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Mass and Spin of Poincar´e Gauge Theory by Ralf D. Hecht⋆ Department of Physics, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan 32054, ROC 5 9 9 1 Abstract n a J We discuss two expressions for the conserved quantities (energy momentum and 6 2 angular momentum) of the Poincar´e Gauge Theory. We show, that the variations of the Hamiltonians, of which the expressions are the respective boundary terms, are well 1 v defined, if we choose an appropriate phase space for asymptoticflat gravitatingsystems. 5 Furthermore, we compare the expressions with others, known from the literature. 3 0 1 0 5 9 / c q - r g : v i X r a ⋆ Present address: Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, D-50923 K¨oln, Germany 1 1. Introduction If one looks for expressions of energy for a gravitating system, a natural candidate for such an expression will be given by the Hamiltonian. In gravitational theories the Hamiltonian can be written in the form H = dB +J = dB, where J vanishes for exact ∼ solutions. Consequently the energy of exact solutions may be defined by E := H = Σ B, where Σ is a 3-dim. spacelike hypersurface. However the Hamiltonian is not ∂Σ R completely fixed by the requirement of generating the correct field equations, it can be R modifiedbyaddingatotaldivergenceorequivalentlyaboundarytermatspatialinfinity. As pointed out by Regge and Teitelboim [1] in the case of General Relativity, one has to adjust the boundary term in such a way that the variation of the Hamiltonian is well defined; this means that no variations of the derivatives of the variables occur. But this argumentation of Regge and Teitelboim fixes only the integrals, not the integrands, and the whole discussion depends on the phase space choosen. Therefore some freedom in constructing energy expressions still exists. In this paper, we will discuss two possible boundary terms for energy momentum and angular momentum of the Poincar´e Gauge Theory (PGT). One of the expressions was given by Nester [2], the other one (see [3]) is a modification of it. Both expressions were tested in [4] with exact solutions, but a detailed discussion has not been given. We will show that the variations of the respective Hamiltonians are well defined, in the sense of Regge and Teitelboim, if we choose an appropriate phase space for asymptotic flat gravitating systems. Suitable expressions for the conserved quantities of the PGT for asymptotic flat solutions were given earlier by Hayashi and Shirafuji [5] and by Blagojevi´c and Vasili`c [6]. In their works they have to restrict themself to an asymptotic Cartesian basis. Also approaches were made for calculating conserved quantitites of the PGT in asymp- totic anti-de Sitter space times, see [7] and [8], but they didn’t proof to be successful. One advantage of the expressions discussed here is that they need no restriction to an asymptotic Cartesian basis and can be evaluated also in asymptotic anti-de Sitter space times. First we will give a brief introduction into the framework of the PGT. Then we will calculate the fall off of asymptotic flat solutions of the PGT in order to be able to fix the phase space. In section 3 we will write down the Hamiltonian and the expressions we will deal with. The variation of the Hamiltonian and the argumentation of Regge and Teitelboim are worked out in section 4. In section 5 we show that the integrals of our expressions are indeed finite and conserved. Finally, in section 6, we will compare them with the work of Hayashi & Shirafuji [5] and Blagojevi´c & Vasili`c [6]. Let us shortlyrecapitulatetheunderlying theory andfix theconventions. The PGT (see, forinstance, [9,10])isagaugetheoryofgravityinwhichspacetimeisrepresentedby a 4-dimensional Riemann-Cartan manifold. The gauge potentials are the orthonormal basis 1-forms ϑα and the connection 1-forms ω β. The corresponding field strengths are α the torsion Θα = Dϑα := dϑα+ω α ϑµ and the curvature Ω β := dω β +ω β ω γ. µ α α γ α ∧ ∧ The sources of the gravitational fields are the 3-forms of material energy-momentum Σ and spin angular-momentum τ β which are variational derivatives of the material α α Lagrangian with respect to the gauge potentials. In order to have a local Poincar´e 2 invariant Lagrangian for the gravitational field, the gravitational Lagrangian should be of the form L = L (ϑα,Θα,Ω β)+L (ϑα,ψ,Dψ) . (1.1) G α M Variation with respect to the potentials yield the field equations DH ǫ = Σ and DH ǫ = τ , (1.2) α α α αβ αβ αβ − − where ∂L ∂L ∂L ∂L H := G = G , Hα := G = G , (1.3) α −∂dϑα −∂Θα β −∂dω β −∂Ω β α α and ǫ = e L +(e Θµ) H +(e Ω ν) Hµ , ǫ = ϑ H . (1.4) α α G α µ α µ ν αβ [β α] ⌋ ⌋ ∧ ⌋ ∧ ∧ In this article we restrict ourself to Lagrangians, which are at most quadratic in the field strengths. This leads to Λ 1 1 a L = cosη Θα H Ω β Hα + 0 Ω β ηα . (1.5) α α β α β l2 − 2 ∧ − 2 ∧ 4l2 ∧ where Λ is the cosmological constant, l the Planck length, η the volume 4-form, cos ηαβ = ∗(ϑα ϑβ), and ∗ the Hodge star. Then the field momenta can be expressed in ∧ terms of the irreducible pieces of the field strength [11]: 3 6 1 a 1 H = ∗ a (n)Θ , H = 0 η ∗ b (n)Ω , (1.6) α −l2 n α αβ −2l2 αβ − κ n αβ 0 n=1 ! 0 n=1 ! X X where κ , a , and b are coupling constants. As we are interested in asymptotic flat i i solutions, we set Λ = 0. cos In this article we use Greek letters to denote anholonomic indices, and Latin letters for holonomic indices. The metric is given by g = diag( 1,1,1,1). αβ − We will need some technical details: The connection ω β = r β +K β splits into α α α a purely Riemannian part r β and the contortion K β. The purely Riemannian part α α of the curvature is denoted by R β (Riemann 2-form). The Lie derivative of a scalar α valued form Ψ with respect to a vector field ξ is given by ℓ Ψ := ξ dΨ+d(ξ Ψ). For ξ ⌋ ⌋ tensor valued forms we have to use £ Ψ β := ℓ Ψ β +Ψ βl µ Ψ µl β , l β := e ℓ ϑβ , (1.7) v α v α µ α α µ α α ξ − ⌋ which may be more generally written as £ Ψ = ℓ Ψ l βSα Ψ , (1.8) v v α β − where Sα is the generator of the Lorentz group in the respective representation. β 3 2. The fall off of asymptotic flat PGT solutions For our discussion of the Hamiltonian and its boundary term we have to choose the phase space of our system. Therefore we consider first the behaviour of asymptotically flat exact solutions of the PGT (compare [9],[12]). We demand the solutions to be asymptotically flat and we use an asymptotically Cartesian coordinate system. Therefore we have a radial coordinate r. For a function, we define the fall off by lim (rnf) = constant : f = O n r→∞ ⇐⇒ etc.. We say a p form ω is O , ω = O , iff all their components with respect to the n n − asymptotically Cartesian basis are at least O . n We start with the requirement e α δ α +O , e α O and ω β O , ω β O . (2.1) i i 1 i ,j 2 iα 1 iα ,j 2 −→ −→ −→ −→ where e α are the components of the basis 1-forms and ω β the components of the i iα connection forms with respect to the asymptotically Cartesian holonomic basis: ϑα = e αdxi, ω β = ω βdxi. Of course, it follows that g = o + O , g = O (o is i α iα ij ij 1 ij,k 2 ij the Minkowskian metric tensor). For the field strength we have Θα = O , dΘα = O , 1 2 Ω β = O , dΩ β = O . α 2 α 3 As we are interested in the asymptotics of isolated gravitating systems, we only consider the vacuum field equations. For our purpose it is useful to split the momenta into an “Einsteinian” part and the rest (1) : E E 1 H =: H¯ a H where H := Kµν η and (2.2) α α − 0 α α −2l2 ∧ µνα a E H =: 0 η +H¯ =: H¯ a H . (2.3) αβ −2l2 αβ αβ αβ − 0 αβ E E Then H¯ β is at least O . Because of DH ϑ H we get from the second field α 2 αβ [α β] equation DH¯ = ϑ H¯ , which can be so≡lved fo∧r H¯ : αβ [α β] α ∧ 1 H¯ = eµ DH¯ + ϑ (eν eµ DH¯ ) , (2.4) α αµ α µν ⌋ 4 ∧ ⌋ ⌋ and the irreducible decomposition of this equation gives (a +a Ea )(n)Θα = O , (2.5) n 0 n 3 where [Ea ,aE ,aE ] = [ 1,2, 1]. Because of the identity 1 2 3 − 2 E 1 E 1 E 1 D H (e Θβ) H + Θβ (e H ) (Rµν Ωµν) η , (2.6) α α β α β µνα −2 ⌋ ∧ 2 ∧ ⌋ ≡ 2l2 − ∧ (1) If we choose the paramater a ,b such that H = η /(2l2) and H = 0, then i i αβ αβ α we get just Einsteins theory, whereas in the teleparallelism (Ω β = 0) the choice H = α α Kµν η /(2l2) leads to the teleparallel equivalent of General Relativity. µνα − ∧ 4 (ηαβγ = ∗(ϑα ϑβ ϑγ)) we get in the case that H¯ = 0, for the left hand side of the α ∧ ∧ first field equation (which we will call F ): α a a F = 0 (Ω ν R ν) ηµ 0 Ω ν ηµ + squares of curvature . (2.7) α µ µ να µ να 2l2 − ∧ − 2l2 ∧ Here the first term originates from the torsion part, and the last two terms from the curvature part of the field equation. If H¯ is not equal to zero, then it is of order O α 3 (see (1.6,2.3)) and gives no new contribution to the last equation (up to O terms). 4 Hence, in any case we have a F = O 0 R ν ηµ . (2.8) α 4 − 2l2 µ ∧ να If we require ω β = O with γ > 0, then the term O in the equation (2.7) above will α 1+γ 4 change into O , and also H¯ will be of order O . 4+γ α 3+γ 3. The Hamiltonian We rewrite the Lagrangian in the following form (see [13]) L = Θα H Ω β Hα +Dψ P Λ(ϑα,H ,Hα ,ψ,P) . (3.1) α α β α β − ∧ − ∧ ∧ − The field equations follow from the variational principle regarding the potentials ϑα, ω β, ψ and the momenta H , Hα and P as independent. The potential Λ is quadratic α α β in H and Hα in such a way, as to reproduce relations equivalent to (1.2). The α β Lagrangian is invariant under diffeomorphisms and SO(3,1) rotations. This invariance leads in the usual way to the Noether identities. We vary the Lagrangian, δL δL δL = d δϑα H δω β Hα +δψ P +δϑα +δω β + − ∧ α − α ∧ β ∧ ∧ δϑα α ∧ δω β α (cid:2) (cid:3) δL δL δL δL δψ + δH + δHα + δP (3.2) α β ∧ δψ δH ∧ δHα ∧ δP ∧ α β and deal only with the symmetry transformations Lorentz rotations and diffeomor- phisms. Then we have for instance δϑα = εα ϑβ ℓ ϑα or, δψ = εβ Sα ψ ℓ ψ etc. β ξ α β ξ − − (Sα are the generators of Lorentz rotations, εβ arbitrary parameters, and ξ is an ar- β α bitrary vector field, generating the diffeomorphism). Considering only diffeomorphism invariance, we will get eventually the first Noether identity (compare [10], [13]): δL δL δL δL (ξ ϑα) D +( 1)p+1(ξ ψ) D +D (ξ H )+D (ξ Hα )+ ⌋ ∧ δϑα − ⌋ ∧ δψ δH ∧ ⌋ α δHα ∧ ⌋ β α β δL δL δL δL ( 1)p+1D (ξ P) = (ξ Dϑα) +(ξ Ω β) +(ξ Dψ) + − δP ∧ ⌋ ⌋ ∧ δϑα ⌋ α ∧ δω β ⌋ ∧ δψ α δL δL δL (ξ DH )+ (ξ DHα )+ (ξ DP) , (3.3) α β δH ∧ ⌋ δHα ∧ ⌋ δP ∧ ⌋ α β 5 and we get the second Noether identity by using the Lorentz invariance of the La- grangian, δL δL δL δL δL D = ϑ[α Sα ψ + H Hα δω β − ∧ δϑβ] − β ∧ δψ δH ∧ β] − δHβ ∧ µ α [α µ δL δL + Hµ + PSα . (3.4) δHµ ∧ β δP ∧ β α The invariance of the Lagrangianleads also to the Noethercurrent. Wecan identify the Noether current 3-form from (3.2) as H = ξ L δϑα H δω β Hα +δψ P . (3.5) α α β ⌋ − ∧ − ∧ ∧ For a timelike vector field ξ and vanishing ε, the Noether current is just the canoni- calHamiltonianofthetheory,andthereforewewillcallinfutureH alsothe(generalized) Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian can be recast in the form: δL H dB +J := d ξα H +ε˜β Hα (ξ ψ) P +(ξ ϑα) + ≡ ∧ α α ∧ β − ⌋ ∧ ⌋ ∧ δϑα (cid:2) (cid:3) δL δL δL δL δL (ξ ψ) +ε˜β + (ξ H )+ (ξ Hα )+( 1)p+1 (ξ P) , ⌋ ∧δψ α∧δω β δH ∧ ⌋ α δHα ∧ ⌋ β − δP ∧ ⌋ α α β (3.6) where ε˜β := εβ + ξ ω β. Obviously, the Hamiltonian is weakly conserved (that is α α α ⌋ conserved for exact solutions), dH = 0. ∼ For a space time symmetry (a Killing field ξ) it is known that the gravitational part of the Hamiltonian is conserved, even if the gravitational field equations are not fulfilled. With the help of the Noether identities, we calculate the derivative of the Hamiltonian (ω˜ is the transposed connection (2) , ω˜ β := ω β +e Θβ): α α α ⌋ δL δL δL dH = dJ = £ ω β +£ ψ + £ Hα+ ξ α ∧ δω β ξ ∧ δψ δH ∧ ξ α α δL δL δL £ Hα + £ P +d (ε˜β D˜ ξβ) . (3.7) δHα ∧ ξ β δP ∧ ξ α − α ∧ δω β β α (cid:20) (cid:21) We see, that if ξ is a Killing field and the matter field equation is fulfilled, then the Hamiltonian is conserved, if we choose εβ = l β (because of the identity l β+ξ ω β α α α α D˜ ξβ). ⌋ ≡ α But we cannot simply use the boundary term B of (3.6) as superpotential for conserved quantitites. There exist mainly two obstacles: One reason is that the variation principle, as used in PGT, doesn’t give a proper momentum (it leads just to η β) for the linear (Hilbert-term) part of the Lagrangian. α We can study the situation in the case of GR: (2) The name is only appropriate, if one chooses a holonomic basis. 6 From the Hilbert Lagrangian we can get, by adding a total divergence, the La- grangian L′, which is constructed out of squares of the connection, 1 1 L = R β ηα =: L′ d(r β ηα ) =: L′ +dK. (3.8) H α β α β −2l2 ∧ − 2l2 ∧ We choose L′ as it does not contain second derivatives of the basis 1-form. The variation of this Lagrangian is M 1 M 1 M M δL′ = δϑµ dP + dϑ (e Pα) (e dϑ ) Pα +d(δϑµ P ) , (3.9) µ α µ µ α µ ∧ 2 ∧ ⌋ − 2 ⌋ ∧ ∧ (cid:20) (cid:21) M the term in the brackets is the Einstein 3-form, and the momentum is given by P = α 1/(2l2)r ν ηµ , which was first introduced by Møller [16] and is a kind of anholo- µ να − ∧ M nomic Freud potential. The Lagrangian may be now rewritten as L′ 1/2dϑα P . α ≡ ∧ We split the variation into a Lie derivative δ = ℓ and a rotational part, where the ξ ξ − generators of Lorentz transformations are denoted by εα ( δ ϑα = εα ϑµ), δ = δ +δ . β ε µ ξ ε Rewriting (3.9) gives δL M 0 = δϑα +d[δϑα Pα +ξ L′ +δ K] . ∧ δϑα ∧ ⌋ ε We identify the term in the brackets as the (generalized Hamiltonian or) Noether cur- rent. For the variations we get M 1 δ ϑα P +δ K = D(εβ ηα ) (3.10) ε α ε α β ∧ 2l2 ∧ and M M δL ℓ ϑα P +ξ L′ = d(ξαP )+ξα , (3.11) − ξ ∧ α ⌋ − α ∧ δϑα therefore the superpotential for the Noether current is M 1 ξαP + εβ ηα . (3.12) α α β − 2l2 ∧ Apparently this term is not contained in B of (3.6). The second reason is, that the boundary term B transforms not homogeneously. This restricts the range of application of this term to asymptotically Cartesian bases. If we want to improve B in this respect, we have to introduce an additional structure, a background fieldforinstance. Moreover, ingeneral spacetimes thereisno Killingfield at our disposel. But if we deal with spacetimes, which possess asymptotical symmetries, it is natural to use these asymptotical symmetries in order to fix the free parameters ξ and b ε. Therefore, weintroduce a background spacetime U which isa copy of theasymptotic 4 regions (spacelike infinity) of our physical spacetime U . This background space time 4 will allow us also to construct covariant expressions for the boundary term, see below. b The geometric quantities ϑα and ωb β of the background space time should not exhibit α 7 anydynamics. Inordertodealwithboththephysicalandthebackgroundquantities, we map the background space-time onto the physical space-time by some diffeomorphism b f (we need only to identify the outer regions of the space times) f : U U . This 4 4 −→ induces the forms ϑ◦α := f−1∗ ϑbα and ω◦ β := f−1∗ ωb β and vector fields ξ := f ξb. For α α ∗ the diffeomorphism f we demand that b g =g +O(1/r) (3.13) ij ij for an appropriate coordinate system. The mapping can be constructed by identifying b the coordinate systems x of U and y of U , with f = y−1 x if the coordinate systems 4 4 ◦ fulfill (3.14) (see, for instance, [14] for a similar construction). Ifwe now varythepotentialsand momenta ofthephysical spacetime, thequantities ϑbα and ωb β remain of course fixed. Also ϑ◦α and ω◦ β remain fixed, if the function f does α α not change. Notice that in this construction a change of ξ, induced by variations of the potentials and momenta, can only occur, if the function f is affected by this variation. ◦ But in this case, also the quantities ω◦ β and ϑα have to change. We will not consider α this possibility. The Hamiltonian is not fixed by the conservation law or the field equations, we can always add a surface term, H = dB + J H = dB + J. This freedom we i i −→ will use to improve B concerning the flaws mentioned above and make the variation of the (improved) Hamiltonian well defined in the sense of Regge and Teitelboim [1] (see below). As we are only interested in the behavior of the boundary terms in the asymptotic region of spacetime, we will henceforth neglect the matter fields, which are supposed to vanish in this region. Here we will show, that both of the following boundary terms B = (ξ ϑα) ∆H +∆ω β (ξ Hα )+(ξ ω β) ∆H β , (3.14) 1 α α β α α ⌋ ∧ ∧ ⌋ ⌋ ∧ (where ∆ω β = ω β ω◦ β etc.) which was given by Nester [2] and (see [3]) α α α − ◦ B = (ξ ϑα) ∆H +∆ω β (ξ Hα )+ D˜ ξβ ∆Hα (3.15) 2 α α β α β ⌋ ∧ ∧ ⌋ ∧ makethevariationsofthecorrespondingHamiltonianswelldefined, ifwechoosesuitable phase spaces forasymptoticflat solutions. The expressions were not deduced as Noether current of a suitable Lagrangian (like B), but the improvements were done by hand and we will justify this choice later (section 4). Observe that the expressions contains a term ω βξ Hα , which equals the Møller potential in leading order. The expression α β ⌋ ◦ ε β = e D˜ξβ which we choose in B , is a covariant generalization of the generators α α 2 ⌋ of rotations in Minkowski space and is in fact antisymmetric, since ξ is a killing vector of the background. The conserved quantities (total momentum and angular momentum) of asymptotic flat solutions are now calculated by integrating the surface term over a 2-sphere with radius R and take the limes R : → ∞ Q(ξ) := lim B(ξ) (3.16) R→∞ZS2 8 By choosing the vector field ξ to be one of the Killing-fields of the Minkowski- space, one get the corresponding conserved quantity. This calculations were done in [4] for both expressions with asymptotic flat and asymptotic constant curvature solutions of PGT. The results were, for the tested solutions, the same as for the corresponding solutions of General Relativity. 4. The variation of the Hamiltonian The variation of the Hamiltonian has the general pattern: δ H = δϑα a +δω β bα +cα δH +d β δH β +dX , (4.1) α α β α α α ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ZΣ ZΣ (cid:0) (cid:1) As pointed out by Regge and Teitelboim [1], we have to make sure that dX vanishes, Σ otherwise the field equations are not expressible as variational derivatives of the Hamil- R tonian with respect to the potentials and momenta. To reach this goal, we are free to add a boundary term to the Hamiltonian. Nester set ε β = 0 and obtained the following term from the variation of his α Hamiltonian H = dB +J: 1 1 X = δ(ξ ϑα) ∆H δϑα (ξ H )+∆ω β δ(ξ Hα )+ 1 α α α β ⌋ ∧ − ∧ ⌋ ∧ ⌋ δ(ξ ω β) ∆Hα . (4.2) α β ⌋ ∧ The variation of the Hamiltonian H = dB +J yields: 2 2 X = δ(ξ ϑα) ∆H (δϑα) (ξ H )+∆ω β δ(ξ Hα ) 2 α α α β ⌋ ∧ − ∧ ⌋ ∧ ⌋ ◦ (ξ ω β) δHα +δ(e D˜ξβ) ∆Hα . (4.3) α β α β − ⌋ ∧ ⌋ ∧ ◦ In (4.3) we set δ(e D˜ξβ) = 0, because we do not vary the background quantities. For α ⌋ completness we also write down the variation of the canonical Hamiltonian (3.6): X = δ(ξ ϑα) H δϑα (ξ H )+δ(ξ ω β) Hα δω β (ξ Hα ) . (4.4) α α α β α β ⌋ ∧ − ∧ ⌋ ⌋ ∧ − ∧ ⌋ These formulas are for no use, if we do not have a phase space given. Here we are interested in asymptotically flat solutions. For the potentials and momenta we do not demand that they fulfill the field equations, but we require that they possess the same asymptotic fall off as asymptotically flat solutions of the field equations as worked out in Sec. 2. For the background we choose the Minkowski space and a Cartesian basis. ◦ Then we have vanishing H , ω◦ β, and the field momentum of rotation is reduced to α α ◦ Hα = (a /2l2) η◦α . For the potentials we require the fall off as given in (2.1) and β 0 β for the m−omenta as well as for their variations we require H¯ = O , H¯α = O . α 3 β 2 9 Now we can start with the variation of the Hamiltonian for asymptotic flat space- times as specified above. We begin with the variation of the canonical Hamiltonian and first consider only translations. X = ξ δϑα H +δω β Hα . (4.5) α α β ⌋ ∧ ∧ The integral dX = X wi(cid:2)ll vanish, if X fall off fa(cid:3)ster than r−2. Because the Σ ∂Σ variations of the potentials are independent, each of the terms should fall off faster than R R O in order to make the variation of the Hamiltonian well defined. But solutions will 2 in general not have this fall off. Moreover, the Hamiltonian will not give a reasonable energy momentum-expression in the case of GR. Therefore we turn to the Hamiltonian H . To the canonical Hamiltonian (3.6) we add the following surface term: 2 d ξ (ω β Hα ) . (4.6) α β − ⌋ ∧ (cid:2) (cid:3) The improved Hamiltonian is then given by H˜ = d (ξ ϑα) H +ω β ξ Hα +J , (4.7) α α β ⌋ ∧ ∧ ⌋ (cid:2) (cid:3) which is just the Hamiltonian H for the case that ξ is a translational Killing field of the 2 ◦ background Minkowski space time, because in this case D˜ ξβ vanishes. The variation α of this Hamiltonian leads to a boundary term X = ξ δϑα H ω β δHα . (4.8) 2 α α β ⌋ ∧ − ∧ (cid:2) (cid:3) If we now use the relations (2.2,3), we obtain a X = ξ δϑα H¯ + 0 δϑµ r β ηα ω β δH¯α = ξO . (4.9) 2 ⌋ ∧ α 2l2 ∧ α ∧ βµ − α ∧ β 3 h i Therefore the variation of the generator of the translations is well-defined. For spacelike rotations, the Killing field of the background is ξi = x δi x δi , M,N = 1,2,3 fixed . (4.10) N M M N − ◦ Now εβ no longer vanishes. As D˜ ξβ is evaluated on the background, its variation α α vanishes and the variation of the Hamiltonian H is also given by (4.9). 2 WecanwriteX = ξ Y (forY = Yαη ), andweareonlyinterestedintheprojection α ⌋ of this integrand on the 2-sphere t=const, r=const. This projection can be written as ξaY0dS ξaY0x dθdφ = 0. Therefore the variation of the generator of the rotations a a ∼ is well defined. For the boosts we need stronger restrictions (compare [6]). We demand ω β = O where γ > 0 . (4.11) α (1+γ) Then the last term of the rhs of (4.9) is of order O , and, because of 3+γ ξi = x δi x δi , (4.12) N 0 − 0 N 10

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