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Preview MASS - Volume 4 - Issue 3 - Monthly Applications in Strength Sport

VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 MARCH 2020 M A S S MONTHLY APPLICATIONS IN STRENGTH SPORT ERIC HELMS | GREG NUCKOLS | MICHAEL ZOURDOS | ERIC TREXLER The Reviewers Eric Helms Eric Helms is a coach, athlete, author, and educator. He is a coach for drug-free strength and physique competitors at all levels as a part of team 3D Muscle Journey. Eric regularly publishes peer-reviewed articles in exercise science and nutrition journals on physique and strength sport, in addition to writing for commercial fitness publications. He’s taught undergraduate- and graduate-level nutrition and exercise science and speaks internationally at academic and commercial conferences. He has a B.S. in fitness and wellness, an M.S. in exercise science, a second Master’s in sports nutrition, a Ph.D. in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand at Auckland University of Technology. Eric earned pro status as a natural bodybuilder with the PNBA in 2011 and competes in the IPF at international-level events as an unequipped powerlifter. Greg Nuckols Greg Nuckols has over a decade of experience under the bar and a B.S. in exercise and sports science. Greg earned his M.A. in exercise and sport science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He’s held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and 242lb classes. He’s trained hundreds of athletes and regular folks, both online and in-person. He’s written for many of the major magazines and websites in the fitness industry, including Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Bodybuilding.com, T-Nation, and Schwarzenegger.com. Furthermore, he’s had the opportunity to work with and learn from numerous record holders, champion athletes, and collegiate and professional strength and conditioning coaches through his previous job as Chief Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and current full-time work on StrongerByScience.com. Michael C. Zourdos Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D., CSCS, has specializations in strength and conditioning and skeletal muscle physiology. He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Florida State University (FSU) in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Jeong-Su Kim. Prior to attending FSU, Mike received his B.S. in exercise science from Marietta College and M.S. in applied health physiology from Salisbury University. Mike served as the head powerlifting coach of FSU’s 2011 and 2012 state championship teams. He also competes as a powerlifter in the USAPL, and among his best competition lifts is a 230kg (507lbs) raw squat at a body weight of 76kg. Mike owns the company Training Revolution, LLC., where he has coached more than 100 lifters, including a USAPL open division national champion. Eric Trexler Eric Trexler is a pro natural bodybuilder and a sports nutrition researcher. Eric has a PhD in Human Movement Science from UNC Chapel Hill, and has published dozens of peer-reviewed research papers on various exercise and nutrition strategies for getting bigger, stronger, and leaner. In addition, Eric has several years of University-level teaching experience, and has been involved in coaching since 2009. Eric is the Director of Education at Stronger By Science. 2 Table of Contents 5 B Y G R E G N U C K O L S Is it More Important to Train to Failure with Light Loads? A recent study compared four conditions: training to failure with high loads (80% 1RM), training to failure with low loads (30% 1RM), stopping shy of failure with high loads, and stopping shy of failure with low loads. Its design wasn’t what I was hoping for, and some of the results are genuinely confusing, but it’s an interesting study nonetheless. 14 B Y T H E M A S S T E A M Bonus: Reps in Reserve and Hypertrophy This month, we had a pretty lively discussion about one of Greg’s articles during the review process, so we thought you may be interested in a) getting a little glimpse into how our review process works, and b) “overhearing” a discussion of a topic about which we slightly disagree: how close to failure you need to be to maximize muscle growth. 22 B Y M I C H A E L C . Z O U R D O S Back-to-Back Champs: The Agonist-Antagonist Superset Previously, Dr. Helms termed bench press and rows as the “sensible superset.” A new study seems to confirm the sensibility. This article provides an update on the topic and lays out specific recommendations on how to implement sensible supersets into your training. 32 B Y E R I C H E L M S The Effect of Macronutrient Distribution on Sleep Quality We know both sleep and nutrition are important for health, performance, and body composition. What is still being investigated, however, is how these variables impact one another. This systematic review and meta-regression reported that those eating higher protein diets sleep better. Read on to see why this might be, and what implications these findings have. 44 B Y E R I C T R E X L E R Losing Fat-Free Mass During Weight Loss: Bad Now, Bad Later Whether you’re losing weight to enhance your health, your performance, or your physique, we already know that it’s advantageous to prevent the loss of fat-free mass. A new study suggests that fat-free mass loss can also affect your likelihood of regaining weight after the diet. Read on to find out how to set yourself up for sustainable weight loss success. 3 56 B Y G R E G N U C K O L S The Effects of Range of Motion on Muscle Growth: The Current State of the Literature We’ve discussed the effects of range of motion on muscle growth before in MASS, but all of our previous articles have covered individual studies. A recent systematic review summarized the state of the literature on the subject. This article breaks down the results. 66 B Y M I C H A E L C . Z O U R D O S A Thorough Analysis of Daily Readiness Indicators It seems logical that recovery of velocity would be an indicator of readiness. However, there is surprisingly little evidence to support that claim, and this study does that argument no favors. So, what does have support as a readiness indicator? This article provides a thorough analysis. 81 B Y E R I C T R E X L E R Beetroot Juice Enhances Bench Press Power and Strength Endurance A 2016 study showed that beetroot juice enhanced bench press strength endurance, but we’ve been waiting for confirmation ever since. We’ve finally got a second study reporting enhanced bench press strength endurance, along with increased bar velocity and power. Read on to find out if beetroot juice supplementation might be right for you. 92 B Y G R E G N U C K O L S Can You Maximize Strength Gains While Training Far From Failure? A recent study found that leaving more reps in the tank while training prone-grip pull-ups led to larger strength gains than pushing closer to failure, even with sets equated. It’s not the first study with these results. So, how can you use that information when planning your training? Read on to find out. 103 B Y M I C H A E L C . Z O U R D O S VIDEO: Postactivation Potentiation Postactivation potentiation has been around for many years; however, research on lifting performance has only been around for two years. This video analyzes both studies on the topic and provides an in-depth look at how to implement postactivation potentiation in your program. 105 B Y E R I C H E L M S VIDEO: Understanding Specificity Everytime you squat, you’re belted, in the low-bar position, and in your squat shoes, even when you do a set of 10 reps. Is this really that much more specific to a 1RM squat than a set of 10 on leg press? Or, your goal is strength, you train heavy, and you do tricep pushdowns for sets of 4-6. Is this really that much more specific to a 1RM bench than 15-20 reps? Watch this video for answers. 4 Study Reviewed: Muscle Failure Promotes Greater Muscle Hypertrophy in Low-Load but Not in High-Load Resistance Training. Lasevicius et al. (2019) Is it More Important to Train to Failure with Light Loads? B Y G R E G N U C K O L S A recent study compared four conditions: training to failure with high loads (80% 1RM), training to failure with low loads (30% 1RM), stopping shy of failure with high loads, and stopping shy of failure with low loads. Its design wasn’t what I was hoping for, and some of the results are genuinely confusing, but it’s an interesting study nonetheless. 5 KEY POINTS 1. This study compared four conditions: training to failure with high loads (80% 1RM), training to failure with low loads (30% 1RM), stopping shy of failure with high loads, and stopping shy of failure with low loads. In the conditions where subjects stopped shy of failure, subjects performed 60% as many reps per set as the failure conditions, and performed extra sets in order to equate volume load. 2. The high-load conditions led to the largest strength gains, unsurprisingly. 3. Hypertrophy was similar in both high-load conditions and the low-load failure condition. The low-load non-failure condition led to less growth. 4. The confusing aspect of this study was how the high-load non-failure condition led to so much hypertrophy. Subjects likely had 7+ reps in the tank on all sets. I’m honestly not sure how to explain it. igh-load versus low-load train- formed during the failure sets. Unsur- H ing and the effects of proximity prisingly, heavier training led to larger to failure on muscle growth are strength gains, but surprisingly, the high- two subjects we’ve covered in MASS load non-failure condition led to just as before (one, two, three, four, five, six, much muscle growth as the two failure seven, eight, nine, ten). They’re rele- conditions (while the low-load non-fail- vant to the MASS readership, however ure condition experienced very lack- (especially proximity to failure), and it luster hypertrophy results). This was a seems like they’re the subject of a hefty surprising finding because the high-load proportion of training studies that have non-failure condition wasn’t just train- been published in the past few years. ing 2 or 3 reps shy of failure – they prob- So today, dear reader, we’re looking at ably had 7+ reps in the tank. Read on these topics once more. The presently as I slowly descend into madness while reviewed study (1) is interesting, how- trying to interpret these results. ever, because it addresses both topics at once. Purpose and Hypotheses Over eight weeks, subjects trained uni- lateral knee extensions with either high Purpose (80% 1RM) or low (30% 1RM) loads. Subjects trained one leg with three sets The purpose of this study was to com- to failure, and trained the other leg with pare the effects of intensity and prox- 60% of the average number of reps per- imity to failure on muscle growth and 6 strength gains when equating for vol- conditions: one leg trained to failure, ume load. and the other leg matched volume load but trained shy of failure. For the failure Hypotheses conditions, subjects simply performed three sets of unilateral knee extensions The authors hypothesized that prox- to failure, with two minutes between imity to failure wouldn’t impact muscle sets. Then, the researchers calculated growth or strength gains when training the average number of reps per set, and at higher intensities (in other words, that the subjects completed 60% as many training to failure or not to failure would reps per set on their non-failure leg (still have similar effects), but that training with two minutes between sets) until to failure would lead to more muscle they equated volume load between legs. growth and larger strength gains when So, for example, if a subject performed training with low intensities. 12 reps on set 1, 10 reps on set 2, and 8 reps on set 3 with their failure leg, they Subjects and Methods performed 30 reps in total, averaging 10 reps per set. Then, on their non-failure leg, they’d perform sets of 6 reps until Subjects they’d equated volume load (sets x reps 25 subjects completed the study. They x load) between legs. Depending on the were all 19- to 34-year-old males who strength differential between legs, that were active, but who had not performed means the non-failure leg performed any resistance training for at least 6 either 5 sets (if the non-failure leg was months prior to the study. stronger or if both legs were of similar strength) or 6 sets (if the failure leg was Experimental Design stronger), with the 6th set only consist- Before and after eight weeks of train- ing of a couple reps. Subjects rested for ing, subjects tested their unilateral knee two minutes between sets, and trained extension 1RM with both legs, and twice per week. quadriceps cross-sectional area at the 30 minutes after each training session, midpoint of the thigh was assessed us- subjects were asked to provide an ef- ing MRI. fort-based rating of perceived exertion The subjects were randomized into two for each leg using a 0-10 scale (where groups: One group performed unilateral 0 is no exertion whatsoever, and 10 is knee extensions with 80% of 1RM, and maximal exertion). one group performed knee extensions with 30% of 1RM. Furthermore, each subject’s legs were randomized into two 7 Figure 1 Quadriceps cross-sectional area (CSA) and maximum dynamic strength (1RM) evaluated before and after 8 weeks A B 110 150 HL-RF HL-RNF 100 LL-RF 2m) 90 g) 100 LL-RNF k A (c 80 M ( S R C 70 1 50 60 50 0 Pre Post Pre Post HL-RF = High-load resistance training leading to repetition failure; HL-RNF = high-load resistance training not leading to repetition failure; LL-RF = low-load resistance training leading to repetition failure; LL-RNF = low-load resistance training not leading to repetition failure * = Significantly different compared with pre (p < 0.002); # = Significantly different when compared with LL-RF and LL-RNF (p < 0.002) RM = repetition maximum load conditions (p = 0.001). Findings As would be expected, ratings of per- In the high-load failure condition, sub- ceived exertion were significantly higher jects performed 12.4 ± 3.1 reps per set, on (p < 0.05) during the failure conditions average. In the corresponding non-fail- than the non-failure conditions. Mean ure condition, subjects performed 6.7 ± session RPEs were largely between 5.5- 1.6 reps. In the low-load failure condi- 7.5 for the non-failure conditions, and tion, subjects performed 34.4 ± 7.7 reps 9-10 for the failure conditions. per set on average, compared to 19.6 ± 4.1 reps in the corresponding non-fail- ure condition. As intended, total volume Interpretation load was similar in both high-load con- When I saw the title of this study, I ditions and both low-load conditions. initially got excited, because it seemed Increases in quadriceps CSA were like it might be the study to finally clari- similar in all conditions (+7.5-7.9%) ex- fy an important question about low-load cept for the low-load nonfailure condi- training: Is it more important to train to tion (+2.6%), which caused significant- failure when doing low-load training ly (p ≤ 0.004) less muscle growth than than when doing high-load training? all other conditions. Gains in 1RM knee At least a dozen times (conservatively) extension strength were similar in both over the past ~5ish years, I’ve seen stud- high-load conditions (+31.5-32.4%) and ies claim that it’s not necessary to go to both low-load conditions (+17.2-22%), failure when training with higher loads but larger in the high-load than the low- 8 Figure 2 Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) evaluated in each training sessions HL-RF 10 HL-RNF 9 LL-RF ) # . 8 LL-RNF U . A ( 7 E P R 6 5 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sessions HL-RF = High-load resistance training leading to repetition failure; HL-RNF = high-load resistance training not leading to repetition failure; LL-RF = low-load resistance training leading to repetition failure; LL-RNF = low-load resistance training not leading to repetition failure # = Significantly different when compared with HL-RF and LL-RNF (p < 0.05) (>60% 1RM), but that you must train to leave, say, 2-5 reps in the tank; they were failure if you want to experience robust leaving 10+ reps in the tank. Thus, there hypertrophy with low loads. Without hasn’t been a true comparison between looking too hard at the literature, that challenging-but-non-failure low-load seemed to be a reasonably well-sup- training and challenging-but-non-fail- ported finding. There were quite a few ure high-load training. I was hoping this studies showing similar hypertrophy study (1) would provide some clarity, between high-load and low-load train- but alas, it did not. ing when sets were taken to failure, and In this study, once again, the low-load there were also studies showing mini- group trained way far from failure. On mal hypertrophy with non-failure low- paper, it looks like they stayed about load training (2, 3). Case closed? Far 15 reps from failure. In practice, it was from it. In the non-failure studies with probably closer to 20 reps. The failure low-load training, the low-load groups condition averaged 34.4 reps per set, but didn’t just stop sets shy of failure. They since they took each set to failure, they stopped sets way shy of failure. Low- almost certainly performed more reps load groups weren’t being instructed to during their first set, perhaps performing 9 41 reps on the first set, 34 on the sec- failure. It’s not a totally fair comparison ond, and 28 on the third, or something (at least if you’re interested in compar- of that nature. Sets with at least 15+ reps ing things on a per-set basis), because in the tank are unlikely to cause signifi- the non-failure group did a couple more cant fatigue, so the low-load non-failure sets (4). But still, I was surprised that condition in this study likely had at least hypertrophy was similar between condi- 15-20 reps in reserve on each set. So, tions. And if I’m being honest, I don’t we now have even more evidence that have a good explanation for it. This training with a whole heap of reps in re- study (1) is comparable to a prior study serve isn’t ideal for hypertrophy, but we by Goto and colleagues which also used still don’t know if you absolutely have knee extensions (5). Subjects performed to train to failure to maximize hypertro- 3 sets of 10 to failure on one leg, and 3 phy with low-load training, or whether quasi-cluster sets of 10 reps on the other you’re fine leaving a reasonable number leg, not to failure (they did 5 reps, rested (i.e. <5) of reps in reserve. 30 seconds, and did 5 more; proximity to failure wasn’t reported, but they like- The more interesting results of this ly had 3ish reps left in the tank at the end study, to me at least, were those ob- of the second mini-set each round). The tained in the high-load group. Much like group training to failure experienced the low-load group, the mean number of way more quad hypertrophy. I guess it’s reps per set in the failure condition like- possible that the two extra non-failure ly underestimates the number of reps sets in the present study were sufficient the subjects could perform when fresh. to equalize the stimulus, but … that Rather than doing 12.4 reps per set, it strikes me as unlikely. If I’m being hon- was probably something closer to 15, 12, est, this result is interesting, but it leaves and 10. So, since the non-failure group, me scratching my head. I’m comfort- again, likely accrued little fatigue per able with the idea of still maximizing set, they were probably training mostly hypertrophy while staying 2-3 reps from at 7-8+ reps from failure. Thus, it’s in- failure, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable credibly striking that hypertrophy was with the idea of still maximizing hyper- similar between high-load conditions. trophy with 7 reps in the tank. I’ll chalk As I detailed on Stronger By Science, this up to a possible false negative for thus far, the literature has largely sup- the between-conditions comparison that ported training to failure for untrained I’d really want to see replicated. lifters, but not for trained lifters. This is the first study on untrained lifters where I suppose it’s possible that I’m under- training this far from failure led to sim- estimating the amount of fatigue caused ilar growth when compared to going to by the high-load non-failure condition. 10

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