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MANE Policy Index to Volume 15 January, March, May, July, September and November 1991 ies, Mohd Ibrahim Hj Mohamed, No 1, Agoes, Etty, R., Indonesian and LOS Con- Articles — titles January 1991, pp 2-14 vention: report developments in ocean D.P.L. Calmet and J.M. Bewers, No 6, Nova Scotia and North Norway fisheries: law, policy and management, No 2, November 1991, pp 413-430 the future of small-scale processors, March 1991, pp 122-131 China and the exploitation of deep seabed Richard Apostle and Svein Jentoft, No Apostle, Richard and Jentoft, Svein, Nova polymetallic nodules, Wang Zhixiong, 2, March 1991, pp 100-110 Scotia and North Norway fisheries: the No 2, March 1991, pp 132-135 Nova Scotian offshore fishermen’s aware- future of small-scale processors, No 2, China and the LOS Convention, Zhiguo ness of safety, Marian Binkley, No 3, March 1991, pp 100-110 Gao, No 3, May 1991, pp 199-209 May 1991, pp 170-182 Auyong Jan see Miller, Marc L. Coastal zone tourism: a potent force affect- Overcapitalization and structural adjust- Bewers, J.M. see Calmet, D.P. ing environment and society, Marc L. ment: recent developments in UK Binkley, Marian, Nova Scotian offshore Miller and Jan Auyong, No 2, March fisheries, Brian Garrod and David fishermen’s awareness of safety, No 3, 1991, pp 75-99 Whitmarsh, No 4, July 1991, pp 289- May 1991, pp 170-182 Deep sea-bed mining and the protection of 296 Bushardt, Stephen C. see Williams, D.C., the marine environment, André Noll- Packaging for export: a case study of Jr : kaemper, No 1, January 1991, pp 55-66 underutilized species of finfish, D.C. Calmet, D.P. and Bewers, J.M. No 6, Drift-net fishing in the South Pacific: from Williams, Jr, Stephen C. Bushardt and November 1991, pp 413-430 controversy to management, Andrew Edward Nissan, No 1, January 1991, Cheng, Hsiang-tai, Criner, George K. and Wright and David Doulman, No 5, pp 15-22 Townsend, Ralph E., International _ September 1991, pp 303-337 Passage of warships through the Strait of lobster supply: benefits of Canadian Drug trafficking by sea: the 1988 United Hormuz, Said Mahmoudi, No 5, seasonality, No 5, September 1991, Nations Convention Against Illicit September 1991, pp 338-348 pp 363-369 Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psycho- Population, development and marine Cook, B.A. and McGaw, Richard, Man- tropic Substances, William C. Gilmore, pollution in China, Fan Zhije and R.P. agement of the New Brunswick com- No 3, May 1991, pp 183-192 Coté, No 3, May 1991, pp 210-219 mercial salmon fishery: an economic European advanced marine electronic in- The precautionary approach: implications perspective, No 1, January 1991, strumentation: a US perspective, Porter of the revision of the Oslo and Paris p 33-38 Hoagland III and Hauke L. Kite- Conventions, Ellen Hey, No 4, July Cété, R.P. see Zhije, Fan Power, No 6, November 1991, pp 431- 1991, pp 224-254 Criner, George K. see Cheng, Hsiang-tai 454 Small-scale fisheries management and de- Doulman, David, see Wright, Andrew Fisheries problems in the South Pacific velopment: towards a community- Gao, Zhiguo, China and the LOS Conven- Region, Chiyki Mizukami, No 2, based approach, Robert S. Pomeroy, tion, No 3, May 1991, pop 199-209 March 1991, pp 111-121 No 1, January 1991, pp 39-48 Garrod, Brian and Whitmarsh, David, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: inter- Sovereign rights over Indonesian natural Overcapitalization and structural governmental relations, Lorne K. Kri- resources: an archipelagic concept of adjustment: recent developments in woken, No 5, September 1991, pp 349- rational and sustainable resource man- UK fisheries, No 4, July 1991, pp 289- 362 agement, Mochtar Kusuma-atmadja, 296 Indonesia and the LOS Convention: recent No 6, November 1991, pp 383-423 Gilmore, William C. Drug trafficking by developments in ocean law, policy and Soviet marine pollution legislation: preven- sea: the 1988 United Nations Conven- management, Etty R. Agoes, No 2, tion of pollution from ships and the tion Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic March 1991, pp 122-131 LOS Convention, N.D. Koroloeva and Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, No International lobster supply: benefits of V.A. Kiselev, No 1, January 1991, 3, May 1991, pp 183-192 Canadian seasonality, § Hsiang-tai pp 49-54 Hey, Ellen, The precautionary approach: Cheng, George K. Criner and Ralph E. Transnational fishing: Japan’s changing implications of the revision of the Oslo Townsend, No 5, September 1991, strategy, Olav Schram Stokke, No 4, and Paris Conventions, No 4, July 1991, pp 363-369 July 1991, pp 231-243 pp 244-254 The Java Sea purse seine fishery: a UK Merchant Shipping Act, 1988: protec- Hoagland III, Porter and Kite-Powell, modern-day ‘tragedy of the com- tion of shipping and trading interests, Hauke, L., European advanced marine mons’?, J.K. McElroy, No 4, July 1991, Ademuni-Odeke, No 4, July 1991, electronic instrumentation: a US pers- pp 255-271 pp 272-288 pective, No 6, November 1991, pp 431- Management of the New Brunswick com- US/Pacific basin containerized foreign 454 mercial salmon fishery: an economic trade: flag of convenience participa- Jentoft, Svein see Apostle, Richard perspective, B.A. Cook and Richard tion, Bruce E. Marti, No 3, May 1991, Kiselev, V.A. see Koroleva, N.D. McGaw, No 1, January 1991, pp 33-38 pp 193-198 Kite-Powell, Hauke, L. see Hoagland III, Marine fishery management in PR China, Porter Huming Yu,, No 1, Janaury 1991, Koroleva, N.D. and Kiselev, V.A., Soviet Articles — authors pp 23-32 marine pollution legislation: prevention Military exclusion and warning zones on Ademuni-Odeke, UK Merchant Shipping of pollution from ships and the LOS the high seas, Jon M. Van Dyke, No 3, Act, 1988: protection of shipping and Convention, No 1, January 1991, May 1991, pp 147-169 trading interests, No 4, July 1991, pp 49-54 National management of Malaysian fisher- pp 272-288 Kriwoken, Lorne K., Great Barrier Reef 466 MARINE POLICY November 1991 MANE Policy Index to Volume 15 January, March, May, July, September and November 1991 ies, Mohd Ibrahim Hj Mohamed, No 1, Agoes, Etty, R., Indonesian and LOS Con- Articles — titles January 1991, pp 2-14 vention: report developments in ocean D.P.L. Calmet and J.M. Bewers, No 6, Nova Scotia and North Norway fisheries: law, policy and management, No 2, November 1991, pp 413-430 the future of small-scale processors, March 1991, pp 122-131 China and the exploitation of deep seabed Richard Apostle and Svein Jentoft, No Apostle, Richard and Jentoft, Svein, Nova polymetallic nodules, Wang Zhixiong, 2, March 1991, pp 100-110 Scotia and North Norway fisheries: the No 2, March 1991, pp 132-135 Nova Scotian offshore fishermen’s aware- future of small-scale processors, No 2, China and the LOS Convention, Zhiguo ness of safety, Marian Binkley, No 3, March 1991, pp 100-110 Gao, No 3, May 1991, pp 199-209 May 1991, pp 170-182 Auyong Jan see Miller, Marc L. Coastal zone tourism: a potent force affect- Overcapitalization and structural adjust- Bewers, J.M. see Calmet, D.P. ing environment and society, Marc L. ment: recent developments in UK Binkley, Marian, Nova Scotian offshore Miller and Jan Auyong, No 2, March fisheries, Brian Garrod and David fishermen’s awareness of safety, No 3, 1991, pp 75-99 Whitmarsh, No 4, July 1991, pp 289- May 1991, pp 170-182 Deep sea-bed mining and the protection of 296 Bushardt, Stephen C. see Williams, D.C., the marine environment, André Noll- Packaging for export: a case study of Jr : kaemper, No 1, January 1991, pp 55-66 underutilized species of finfish, D.C. Calmet, D.P. and Bewers, J.M. No 6, Drift-net fishing in the South Pacific: from Williams, Jr, Stephen C. Bushardt and November 1991, pp 413-430 controversy to management, Andrew Edward Nissan, No 1, January 1991, Cheng, Hsiang-tai, Criner, George K. and Wright and David Doulman, No 5, pp 15-22 Townsend, Ralph E., International _ September 1991, pp 303-337 Passage of warships through the Strait of lobster supply: benefits of Canadian Drug trafficking by sea: the 1988 United Hormuz, Said Mahmoudi, No 5, seasonality, No 5, September 1991, Nations Convention Against Illicit September 1991, pp 338-348 pp 363-369 Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psycho- Population, development and marine Cook, B.A. and McGaw, Richard, Man- tropic Substances, William C. Gilmore, pollution in China, Fan Zhije and R.P. agement of the New Brunswick com- No 3, May 1991, pp 183-192 Coté, No 3, May 1991, pp 210-219 mercial salmon fishery: an economic European advanced marine electronic in- The precautionary approach: implications perspective, No 1, January 1991, strumentation: a US perspective, Porter of the revision of the Oslo and Paris p 33-38 Hoagland III and Hauke L. Kite- Conventions, Ellen Hey, No 4, July Cété, R.P. see Zhije, Fan Power, No 6, November 1991, pp 431- 1991, pp 224-254 Criner, George K. see Cheng, Hsiang-tai 454 Small-scale fisheries management and de- Doulman, David, see Wright, Andrew Fisheries problems in the South Pacific velopment: towards a community- Gao, Zhiguo, China and the LOS Conven- Region, Chiyki Mizukami, No 2, based approach, Robert S. Pomeroy, tion, No 3, May 1991, pop 199-209 March 1991, pp 111-121 No 1, January 1991, pp 39-48 Garrod, Brian and Whitmarsh, David, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: inter- Sovereign rights over Indonesian natural Overcapitalization and structural governmental relations, Lorne K. Kri- resources: an archipelagic concept of adjustment: recent developments in woken, No 5, September 1991, pp 349- rational and sustainable resource man- UK fisheries, No 4, July 1991, pp 289- 362 agement, Mochtar Kusuma-atmadja, 296 Indonesia and the LOS Convention: recent No 6, November 1991, pp 383-423 Gilmore, William C. Drug trafficking by developments in ocean law, policy and Soviet marine pollution legislation: preven- sea: the 1988 United Nations Conven- management, Etty R. Agoes, No 2, tion of pollution from ships and the tion Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic March 1991, pp 122-131 LOS Convention, N.D. Koroloeva and Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, No International lobster supply: benefits of V.A. Kiselev, No 1, January 1991, 3, May 1991, pp 183-192 Canadian seasonality, § Hsiang-tai pp 49-54 Hey, Ellen, The precautionary approach: Cheng, George K. Criner and Ralph E. Transnational fishing: Japan’s changing implications of the revision of the Oslo Townsend, No 5, September 1991, strategy, Olav Schram Stokke, No 4, and Paris Conventions, No 4, July 1991, pp 363-369 July 1991, pp 231-243 pp 244-254 The Java Sea purse seine fishery: a UK Merchant Shipping Act, 1988: protec- Hoagland III, Porter and Kite-Powell, modern-day ‘tragedy of the com- tion of shipping and trading interests, Hauke, L., European advanced marine mons’?, J.K. McElroy, No 4, July 1991, Ademuni-Odeke, No 4, July 1991, electronic instrumentation: a US pers- pp 255-271 pp 272-288 pective, No 6, November 1991, pp 431- Management of the New Brunswick com- US/Pacific basin containerized foreign 454 mercial salmon fishery: an economic trade: flag of convenience participa- Jentoft, Svein see Apostle, Richard perspective, B.A. Cook and Richard tion, Bruce E. Marti, No 3, May 1991, Kiselev, V.A. see Koroleva, N.D. McGaw, No 1, January 1991, pp 33-38 pp 193-198 Kite-Powell, Hauke, L. see Hoagland III, Marine fishery management in PR China, Porter Huming Yu,, No 1, Janaury 1991, Koroleva, N.D. and Kiselev, V.A., Soviet Articles — authors pp 23-32 marine pollution legislation: prevention Military exclusion and warning zones on Ademuni-Odeke, UK Merchant Shipping of pollution from ships and the LOS the high seas, Jon M. Van Dyke, No 3, Act, 1988: protection of shipping and Convention, No 1, January 1991, May 1991, pp 147-169 trading interests, No 4, July 1991, pp 49-54 National management of Malaysian fisher- pp 272-288 Kriwoken, Lorne K., Great Barrier Reef 466 MARINE POLICY November 1991 Index Marine Park: intergovernmental rela- Zhije, Fan and Coté, R.P., Population, Reports tions, No 5, September 1991, pp 349- development and marine pollution in 362 China, No 3, May 1991, pp 210-219 Boleslaw Boczek, No 6, November 1991, Kusuma-atmadja, Mochtar, Sovereign Zhixiong, Wang, China and the exploita- pp 455-459 rights over Indonesian natural re- tion of deep seabed polymetallic J.E. Hawkins, Freight rate hedging in the sources: an archipelagic concept of nodules, No 2, March 1991, pp 132-135 Pacific Rim, No 6, November 1991, rational and sustainable resource man- pp 459-461 agement, No 6, November 1991, Book reviews pp 383-412 Mahmoudi, Said, Passage of warships Annual Review of Ocean Affairs: Law and Conference reports through the Strait of Hormuz, No 5, Policy, Main Documents 1988, Volume ‘The Antarctic Treaty System in world September 1991, pp 338-348 II, compiled and edited by the United politics’, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Marti, Bruce E., US/Pacific basin contain- Nations Office for Ocean Affairs and Oslo, 21-23 May 1990, Olav Schramm erized foreign trade: flag of conveni- the Law of the Sea (reviewed by Martin Stokke, No 2, March 1991, pp 137-141 ence participation, No 3, May 1991, Glassner), No 6, November 1991, p 464 The Eighth Session of the Preparatory pp 193-198 Canadian Oceans Policy: National Commission for the 1982 UN Conven- McElroy, J.K., The Java Sea purse seine Strategies and the New Law of the Sea, tion on the Law of the Sea, Kingston, fishery: a modern-day ‘tragedy of the edited by Donald McRae and Gordon Jamaica, 5-30 March 1990 and New commons”’?, No 4, July 1991, pp 255- Munro (reviewed by Edgar Gold), No York, USA, 13-31 August 1990, Lee 271 1, January 1991, pp 69-71 Kimball, No 3, May 1991, pp 220-223 McGaw, Richard see Cook, B.A. The Exclusive Economic Zone: Regime and ‘Oil pollution: environmental and com- Miller, Marc L. and Auyong, Jan, Coastal Legal Nature under International Law merical concerns including a USA pers- zone tourism: a potent force affecting by Francisco Vicuna (reviewed by Mar- pective’, organized by IBC Legal Stu- environment and society, No 2, March tin Ira Glassner), No 5, September dies and Services Ltd, London, 8 1991, pp 75-99 1991, pp 374-375 November 1990, Catherine Redgewell, Mizukami, Chiyuki, Fisheries problems in Large Marine Ecosystems: Patterns Proces- No 3, May 1991, pp 223-226 the South Pacific region, No 2, March ses and Yields, edited by K. Sherman, ‘Opportunities and constraints in Scottish 1991, pp 111-121 L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (re- aquaculture’, Scottish Fish Farming Mohamed, Mohd Ibrahim Hj, National viewed by Alan R. Longhurst), No 5, Conference and Exhibition, Glasgow, management of Malaysian fisheries, No September 1991, pp 377-378 29-30 January 1991, Arthur R. Neiland, 1, January 1991, pp 2-14 Management of World Fisheries: Implica- No 3, May 1991, pp 226-228 Nissan, Edward see Williams, D.C., Jr tions of Extended Fisheries Jurisdiction Seminar on the Java Sea Pelagic Fishery Nollkaemper, André, Deep sea-bed mining edited by Edward Miles (reviewed by Assessment Project, Central Research and the protection of the marine en- William Dubinsky), No 4, July 1991, Institute for Fisheries, Slipi, Jakarta, vironment, No 1, January 1991, pp 55- pp 297-300 Indonesia, 21 March 1991, J.K. Mc- 66 Managing Marine Environments by Elroy, No 6, November 1991, pp 462- Odeke, Ademuni- see under A Richard A. Kenchington (reviewed by 464 Pomeroy, Robert S, Small-scale fisheries Martin Ira Glassner), No 5, September Workshp on Fisheries Statistics, Woods management and development: to- 1991, pp 374-375 Hole Oceanographic Institution, 14 De- wards a community-based approach, Maritime Strategy and European Security cember 1990, G. Pontecorvo, No 5, No 1, January 1991, pp 39-48 by Eric Grove (reviewed by Geoffrey September 1991, pp 372-373 Stokke, Olav Schram, Transnational Till), No 5, September 1991, p 376 fishing: Japan’s changing strategy, No The Marketing of Marine Products from the 4, July 1991, pp 231-243 South Pacific, edited by P.W. Philipson Current developments in the Townsend, Ralph, E. see Cheng, Hsiang- (reviewed by Seamus McElroy), No 2, EC tai March 1991, pp 136-137 No 1, January 1991, pp 68-69 Van Dyke, John, M., Military exclusion Ocean Changes in Global Change: Intro- and warning zones on the high seas, No ductory Geographical Analysis by 3, May 1991, pp 147-169 Adalberto Vallega (reviewed by Victor Current developments Whitmarsh, David see Garrod, Brian Prescott), No 6, November 1991, p 465 Williams, D.C., Jr, Bushardt, Stephen C. Our Common Seas: Coasts in Crisis by Don UK practice, No 5, September 1991, and Nissan, Edward, Packaging for ex- Hinrichsen (reviewed by Gerald Gra- pp 370-371 port: a case study of underutilized spe- ham), No 5, September 1991, pp 378- cies of finfish, No 1, January 1991, 379 pp 15-22 The Provident Sea by D.H. Cushing (re- Organizations Wright, Andrew and Doulman, David, viewed by William Dubinsky), No 4, International Boundaries Research Unit, Drift-net fishing in the South Pacific: July, 1991, pp 297-300 No 1, January 1991, pp 67-68 from controversy to management, No Rights to Oceanic Resources: Deciding and 5, September 1991, pp 303-337 Drawing Maritime Boundaries, edited Yu, Huming, Marine fishery management by Dorinda G. Dallmeyer and Louis de Publications in PR China, No 1, January 1991, Vorsey (reviewed by Gerald Blake), pp 23-32 No 1, January 1991, pp 71-72 No 2, March 1991, p 142 MARINE POLICY November 1991 467

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