MAPPING SPATIAL VARIATION OF FOLIAR NITROGEN USING HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING Zhihui Wang Graduation committee: Prof.dr. V.G. Jetten University of Twente Prof.dr. ing W. Verhoef University of Twente Prof.dr. K. Dabrowska-Zielinska Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Dr. J.G.P.W. Clevers Wageningen University ITC dissertation number 295 ITC, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands ISBN 978-90-365-4260-9 DOI 10.3990/1.9789036542609 Cover designed by Benno Masselink Printed by ITC Printing Department Copyright © 2016 by Zhihui Wang MAPPING SPATIAL VARIATION OF FOLIAR NITROGEN USING HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING DISSERTATION to obtain the double-badged degree of doctor at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands; and RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, on the authority of the rector magnificus, prof.dr. T.T.M. Palstra, for University of Twente on the authority of the Chancellor, Dr Ziggy Switkowski AO; and the Vice-Chancellor and President of RMIT University, Mr Martin Bean CBE, for RMIT University on account of the decision of the joint graduation committee, to be publicly defended on Thursday 1st of December 2016 at 11.00 hrs by Zhihui Wang born on 08 March 1988 in Shandong, China This thesis is approved by Prof. dr. A. K. Skidmore, promoter University of Twente Prof. dr. J. Hearne, promoter RMIT University Dr. T. Wang, co-promoter University of Twente To my family Acknowledgements I would like to thank a girl who decided to do a PhD four years ago, which brought me numerous wonderful adventures in the following journey. Through this long journey, I managed to find my research interests and become to what I expected. A number of elements are essential in doing a PhD, among which I value motivation, curiosity, commitment, and perservance, and more importantly the guidance and help I gained from the following people. Without their support, this thesis could not be completed. My first gratitude goes to my promoter Prof. Dr. Andrew K. Skidmore. I was amazingly fortunate to have you as my promoter. Thank you for guiding me toward this challenging and intriguing research. I appreciate the freedom you gave me to explore on my own, as well as your enlightenment when I got stuck. You were always optimistic about my work, which boosted my confidence. From you, I learned the way of thinking critically, and that of defending my idea when it conflicted with others. Your words “work hard and work smart” echoed in my mind from time to time. I always received your critical and constructive comments and corrections on my manuscripts within short time, which dramatically improved their quality. I am indebted to you for recommending me to join the double-badged PhD program between UT and RMIT University, which greatly enriched my PhD life through the six months stay in Melbourne. Thank you for being my ideal promoter and advisor not just in academic field but also in everyday life. Special thanks go to my daily supervisor, Dr. Tiejun Wang, who spotted my potential to do a PhD in my application nearly five years ago. The interview was the first time we discussed about doing research, which continued for four years after I started my PhD. I appreciate your guidance and support in writing the research proposal as well as later articles. I cannot remember how many times you helped me out of maize when I was writing a paper. Your logical thinking showed me how to shape my idea and tell a good story. You always replied to me promptly and gave back comments on my manuscripts within a few days. You aided me to keep on a good track. I would also like to thank you for joining my fieldwork in the first week and assisting me to set up the initial experiments. In addition, I learned from you the skills in dealing with interpersonal relationship and cooperation. Thank you for always being there to listen to me and giving me advice. i I would express my gratitude to Dr. Roshanak Darvishzadeh for your excellent supervision. Thank you for sharing your experiences of working on radiative transfer models. I also got plenty of inspirations from your publications when conducting some chapters of this thesis. Your detailed and critical comments highly improved my manuscripts. I am grateful to your efforts into advising me, also your support and kindness to me. I am indebted to Prof. Dr. John Hearne, who was willing to be my promoter in RMIT University. I am grateful for our weekly meeting during my stay in RMIT, and appreciate our discussions on optimization and model inversion, which helped me a lot in revising one of my chapter. I would like to thank you for the corrections and comments on my manuscripts. I am thankful to Prof. Dr. Simon Jones for providing me the working space in RMIT, sharing ideas on my research, and collaborating in one of my manuscripts. Thanks also go to Dr. Lola Suarez and Dr. William Woodgate for the discussion on my work while I was in RMIT. I appreciate the comments and experiences shared by Lola, and the help of William with processing digital hemispherical photos. I would like to thank other colleagues in the Remote Sensing Lab in RMIT who made me feel welcome, they are Phil, Mariela, Rob, Luke, and Bryan. I am grateful to the staffs Beebee, Sharon, Erin and Eliza in RMIT for their kind support. I acknowledge the support of the “Data Pool Forestry” data-sharing initiative of the Bavarian National Park. I am indebted to the “Applied spectroscopy” team of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Bavarian Forest National Park for assistance in the fieldwork. Special thanks go to Dr. Uta Heiden and Dr. Macro Heurich for the contribution to my manuscripts. I appreciate that Dr. Jörg Müller patiently showed me how to operate the crossbow, was so kind when the crossbow was damaged during the fieldwork, and contacted with Dr. Martin Goßner in Technische Universität München to lend me another one, which ensured the completion of the fieldwork on time. I would also acknowledge the following people for the assistance in the fieldwork as well as collection and preprocessing of airborne hyperspectral images, they are: Dr. Nicole Pinnel (DLR), Stefanie Holzwarth (DLR), Horst Burghart (BFNP), Burkhard Beudert (BFNP), Dr. Hooman Latifi (University of Würzburg), and Dr. Martin Goßner (TUM). I would also thank Abebe Ali for conducting the fieldwork together with me. We had worked together to overcome a variety of hardships and unexpected ii circumstances both in sample collection and measurements. I appreciate your cooperation in later data analysis and all discussions on research. I would also thank Maria Buitrago for the assistance and help in the fieldwork, your efficient working impressed me a lot. I am grateful to Esther Hondebrink for answering my inquiries, being supportive and translating the summary of the thesis into Dutch. I would like to express my gratitude to Loes Colenbrander for being kind and helpful to me, as well as formatting the thesis. Thanks go to other colleagues in NRS for their support and kindness, they are William, Thomas, Iris, Anton, Andy, and etc. I would also like to thank Benno Masselink and Job Duim for their excellent service, particularly thank Benno for the assistance in making posters and the efforts into designing the thesis cover. I express my sincere gratitude to Bouderwijn de Smeth for the assistance with laboratory measurements. I would also like to thank the support of Watse Siderius in the ITC lab. I extend my special gratitude to Linlin Li for her company and support in the past four years, we had plenty of fun in daily life as well as all types of trips. Thank all the office mates in our lady’s room who are still here or has left, they are Anahita, Maitreyi, Adrie, Milica and Jing. I also thank other PhD candidates in NRS department for sharing joy and ideas, as well as the discussion in the PhD tutorial, they are Fangyuan Yu, Yiwen Sun, Jing Liu, Xi Zhu, Yifang Shi, Sonia, Elnaz, Mitra, Parinaz, Festus, Yifei Xue, Tawanda, Trini, Alby, and Haidi. I express my thanks to the Chinese friends for their support and company, they are Xiaojing Wu, Ying Zhang, Linlin Pei, Tina, Xiaoling Wang, Donghai Zheng, Xuelong Chen, Yijing Zeng, Junping Du, Xu Yuan, Hong Zhao, Xiaolong Yu, Peiqi Yang, Chengliang Liu, Shaoning Lv, and so on. I would like to thank my family and friends in China for always being on my side. Thank Xuejun for your long-term support and company. I am most grateful to my father and mother for their tremendous support and unconditional love. I would thank my brother and sister in law who supported me and cared my parents when I was away. Lastly, I would like to thank my boyfriend Nanfeng for being my rock. Thank you for your support of each decision I made. I am sincerely grateful to you for patience, tolerance and most importantly your love. iii iv