OO. MCB s rnUDIES MWSCU~ INI IN !JOMCE CONSTRUCT! Masculinitiesin Joyce Th.t.a One I1 11111111111111111111111 UY05-LHL-DGZ6 EUROPEAJNO YCES TUDIES 10 GeneralE ditor:F ritz Senn AssociateE ditor:C hristinev an Boheemen MASCULINITIESI N JOYCE POSTCOLONIALC ONSTRUCTIONS Edited by Christinev an Boheemen-Saaf and ColleenL amos Amsterdam• Atlanta,G A 200 I EJS gratefully acknowledges permission from lhe Poetry and Rare Books Room at SUNY-Buffilloto use Brancusi'sp rofile of Joyce on lhe cover. The paper on which Ibis book is printed meets lhe requiremems of "ISO 9706: I 994, Information and cloc:umentalion• Paper for documents • Requirementsf or permanence". ISBN: 90-420-1276-S( bound) CEditions Rodopi B.V~ Amsladam • Atlanla,G A 2001 Printed in The Netherlands CONTENTS BiNiograpbiral- 5 J.,,.,... Mla:alinlliec Anlnlloduction 7 Or. -llolaoffln,rulQJllom1- MaacallnilyGamesin'AllertheRace' 13 MllrgolN orris Sllnding the l!mplre:D rinking. Maacallnily,a nd Modemlly in "Coanlelp,ar,ll.' .,Un Dull'y's5abjedlvalian:lhe~Ufeol'APainfulOw!' Qillom1- .,.. If a Man Wen,A ulharolffimaelf:Ulenllure, Maaming and Maacallnilyi n 'The Dead" llidwnlS- 'Do v. .. eanlb ataMan?':lheCullmeol Anxiaul Maacallnilyin Ulyas 113 T,uyT-~ Ulyas and the End olGender 137 VidiMnff,y 'Twmty PocloetABm it l!naagh for Their lies': PodoeledO lljeclsu l'ropl cl lllocm's Maacallnilyi n Ulyas K,irml.llromtD, 177 -- lheHaunledlnklx>llle:Shem'IShit-ScriplandAnal &olidlminRmtep,,,l'llllr 1!15 219 261 BmUOGRAPHICAL NOTE In keeping with the previous volumes in the series we adopt the following conventions to refer to what we have treated as the standard editions oi Joyce's works: c:w Joyce, James. The Critiad Warlcso f J- Joycee.d . Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. New York:V iking Pres, 1959. D Joyce,J ames. Dublinas, ed. RobertS choles in aJll9Wlatianw ith RichardE llmannN. ew York:V iking Pres, 1967. fW Joyce,J ames. FinneganWs Iike.N ew York:V iking Pres, 1939; London: Faber and Faber, 1939.T hese two editionsh avei dentical pagination. GJ Joyce,J ames. GillcomJooy ceed, . RichardE llmannN. ew York: Viking Press, 1968. JJII Richard EDmannJ.1 11JMoySc ree, v.e d. (New York:O xford University Press, 1982). utters I. II,I llJ oyce,J ames. utters of JIIIMJoSy cVe.o l I, ed. Stuart Gilbert New York:V iking Pres, 1957;r eissued with c:orrections 1966.V ols. ll and llI, ed. RichardE llmannN. ew York:V iking Pres, 1964.· P Joyce,J ames. •A Portraiot f theA rtist IIS II YoungM an: Tat, Critidsm, 1111Ndo tese, d. OK!SlerG . Anderson. New York:V iking Press, 1958. SH Joyce,J ames. StephenH ero,e d. John J.S locum and Herbert Cahoon. New York:V iking Press, 19'75. u +episode and line number. Joyce,J ames. I.Ilyssa,e d. Hans Waller Gabler, et al. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1984, 1986.I n paperback by Garland, Random Hause, and Bodley Head and by Penguin betweml1 986 and 199'2.