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MAPSON POSITIVE DEFINITE OPERATORSPRESERVINGTHE QUANTUM χ2-DIVERGENCE α 7 1 HONG-YICHEN,GYÖRGYPÁLGEHÉR,CHIH-NENGLIU,LAJOSMOLNÁR, 0 DÁNIELVIROSZTEK,ANDNGAI-CHINGWONG 2 n ABSTRACT. We describe the structure of all bijective maps on the a J coneofpositivedefiniteoperatorsactingonafiniteandatleasttwo- dimensionalcomplexHilbertspacewhichpreservethequantumχ2- 0 α 1 divergenceforsomeα∈[0,1]. Weprovethatanysuchtransformation isnecessarilyimplemented byeither aunitary oranantiunitary op- ] erator. Similarresultsconcerningmapsontheconeofpositivesemi- h p definiteoperatorsaswellasonthesetofalldensityoperatorsarealso - derived. h t a m [ 1. INTRODUCTION 1 v The study of automorphisms, symmetries or, more generally, maps 3 onmathematicalstructureswhichpreserverelevantcharacteristics(nu- 2 merical or nonnumerical) of the underlying structures is an important 5 2 generaltaskinmostareasofmathematicsanditsapplications,hencein 0 mathematicalphysics,too.Inthelatterdisciplineoneofthemostfunda- . 1 mentalcorrespondingresultisWigner’scelebratedtheoremonthestruc- 0 tureofso-calledquantummechanicalsymmetrytransformations.These 7 1 transformationsarebijectivemapsonthesetofallrank-oneprojections : v on a complex Hilbert space (representing the pure states of a quantum i X system)that preservethe quantityof transitionprobabilitywhich is the r traceoftheproductofrank-oneprojections.Wigner’stheoremstatesthat a anysuchmapisimplementedbyaunitaryorantiunitaryoperatoronthe 2010MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary:46N50,47B49. Key words and phrases. Positive definite operators, quantum χ2-divergence, α preservers. Gy. P. Gehér and L. Molnár were supported by the “Lendület” Program (LP2012- 46/2012)oftheHungarianAcademyofSciencesandbytheNationalResearch,Devel- opment and Innovation Office – NKFIH, Grant No. K115383. D. Virosztek was sup- portedbythe“Lendület”Program(LP2012-46/2012)oftheHungarianAcademyofSci- ences, bytheNationalResearch,DevelopmentandInnovationOffice–NKFIH,Grant No. K104206, and by the “For the Young Talents of the Nation” scholarship program (NTP-EFÖ-P-15-0481) oftheHungarianState. Theprojectwasalsosupported bythe jointventureofTaiwanandHungaryMOST-HAS,GrantNo.104-2911-1-110-508. 1 2 H.Y.CHEN,GY.P.GEHÉR,C.N.LIU,L.MOLNÁR,D.VIROSZTEK,ANDN.C.WONG underlying Hilbert space. Motivated by this very important result, in a seriesofpaperswepresentedseveralresultsinwhichwedeterminedthe structuresoftransformationsonthesetsofdensityoperatorsorpositive (definiteor semidefinite)operatorsthatpreservecertainkinds ofquan- tum divergence. Below we list those results of ours which are in close connectionstothepresentinvestigations. In order to do this, let us first fix the notation. In what follows H stands for a finite and at least two-dimensional complex Hilbert space, d =dimH,andwedenotebyL(H)thesetofalllinearoperatorsonH. ThesymbolsLsa(H),L+(H)andL++(H)standforthecollectionsof all selfadjoint, positive semidefinite, and positive definite operators on H, respectively. The linear space L(H) is endowed with the Hilbert- Schmidtinnerproduct〈X,Y〉 =TrXY∗, X,Y ∈L(H), and||.|| de- HS HS notes the induced norm. We will also consider the operator norm on L(H)which is denotedby||.|| .ThesymbolS (H)standsfor theset op ofalldensityoperatorsonH,i.e.,thesetofallelementsinL+(H)with unit trace. The elements of S (H) represent the quantum states of the quantumsystemdescribedbytheHilbertspaceH,henceS (H)isalso calledstatespace. Thesetofallnonsingular(i.e.,invertible)elementsof S (H)isdenotedbyM(H)andP (H)standsforthesetofallrank-one 1 projectionsonH. If f : I →R is a functiondefined on an interval I ⊂R, thenthecorre- spondingstandardoperatorfunctionisthemap f :{A∈Lsa(H): σ(A)⊆I}→L(H) A= aP 7−→ f(A):= f(a)P , a a a∈σ(A) a∈σ(A) X X whereσ(A)isthespectrumof A andP isthespectralprojectioncorre- a spondingtotheeigenvaluea of A. Wigner’sabovementionedfundamentaltheoremstatesthatanybijec- tivemapφ:P (H)→P (H)whichhasthepropertythat 1 1 Trφ(P)φ(Q)=TrPQ (P,Q∈P (H)) 1 isnecessarilyoftheform (1) φ(P)=UPU∗ (P ∈P (H)) 1 withsomeeitherunitaryorantiunitaryoperatorU onH.(Thereisavast literatureonthiscelebratedresult,we onlyrefer toSections0.3, 2.1and 2.2inthemonograph[7]andtotherecentelementaryproofgivenin[2].) And now a short summary of our former and relating results follows. Webeginwithnotingthatdivergences,inparticular,relativeentropytype quantitiesareusuallydefinedonthestatespaceorontheconesofpos- itive definite or semidefinite operators depending on the nature of the MAPSPRESERVINGTHEQUANTUMχ2-DIVERGENCE 3 α problem one considers. Therefore, we investigated the corresponding preservertransformationsonallthosestructures.Obviously,themachin- eryweusedinourargumentstoobtaintheresultsheavilydependedon whichparticularstructuresthemapsweredefined. In the paper [13] we proved that those (a priori nonbijective) maps onthestatespaceS (H)whichpreservethe(Umegaki)relativeentropy havethestructurelikeinWigner’stheorem(1),theyareallimplemented byunitaryorantiunitaryoperators.Next,in[11]wepresentedafarreach- inggeneralizationoftheresultin[13]byshowingthatallmapsonS(H) which preserve a so-called f-divergence (f being an arbitrary strictly convex real function on the set of nonnegative real numbers) are also unitaryor antiunitarysimilaritytransformations. In [18] the same con- clusionwasobtainedforthesamekindofpreserverswhicharebijective anddefinednotonthestatespacebutonthewholesetL+(H)ofposi- tivesemidefiniteoperators.(Wealsoremarkthatintheveryrecentpaper [9] we have made some steps towards the description of quasi-entropy ∗ preserversonpositivedefiniteconesinthesettingofC -algebrasbutthe level of generality of the considered quasi-entropies falls far from what wecouldconsidersufficient.) In[12]wedescribedthestructureofallbijectivemapsonthepositive definite cone L++(H) which preserve the Bregman divergence corre- spondingtoanydifferentiableconvexfunctiononthepositiverealswith derivativeboundedfrombelowandunboundedfromabove.Inaddition, weconsideredthecasesoftheparticularfunctionsx7→xlogx,x>0(von Neumann divergence, in other words, Umegaki’s relative entropy) and that of x 7→ −logx (Stein’s loss). In the former cases the preservers are allunitary-antiunitaryconjugationswhileinthelatteronetheyarecon- jugations by any invertible linear or conjugate-linear operators on H. Inthesamepaperweobtainedresultsofsimilarspiritconcerningmaps onL++(H)preservingJensendivergence.Similarinvestigationwascar- riedoutin[17]forbijectivetransformationsonthestatespacepreserving BregmanorJensendivergences. Inthepresentpaperweconsiderarelativelynewandimportantnotion of quantum divergence and determineits preservers. We emphasize in advancethattheproblemhasbeenarealchallenge,theformerlydevel- oped techniques haveneeded to be altered significantlyand many new ideas have necessarily had to be brought in. Now, the basic concept of thepresent paper is the following notionof quantumdivergence which wasintroducedin[15],seeequation(7)onpage122201-3. 4 H.Y.CHEN,GY.P.GEHÉR,C.N.LIU,L.MOLNÁR,D.VIROSZTEK,ANDN.C.WONG Definition1. Let α∈[0,1]. The quantum χ2-divergence of the operators α A∈L+(H),B ∈L++(H)isdefinedby K (A||B):=TrB−α(A−B)Bα−1(A−B). α Clearly,wecanalsowritethisas K (A||B)=TrB−αABα−1A−2TrA+TrB. α ForasingularB ∈L+(H)wedefine (2) K (A||B):=limK (A||B+εI). α α ε→0 Remark 2. In relation with the above definition we make a few com- ments. First, concerning the existence of the limit in (2) observe the following. In the case of a singular B ∈L+(H) one can easily see that if supp(A) ⊆ supp(B) (supp(B) denoting the support of B which is the orthogonal complement of its kernel hence equals the range rng(B) of B),thenwehaveK (A||B)=TrB−α(A−B)Bα−1(A−B),wherethetraceis α takenoverthesubspacesupp(B)ofH. If supp(A) * supp(B), then we have K (A||B) = ∞. Indeed, assume α thatthesequence{Tr(B+ǫnI)−αA(B+ǫnI)α−1A}n∈N isboundedforsome sequence{ǫn}n∈N ofpositivenumbersconvergingtozero. Sincewehave Tr(B+ǫnI)−αA(B+ǫnI)α−1A=Tr (B+ǫnI)α2−1A(B+ǫnI)−2α 2, ¯ ¯ this yields that {(B +ǫnI)α−21A(B+ǫnI)¯¯−2α}n∈N is a bounded sequ¯¯ence in the Hilbert-Schmidt norm and hence it has a convergent subsequence. Without serious loss of generality we may and do assume that already theoriginalsequenceitselfconverges α−1 −α (B+ǫnI) 2 A(B+ǫnI) 2 →C. Since 1−α 1−α α α (B+ǫnI) 2 →B 2 , (B+ǫnI)2 →B 2, itimmediatelyfollowsthat 1−α α A=B 2 CB2. Butthisimpliesrng(A)⊂rng(B),acontradiction.Therefore,wehave TrB−α(A−B)Bα−1(A−B), ifsupp(A)⊆supp(B) K (A||B)= α (∞, otherwise. Since TrB−α(A−B)Bα−1(A−B)=Tr Bα−21(A−B)B−2α 2, ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ MAPSPRESERVINGTHEQUANTUMχ2-DIVERGENCE 5 α itfollowseasilythatK (A||B)≥0forany A,B ∈L+(H)andK (A||B)=0 α α holds if and only if A = B. Therefore, the χ2-divergence is always non- α negativeandtakethevalue0onlyatidenticaloperators.Thismeansthat K (.||.) is really a divergence or, in other words, a generalized distance α measure. Wealsonotethatinthespecialcasewhereα∈{0,1},theχ2-divergence α coincideswiththeso-calledquadratic relativeentropy. Thetransforma- tionsofthestatespaceS(H)andthoseofthesetM(H)ofallnonsin- gular density operators leaving the quadratic relative entropy invariant havebeendeterminedin[10],seeTheorems2and3. In the main result of this paper we show that all bijective maps of thepositivedefiniteconeL++(H)whichpreservetheχ2-divergencefor α someα∈[0,1]areunitaryorantiunitarysimilaritytransformations. Weremarkthatin[15]anevenmoregeneralconceptofχ2-divergence dependingonafunctionparameterwasalsodefinedinthemannerof f- divergences, see equation (10) on page 122201-3. Important properties of these notions (both the more restricted one given in Definition 1 as wellasthejustmentionedmoregeneralone)wereinvestigatedinseveral furtherpapers.Withoutpresumingtobeexhaustiveherewereferonlyto theworks[3],[5],[6],[14],[16]. Before presenting our results we would like to make clear a point. In thelightofourstructuralresultsgivenin[11]and[18]concerningmaps preserving f-divergences, one may immediately put the question that what about the preservers of the general notion of χ2-divergence. The honestansweristhatwedonotknow. Asthereaderwillseebelow,com- paredtotheabovelistedpreviousresultsofours,thedescriptionevenin the considered case of χ2-divergences is remarkably more difficult and α morecomplicatedrequiringtheinventionofmanynewideas. Presently, wedonotseeanywayshowonecanattackthegeneralproblem. 2. THE MAIN RESULTS In this section we present themain resultsof thepaper. Select an ar- bitrary number α ∈ [0,1]. It is clear that for any unitary or antiunitary operatorU onH,thecorrespondingconjugation A7→UAU∗ A∈L+(H) leavesthequantumχ2-divergencein¡variant.Inou¢rresultsweshowthat α the converse statement is also true, i.e., the preservers of the quantum χ2-divergenceareallnecessarilyunitaryorantiunitaryconjugations. α Theprecise formulationsofthestatementsread as follows. We begin withthecaseofthepositivedefinitecone. 6 H.Y.CHEN,GY.P.GEHÉR,C.N.LIU,L.MOLNÁR,D.VIROSZTEK,ANDN.C.WONG Theorem 3. Let α ∈ [0,1] be an arbitrary but fixed number and let φ : L++(H) → L++(H) be a bijection which preserves the quantum χ2- α divergence,thatis,satisfies K (φ(A)||φ(B))=K (A||B) A,B ∈L++(H) . α α Then there exists a unitary or an antiunita¡ry operatorU :H¢ →H such that φ(A)=UAU∗ A∈L++(H) . The theorem will be proven in a se¡parate section¢. We next formulate thecorrespondingresultsconcerningtheconeofpositivesemidefinitop- eratorsandthestatespace. Proposition4. Letα∈[0,1]be an arbitrary butfixed numberand let φ: L+(H)→L+(H)beabijectionsuchthat K (φ(A)||φ(B))=K (A||B) A,B ∈L+(H) . α α Thenthereisaunitaryoranantiunitaryope¡ratorU :H →¢H suchthat φ(A)=UAU∗ A∈L+(H) . Proposition5. Letα∈[0,1]be an arb¡itrary butfixe¢d numberand let φ: S(H)→S (H)beabijectionsuchthat K (φ(A)||φ(B))=K (A||B) (A,B ∈S (H)). α α Then there exists a unitary or an antiunitary operatorU :H →H such that φ(A)=UAU∗ (A∈S (H)). Theproofsofthelattertwopropositionscanbeobtainedbyusingar- gumentssimilartotheonesthatwewillemployintheproofofTheorem 3. Therefore,wewillonlysketchthoseproofsinthelastpartofthenext section. 3. PROOFS Thissectionisdevotedtotheproofsofourresults. However,letusbe- gin with the following remark. We have already mentioned that in our previousworks [12] and [18]we presentedstructuralresultsconcerning mapsonthepositivedefiniteorsemidefiniteconespreservingBregman divergences, or Jensen divergences, or f-divergences. Therefore, it is necessarytomakeitclearthatwhatweobtaininthepresentpaper,our main result Theorem 3 is a really new result, it is independentfrom the previousones. So,weneedtoverifythattheχ2-divergencesweconsider α here are neither f-divergences (with the exception of the cases α = 0, MAPSPRESERVINGTHEQUANTUMχ2-DIVERGENCE 7 α α=1),norBregmanorJensendivergencesonthesetofallpositivedefi- niteoperators. Indeed,theseareveryeasytosee. Asfor f-divergences(see,e.g.,Sec- tion2in[4]),write A=tI,t >0andB =I into S (A||B)=K (A||B) f α andobtainthat f(t)=(t−1)2,t >0. Itthenfollowsthat S (A||B)=K (A||B) f 0 holdsforall A,B ∈L++(H)whichimpliesthatα=0orα=1. As for Bregmandivergences (see, e.g., Section 1 in[12]), we do some- thingsimilar.Wewrite A=tI,t >0andB =sI,s>0into H (A||B)=K (A||B) f α and,fors=1,concludethat f isaquadraticfunction.Lettingnows vary, weseethatthelefthandsideoftheequalityaboveisquadraticins,while therighthandsideisnotso. Thisgivesacontradiction. Finally, as for Jensen divergences, it is clear that they are symmetric intheirvariableswhiletheχ2-divergencesarenotso. Consequently,the α resultsofthepresentpaperarereallynew.Infact,ascanbeseenfromthe argumentstobegivenbelow,theproofsaremoredeepandinvolvedthan anyofthepreviousresultswehaveobtainedsofarinthislineofresearch. In the next pages we present the proof of Theorem 3. For the sake of transparency, we divide it into three parts given in the following three subsectionsthefirsttwopartsbeingsplitintoseveralsubsteps. 3.1. ProofofTheorem3—partone. Inwhatfollows,letα∈[0,1]bean arbitrarybutfixednumberandletφ:L++(H)→L++(H)beabijective mapsuchthat K (φ(A)||φ(B))=K (A||B) A,B ∈L++(H) . α α Inthefirstpartoftheproofweshowthat¡φisahomeomo¢rphismandit canbeextendedtoamapψonthesetL+(H).(Wemakearemarkhere: observethatLsa(H)isafinitedimensionallinearspace,hencethereis onlyonelocallyconvexHausdorffvectortopologyon it,thetopologyof theoperatornorm,andwheneverweusetopologicalnotionswealways meanthatuniquetopology.) Furthermore,wealsoverifythattheexten- sionψisbijectiveonL+(H),italmost preservestheχ2-divergence(for α thedefinitionofthisnotionseeClaim12),anditpreservesthetrace. In what follows we will need the continuity properties of the χ2- α divergenceswhatwecollectbelow. 8 H.Y.CHEN,GY.P.GEHÉR,C.N.LIU,L.MOLNÁR,D.VIROSZTEK,ANDN.C.WONG Remark6. First,itisclearthatthemap K (.||B): L+(H)→[0,∞); A7→K (A||B)=TrB−α(A−B)Bα−1(A−B) α α iscontinuousforanyfixedB ∈L++(H),andthemap K (A||.): L++(H)→[0,∞);B 7→K (A||B)=TrB−α(A−B)Bα−1(A−B) α α iscontinuousforanyfixed A∈L+(H). WeremarkthatK (.||.) isnotcontinuousin itsfirstvariablewhenthe α secondvariableisasingularelementofL+(H).Toseethissimplestate- ment,letB =P bearank-oneprojectionandset A =P+(1/n)I (n∈N), n asequencewhichconverges to A =P. Thenwe haveK (A ||B)=∞ for α n alln∈NbutK (A||B)=0. α Wenextshowthattheχ2-divergenceisnotcontinuousonL+(H)in α itssecondvariable. Weconsideronlythecasewhereα=0orα=1,that iswhenK (.||.)isan f-divergence. Intheremainingcasesonecanargue α inasimilarway. In fact, we have the discontinuityalready in two-dimension. To this, set 1 1 B1/2= n n 1 2 ·n n2¸ foreveryn∈Nand 1 0 P = . 0 0 · ¸ WeclearlyhaveB →P andonecanverify n 2 4 K (P||B )=4+n2−2+ 1+ + →∞ 0 n n2 n4 µ ¶ althoughK (P||P)=0. α We mention that this example shows that the statement Proposition 2.12in[4]assertingthatthe f-divergencesarecontinuousonL+(H)in theirsecondvariablesisfalse. WeusetheabovementionedcontinuitypropertiesofK (.||.) toprove α thefollowingstatement. Claim7. Themapφisahomeomorphism. Proof. Since φ is a bijection on L++(H) preserving the χ2-divergence, α so is its inverse φ−1. Therefore, we need only to show that φ is contin- uous. Let {An}n∈N be a sequence in L++(H) which converges to some A ∈ L++(H). By the continuity of the map K (.||A), see Remark 6, we α have lim K (A ||A)=K lim A A =K (A||A)=0. α n α n α n→∞ n→∞ ³ ¯¯ ´ ¯¯ ¯¯ MAPSPRESERVINGTHEQUANTUMχ2-DIVERGENCE 9 α Therefore, lim K φ(A )||φ(A) =0. α n n→∞ Ontheotherhand,wecompute¡ ¢ K φ(A )||φ(A) α n =Tr φ(A)−α2¡φ(An)−φ(A)¢ φ(A)α−21 · φ³(A)−α2 φ¡(An)−φ(A) φ¢(A)α−21 ∗´ (3) ≥ ³φ(A)−α2 ¡φ(An)−φ(A)¢φ(A)α−21´ 2 op ¯¯ ¯¯ φ¯¯(A )−φ¡(A) 2 ¢φ(A )−¯φ¯(A) 2 ¯¯ n op n ¯¯ op ≥ = . ¯¯ α 2 ¯1¯−α 2 ¯¯ φ(A) ¯¯ φ(¯¯A)2 φ(A)¯¯2 ¯¯ op ¯¯ op op ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ The first inequ¯¯ality ho¯¯lds¯b¯ecause¯t¯he Hilbert¯-¯Schm¯¯idt norm majorizes ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ theoperatornorm,andthesecondinequalityholdsbecauseofthesub- multiplicativityoftheoperatornorm.Theterm φ(A) isindependent op ofn,henceweconcludethatφ(A )→φ(A)provingtheclaim. (cid:3) n ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ Thefollowingassertionisasortofidentificationlemmarelativetothe setM(H)ofallnonsingularstates. Lemma8. AssumeA,B ∈L(H)+aresuchthatforallC ∈M(H)wehave (4) K (A||C)=K (B||C). α α Thenweobtain A=B. Proof. By(4)wehave Tr C−αACα−1A −2TrA=Tr C−αBCα−1B −2TrB forallC ∈M(¡H). Pickarb¢itraryrankon¡eprojection¢P ∈P1(H)andlet Q = I −P. For any t ∈(0,1) insert tP + 1−tQ into the place of C in the d−1 displayedformulaabove(d isthedimensionofH). Firstconsiderthecasewhereα=0.Wehave 1 d−1 1 d−1 TrAPA+ TrAQA−2TrA= TrBPB+ TrBQB−2TrB t 1−t t 1−t Since the functions 1,1, 1 are linearly independent over the interval t 1−t (0,1),itfollowsthat TrA2P =TrAPA=TrBPB =TrB2P holdsfor everyrank-oneprojectionP on H which implies A2 =B2 and then we deduce A = B. The same reasoning works for the case where α=1. 10 H.Y.CHEN,GY.P.GEHÉR,C.N.LIU,L.MOLNÁR,D.VIROSZTEK,ANDN.C.WONG Now, letα∈(0,1). Again,theargumentispracticallythesamebutthe computationis a bit more complicated. For P,Q given as above and for anyt ∈(0,1)wehave 1 1−t α−1 TrPAPA+t−α TrPAQA t d−1 µ ¶ 1−t −α d−1 + tα−1TrQAPA+ TrQAQA−2TrA d−1 1−t µ ¶ 1 1−t α−1 = TrPBPB+t−α TrPBQB t d−1 µ ¶ 1−t −α d−1 + tα−1TrQBPB+ TrQBQB−2TrB. d−1 1−t µ ¶ Usingthelinearindependenceofthefunctions 1 1 1, , ,t−α(1−t)α−1,(1−t)−αtα−1 t 1−t over theinterval(0,1)in thecase where α6=1/2 (if α=1/2, thelast two functions are the same) we get that TrPAPA =TrPBPB holds for every rank-oneprojection P on H which easily givesus that A =B. Thecase α=1/2canbetreatedinthesameway. (cid:3) Claim 9. Let {An}n∈N be a convergent sequence of positive definite oper- ators on H and let us denote its limit by A. (Clearly, A ∈L+(H).) Then {φ(An)}n∈Nisconvergentand,obviously,limn→∞φ(An)∈L+(H).Conse- quently,itfollowsthatif{An}n∈N and{Bn}n∈N areconvergentsequencesof positivedefiniteoperatorsonH suchthatlim A =lim B ,then n→∞ n n→∞ n wehavelimn→∞φ(An)=limn→∞φ(Bn). Proof. Let {An}n∈N be a convergent sequence of positivedefiniteopera- tors on H with lim A = A ∈L+(H) and let X be an arbitraryele- n→∞ n mentofL++(H).Then,byRemark6, (5) K (A||X)= lim K (A ||X)= lim K φ(A )||φ(X) . α α n α n n→∞ n→∞ Bytheinequality(3)inClaim7wehave ¡ ¢ 2 φ(A )−φ(X) n op K φ(A )||φ(X) ≥ . α n ¯¯ φ(X) ¯¯ ¯¯ op ¯¯ ¡ ¢ The left hand side of the above inequ¯a¯lity is¯¯convergent and hence ¯¯ ¯¯ bounded, so φ(A )−φ(X) is bounded as well. Therefore, the se- n op quence {φ(An¯¯)}n∈N is bound¯e¯d. Assume that {φ(An)}n∈N has two accu- mulationpoin¯¯ts,sayB andB¯¯ .Thatis,wehave 1 2 lim φ(A )=B and lim φ(A )=B n→∞ kn 1 n→∞ ln 2

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