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Masses of Fundamental Particles: Cargèse 1996 PDF

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Masses of Fundamental Particles Cargese 1996 NATO ASI Series Advanced Science Institutes Series A series presenting the results of activities sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, which aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific and technological knowledge, with a view to strengthening links between scientific communities. The series Is published by an International board of publishers In conjunction with the NATO Scientific Affairs Division A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corporation B Physics New York and London C Mathematical Kluwer Academic Publishers and Physical Sciences Dordrecht, Boston, and London D Behavioral and Social Sciences E Applied Sciences F Computer and Systems Sciences Springer-Verlag G Ecological Sciences Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, H Cell Biology Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Barcelona I Global Environmental Change PARTNERSHIP SUB·SERIES 1. Disarmament Technologies Kluwer Academic Publishers 2. Environment Springer-Verlag 3. High Technology Kluwer Academic Publishers 4. Science and Technology Polley Kluwer Academic Publishers 5. Computer Networking Kluwer Academic Publishers The Partnership Sub-Series incorporates activities undertaken in collaboration with NATO's Cooperation Partners, the countries of the CIS and Central and Eastern Europe, In Priority Areas of concern to those countries. Recent Volumes In this Series: Volume 362-Low-Dimensional Applications of Quantum Field Theory edited by Laurent Baulieu, Vladimir Kazakov, Marco Picco, and Paul Wlndey Volume 363-Masses of Fundamental Particles: Cargese 1996 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean lllopoulos, Raymond Gastmans, and Jean-Marc Gerard Volume 364-Quantum Fields and Quantum Space Time edited by Gerard t'Hooft, Arthur Jaffe, Gerhard Mack, Pronob K. Mitter, and Raymond Stora Series B: Physics Masses of Fundamental Particles Cargese 1996 Edited by Maurice Levy Universit6 Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, France Jean lliopoulos Ecole Normale Sup6rleure Paris, France Raymond Gastmans Katholleke Universiteit Leuven Leuven, Belgie and Jean-Marc Gerard Universit6 Catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC Proceedlngs of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Masses of Fundamental Particles, held August 5-17, 1996 In Cargese, France NATO-PCO-DATA BASE The electronic index to the NATO ASI Serles provides full bibliographical references (with keywords and/or abstracts) to about 50,000 contributlons from international scientists published in ali sections of the NATO ASI Series. Access to the NATO-PCO-DATA BASE is possible in two ways: -via online FILE 128 (NATO-PCO-DATA BASE) hosted by ESRIN, Via Galileo Galilei, 1-00044 Frascati, ltaly L1brary of Congrass Catalog1ng-1n-Publ1cat1on Data Masses of fundamental partlcles : Cargese 1996 1 edlted by Maurlce Levy ••• [et a 1. 1. p. c•. -- INATO ASI serles. B, Physlcs ; v. 363l "Publlshed In cooparatlon wlth NATO Sclentlflc Affalrs Dlvlslon." 'Proceedlngs of the NATO Advanced Study Inst1tute·on Masses of Funda•ental Partlcles, held August 5-17, 1996 1n Cargesa, Franca" -T.p. verso. ISBN 978-1-4899-0244-3 ISBN 978-1-4899-0242-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-0242-9 1. Quarks--Congresses. 2. Ato11c •ass--Congresses. 3. Part1cles <Nuclear physlcsl--Congressas. I. Lâvy, Maurlca, 1922- II. North Atlantic Traaty Organlzatlon. Sclantlflc .Affalrs Olvlslon. III. NATO Advancad Study Institute on Masses of Funda•ental Partlclas 112th : 1996 : Cargesa, Francel IV. Serles. QC793.5.02526M38 1998 539.7'25--dc21 97-31221 CIP ISBN 978-1-4899-0244-3 © 1997 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1997 Softcover re print of the hardcover 1s t edition 1997 http://www.plenum.com 10987654321 Ali rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted In any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilmlng, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher PREVIOUS CARGESE SYMPOSIA PUBLISHED IN THE NATO ASI SERIES B: SERIES Volume 350 FRONTIERS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS: Cargese 1994 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean lliopoulos, Raymond Gastmans, and Jean-Marc Gerard Volume 311 QUANTITATIVE PARTICLE PHYSICS: Cargese 1992 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, Maurice Jacob, Jean lliopoulos, Raymond Gastmans, and Jean-Marc Gerard Volume 261 Z' PHYSICS: Cargese 1990 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, Maurice Jacob, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, and Raymond Gastmans Volume 223 PARTICLE PHYSICS: Cargese 1989 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, Maurice Jacob, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, and Raymond Gastmans Volume 173 PARTICLE PHYSICS: Cargese 1987 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, Maurice Jacob, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, and Raymond Gastmans Volume 156 GRAVITATION IN ASTROPHYSICS: Cargese 1986 edited by B. Carter and J. B. Hartle Volume 150 PARTICLE PHYSICS: Cargese 1985 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, Maurice Jacob, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, and Raymond Gastmans Volume 130 HEAVY ION COLLISIONS: Cargese 1984 edited by P. Bonche, Maurice Levy, Phlllipe Quentin, and Dominique Vautherin Volume 126 PERSPECTIVES IN PARTICLES AND FIELDS: Cargese 1983 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, Maurice Jacob, and Raymond Gastmans Volume 85 FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTIONS: Cargese 1981 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, Maurice Jacob, and Raymond Gastmans Volume 72 PHASE TRANSITIONS: Cargese 1980 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Claude Le Guilliou, and Jean Zinn-Justin Volume 61 QUARKS AND LEPTONS: Cargese 1979 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, Raymond Gastmans, and Maurice Jacob Volume 44 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN GRAVITATION: Cargese 1978 edited by Maurice Levy and S. Oeser Volume 39 HADRON STRUCTURE AND LEPTON-HADRON INTERACTIONS: Cargese 1977 edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, Raymond Gastmans, and Jean Zinn-Justin Volume 26 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Cargese 1976 edited by Maurice Levy and Pronob Mitter Volume 13 WEAK AND ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERACTIONS AT HIGH ENERGIES: Cargese 1975 (Parts A and B) edited by Maurice Levy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, David Speiser, and Raymond Gastmans PREFACE The 1996 Carg~se Summer Institute on Frontiers in Particle Physics was organized by the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (M. Levy), the Ecole Nonnale SupCrieure, Paris (J. lliopoulos), the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (R. Gastmans), and the Universite Catholique de Louvain (J.-M. Gerard), which, since 1975, have joined their efforts and worked in common. It was the twelfth Sunnner Institute on High Energy Physics organized jointly at Carg~se by three of these universities. The Standard Model for fundamental interactions is constructed on two essential ingredients: the gauge symmetry and the mass generation mechanism. Now that the gauge theory aspect has been finnly established, the new challenge for the young researchers in elementary particle physics is the understanding of the origin of the masses. The standard Higgs mechanism is believed to be responsible for generating the masses of ALL fundamental particles. Professor D. Treille discussed the prospects for Higgs boson search and described the experimental determinations of the gauge boson masses. The influence of the top quark mass on electroweak processes has been emphasized by Professor J.L. Rosner, while Professor M. Neubert introduced the heavy-quark effective theory which allows you to get rid of heavy-quark masses. The theoretical determinations of the light quark masses have been critically analyzed by Professor H. Leutwyler. Professor A. Pich presented the various experimental tests on lepton universality and Professor R.L. MBssbauer reviewed our present knowledge on the neutrino masses. The interplay between particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology has become increasingly intensive. Professor J. Silk reviewed the various dark matter candidates responsible for the mass distribution in our Universe. Among these candidates are the supersymmetric particles. Professors G.G. Ross and C. Kounnas speculated on the origin of masses in supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. The experimentalists must learn how to face the numerous difficulties associated with new colliders. Professor J. Feltesse introduced the deep-inelastic physics related to HERA (DESY). Finally, Professor J.-J. Aubert gave a detailed presentation of the future LHC collider (CERN) able to explore the TeV energy domain where the Higgs phenomena are expected to manifest themselves. We owe many thanks to all those who have made this Summer Institute possible! Special thanks are due to all the Scientific Committee of NATO and its President for a generous grant. We are also very grateful for the financial contribution given by the vii C.N.R.S. and the Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules (IN2P3). We also want to thank Ms. A. Touchant for her efficient organizational help, Mr. and Ms. Ariano and Ms. Cassegrain for their kind assistance in all material matters of the school, and, last but not least, the people from Cargese for their hospitality. Mostly, however, we would like to thank all the lecturers and participants: their commitment to the school was the real basis for its success. M.Uvy R. Gastmans J. Ilipoulos J.-M. Gerard viii CONTENTS Boson Masses in the Standard Model ....................................... . D. Treille Noncommutative Geometry and the Internal Space of Gauge Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 T. Krajewski Top Quark Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 J.L. Rosner Unified Theories of Flavour with U(2) as Horizontal Group ..................... I 05 A. Romano Heavy-Quark Masses .................................................... 115 M. Neubert Light-Quark Masses ..................................................... 149 H. Leutwyler Weak Matrix Elements of the Lattice: Recent Development inK-Physics ........... 165 M. Talevi Lepton Universality ...................................................... 173 A. Pich Neutrino Mass .......................................................... 191 R.L. Mossbauer Gallex Neutrino Observations and Its Implications on Solar Neutrino Spectroscopy .. 205 M.Altmann Double Beta Decay Research-Present and Future ............................. 215 Y.G. Zdesenko Neutrino Mass Models with an Abelian Family Symmetry ....................... 229 S. Lavignac Dark Matter ............................................................ 23 7 J. Silk ix Aspects of Dark Matter Direct Detection ..................................... 251 L. Saudis, V. Bednyakov, J. Hellmig, G. Heusser, M. Hirsch, H.V. Klapdor-Kieingrothaus, S. Kovalenko, A. Muller, H. Pas, F. Petry, Y. Ramachers, and H. Strecker Masses beyond the Standard Model ......................................... 259 G.G. Ross Electroweak Baryogenesis and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model ....... 293 D. Delepine BPS States in Superstrings with Spontaneously Broken SUSY ................... 301 C. Kounnas Gaugino Condensation, Loop Corrections, and S-Duality Constraint .............. 329 K. Saririan Some New Salient Features of Deep-Inelastic Scattering of HERA ................ 341 J. Feltesse Determination of the Gluon Structure Function Using Tagged Chann Events in Deep-Inelastic EP Collisions ....................................... 365 C. Adloff The Structure of the Proton Phenomenology .................................. 3 71 L. Schoeffel Experimental Physics at LHC pp Collider .................................... 377 J.-J. Aubert INDEX ................................................................ 393 X

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