LATEST NEWS March/April, 2013 336-787-NCAA (6222 ) email: [email protected] NCAA Prepares for their 30th Spring Fever Sale Plans are underway for the North Carolina Angus Association’s Spring Fever Sale at the Upper Piedmont Research Station in Reidsville on Saturday May 4, 2013. This annual sale showcases Angus genetics from leading breeders in North Carolina and surrounding areas. Angus enthusiasts gather each year to view and purchase progeny from leading sires of the Angus breed. It’s also a time to come together and socialize with fellow Angus breeders. The Spring Fever Sale is known as the showcase for fall pairs with fancy heifer calves, where you can purchase the heifer with cutting edge genetics or the proven dam bred for another calf. There also is a group of outstanding bred and open heifers to choose from. This sale has become a source for the heart of many Angus herds in the southeast. Offering elite genetics all the way down to good Mama cows, born and bred in North Carolina. Consignors are digging deep into their herds to offer some of their top cattle for this sale. We will have a great selection of fall cow/calf pairs, spring cow/calf pairs/ bred heifers and open heifers. We will once again have heifers that have qualified for the NC Elite heifer program. Our North Carolina Angus Juniors along with the South Carolina Juniors will be hosting the 2014 National Junior Angus Eastern Regional’s in Raleigh. The Juniors have been soliciting donations to help raise funds for this project as there will be a large number of exhibitors, parents and other participants in attendance. One of their major fund raising events will occur at the Spring Fever Sale; so please plan to support the Junior auction. Watch for your sale catalog in the mail and the catalog should be posted on our website ( by early April. If you’re not on our mailing list, please call the office at 336-787-NCAA (6222) or send an email to [email protected] and we would be happy to send a catalog to you. Consignors include: 4K/Tarheel Angus, Richard Kirkman, Siler City; Black Grove, Walter Shealy, Newberry, SC; Butler Angus Ranch, Jason Butler, Clarendon; C Cross Cattle, Duane Strider, Biscoe; Gragg Farms, Paul, David, Chris Gragg, Boone; H & D Angus, Henry Vines, Snow Camp; New Morning Angus, Charlie Horne, Bear Creek; Oak View Farm, Bobby Aldridge, Yanceyville; Overcash Angus, Dennis Overcash, Mooresville; Quail Valley Angus, Bryan Redfern, Indian Trail; Scarlett Farms, Jim Scarlett, Snow Camp; Shuffler Farms, Eugene Shuffler, Hamptonville; Spruce Mountain, Tom & Lois Ames, Larkspur, Colorado; Travis Farm, Sam Lambert, West End; Twin Oaks Farm, Jerry Pritchard, Marion; Uwharrie Ridge Farm, Mark Wilburn, Asheboro; Vandemark Angus, Keaton Vandemark, Spring Hope and Wood Angus, Russell Wood, Willow Spring. Please contact any member of the 2013 Spring Fever Sale committee: Mark Wilburn, chair; Brent Scarlett @ 336-629-5400; Daniel Wall @ 828-502-9117; Joe French @ 336-349-8347; Randall Smith @ 336- 516-4558; or Michael Moss @ 336-879-1590 with any questions Mark your calendar and plan to a part of this year’s 30th Anniversary Spring Fever Sale on Saturday, May 4th, 2013. The cattle industry is the strongest it’s ever been and the future is even brighter. As our sale manager Tom Burke from Angus Hall of Fame says, “There has never been a better time to be in the Angus business”! BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Inside this Issue ! Sunday, July 28, 2013 @ 2:30 pm 2013 Down East Sale Page 5 2013 Spring Fever Sale Page 1 & 3 Davidson County Extension Office Ads Page 2,3,5,7,8,10-12 Lexington, NC Advertisers Listing Page 9 Advertising Rates Page 9 Minutes BOD meeting Page 8 Thank you to everyone for your support NCAA Auxiliary Page 6 during the illness and loss of our daughter, NCAA Juniors Page 7 President’s Message Page 2 Jessica Brewer Fletcher Thank You! Page 2 Your prayers have meant so much to Thoughts & Prayers Page 4 Upcoming Events Page 4 Ray & Our Family!! NEWSLETTER 2013 President’s March/April, 2013 Message Number 801 Suzanne Brewer, Executive Secretary 3942 North NC Hwy 150 Dear Fellow Angus Breeders, Lexington, NC 27295 It has been a busy Spring Phone/Fax: 336-787-NCAA(6222) already this season with the Spring Fever Sale Email: [email protected] and many other events yet to happen. Website: I regret that due to lack of member participation we had to cancel the Out West Roy Swisher, President Sale; but just remember with you the John Smith, Vice President membership help and participation we can Jim Scarlett, Past President resurrect it in 2014. 2013 Term 2014 Term 2015 Term I ask each member to come out and Chris Gragg Eddie Leagans Steve Gordon attend every possible event. I know we are all Jo Linville Steve Grady Randy Jones busy with work and thing to be done around the Eugene Shuffler Henry Vines William Leatherman farm but if you can, please participate and meet Randall Smith Stephen Watson Bill Teague your fellow Angus Breeders you never know Trip Smith Jeffrey Wood Stan Tennant what you will learn. I myself was unable to attend the Spring Catherine Harward, President, NC Junior Angus tours but do understand that the committee did a Maggie Tennant, President, NC Angus Auxiliary great job and it was attend will most of the time. The Marketing committee is working on ”WHY ANGUS?” program and I know it will benefit old and new breeders alike. Lastly I heard of many of our members have loosing loved ones this spring. I want to extend our deepest sympathy to each of the families and let them know that they are all important to the North Carolina Angus Association family. Also please remember these members in your prayers for God’s great comfort in their lives. Angus Now and Forever, Roy Swisher, President Thank You!! New bittersweet ad Paul, David, Chris, Michael & Jodi asked that I relay their thanks to their North Carolina Angus Association family for their visits, cards, phone calls, prayers and concerns following the death of their wife and Mother Sharon Gragg! 2 North Carolina Spring Fever Angus Sale Saturday • Noon May 4, 2013 Held at the historic Chinqua-Penn Plantation, Reidsville, NC (At the Upper Piedmont Research Station) North Carolina Angus Association Sponsored by the 2013 Consignors: 4K/Tarheel Angus, Richard Kirkman, Siler City, NC Scarlett Farms, Jim Scarlett, Snow Camp, NC Black Grove, Walter Shealy, Newberry, SC Shuffler Farms, Eugene Shuffler, Union Grove, NC Butler Angus Ranch, Jason Butler, Clarendon, NC Spruce Mountain Ranch. Tom & Lois Ames, Larkspur, CO C Cross Cattle, Duane Strider, Biscoe, NC Quail Valley Angus. Brian Redfern. Indian Trail, NC Gragg Farms. Paul. David. Chris Gragg. Boone. NC Travis Farm, Sam Lambert, West End, NC H & D Angus, Henry Vines, Snow Camp, NC Twin Oaks Farm, Jerry Pritchard, Marion, NC New Morning Angus, Charlie Horne, Bear Creek, NC Uwharrie Ridge Farm, Mark Wilburn, Asheboro, NC Oak View, Bobby Aldridge, Yanceyville, NC Vandemark Angus, Keaton Vandemark, Spring Hope, NC Overcash Angus, Dennis Overcash, Mooresville, NC Wood Angus, Russell Wood, Willow Spring, NC Selling Cow/Calf Pairs, Bred Cows, Bred Heifers and Open Heifers FFoorr SSaallee BBooookk oorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt tthhee AAmmeerriiccaann AAnngguuss HHaallll ooff FFaammee ((881166)) 553322--00881111,, SSpprriinngg TTii MMarakr kW Wilbilubrunr na t(3 (3363)6 9) 5935-30-052512, 1, mmee iiss DDrr.. BBrreenntt SSccaarrlleetttt ((333366)) 662299--55440000,, DDaanniieell WWaallll ((882288)) 550022--99111177.. AANNGGUUSS OOrr tthhee NNoorrtthh CCaarroolliinnaa AAnngguuss TTiimmee!! AAssssoocciiaattiioonn OOffffiicceess ((333366)) 778877--66222222 wwwwww..nnccaanngguuss..oorrgg EE--mmaaiill:: nnccaanngguuss@@ppttmmcc..nneett 1 ■ AngusJournal ■ October 2005 UPCOMING EVENTS 2013 March 29-30 North Carolina Angus Spring Tours Piedmont area, NC April 13 North Carolina Angus Out West Sale Union Grove April 13 Ridgefield Farm Bull Sale Brasstown May 4 North Carolina Angus Spring Fever Sale Reidsville May 11 Springfield Angus Production Sale Louisburg June 3-4 AAA Boot Camp Clemson University, SC June 6-8 Southern National Junior & Open Angus Show Perry, Ga June 16 AAAux Scholarship & Awards Heifer Auction Louisville, Ky August 24 NCAA Field Day Willow Spring September 7 Wood Angus Production Sale Willow Spring November 2 North Carolina Angus Down East Sale Clinton November 16 Performance Legends Sale Union Grove November 30 Back Creek Black Saturday Sale Turnersburg December 7 Partner’s Bull & Female Sale Rocky Mount December 7 Union County Bull Sale Monroe 2014 June 12-15 2014 Junior Angus Eastern Regional’s Raleigh, NC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Thoughts & Prayers ~~~~ An “old timey” saying I’ve heard is that “when the sap comes down and the sap goes up” there are many deaths, it seems that we’ve lost more than our share of North Carolina Angus family the last few months!! Our sincere sympathy is extended to these members and others who have lost a love one or one who is dealing with illness. Please continue to remember theses families in this stressful time for them. On March 3, 2013, Tripp Smith lost his mother Barbara Toler Smith. Mrs. Smith of Haw River had been ill recently and passed away at the Presbyterian Home of Hawfields. Out thoughts and prayers go out to Tripp and Faye and his entire family. Sharon Gragg passed away on March 11, 2013, Sharon was the wife of Paul Gragg and mother of sons, David, Chris, Michael and daughter Jodi all of Boone. Bessie Lee Allen mother of Donna Outlaw passed away on April 1, 2013. Mrs. Allen lived in Princeton and is survived by Roy and Donna Outlaw of Seven Springs and other family members including Roy’s daughters Courtney and Chelesa Outlaw. Jessica Rae Brewer Fletcher lost her battle against cancer on April 5, 2013 at her home in Lexington. Jessica, the daughter of Ray and Suzanne Brewer is survived by her sisters, niece and nephews. She was employed by BCBSNC and enjoyed helping on the family farm. I would like to thank everyone for your cards, flowers, phone calls, emails; the Association support has been overwhelming and GREATLY APPRECIATED!! Things have gotten behind and I hope everyone understands, I’m working very hard to get caught up. Again, Thank You!!! Please continue to keep all these families in your thoughts and prayers in the coming days, weeks and months!! 4 2013 Down East Sale It’s not too early to be thinking about the 2013 Down Ease Sale scheduled for Saturday, November 2 at the Sampson County Livestock Arena in Clinton. The Committee wants to remind everyone that for every two female lots you can consign a breeding age “virgin” bull for the sale. Please contact Roy Outlaw or a member of the Down East Sale committee for specifics. In 2012 We sold 10 bulls that averaged $2,010. The consignment form will be in the WA Free Style 155 won Intermediate Champion Bull at the 2013 Dixie National Roll of May/June newsletter. Victory (ROV) Angus Show, Feb. 10 in Jackson, Miss. 2013 NCAA Field Day Wood Angus Farm LLC, Willow Spring, N.C., owns Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 24, the winning bull. make plans to attend the 2013 Field Day @ Photo by Shelia Stannard, American Angus Association. Wood Angus in Willow Spring. AAA Boot Camp @ Clemson University Speakers and programs are still being lined up, June 3-4, 2014 watch the May/June newsletter and the website Contact AAA for more information! for more information . STOP HORN FLIES BEFORE THEY START. 1/2 page Bartlett ad-Crystalyx Cattle hate them. You hate them. So what if you could eliminate horn flies AND ensure consistent, high-quality mineral or protein supplementation at the same time? Now you can, with CRYSTALYX® results by the barrelTM IGR MaxTM and CRYSTALYX® IGR ProTM. Unlike ear tags, the safe, effective Insect Growth Regulator formula goes straight to the source — fresh manure — stopping horn flies before they reach adult stage and your bottom line. IGR MaxTM and IGR ProTM provide the performance results of CRYSTALYX® for cattle on summer pastures. And all you need to do is set out the barrels. Sound easy? It is. Bartlett Milling Company 701 S. Center Street Visit with any Bartlett Milling Company retailer for all your animal feed needs. Statesville, NC 28677 (800) 222-8626 (EXT 103) (704) 872-9581 (EXT 103) Local Statesville Branch Goldsboro Branch Bartlett Milling Company, LP Barlett Milling Company, LP Bartlett Milling Company 701 S Center Street 106 N George Street Goldsboro Branch Statesville, NC 28677 Goldsboro, NC 27530 1006 N. George Street (800) 222-8626 (800) 849-2085) Goldsboro, NC 27530 5 (800) 849-2085 GREETINGS FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA ANGUS AUXILIARY!! Water Lilies” Sells at Spring Fever Sale By Callie Birdsell If you’ve been around the Angus Breed in North Carolina over the last 15 years, you’re familiar with CM Deal Angus Farm, owned by Connie Mack Deal. Connie’s involvement in the Angus breed and NC Angus Association is extensive, and he’s known for producing quality, functional cattle. Connie’s taste in quality females extends beyond to pasture to his wife, Virginia, also a long time Angus enthusiast who has long been involved with the Auxiliary. Like many farm families, Connie and Virginia work together on their operation with Virginia having an AI certification and assisting with many daily chores. At cattle events, the two are always together, quite possibility a perfect match. However, Virginia’s talents extend far beyond the ability to assist with farm chores. A native of the foothills of North Carolina, Virginia learned early how to identify herbs and other plants with nutritional and medicinal value, a talent she’s honed over the years. Anyone who’s purchased cattle from Connie is also familiar with Virginia’s culinary skills, and has probably been on the receiving end of her famous apple turnovers (now available in sugar-free varieties). Virginia’s most impressive talent, might just be her artistic ability to capture landscapes and farm scenes. On the farm, Virginia painted the official CM Deal Angus farm sign, and if you’re lucky enough to be on the Deal’s Christmas Card list, you might have done as I have and kept all the cards you’ve received as Virginia hand paints a different one each year. This artistic ability was featured as the cover of the NC Angus Auxiliary’s cookbook “Feeding the Herd” in the mid-2000s, and has shown up in several of the Auxiliary’s silent auctions. A devout Lutheran, Virginia never boasts of her work, and she’s always working on a new project for friends, family or a community event. This year, Virginia has a special piece being offered via auction at the NC Angus Association’s Spring Fever Sale on May 4th at the Upper Piedmont Research Station in Reidsville, NC. “Water Lilies” is an original water color donated by Virginia Deal with proceeds going to support the NC Angus Auxiliary. If you’re interested in purchasing this piece, please come to the Spring Fever Sale or contact Maggie Tennant, NCAAx President, at 336-908-2039 to have your bid placed via phone. To purchase a piece of Virginia’s artwork, or to have a piece commissioned, Virginia can be contacted at 828-632-6567 or [email protected]. You never know, she might follow Connie’s advice and host her own art show! MORE AUXILIARY HIGHLIGHTS: Scholarship Committee- Elaine Scarlett and Emily Tennant- plan to announce the recipient/s of the Auxiliary Merit Award at Junior Beef Round Up the weekend of June 1st. By-Laws Committee- Lucille Leatherman and Shirley Bowers( with help of her husband Bob)-working hard on updating the Auxiliary By-Laws Publicity Committee- Ann Brown and Brenda Vinson - have got all our information on the NCAA website updated- click on "Auxiliary" and catch up! Ways and Means- Martha and Cortney Holshouser- continue to work on fundraising for upcoming events. We have a graduate!- One of our members and a former NC Junior Angus member, Emily Tennant, is graduating from UNC School of Pharmacy in May! Without a doubt, she will continue to stay involved with lots of Angus activities! 6 NC Junior Angus Association Submitted by Catherine Harward, 2013 NCJAA President As Spring comes around, Angus Juniors are traveling to shows and sales across North Carolina. Juniors have been busy with many shows in their counties or areas, as well as the Clo- ver Classic in Winston-Salem. The Clover Classic Angus Show also served as the NCJAA State Show. Elizabeth Cole, a new NCJAA member, from Virginia won Grand Champion and Mary Elaine Wood won Reserve Champion. The Angus show had 22 entries and many exhibitors participated and performed well in showman- ship. Juniors will gather in Raleigh the first weekend of June for the NC Junior Beef Roundup during which the NCJAA will have a meeting and participate in a great Angus Show. Juniors are gearing up to attend North Carolina Angus Sales to serve lunch and fellow- ship with other Angus members. Also, the NCJAA is raising money to host the 2014 Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show and will provide fundraising opportunities at upcoming sales. We will have cakes and others items as well as an Angus Cow/Calf Pair donated by EBS Farms for auction at the Spring Fever Sale. The Juniors appreciate all support from Angus breeders and friends who are helping in the process to host the Eastern Regionals in North Carolina. The Eastern Regional planning committee recently held a conference call with committee members who are working hard to prepare for the show in June 2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABS AD PROVEN & PROMISING SPECIAL Prices effective for orders placed & shipped by June 27, 2013 or until supplies run out Retail 30 unit 50 unit 100 unit 29AN1523 NEW DESIGN 878 $18 $16 $14 $13 29AN1556 LEAD ON $20 $18 $15 $14 29AN1589 FORESIGHT $20 $18 $16 $15 29AN1642 IMAGE MAKER $22 $20 $18 $16 29AN1644 EXTRA K205 $20 $17 $15 $14 PA SAFEGUARD 021 29AN1815 THOMAS UP RIVER 1614 29AN1856 G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 x WOODHILL FORESIGHT SITZ UPWARD 307R x RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 29AN1679 NEW DESIGN 458N $22 $20 $18 $16 SAFEGUARD Your Herd’s Assets Man Amongst Boys 29AN1688 RITO REVENUE $22 $20 $18 $16 29AN1704 EFFICIENT $20 $18 $16 $15 Lee Cronise Terry Moore Joe Bill Lindley 29AN1799 BLUESTEM $25 $22 $20 $18 District Sales Manager Cleveland, NC Snow Camp, NC 540-589-2870 704-798-1608 336-376-3774 29AN1856 UP RIVER $20 $18 $17 $15 Kenny Nolen Bill Kirkman Cole Strickland 29AN1808 DESTINATION 630 $20 $18 $16 $15 Area Sales Manager Greensboro, NC Nashville, NC 29AN1815 SAFEGUARD $22 $20 $18 $16 540-230-8642 336-275-1530 252-908-2071 29AN1821 COUNSELOR $20 $18 $16 $15 Russell Hall Tom Hamrick Steve Gordon 29AN1829 BROKEN BOW $22 $20 $18 $16 Rougemount, NC Boiling Springs, NC Kings Mountain, NC 29AN1845 NEW ERA $30 $24 $22 $20 919-632-0107 704-692-8664 704-506-7204 TO ORDER, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ABS REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL 1 800 ABS STUD . . . ©2013 ABS Global, Inc. • 1525 River Road, DeForest, WI • p: 608-846-3721 • 7 Minutes of the February 24, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting On Sunday, February 24, 2013 the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Angus Association met at the Davie County Extension Office in Mocksville. Present were: President, Roy Swisher; Vice President, John Smith; Suzanne Brewer, Secretary; Jim Scarlett, Past President; board members, Steve Grady, Randall Smith, Henry Vines, Eugene Shuffler, Steve Gordon, William Leatherman, Jeffrey Wood, Randy Jones, Jo Linville, Bill Teague and Eddie Leagans. . Absent were: Chris Gragg, Tripp Smith, Stephen Watson and Stan Tennant; Junior President, Catherine Harward and Auxiliary President, Maggie Tennant. Also present were Kim Starnes, Carol Shuffler and Lucille Leatherman. President Roy thanked everyone for coming and gave an invocation. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the proposals from the Constitution and By Laws committee regarding changes to the North Carolina Angus Association Constitution. Financial reports and meeting minutes were not a part of this meeting. President Roy began this meeting by reminding the board that there was a vacancy on the board of directors since John Smith was elected Vice President at the annual meeting. Motion made and second t ask Eddie Leagans to fill this position. Motion Passed. Meeting proceeded with discussion article by article; changes are noted in the attached revised constitution with more discussion to follow at the next meeting scheduled for April 21, 2013. Changes will not take effect until all changes have been made and the board votes on the entire revisions. Changes/revisions will be ratified by the full membership at the 2014 annual meeting. Marketing Committee: Marketing Committee chairman has been working on setting up some educational workshops and has come up with the idea to get sponsorships for these meetings and to market our Association. He is requesting permission from the board to move forward with this idea of asking sponsors for a one time donation and this money be divided among the Association sponsored sale, the Marketing workshops and the annual meeting. Motion made and second to proceed and come back to the board with more information. Motion Passed. A letter was read from a veterinarian regarding Bovine Lymphosarcoma (BLV) and the possible need to require testing for our sales. No action taken. With no further business, Motion made and second to adjourn. Motion Passed. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Brewer-Executive Secretary, North Carolina Angus Association BARTLETT Feed in a Drum ad Bartlett Milling Company Bartlett Milling Company 701 S. Center Street Goldsboro Branch Statesville, NC 28677 1006 N. George Street (800) 222-8626 (EXT 103) Goldsboro, NC 27530 (704) 872-9581 (EXT 103) Local (800) 849-2085 8 2013 NORTH CRAOLINA ADVERTISING RATES ADVERTISEMENTS NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING PRICES FULL PAGE (Black & White) $130.00 . FULL PAGE (Color) $250.00 2013 Spring Fever Sale Page 3 1/2 PAGE $75.00 4K/Tarheel Angus Page 10 1/4 PAGE $45.00 1/8 PAGE $30.00 ABS Global Page 7 BUSINESS CARD SIZE $30.00 Back Creek Page 12 FULL PAGE (for one year) $550.00 Bartlett-Crystalyx Page 5 1/2 PAGE (for one year) $330.00 1/4 PAGE (for one year) $200.00 Bartlett-Feed In A Drum Page 8 BUSINESS CARD (for one year) $150.00 Biltmore Page 10 INSERT $175.00 Bittersweet Farms Page 2 WEB SITE ADVERTISING PRICES Blue Q Ranch Page 11 FEATURED FARMS PAGE (first year) $350.00 FEATURED FARMS PAGE (second year) $275.00 EDJE Technologies Page 11 FEATURED FARMS PAGE (every year after) $225.00 Gragg Farms Page 10 BANNER AD (30 days) (members) $100.00 Panther Creek Farms Page 10 BANNER AD (30 days) (businesses) $100.00 Springfield Angus Page 11 CLASSSIFIED AD FREE!! E BLAST $50.00 The Barn Loft Page 12 HANDBOOK ADVERTISING Wagstaff Farms, Inc Page 12 FULL PAGE (Black & White) $225.00 Wood Angus Farm Page 11 FULL PAGE (Color) $325.00 1/2 PAGE $145.00 14 PAGE $100.00 1/6 PAGE $75.00 BUSINESS CARD SIZE $75.00 9 4KFarms/Tarheel Angus Richard D. Kirkman, DVM 20416 US 64 West Siler City, NC 27344 919-742-5500 Visitors Always Welcome Breeding Angus Since 1983 CattWle afotcr hS afloe-rP oriuvar tleo Ttsre aty on t he Please Call for an Appointment Out Wes Sale Saturday, April 9th Ted Katsigianis Biltmore Estate 1North Pack Square Asheville, NC 28801 Focused on Bulls Contact 828-225-6156 [email protected] [email protected] Paul, Sharon, David, Chris, Michael, and Jodi PO Box 1040 Boone, NC 28607 Home # (828) 264-1978 Look for Calves from Paul cell # (828) 268-4136 Chris cell # (828) 268-4137 David cell # (828) 268-4135 These Three Panther [email protected] Creek Herd Sires: Since becoming a member of the NCAA, I have seen an excess Springfield Complete 1084 Reg # 17248892 DOB 08-29-2011 I have developed a company, North Carolina Angus Beef, LLC, BW WW YW Marb RE $B which is interested in paying you a respectable price for these animals as this develops the concept of “Got to be NC”. I +2.6 I +55 I +101 +.75 +.74 95.57 This company is selling beef to local restaurants Springfield 9M25 1102 and the demand is rapidly growing! The long term goal is to make North Carolina Angus Beef, LLC into an Reg # 17217554 DOB 09/05/2011 iconic line of beef with intent of bringing/keeping revenue for the BW WW YW Marb RE $B +2.4 +66 +110 +.84 +.89 101.34 GAR Predestined T598 Reg # 16247387 DOB 02-05-2008 pick up what you wish to sell to NC Angus Beef, LLC. The demand BW WW YW Marb RE $B Look for our consignments to the Spring Fever sale sired by S A V Net Worth 4200 and Sitz Upward 442W. These +1.3 +42 +78 +1.32 +.62 95.91 Thank you for helping us all to a stronger future. femaCleos nstteamc tf rRoomb seormt eR ooft thh ea tg r3e3at6 m-3a2te7ri-a9l 0fa2m0 ioliers in the “Please call for additional information” RothchildAsnfgaursm in@dugsmtrya. i l .com 18