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Marine Gastrotrichs of the Genus Diplodasys (Macrodasyida: Thaumastodermatidae) from Korea PDF

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Preview Marine Gastrotrichs of the Genus Diplodasys (Macrodasyida: Thaumastodermatidae) from Korea

Marine Gastrotrichs of the Genus Diplodasys (Macrodasyida: Thaumastodermatidae) from Korea 11 Min Lae’ and Chean Young Chang?s* ABSTRACT then mare rica pci we veal rn ier abou f Kone: Dip eel We S84 syd D mslrse Tose, Blast and Toon 102, Bot pies sr ote edn, wt he clsowaie eqs ea iy belacoe son geisha ts gil desertion ot ase [Kovern apokns, The ges Pplaioy is ac ras ory Kore; ell the thoes Pie ey word: Mame, Satori, Thavraade=ra dae niki, Kon INTRODUCTION (eos Pincay unig mine sh ms thea ean eves of apse lat an ail sins, lenge he aay Thaemtemriae whi ina oa doe a ise of ratte git Eight soso as eros rengnard inte gre Cao, iy Thy hse eset ily Fn hia Sediment fo the Mednormeam ore ev 21 rm! fs Wiens, Eni a? erent Gala a Tn nove Pais ch ae tuomieks ae i scabs gd re Tee 12 Oe ‘su pat ona Clee 8 Sofa lee sce Tsk he Chong id Ha, I; Lae a Chang 2602 20s. 204, Hever, ts wept Ee goes Dp ne rn wl Ya So ei ash "AE Tonle fh tint pe on hewn tie nore se HL, ant Lips Spceies This praer este hte eyemitc Zeemote fe Dip sco fn Kune i odo ad iearos Te i stud ans MATERIALS AND METHODS Fe sens sets ells rm the sr sd onan a ser aioe aang Ine Son ues Seappng zp se cas wm psn ans bags oF 74 Ibe ants forest, has eae Epa ration of whole mune abe SED stay weve seg a ce Designs peeve ara Cg. 208, Specimens 216 obared wing a ena edeence sats optics. 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THE body sas end shape. nnuboe of dvs eres: pls state cal a ua er pes ee onber To, fie Aupuitar sané a.m ap in dhe Neples. (ly. nat lista ae liner scenes a Mares oy Swot (Gosh a Bul hy nia, othe ad oF Panza tly Tso 192 frm Tuscan Ac ag oa ol (1992; a fro fe, ce sal gual stats a 200 depth tke Fee Bask Dena by Comwnon 201, Kone species seve Hurd svc cou tnd mld eh shel face ac 22 18 ‘The Korean secinors of. cata fie well nthe rus! desi (Wilke, 1958, eapecsly rexndng Beg the tangents eda aut leva wo fourier spies an Bonack. Howsece. Koran “stan on tion oe wel a he eter Medicines, Te Medieruan esrp for ho Dei spose, bao ono a ae fl ne aor hee won a pe a Sprints rg ae diyscrible fr he Metra ‘Sgeotsonsin evr 6 TBP agin 1024 TBP. The era ete pes ef Kova eneiers cite vwie oss ofthe pseiens fom hs Koso ance ead crore: rom tm 29 ull Rllow amacsr at os forwuasnte im jah Earopsaa oem fic ho Gtapazes nds, cb wee We scented 22 spies ou brad £2 Eve neck spines, Stones Hace) spines rated aes, und =) Res sree smal cao Totes, sash ‘sh 2 xin TR an J vl TBP ‘smn, NareasW-Bon. Hot, Hessen ate Pink), Hay Naples, Bs Tem Achipla Sely, Scion, Fences ells, Reset. Aecchon). Kara pies metoriae Vober, Male wns ‘Tewglorg. 1983 (Figs 3,30-F) Dividers nario Remesceney Lepr si, 2, P88 Bs 8 PeAT8. figs =, Bahao Sa, 9DKp. 22h ned Coe tod. Hythe, eu I, 14 Oe 19860 ¥. Chg and. Rho. .? nd, Sapico Ci gp 20a oF, Hind WC Sci an. Yagon. ny BN teeta SOL S.Ct ah Stcuy le 1) Urb “UG ¥ Ching, A Teed Fone ink Big be Ba. 2. 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Lave. Toca 2a} 1992) usted ae aaa pane He grt! oO Fy are snd dosonama as ano species Deol flbelyesenbles 8. rin s+ Kae ec se hu, Gz or ft lal spn Mace win, ah oer fiom 2. ear By > coals dis"upuished neck region rages of irogular vo (aiast docs pate vr sos apres sit 1 el green setae the Fer aM of pets. et and ley agen 2 pen we AND 3809-0 ea asic nll with he ogi oss len es asst fla sphes on he Wao 2F4 ill he wall 25 gram cy shape Mose, ‘he ember dvsal culpa: docs ot wrt eb solvau it Keres spesineas Ws: SO ple ea hs Crgnal contin. Moree, Kev pect ier ‘om the iia! ezerisa 9 00° TOVL at sasek ean saat FOV. Kerman pean 2009 som inl in anaer tiara spine on Pal an nech “ogo, To ig specimens exauioed skewed the detwaey of te later pine, “at fo spsin ached mt a oe ide ed vein, of er i spine in se side of ees region shcwire the aymsezialanay a the xl ‘iach Wale Bass Andel Ke ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS chose appetite Dy. Hyun Se the wd Me, Jae Wat (hut texte bly in ellecting rapes ‘Ths oor sue Dimtysnppoctee By the Kosa Somes sad Engng ound fot KOSH (ROT ZI FN REFERENCES. ataras, MT ear mt P. Toso 9 Moe wad {hucnn Akpan Ta wily he dos plien one, Bulgin, M., F. Prog i ar B, Tocgieag. 1993. Macits 786, [races (Macrselyida, Haanasteleaeabdee: G01 tohage, CM. Loe abe C, laasen HSE, Two ass ope Trane Gs ek, ln eu Ker. Sus 319-36 (ngs Tse al Cea, 985 Ps ii if Tne hemaderrta Cat a, Mttini Chasen, C9385 Basten Macvutacyian Sion the tacts C2204 Garren fot ave Bash Si Wisilousls, f. IHF Sex rece of scans Geaouieba om, ‘rv cvenpons of avon ee. Bul Ms nau. ih il sae oe oa ane I Bil Se Cec od CY Com, 26 mo a atc Gunny fan donors tae S55 18120) ‘patti go's Reva edacenn Ca Conan 228 Maganic. eek 1 onbon spp, Ee, 7. Ca Ascii, Joka Wy; sa Sons. Now YOR ps + Seti, WHA, atts Fans om Glens Te Seu, B, IMbG ud autem ds sabes was gece seers an bb Zl 505 UA. ‘psu deat bo Taso Alaelaen Ty “erin Sony ike EHS Medien vnitshen, ZS, AL

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