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Calcasieu Lake, 1:12-13 Galveston Bay, 1:12 small-scale Authors, Titles, and Indian Ocean, 1:6 Maldives, 1:6 Subjects in the Marine TED impact, 2:1 tuna (Indian Ocean) Fisheries Review 53(1-4), 1991 artisanal, 1:2 industrial, 1:2 Fisheries management Atlantic menhaden closed corridor vs. shortened season (Op- A diver’s sled,” by Ian K. Workman and John tion 7), 4:58-66 W. Watson, 2:16 menhaden, 4:1, 49-56 Ahrenholz, Dean W., “Population biology and Cowcod, 2:26 restricted vs. open access, 3:1-10 life history of the North American menha- Cyclopsetta spp.—see Flounder shrimp (Gulf of Mexico), 1:10-18 dens, Brevoortia spp.,” 4:3 “A demographic profile of participants in two TED regulations, 2:1-15 Ahrenholz, Dean W., Donnie L. Dudley, and Gulf of Mexico inshore shrimp fisheries and tuna (Indian Ocean), 1:8-9 Eldon J. Levi, “Overview of Mark-recovery their response to the Texas closure,” by James Fisheries, recreational studies on adult and juvenile Atlantic menha- M. Nance, Nina Garfield, and J. Anthony shrimp, bait, 1:12 den, Brevoortia tyrannus, and Gulf menhaden, Paredes, 1:10 Fishermen B. patronus,” 4:20 commercial Albacore, 1:2-5 D closure effects, 1:16 Anchoveta, Atlantic, 2:14 Anglers—see Fishermen, recreational Dermochelys coriacea—see Turtle, leatherback sTherxiamsp ,c lo1s:u1r1,e , 1i3-m1p6a;c t,2 :11 :16-18 “Assessment and management of Atlantic and Diapterus rhombeus, 2:14 recreational Gulf menhaden stocks,” by D. S. Vaughan Distant-water fishery nations (DWFN), 1:4, 8 charterboat, 1:19-25 and J. V. Merriner, 4:49 Ditton, Robert B., Duane A. Gill, and Carol L. headboat, 1:19-25 “The Atlantic and Gulf menhaden purse seine MacGregor, “Understanding the market for Flounder, 2:14 fisheries: Origins, harvesting technologies, charter and headboat fishing services,” 1:19 biostatistical monitoring, recent trends in fish- Dodd, C. Kenneth, and Richard Byles, “The sta- G eries statistics, and forecasting,” by Joseph W. tus of loggerhead, Caretta caretta, Kemp’s Smith, 4:28 tidley, Lepidochelys kempi,; and green, Gadus morhua—see Cod, Atlantic Chelonia mydas, sea turtles in U.S. waters: A Galloway, Sylvia B.—see Hale et al. B reconsideration,” 3:30 Garfield, Nina—see Nance et al. Drill, Atlantic oyster, 3:25 Gear, fishing—see also Nets Bauersfeld, Paul E.—see Hale et al. Drum, black, 3:25 diver’s sled, 2:16-24 “Biographic memoir of Ernest Ingersoll: Natu- Dudley, Donnie L.—see Ahrenholz et al. menhaden, history, 4:31 ralist, shellfish scientist, and author,” by otter doors, 2:10 Clyde L. MacKenzie, Jr., 3:23 E pole and line, 1:7 “Biological analysis of two management options trawl, shrimp, 2:10 for the Atlantic menhaden fishery,” by Doug- Economics troll, 1:7 las S. Vaughan and Joseph W. Smith, 4:58 open-access fishery management, 3:2 turtle excluder device (TED), 2:1-8 Bocaccio, 2:26 restricted-access fishery management Gill, Duane A.—see Ditton et al. Brevoortia tyrannus—see Menhanden, Atlantic catch rights, 3:6-8 Griffin, Wade—see Clark ei al. Brevoortia patronus—see Menhaden, Gulf license limitation, 3:5 Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council Brevoortia smithi—see Menhaden, yellowfin Endangered Species Act (GMFMC) Brevoortia gunteri—see Menhaden, finescale background, 3:12 Texas shrimp closure, 1:10 Bumper, Atlantic, 2:14 Pacific salmon, 3:11-21 Bycatch ecological/genetic diversity, 3:14 H crab, 2:13 effects of artificial propagation, 3:17 finfish, 2:12 reproductive isolation, 3:13 Haddock, 2:29 shrimp, 2:9, 11-13 turtles, sea, 2:1 Haldorson, Lewis, and Milton Love, “Maturity “The by-catch from the artisanal shrimp trawl Eretmochelys imbricata—see Turtle, hawksbill and fecundity in the rockfishes, Sebastes spp., fishery, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad,” by Vishwa- Eucinostomous spp.—see Mojarra spp. a review,” 2:25 nie Maharaj and Conrad Recksiek, 2:9 Euthynnus affinis—see Kawakawa Hale, Malcolm B., Paul E. Bauersfeld, Sylvia B. Byles, Richard—see Dodd and Byles Galloway, and Jeanne D. Joseph, “New prod- F ucts and markets for menhaden, Brevoortia Cc spp.,” 4:42 Finfish Harengula spp.—see Sardine Callinectes spp., 2:9, 13 by-catch of shrimp fisheries, 2:9, 14 Caretta caretta—see Turtle, loggerhead Fish I-J Catch declines impact of TED, 2:1 open-access regulations, effects of, 3:2-4 Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, 1:9 longline, 1:4-5 restricted-access regulations, effects of, Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation Con- rates 3:4-10 ference, 1:9 menhaden, 4:36-39 endangered species, 3:11 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission, 1:9 shrimp, 2:11-12 sampling Indo-Pacific Tuna Development and Manage- rights, 3:6-10 menhaden, 4:35-36 ment Programme (IPTP), 1:1, 9 shrimp trawl (Gulf of Paria), 2:9-14 threatened species, 3:11 Ingersoll, Ernest, 3:23-28 size limitation Fisheries, commercial Joseph, Jeanne D.—see Hale et al. Calcasieu Lake, 1:13 closures (seasonal), 1:10, 12-13 Galveston Bay, 1:12 development K-L Cetengraulis edentulus—see Anchoveta, Atlan- distant water fishing nations, 1:8 tic longline, 1:8 Katsuwonus pelamis—see Tuna, skipjack Chelonia mydas—see Turtle, green purse seine, 1:8 Kawakawa, 1:2-5 Chloroscombrus chrysurus—see Bumper, Atlan- small-scale, 1:8 Lepidochelys kempi—see Turtle, Kemp's ridley tic menhaden purse seine, 4:28 Levi, Eldon J.—see Ahrenholz et al. Clark, Joy, Wade Griffin, Jerry Clark, and James purse seine Love, Milton—see Haldorson and Love Richardson, “Simulated economic impact of Indian Ocean, 1:8 TED regulations on sélected vessels in the Seychelles, 1:5 M Texas shrimp fishery,” 2:1 shellfish, 3:23 MacGregor, Carol L.—see Ditton et al. Cod, Atlantic, 2:29 shrimp MacKenzie, Jr., Clyde L., “Biographic memoir “Construction and operation of a two-place artisanal (Gulf of Paria), 2:9-15 of Ernest Ingersoll: Naturalist, shellfish sci- 53(4), 1991 67 entist, and author,” 3:23 application procedures, 4:21 accomplishments, 4:26 Mackerel, king, 1:2-4 data adjustments, 4:25-26 history, 4:20 Maharaj, Vishwanie, and Conrad Recksiek, “The how obtained for tagging, 4:20-22 procedures, 4:21-26 by-catch from the artisanal shrimp trawl fish- purpose, 4:20 Menhaden, finescale ery, Gulf of Paria, Trinidad,” 2:9 releases, 4:23-24 disease, 4:15 Management—-see Fisheries, management tag recovery, 4:22-23 geographic range, 4:3 Mark-Recapture Tagging Program—see Menha- mortality, 4:15 life cycle den oil, 4:45-47 adult, 4:11 Markets, ishing omega-3 fatty acids egg, 4:9 charterboat, 1:19-25 conference, 4:46 juvenile, 4:11 headboat, 1:19-25 testing, 4:46 larvae, 4:10 shrimp, 1:14 parasites, 4:13 maturation and fecundity, 4:8 “Maturity and fecundity in the rockfishes, predators, 4:13 spawning, 8 Sebastes spp., a review,” by Lewis Haldorson prey, 4:12 migratory behavior, 4:8 and Milton Love, 2:25 processing, 4:33-35 mortality, 4:16 Melanogrammus aeglefinus—see Haddock products, new stock structure, 4:15 Menhaden canned, 43 Menhaden, Gulf age and size sampling, 4:35 dry fish protein (Marinbeef), 4:45 diet, 4:12 Captain's Daily Fishing Report, 4:36 fish protein concentrate, 4:45 disease, 4:15 characteristics, 4:1, 42 non-food, 4:43-44 fat averages, 4:42 diet, 4:12 pasta, 4:45 fishing disease, 4:15 preserved, 4:43 forecasting, 4:39-40 fishery, 4:3 purees, 4:45 log books, 4:35-36 history, 4:28 sausage, 4:43 effort, 4:35, 39 geographic range, 4:3 surimi, 4:44-45 fleet, 4:39 harvesting products, traditional, 42 geographic range, 4:3 history, 4:31 recruitment, 4:16-17 Gulf Menhaden Regional Fishery Manage- innovations,4:3 1-32 species chat.:cteristics, 4:4 ment Plan, 4:50-51 technique, 4:29 stock structure, 4:15 life cycle hybrids vessels, 4:28-33 adult, 4:11 geographic range, 4:3, 5 Menhaden, Atlantic egg, 4:9 species characteristics, 4:5 age and growth data, 4:11-12 juvenile, 4:10 life cycle, 4:6 Atlantic Menhaden Management Plan, 4:50, larvae, 4:10 adults, 4:11 58 maturation and fecundity, 4:8 eggs, 4:9 diet, 4:12 spawning, 4:7 juveniles, 4:10 disease, 4:15 management larvae, 4:10 fat averages, 4:42 implications, 4:54 spawning4:,8 , 11, 16 fishery plan, 4:48-49 management original, 4:28 migratory behavior, 4:7 authority, 4:49 sampling studies, 4:35 mortality, 4:16 history, 4:47 technologies, 4:30-37 parasites, 4:15 Mark-Recapture Tagging Program, 1966-71 fishing processing plants, 4:38-39 effort, 4:37 recruitment, 4:16 forecasts (season and landings), 4:39-40 reduction fishery season, 4:53 This statement is required by the Act of August 12, restrictions, 4:50 stock 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, U.S. Code, showing own- geographic range, 4:3 assessinents, 4:38 eerrsiheis p, Remvaineawg,e mepnubtl,i caatnido nc irncuulmabteiorn o3f6 6t-he3 6M0a,r inaned Fiwsahs- harvesting exploitation rate, 4:54 filed on 18 September 1991. The Review is published technologies, 4:28-33 management, 4:56 qtiuoanr tperrilcye (offo u$r9 .i0s0s ue(ss oladn nubayl ltyh)e Swuipthe riann teanndneuanlt soufb sDcorciup-- log books, 4:35 maximum-sustainable-yield, 4:55-56 ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, life cycle population size, 4:54 DC 20402). The complete mailing address of the office adults, 4:11 spawning size, 4:54 Ef/ NWpuRblIi,ca tiNonO A1sA: , NMFS 7600 ScSiaenndti fiPco iPntu bliWcaayti onNsE ,O ffBicIeN egg, 4:9 structure, 4:15 15700, Seattle, WA 98115. The complete mailing ad- juvenile, 4:10 yield-per-recruit, 4:55 dress of the headquarters of the Te od is: larvae, 4:10 surimi, 4:44 National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Department maturation and fecundity, 4:8 tagging oMfD C o2m0m9e1r0c.e , The1 33n5a meEa sotf- Wtehset puHbilgishhweary ,i s SWiillvleirs SprHiobnagr,t spawning, 4:6 accomplishments, 4:26 and the editor and aannaing editor is Willis Hobart; management history, 4:20 their malig address is: NMFS Scientific Publications Atlantic Menhaden Management Plan, procedures, 4:21-26 OWfAfi ce9, 8171 5. TShaen d owPnoienrt iWsa tyhe NUE.,S . BDIeNp aCr1t5m7e0nt0 , ofSe aCtotmle-, 4:50, 58 Menhaden, yellowfin merce, 14th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20230; there closed corridor, 4:58, 61-63 disease, 4:15 are no bondholders, mortgages, or other security hold- implications, 4:64-65 geographic range, 4:3 ecras.p iaTihned iopnu rpGospem,n efyu ncatniodn ,t hea nedx emnpto nprosftiattu ss tfaotru s Feodfe rtahle shortened season (Option 7), 4:60-64 life cycle income tax purposes has not changed during the preced- migratory behavior, 4:6 adult, 4:11 ing 12 months. The extent and nature of circulation is mortality, 4:15 egg, 4:9 base r foolfl owcso:p iesT otoafl enaucmhb eris suoef cdoupriiensg (Ath)e (apvreercaegdei ngn um1-2 parasites, 4:13 juvenile, 4:10 months) was 2307 and the actual number of copies of predators, 4:13 larvae, 4:10 the single issue published nearest to the ye was prey, 4:12-13 maturation and fecundity, 4:8 e23r1n0m.e ntP aiPrdi inncttiii rncgu laOtfifoinc e(, B)W aiss hhianngdtloend, by Cth e 2040U.2S., Goavn-d reduction fishery season, 4:51 spawning, 4:8 (C) the total number of — for their sales (mail sub- processing plants, 4:37-38, 50 migratory behavior, 4:8 secrraigpet inonusm baenrd oifn dicvoipdiueasl easaclhe s)i sswuaes du7r5i0n gf ort hbeo tphr etcheed ianvg- products, 4:20, 33, 48, 58 mortality, 4:16 12 months and the actual number of copies of the — recruitment, 4:16 parasites, 4:15 issue published nearest to the filing date. Free distribu- stock stock structure, 4:15 tpiloinm e(nDt)a ryb,y maanidl , octahrerire r,f reoer octohpeire sm e(aanvse;r agseam pnleusm,b ecro mo-f assessments, 4:36-37, 51-53 Merriner, J. V.—see Vaughan and Merriner comes each issue during the preceding 12 months) was exploitation rate, 4:51 Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 3:7 1557 and the actual number of copies of the single issue management, 4:49, 53 Mojarra, 2:14 dpoiusbetlrii sbhuetedia ocnhn ea(irEse:ss ute s utdmou rtihonefg fCit lhiean ng d dparDtee)c e dw(iaansgv er11a25 g6e0m .o nntuThmhsbe)e rt wotaaoslf mpoapxuilamtuimon ssuisztea,i n4:a5b1l e yieid, 4:53 N 2307 and the actual number of copies of the single issue spawning size, 4:51-52 published nearest to the filing date was 2310. There status, 4:36-38 Nance, James M., Nina Garfield, and J. Anthony nawegeter netp sre nso(s F )c.r oupnTi ehfsei gtunorotetas l ds(iGhs:to rwsinbu umt iendo fI toEre ma rneAdt: u Fr)n2 e3dis0 7e fqruaoanmld tn2oe 3wt1hs0e sytireulcdt-upreer,- re4c:r1u5i t, 4:52-53, 62 Ppaarntesd esi,n t“wAo dGeumlfo groafp hMiecx icpor ofiinlseh oroef psahrrtiicmip- copies, respectively. I certify that the statements made surimi, 4:44 fisheries and their response to the Texas clo- byob maert , aPbuobvlei shaerre . correct and complete: (Signed) Willis tagging sures,” 1:10 68 Marine Fisheries Review Nets olive, 2:30 Kemp's ridley, Lepidochelys kempi; and butterfly, 1:13 shortbelly, 2:26 green, Chelonia mydas, sea turtles in U.S. wa- gill, 1:7 speckled, 2:30 ters: A reconsideration,” by C. Kenneth Dodd longline, 1:2 splitnose, 2:30 and Richard Byles, 3:30 purse seine, 1:1-4, 31 squarespot, 2:26 trawl, 2:10 starry, 2:30 T “New products and markets for menhaden, stripetail, 2:29 Brevoortia spp.,” by Malcolm B. Hale, Paul white-edged, 2:26 Texas Shrimp Conservation Act, 1:10 E. Bauersfeld, Sylvia B. Galloway, and yelloweye, 2:26 Thompson, Nancy B., “A response to Dodd and Jeanne D. Joseph, 4:42 yellowtail, 2:30 Byles,” 3:31 Thunnus alalunga—see Albacore O Thunnus albacares—see Tuna, yellowfin Thunnus maccoyii—see Tuna, southern bluefin Omega-3 fatty acids Salmon, Pacific Thunnus obesus—see Tuna, bigeye menhaden, 4:46 chinook, 3:11 Thunnus tonggol—see Tuna, longtail Oncorhynchus gorbuscha—see Salmon, pink chum, 3:11 Tuna Oncorhynchus keta—see Salmon, chum coho, 3:11 bigeye, 1:2-5 Oncorhynchus kisutch—see Salmon, coho definition of, under ESA, 3:11 longtail, 1:2-5 Oncorhynchus nerka—see Salmon, sockeye pink, 3:11 skipjack Oncorhynchus spp.—see Salmon, Pacific sockeye, 3:11 Indian Ocean, 1:1-9 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha—see Salmon, Sardine, 2:9 large scale (purse seine) fishery, 1:2, 11 chinook Scomberomorus cavalla—see Mackerel, king longline, 1:2 “Overview of Mark-recovery studies on adult Seabob, 2:9 small scale, 1:2, 4-6 and juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia Sebastes alutus—see Perch, Pacific Ocean southern bluefin, 1:2-5 tyrannus, and Gulf menhaden, B. patronus,” Sebastes constellatus—see Rockfish, starry species catches, 1:1 by Dean W. Ahrenholz, Donnie L. Dudley, Sebastes dalli—see Rockfish, calico stock assessment, 1:1 and Eldon J. Levi, 4:20 Sebastes diploproa—see Rockfish, splitnose yellowfin Sebastes elongatus—see Rockfish, greenstriped Indian Ocean, 1:1-9 P Sebastes fasciatus—see Redfish, acadian large scale (purse seine) fishery, 1:1-9 Sebastes flavidus—see Rockfish, yeliowtail small scale fishery, 1:4-6 “Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., and the Sebastes hopkinsi—see Rockfish, squarespot Turtle definition of “species” under the Endangered Sebastes inermis—see Rock cod, gray green, 2:1 Species Act,” by Robin S. Waples, 3:11 Sebastes jordani—see Rockfish, ay hawksbill, 2:1 Paredes, J. Anthony—see Nance et al. Sebastes levis—see Cowcod Kemp's ridley, 2:1 Parks, Wesley W., “A review of Indian Ocean Sebastes marinus—see Perch, ocean leatherback, 2:1 fisheries for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus Sebastes melanops—see Rockfish, black loggerhead, 2:1 pelamis, and yellowfin tuna, Thunnus al- Sebastes mentella—see Redfish, deepwater Turtle Excluder Device (TED) bacares,” 1:1 ti see Rockfish, vermilion cost, 2:6 Penaeus aztecus—see Shrimp, brown ‘Saas ovalis—see Rockfish, speckled earning capacity of vessels, impact on, 2:4, 8 Penaeus notialis—see Shrimp, pink Sebastes pachycephalus, 2:26 regulations, 2:2-5, 8 Penaeus schmitti, 2:9, 13 Sebastes paucispinis—see Bocaccio shrimp catch, impacts on, 2:1, 4-6 Penaeus setiferus—see Shrimp, white Sebastes pinniger—see Rockfish, canary testing, 2:2-6 Penaeus subtilis, 2:9 Sebastes rosenblatti—see Rockfish, green- types, 2:3 Perch, ocean, 2:28 blotched Plans and Programs Sebastes ruberrimus—see Rockfish, yelloweye U-V Indo-Pacific Tuna Development and Manag- Sebastes saxicola—see Rockfish, stripetail ment Programme (IPTP), 1:1-9 Sebastes schlegeli, 2:26 “Understanding the market for charter and head- Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission, 1:1-9 Sebastes semicinctus—see Rockfish, halfbanded boat fishing services,” by Robert B. Ditton, Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation Sebastes serranoides—see Rockfish, olive Duane A. Gill, and Carol L. MacGregor, 1:19 Conference, 1:9 Sebastes spp.—see Rockfish U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 3:11 Pogonias cromis—see Drum, black Sebastes steindachneri, 2:26 U.S. Fish Commission “Population biology and life history of the North Sebastes taczanowski—see Rockfish, white- shellfish surveys, 3:23 American menhadens, Brevoortia spp.,” by edged Urosalpinx cinerea—see Drill, Atlantic oyster Dean W. Ahrenholz, 4:3 Sebastes vulpes, 2:28 Vaughan, Douglas S., and Joseph W. Smith, “Bi- ological analysis of two management options R SheCllhfeissah peake Bay, 3:25 for the Atlantic menhaden fishery,” 4:48 RR“eeAdc adfkcerisaeesidpsheiwp kaao,ntn ,es Cero2 ,: n2tr29o:a 2dD9—o sded e aMnda haBryalje s,a”n d byRe cNkasniceyk B. Shrsocdicylomasacltpmule smor,ep snms,tao arfbttka eiyato,nsn d, 3 :bh32ay:7r 2 de6,a rl3y: 2e6x plorers, 3:25 VVeasuadcsgneoehdnlmas cmn,hsem ,atraro fcntciiDekasa.rshg lb,ieo”n Sm a.g,pt e4 ,an:a s4tns9d1 e : n1oJg9f.e rVA .t laMnetrirci nearn,d “GuAlsfs esmsemnehnat- “ReTtmsithaornoniamsc gpteseomdfo ennf,ait cs:ch3 ei:sn3sg1T oevwfsfa.o rrdto, p”e mnob ryea cJcaeemfsefses c tmiRev.te hWoradetsgeu rlsao,-f broGTrweuenclx rfae sa otfic olMnoeaslxu riecf,io s h1ef:ri1ys0,h er1i:e1s2, 1:10 mendhpheueacradlsdieebn noeas ste,i, n 4e:,13 :241 9: 28 3:1 pink, 2:9 shrimp trawling, 1:12-13, 15-17; 2:1 “A ttruunenaav,,i ewT Khaoutfn snIunuwdsoi nanua slO bcaepcaealrnae msfi,is”s, h erbiayen sd W feoyrs elsleklyio pwjfaWic.nk “SiwmhuiltGaeut lefd oef cMoenxoimcioc, i1m:p1a2 ct of TED regulations TEDi nsrheoqruei,r e1m:e1n2t-s1,3 2:2 Parks, 1:1 on selected vessels in the Texas shrimp fish- Ww-X Richardson, James—see Clark et al. ery,” by Joy Clark, Wade Griffin, Jerry Clark, Rock cod, gray, 2:26 and James Richardson, 2:1 Waples, Robin S., “Pacific salmon, Oncorhyn- Rockfish Sled, diver’s chus spp., and the definition of “species” black, 2:30 design, 2:16 under the Endangered Species Act,” 3:11 calico, 2:26 safety, 2:24 Waters, James R., “Restricted access vs. open canary, 2:26, 29 Smith, Joseph W., “The Atlantic and Gulf men- access methods of management: Toward greenblotched, 2:30 haden purse seine fisheries: Origins, harvest- more effective regulations of fishing effort,” greenstriped, 2:26 ing technologies, biostatistical monitoring, re- 3:1 halfbanded, 2:28 cent trends in fisheries statistics, and Watson, John W.—see Workman and Watson maturity and fecundity, 2:25-31 forecasting,” 4:28 Workman, Ian K., and John W. Watson, “Con- eastern North Pacific species, 2:26 Smith, Joseph W.—see Vaughan and Smith struction and operation of a two-place diver’s North Atlantic species, 2:29 Species, definition of, for ESA, 3:11 sled,” 2:16 western North Pacific species, 2:28 “The status of loggerhead, Caretta caretta; Xiphopenaeus kroyeri—see Seabob 53(4), 1991

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