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MARXIST PERSPECTIVES O N IMPERIALISM A Theoretical Analysis Chronis Polychroniou New York Westport. Connecticut London Univ. Library, UC Santa Cruz 1991 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication.Data Polychroniou, Chronis. Marxist pe,spcctives on : a tbeoreticaJ analysis / i■■aperialism Chronis Polychroniou. p. cm. me~. Includes bibliographical refermces wl ISBN 0-275-93720-8 1. Marxian economics. 2. Depeadency. 3. Imperialism. 4. Capitalism. I. Title. HB97.5.P793 1991 335.4'1-dc20 90-45483 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright © 1991 by Chronis Polychrooiou All rights reserved. No p01tion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, witbotJt the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card N rnber: 90-45483 11 ISBN: 0-275-93720-8 First published in 1991 Praeger Publishers, One Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America @)- The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organimtion (Z39.48-1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 fl B ~-+. ') P?13 I i (l / ialat Ackuowle.ta,•aents Copy► 1be author end publisher are grateful to the followin1 for allowing the se of 11 excerpts from: Amin, Samir. Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Fmnaulatlon of Peripheral Capitalism. Copyright © 1976 by Monlhly Review Presa. Re printed by per auission of Mmtbly Review Foundation. Amin, Samir. Unequal Development: An Essay on 1M Social Fo,1,aulatlon of Paipheral Capitalism. Paris, Fraoa,· Editions de minuit, 1976. Amin, Samir~ Accllnullatlon.r on a 'Hbrld Scak. 2 vols. Copyright© 1974 by Monthly Review Pre Reprinted by per of Monthly Review Founda llu •Oissillll tion. Ao•io, Samir. kc,unulatlons on a 'Phrld Scale. 2 vols. England, Harvest Wheatsbeaf, 1974. »au. Arghiri, Rrnm•nuel. Unequal Exchange: A Study oft he lmperlallsm of Copyright © 1972 by Monthly Review Presa. Reprinted by pea ,oissi.on of Monthly Review Foundation. Arghiri, Fmrn•nuel. Unequal Exchange: A Study oft he Imperialism of»'atk. Paris, France: Editions la dkouverte, 1972. Baran, Paul. 'IM Political Economy ofG rowth. Copyright © 1957 by Montbly Review Press. Reprinted by pea of Monthly Review Foundation. ■o/ssion Blomsttom, Magnus, and Bjorn Hettne. Development Thl!ory in »'ansition. London: Zed Books, 1984. Hilferding, Rudolf. Finance Capital. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Extract taken from Imperialism: A Study by J. A. Hobson, reproduced by kind pe, ,oissinn of Unwin Hyman Ltd. Copyright © London, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. 3rd revised edition 1954. I aclm, E1«sto. t&Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin America," in Politics and Ideology in Marxist Thl!ory. London: New Left Books, 1977. unio, V. I. Mlniperialism: The JUgbeat Stage of Capitalism." In Selected llblb, vol. 1. New York: International Publishers, 1976. Marx, Karl. Capital. 3 vols. New York: International Publishers, 1967. Marx, Karl. A Contribution to the Critique qfP olitical Economy, edited, with an introduction by Maurice Dobb. New York: International Publishers, 1970. • Copyright A.cknowkdgments VI Marx, Karl, and Frederick Enpls. On Colonialism. New York: Intematiooal Publiw.rs, 1972. Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels. •Manifesto of the Communist Party," in Colkct«l Mbrh, vol. 6. New York: Intematioo•I Publishers, 1976. Palloix, Christian. •The Self-E1-pan.~ion of Capital on a World Scale." Review ofR adical Political Economics 9, no.2 (Summer 1977). Warren, Bill. •10.perialismand Capitalist lodtJstriali7.ation." New Left Review, no. 81 (September-October 1973). 1b V,cky Contents Figures and 'Jbbles • XI Preface ••• Xl11 Introduction 1 1 Marxian Political Economy: Methodological and Theoretical Foundations 5 Historical Materialism 7 The Analysis of the Capitalist Mode of Production 18 Dynamics and Contradictions in the Accumulation Process 26 Marx on Imperialism 33 Summary and Conclusion 39 2 Classical Marxist Theories of Imperialism 47 Hobson 48 Hilferding 53 Luxemburg 58 Bukharin 65 72 Lenin Summary and Conclusion 82 Contents X 3 Neo-Marxist Interpretations of Imperialism and Underdevelopment 87 Baran: The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism 88 Baran on Economic BackWclrdness 94 Frank's Theory on Capitalism and Underdevelopment 104 Wallerstein and the \\brld-Systems Theory 113 Emmanuel: The Theory of Unequal Exchange. 117 Amin: The Theory of Specialii.ation and Unequal Development 124 Summary and Conclusion 132 4 New Developments and Directions in the Marxist Theories of Imperialism 139 Warren's Theses 139 The Modes of Production Approach 145 The Theory of the Intemationali7.ation of Capital 150 Summary and Conclusion 153 Conclusion 159 Bibliography 165 Index 177 Figures and Tables FIGURES 3 .1 Frank's Metropolis-Satellite Model 106 4.1 The Circuit of Social Capital 151 TABI,FS 3.1 Wages and Unequal Exchange 120 4.1 Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing for Selected Countries, 1951-1968 141

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