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Preview Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone bourbonnensis

Little-known African Birds Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone bourbonnensis Roger Safford O neofthemostattractiveoftheendemicbirdsof the Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues) is Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphonebourbonnensis.Itstwosubspeciesoccur onMauritius(desolata)andReunion(bourbonnensis). The former taxon is highly threatened, but attracts littleattentionduetoitssubspecificstatus.ItsReunion counterpart is also rarely mentioned because it is common. As a result, thewhole species avoids both Red Data books and lists ofsingle island endemics. TheMauritiusformis slightlylargerand darkerboth aboveandbelow;thepurpleglossontheheadisalso moreintenseandextendsfurtherontothenape2.The Male Mascarene Flycatcher Terpsiphone bourbonnensis differences are not striking, and until recently few bourbonnensis Roche Plate, Reunion, May 1991 , wouldhavesuggestedcallingthemseparatespecies, (R.J. Safford) although Salomonsen did so5. However, the current scattered, leaving most habitat unoccupied, but at a debateconcerningthePhylogeneticSpeciesConcept few sites in this area, clusters of several pairs are (underwhichMauritiuswouldhaveanendemicspe- found. One of these is in a grove of introduced cies, T.desolata)ishelpingtofocussomeattentionon Japanese Red Cedar Cryptomeriajaponica, mixed suchforgottentaxa. with and surroundedby native forest in the coldest, wettest part of Mauritius. The grove is known as Plumage Pigeon Wood, as it was the last breeding site ofthe Males lack the long tail streamers of the paradise Pink Pigeon Columba mayeri which has, however, flycatchersTerpsiphonesppofmainlandAfrica,Mada- beenreintroducedelsewhere.E, xceptionallylownest gascar and Seychelles. The broad blue orbital ring, predation rates have been found for the Mauritius glossy blue-black crown and otherwise rufous and Fody Foudia rubra in Pigeon Wood, and it seems steelyblue-greyplumagearealltypicalofthegenus, certain that other species like the pigeon and fly- but there is no obviously close relationship to any catcherprofitfromthistoo. other species. Juveniles are distinctively plumaged, A much larger subpopulation of flycatchers is with whitish underparts and all-rufous upperparts found at 6ras d’Eau, in the hot dry lowlands ofthe until they moult, after which they resemble adult north-east, farfromnativeforest. Thebirds inhabita females. unique patchwork of experimental plantations of broadleavedspecies, andalsotheconiferAraucaria Status and conservation cunninghamii(allintroduced). Populationdensities TheauthorstudiedMauritianbirdsin1989-1993,and inBrasd’EauandPigeonWoodappearedsimilar.The the information given here draws on these studies; Mauritian population was estimated to be 100-223 thestatusoftheflycatcheronMauritiuswassumma- pairs, of which 66-89 pairs were at Bras d’Eau; no rised recently4. It has one of the most puzzling other site was known to hold more than five pairs. distributions of any Mauritian bird. In the upland Thisseemsstrange: Brasd’Eaudoesnotsupportany forestsofthesouth-westandcentraleast, itseemsto other native passerines except the Mascarene Grey be heading for extinction, the available evidence White-eye Zosterops borbonicus which is abundant pointingtoa50%declinesince1975.Pairsarewidely throughouttheisland.Surelywew, ouldexpectnative 130-BullABC Vo!4No2 Little-knownAfricanBirds bird species to do best in the same areas, usually threenestsinPigeonWoodwasseenafterindepend- native forest; and if, like flycatchers, they are wide- ence. Similar observations have been made at Bras spread, should their densities not indicate some d’Eau, and juvenile dispersal is the most likely preferenceforeitheruplands orlowlands, wetareas explanation. Second broods may be laid soon after: ordry?Evidentlynot! Isawonelaid6-7weeksafterthefirstbroodfledged. Thesituationdeservesfurtherstudy,buttheoccu- Third broods have not been recorded; perhaps the piedareas do have factors incommon, whichmight breeding season is too short. After one nest was makethemsuitable forflycatchers: arelativelyopen robbedbya predator, a newnestwas startedwithin butshaded understorey, perfect forflycatching, and two days and the first egg ofthe repeat clutch was abundanceofflyinginsects (especiallymosquitoes). laideightdays later. Followingthe breedingseason, Crucially but speculatively. I suggest that the exotic adults undergo a complete moult. plantationsatBrasd'Eau,likePigeonWood,arevery poorhabitatforintroducedmammals(ratsRattusspp. Hints for visitors and Crab-eating Macaques Macaca fascicularis), VisitorstoMauritiusmayhavegreatdifficultyfinding which are the major predators of Mauritian birds’ flycatchers in the south-west, and should head for nests. Consequently, predatordensitiesare low, and Bras d’Eau. The Araucaria plantations are visible nesting success high. If these conditions are met, fromafarandaccessibleviapublicroads.Anhouror otherfactorslikeclimateandplantspeciescomposi- two should guarantee a sighting. Any sightings out- tionmaynotmatter.Fornativebirds,thereisnothing side this area should be reported to the Mauritian magical about native vegetation. WildlifeFoundation(formerlyMauritianWildlifeFund) FlycatchersaremuchcommoneronReunionthan in Tamarin. On Reunion, flycatchers are common on Mauritius, numbering perhaps 50,000 pairs'. The above St-Denis, the home of the Reunion Cuckoo- absence of macaques is one factor favouring the Shrike Coracina newtoni among otherplaces. , flycatchers(andallothernativebirds),butpopulation limitingfactorsare not known. Acknowledgements Thanks to Anthony Cheke, France Staub, and Carl Ecology and breeding Jonesandthe staffoftheMauritianWildlife Founda- ThebasicdetailsofthebiologyoftheMauritiussub- tion (formerly Mauritian Wildlife Fund) for useful species, summarised here, are providedbyAnthony discussion, and Colin Taylor for one of the photo- Cheke3 and France Staub6 and my own data. Fly- graphs. , catchers are typically monogamous, with adults remainingonterritoryandsingingallyear. The egg- References laying season extends from September to at least 1. Barre,N.,Barau,A.andjouanin,C.1996.Oiseauxde Januaryatboth Bras d’Eau (13 clutches) andPigeon laReunion. Paris: LesEditionsdu Pacifique. Wood(six clutches orbroods). In both uplands and 2. Benson, C.W. 1971. Notes on Terpsiphone and lowlands,theclutchandbroodsizesareusuallythree Coracina spp. in the Malagasy Region. Bull. Brit. (includingbothclutchesandthreeoutoffourbroods Ornithol. Cl. 91: 56-64. 3. Cheke, A.S. 1987. The ecologyofthe smallerland- thatIsaw), butoccasionallytwo(onebroodseenby birdsofMauritius.InDiamond,A.W.(ed)Studiesof me). Mascareneislandbirds.Cambridge,UK:Cambridge Both sexes nest-build, incubate and feed the University Press young. The only nest I monitored for the entire 4. Safford,R.J. 1997.Distributionstudiesontheforest- breedingperiodtook29daysfromclutchcompletion livingnativepasserinesofMauritius.BiologicalCon- to the brood fledging. From this, and other nests servation80: 189-198. monitored forparts ofthe cycle, the incubation and 5. Salomonsen,F. 1933.LesGobe-mouchesdeParadis fledgingperiodsmustbe 15-16daysand 13-14days delaRegionMalgache. Oiseau3: 603-614 respectively. The young become independent c4-6 6. Staub, F. 1976. Birds ofthe Mascarenes and St. Brandon. Mauritius: Organisation Normale des weeks after fledging, and appear to complete their Entreprises. post-juvenilemoult(apartialone) ataboutthesame time. None of eight fledged birds colour-ringed in RoyalHollowayInstituteforEnvironmentalResearch, Huntersdale, Callow Hill, Virginia Water, Surrey GU254LN, UK. Little-knownAfricanBirds BullABC Vol4No2-131 Male Mascarene Flycatcher Terpsipbonebourbonnensisdesoiata, Pigeon Wood, Mauritius, November 1990 (Colin Taylor) Friedmann's LarkMirafrapulpa(DavidPearson) Friedmann's LarkMirafrapulpa(Neil Baker) 132-BullABC Vo!4No2 Little-knownAfricanBirds

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