MARCH-APRIL 2016 Issue # 432 WROCLAW 2016 European Capital of Culture From the European Commission To date there is no word of any Brochure: philatelic recognition from Spain re. San Sebastian. European Capitals of Culture (ECOCs) are one of the most rec- Meanwhile, ECOC cities have ognized EU projects. They start- already been selected through ed in 1985 on the initiative of 2019, one of which is Plovdiv, then Greek Minister of Culture, Bulgaria (see page 4). ▬ actress Melina Mercouri. The idea is to put cities at the heart of cultural life across Eu- But there is also something for rope. Through culture and art, all Europeans: Capitals of Culture European Capitals of Culture im- highlight the richness of Eu- prove the quality of life in these rope’s cultural diversity and take cities and strengthen their sense a fresh look at its shared history of community. Citizens can take and heritage. They promote mu- part in the year-long activities tual understanding and show and play a bigger role in their how the universal language of city’s development and cultural creativity opens Europe to cul- expression tures from across the world. Being a European Capital of Cul- This year, the cities of San Se- ture brings fresh life to these bastian (Spain) and Wroclaw cities. Many of them, like Lille, (Poland) were chosen as ECOCs. Glasgow and Essen, have Poland issued the souvenir demonstrated that the title can sheet shown above on the be a great opportunity to regen- opening weekend of celebra- erate their urban centers, bring- tions in Wroclaw — 15 January. ing creativity, visitors and inter- The colorful sheets have a lim- national recognition. ited edition of 150,000. MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-2 New Issues v = value(s) ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet Europa 2016 "Ecology in Europe - Think Green" SWEDEN 1v GERMANY 1v AZERBAIJAN 2v + ss Issue date 14 January 2016 Issue date 2 May 2016 Issue date 25 January 2016 BELARUS 2v issued in ms of 4 and 6 stamps LIECHTENSTEIN 2v Issue date 5 April 2016 Issue date 7 March 2016 Another stylized design that seems to be saying The stamps are printed sepa- “nature rately, and in booklets of 8 good, cit- stamps with 4 se-tenant sets: ies bad.” Note the solar panels on the tops of the skyscrapers. SAN MARINO 1v Issue date 10 March 2016 The Header pages for Europa stamps — both PowerPoint and Acrobat (pdf) files with a head- er page for each annual issue — have been updated for 2015 and 2016. See the members area of our website: under “Member Downloads”. MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-3 v = value(s) New Issues ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet sepac 2016 From the Europa Blogspot, we now have the following tally of “Seasons” stamps thus far in these two subtopics: GREENLAND 1v LIECHTENSTEIN 1v Sepac 2016 Issue date 18 January 2016 Issue date 7 March 2016 18.01.2016 Greenland - 1 stamp (13.- DKK) out of a set of 2 stamps 22.02.2016 Faroe Is. - 1 stamp (17.- DKK) 07.03.2016 Liechtenstein - 1 stamp (1.50 CHF) NEW 28.04.2016 Iceland - 1 stamp (B50g domestic non-priority mail value) out of a set of 4 stamps 25.05.2016 Guernsey - 1 stamp out of a set of 4 stamps 12.08.2016 Åland - 1 stamp (Inrikes value) 20.09.2016 Luxembourg 04.11.2016 Jersey ??.??.2016 Isle of Man ??.??.2016 Malta ??.??.2016 Gibraltar ??.??.2016 Monaco The second (non-sepac) stamp is no issue of San Marino a summer picture. contest/stamp-competition-2015/ no issue of Vatican NORDEN 2016 04.01.2016 Denmark - 2 stamps (2x 8.- DKK) and one Norden 2016 souvenir-sheet of 2 stamps (2x “Nordic Food Culture” 8.- DKK) 22.01.2016 Finland - 1 stamp (1 klass value) GREENLAND 2v + ss of same values plus a middle label (shown) 18.02.2016 Iceland - 1 stamp Issue date 21 March 2016 (50g to Europe value = 180.- ISK) 17.03.2016 Sweden 18.03.2016 Åland - 1 stamp (Världen value) 21.03.2016 Greenland - 2 stamps (12.– and 13.50 DKK) and one souvenir-sheet of 2 stamps (12.– and 13.50 DKK) NEW 15.04.2016 Norway - 2 stamps (2x 14.- NOK) and one souve- nir-sheet I’m sure that this is supposed to look delicious. 26.04.2016 Faroe Is. - 1 stamp (9.- DKK) MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-4 v = value(s) New Issues ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet DENMARK 3v issued as self- BELGIUM 1v issued in a souvenir sheet of 5 stamps (shown) adhesive FRAMA labels Issue date 5 September 2015 Issue date not known European Women’s Volleyball Championship Scott #2767 NORDIA 2015 Doubtful that this will be listed in Scott. NORDIA 2015 was held 30 October—1 November in Täby Sweden. MACEDONIA 1v The 2015 Women's European Volleyball Championship was the 29th Issue date not known edition of the tournament and hosted by Netherlands and Bel- European Men’s Basketball gium from 26 September to 4 October 2015. The name of the Bel- Championship (Eurobasket) gian team is Yellow Tigers. The sheet is round (like a volleyball, of 2015 course) and obviously more collectible than just a single stamp. EuroBasket BULGARIA ss 2015 was Issue date the 39th 21 December 2015 annual edi- tion of the PLOVDIV, 2019 EuroBasket European Capital champion- of Culture ship. Never too soon to It took place in four different get the planning countries (Croatia, France, Ger- (and the hype) many, and Latvia), making it the started ! first EuroBasket held in more than one country. Held last Sep- tember, Spain won the title by defeating Lithuania 80-63. MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-5 v = value(s) New Issues ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet SERBIA 1v SERBIA 1v UKRAINE 1v SLOVENIA 1v Issue date 2 October 2015 Issue date 14 October 2015 Issue date 6 November 2015 Joy of Europe Day of Defender of Ukraine Davorin Jenko Joint Issue MONTENEGRO 1v Issue date 22 October 2015 Joy of Europe This state holiday had its first celebration in 2015. It replaces the former February 23 holiday called Defender of the Father- land Day, which has its origin in the Soviet Union. Ukraine is still struggling to maintain its inde- pendence from Russia. MARSHALL ISLANDS ss Issue date 3 October 2015 25th Anniversary of German Re-unification Davorin Jenko, was a Slovene and Serbian composer. He is sometimes considered the father of Slovenian national Roman- tic music. Among other songs, he composed the melody for the Serbian national anthem Bože pravde ("God of Justice"), the for- mer Slovenian national anthem Naprej, zastava Slave ("Forward, Flag of Glory!"), and the popular Serbian and Montenegrin an- them Onamo, 'namo! (“There, over there!”). — from Wikipedia “Deutsche Einheit” is a key event in the unification of the continent. MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-6 Cinderella, or Pumpkin? — Dana Roper I’ve been conflicted about these It’s easy to be taken in. Steve The story is different for Europa- things for years, and I’ve now Luster included some of these related topics. Foremost among decided that it’s time to write an during his tenure as editor, since these is the Concorde SuperSon- article about them. I’m talking they sometimes appeared in ic Transport (SST). Runners-up about the “junque” issues that mainstream philatelic publica- include Europa Space (such as we’ve been reporting on sporad- tions. The irony is that Steve, and the European Space Agency’s ically for some time now. ESU founder Robin Crowley, are Giotto comet probe), high speed no doubt spinning in their graves trains (primarily the Eurostar Specifically, they are what many at the thought of their being Chunnel train), and historical would call “wallpaper” issues mentioned, let alone listed, in events. from an outfit called the Inter- the EN. governmental Philatelic Agency Oh wait, don’t forget Europa (IGPC), which we wrote about in sports, especially football (aka So, how to tell if a country is a the last EN. To be fair, there are soccer). As you will see on the legitimate stamp issuer? Often also many bogus issues that em- following pages, these can all there are telltale clues. In the anate from a printing press in add up quickly. case of Abkhazia, issuing a block Lithuania, and it’s sometimes of 4 showing former president hard to tell them apart. But there So why bring these up at all? My Bill Clinton in his underwear with is a big difference. decision follows that of the edi- Monica Lewinsky was a pretty tors of the Scott catalog, who The IGPC is a recognized stamp good giveaway. Another was the have decided to start listing producing agency. Their tongue-in-cheek “Marx/Lennon” them, albeit begrudgingly. The stamps are valid for postage in sheet shown below, also from the issuing country, even fact that Scott seems to have Abkhazia: though 99.99% of them never been dragged kicking and see service. screaming is shown by the terri- ble way that they have chosen to The Lithuanian labels mean- list them. while, are responsible for al- most all the real junk from the Why do I say that? Simply be- breakaway Russian republics cause they are listed almost as a (Abkhazia and Tuva are notori- footnote. The approach is logical, ous examples) and these often but not helpful. Let me back up a include Europa issues. An ex- bit and explain. ample of the latter is shown below; it was issued in 2003 in My source for most of these list- the hopes of cashing in on the ings is a dealer/distributor in “Posters” theme: Lithuania (of course) called NEOFILA ( Besides Kidding aside, these labels often labels, they list many of the is- assume the names of otherwise sues from the IGPC. Their new legitimate countries, such as issue listings follow a standard Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Kosovo, format. Each country is given a 2 etc. -character designator, followed by issue number, as shown in the For Europa collectors, the good following example: news is that there aren’t a lot of these dubious things masquer- Issue # GB-15206a/b, where ading as real Europa issues any GB=Guinea-Bissau more. (But, they are out there. 15=2015 E.g., see “Buyer Beware” in EN# 2=2nd issue of the year 402-19, and “The ‘Stamps’ of the 06=6th topic of that issue PMR” in EN# 413-15,.) a=design layout no.1 for that topic (followed by b, c, etc.) MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-7 Cinderella, or Pumpkin? — cont’d Topic: Fire Engines. GB-15205a and 15205b All of the 4-stamp sheets follow the same basic format. Now look at the single stamp sheets; the formats are the same once again. This is the hook that Scott uses to assign catalog numbers. First they assign a catalog number to all the 4-stamp sheets, which they call a set, and then give a catalog value in the hundreds of dollars. After that come the 1- stamp sheets, which they call an- Topic: Concorde. GB-15206a and 15206b other set, and again give a huge catalog value. As is Scott’s custom, they only show the first sheet for each de- sign format; they then list the others in fine print underneath the picture. That’s a lot of fine print, and to me it just shows the contempt that the editors at Scott have for these issues. Why Topic: Lighthouses. GB-15207a and 15207b do I hate this approach? Let me count the ways. The most obvious problem I have with Scott’s way of doing things is that the topics within each issue are hopelessly split apart. Whereas NEOFILA lists the corresponding stamps for Con- corde as GB-15206a and GB- 15206b, Scott will give them cat- alog numbers that could be 24 numbers apart. No one collects For example, shown above are Just savor that for a moment. that way. three different topics in the sec- There were 9 issues for Guinea- ond 2015 issue from Guinea- Bissau in 2012, averaging 20 or Another problem is the implicit Bissau. more topics per issue. That’s assumption that all the similar In this issue, there were 24 dif- about 350-400 stamp sheets. formats make up a set, even ferent topics covered, from And this is just one country. though they cover an array of Mushrooms to Churchill. Most Now note the similarity in stamp topics. Once more, no one col- topics were given a 4-stamp designs. That is a defining char- lects that way, and I doubt that sheet (denoted by the “a” suffix) acteristic of each issue, and a key anyone will shell out hundreds of and a miniature sheet of 1 factor in how Scott chose to list dollars to do so. stamp (denoted by a “b” suffix). them. Finally, I suspect that Don Smith To repeat, that’s a whopping 24 The IGPC boasts that their de- and I may be the only collectors topics covered in this particular signers can crank out a flurry of on earth who will search through issue (GB-15201 through 15224), new designs quickly. A glance at the Scott catalog listings looking for a total of 44 stamp sheets. this issue shows how. for appropriate topics. MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-8 v = value(s) Cinderella, or Pumpkin? — cont’d ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet And still we might miss some- As to what they are worth, again GUINEA 2ss GU-15422a/b thing in all that fine print. Or that is up to you. IGPC will sell Issue date 3 September 2015 Scott will omit a crucial detail them directly, but they add a ser- Channel Tunnel (e.g. they might say “airplane” vice charge plus postage and instead of “Airbus”). handling (P&H) that can add up to $20 or more. NEOFILA also I suspect that the editors at Scott sells directly, but again with P&H know all this. Their approach and you’re dealing with Lithua- simply lets them use the least nia. They will then show up on amount of paper possible to list eBay and delcampe, and new these issues, and by adding a issue dealers such as Herrick and ridiculously high catalog value Marlen will finally list some of they are announcing their con- them. Shop for price. If there’s tempt. something you really want, don’t wait too long; they tend to dis- So why list them at all? Because appear. I suspect that unsold they are real stamps, and now copies of these things are treat- Scott can say that they have ed like books that don’t sell. listed them. They simply go into a big That last observation raises an “remainders” bin, never to be interesting point, namely what seen again except in an occa- should these things be worth? sional packet. Which says some- NEOFILA usually has a price thing about their value. ▬ somewhere between $5 and $10 for each sheet. That’s a lot, and So, are these collectibles or adding up all the prices actually just junque? Following Scott’s gives credence to Scott’s num- decision, we herewith will pre- ber. Still, no one is expected to sent Europa related stamps of buy anything other than the top- this genre as we become ic that interests them, so we are aware of them … unless or un- back down into the $10-$20 til it gets totally out of hand. range for a pair of sheets. Meanwhile, look for the “glass slipper” as shown on the top Are they worth even that? It de- of these pages. pends on what you enjoy collect- ing. Robin and Steve are shout- ing down from the heavens that SOLOMON IS. 2ss SI-15502a/b they are not worth a plugged Issue date 30 November 2015 nickel, let alone the paper it 25th Anniversary of German Re- takes to show them. Skimming Unification through early copies of the EN revealed some very colorful lan- guage that Robin used to de- scribe similar stuff. My personal feeling is that it is up to you. Since the IGPC issues are real stamps, I’ll try to identify them as they come out. As Scott catches up to them and Don finds them, I’ll do my best to hark back to where we first listed them. MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-9 v = value(s) Cinderella, or Pumpkin? — cont’d ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet European Football (Soccer) Championships 2016 GUINEA 2ss GU-15408a/b TOGO 2ss TG-15408a/b Issue date 3 September 2015 Issue date 26 October 2015 UEFA Euro 2016 is scheduled for 10 June—10 July 2016 in France. MALDIVE IS 2ss MV-15C07a/b Issue date 15 December 2015 SOLOMON IS 2ss SI-15419a/b Issue date 25 September 2015 MOZAMBIQUE 2ss MZ-15311a/b Issue date 15 August 2015 MARCH-APRIL 2016 432-10 Cinderella, or Pumpkin? — cont’d v = value(s) ms= mini-sheet ss = souvenir sheet European High Speed Trains TOGO one of two ss NIGER 2ss se-tenant in a continuous design NE-15406c TG-15608b Issue date 26 October 2015 Issue date 30 December 2015 The classic Eurostar trainset is in the upper left; the new livery is shown in the bottom stamp. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC This is an interesting new gimmick. It is listed in NEOFILA as two souve- one of two ss CA-15620b nir sheets printed se-tenant, with a single design across the two con- Issue date 15 December 2015 nected sheets. The continuous design appears to be the Italian Frecci- arossa. The second stamp from the top depicts the Eurostar. SOLOMON IS one of two ss SOLOMON IS 2ss SI-15509a/b SI-15207b Issue date 30 November 2015 Issue date 26 June 2015 ST. THOMAS & PRINCE IS (SAO TOME E PRINCIPE) one of two ss ST-15407b Issue date 18 November 2015 The stamp portion of each sheet looks like the Eurostar. That’s the Thalys train on the stamp Eurostar is in the upper right