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Massive MIMO and Waveform Design for 5th Generation Wireless Communication Systems Arman Farhang∗, Nicola Marchetti∗, Fabr´ıcio Figueiredo† and Joa˜o Paulo Miranda† ∗CTVR - The Telecommunications Research Centre, Trinity College, Ireland. Email: [farhanga, marchetn]@tcd.ie †CPqD - Research and Development Center on Telecommunication, Brazil. Email: [fabricio, jmiranda]@cpqd.com.br Abstract—Thisarticle reviews existingrelated work and iden- thebestcandidatetoreducelatencyandpeak-to-averagepower 6 tifiesthemainchallengesinthekey5Gareaattheintersectionof ratio (PAPR); FBMC is most robust against synchronisation 1 waveform design and large-scale multiple antenna systems, also errors;allwaveformsbutTFScanbeusedinmm-Wavebands, 0 known as Massive MIMO. The property of self-equalization is andallcanbeadoptedinaMassiveMIMOsetup,i.e.systems 2 introduced for Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC)-based Massive MIMO, which can reduce the number of subcarriers required usingarrayswithatleastanorderofmagnitudemoreantennas p by the system. It is also shown that the blind channel tracking than conventional(Multi-user MIMO) systems [5]. e S property of FBMC can be used to address pilot contamination Aconsequenceofthepowerfulsignalprocessingenabledby – one of the main limiting factors of Massive MIMO systems. thelargenumberofantennasisthatmostoftheschedulingand 3 Our findings shed light into and motivate for an entirely new PHYlayercontrolissuesingeneralareautomaticallyresolved 2 researchlinetowardsabetterunderstandingofwaveformdesign with emphasis on FBMC-based Massive MIMO networks. in Massive MIMO systems – which of course is not the case ] forMulti-userMIMOsystemswithjustamoderatenumberof T I. INTRODUCTION antennas.Inrecentpast,MassiveMIMOhasgainedsignificant I . Ongoingsocietaldevelopmentsarechangingthewayweuse momentumaspotentialcandidatetoincreasecapacityinmulti- s communicationsystems.On-demanddataisincreasinglybeing user networks. In the limit, as the number M of antennas at c [ delivered over mobile and wireless communication systems. the Base Station (BS) tends to infinity, the system processing These developments will lead to a big rise of traffic volume. gain tends to infinity. As a result, the effects of both noise 2 v Applications,suchasbroadbandtelephonyandMachine-Type and multi-user interference are removed [6]. Massive MIMO 5 Communications (MTC), have diverse needs that fifth gener- also enables significant latency reduction on the air interface, 0 ation (5G)systems will have to support,e.g. stringentlatency a welcome feature for delay-constrained applications [7]. 3 andreliabilityrequirements,andawiderangeofdatarates[1]. In general, it appears that any modulation technique, either 0 Oneofthemainchallengesistomeetthesegoalswhileatthe single-ormulti-carrier,canbeusedincombinationwithlarge 0 same time addressing the growing cost pressure. A popular antenna arrays. According to [4], it is reasonable to foresee . 1 viewis thattherequiredincreasein datarate willbeachieved that a similar behavior with respect to the vanishing of inter- 0 through combined gains [2] in extreme network densification user and inter-symbol interference (ISI) can be observed for 5 1 (to improvearea spectralefficiency),increased bandwidth(by anymodulationformatwhenthenumberofreceivingantennas : exploiting mmWaves and making better use of unlicensed M issufficientlyhigh.However,sincenotallwaveformshave v spectrum),andincreasedspectralefficiency(throughadvances equaladvantages,thebenefitsoflargeantennaarrayscanmake i X in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) techniques). acertainMassiveMIMO-specificwaveformcombinationmore r In the quest for bandwidth, particular challenges that need attractive than others. FBMC offers lower out-of-band(OOB) a to be addressedin the contextof 5G are fragmentedspectrum emissions,and allowslessexpensiveandmoreflexiblecarrier and spectrum agility. It is unlikely that these challenges can aggregationthan OFDM, but traditionally had the problem of besatisfiedusingOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing non easy applicability of MIMO to it [8]. By scaling up the (OFDM), and new waveforms are required. Some researchers number of antennas, the combination of Massive MIMO and have also started to question the working assumption of strict FBMCcanbenefitfromtheformer’sgainswhilestillretaining synchronism and orthogonalityin cellular networks, as a way the good properties of the latter [9]. to relax strict time domain requirements in case of sporadic In[7]itispointedoutthat,duetothelawoflargenumbers, traffic generating devices (e.g. MTC devices) or applications the channel hardens so that each subcarrier in a Massive requiring ultra-low latency, such as the Tactile Internet [3]. MIMO system will have substantially the same channel gain. Waveform design is quite a hot topic now, as it sheds light Such a property has been also reported in [9] in the context into how candidate waveforms perform in cellular environ- of FBMC, where the authors name it self-equalization, and ments, and discusses how they fare regarding specific aspects can lead to a reduction in the number of subcarriers required of5Gsystems.In[4],forinstance,OFDMiscomparedtoFil- by the system. Another advantage of Massive MIMO is that, ter Bank Multi-Carrier(FBMC), Time Frequency-packedSig- thanks to its many spatial degrees of freedom, the same naling(TFS),andSingle-CarrierModulation(SCM):OFDMis frequency band can be reused for many users. This plus the preferredintermsofeaseofhardwareimplementation;SCMis channel hardening render frequency domain scheduling no TABLEI SUMMARYOFCHALLENGES&SOLUTIONSINLARGE-SCALEMULTIPLEANTENNASYSTEMSFOR5G. Research Area Issue Candidate Solutions Shortcomings and “SideEffects” Refs •Diminishes bandwidth Antennacoupling Multiport impedance matchingRFcircuits •Introduces ohmiclosses [10]-[14] Antenna •Notfullyunderstood forlargeM Aspects •Increases coupling effects Front-back ambiguity Densemultidimensional implementations •Limitedtoindoorenvironments [10],[15] •3Darrays haverestricted usefulness •Realistic empirical models Channelmodeling Currently underdevelopment [16],[17] Propagation •Sophisticated analytical models Clusterresolution Nosolution knowntodate Openresearch question [5] BSsendspilots toterminals viaFDD Limitedbythechannel coherence time [6],[18] CSIacquisition Channel reciprocity calibration [19]-[22] Terminals sendpilots toBSviaTDD Pilotcontamination problem [23]-[26] •ZF •Computationally heavyforlargeM [5],[27] •MMSE •Higheraveragetransmitpower Linearprecodingmethods •HasanerrorfloorasM increases •MF •HigherM requiredforagivenSIR [5] Precoding(intheDL) •BD Cost-effective strategies areneeded [28] Transceiver •DPC Extremelycostlyforpractical deployment [29] Design Nonlinear precoding methods •THP [30] Increased complexity ishardtojustify •VP [31] Iterative linearfiltering •MMSE-SIC Computationally heavyforlargeM [32] •BI-GDFE •TS [33] Randomstepsearchmethods MorecomplexthanMMSE-SIC Detection (intheUL) •LAS [34] •SD Complexity isexponential inM [35] Tree-basedalgorithms •1000xmorecomplexthanTS •FCSD •Bestsuitable fortheM ≈K case [36] Phasenoise SmartPHYtransmissionandreceiver algorithms Efficacyyettobedemonstrated [7] Hardware Powerconsumption Parallel, dedicated baseband signalprocessing Openresearch question Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Experimental assessments,testbeds &prototypes Onlybasiccapabilities demonstrated [37] longerneeded.IssuesrelatedtoMassiveMIMOandwaveform extractingadditionalinformationfromthe elementsinside the designfor5G arediscussed inSection IIandIII,respectively. array,i.e. onlyelementsonthe arraysurface contributeto the Section IV presents some recent results of the authors on informationcapacity [15]. The optimal densities above which the combination of Massive MIMO and FBMC. Section V performancedeterioratesnomatterhowlargeisthenumberof concludes the paper. elements are studied in [14] for indoor Massive MIMO BSs. II. LARGE-SCALEMULTIPLEANTENNASYSTEMS B. RF Propagation and Channel Modeling This section discusses issues regarded as most challenging Realisticperformanceassessmentscallforappropriatechan- in the Massive MIMO literature. Table I lists such issues and nel characterizationand modeling.The Massive MIMO chan- theiravailablesolutions,eachpresentedalongsidewithitsside nel behavior, including its correlation properties and the in- effects, i.e. new issues brought about by their adoption. fluence of differentantenna arrangements,cannotbe captured otherwise. The interest raised by this issue has been (and still A. Mutual Antenna Coupling and Front-back Ambiguity is) experiencing a fast-paced growth, and the community has One assumption often made when modelingantenna arrays already managed to contribute towards a better understanding isthatthe separationamongantennaelementsislargeenough onthematter.In[16],channelmeasurementsarecarriedoutto tokeepmutualcouplingatanegligiblelevel.Thisassumption identifyand statistically modelthe propagationcharacteristics isnotentirelyrealistic,especiallyifalargenumberofelements of interest. These are then fed back into an existing channel is to bedeployedas anarrayof constrainedsize andaperture. model,extendingitsapplicabilitytolarge-scaleantennaarrays. Under such practical conditions, mutual coupling is known Performanceassessmentsshouldideallybeconductedusing to substantially impact the achievable system capacity [10]. a standardizedor widelyacceptedchannelmodel.At the time MultiportimpedancematchingRFcircuitscancanceloutsuch ofwriting,nosuchamodelseemstoexistforMassiveMIMO. couplingeffects[11],buttheydiminishoutputportbandwidth See, e.g. [17], fora discussion onmodelingmethods,channel [12] and increase ohmic losses [13, Chapter 10]. categories, and their underlying properties. Two-orthree-dimensionalarrayshavebeenreportedableto avoid front-backambiguity.A side effect of dense implemen- C. Channel State Information, Precoding & Detection tations is that the larger the number of adjacent elements, the In conventionalsystems, the BS cannotharness beamform- largertheincreaseofcouplingeffects[5]. Anotherfundamen- ing gains until it has established a communication link with tal shortcoming specific to 3-D settings is the incapability of theterminals.Firstly,theBSbroadcastspilotsbasedonwhich the terminals estimate their corresponding channel responses. (FCSD) [35][36]. Repeated matrix inversions in MMSE-SIC Theseterminalestimatesarethenquantizedandfedbacktothe andBI-GDFE maybe computationallyheavyfor largearrays, BS. Such Frequency-division Duplexing (FDD) finds limited and matrix-inversion free methods such as TS and LAS are application in Massive MIMO systems in that the amount of both outperformed by MMSE-SIC [5]. This is an indication time-frequency resources needed for pilot transmission in the thatmoreworkisneededonthismatter,perhapstowardsturbo downlink(DL) scales as the number of antennas, and so does codes or Low-density Parity-check (LDPC) codes in iterative thenumberofchannelresponsesthatmustbeestimatedonthe detection and decoding settings [27]. part of each terminal. In large arrays, pilot transmission time D. Impairments due to Low-cost Hardware may well exceed the coherence time of the channel [6][18]. AnalternativeforMassiveMIMOsystemsistoletterminals Large-scalemultipleantennaarrayswillmostlikelybebuilt send pilots to the BS via Time-division Duplexing (TDD). using low-cost componentsso as to ease the introduction and TDDreliesonchannelreciprocity,whereuplink(UL)channels leveragethepenetrationoftheMassiveMIMOtechnologyinto serve as estimate of DL channels. This leads to training re- the market. This calls for solutions capable of circumventing quirementsindependentofM [19],andeliminatestheneedfor hardwareimperfectionsthatmanifestthemselvesasI/Qimbal- channel state information (CSI) feedback. TDD’s drawbacks ance or phase noise. The latter issue is of particular concern are reciprocitycalibrationandpilotcontamination:the former becauselow-costpoweramplifiersoftenhaverelaxedlinearity isaneedraisedbydifferenttransfercharacteristicsofDL/UL; requirements,whichinturntranslateintotheneedforreduced the latter arises in multi-user scenarios where the use of non- PAPR on a per antenna element basis [7]. orthogonalpilot sequencescauses the intendeduser’s channel Savingsinradiatedpowerresultfromusingexcessantennas estimate to get contaminatedby a linear combinationof other tosimultaneouslysendindependentdatatodifferentusers,but users’channelssharingthatsamepilot.Reciprocitycalibration thetotalpowerconsumptionshouldalsobetakenintoaccount. and pilot decontamination are studied in [20]-[22] and [23]- In this context,an interesting researchpath is hardwarearchi- [26], but optimal solutions are unknown to date. tectures for baseband signal processing [7]. Another path of Multi-userinterferencecanbemitigatedatthetransmitside interestisexperimentation,astestbedscurrentlyavailableonly by modifyingstandard single-streambeamformingtechniques demonstratebasiccapabilities,anddonottakeconstrainedBS to supportmultiplestreams. Precodingbasedon Zero-Forcing real estates into consideration [37]. (ZF)orMinimumMeanSquareError(MMSE)issimplefora number of antennas up to moderate. However, its reliance on III. WAVEFORM DESIGN FOR5G channelinversionsmaytakecomplexityandpowerburdensto This section presents the state of the art about candidate a pointhardto accommodatewithin verylargearrays[5][27]. waveforms for 5G. Comparisons in Table II are based on the Matched Filtering (MF), i.e. Maximum Ratio Transmission bestpossibleperformanceofeachwaveform,withOFDMwith (MRT) in the DL and Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) in cyclic prefix (CP-OFDM) used as benchmark. the UL, is known to be the simplest method [6]. A. The Baseline OFDM and its Enhancements DirtyPaperCoding(DPC)[29],Tomlinson-HarashimaPre- coding (THP) [30], and Vector Perturbation (VP) [31], also Despite the advantages that led to the near-universal adop- have appealingfeatures(DPC is theoreticallyoptimal) butare tion of CP-OFDM, it is not without its limitations [8]. High either too costly for practical deployment or offer gains hard PAPR in Massive MIMO is a concern,as it sets up a tradeoff tojustifyinviewoftheirincreasedcomputationalcomplexity. between the amplifier’s linearity and cost. MmWave deploy- RecallingthatthearraysizerequiredtoachieveagivenSignal- ment may also prove hard due to the difficulty to develop to-InterferenceRatio (SIR) using MF is at least two ordersof efficientamplifiers[2].Spectralefficiency[3]canbeimproved magnitudelargerthanusingZFprecoding[5],furtherworkon bymeansofshorterCPlengths,andFrequencyandQuadrature cost-effectivesolutionsisneeded.Thisisillustratedin[28]for Amplitude Modulation (FQAM) to boost DL throughput for the case of Block Diagonalization (BD) algorithms. cell-edge users. TFS and faster-than-Nyquist signaling have Whenitcomestoseparationofdatastreamsinconventional beenclaimedabletoofferefficiencygainsontheorderof25% systems, Maximum Likelihood (ML) detection is the optimal over conventional OFDM (see [2][4] and references therein). solutionbutitscomplexitygrowsexponentiallywiththenum- Other drawbacks of CP-OFDM are sensitivity to phase noise ber of streams. This is the reason why parameter estimation and asynchronoussignaling, poor spectrum localization, large and detection are key problems in Massive MIMO systems. OOB emissions, and long round-trip time (RTT). SuboptimalZF,MMSE,andMFofferlowercosts(thatdonot The amount of implementation experience and knowledge depend on the modulation), but are not capable of achieving abouttrickyaspectsofOFDMavailabletodaymakeitpossible the full receive-diversity order of ML detection [27]. to modify it to create new schemes capable of circumventing This performance-complexitytradeoffled to methods, such mostofitsinherentlimitations.Improvedsidelobesuppression as MMSE with Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC), for dynamic spectrum access and fragmented spectrum use is Block-iterative Generalized Decision Feedback Equalization claimed achievable using noncontiguous waveforms, such as (BI-GDFE) [32], Tabu Search (TS) [33], Likelihood Ascent CancellationCarriers(CC)orEdgeWindowing(EW).In[38], Search (LAS) [34], and Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoding CC-OFDM with a single cancellation carrier is shown better TABLEII CANDIDATEWAVEFORMSREGARDEDASMOSTPROMISINGFOR5GWITHCP-OFDMUSEDASBENCHMARK(TBI=REMAINSTOBEINVESTIGATED). Figure ofMerit CP-OFDM NC-OFDM DFT-s-OFDM BFDM FBMC GFDM UFMC Peak-to-average PowerRatio High High Reduced High High Reduced High Spectral Efficiency Low Low Low High High High High Overhead High High Variable Low Low Variable Low ce Frequency Localization Good Good Verygood Controllable Excellent Excellent Excellent n a OOBEmissions High Reduced Reduced Variable Negligible Reduced Reduced m or Sidelobe Attenuation [dB] 13 20-50 40-60 13-60 60 35 40-60 erf BitErrorRate Good Good Good Good Good Verygood Verygood P Throughput Low Low Low High High High High TimeOffsetsResiliency Poor Good Good Good Good Good Good Frequency OffsetsResiliency Poor Good Good Good Good Good Good Computational Complexity Low Low Low High High High High y bilit IEmqupalelimzaetniotantion ESfifimcpielnet ESfifimcpielnet ESfifimcpielnet TTBBII IEnfvfiocliveendt ESfifimcpielnet IEnfvfiocliveendt asi Dynamicand Dynamicand Dynamicand Configurable e Resource Allocation Possible Configurable Configurable F finegrained finegrained finegrained andadaptable Conventional MIMO Yes Yes Yes TBI No Yes Yes for High-order Modulation Yes Yes Yes TBI TBI Yes TBI ort Short-burstTraffic(MTC) No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes pp Fragmented Spectrum No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes u S LowLatency(TactileInternet) No No No No No Yes No References [2]-[4],[8] [38] [39],[40] [42] [2],[3],[8],[41] [43],[44] [2],[3][45] thanbothitsvariantwithmultiple(weighted)cancellationcar- C. “Born-to-be-5G” Waveforms riers and EW-OFDM, but suppression performance degrades IncontrasttoFBMC orOFDM,whichapartfromenhance- as the subcarrier index runs away from the gap edge. ments like CC-OFDM and DFT-s-OFDM were not originally Another option consists of manipulating OFDM to mimic designed bearing 5G requirements in mind, we have recently SCM [2][4] to reduce PAPR and provide robustness against witnessed the outbreak of waveforms crafted for MTC and frequency offsets. Discrete Fourier Transform spread OFDM the Tactile Internet. Biorthogonal Frequency Division Multi- (DFT-s-OFDM)enhancesnoise in fadedchannels,offerspoor plexing(BFDM) waveforms,forinstance,have beenregarded spectral containment, and allows neither frequency-selective as suitable to support sporadic data traffic and asynchronous schedulingnorlinkadaptation.Theselimitationsareovercome signaling.OneappealingfeatureofBFDMistimeandspectral by employing zero-tail DFT-s-OFDM, exploiting receiver di- localization balancing through iterative interference cancella- versity, and appying the DFT spread at the physical resource tion, which in turn allows to controldegradationsdue to time blocks level [39][40]. Improvedflexibility (dynamicoverhead and frequency offsets [42]. adaptation instead of CP hardcoding) and OOB emissions Renderedattractivefornonsynchronousbursttransmissions (smoothertransitionsbetweenadjacentsymbols)areadditional by its block-based structure, Generalized Frequency Division advantages of zero-tail DFT-s-OFDM over CP-OFDM. Multiplexing(GFDM)wasoriginallyproposedasanonorthog- onalalternativetoFBMC.GFDMcanbesettomimicOFDM, B. Filter Bank Multicarrier although its benefits are better experienced with SCM setups, e.g.totransmitmultiplesymbolspersubcarrier.Tothebestof FBMCintroducedmulticarriertechniquesovertwodecades ourknowledge,GFDMistheonly5Gcandidatewaveformfor beforethe introductionofOFDM in wirelesscommunications which support for High-orderModulation (HOM) and Tactile systems[8].WhileOFDM reliesontheCP topreventISIand Internet has been explicitly investigated. We refer the reader toconvertthechannelintoasetofflat-gainsubcarriers,FBMC to [43][44] for a recent analysis of characteristics, relevant exploits the fact that narrow and numeroussubcarriers can be features, performance,and implementationaspects of GFDM. characterizedbyaflatgain.Thelengthandsuperiorfrequency localization of FBMC prototype filters allow the terminal to D. Universal Filtered Multicarrier dealwithhighdelayspreadsandcompensatefrequencyoffsets Another distinguishing aspect of OFDM and FBMC is that withoutfeedbacktotheBS[2][3](attheexpenseofincreased theformerappliesfilteringonthewholeband,whilethelatter complexity, latency, and equalization requirements). worksonapersubcarrierbasis.UniversalFilteredMulticarrier Fast-convolutionbased highlytunable multirate filter banks (UFMC) has been advanced as a more general solution be- are investigated in [41]. Capable of implementing waveform causeitsfilteringisappliedonthelevelofmultiplesubcarriers, processingformultiplesingle-carrierand/ormulticarriertrans- e.g. on a perresource blockbasis. As comparedwith OFDM, missionchannelswithnonuniformbandwidthsandsubchannel UFMC offers better spectral efficiency and robustness against spacings simultaneously, this method is a competitive option timeandfrequencyoffsets[2][3]. Someadvantagesof UFMC in terms of spectral containment and complexity. overFBMCarelowerlatency(duetoitsshorterfilterlengths), 25 35 30 20 25 B) 15 B) R (d R (d20 N N SI 10 SI 15 MMSE, theory Blind tracking 5 MMSE, simulation 10 MMSE MF, theory Matched filter MF, simulation 0 5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Normalized frequency Number of iterations Fig.1. SINRcomparison: MMSEvs.MF(K=6,L=64,M =128). Fig. 2. SINR comparison: Blind tracking technique vs. MF vs. MMSE (L=256,M =128). reduced overhead, and improved support for MTC [3][45] – althoughbothmayrequiremoreinvolvedmulti-tapequalizers. This self-equalization property of FBMC relaxes the large L requirement to obtain an approximately flat gain over each IV. FBMC-BASED MASSIVE MIMONETWORKS subcarrierband,sowidersubcarrierscanbeused.Theuseofa NetworksresultingfromthecombinationofMassiveMIMO smallerLinagivenbandwidth:(1)reducesthelatencycaused and FBMC are of the utmost importance as in these systems bysynthesis/analysisfilterbanks;(2)improvesbandwidtheffi- spectrumnotonlycanbereusedbyalltheusers,i.e.advantage ciencydueto the absenceofthe CPandto shorterpreambles; ofMassiveMIMO,butcanalsobeusedinanefficientmanner, (3) decreases computational complexity due to the smaller i.e. due to the FBMC’s low OOB emissions. The application FFTandIFFTblocksneededforimplementation;(4)provides of FBMC to Massive MIMO was first considered in [9], with robustness to frequency offsets; and (5) reduces PAPR. an interesting finding of this work being the self-equalization As recently highlighted in [49], Cosine Modulated Multi- property of FBMC in Massive MIMO channels (in contrast tone (CMT), viz. a particularFBMC form,has a blindequal- withthelimitedapplicabilityofFBMCtoconventionalMIMO ization capability [50], which can be used to decontaminate channels). As a result, FBMC can leverage various benefits erroneous channel estimates in multicellular Massive MIMO thatplaceitinastrongpositionasacandidatefor5Gsystems. networkscausedbypilotcontamination.Thisapproach,which Linearcombiningofthereceivedsignalsindifferentreceive issomewhatsimilartotheGodardblindequalizationalgorithm antennasatBSaverageschanneldistortionsbetweentheusers [51], can be easily extended from single antenna to Massive andBSantennas.AsM increases,thechanneldistortionsover MIMO systems. To alleviate the performance loss caused by each subcarrier are smoothed through linear combining, so corrupted channel estimates, the blind equalization technique a nearly equalized gain across each subcarrier band can be adaptively corrects the linear combiner tap weights. Starting achieved.Analytical SINR relationshipsare derivedin [9] for withMFusingnoisychannelestimates,theSINRperformance MMSE and MF linear combiners under the assumption of a reaches that of MF with noise-free channel matrix within a flatchannelovereachsubcarrierband.Theyarethereforeused smallnumberofiterations,andkeepsimprovingto gettothat as benchmark to evaluate channel flatness in what follows. of MMSE with noise-free channel matrix. Figure1showstheoreticalandsimulationresultsofamulti- This is shown in Figure 2 for a Massive MIMO networkin user scenario (K = 6 users, L = 64 subcarriers, and M = TDD mode with seven cells and one user per cell. All users 128 BS antennas). The target output SINR of 20 dB may be are assumed to use the same pilot sequences, L = 256, and calculatedas SNR +10log M, whereSNR isthe Signal- M =128.Insome situationswherethe lengthofthe UL data in 10 in to-Noise Ratio (SNR) at each BS antenna, and 10log M is packets is close to the channel coherence time, the estimated 10 thespreadinggainduetoM BSantennas.SINRsareevaluated CSIinthebeginningofthepacketmaygetoutdated,resulting over all subcarrier channels, and the number of points along in a performance loss (as the same CSI is used for precoding the normalizedfrequencyis equalto the numberof subcarrier intheDL).Thisproblemcanbealleviatedbytheutilizationof bands, L. MMSE is superior to MF, and its SINR is about blindchanneltrackingtechniquesastheonementionedabove, the same for all subcarriers, i.e. has smaller variance across since these provide up-to-date CSI. In other words, the blind the subcarriers. Our simulation results match very well to the channeltracking techniquessweep throughall the symbolsin theoretical ones, confirming the self-equalization property of thedatapacketandupdatetheCSI. ThelatestCSI takenfrom linear combining in FBMC-based Massive MIMO systems. the last transmitted symbols can thus be obtained. V. CONCLUSION [18] Z. Jiang, A. F. Molisch, G. Caire, and Z. Niu, “Achievable Rates of FDD Massive MIMO Systems with Spatial Channel Correlation”, in This paper has reviewed existing work and identified main arXiv:1406.7486, June2014. challengesattheintersectionofMassiveMIMOandwaveform [19] J. Jose, A. Ashikhmin, T. L. Marzetta, and S. Vishwanath, “Pilot design. The property of self-equalization was introduced for ContaminationandPrecodinginMulti-CellTDDSystems”,IEEETrans. Wireless Commun.,vol.10,no.8,pp.2640-2651, Aug.2011. FBMC-basedMassiveMIMOsystems,whichcanhelpreduce [20] F. Kaltenberger, J. Haiyong, M. Guillaud, and R. 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