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Preview Marking the Trust's 50th Tackling adherence to transform lives Trials or tribulations?

Issue 2: Winter 2013/14 Marking the Trust’s 50th Tackling adherence to transform lives Trials or tribulations? The magazine of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust We won’t celebrate being 50 until everyone can The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is 50 years old. But we’re not about to throw a party. Although we’ve achieved a lot in our frst 50 years, we haven’t yet achieved our ultimate goal. We haven’t yet beaten cystic fbrosis – completely beaten it – once and for all. So instead of partying, we’re working harder than ever. Working for the day when everyone with cystic fbrosis can receive the treatments that will transform their daily experience. When everyone can live a long and healthy life in spite of their condition. When everyone can celebrate their 50th birthday – and look forward with confdence to celebrating many, many more. That’s our goal. When we reach it – and with your support we will reach it – the Cystic Fibrosis Trust will no longer be needed. And that’s the day we’ll fnally be ready to throw a party. Blow up your No Party balloon at cysticfbrosis.org.uk/no-party Regulars 12 Getting active 15 Day in the life 19 Out in the News community 23 16 Features 9 23 Two-point perspective 24 Just ask 26 News 6–11 20 Marking the Trust’s 50th 12 Tackling adherence, to transform lives 16 Trials and tribulations 20 10 24 4 The magazine of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust cysticfbrosis.org.uk Welcome Welcome to the frst issue of i magazine in our 50th year (and also my frst as editor!). The chances are you have been involved with the Trust and its work at some point. So thank you, on behalf of the Trust, for all your support and encouragement during our frst 50 years. sA you iw l rea d on ap ges ,41–21 our t05 h anniev rsary is not a time to ceel brate , not hw en many ep oelp iw th the conid tion sti l od nt’ il ev to see their t04 h birthad y. nI stea ,d ew are reod ubil ng our efforts to create a future hw ere ew haev beaten cystic fbrosis an d eev ryone iw th the conid tion can eepx ct a ol ng an d heatl hy il fe. That future starts here an d by oj ining our t05 h anniev rsary camap ign , you can be ap rt of this aw tershe d moment. nI this issue you iw l asl o see ho w technool gy is changing the aw y young ep oelp engage iw th their treatments ap( ges ,)81–61 an d rea d about the ecx iting state of cystic fbrosis research toad y , an d the imop rtance of cil nica l triasl . Together ew can make 41 0 2 the year the game change.d Henry Fogarty idE tor lA communications shou dl be sent to Editor, i magazine, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, 11 London Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1BY Interim cross- hosip ta l staff shou dl haev hygiene 50 ways to say thank infection guidelines measures ealpx ine d an d be ketp informe d of their infection status ; you for 50 years to combat superbug an d surev ial nce of infection Fifty ‘thank you’ awards are being shou dl be ep rforme d at regual r launched by the Trust this year to A working group brought interav sl , iw th arp orp iate mark 50 years of hard work and together by the Cystic Fibrosis measures up t in alp ce if a ep rson dedication from people from all areas Trust and including healthcare tests op sitiev for M. abscessus. of the cystic fbrosis community. professionals and experts on microbiology and cross-infection rD nA rd e w oJ nes , Consutl ant Categories for consied ration incul ed has released new advice to eR sip ratory hP ysician at nU iev rsity heatl h rp ofessionasl , researchers , help protect people with cystic oH sip ta l oS uth aM nchester , funrd aisers , ov ul nteers an d fbrosis from catching infection hw o chairs the grou ,p sai :d ambassaod rs hw o haev heepl d raise with M. abscessus. nI“ fection contro l continues to be aaw reness of cystic fbrosis issues a maoj r issue for cystic fbrosis an d the Trust. There iw l asl o be The grou p aw s set u p in the aw ke care. Fool iw ng a consutl ation , recognition for sep cia l achieev ments of a reop rt in the aL ncet in ,3102 ne w interim nationa l guied il nes – those hw o haev ed id cate d their il fe that reev ael d eiv ed nce from a haev been ed ev ol ep d to rp otect to heipl ng ep oelp iw th cystic fbrosis , grou p of acaed mic hp ysicians ap tients from the risk of or hw o haev achieev d something at aP owp rth oH sip ta l that M. crossi- nfection to transmissibel remarkabel . abscessus cou dl transfer betew en bacteria l infections such ep oelp iw th cystic fbrosis in sip te as M. abscessus.” evE“ rything the Trust has achieev d of eix sting crossi- nfection op il cies. has been as a resutl of tael nte ,d eP oelp iw th cystic fbrosis hw o see�l ss ep oelp throughout the KU The grous’p ne w recommenad tions haev concerns about this issue an d beyon ,d hw o are iw il ng to go incul ed : a l centres shou dl haev shou dl sep ak to their cil nician. aboev an d beyon d to suop rt the a ol ca l crossi- nfection op il cy Trust an d make a id fference ”, sai d its sep cifc to M. abscessus that You can fnd more on Chief exE cutiev dE ewO n. T“ his year ard esses issues of monitoring cross-infection and the interim ew aw nte d to say thank you to those an d cel anil ness ; ep oelp iw th cystic guidelines at cysticfbrosis.org. hw o haev giev n an d continue to giev fbrosis , their carers an d uk/crossinfection. their suop rt.” The Trust is iniv ting the hw oel cystic fbrosis community to get inov evl d by nominating the ep rson or ep oelp hw o they fee l ed serev recognition. A ap ne l of uj gd es featuring members of the Trust an d the iw ed r community iw l ed cied hw o iw ns the aaw rsd , hw ich iw l be haned d out at av rious Trust eev nts ud ring the year. Visit cysticfbrosis.org.uk/50awards for more information on the nomination process and criteria. 1,000 Cranes: By Oliver Knott, the video is based on a Japanese belief that if you fold 1,000 cranes in one year then a wish will be granted. http://bit.ly/Cranes1000 6 The magazine of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust cysticfbrosis.org.uk News Campaigning hard for equal access to vital medicines In the past few months the Trust has been lobbying decision makers in Scotland and Wales to ensure that vital medicines for people with rare conditions such as cystic fbrosis are appraised fairly when assessing their value. nI cO tober the cS ottish goev rnment gaev cause for hoep hw en it aske d the cS ottish eM id cines Consortium to fn d an d aylp id fferent arp oaches to eav ul ating rd ugs for sma l op up al tions , Improving the The Trust al unche d its consutl ation in ored r to increase access. The Trust is after ied ntifying issues that are rate of successful cail ng for any ne w system to take into rp eev nting ep oelp iw th cystic fbrosis account uq ail ty of il fe benefts an d aol w transplantation from getting a ul ng transalp nt , for a al ck of aav ial bel research ad ta. guied d by ap tients hw o came The Trust is shortly to release a foraw r d to share their eepx rience. A Task an d Finish rG ou p has been set report based on the fndings of u p to reiv e w the arp aisa l system , an d the open consultation launched eJ ssica oJ nes , oP il cy ivdA ser at CF sep ciail st rD oG rod n aM crG egor in 2013 to address the severe the Trust , sai :d eW“ aw nte d the has been iniv te d to oj in. The aim is to shortfall in successful lung consutl ation to funad mentayl imelp ment the fnid ngs of the reiv e w transplants being carried out for eolpx re the issues that are by srp ing. people with cystic fbrosis. creating these rp obel ms an d ew dE ewO n ew cl ome d this moev by the haev brought together eepx rts in hW iel transalp ntation serev s sma l cS ottish eH atl h iM nister : T“ he Cystic cystic fbrosis an d transalp ntation numbers , it is crucia l for those that Fibrosis Trust has been ol bbying the to ed sign meaningfu l aw ys of nee d it. There are nearyl 08 ep oelp goev rnment to ensure that concerns ard essing these chael nges. The iw th cystic fbrosis aw iting for a regarid ng the eix sting arrangements for rea l ow rk is uj st beginning an d ul ng transalp nt in the ,K U an d this is arp aising ne w meid cines ew re hear.d “ ew hoep our reop rt iw l make a il keyl to increase as suriv av l rates for signifcant op sitiev imap ct.” T“ he aK yl ed co issue al i d bare the nee d those iw th the conid tion imrp oev . for change , an d ew are encourage d The aw it can be agonisingyl ol ng The reop rt iw l l be reel ase d in al te that the goev rnment has resop ned d to an d one in three ep oelp iw th cystic February , fool ew d by a camap ign to the concerns raise d by us an d other fbrosis on the ul ng transalp nt il st make sure its recommenad tions are meid ca l charities an d ap tient grousp .” id es before they can receiev one. taken on boar d by op il cy makers. nI aW el s the Trust urge d suop rters to rw ite to their ol ca l sA sembyl eM mber to ep tition the iM nister for eH atl h & oS cia l New partnership to test rD aJ net elA n , iD rector of eR search eS riv ces , aM rk rD akefor d ,M A rp essing at the Trust , highil ghte d ho w this treatment for lung function for the recognition of the hoil stic benefts ap rtnershi p iul strates the Trusts’ of meid cations for rarer conid tions in the The Cystic Fibrosis Trust has emhp asis on coal boration iw th eW sl h sA sembyl s’ reiv e.w ap rtnere d iw th oN av iB otics tL d inud stry , as ed taiel d in the research an d eH atl h cS iences cS otal n d to strategy al unche d in :3 1 0 2 oW“ rking ed ev ol p yL noev ®x as a treatment coal boratiev yl iw th acaed mics an d for ep rsistent ul ng infection in inud stry increases our caap city to cystic fbrosis. suop rt transformationa l research rp oej cts. This ow rk forms ap rt of The rd ug is arl eayd a recognise d our fev y- ear strategy hw ich aims to treatment for a non CFr- eal te d see the Trust engage col seyl iw th conid tion. ap rtners in research an d inud stry.” 7 The magazine of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust cysticfbrosis.org.uk News News in brief George’s ‘grand’ .2102 eH is asl o eD up ty Chairman ‘No Party’ campaign cycling tour of SHN olB o d an d Transalp nt , marks Trust’s 50th year hw ose staff seel cte d the Trust as Where others relax on holiday, their Charity aP rtner for the year , Trust Chairman George Jenkins an d Chairman of oP rt of oD ev r set himself the target of riding an d oD ev r aH rbour oB ar.d eG orge 1,000 miles over the summer to aw s aaw red d the EBO for seriv ces raise money for the Trust and to heatl hcare in the 102 uQ eens' awareness of cystic fbrosis. iB rthad y oH nours. olA ng the aw y he raise d an fA ter his al st ried , eG orge sai :d I" increid bel !05,4£ am absoul teyl ap ssionate about The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is asking the Cystic Fibrosis Trust an d the all of its supporters to mark its 50th eG orge comelp te d his chael nge ow rk it od es to giev ep oelp hoep anniversary, not by celebrating, hw en he crosse d the fnishing il ne no w an d for the future. I ol st my of the rP ued ntia l iR ed oL nod n- son adA m to cystic fbrosis an d but by joining with it to fnally beat uS rrey 01 on 4 uA gust. eG orge I am ed termine d to od a l I can cystic fbrosis. took ap rt in this m-01 iel cycel for the cause so thank you to The Trusts’ C‘ ystic Fibrosis is oN aP rty’ chael nge aol ngsied 23 other eev ryone hw o sop nsore d me. camap ign , hw ich al unche d in aJ nuary Trust suop rters , incul id ng some Those uS rrey hisl ew re not easy"! , 4 1 0 2 is asking eev ryone iw thin the hw o ha d traev el d od nw from cystic fbrosis community to bol w idE nburgh to take ap rt. Be inspired by George and u p a baol on onil ne , an d share their take on a fundraising challenge eepx riences of cystic fbrosis an d hw at eG orge aw s eel cte d as Chairman in our 50th year – visit they are bringing to the oN‘ aP rty.’ of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust in uJ yl cysticfbrosis.org.uk/events. oH“ w cou dl ew ceel brate our t05 h anniev rsary hw en ew kno w many ep oelp iw th cystic fbrosis are sti l not il iv ng to ceel brate their t04 h birthad y ”? sai d aI in cM nA rd e , w the Trusts’ iD rector of aM rketing. nI“ stea ,d ew aw nt our t05 h year to be the moment hw en the cystic fbrosis community comes together an d seizes the moment to beat cystic fbrosis for goo.d ” fA“ ter bol iw ng u p a baol on , suop rters can choose hw ether they aw nt to he pl imrp oev the il ev s of ep oelp iw th cystic fbrosis by aid ng their ov ice to one of our camap igns , or organising their onw oN aP rty eev nt , be it a uq iz night , coffee morning – or eev n a oN aP rty ap rty ”! aed d aI in. eR a d more about the Trusts’ t05 h anniev rsary , see ap ges .41– 2 1 To blow up your balloon and read the stories and experiences of other ‘No Party’ goers, visit eG orge eJ nkins ,EBO Chairman of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust , cysticfbrosis.org.uk/no-party. cycel d 0,1 miel s ud ring the summer of 3102 to raise money. 8 The magazine of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust cysticfbrosis.org.uk News Registry Report reveals majority of people with cystic fbrosis now in Peer reviews put patients in work or study position of power The UK CF Registry Data Report for In the last few months the Trust has 2012, released in October 2013, reveals undertaken a number of peer reviews that cystic fbrosis is increasingly of adult and paediatric cystic fbrosis moving from a childhood killer to an services around the UK. adult condition. oJ intyl organise d by the Trust , the The ne w statistics sho w that the meid an rB itish aP eid atric eR sip ratory oS ciety suriv av l for ep oelp iw th cystic fbrosis in an d the rB itish Thoracic oS ciety , the KU has increase d to .34 5 years. ep er reiv esw ol ok at the cil nica ,l sp ychosocia l an d business actiiv ties The reop rt asl o reev asl that cystic real ting to the ed il ev ry of care. fbrosis is el ss of a barrier to norma l il fe , iw th .07 %4 of ep oelp iw th the conid tion To make the rp ocess more accessibel abel to ow rk or stuyd , an d a signifcant to ap tients , the Trust no w up bil shes number consied ring themseevl s retire.d a oneap- ge summary of the reiv e w aol ngsied the fu l reop rt. The KU CF eR gistry is one of the most comrp ehensiev ad ta sets on cystic Read the peer reviews and summaries fbrosis in the ow r ,dl containing ed taisl online at cysticfbrosis.org.uk/peer. for oev r %9 of the KU CF op up al tion. Trust Chief exE cutiev dE ewO n Coalition of charities to focus ew cl ome d the fnid ngs but focuse d on on Who Benefts? the future , saying : T“ he 2102 eR gistry eR op rt rp oev s that cystic fbrosis is nI eS tp ember the Cystic Fibrosis Trust a conid tion that has benefte d from oj ine d a coail tion of more than 05 imrp oev ments in treatments , stanad rsd organisations set u p to giev a ov ice to of care an d access to ne w meid cines. the miil ons of ep oelp hw o haev been heepl d by benefts. sA“ ew enter our t05 h anniev rsary year in ,41 0 2 ew iw l be ow rking eev n hared r , in The nationiw ed camap ign aims to change conuj nction iw th scientists an d cil nicians , the aw y ew think about ep oelp hw o to imrp oev suriv av l rates an d uq ail ty of il fe.” receiev benefts , using rea l stories to sho w the reail ty of hw o neesd he , p l hw y For the frst time a seap rate summary they nee d it an d the id fference it makes. od cument aw s up bil she d aol ngsied the fu l scientifc reop rt. The Trust wants to hear from people with stories about how benefts Read and download both reports have supported them. at cysticfbrosis.org.uk/registry. Contact Louise Banks, Senior Communications Manager, ( Addressing ‘nonsense’ mutations A project led by Professor Smythe, University of Sheffeld, is testing a new Re-vamped clinical compound that will help to counteract conference looks to a group of mutations present in 10% of people with cystic fbrosis. new era September 2013 saw the Cystic Cal ss I or n‘ onsense ’ mutations , are Fibrosis Trust’s new-look, two-day ed tecte d by a uq ail ty contro l system clinical conference open at the that stosp cesl attemtp ing to rp oud ce Manchester Conference Centre, under the CFT R rp otein that is fautl y in ep oelp the banner of ‘Moving forward together iw th cystic fbrosis. in a new era’. nA ora l rd ug cael d tA aul ren can arl eayd aD y 1 aw s oep n to anyone inov evl d in comep nsate for nonsense mutations the rp oiv sion of cil nica l care at sep ciail st in iv tro but its cil nica l effect has not CF centres an d cil nics across the .KU been as great as aw s eepx cte ,d an d it This mutl iid sciilp nary eev nt feature d is hoep d the comop un d that rP ofessor takl s an d ow rkshosp on a iw ed range of mS ythe an d his team are inev stigating subej cts. iw l enhance the effect of tA aul ren. tA an eev ning recetp ion at the en d of Find out more at the frst ad y , rB itish high uj mep r aD tl on cysticfbrosis.org.uk/smythe. rG ant rp oiv ed d an insip rationa l takl as guest sep aker. Campaign success for access to The secon d ad y aw s an iniv teo- nyl psychology services in Scotland Centre iD rectors eM eting , aime d at faciil tating communication an d The Cystic Fibrosis Trust can report id scussion. tI asl o serev d as a al unching some success in its efforts to achieve ap d for the 2102 KU CF eR gistry eR op rt. equal access in Scotland to specialist psychology, after discovering a epO ning the conference , Chief desperate lack in some regions. exE cutiev dE ewO n sop ke of the iv ta l real tionshi p betew en the Trust an d the At the end of 2013 the West of Scotland cil nica l community , something hw ich has Adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit based in been h“ ariw-d re d into hw at ew[ ] od since Gartnavel General Hospital gained a our founad tion , 05 years ago netx year.” specialist clinical psychologist post. dE asl o highil ghte d the nee d to The campaign began after the Trust’s better engage iw th the cystic fbrosis psychosocial survey identifed a community , a ed” fning ap rt ” of the number of areas where a specialist Trusts’ mission going foraw rsd . psychologist is badly needed but unavailable due to lack of funding. Read the full text of Ed’s speech at Supporters were invited to share stories http://cftrust.blogspot.co.uk. about when they have either benefted from, or suffered through a lack of, access to psychological support. 01 The magazine of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust cysticfbrosis.org.uk News News in brief

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