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Marketing and Branding Compliance PDF

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MMaarrkkeettiinngg aanndd BBrraannddiinngg YYoouurr CCoommpplliiaannccee PPrrooggrraamm LL.. SStteepphhaann VViinncczzee,, JJ..DD..,, LLLL..MM..,, CCHHCC VVPP,, EEtthhiiccss && CCoommpplliiaannccee // PPrriivvaaccyy OOffffiicceerr TTAAPP PPhhaarrmmaacceeuuttiiccaall PPrroodduuccttss IInncc.. Food For Thought “Wisdom comes only through suffering.” Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 458 B.C. More Food For Thought “There are only two forces that unite men – fear and interest.” Napoleon Bonaparte Partnership Principles Produce Positive Results Overview •• KKnnooww YYoouurr AAuuddiieennccee •• HHaavvee tthhee RRiigghhtt RReessoouurrcceess//TTeeaamm •• UUssee EEffffeeccttiivvee MMaarrkkeettiinngg ttoo ““BBrraanndd”” YYOOUURR PPrroodduucctt •• UUssee RReelleevvaanntt CCaassee SSttuuddiieess •• UUssee MMuullttiippllee MMeeddiiaa ttoo CCoommmmuunniiccaattee//TTrraaiinn •• DDaarree ttoo LLaauugghh aanndd PPookkee FFuunn aatt YYoouurrsseellff •• CCrreeaattee PPoossiittiivvee IInncceennttiivveess Marketing and Branding Compliance Know Your Audience • Industry Sector • Internal • External Marketing and Branding Compliance Know Your Audience • Industry Sector • Pharma -- Sales & Marketing -- Corporate Office (R&D, Finance, QA, HR, Legal, MIS, etc.) • Hospitals, Health Systems, Physician Practices, Managed Care Organizations, etc. Marketing and Branding Compliance Know Your Audience • Internal Board n Executive Management n Functional Areas n Senior Management – Mid-Level Management – Employees n Stakeholders n Marketing and Branding Compliance Know Your Audience • External Government n HHS n OIG – CMS – FDA – DOJ n Congress n Media n Public n Marketing and Branding Compliance Have the Right Resources/Team • Resources • Senior Management Support • Time • Money • Technology/Systems • People • People – • Compliment your skill sets • Emphasize communication skills • Emphasize credibility • Seek diversity

Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 458 B.C. YOUR Product. • Use Relevant Case Studies. • Use Multiple Case study teams in live training. • Interactive
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