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Mary in the Middle Ages: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Thought of Medieval Latin Theologians PDF

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Preview Mary in the Middle Ages: The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Thought of Medieval Latin Theologians

LUIGI GAMBERO, S.M. MARY IN THE MIDDLE AGES The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Thought of Medieval Latin Theologians Translated by Thomas Buffer IGNATIUS PRESS SAN FRANCISCO Title of the Italian original: Maria nel pensiero dei teologi latini medievali © 2000 Edizioni San Paolo, Milan Unless otherwise noted Scripture quotations (except those within citations) have been taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible, Catholic Edition. The Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible: the Old Testament, <C> 1952; the Apocrypha, @ 1957; the New Testament, @ 1946; Catholic Edition of the Old Testament, incorporating the Apocry pha 0 1966; The Catholic Edition of the New Testament, CI 1965, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Cover art: The Virgin Taking Leave of the Apostles (detail from the Maesta altarpiece) Duccio di Buoninsegna © Scala / Art Resource, New York Cover design by Roxanne Mei Lum © 2005 by Ignatius Press, San Francisco All rights reserved ISBN 0-89870-845-1 Library of Congress Control Number 20031e05 173 Printed in the United States of America Contents Abbreviations IS Introduction 17 READING: Mary's True Role in the Economy of Salvation 21 PART ONE AUTHORS OF THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES Seventh-Eleventh Centuries Prologue 25 I ILDEPHONSUS OF TOLEDO (d. 667) 27 Invocation of the Virgin 28 Divine Motherhood 29 Ever-Virgin 29 The Blessed Virgin and Human Salvation 30 Consecration to the Blessed Virgin 3 I READING: A Prayer Inspired by the Mystery of the Incarnation 32 READING: Consecration to the Virgin Mary 34 2 THE VENERABLE BE DE (d. 735) 36 Mary's Greatness 37 Virgin and Bride 38 Eve-Mary 38 Mary and the Church 39 Witness to Marian Devotion 40 READING: As It Was Fulfilled in Mary, May the Word of God Also Be Fulfilled in Us 41 READING: Mary's Spirit of Humility and Service 41 3 AMBROSE AUTPERT (d. 781) 43 The Feast of the Purification of Mary 44 Mary Our Mother 45 The Sword of Simeon 45 The Feast of Mary's Assumption into Heaven 46 Mary, Worthy of Praise 47 Mary's Heavenly Intercession 47 Mary, Type of the Church 48 READING: Mary, Image of the Church 48 READING: Mary~ Greatness 49 4 THE CAROLINGIAN RENAISSANCE 51 5 PAUL THE DEACON (d. ca. 799) 53 Symbol and Reality in Exalting Mary 53 The Humble Virgin 54 Mary's Love for Jesus 55 Mary's Assumption into Heaven 56 The Virgin's Heavenly Mission 57 READING: The Heavenly Glory of the Mother of God 57 READING: Mary~ Mercy Extended to Human Creatures 58 6 ALCUIN (d. ca. 804) 60 Defender of Christological and Marian Dogma 61 Alcuin's Deep Personal Devotion to the Virgin 62 READING: The Virgin Mother of the Incarnate Word 64 READING: An Anonymous Prayer 65 7 RABANUS MAURUS (d. 856) 66 Mary in Messianic Prophecy 67 The Name of Mary 68 Summary of Rabanus Maurus' Marian Teaching 69 Mary's Glorification and Heavenly Mission 71 READING: Mary~ Humility in the Mystery of the Visitation 71 READING: Greatness of the Divine Motherhood 72 8 PASCHASIUS RADBERTUS (d. 865) 74 Controversy over Mary's Virginity during the Birth of Christ 75 Mary's Assumption into Heaven 77 Marian Devotion 78 READING: The Glory of the Blessed Virgin in Heaven 80 9 FULBERT OF CHARTRES (do 1028) 81 The Woman of the Prophecies 82 Predestined from the Moment of Her Conception 83 The Star of the Sea 84 Mary's Power of Intercession 85 READING: The Woman Who Crushes the Serpent~ Head 86 READING: Mary~ Glory and Intercession in Heaven 87 10 THE CLUNIAC REFORM AND MARIAN DEVOTION (Tenth Century) 88 Odo of Cluny (do cao 943) 88 Odilo of Cluny (do 1049) 89 Mary, Model of the Monk 90 The Blessed Virgin and Monastic Virtues 91 READING: Mary Appears to the Monk Converted by Gdo 93 READING: Mary~ Poverty 93 READING: Mary, Peifect Mirror of Holiness 94 II PETER DAMIAN (do 1072) 95 Outstanding Dignity and Perfection of the Mother of God 96 Eve's Curse and Mary's Blessing 97 The Mother of God and the Eucharist 98 Mary and the Church 99 Devotion to the Mother of the Lord 99 READING: The Entire History of Salvation Is Rtjlected in Mary 100 READING: Mary and John Assumed Bodily into Heaven 101 READING: Praise for the Greatness of the Mother of God 101 PART TWO A GOLDEN PERIOD FOR MARIAN DOCTRINE Twelfth Century Prologue 105 I ANSELM OF CANTERBURY (do 1109) 109 The Problem of the Immaculate Conception 110 Marian Theology and Prayer to the Virgin III Mary, Mother of All Believers 114 The Spiritual Inspiration of Anselm's Marian Teaching 114 READING: It VVtls Fitting That Christ Should Be Born of a Virgin 115 READING: Calling upon Mary for Salvation 115 2 EADMER OF CANTERBURY (do 1124) 117 Mary Preserved from Original Sin 118 Mary as Exalted Creature 119 Prayer to Mary 121 READING: Marys Role as Our Mother 122 READING: Marys Glory in the Ascension of Christ 123 3 RUPERT OF DEUTZ (do 1130) 124 The Problem of the Immaculate Conception 125 The Mystery of the Blessed Virgin, Bride of the Eternal Father 125 Mary at the Foot of the Cross 126 Queen of Heaven and Earth 127 READING: Model of the Church 128 READING: The Kiss of God 129 READING: Mother of Us All 130 4 BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX (do 1153) 131 Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation 133 Mary Stands between Christ and Humanity 135 Devotion to Mary 137 Mary and Original Sin 137 Mary's Assumption into Heaven 138 READING: The Name of Mary 139 READING: The Sword of Simeon 140 5 PETER THE VENERABLE (do 1156) 142 His Marian Piety 143 Faith and Devotion 144 Mary and the Holy Spirit 145 READING: In Honor of the Mother of the Lord 146 6 ARNOLD OF BONNEVAL (do after 1156) Mary and Redemption Mary in the Glory of God 151 READING: Mary and the Mystery of the Incarnation 152 READING: Mary on Calvary 153 7 AMADEUS OF LAUSANNE (do I I 59) 155 His Mariological Legacy 155 Mary between the Two Testaments 156 Mary and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit 157 Mary's Role in the Glory of God 160 READING: Mary in the Glory of God 160 READING: Our Helper and Mediatrix 161 8 AELRED OF RIEVAULX (do 1167) 162 Mary, the Ideal Creature 163 Assumed into Heaven 164 Mary's Mediation 165 Spiritual Mother 166 Devotion to Our Lady and Queen 167 READING: Sorrow at the Loss ofJ esus 168 READING: Mary, the Bride of Christ 169 9 ISAAC OF STELLA (do cao 1169) 170 An Ecclesiological Mariology 171 Mary, the Virgin Earth 171 Mary in the Mystical Body 172 The Motherhood of Mary and the Motherhood of the Church 173 Mary in Heavenly Glory 173 READING: Mary and the Church Are One and the Same Mother 175 READING: Mary Assumed into Heaven 175 10 PHILIP OF HARVENG (do 1I83) 177 Mary and Her Son 178 Assumed into the Glory of Heaven 179 Mary and the Church 180 The Virgin's Mediation in Heaven 181 Philip's Mariology 182 READING: Most Beautiful among All Women READING: The Virgin's Love for the Most Wretched II ALAIN DE LILLE (d. ca. 1203) His Life and Works The Commentary on the Song of Songs Bride of Christ Mary and the Church The Ultimate Destiny of the Blessed Virgin READING: The Four Virtues of the Incarnation PART THREE THE AGE OF SCHOLASTICISM Thirteenth Century Prologue 195 1 ANTHONY OF PADUA (d. 123 I) 197 The Evangelical Doctor 197 His Kerygmatic Mariology 198 The Virgin Mother of God 199 Mediatrix of Salvation and Grace 201 A Woman Filled with Gifts and Virtues 202 READING: The Virgin and the Allegory of the Bee 203 2 BONAVENTURE (d. 1274) 206 The Seraphic Doctor 206 His Marian Doctrine 207 Mary and the Incarnation 209 Mary's Mediation 210 Mary's Spiritual Motherhood 212 Devotion to Mary 213 READING: "Standing by the Cross ofJ esus" an 19:25) 213 3 CONRAD OF SAXONY (d. 1279) 216 Mary's Blessed Birth 217 Mary's Spiritual Beauty 218 Queen of Earth and Heaven 218 Mary's Intercession 219 READING: Mary's Wonderful Beauty 220 READING: The Humble Sweetness of the Mother of God 221 READING: The Exalted Dignity of the Mother of God 221 4 ALBERT THE GREAT (d. 1280) 222 A Great Son of St. Dominic 222 His Marian Doctrine 223 Mary's Immaculate Conception and Holiness 225 Mother and Spouse of Christ 226 The Virginity of the Mother of God 227 Mary Assumed into Heaven 228 Mary's Place in the Economy of Salvation 228 Mother of Men 230 Devotion to Mary 231 READING: Blessed Are You Because You Believed! 231 READING: The Virgin's Intervention at Cana 232 5 THOMAS AQUINAS (d. 1274) 234 Marian Doctor 234 His Marian Doctrine 235 ANew Mariological Perspective 236 The Sanctification of the Virgin 237 Mary and Salvation 239 READING: The Marriage between Mary and Joseph Was a True Marriage 240 READING: The Body of Christ liVtls Formed from the Most Pure Blood of Mary 241 READING: Mary Is Exempt from the Curses of Sin 242 6 JOHN DUNS SCOTUS (d. 1308) 243 Outline of His Life and Times 243 Scotus' Marian Doctrine 244 Mary's Motherhood 245 Mary's Virginity 247 The Virgin Is Preserved from Original Sin 248 READING: The Immaculate Conception and the Mediation of Christ 251 PART FOUR TOWARD NEW EXPRESSIONS OF MARIAN FAITH AND DEVOTION Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries Prologue 255 I RAYMUND LULL (d. 1315) 257 Lull and the Immaculate Conception 258 Mary's Divine Motherhood and Her Humility 259 Fullness of Grace 260 Trinity and Incarnation 260 of READING: The Fruit Mary's Womb 262 2 UBERTINO OF CASALE (d. after 1325) 264 An Eventful Life 264 Mary in the Life of Jesus 265 Mary in the Mysteries of Jesus' Infancy 265 Mary in the Paschal Mystery 269 The Arbor Vitae, Witness to a Spirituality 271 READING: Jesus Teaches Us to Love His Mother 272 READING: Mary's Mission after the Resurrection of Her Son 273 3 BRIDGET OF SWEDEN (d. 1373) 275 Her Life and Writings 275 A Follower of the Franciscan School 276 Mary and Redemption 277 The Six Sorrows of the Mother of God 278 Mediatrix of Grace 279 READING: The Beauty of Mary's Son 279 READING: The Virgin Praises Her Husband,Joseph 280 4 JEAN GERSON (d. 1429) 281 A Difficult and Committed Life 281 Theological Prudence and Abundant Thought 283 Supporter of the Immaculate Conception 284 Mary's Role in the Work of Salvation 285 Mary's Greatness 287

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