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Marine Tidal and Wave Energy Converters: Technologies, Conversions, Grid Interface, Fault Detection, and Fault-Tolerant Control PDF

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M a r in e T id a l a n d W a v e E n e r g y C o n v e r t e r s • M o Marine Tidal h a m e d B e n and Wave Energy b o u z id , Y a s Converters s in e A m ir a t a Technologies, Conversions, n d E lh Grid Interface, Fault Detection, o u s s in E and Fault-Tolerant Control lb o u c h ik h i Edited by Mohamed Benbouzid, Yassine Amirat and Elhoussin Elbouchikhi Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Energies www.mdpi.com/journal/energies Marine Tidal and Wave Energy Converters Marine Tidal and Wave Energy Converters Technologies, Conversions, Grid Interface, Fault Detection, and Fault-Tolerant Control SpecialIssueEditors MohamedBenbouzid YassineAmirat ElhoussinElbouchikhi MDPI•Basel•Beijing•Wuhan•Barcelona•Belgrade•Manchester•Tokyo•Cluj•Tianjin SpecialIssueEditors MohamedBenbouzid YassineAmirat ElhoussinElbouchikhi UniversityofBrest ISENYncre´aOuest AISENYncre´aOuest France France France EditorialOffice MDPI St.Alban-Anlage66 4052Basel,Switzerland This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Energies (ISSN 1996-1073) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/specialissues/ MarineEnergyConverters). Forcitationpurposes,citeeacharticleindependentlyasindicatedonthearticlepageonlineandas indicatedbelow: LastName,A.A.; LastName,B.B.; LastName,C.C.ArticleTitle. JournalNameYear,ArticleNumber, PageRange. ISBN978-3-03928-278-4(Pbk) ISBN978-3-03928-279-1(PDF) (cid:2)c 2020bytheauthors. ArticlesinthisbookareOpenAccessanddistributedundertheCreative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon publishedarticles,aslongastheauthorandpublisherareproperlycredited,whichensuresmaximum disseminationandawiderimpactofourpublications. ThebookasawholeisdistributedbyMDPIunderthetermsandconditionsoftheCreativeCommons licenseCCBY-NC-ND. Contents AbouttheSpecialIssueEditors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Preface to ”Marine Tidal and Wave Energy Converters: Technologies, Conversions, Grid Interface,FaultDetection,andFault-TolerantControl”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix KhalilTouimi,MohamedBenbouzidandZheChen OptimalDesignofaMultibridPermanentMagnetGeneratorforaTidalStreamTurbine Reprintedfrom:Energies2020,13,487,doi:10.3390/en13020487 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MiluZhang,TianzhenWang,TianhaoTang,ZhuoLiuandChristopheClaramunt A Synchronous Sampling Based Harmonic Analysis Strategy for Marine Current Turbine MonitoringSystemunderStrongInterferenceConditions Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,2117,doi:10.3390/en12112117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 StephanieOrdonez-Sanchez,MatthewAllmark,KatePorter,RobertEllis,CatherineLloyd, IvanSantic,TimO’Doherty,CameronJohnstone Analysis of a Horizontal-Axis Tidal Turbine Performance in the Presence of Regular and IrregularWavesUsingTwoControlStrategies Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,367,doi:10.3390/en12030367. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 JamesKelly,EndikaAldaiturriagaandPabloRuiz-Minguela Applying International Power Quality Standards for Current Harmonic Distortion to Wave EnergyConvertersandVerifiedDeviceEmulators Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,3654,doi:10.3390/en12193654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 MariosCharilaosSousounisandJonathanShek Wave-to-Wire Power Maximization Control for All-Electric Wave Energy Converters with Non-IdealPowerTake-Off Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,2948,doi:10.3390/en12152948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 BrendaRojas-Delgado,MonicaAlonso,HortensiaAmarisandJuandeSantiago WavePowerOutputSmoothingthroughtheUseofaHigh-SpeedKineticBuffer Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,2196,doi:10.3390/en12112196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 MohdNasirAyob,ValeriaCastellucci,JohanAbrahamssonandRafaelWaters ARemotelyControlledSeaLevelCompensationSystemforWaveEnergyConverters Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,1946,doi:10.3390/en12101946 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Xu Wang and Yanxia Shen Fault Tolerant Control of DFIG-Based Wind Energy Conversion System Using Augmented Observer Reprintedfrom:Energies2019,12,580,doi:10.3390/en12040580. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 v About the Special Issue Editors MohamedBenbouzidreceivedaB.Sc. degreeinelectricalengineeringfromtheUniversityof Batna,Batna,Algeria,in1990,M.Sc. andPh.D.degreesinelectricalandcomputerengineeringfrom the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, Grenoble, France, in 1991 and 1994, respectively, andtheHabilitationa` DirigerdesRecherchesdegreefromtheUniversityofPicardie“JulesVerne,” Amiens, France, in 2000. After receiving his Ph.D. degree, he joined the Professional Institute of Amiens, University of Picardie “Jules Verne,” where he was an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Since September 2004, he has been with the University of Brest, Brest, France, where he is a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering. Prof. Benbouzid is also a Distinguished Professor and a 1000 Talent Expert at the Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China. Hismainresearchinterestsandexperienceincludeanalysis,design,andcontrolofelectric machines,variable-speeddrivesfortraction,propulsion,andrenewableenergyapplications,andthe faultdiagnosisofelectricmachines. Prof. BenbouzidhasbeenelevatedasanIEEEFellowforhis contributions to diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of electric machines and drives. He is also a FellowoftheIET.HeistheEditor-in-ChiefoftheInternationalJournalonEnergyConversionand the Applied Sciences (MDPI) Section on Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering. HeisaSubjectEditorforIETRenewablePowerGeneration. HeisalsoanAssociateEditorofIEEE TransactionsonEnergyConversion. YassineAmiratreceivedB.Sc. andM.Sc. degreesinelectricalengineeringfromtheUniversity ofAnnaba, Annaba, in1994and1997, respectively. HewasalectureratAnnabaUniversityfrom 2000to2010. HeobtainedaPh.D.degreeinwindturbineconditionmonitoringattheUniversity ofBrest, Brest, Francein2011. HeiscurrentlyanAssociateProfessorofElectricalEngineeringat ISEN Yncre´a Ouest, Brest, France. He is also an affiliated member of the Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Loˆme (UMR CNRS 6027). His main research interests include electrical machine fault detectionanddiagnosis,fault-tolerantcontrol,andsignalprocessingandstatisticsforpowersystems monitoring. Heisalsointerestedinrenewableenergyapplications: windturbines,marinecurrent turbines,andhybridgenerationsystems. Dr. AmiratisanIEEESeniorMember. HeisanAssociate EditorofSpringer’sjournalElectricalEngineeringandMDPI’sJournalofMarineScienceandEngineering. Elhoussin Elbouchikhi received a diploma engineer degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in automatic and electricalengineeringandaresearchMaster’sdegreeinautomaticsystems, computerscienceand decision from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INPENSEEIHT), Toulouse, France, in 2010, and a Ph.D degree in 2013 from the University of Brest, Brest, France. After receiving his Ph.D. degree, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at ISEN Yncre´a Ouest, Brest, France and an AssociateMemberoftheLBMSLaboratory(EA4325)fromOctober2013toSeptember2014. Since September2014,hehasbeenanAssociateProfessoratISENYncre´aOuest,Brest,Franceandisan affiliatedmemberoftheInstitutdeRechercheDupuydeLoˆme(UMRCNRS6027).Hismaincurrent researchinterestsincludeelectricalmachinefaultdetectionanddiagnosis, fault-tolerantcontrolin marinecurrentturbines,andsignalprocessingandstatisticsforpowersystemsmonitoring. Heis also interested in energy management systems in microgrids and renewable energy applications suchasmarinecurrentturbines,windturbines,andhybridgenerationsystems. Dr. Elbouchikhiis anIEEESeniorMember.HeisaTopicEditorfortheMDPIjournalEnergies. vii viii Preface to ”Marine Tidal and Wave Energy Converters: Technologies, Conversions, Grid Interface, Fault Detection, and Fault-Tolerant Control” The worldwide potential of electric power generation from marine tidal currents, waves, or offshore winds is enormous. The high load factor resulting from the fluid properties and the predictable resource characteristics make tidal and wave energy resources attractive and advantageous for power generation and advantageous when compared to other renewable energies. The technologies are just beginning to reach technical and economic viability to make them potential commercial power sources in the near future. While only a few small projects currently exist, the technology is advancing rapidly and has huge potential for generating bulk power. Moreover, international treaties related to climate control and dwindling fossil fuel resources have encouraged us to harness energy sustainably from such marine renewable sources. Several demonstrative projects have been scheduled to capture tidal and wave energies. A number of these projects have now reached a relatively mature stage and are close to completion. However, very little is known to the academic world about these technologies beyond the basics of their energy conversion principles. While research emphasis is more towards hydrodynamics and turbine design, very limited activities are witnessed in power conversion interface, control, and power quality aspects. Regarding this emerging and promising area of research, this book aims to present recent results, serving to promote successful marine renewable energies integration to the grid or to standalone microgrids. MohamedBenbouzid,YassineAmirat,ElhoussinElbouchikhi SpecialIssueEditors ix

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