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99 Pages·2013·1.08 MB·Czech
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ÚÚSSTTAAVV AANNGGLLIICCKKÉÉHHOO JJAAZZYYKKAA AA DDIIDDAAKKTTIIKKYY DDIIPPLLOOMMOOVVÁÁ PPRRÁÁCCEE MMaarrttiinnaa MMaašškkoovváá oobboorr:: aanngglliissttiikkaa -- aammeerriikkaanniissttiikkaa AAnngglliicckkéé ppaarrttiicciippiiáállnníí ppoolloovvěěttnnéé kkoonnssttrruukkccee aa jjeejjiicchh ččeesskkéé ppřřeekkllaaddoovvéé pprroottěějjšškkyy EEnngglliisshh PPaarrttiicciippiiaall CCllaauusseess aanndd TThheeiirr CCzzeecchh TTrraannssllaattiioonn CCoouunntteerrppaarrttss PPrraahhaa,, 22001133 vveeddoouuccíí pprrááccee:: PPhhDDrr.. MMaarrkkééttaa MMaalláá,, PPhh..DD.. Tímto bych chtěla velmi poděkovat vedoucí své práce PhDr. Markétě Malé, Ph.D. za její trpělivost, ochotu a cenné rady, bez nichž bych práci jen stěží dokončila. Dík také patří všem, kteří mě podporovali během celého studia, především tedy mé rodině a přátelům. Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně, že jsem řádně citovala všechny použité prameny a literaturu a že práce nebyla využita v rámci jiného vysokoškolského studia či k získání jiného nebo stejného titulu. Souhlasím se zapůjčením diplomové práce ke studijním účelům. V Praze, dne 23. 8. 2013 I declare that the following MA thesis is my own work for which I used only the sources and literature mentioned. I have no objections to the MA thesis being borrowed and used for study purposes. ABSTRAKT Cílem této diplomové práce je analyzovat a popsat české překladové protějšky anglických polovětných konstrukcí tvořených přítomným participiem nebo participiem perfekta, a to ve funkci postmodifikátoru a příslovečného určení. Ačkoliv v češtině existuje formální protějšek anglického participia – přechodník – je tento tvar považován za velmi příznakový a archaický. Na základě analýzy 210 vět excerpovaných ze tří děl současné americké beletrie popisuje práce pravidelné postupy, jichž se využívá při překladu zmiňovaných forem do češtiny. Potvrdila se zjištění předchozích studií, že zatímco angličtina upřednostňuje nominální a verbo-nominální způsoby vyjadřování, čeština spoléhá spíše na vyjadřování slovesné. Mezi překladovými protějšky převládají divergentní způsoby překladu, zejména finitní věty souřadně spojené s protějškem anglické věty hlavní. Ačkoli je překlad participia určitým tvarem slovesným explicitnější, koordinace obou vět v češtině umožňuje zachování vágnosti sémantického vztahu mezi nimi, typického pro participiální polovětné konstrukce. Klíčová slova: participium, participiální věta, polovětná konstrukce, přechodník, postmodifikátor, přívlastek, adverbiale, příslovečné určení, překladové protějšky ABSTRACT The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse and describe the Czech translation counterparts of English present- and perfect-participial clauses which function as postmodifiers and adverbials. Although there is a formal counterpart of the English participle – the transgressive – this form is considered very marked and archaic in Czech. Therefore, based on an analysis of 210 sentences excerpted from three American works of contemporary fiction, the thesis describes the recurrent patterns used in the translation of the forms in question. The analysis confirmed the findings of previous studies that while English prefers nominal and verbo- nominal means of expressions, Czech relies rather on verbal expression. The majority of the translation counterparts are divergent correspondences, above all finite clauses connected paratactically to the counterpart of the matrix clause. Although the translation of a participle by a finite verb form is more explicit, the coordinative relation makes it possible to retain the semantic indeterminacy of the relation between the clauses which is specific for participial constructions. Key words: participle, participial clause, transgressive, postmodifier, adverbial, translation counterparts TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................8 LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................................................9 LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................9 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................10 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND .............................................................................................11 2.1 Non-Finite Verb Forms...............................................................................................11 2.1.1 Terminology........................................................................................................12 2.2 The Present Participle .................................................................................................13 2.2.1 Participle vs. Adjective .......................................................................................15 2.2.2 Participle vs. Gerund...........................................................................................17 2.3 The Syntactical Functions of Participial Clauses .......................................................20 2.3.1 Modifying Clauses ..............................................................................................21 2.3.2 Participial Postmodifier vs. Object Complement................................................21 2.3.3 Adverbial Clauses ...............................................................................................22 2.4 The Subject of Adverbial Participial Clauses .............................................................23 2.5 The Semantic Indeterminacy of Participial Adverbial Clauses ..................................30 2.5.1 Temporal Relations .............................................................................................33 2.5.2 Conditionality......................................................................................................34 2.5.3 Instrumentality, Manner, Exemplification/Specification....................................35 2.6 The English and Czech Manner of Expression...........................................................36 3 MATERIAL AND METHOD ....................................................................................................38 3.1 Material .......................................................................................................................38 3.2 Method ........................................................................................................................39 3.2.1 Supplementive Clause vs. Postmodifier .............................................................39 3.2.2 Absolute Clause vs. Postmodifier .......................................................................40 3.2.3 Classification of Translation Counterparts .........................................................41 4 RESEARCH PART..................................................................................................................43 4.1 Congruent Correspondences .......................................................................................43 4.1.1 Postmodifying Clauses........................................................................................43 4.1.2 Adverbial Clauses ...............................................................................................45 4.2 Divergent Correspondences ........................................................................................45 4.2.1 Coordinated Finite Clause...................................................................................46 4.2.2 Subordinate Finite Clause ...................................................................................55 4.2.3 Other Means of Translation by a Finite Clause ..................................................63 4.2.4 Verbless Constructions .......................................................................................68 4.3 Zero Correspondences ................................................................................................72 5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................74 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................77 SOURCES ...................................................................................................................................78 RÉSUMÉ ....................................................................................................................................79 APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................84 Congruent Correspondences ................................................................................................84 Divergent Correspondences: Coordinated Clauses ..............................................................85 Divergent Correspondences: Subordinate Clauses ..............................................................93 Divergent Correspondences: Other Finite Clauses ..............................................................96 Divergent Correspondences: Verbless Constructions ..........................................................97 Zero Correspondences ..........................................................................................................99 ABBREVIATIONS CGEL A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language CamGEL Cambridge Grammar of the English Language MSA Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny OED Oxford English Dictionary LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The participial forms (MSA: 8.85.3) ...........................................................................14 Table 2: The gerundival forms (adapted from MSA: 8.85.2) ....................................................17 Table 3: The translation paradigm of English participial -ing clauses .....................................43 Table 4: Distribution of adverbial participial clauses translated by a coordinated clause ........49 Table 5: Translations of adverbial participial clauses by a subordinate clause ........................57 Table 6: Other means of translation by a finite clause..............................................................64 Table 7: Translations of participial clauses by verbless constructions .....................................69 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: A scale of informativeness for semantic relations (Kortmann, 1991: 121)...............32 1 INTRODUCTION Contrastive studies of the English language as compared with Czech have a long history within the tradition of the Prague linguistic school. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the already existing studies on the issue of the different manner of expression of the two languages, namely the preference for nominal and verbo-nominal expression in English against verbal expression in Czech. Specifically, these tendencies are manifested on the syntactic level by the frequent use of non-finite verb forms in English where Czech usually employs a finite clause. The focus of this paper is to compare English present- and perfect-participial clauses functioning as adverbials and postmodifiers with their Czech translations. Based on the brief description just given, the expectation is a high frequency of finite clauses replacing the English participles. From the point of view of translating these forms into Czech, the main issues are, first, the ambiguous semantics of participial clauses which are rarely introduced by a conjunction that would specify their semantic role, and second, the absence of the subject of the non-finite form which has to be retrieved from the context, either textual or in some cases situational. For this reason, part 2 of this thesis describes the formal properties of participial clauses with special attention to the identification of the implied subject and the nature of their semantic indeterminacy. One of the means to study the ways of expressing the same content in different languages is the use of electronic parallel corpora which was also the source of material for our analysis. The analysis, which will be described in detail in parts 3 and 4, will be based on a sample of 210 participial clauses excerpted from three works of American contemporary fiction. These will be analysed in terms of their semantic role, position (if relevant), and the presence or absence of a subordinator; the description of the results will be based on the grouping of the Czech counterparts as congruent or divergent, i.e. syntactically identical or different. 10

adverbials. Although there is a formal counterpart of the English participle – the transgressive. – this form is considered very marked and archaic in Czech. Therefore, based on an analysis nějaká nebeská síla zabránila Tedovi zahlédnout chevrolet zaparkovaný šikmo přes ulici naproti
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