid at two (2) times the a computerized payroll, he must program 4.7.2 There shall be no alteration, basic straight time rate. the computer to meet the requirements for remodeling or new work performed on payroll checks in Paragraph 4.6.2. The overtime, without the Contractor or All work performed on Holidays Contractor must also include all data Journeyman in charge first obtaining shall be paid at two (2) times the basic required on Trust Fund reports as permission from the Local Union Business straight time hourly wage rate. determined by the Joint Board of Trustees, Manager or his designee having including pay rate, straight time hours, jurisdiction over said job. This does not Wages due for Employees working overtime hours and year-to-date apply to service or repair work. Overtime the rolling 4-10 schedule shall be paid the compensation, among other requirements. work shall be rotated equally among all 4 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA Rev. July 1, 2011 employees covered by this Agreement on geographical locations shall be designated Contractor to pay, or any Apprentice to any given job or in any shop. The a General Foreman. A General Foreman accept a wage rate in excess of those set Contractor shall have the right to appeal shall receive not less than twenty-five forth in this Agreement. such decision to the Joint Arbitration percent (25%) per hour above the Board, whose decision shall be final and Journeyman rate. Foremen and/or General 4.11 STEWARDS binding. Foremen may work with the tools. 4.11.1 A Steward shall be a working 4.8 HOLIDAYS 4.10 APPRENTICES & PRE- employee, appointed by the Business APPRENTICES Manager, who shall, in addition to his 4.8.1 The following days are recognized as work as Journeyman, be permitted to holidays: New Year’s Day, President’s 4.10.1 The Employer Trustees shall perform during working hours such of his Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, normally employ at least one (1) Union duties as cannot be performed at Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Apprentice each. any other time (it being understood and Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day agreed that the Steward’s duties shall not excluding work performed under 4.10.2 Apprentices shall be selected for include any matters relating to hiring Appendix D, Section D.2 and Christmas dispatch at the discretion of the Business and/or termination). The Unions agree that Day, and if Christmas and/or New Years’ Manager, subject to such rules as may be such duties shall be performed as falls on Saturday, Friday shall also be established by the Local Joint expeditiously as possible and the considered a legal holiday. If any of the Apprenticeship Committee. Upon the Contractors agree to allow Stewards a above holidays should fall on Sunday, the Contractor’s request the Union shall reasonable amount of time for Monday following shall be considered a dispatch Apprentices and Pre-Apprentices performance of such duties. The Unions legal holiday. No work shall be required according to the following ratio: After the shall notify the Contractors of the on Labor Day except in cases of extreme Contractor has employed one (1) appointment of each Steward in writing, emergency when life or property is in Journeyman on a job site, the Local Union and the Contractors, before transferring, imminent danger. shall dispatch one (1) Apprentice and then laying off or discharging a Steward, shall one (1) Pre-Apprentice. After the notify the Union in writing of its intention 4.9 SUPERVISION Contractor has employed one (1) to do so and give the reason therefore at additional Journeymen on the same job site least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of 4.9.1 SUPERVISION. Supervision shall the Local Union shall dispatch a second such intended action. be selected solely by the Employers and Apprentice and then a second Pre they shall act as agents of the Employers Apprentice to that job site. After a second The person appointed Steward and shall not apply or attempt to apply Apprentice has been secured, the Local shall remain on the job as long as there is Union regulations, rules, Bylaws or Union shall dispatch additional work in his particular classification which provisions of the Union constitution. They Apprentices and Pre-Apprentices only he is qualified to perform, and so long as shall comply with all provisions of the after the Contractor has employed one (1) there are three (3) men on the job, Labor Agreement. The Unions will not Journeymen for each such Apprentice and excluding the Steward; provided, however, take any disciplinary action against any Pre-Apprentice. With the approval of the the Steward does not engage in any Foreman, General Foreman, for any action Business Manager the Employer may activities which are contrary to the they may take in the proper performance increase the ratio of Pre-Apprentices and provisions of this Agreement. In no event of their duties for the Contractors. Apprentices to Journeymen. shall a Contractor discriminate against a Steward or lay him off, or discharge him 4.9.2 FOREMEN. When three (3) or more 4.10.3 These standards shall not be on account of any action taken by him in Journeymen are fabricating or installing changed as they apply to work the proper performance of his Union work, there shall be a Foreman selected by opportunities on the job without the duties. the Contractor who shall be a member in consent of the parties hereto in regard to good standing of a Local Union affiliated the ratio of jobs, Apprentice dispatching or If a Steward is discharged and with District Council No. 16, who shall any other aspects of the Apprentice three (3) or more men remain on the job receive not less than fifteen percent (15%) employment or work covered under the and the Steward is to be replaced by per hour above the Journeyman wage terms of this Agreement, all of which shall another Journeyman, the Business rates, and shall handle only one (1) project. be subject to the Labor Agreement. Manager shall be permitted to select a man from the Group 1 list to replace him. 4.9.3 A Foreman or a General Foreman 4.10.4 Apprentice advancement shall be may supervise different crews including annually on February 15 or August 1 4.11.2 Stewards are expected to be crews performing any of the work covered according to their anniversary date and competent Journeymen and to do the by this Agreement. only upon satisfactory completion of normal amount of work required of other training. The Contractors shall be notified Journeymen, with the exception of a 4.9.4 GENERAL FOREMEN. When two by the local area J.A.C. at least ten (10) reasonable amount of time to perform his (2) or more Foremen are employed on a days prior to the effective date of an duties, as defined in this Section. There is job, one shall be designated General increase when an Apprentice is advanced no such thing as a roving or non-working Foreman. Any person who supervises two from one (1) year to another. It shall be a Steward. (2) or more projects at separate violation of this Agreement for any 5 MASTER AGREEMENT UA District Council 16 / CPMCA Rev. July 1, 2011 4.11.3 The duties of a Steward are 4.12 SPECIAL ISSUES primarily to ascertain that work covered by The Employee may opt to furnish this Agreement is performed by employees TEMPORARY HEAT other miscellaneous hand tools of choice, covered by this Agreement, and to see that not to exceed one hundred dollars the men employed on the job have the 4.12.1 On temporary heat on new ($100.00) in value. Under no proper referral slip and to ascertain dues construction projects, employees covered circumstances will Power Tools, Electrical are paid as required. Once per month, a under the terms of this Agreement shall Cords, Ladders, etc. be permitted under the Steward shall be permitted sufficient time operate all steam boilers and all steam description of miscellaneous hand tools. to check the dues books of the men on the systems operating at or under fifteen (15) job to ascertain that they are in order. pounds pressure, all hot water heating The Employer shall provide a safe boilers and hot water heating systems, all locked place, where warranted, on job site 4.11.4 If a Steward receives a complaint gas or oilfired unit heaters and all for tools and equipment. Where substantial that employees not covered by this refrigeration and air conditioning evidence of loss by fire or burglary, Agreement are performing work covered equipment when the aforementioned units outside of regular working hours, of tools by this Agreement, or if a man on the job and systems are operated prior to the from the place provided by the Employer files a grievance with the Steward, the acceptance of the units or systems by the is established, the Employer will replace Steward shall be permitted a reasonable owner or his agent. Such work shall be tools or pay an amount not to exceed the amount of time to investigate the performed at the regular hourly wage on list price of the tools. complaint or grievance and to present the all shifts with time and one-half the regular matter to the Contractor representative in hourly wage rate being paid for all work No Employee shall furnish any charge of the job and request correction. performed in excess of regular work week. tools, other than as described in Paragraph and shall not deposit any money 4.11.5 Stewards shall not argue with the JOB INJURIES to guarantee the safety of any tool kit. Contractor representative and shall not Contractor shall furnish welders with take any action on their own initiative, but 4.12.2 Any employee injured on the job or hoods, sleeves, gloves and goggles, and shall report matters to their Local Union shop to the extent of requiring a doctor’s clear glass for hoods. Journeymen and office that are not corrected upon request. care and which injury prevents him from Apprentices shall be furnished helmets for working, shall be paid a full day’s wages their protection. Contractors shall furnish 4.11.6 Stewards are not authorized to leave and subsistence if applicable for the date lighters. Hoods and colored lenses, etc. their normal place of duty to check the of injury. broken or damaged on the job shall be status of any employees not performing replaced by the Contractor, except when WELDING TESTS work covered by this Agreement. No damaged through negligence of the Steward shall be assigned to more than one 4.12.3 Where Journeymen are required to Employee. Employee shall exercise the job or project. take welding tests for certification, they best of care in the handling and use of a shall before starting tests, be placed on the Contractor’s tools and equipment, and 4.11.7 With respect to arbitration cases payroll of the individual Employer, and failure on the part of an Employee to involving the discharge of Stewards, if shall be paid in accordance with the wage protect the Contractor’s property shall be the dispute is not settled between a schedule contained in this Agreement. deemed sufficient cause for discharge. Representative of the Contractor or Welders may be given certification papers Special corrective lenses will not be on every job (which requires them) upon furnished by the Contractor. Contractors Association and District termination due to reduction in force or Council No. 16, then the same may be upon project completion. No Employee shall furnish, rent, referred to an Impartial Arbitrator to be lease or loan an automobile, truck or any selected by them. The Contractor and TOOLS other conveyance for any purpose other Local Union involved in the dispute 4.12.4 The employee shall provide the than to convey himself to and from work at shall be obligated to provide their own following set of tools: 1. Rule, Tape; 2. the beginning or end of the shift. It shall witnesses. All expenses of the Level; 3. Channel Locks; 4. Hammer; 5. not be a violation of this Paragraph for the arbitration shall be assessed against the Blade Screwdriver; 6. Phillips employee to keep the Contractor’s hand party losing the dispute with the Screwdriver; 7. 14" and 18" Pipe tools in his vehicle if he so desires, but it Impartial Arbitrator to determine which Wrenches; 8. Striker; 9. 8" and 12" shall not be mandatory. party shall be required to pay all Crescent Wrench; 10. Tube Cutters; 11. Tin Snips; 12. Pencil Reamer; 13. Hand tools are defined as small expenses and fees. The Arbitrator shall Hacksaw; 14. Torque Wrench; 15. Nail tools up to and including eighteen inch also determine the remedy and/or Puller. (18") wrenches, and specifically excluding damages, if any. No transcript of the all tools normally classified as shop tools. proceedings shall be required. The The tools listed in Paragraph decision of the Impartial Arbitrator 4.12.4 is a representative list and may be No Employee shall be allowed to shall be issued in writing five (5) days changed by mutual consent. Any changes rent or lease to a Contractor any welding from the close of the hearing and said to the list will not be more burdensome in rig, hoist, crane, or any other type of decision shall be final and binding upon cost or transportation than the equipment necessary to perform United the parties hereto. representative list. Association work. 6

Registration Rules. 5.3. Referral of 16 OF THE UNITED ASSOCIATION, for and on behalf of all employees plumbing and pipefitting work, as more.
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