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Draft version January 12, 2017 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 GROWTH OF A MASSIVE YOUNG STELLAR OBJECT FED BY A GAS FLOW FROM A COMPANION GAS CLUMP Xi Chen1,2, Zhiyuan Ren2,3, Qizhou Zhang4, Zhiqiang Shen1,2, Keping Qiu5,6 Draft version January 12, 2017 ABSTRACT WepresentaSubmillimeterArray(SMA)observationtowardstheyoungmassivedouble-coresystem G350.69-0.49. This system consists of a northeast (NE) diffuse gas Bubble and a southwest (SW) 7 massiveyoungstellarobject(MYSO),bothclearlyseenintheSpitzer images. TheSMAobservations 1 revealagasflowbetweentheNEBubbleandtheSWMYSOinabroadvelocityrangefrom5to30km 0 s−1with respect to the system velocity. The gas flow is well confined within the interval between the 2 two objects, and traces a significant mass transfer from the NE gas Bubble to the SW massive core. The transfer flow can supply the material accreted onto the SW MYSO at a rate of 4.2×10−4 M n (cid:12) year−1. ThewholesystemthereforesuggestsamodeforthemassgrowthinMYSOfromagastransfer a J flow launched from its companion gas clump, despite that the driving mechanism of the transfer flow is not yet fully determined from the current data. 1 1 Subject headings: infrared: ISM – stars: formation – ISM: jets and outflows – binaries: general ] A 1. INTRODUCTION mation of the most massive stars via radiative Rayleigh- Taylor unstable outflows (Krumholz et al. 2009, Rosen G Massivestars(OandBstars)contributetotheimpor- et al. 2016) and via disk-mediated accretion (Nakano tantfeedbackinitiallyonthestarcluster,andultimately h. drive the overall evolution of the host galaxy through 1989, Yorke & Bodenheimer 1999, Yorke & Sonnhalter p their strong outflows, stellar winds and ionizing radia- 2002,Kuiperetal. 2010,2011). Bothscenariossolvethe - tions (Kennicutt 2005). Due to short Kelvin-Helmholtz radiation-pressure problem of spherically symmetric ac- o cretion flows via an anisotropy in the thermal radiation time scale, the massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) r field. The latter disk accretion scenario has been ob- t will experience a drastic bloating phase, during which s servationally supported by e.g. Johnston et al. (2015), a the stellar radius expands for ∼ 30 times larger and while the radiative Rayleigh-Taylor instability scenario [ then rapidly contract back to form the zero-age main sequence star (Behrend & Maeder 2001; Hosokawa & is supported by Kumar (2013). 1 On larger scales, the star-forming core should have a Omukai 2009; Kuiper & Yorke 2013). During the en- v sufficientmassstoragetofeedthecentralstarandshould tire process of massive star formation, how to maintain 1 not be dissipated by the stellar emission and outflow. thestableaccretiontoformtheobservedhigh-massstars 7 One possibility is that the cores obtain mass from its is thus a major question to be concerned. 8 surrounding cores and/or the natal gas clump. A rep- The mechanism for mass growth of massive forming 2 resentative model for this process is competitive accre- star is still in debate (see review papers, e.g., Zinnecker 0 tion (e.g., Bonnell & Bate 2006). However, till now the & Yorke 2007; Tan et al. 2014). Different scenarios have 1. beenproposedtoexplaintheirhighmasses, suchasstel- external gas supply is not fully confirmed in observa- 0 larcollisionsandmergersinverydensesystems(Bonnell tions. This should be mainly because the external gas 7 etal. 1998),monolithiccollapselikeinlow-massstarfor- flow into the core cannot be so easily identified. In sev- 1 eralideal cases, prominent convergingflowsinto thehub mation (Yorke & Sonnhalter 2002; McKee & Tan 2003), : or dense center of the filamentary structures have been v andcompetitiveaccretioninaproto-clusterenvironment observed (e.g. Kirk et al. 2013; Peretto et al. 2013), i (Bonnell et al. 2001, 2004; Bonnell & Bate 2006). Ac- X which strongly suggests gas inflow from the surround- cretion disks are expected at small scales in the both ing extended gas structures that is feeding the central r scenarios, i.e., the monolithic core collapse and compet- a young stars. Yet it still calls for more extensive studies itive accretion. Recently the field of theoretical under- to reveal two major properties, including 1) the specific standingofaccretioninmassivestarformationhasmade gas motions in the intermediate neighborhood of indi- clear process. However, two competing theories for ac- vidual cores, whether and how the accretion flow enters cretion are currently in conflict with each other: the for- the cores; 2) the dynamical cause of the inflow, whether 1Shanghai Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of it was driven by cloud collision, magnetic field or purely Science,NandanRd80,Shanghai,China due to the gravitational collapse. 2Key Laboratory of Radio Astronomy, Chinese Academy of In this paper, we present the observational results Sciences,Nanjing,JiangSu210008,China 3National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of towards a massive double-core system (G350.69-0.49, Science,ChaoyangDistrictDatunRdA20,Beijing,China G350.69 hereafter), which for the first time, exhibits an 4Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden evidentmasstransferflowlaunchedfromtheonecoreto Street,Cambridge,MA02138,USA supply the mass growth of its companion core which is a 5SchoolofAstronomyandSpaceScience,NanjingUniversity, 163XianlinAvenue,Nanjing210023,China MYSO. The double-core system shows extended shock- 6Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics (Nan- excited4.5µmemission(ExtendedGreenObject;EGO) jingUniversity),MinistryofEducation,Nanjing210023,China 2 Chen et al. identified from the Spitzer GLIMPSE II survey (Chen TheSWcompactobjectshouldcontainanMYSOdue et al. 2013). In Section 2 we described the observation toitsassociationwitha6.7GHzclassIImethanolmaser and data reduction for the observational data. In Sec- (Minier et al. 2003; Xu et al. 2007), which is known to tion 3 we presented the overall structure of dust and gas beanexclusiveMYSOtracer. Thisobjectalsocoincides distribution for this source. The kinematic features and withapointsourceseeninSpitzer 24and8µm,suggest- their possible origins are more specifically discussed in inganembeddedprotostarinadustenvelope(Chambers Sections 4 and 5. A summary is given in Section 6. et al. 2009). The NE diffuse component shown in IRAC 8 µm emission (Figure 1a) is identified as an MIR Bub- 2. OBSERVATIONANDDATAREDUCTION ble (Churchwell et al. 2006, 2007). Dynamically formed TheSMA7observationsofG350.69werecarriedouton BubbleswithbrightMIRemissionrequireastarorclus- ter with UV emission to excite the polycyclic aromatic 2014 May 5th in its compact array configuration. The hydrocarbon(PAH)featuresinthe5.8and8.0µmbands calibrationofthetimedependentantennagainswasper- (Churchwell et al. 2006). Based on its small angular formedbyfrequentobservationsofquasars1700-261and diameter of ∼ 30(cid:48)(cid:48) (corresponding to 0.4 pc, at a near 1744-312. The bandpass response was calibrated using kinematic distance of 2.7 kpc to this source, see Chen et the standard calibrator quasar 3C279; and the absolute al. 2013) and non-detections of Hii region tracers, such flux density was scaled by comparing with the modelled asthecentimeteremissionandradiorecombinationlines ones of Neptune and Titan. The two 4-GHz sidebands (Condon et al. 2008; Anderson et al. 2011), this Bubble were centered at 219 and 229 GHz, respectively. The should be produced by a young hot late-B (below B4) channel width is 0.812 MHz, corresponding to a veloc- ity resolution of 1.1 km s−1 at 230 GHz. The on-source star that failed to produce a detectable Hii region, but is still sufficiently intensive to blow a small dust Bubble integration time was 4.3 hours. The visibility data were calibrated using the IDL superset MIR8. The imaging viaradiationpressure(Churchwelletal. 2007). Alterna- and analysis were carried out in MIRIAD9. The synthe- tively,thecentralstarmaybemassivepre-main-sequence star that is in a bloating stage thus has a relatively low sized beam size, i.e., the angular resolution of the image data is 5.1(cid:48)(cid:48)×2.9(cid:48)(cid:48) with a position angle of 7◦ northwest temperature(Kuiper&York2013),therebyalowioniza- and the rms noise is 50 mJy beam−1 per-channel for the tion rate. But it may have intense stellar wind and/or molecular line data, and 3 mJy beam−1 for the 1.3 mm a high total luminosity in order to generate the dusty Bubble. continuum. The Herschel PACS 70 µm image is presented in Fig- ThecontinuumemissionsofG350.69frommid-tofar- ure 1b. The 70 µm emission region is reasonably coin- infrared were also acquired, including the Spitzer/IRAC cident with the Bubble seen in 8 µm emission. A closer images10 andtheHerschelPACS70,and100µm,SPIRE look shows that the emission is more intense towards its 250, 350, and 500 µm images 11. southwestside. ThisfeatureisalsolikelyseenintheHer- schel images at longer wavelengths despite their lower 3. OVERALLMORPHOLOGY resolutions, such as the SPIRE 500 µm images as shown 3.1. Spitzer and Herschel images in Figure 1c. It may reflect the trend that the Bubble The Spitzer image of three-color composite at three material is being concentrated around Core-2, the mass IRAC bands for the source G350.69 is presented in Fig- concentration is consistent with 13CO (2−1) emissions ure 1a. It can be clearly seen that this source resembles (see below). abinarysystem, containinganortheast(NE)diffuseob- 3.2. Millimeter Continuum and Gas distribution ject and a southwest (SW) compact object. There is a rather strong extended 4.5 µm emission (green feature The integrated 13CO emission and continuum emis- in the three-band RGB image) in the gap between the sion observed with the SMA are also shown in Figure 1. two middle-infrared (MIR) objects along the northeast- The13COemissionexhibitsanarc-shapedstructuresur- southwest (NE-SW) direction. There are other two 4.5 rounding the edge of the IRAC 8 µm gas Bubble. Such µm emission features along northwest-southeast (NW- a phenomenon has also been seen in other MIR Bubble SE) direction approximately perpendicular to the above objects. Thearc-shapedemissionshouldrepresentacold mentioned NE-SW direction. As suggested by previous gas-and-dustBubblebelievedtosurroundthecentralhot works (Cyganowski et al. 2008; Chambers et al. 2009; gas (Ji et al. 2012; Dewangan et al. 2012; Dewangan & Chen et al. 2013), the excessive 4.5 µm features should Ojha 2013; Xu & Ju 2014; Yuan et al. 2014; Liu et al. reveral the shock emission as induced by the supersonic 2016). The UV emission should have largely destroyed material flow along these directions. the molecules within the MIR Bubble (with a tempera- ture of a few 1000 K), thus no emission of molecular gas 7TheSubmillimeterArrayisajointprojectbetweentheSmith- can be seen from it. sonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Insti- Two significant dust continuum cores are detected in tuteofAstronomyandAstrophysics,andisfundedbytheSmith- thisbinarysystem: oneiscoincidentwiththeSWMYSO sonianInstitutionandtheAcademiaSinica. (denoted as Core-1), another near the edge of the MIR 8 seehttp://www.cfa.harvard.edu/cqi/mircook.html 9 http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/sma/miriad, Bubble (denoted as Core-2). Core-1 is a single, com- http://www.astro.umd.edu/∼teuben/miriad pact object. Using a two-dimensional Gaussian profile 10 from the Archive of the Spitzer Enhanced Imaging Products to fit its 1.3 mm emission region (Using the imfit task (SEIP),seehttp://sha.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/Spitzer/SHA/ in miriad), we obtained a spatial size of (b ,b ) = 11 Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science (3.3(cid:48)(cid:48),2.4(cid:48)(cid:48)). ThesizeofCore-2isfittedtobem(5a.j2(cid:48)(cid:48)m,4in.0(cid:48)(cid:48)), instruments provided by European-led Principal Investiga- tor consortia and with important participation from NASA. suggesting that it is more extended than Core-1. The http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/herschel/science-archive extent of the Bubble is measured from its IRAC 8 µm Mass growth in MYSO fed by companion 3 emission (Figure 1a). The results are shown in Table 1. describedinRen&Li2016,AppendixA.1therein). The rmslevelismeasuredtobe5−20mJybeam−1 through- 3.3. Core masses outtheHerschelbands. Itscontributionto∆S ismuch tot TheSpectralEnergyDistributions(SEDs)ofthecores less significant than the other two terms. The measured can be constructed from their flux densities in the Her- flux densities are shown in Table 2. schel bands. Based on the radiative transfer equation, Although the flux measurement in the SPIRE bands the flux density of the dust core from a gray-body emis- has large uncertainties due to the poor resolutions (Fig- sion model (Hildebrand 1983) is ure 2c), it does not largely increase the Td uncertainty mainly because the SED is more closely constrained by S =κ B (T )Ωµm N ν ν ν d H tot the emissions in shorter wavelengths (PACS bands). For κ B (T )M (1) each body, the observed flux densities can be well re- = ν νD2d Ω, produced using a single Td component. β and M70µm are also inferred from the SED fitting. The results are wherein S is the flux density at the frequency ν. Ω is ν presented in Table 1. the solid angle of the core or selected area. B (T ) is ν d The masses of Core-1 and Core-2 are calculated also the Planck function of the dust temperature T , N is d tot using the 1.3 mm emissions, which should represent the the gas column density (mostly HI+H ), µ = 2.33 is 2 masses of the compact gas components. The Bubble is the mean molecular weight (Myers 1983). m is the H not detected in 1.3 mm due to insufficient uv coverage mass of the hydrogen atom. κ is the dust opacity; ν for short baselines. it is assumed to be related with the frequency in the ThecolumndensityN(H )ofthethreeobjectsattheir form κ = κ (ν/230GHz)β. The reference value 2 ν 230GHz centersareallcalculatedfromthe70µmusingEquation κ230GHz = 0.009 cm2 g−1, is adopted from dust model (1). The values of Core-1 and Core-2 are also derived for the grains with coagulation for 105 years with ac- from the 1.3 mm intensities. And the number densities creted ice mantles at a density of 106 cm−3 (Ossenkopf n(H ) are then derived using n(H ) = N(H )/d¯, where 2 2 2 & Henning 1994). D = 2.7 kpc is the source distance d¯is the average diameter of the core that is d¯=(b + maj (Chen et al. 2013). We note that the near distance b )/2. The value should represent the average number min from the Galactic rotation curve is adopted. Another density at the center along the line of sight. D = 10.9 kpc, would cause the core masses to be un- reasonably high. For example, at D = 10.9 kpc, Core-2 4. KINEMATICALPROPERTIES masswouldbeM (cid:39)1400M , whichlargelyexceedsthe (cid:12) 4.1. Mass transfer flow most massive cores (e.g. M (cid:39) 500 M in Perreto et al. (cid:12) 2013). Figure 3a and 3b show the velocity-integrated 12CO The apertures to measure the flux densities are plot- emissions in different velocity ranges. The velocity ted in dashed lines in Figure 2b. The Bubble is over- ranges of these components can be determined from the lappedwithCore-2. Assumingauniformbrightnessover Position-Velocity diagrams as shown in Figure 3c. the Bubble surface, S was measured by subtracting ThePV1direction(Figure3c,upperpanel)showsthat Core2 the background emission measured from the bubble sur- the gas flow is distributed in a broad velocity range, ex- face away from Core-2. And for the Bubble, we have tendingfrom|∆V|=5to30kms−1 fromthecentralve- SBubble = SBubble+Core2−SCore2, wherein SBubble+Core2 locity (Vsys = −19 km s−1). The low- and high-velocity is their total flux density measured within the largest components are observed to have distinct morphologies. circle shown in Figure 2b. The low-velocity components have |∆V| < 15 km s−1 The SED fitting is mainly affected by the flux uncer- and are distributed in both blue- and red-shifted sides. tainties, which should be evaluated. The uncertainties Whereas the high-velocity component is only observed mainly include three factors, including the rms noise in the blueshifted side and is less intense than the low- over the image (∆S ), the errors in flux calibration velocity components. It is located between Core-1 and rms (∆S ), and the low angular resolution that blends Core-2 and with a velocity range of ∆V = 10−30 km cal different cores (∆S ). And the total uncertainty is s−1. res ∆S2 = ∆S2 +∆S2 +∆S2 . In G350.69, the un- The integrated emissions of the low-velocity com- tot rms cal res certaintieswerefoundtobedominatedbythethirdpart ponents (Figure 3a) are mainly extended from Core- sincethecoresarepoorlyresolvedintheHerschelbands. 1 to Core-2. The components along the PV-1 direc- In order to estimate its scale, we assumed each object to tionareroughlysymmetricallydistributedaroundCore- originallyhavea2DGaussiandistributionwiththehalf- 2. The blueshifted emission extends to Core-2 and is maximum diameter same as that shown in Table 1. almost rightly terminated at Core-1 center. Another The model image is convolved with the beam size and blueshifted emission feature is to the east of Core-2 at regridded with the pixel size in each band. And then we offset=(−15(cid:48)(cid:48),0(cid:48)(cid:48)). This feature is also seen in 13CO and compared the flux measurement between the modeled C18O and should trace the gas condensation in the Bub- and the observed images, and the difference between the bleshell. Figure3bshowsaverycompactmorphologyof twomayroughlyrepresenttheuncertainty. Wenotethat thehigh-velocityflowbetweenCore-1andCore-2. There the modeled image cannot represent the real dust distri- are no other emission features in this velocity range. butionbutisonlyusedtoestimatethefluxuncertainties. InPV2directiontherearetwogaslobessymmetrically As a result, the uncertainty scales (∆S /S ) are from distributedwithrespecttoCore-1. Theyare20(cid:48)(cid:48) distant res ν 10% to 150% for 70 to 500 µm bands. The flux calibra- from Core-1 center (Figure 3a). The two lobes also have tion uncertainties (∆S /S ) are around 5% to 10% for comparable velocity ranges (∆V =2 to 12 km s−1) and cal ν the Herschel bands (see PACS and SPIRE manuals, also intensities as shown in Figure 3c (lower panel). They 4 Chen et al. should represent a bipolar outflow ejected from Core-1. Core-1fromitsnortheasttosouthwest. Thevelocitygra- It is noticed that each outflow lobe has both red- and dient should indicate the core rotation with an average blueshiftedemissions. Thismaysuggestthattheoutflow velocity of V =1.2 km s−1. lsr axisisclosetotheplaneofthesky,sothateachlobecan Comparing with Figure 3a, one can see that the two exhibit opposite gas motions as projected along the line outflow lobes of the 12CO in PV2 direction are actually of sight. alignedquitewellalongtherotationalaxis. Thissuggests The SiO (5−4) and H CO (3-2) emissions and PV thatCore-1maycontainadisk-jetsystem,withthemid- 2 diagrams are shown in Figure 4. The two species both plane roughly in parallel with the direction from Core-2 havecompactemissionregionsaroundCore-1andCore-2 to Core-1. The velocity at northeast edge of Core-1 is (Figure 4a), but largely differ in their velocity distribu- smoothly connected with the mass transfer flow arrived tions (Figure 4b). The SiO emission has a large fraction on its edge (Figure 5b, upper panel). This suggests that extending to the blueshifted side up to ∆V =10 km s−1 the mass transfer flow may be also bringing angular mo- (Figure 4b, upper panel). Similar with the high-velocity mentum into Core-1, thereby help sustain or enhance its 12CO flow, the blueshifted SiO emission is also confined rotation. between Core-2 and Core-1. In comparison, the H CO Assuminga12COabundanceof10−4andanexcitation 2 hasonlyonenarrowvelocitycomponentemissionaround temperature similar with the Core-1 dust temperature the V from Core-2 to Core-1, despite that it also has (21 K, see Table 1), the masses of the two outflow lobes sys weak emissions to the blueshifted side. were estimated to be M =0.5 and 0.7 M(cid:12), for the blue The SiO emission also suggests that the mass trans- and red lobes, respectively. From their average velocity fer flow is launched from Core-2 to Core-1. At the (∼ 6 km s−1) and distance (∼ 15(cid:48)(cid:48), corresponding to Core-2 center (offset= 12(cid:48)(cid:48) in the PV diagram, Figure 4×104 AU) from Core-1, the time scale of the outflow 4b), the SiO emission feature continuously extend from is estimated to be t =4.8×104 year, and the outflow out V =−18 to −25 km s−1. While at Core-1 (offset=0(cid:48)(cid:48)) rate is M˙ = M /t (cid:39) 2×10−5 M year−1, which lsr out out out (cid:12) thereisapparentlyavelocitygapbetweentheblueshifted is much smaller than the mass transfer rate due to the emission (−27,−21) km s−1 and the Core-1 emission gasflow. ThissuggeststhatCore-1shouldbedominated (−20,−15) km s−1. A reasonable explanation is that by the transfer flow thus in a mass growth. the mass transfer flow is being braked at Core-1 so that the velocity distribution is also interrupted. In fact, as 5. DISCUSSION:ORIGINATIONOFTHETRANSFERFLOW seeninFigure3c,thehigh-velocitycomponentin12COis 5.1. Possibility: An outflow from Core-2 also connected with Core-2, likely being accelerated and The first possibility is that the transfer flow between terminated towards Core-1. The fact that mass transfer thetwocoresisapartofjet-likeoutflowdrivenbyanem- flowisstartedfromCore-2andterminatedatCore-1sug- bedded protostar in Core-2 on the Bubble edge. It is in geststhatitcouldsupplythemassforthestarformation a morphological agreement with the low-velocity 12CO in Core-1. components that have symmetric blue- and red-shifted Assuming the mass transfer flow to have a cylindri- emission regions around Core-2 (see Figure 3a). How- cal shape that links Core-1 and Core-2, the correspond- ever, it should be questioned why the high-velocity flow ing mass transfer rate to Core-1 can be approximately (Figure 3b) does not have a redshifted counterpart on derived using M˙trans = µmH2NH2dflowv¯flow. Here NH2 the northeast side of Core-2. There are three possible is the gas column density in the region of the transfer causes for such asymmetry. First, the high-velocity out- flow, dflow is the average diameter of the flow cross sec- flow might be intrinsically unipolar or has a very weak tion, v¯flow is the average flow velocity. In calculation, we red lobe. Second, the blue lobe might be dissipated in adoptNH2 =5×1022 cm−2 whichisderivedfromthe1.3 the hot Bubble. Third, the high-velocity flow could be mmdustemissionbetweenCore-1andCore-2(∼0.014Jy compressed by the infalling gas into Core-2. beam−1). Theflowdiameterdflow isadoptedaswidthof The second and third cases both anticipate the out- theSiOemissionregion(Figure4a)deconvolvedwiththe flow to have a significant interaction with the Bubble beam size, that is d = 5.0(cid:48)(cid:48) (∼14000 AU). The flow ve- or infalling gas. Then we would expect them to gen- locityisadoptedasthemeanvelocityofthelow-velocity erate shocked region. However, the redshifted CO out- component in 12CO (vflow =7 km s−1 as measured from flowlobeisnotevidentlydetectedineitherSiOorIRAC Figure 3c). Based on these values, we estimate the mass 4.5 µm emission, suggesting that the gas interaction be- transfer rate of 4.2×10−4 M yr−1. tweenCore-2andtheBubbleisnotsignificant,oratleast (cid:12) We note that the 12CO blue lobe (Figure 3a) appar- weaker than that between Core-1 and Core-2. ently has a larger width than the SiO emission region, namely a larger d . It would imply a higher mass 5.2. Possibility: A Roche overflow flow transfer rate if the gas traced by the 12CO blue lobe Another possible kinematics process for the observed can be all obtained by Core-1. masstransferflowisthatthematerialistheRocheover- flowfromtheMIRBubbletotheCore-1. Thisscenariois 4.2. Core rotation and Bipolar outflow from Core-1 proposedmainlybasedonthetwodistinctfeatureswhich The integrated emission region and the intensity- arealreadyshownabove: (1)agasflowfromCore-2and weightedvelocityfield(moment-1map)oftheC18O(2-1) Core-1 with broad velocity range, (2) the rotation and are shown in Figure 5a. The PV diagrams of the C18O bipolar outflow in Core-1. Based on these two features, and13COlinesareshowninFigure5b. TheC18Oshows theentiresystemvividlyresemblesabinarysystemwith alinearvelocitygradientthroughoutCore-1,withthera- the Roche overflow exceeding the Lagrange L1 point to dialvelocityrangeofV =(−18.5,−16)kms−1through accrete onto the companion star. The likelihood of such lsr Mass growth in MYSO fed by companion 5 scenariocanbeevaluatedbasedonthegeometryandthe whereinR isthedistancevectorfromCore-1toCore-2, 12 core masses. Ωistheangularvelocityoftheirrotation. Itisestimated A critical position in the Roche-overflow system is the from the velocity difference between Core-1 and Core-2 Lagrange point L1, where the gravities from the two ob- and their distances assuming an inclination angle of 45◦ jects reach a balance. If the material from one of the with respect to the line of sight. And the masses are binary members moves over this point, it would accrete M =M in1.3mmbecausetheEquation(5) 1,2 Core1,Core2 onto the companion object if there are no other pertur- is only for the dense cores (the extended component is bations. The distance from L1 to Core-1 center r can be modeled in Equation (6) as following). estimated using the equation: The second contribution is from more extended gas components, including the Bubble and the Core-1 enve- M M M r(M +M ) 2 = 1 + 2 − 1 2 , (2) lopethatisnotsampledintheSMA1.3mmcontinuum. (R−r)2 r2 R2 R3 The potential field is numerically sampled using wherein R is the distance between the two compan- (cid:90) dM(r ) ions, M and M are their masses (assuming M > M φ (r)=−G ext . (4) 1 2 2 1 ext |r−r | without losing generality). In G350.69, the masses are ext adopted to be M2 = MCore2+Bubble and M1 = MCore1, The integration is numerically performed for the Bubble using the masses measured from the 70 µm continuum and the envelope in the model. And the total potential (see Table 1). The mass center of M2 is relatively un- is certain,andweconsideredtwolimitsthattheM center 2 φ(r)=φ (r)+φ (r). (5) varies from the Bubble center to the Core-2 center. cores ext Figure6showstheM positionandthecorresponding For the fraction of gas that is falling into the cores 2 L1 point range, which extends from the Bubble edge to originally from Bubble center, the gas velocity purely the interval between Core-2 and Core-1. Since the SiO due to φ(r) would be and13COemissionsareallcontinuouslydistributedfrom (cid:112) Core-1toCore-2,thegasflowwouldobviouslypropagate vinf(r)= 2[φ(r0)−φ(r)], (6) over L1 and accretes onto Core-1. wherein r is the vector distance form Core-1 center to In the classical condition of a Roche overflow, the gas 0 the Bubble center. We note that owing to the viscos- motion is determined by the equivalent gravity field in ity deceleration and the projection effect, the modelled the binary system. To examine this, we made a simple velocity field should represent the upper limit for the model to estimate the gas velocity from the core masses observed velocity along the line of sight. The derived and compare it with the observed velocity distribution. velocity distribution is shown in Figure 7c. The highest We first calculated the gravitational potential field due velocity is reached at Core-2 center, and Core-1 center to the four gas components: also has a local maximum of v (cid:39)4 km s−1, which are (1). The Bubble which is assumed to be concen- inf both within our expectation. trated within a half-elliptical shell with number density Figure 7d to 7f show the observed 12CO, 13CO and n ,anditsprojectedimagewasadjustedtobebest 0,Bubble SiO velocity distribution from Core-2 to Core-1, respec- coherent with the 13CO image. tively (same as the PV diagrams shown in Figure 3 to (2,3). ThedenseinnercomponentsofCore-1andCore- 5). Themodelledvelocityprofileisoverlaidinred-square 2, which have uniform density and radii equal to the line. One can see that for the 13CO (2-1) and SiO (5-4) deconvolved radii of the SMA 1.3 mm cores. line, the calculated velocity profile is reasonably consis- (4). The envelope of Core-1, which has a power- tent with the maximum value of the gas flow, except law density profile out of r , that is n(r) = Core−1 for that a fraction of the SiO (5-4) emission is beyond n (r/r )−p (r > r ), wherein the power-law index is 0 0 0 the modelled curve around Core-1. For the 12CO (2-1), adopted to be p = −1.1, as the average value for the the blueshifted emission feature, in particular the high- massive molecular cores (Butler & Tan 2012). We note velocity component, largely exceeds the modelled curve. that the extended gas around Core-2 should be included This indicates that the high-velocity component of the in the Bubble shell, thus an envelope for Core-2 was no flowcannotbegeneratedsolelybythegravityofthetwo more separately modelled. cores. For each component, its reference number density n 0 Besides an outflow from Core-2, the central star in is adjusted so that the total mass is consistent with the the Bubble an also accelerate the mass transfer flow. observed value. For the envelope of Core-1, the mass In the case of Roche overflow, the gas could be origi- shouldbeMenv =M70µm−M1.3mm =13M(cid:12) (seeTable nally pushed towards the Roche lobe boundary by the 1). The surface contour of each component is shown in radiation pressure and/or stellar wind from the central Figure 7a. The projected gas distribution on the X-Y star in the Bubble. In this case, Roche lobe boundary planeisshowninFigure7b,whereintheintegrated13CO should be largely overlapped with the observed bubble emission is also overlaid. shell(Figure5a). Thegaswouldbecompressedontothe In the reference frame co-rotating with the two cores, shellexceptattheL1point,whereinthegascandirectly the equivalent potential well out of the core boundaries move to Core-1 due to the Roche overflow and is not ac- (|r|>r and |r−R |>r ) is: core1 12 core2 cumulatedtherein. Therefore, thedrivingforcefromthe GM GM centralstarwouldacceleratetheflowwithoutresistance, φ (r)=− 1 − 2 cores |r| |r−R | forming the high-velocity flow as observed. In the mean 12 (3) time, the materials on the shell would slowly slide onto 1 M R − [Ω×(r− 1 12 )]2, the L1 point and join into the transfer flow. 2 M +M 1 2 6 Chen et al. As a short summary for the mass transfer flow, the tostar in Core-2, or via a Roche overflow). All above gravity from Core-1 and Core-2 would be almost suf- findingssupportthatmasstransferflowcanconsiderably ficient to pull the gas from the Bubble and generate sustain the growth of the high-mass young star embed- the low-velocity mass transfer flow. Whereas the high- dedinCore-1,thereforesuggestingadistinctmodeofthe velocity flow is likely to require an additional driving mass growth of MYSO via a gas transfer flow launched force. TheoutflowfromCore-2mightbeapossiblecase, from its companion gas clump. while the stellar wind and radiation from the progenitor star of the Bubble is also a considerable factor. We note ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the low-velocity flow is much more intense than the Our results are based on the observations made us- high-velocitypartandwouldcontributeamajorfraction ing the Submillimeter Array (SMA), which is a joint of the mass transfer rate. project between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Obser- vatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy 5.3. Contribution to the Mass Growth in Core-1 andAstrophysicsandisfundedbytheSmithsonianInsti- Although we can not fully determine the initial driv- tution and the Academia Sinica. This research has also ing mechanism for the mass transfer flow from the cur- made use of the data products from the GLIMPSE and rent data, the observations reveal that the Core-1 is ob- MIPSGAL surveys, which are legacy science programs taining mass via the transfer flow and has likely formed of the Spitzer Space Telescope funded by the National a disk-outflow system in its accretion. In an isolated Aeronautics and Space Administration. This work was isothermal collapsing core, the mass infall would reach supportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationof a maximum if the entire core is in a free-fall collapse, China(11590781,11403041and11273043),theStrategic that is M˙ ≈ M /t , wherein t = [3π/(32Gρ)]1/2 is Priority Research Program “The Emergence of Cosmo- dc ff ff logical Structures” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences the free-fall time, calculated to be t (cid:39) 1.2×105 years. ff (CAS), Grant No. XDB09000000, the Knowledge In- For Core-1, using the density from the 1.3 mm contin- novation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences uum (ρ=3.0×10−18 g cm−3, see Section 3.3 and Table (Grant No. KJCX1-YW-18), the Scientific Program of 1), the mass infall rate is derived to be 5.0×10−4 M (cid:12) Shanghai Municipality (08DZ1160100), and Key Labo- yr−1. This value is comparable with the mass transfer ratory for Radio Astronomy, CAS. 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Parameters Core-1 Core-2 Bubble M70µm(M(cid:12))a 28 47 75 M1.3mm(M(cid:12)) 15 35 − MC18O(M(cid:12)) - - 70 β 2.3 2.7 2.0 Td(K)a 21 24 22 bmaj 3.3(cid:48)(cid:48) 5.4(cid:48)(cid:48) 15(cid:48)(cid:48) bmin 2.4(cid:48)(cid:48) 4.0(cid:48)(cid:48) 10(cid:48)(cid:48) PAc 10◦ 5◦ 20◦ N(H2)70(cm−2)b 8.5×1022 3.5×1023 3.9×1022 N(H2)1.3(cm−2)b 1.2×1023 4.6×1023 − n(H2)70(cm−3) 3.5×105 1.0×106 1.0×105 n(H2)1.3(cm−3) 7.8×105 2.5×106 − a.ThedusttemperaturesareobtainedfromSEDfittingofthefluxden- sitiesinHerschel70,160,250,350,and500µmbands. b.N(H2)oftheBubbleiscalculatedfromthe70µmemissionattheBub- blecenter. c.Thepositionangleismeasuredcounterclockwisefromnorthdirection. TABLE 2 The flux densities of the three objects in Janskys. Parameters Core-1 Core-2 Bubble F70 135(13) 56(6) 82(8) F160 110(13) 83(10) 147(18) F250 67(24) 61(22) 73(26) F350 16(10) 18.2(12) 18.7(12) F500 4.0(7) 9.0(12) 4.5(5) Fa 0.16 0.3 <0.01 1.3mm a.The Bubble is too extended to be observed in SMA 1.3 mm, thus the emissionismainlyfromCore-2. Mass growth in MYSO fed by companion 9 (a) (b) Herschel/PACS 70 μm (c) Herschel/SPIRE 500 μm bubble Core-2 Core-2 Core-2 (bubble edge) (bubble edge) (bubble edge) + Core-1 + Core-1 Jy/beam + Core-1 (MYSO) (MYSO) (MYSO) 13CO shell + 13CO shell + 13CO shell + IRAC RGB Jy/pixel Fig. 1.— (a) Overall structures of the binary G350.69-0.49 from the Spitzer and SMA observations. The background is the Color-synthesizedimagefromtheSpitzer/IRAC3.6(blue),4.5(green),8.0(red)µmbands. Theredemissioninthe8.0µmband highlights the hot gas Bubble illuminated by the central star; the 4.5 µm emission is largely contributed by the shock excited CO and H emission, and thus may trace the interaction between the high-velocity gas flow and the surrounding gas. The 2 blue contours represent the velocity integrated 13CO emission. The contour levels are 4, 10, 20, 30 times 0.75 Jy beam−1 km s−1.The thin white contours represent the 1.3 mm continuum emission which reveals two dense dust-and-gas cores located at theBubbleedgeandtheMYSO,respectively.Thecontourlevelsare4,10,20,30,40,50times0.003Jybeam−1. (b)The13CO (2-1) and 1.3 mm continuum emissions overlaid on the Herschel/PACS 70 µm continuum image (gray scale). The two dashed circles represent the apertures to measure the flux density of Core-1 and the total flux density of Core-2+Bubble. (c) Same as (b) except for that the background image is the SPIRE 500 µm image. Core-1 Core-2 Bubble Td u s t = 21± 2 K Td u s t = 24±2 K Td u s t = 22±2 K β=2.3 β=2.7 β=2.0 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2.— The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for the three objects. The apertures for measuring the flux densities are presented in Figure 1b. The yellow-shaded area represent the variation of the best-fit SED curve due to the flux uncertainties. 10 Chen et al. pv1 Gas bubble low-velocity blue lobe Gas bubble high-velocity flow 20 Red lobe + 10 Core-2 pv1 pv2 pv1 pv2 low-velocity red 0 fast flow + Core-2 low-velocityCore-1 +Core-2 + blue 20pv2 + Core-1 +Core-1 n (arcsec) 100 C+ore-1 o ositi-10 p (a) (b) -20(c) -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 velocity (km/s) Fig. 3.— Molecular gas kinematics of the G350.69-0.49 region from the SMA observations. (a) The 12CO low-velocity flow components in different velocity ranges. The cyan and red represent the low-velocity flow in (-32,-22) and (-16,-4) km s−1 ranges, respectively. And the contour levels are 4, 10, 20, 30, 40 times 0.72 Jy beam−1 km s−1; the white crosses represent the location of the two dense cores. (b) The fast flow in the velocity interval of (-50,-32) km s−1; the contour levels are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 times 0.86 Jy beam−1 km s−1. (c) The position-velocity diagrams along the two directions labelled in the main panel, with the velocity range and the bulk spatial extent of the gas flows indicated by the colored boxes. The contour levels are from 0.5 K (0.27 Jy beam−1) in step of 1 K. 15 SiO 5-4 H2CO 3-2 10 +core-2 5 0 + core-2 core-1 -5 + 15 mass transfer flow core-2 d f lo w =5.0” +core-1 arcsec)10 + pv direction on ( 5 ositi 0 + p core-1 (a) -5 (b) -25 -20 -15 velocity (km/s) Fig. 4.—(a) The velocity integrated emissions of the SiO (5-4) and H CO (3-2) lines overlaid on the IRAC 8 µm image. For 2 both species, the contours are 4, 6, 8... times the rms level (0.5 Jy beam−1 km s−1). The diameter of the flow cross section (d )ismeasuredandlabeledonthefigure. (b)thePVdiagramsofthetwolinesalongthevelocitygradientoverCore-1. The flow contour levels are 0.2 to 1.8 K in step of 0.2 K for SiO, and 0.3 to 5.1 K in step of 0.6 K for H CO. 2

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