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Mow and Then Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/marybaldwincolle2001mary 'JUL 1 Z003 forward T'fie 2000-2001 'BluestoclQna encourages you to acknowledge the past and present of Mary 'Bafdwin Coffege. (Pfease ta/<^ note of tfie changes that our institution has made. The theme of this Book i^ 9{pzu and Then which reflects the history oj 'Mary 'Baldwin College. Thanks you for your role and place within our community. Yearbook'Editors Lisa Bliss, %atie Macola, JulieSchmidt ^Ciiestoclqnq ^ MARTHA S. GRAFTON LIBRARY MARY BALDWIN COLLEGE . Now What Up We're to The creation of Pannill Student Center in 1992. Students need a placetoplaypool and watch a big screen T.V. Pannill as itappears in 2001 O o Pierce Science Centerinthesum- merof69'. ThecurrentPierceScience center in 2001. FAbsolute Apple Day 2001: The Carnival, Mixer, Friends, and Fun AdcaporpmnlievaanlDdaifsyu,fn.oauAndddaaiyyn pwolfhaecfrreeeeoa-f aplteataslre.arcttaTigho,enascpaparlsneisvaahlorohotcaekdrsswaaulncldh, vpEailiclnettniimn?Mgi.chDaolrsthydeCmoolnbsytsrtaatnedsshineras"tahpepemaoldienlg,"oarbiisliittymoorfefalickeef classes and professors. A a few other carnival attrac- day where, while eating in tions. Hunt one can find bits of Following the carnival apple in every bite. Apple was the traditional Apple Day, a day where sopho- Day mixer. This year the mores rule. mixerwas...alittledifferent. Every year the sopho- To get into the mixer one more class comes together had to wear a toga. This and creates Apple Day. uniqueprovisionallowedthe Apple Day is a nice day off studentstobreakawayfrom fprroomvicdleasssetsheinstthuedfeanlltsthaat tGhreeueskualanadndRsohmoawnoffstihdeei.r break from everything else Wearingtogasalsoprovided that happens on campus. many individuals a good This year, the theme of laugh and a chance to use AppleDaywasAbsoluteAp- their creative skills. flUA&ii^Al \ thoughtApple Daywas "We had a really good Apple Day brought out Ithoughtthe2003sopho- tonsoffun. Theclassof turnoutforAppleDaythis the kid in me!!! moreclassofficersdida 2004 hasa lotto live up year. There were some fantastic job; it was the toll! great events and carni- bestAppleDay. Nowthe valworkers. Wealsohad juniorclassofficershave a wonderful turnout for bigshoestofillforJunior thetoga mixer". Dads. Ayesha Muhammad Katie Macola Lizzie Voglebach Meghan O'Reilly Sophomore Class Vice President o o o ErinCunningham,sophomore president, DianeAlfred, Lizzie These sophomores enjoy a Vogelbach, Brenna Zortman, macotimveitnitessarnedstfuanf.terWaaydatoygoof afrnodmJutlhieegSachmmeisdttotamkaekaebrseuarke ladies. evervthinoisrunningsmoothly T-Shirts, hats, come on girls, we know you want them". Miranda Kelly and Sarah George do their part by help- ngwithoneofthefund-raisers atthe carnival. On three, we drop it". Jo Casto,ErinCunningham,Katie Macola, Jenn Sparks, and BeckyClemensplantthetradi- tional Apple Day tree above the soccerfield. ^'^'\0 CourtneyLeardfollowsthetra- dition of having her parents comedownforParent'sWeek- end. InthecelebrationofFounder's Day, senior Keli Diewald is adorned inhercapandgown. Sondra Spann was a lucky freshman. Her entire family came up tovisit and catch up onwhatlifehasbeenlikeover throughoutthefirstmonthasa college Freshman. o O o Parent's Mom Time to Make and Dad Proud So, you like the food? Stephanie Smith and company are What happens on Parent's ceremony. Bailey and enjoyingthe Parent's Daybrunch. Thedining hallcreateda Day? Many people recog- Honor Students are recog- special meal forboth students and parents. nize that it is a weekend nized for their achieve- where parents conne from ments. many numerous destina- Thereisabrunchthatpar- tions to visit with their col- entshavetheopportunityof legedaughter. Manypeople attending with their daugh- also know that these visits ter. Theygetthechanceto may be rare and that they taste college dinning hall should take advantage of foodonceagain. Manypar- the opportunity of having ents love the idea of eating momanddaduptoseetheir in acollegedinning hall be- dormroomtheonetimeitis cause ittakesthem backto clean. But what else hap- their old college days. pens? The best part of Parent's Few people realize that Weekend istheopportunity Parent'sDayismorethana the weekendprovides: par- day but a weekend event. entshaveachancetospend OnParent'sWeekendthere time with their daughter. is an honor's recognition "Founders week- "It was exciting "Enjoying the "I believe Parent's end allotted me seeingthesweep- weekend with Dayisawonderful time to reflect on ing vista of moun- friends and family tradition that Mary the heritage and tains and spend- is always great. It Baldwin pos- many traditioMns ing the weekend gives us time to sesses! Without i that Mary Baldwin with ourdaughter. appreciate Mary Parent'sDayMary College carries Baldwin College Baldwin would with it". for its many quali- miss out on the I ties. camaraderie be- tween students, their families, and ~ the school. Julie Schmidt Bob Bliss Amy Nusbaum 2003 2002 2002 Katie Macola I 2003 I Dads Junior Class of 2002: In Your Eyes Rings were ordered in coming, where the after- TrueBeautyMeredithTimberlake,LindsayMorris,KatyMeyer, IVlarchofthepreviousyear parties are. But all these KerryBleckfeld,andKellyWimmerdazzleandsparkleforthe for our event, Junior questions die as soon as cameraon thisspecial night. Dad's. We've waited our you walk into the Recep- freshmanandsophomore tion, Dinner, and finally years for this time, and the Dance and see the theanticipationhasgrown effortthatthemembersof in the past three months. the Class of 2002 have We all moan and groan put into this night. Danc- through the practice, just ing to this year's theme wishing the event would song- In Your Eyes- with be here. The Parade in your Dad, Mom, or date, honorofthe Junior's was thisnightisfullofuninhib- a success, with the Bar- itedjoy. Picturesaretaken becueafterwards,withthe all night long andfeetare sideshow. We all wonder sorefrom all thedancing, what everyone else will but it's a night to remem- wear, whose families are ber! A beautiful vixen in red, Pretty in Purple: Malissa Looking and feeling like Smiling bright, Elise Alexandra Rubio smiles deWindt dazzles at Jun- a princess, Beth LaSota looks to be en- bright for the camera. ior Dad's, enjoying the Chapman is all smiles. joyingtheevening. After Dancing the night away time with family and Between Dad, Cliff, and waiting so long, it looks| onthefloor, Rubiohada friends. the Ring....who wouldn't likethewaitpaidoffand wonderful time! be smiling? ablastwashad. )9

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