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Market Leader ESP Book - Human Resources PDF

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Recruitment 1 E-recruitment 4 2 Socialn etworking 8 3 Thew ar for talent:G eneratioYn 72 Training 4 Executiveed ucation 76 5 Evaluatintgra iningp rogrammes 20 6 Apprenticeships 24 Paya nd reward 7 Executivep ay 28 8 Benefits 32 9 Bonuseas ndi ncentives 36 Diversity 10 Ethnidci versity 40 11 Gendeer quality 44 12 Hiringlo callyo r abroad 48 Strategy 13 Buitdinags tronHg Rb rand 52 14 E-firing 56 HRd ocuments 15 Joba dvertisement 50 15 Lettero f appointment 64 17 Performancaep praisarl ecord 68 18 Staffs atisfactions urvey 72 CheckT ests 76 Answerk ey 80 Glossary 90 Thisu nitl ooksa t thew aysi n whiche mproyearsr eu singte chnotoginyt he recruitmepnrt ocess. Discustsh eseq uestions. 1 Wheny oua ret hinkinga bouty ourf uturec areerh,o wc any ouf indo uta boutt hed ifferencto mpanies ando rganisatioynosu c ouldw orkf or? 2 Whats orto f procesdso y ouh aveto got hr oughin orderto geta job?D escribteh ev ariouss tages. tr Understandingmthaein p oints Readth ea rticleo nt heo ppositep agea nda nswetrh eseq uestions. 1 Whichm odernte chnologicraels ourcaer ec ompanienso wu singto recruitth en extg eneratioonf employees? 2 Besidetsh eiro wnw ebsitew, hichtw oo thert ypeso f sitea rec ompanieuss ingto attracat ndr ecruit graduates? 3 Atw hichs tagein t her ecruitmenptr ocesiss o nlinete stingu seful? 4 Inw hichtw om ainw aysi st hisg eneralluys efutlo bothe mptoyerasn dg raduates? 5 whyi s it importanfto rc ompanietos giveq uicka utomatefde edback? 6 Whyi s it nots ufficienfot rc ompaniessim ptyto uset heiro wnw ebsiteto attracyt oungr ecruits? 7 Whata rec ompanietrsy ingto achievbey e ngaginwgi thp otentiaelm ployeeosu tsideo f thec ompany's ownw ebsited omain? 8 Accordintgo thea rticlea, rea [[e mployerpsr oficienatt usingw ebr esourcetos attracat ndr ecruit employeeyse t? tr Understandingdetails Readth ea rticlea gaina nda nswetrh eseq uestions. 1 Whichw elt-knowInn ternesti tei s playinga majorr olei n Ernsat ndY oung'rse cruitmesnttr ategy? 2 Whati st hew orld'sla rgesot nlinere cruitmengtr oup? 3 Givea specifiecx amploef howo nlinete stingis usefulf,i rsttyto thec ompanayn ds econdltyo the potentiajoI ba pplicant. 4 Whichv irtuawl orlda res omec ompanieuss ingin o rdetro meept otentiarel cruits? 5 Howc anp otentiarle cruituss et hatr esourcteo meeta ndt atkt o companeym ployees? 6 whicho thert woI nternefto rumsd oe mployeruss et o meety oungp eople? 7 oncee mployerhsa vem adec ontacwt ithy oungp eopleh,o wd ot heyk eepth osey oungp eople interesteindt hem? UNIT1 '" E-RECRUITMENT Online recruitment: serviceso f companiess ucha sM onster, Internet,o utsidet heir own web do- the world's largesto nline recruitment mainsT. ech-sav\Ty.o un ger-Beneration Shoppingfo r talent group,t hey areu singo nline technology individuals now entering the job zo to speedu p the applicationp rocess. market spend much of their lives in a virtual world This allows candidatest o find out online and expect recruiters to be detailsa boutt hejob they area pplying there,t oo. for and completet he first stageso f F Forc ompanietsh.i sm eanes ngaging by Sarah Murray the application. 65 in the online socialn etworkingt hat C Onei mpoftantp art of this processis plays such an important part in the onlinet esting.T akinga practicet esto n way youngr ecruitsi nteractw ith their a corporatew ebsitem eansa n individ- peers.A s well as socialn etworking ual can measuret hemselvesa gainst sites,v irtual worlds sucha s Second thes tandardosf thec ompanyin areas Life also provide opportunities to :o such as numeracy,f or example.F or engagep rospectivec andidatesw, hose 'avatars' companiest,h eset estsc an weed out (inventedo nline characters) inappropriatec andidatesb efore they can interactw ith thoseo f the compa- havee vens tartedt he applicationp ro- ny's employees. cessA. nd for graduatesth, ey savet ime G Much of the real powero f the Inter- :s and money.I f they don't measureu p, net in recruitment exists in these they can withdraw from the process externasl ites.w herec ompaniecsa n without having to spend time on build an employer brand and tap application forms or travelling to intop otentiarle cruitsb y engagingin anotherc ity. issuesa bout which thesei ndividuals D It is importantf or companiesto fol- arep assionateT.h is meansc ompanies low up with automatedf eedbacko n needt o establisha presencein every- A Since2 007, Ernst & Young'sr ecruit- the tests,h owever.C andidatesw ho do thing from chatr oomst o blogs. ment strategyh as included a pageo n well in practice tests and receive H But while somef orward-thinking Facebook.O n the site,j ob candidates instant feedback telling them that 85 companieas red oingt his,m anyr ecruit- canm eets tudentsg ainingw ork experi- +s they'vee xceededth e standardre quire- ersh avey ett o tapi nto thesea udiences. 'Organisations ence,p articipatei n opinion polls and mentsf ind that very encouraginga, nd are a bit unsurea t the join discussiong roups,w hoset opics so tend to stick with the companya nd moment of how to take advantageo f cover everything from psychometric continuet heir application. this,' says Emma Parry, Research testingt o working in China. E However,t he web offers more than Fellow at CranfieldS choolo f Manage- 'But B However, the accounting firm's so automatedf orm filling, particularly ment. it's somethingt hey'll have l0 move into social networking is only when it comest o identifying the best to do in the future because,f or this onee xampleo f thew ayc ompaniecsa n talenta mongt heg raduateco mmunity. generationo f recruits,t hat'st he way uset he web to attractt op talent.S ome Traditionally, companiest hought they communicate.' companiesh avee xtendedt heir useo f abouth ow to find the right candidate. FT the Intemeti n the recruitmentp rocess ss Today,h owever,t hey think abouth ow and are using web tools very effec- the right candidatec an find them - ' tively. As well as making use of the by settingu p shop'i n otherp artso f the Searchingfo r information 1 Looka t theser easonsw hy employersp articipatein socialn etworkings ites.T ick( /) the ones mentionedin the article. 1 to attractto pt atent 4 to tap into potentialr ecruits 2 to havefu np layingo nS econdL ife 5 to learnm orea boutw orldi ssues 3 to builda ne mployebrr and 2 Looka t theser easonws hyy oungp eoplein teracwt ithc ompanieosn s ocianl etworkinsgi tes. Tick( /) theo nesm entioneidn thea rticle. 1 to develop'avatars' 4 to meeitn terns 2 to improvteh eirc omputesrk itls 5 to participaitneo pinionp olls 3 toj oind iscussiognro ups UNITI E-RECRUITMENT " tr Wordse arch Findt hreew ordsi n paragraphAs andB of the articlew hichf oltowt he wordr ecruitmenat ndm atcht he resultingp hrasesw itht heirm eanings. 1 recruitment t. ...... a) a seto f companiewsh osejo bi t ist o helpe mployerfsin dn ewe mployees 2 recruitmenpt. ....... b) a planf orr ecruitinnge we mployees 3 recruitment c) a serieso f stepsw hichr esultsin t heh iringo f newe mployees 9........ tr Wordfa milies 1 Completteh e chartw ithw ordsf romt he article. 2 Completteh e chartw itht he correspondinngo uns. verb noun to attract 1 to extend 2 to withdrawfr om to followu p to receive 5 g Wordp artnerships 1 Matcht hev erbsa ndv erbp hrases(1 -8)w itht he nounp hrases(a -h)t o formw ordp artnerships relatingto the useo f onlinet echnologiyn the iob applicationp rocess. 1 to use a) inappropriactea ndidates 2 to complete b) webt oolsv erye ffectively 3 to followu pw ith c) a practicete st 4 to findo ut d) timea ndm oney 5 to weedo ut e) detailsa boutt hej ob 6 to take f) thef irsts tageso fthea pplication 7 to save g) againstth es tandardosf thec ompany 8 to measureth emselves h) automatedfe edback Decidew hicha ctionsin Exercis1e belongt o the candidatea ndw hichb elongth e company. Oneo fthema ppliesto both. UNIT1 E-RECRUITMENT " Sentencec ompletion Usep hrasefrso mE xercisAe-sC to c ompletthee ses entences. 1 Weh avej ust spenta monthw orkingo ut our for the comingy ear.W ep lant o take on 30 graduateasn dw illr ecruitth ema llo nline. 2 Weareaverypopularcompanytoworlnkffaocr.t ,wewerevotedontehoeft op-ten........lastyear. 3 Somec ompanieasr eu singo nlinew ebt oolst o allowp otentiarle cruitsto ........t hef irsts tageso f their job apptication. 4 Practictee stse nablep otentiaal pplicanttso ........themselveasg ainstth es tandardosf the company. 5 Onlinete stsa llowe mployertso weedo ut. ........ ......s. ot hatt heyd on'tw asteti meo r moneyv isiting the companyfo r testsa nd interviews. 6 Socianl etworkincga nb ea greatw ayt o ........t opt alent. 7 lt is an importanpt arto f a company'tsa sko f buitdinga n employebr randt o appeatlo potential young......... Un derstandign e xpressions Choosteh eb eset xplanatifoonre achw ordo rp hrasfero mth ea rticle. '... 1 whoset opics covere verythingf romp sychometrict estingt o ...' ([ines6 -8) a) mathematicatel sts b) testsw hichm easurep ersonalitya nda ttitudes '...in 2 areass ucha s numerocy.. .'( lines2 9-30) a) skiltw ithn umbersa ndm athematics b) abitityt o readn umbersa ccurately '... 3 can weedo ut inappropriatec andidates...'( tines3 7-32) a) selects uitablec andidates b) eliminateu nsuitablcea ndidates 'lf 4 theyd on't measureu p,. ..'(tinel S) a) aren'tb ige nough b) aren'tc ompetenetn ough 'Tech-sovvy, 5 younger-generatioinnd ividuals.. .'( lines5 9-60) a) withs pecialistet chnicasIk ills b) knowtedgeablaeb outa nd ablet o usem odernt echnology Visitt hew ebsitems entioneadn ds eei f anyc ompanieyso uk nowo f areu singth emt o interacwt ith potentiarle cruitsD. escribteh ew aysi nw hichth eya red oingth is. Visitt hew ebsiteosf anyc ompanieyso uk nowo f andf indo uti f theyp rovideo nlines ervicefso r potentiaalp plicantCs.o mpletae p ractictee sto rt woa nds eeh owy oum easuruep . Thisu nitl ooksa tt hew ayc ompanieasr eu singth eire xistinge mployeetos findnewones. Discustsh eseq uestions. 1 Describwea ysin w hichc ompaniefisn dn ewb ute xperienceedm ployeeinsy ourc ountry. 2 Cany out hinko f anyo therw ayst heyc ouldd ot his?E xplaiyno uri deas. Understandintgh e mainp oints Reatdh ea rticleo nt heo ppositpea gea nda nswethr eseq uestibns. 1 Whoa ree mployerins creasingulys ingto findo there xperienceedm ployeefos rt heirc ompanies? 2 Whati st heb enefifto rt hee mployeweh or efersa potentiarle cruit? 3 Whichfe atureo f modernli feh ase ncourageedm ptoyertos followth isr ecruitmesnttr ategy? 4 Givetw oe xamplefsro mt hea rticleo f onlines ocianl etworkincgo mmunities. 5 Whata ret heb enefitfso rt hec ompany? 5 Whereis t hisr ecruitmesnttr ategmy orec ommonI,n diao rt heU K? 7 Areth erea nyp otentiadli sadvantagiens re cruitinegm ptoyeevsia p ersonareI ferrals? 8 WhatI nternerte sourcdeo s omee mployerpsr ovidefo re mployeewsh ow antt o referfr iendsa nd contactass p otentiajol bc andidates? Understandingd etails Readth e articlea gaina nds ayw hetherth eses tatementas ret rue (T)o r false( F).C orrectth e falseo nes. ldentifuth ep arto f thea rticleth atg ivesth isi nformation. 1 Companieosn lya skp eoplew hos titlw orkf ort hemt o lookf orn ewr ecruits. 2 lndiane mployerssa ve7 5p erc ento ft heirr ecruitmencot ststh roughp ersonareI ferrals. 3 Emptoyeewsh ob ringn ewr ecruittso a companayr eu suatlrye wardewdi tha jobp romotion. 4 Them osta ne mployecea nm akefr oma UKe mployefro ra successfpuel rsonarel ferraisl f 2,000. 5 Jobc andidatewsh oh aveb eenr eferrebdy a friendd on otn eedto got hroughth es amete stinga no interviewpr ocesass o therjo bc andidates. 6 lt is besti f a compandyo esn ott eltt hep eoplere sponsibfloer s electinsgu ccessfcual ndidatethse nameo f thep ersonw hoh asr eferread s pecifijco bc andidate. 7 lt canb ea goodi deaf ora compantyo waitu ntila newr ecruiht ass uccessfuwllyo rkedfo rt hec ompany fors ometi meb eforep ayinga bonusto thep ersonw hor ecommendtehde m. 8 UNIT2 '" SOCIAiLlI ETWORKING Social networking hits the workplace byAlicia Ctegg A Career-mindepde oplek now that hav- ing a wide circle of friendsc an be a good thing in the job market.N ow employers are benefiting from the s addressb ooks of their employeesb y rewarding those who talent-spotf or thec ompany. B Almost half of UK employerso ffer staff an incentive to get friends and ro associatetso makej ob applications, values of the culture they are joining. samem ethodsa s externala pplicants. 'The accordingt o the CharteredIn stituteo f learning curve for becoming Another safetym easureis to hide the Personneal ndD evelopmenitn theU K. effective is much shorter,'says Richard sourcew, herep ossiblet,h roughw hich Also on the increasea rep rogralnmes Jordan, Head of Employer Brand at zs referralsh ave enteredt he selection which encouragef ormer employees Ernst & Young in London. pipeline. rs to feed back recruitmentl eads and F One concem. however. is that refer- J Recommendationsa re valuableo nly considerr ejoiningt he companyi n ral programmes restrict the flow of new if they provide candidatesw ith the the future. ideas into organisations,b ecausee xist- requireds kills. Recruitersm ust also C Growing enthusiasmf or social ing staff are likely to recommend so planf or how to dealw ith appointments 'personal networking has made 50 people who think like they do. that go wrong. To limit their financial 'The zo introduction'popular. marketi s G As the popularity of referral exposures, omee mployersp ayb onuses very aware of the power of word of programmes which offer a reward has only after a referredc andidateh as mouth,'s aysR ichardS praggC, ommu- risen. so has the size of the reward. A completeda probationaryp eriod. nicationsM anagera t EPC-global. case in point is professional services K One employeri nvites staff, part- 'It is drivenb y businessewsa kingu p firms, where bonuses can range from icularly those in areas of skills 'talent 2s to communitiess ucha sM ySpacea nd f2000 for the appointment of a secre- shortagest,o enrol as scouts'. FriendsR eunited.' tary to f 10000 for a partner. However, They then receive an online magazite D Employersm easurablyb enefitf rom another concern is that extravagant that highlights recruitmentp riorities referral programmes;t hey can cut bonusesm ay tempt staffto recommend m and offers tips on how to network. recruitment budgets. According d) names inappropriately. They learn how to spot and approach 30 to one group HR director,i n the UK, H Some feel that friendship can talentedp eoplei n order to increaset he 20 per cent of recruits come through colour someone's view of a prospec- talent pool. In somep eople'sv iew, employeer eferrals,w hich represenat tive mate's capabilities. When a though, not paying the recruitment 50-per-cenct osts aving,w hile in India respected employee recommends a ss bonus until after a probationary abouth alf comet hroughr eferrals,a nd friend, employers may be tempted to period is a clear caseo f management :s the savingsa rec losert o 75 per cent. assume that the candidate will make avoidingr esponsibIi it y. E Keepingc ostsd own isn't the only an equally good colleague. attractiono f referrala nde x-employee Referral programmes are useful, but FT hiring schemesJ.u sta s importanta re certain rules are necessary.R ule one is the benefitst hat flow from appointing that referred candidates should be $ someonew ho is known to sharet he assessedo n the same basis and by the UNIT2'> SOCIAtIt ETWORKING tr Wordse arch 1 Findw ordsa ndp hrasesin the articlew hichd escribeth ingse mployeeosr formere mployees cand o to hetpf ind newr ecruitsfo r a company. 1 tot .......-t......(.p. aragraAp)h 2 to getf riendasn da ssociatteos m ........j......a.... .....(.p aragrapBh) 3 tof .......b. ......r..e cruitmel.n.t. ....(.p aragraBp)h 4 to r........afr iend(p aragrapHh) 5 toe nroal sa t .......t .......(.p aragraKp)h 6 to n.......(.p aragraplQh 7 tos........anad.. ......talenpteedo pl(ep aragralp0h 2 Findw ordsi n the articlew hichd escribew hatc ompanieosf fers taffi n return for this hetp. 1 ani .......(.p aragrapBh) 2 a r.......(.p aragraGph) 3 a b.......(.p aragraGph) 3 Findw ordso r phrasesin the articlew hichf it thesem eanings. 1 the referraol f a friendo r associatteo the companyyo uw orkf or (paragrapCh) p......i.... ...... 2 whata companiys s aidt o havem adew hena candidaties g ivena newj ob (paragrapGh) 4........ 3 thep rocesbsy w hichc andidateasr ei nterviewetdh,e na ccepteodr rejecte(dp aragrapl)h ther ......P... ... 4 thep erioda ftera newe mployeies recruitedd,u ringw hichth ec ompanays sessewsh ether theya rer ightf ort hej oba ndc anc ontinuteo workf ort hec ompan(yS omee mployerdso notp ayr eferrabl onuseusn tilthisti meh asb eens uccessfucttoym pteted(.p) aragrapJh) P......P... ....... Wordfa milies tr Completteh e chartw ithw ordp artnershipfsro mt he articlew hichi ncluded ifferenfto rmso f refer. verb noun adjective adiective 3 to. .......st omeone employee candidate .op rogramme to a company 10 UNIT2 SOCIALNETWORKING " Textc ompletion Usew ordsa ndp hrasefrso mE xercisAe asn dB t oc ompletthei sp aragraph. Companiecsa ns avea lot of moneyb y encouraginegm ployeetso findn ewr ecruitsfo rt hem.T od o this, theyu sualtyo ffert hee mployeea financia.t. ......'S. omec ompanieasr es o wello rganisetdh att heyh ave setupemployee................'toadviseemptoyeesontrheectryupietsotfh ecompanymosturgently needsS. omec ompanieasr ec autiousa boutr ewardintgh e ....'toos oon.T heys ometimes waitu ntilt hen ewr ecruiht asc ompletead . ...... beforep ayingth ee mployeteh eir........l5f a. n employeues est heirf reet imet o ........a' nd. .......-......p..o/t entiarle cruitsth, eyc ane arna loto fe xtra moneyo n top of theirs alary. Un derstandin g expressions Choosteh eb eset xptanatifoonre achw ordo rp hrasfero mth ea rticte. 'Career-minded 7 people know that ...'( tine1 ) a) peoptew ho haves tronga mbitionsfo rt heirc areer b) peoptew hod on'tl iket heirc areer 2 '... busines sesw aking up to communitiess ucha s ...' (lines2 4-25) a) becomingm orea wareo f b) sayingh ellot o theirn eighbourisn the morning 3 'The leorningc urvef or becominge ffective. ..' (tines4 2-43) a) amounto f time it takest o acquiret he rightk nowledge b) amounto f time it takest o recruit '... 4 extravaganbf onuses. ..'( lines5 8-59) a) extremelyl arge b) additionat '... 5 can colour someone'sv iew of ...' (tines6 7-62) a) inftuencteh eirj udgement b) maket hema ngry 6 'Io Iimit their financiole xposure,s ome employers. ..' (lines8 1-82) a) keept heirf inancesa secret b) minimiseth er isko f losingm oney 7 '.,.to increaset he talentp ool.' ([ines9 2-93) a) encourageem ployeetso improveth eirs wimmings kitts b) raiset he numbero f hightys killede mployeeisn thec ompany 1 Writea shortr eporot utlinintgh ea dvantageasn dd isadvantagteos c ompanieosf using ane mployeree ferraslc heme. 2 Thei ncentivems entioneidn t hea rticlea rem osttys implefi nanciapla ymentWs. ritea listo f otherw aysin whicha compancyo uldin centivisites e mployeetos bringin newr ecruits. 77

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