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Preview MAPCUMBA : a fast iterative multi-grid map-making algorithm for CMB experiments

A&A manuscript no. ASTRONOMY (will be inserted by hand later) AND Your thesaurus codes are: ASTROPHYSICS 02(12.03.1;03.13.2) MAPCUMBA : a fast iterative multi-grid map-making algorithm for CMB experiments O. Dor´e1, R. Teyssier1,2, F.R. Bouchet1, D. Vibert1, and S. Prunet3 1 Institut d’Astrophysiquede Paris, 98bis, Boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, FRANCE 2 Service d’Astrophysique,DAPNIA,Centred’E´tudes deSaclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette,FRANCE 1 3 CITA, McLennan Labs, 60 St George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, CANADA 0 0 thedate of receipt and acceptance should beinserted later 2 n a Abstract. The data analysis of current Cosmic work we are presenting focus on the first of these issues, J Microwave Background (CMB) experiments like namely the map-making step. 8 BOOMERanG or MAXIMA poses severe challenges Up to the most recent experiments, maps could be 1 which already stretch the limits of current (super-) made by a brute force approach amounting to solve di- v computer capabilities, if brute force methods are used. In rectly a large linear problem by direct matrix inversion. 2 this paper we present a practical solution to the optimal Nevertheless the size of the problem, and the required 1 map making problem which can be used directly for computing power, grows as a power law of the data set 1 next generation CMB experiments like ARCHEOPS and size, and the limits of this kind of method have now been 1 0 TopHat, and can probably be extended relatively easily reached(Borrill2000).Whereasthemostefficientdevelop- 1 to the full PLANCK case. This solution is based on ment in this massive computing approach,i.e. the MAD- 0 an iterative multi-grid Jacobi algorithm which is both CAPpackage(Borrill1999)hasbeenappliedtotherecent h/ fast and memory sparing. Indeed, if there are Ntod data BOOMERanG and MAXIMA experiments (de Bernardis p points along the one dimensional timeline to analyse, et al. 2000;Hanany et al. 2000) some faster and less con- - the number of operations is of O(NtodlnNtod) and the suming solutions based on iterative inversion algorithms o r memory requirement is O(Ntod). Timing and accuracy have now been developed and applied too (Prunet et al. st issues have been analysed on simulated ARCHEOPS and 2000). This is in the same spirit as (Wright et al. 1996), a TopHat data, and we discuss as well the issue of the joint and we definitely follow this latter approach. : evaluation of the signal and noise statistical properties. v Designgoalsare to use memory sparinglyby handling i X only columns or rows instead of full matrixes and to in- crease speed by minimising the number of iterations re- r a Key words: methods: data analysis – cosmic microwave quired to reach the sought convergence of the iterative background scheme. We fulfill these goals by an iterative multi-grid Jacobi algorithm. As recalled below, an optimal method involves using the noise power spectrum. We have thus 1. Introduction investigated the possibility of a joint noise (and signal) As cosmology enters the era of “precision”, it enters si- evaluation using this algorithm. multaneously the era of massive data sets. This has in Section 2 presents in detail the method and its imple- turn showed the need for new data processing algorithm. mentation, while section 3 demonstrates its capabilities Present and future CMB experiments in particular face by using simulationsoftwoon-goingballoonCMB exper- somenewandinterestingchallenges(Bondetal.1999).If iments, ARCHEOPS1(Benoit et al. 2000) and TopHat2. we accept the now classical point of view of a four steps The results are discussed in section 4, together with the data analysis pipeline : i/ from time-ordered data (TOD) problem of the evaluation of the noise properties, as well tomapsoftheskyatagivenfrequency,ii/fromfrequency as possible extensions. maps to (among others) a temperature map, iii) from a temperature map to its power spectrum C , iv/ from the ℓ power spectrum to cosmological parameters and charac- teristics of the primordialspectrum of fluctuation, the ul- 2. The method timate quantities to be measured in a given model. The Send offprint requests to: O. Dor´e 1 http://www-crtbt.polycnrs-gre.fr/archeops/ Correspondence to: [email protected] 2 http://topweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ 2 Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code 2.1. Optimal map making the least square solution which was used to analyse the “COBE” data (Jansen and Gulkis 1992), The relation between the sky map we seek and the ob- serveddatastreammaybecastasalinearalgebrasystem W =(cid:2)ATN−1A(cid:3)−1ATN−1. (8) (Wrightetal.1996;Tegmark1997).Let and indicesde- t p note quantities in the temporal and spatial domains, and In this paper we will actually deal only with this estima- group as a data vector, d , and a noise vector the tempo- tor. Nevertheless as a next iteration in the analysis pro- t ralstreamofcollecteddataandthedetectornoisestream, cess, we could incorporate various theoretical priors by both of dimension N . We then have explicitingP(x).Forexample,itisoftenassumedaGaus- tod sian prior for the theory, i.e. P(x)∝exp(−xTpCp−p1′xp′/2) dt =Atpxp+nt, (1) where Cpp′ = hxpxTp′i is the signal covariance matrix. In that case the particular solution turns out to be the where A x is the signal vector given by the observation tp p Wienerfilteringsolution(Zaroubietal.1995;Bouchetand ofthe unknownpixelisedskymap,x ,whichhasbeenar- p Gispert1996;TegmarkandEfstathiou1996;Bouchetand ranged as a vector of dimension N . The N ×N pix tod pix Gispert 1998): “observation” matrix A therefore encompasses the scan- ning strategy and the beam pattern of the detector. W =(cid:2)C−1+ATN−1A(cid:3)−1ATN−1 . (9) Inthefollowing,werestricttothecasewhenthebeam pattern is symmetrical. We can therefore take xp to be a But this solution may always be obtained by a further map of the sky which has already been convolved with (Wiener) filtering of the COBE solution, and we do not the beam pattern, and A only describes how this sky is consider it further. beingscanned.Forthetotalpowermeasurement(i.e.non- The prior-less solution demonstrates that as long as differential measurement) we are interested in here, the the (Gaussian) instrumental noise is not white, a sim- observation matrix A then has a single non-zero element ple averaging (co-addition) of all the data points corre- per row, which can be set to one if d and x are expressed sponding to a given sky pixel is not optimal. If the noise in the same units. The model of the measurement is then exhibits some temporal correlations, as induced for in- quite transparent:eachtemporaldatum is the sum of the stance by a low-frequency 1/f behaviorof the noise spec- pixel value to which the detector is pointing plus the de- trum which prevails in most CMB experiments, one has tector noise. to take into account the full time correlation structure of Themap-makingstepthenamountstobestsolveforx the noise. Additionally this expression demonstrates that given d (and some properties of the noise). We shall seek even if the noise has a simple time structure, the scan- a linear estimator of x , ning strategy generically induces a non-trivial correlation p matrix (cid:2)ATN−1A(cid:3)−1 of the noise map. xˆ =W d . (2) p pt t Eveniftheproblemiswellposedformally,aquicklook attheordersofmagnitudeshowsthattheactualfindingof To motivate a particularchoiceof theN ×N matrix pix tod asolutionisnontrivialtask.Indeedabruteforcemethod Wing,athBeaoypestiiamnaalpsporluotaicohnistocotnhviseninievnetr.sIinondepedrowbleeamrewsheeickh- aiming at inverting the full matrix (cid:2)ATN−1A(cid:3)−1, an op- eration scaling as O(N3 ), is already hardly tractable maximises the probability of a deduced set of theory pa- pix for present long duration balloon flights as MAXIMA, rameters (here the map x ) given our data (d ) by max- p t BOOMERanG, ARCHEOPS or TopHat where N ∼ imising P(x|d). Bayes’ theorem simply states that tod 106 and N ∼ 105. It appears totally impractical for pix P(d|x)P(x) PLANCKsinceforasingledetector(amid10s)N ∼109 P(x|d)= . (3) tod P(d) and Npix ∼107! One possibility may be to take advantage of specific If we do not assume any theoretical prior, then x follows scanning strategies, and actually solve the inverse of the a uniform distribution as well as d. Therefore, convolution problem as detailed in (Wandelt and Gorski 2000). This amounts to deduce the map coefficients a P(x|d) ∝ P(d|x). (4) lm in the spherical harmonic basis through a rotation of a If we further assume that the noise is Gaussian, we can Fourierdecompositionoftheobserveddata.Themapwill write thenbe asimplevisualisationdevice,whilethealm would be ready to use directly for a component separation (as P(x|d) ∝ exp(−nTt Nt−t′1nt′/2) (5) in (Bouchet and Gispert 1996; Tegmark and Efstathiou ∝ exp(−(d−Ax)Tt Nt−t′1(d−Ax)t′/2) (6) 1996; Bouchet and Gispert 1998)) and the CMB power ∝ exp(−χ2/2) (7) spectrumestimate.Whilepotentiallyveryinteresting,this approach will not be generally applicable (at least effi- whereNtt′ =<nnT >tt′ isthenoisecovariancematrix.In ciently),andwenowturntoapractical(general)solution this particular case, maximising P(x|y) amounts to find of equation (8) by iterative means. Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code 3 2.2. Practical implementation for large data sets which will be non-zero in practice, as soon as one works withfinitespatialresolution.Wecallthisresidualthepix- We solve the map-making problem by adapting to our elisation noise. Since we assume here that the instrumen- particular case the general“multi-grid method” (Press et tal beam is symmetric, the sky map is considered as the al.1992).Multi-gridmethodsarecommonlyusedtospeed true sky convolved by, say, a Gaussian beam of angular up the convergenceof a traditionalrelaxationmethod (in diameter ∆θ . This introduces a low-pass spatialfilter in B our case the Jacobi method, as in (Prunet et al. 2000)) theproblem.Inotherwords,astheresolutionincrease,the definedatresolutionℓ (seebelow).Asetofrecursively max pixelisation noise should decrease towards zero. We have defined coarser grids (ℓ < ℓ ) are used as temporary max estimated that the order of magnitude of the pixelisation computationalspace,inordertoincreasethe convergence noise can be approximated by rate of the relaxation process. To be fully profitable, this algorithm implies for each resolution both a rebinning in ∆θk space (resolution change) and in time (resampling). kpkk≃kx∞k∆θ (14) B In this paper, we use the HEALPix pixelisation of the The norms used in the above formula can be either the sphere (Go´rski et al. 1998). In this scheme, the sphere maximum over the time line (a very strong constraint) or is covered by 12 basic quadrilaterals, further divided re- thevarianceoverthetimeline(aweakerconstraint).Since cursively into pixels of equal area. The map resolution the pixelisation noise is strongly correlated with the sky is labeled by N : the number of pixels along the side side signal,pointsourcesorGalaxycrossingsarepotentialcan- of one basic quadrilateral. Hence, N = 1 means that side didates forlargeandlocalisedburstsofpixelisationnoise. the sphere is coveredby 12 large pixels only. The number The correct working resolution k is set by requiring of pixels is given by N = 12N2 . N = 256 corre- max pix side side that the pixelisation noise remains low compared to the spondstoapixelsizeof13.7arcmin.Forpracticalreasons, actual instrumental noise, or equivalently we need to define the resolution k of a HEALPix map as ∆θ B Nside =2k (10) ∆θkmax ≤ S/N (15) The“nested”pixelnumberingschemeofHEALPix(Go´rski Most of the CMB experiments are noise dominated along etal.1998)allowsaneasyimplementationofthe coarsen- the time line, constraining the effective map resolutionto ing (k → k−1) and refining (k → k+1) operators that be of the order of the instrumental beam or even larger. we use intensively in our multigrid scheme. Note however that the pixelisation noise is strongly non Let us now get into the details of our implementation Gaussian (point sources or Galaxy crossings) and can be and discuss successively the exact system we solve, the alwaysconsideredas a potential source of residualstripes way we solve it and the actual steps of the multi-grid al- in the final maps. gorithm. 2.2.2. The basic relaxation method: an approximate 2.2.1. Determining the working resolution kmax Jacobi solver Weaimatsolvingfortheoptimalmapxˆkatagivenspatial Insteadofsolving forxˆ we performthe changeofvariable resolution k using yˆ=xˆ−P d (16) ATN−1A xˆ =ATN−1 d, (11) k k k k and solve instead for yˆwhich obeys where A is the “observation” operator (from spatial to temporalkdomain) and AT is the “projection” operator PN−1A yˆ=PN−1(d−APd) or Myˆ=b (17) k (from temporal to spatial domain). In a noise-free exper- where we have multiplied each side of equation (11) by iment, the optimal map would be straightforwardlygiven (ATA)−1, the pixel hit counter. From now on, we also by the co-added map (introducing the “co-addition” op- assume that the noise in the timestream is stationary erator P ) k and that its covariance matrix is normalised so that xˆ =P d≡(ATA )−1AT d (12) diag Nt−t′1 = I. The previous change of variable allows k k k k k us to subtractthe sky signalfromthe data:since we have The time line is givenby d=A∞x∞+n where x∞ is the chosenaresolutionhighenoughtoneglectthepixelisation sky map at “infinite” resolution (k = +∞ in our nota- noise, we have indeed APd ≃ A∞x∞+APn and, conse- tions).In orderto check the accuracyofthis trivialnoise- quently,d−APd≃n−APn.Themapmakingconsistsin free map making, it is natural to compute the residual in two step: first compute a simple co-added map from the the time domain with n=0 time line, and second, solve equation (17) for the stripes mapyˆ.Thefinaloptimalmapisobtainedbyaddingthese pk =Akxˆk−d=Akxˆk−A∞x∞ (13) two maps. 4 Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code It is worth mentioning that the stripes map is com- Since both A and P are norm-preserving operators, the pletely independent of the sky signal, as soon as the pix- norm of the increment ∆yˆn = yˆn − yˆn−1 between step elisationnoisecanbeignored.Itdependsonlyonthescan- n and n + 1 decreases as k∆yˆn+1k ≤ W(f )k∆yˆnk, min ningstrategythroughthematrixAandonthenoisechar- where f is a minimal frequency in the problem. Since min acteristicsthroughthe matrix N.Evenif inprinciple this W(f ) < 1, we see that the approximate Jacobi relax- min changeofvariableisirrelevantsinceitdoesnotchangethe ation scheme will converge in every case, which is good matrix to be inverted, it does in practice since d−APd news. On the other hand, since W(f ) ≃ 1, the ac- min is free from the fast variationsof d (up to the pixelisation tual convergence rate of the scheme is likely to be very, noise),ase.g. theGalaxycrossings,whicharenumerically very slow, which is bad news (cf. figure 6 for a graphi- damaging to the quality of the inversion. cal illustration) . The fact that this algorithm is robust, Tosolveforequation17,wefollowtheideasof(Prunet but dramatically slow is a well-knownproperty of the Ja- et al. 2000) and apply an approximate Jacobi relaxation cobi method. The multi-grid method is also well known scheme. The Jacobi method consists in the following re- to solve this convergence speed problem. Note that if the laxation step to solve for our problem convergenceis reached,the solution we get is the optimal solution,i.e. similartotheonethatwouldbe obtainedby yˆn+1 =Ryˆn+D−1b and yˆ0 =0 (18) a full matrix inversion. where D is the diagonal part of the matrix M and R is the residualmatrix R=I−D−1M.Computing the diag- 2.2.3. Multigrid relaxation onal elements of M = PN−1A is rather prohibitive. The idea of Prunet et al. (2000) is to approximate D ≃ I by The multi-grid method for solving linear problems is de- neglecting the off-diagonalelements of N−1. The residual scribed in great details in (Press et al. 1992). At each matrix then simplifies greatly and writes relaxation step at level k = kmax, our target resolution, we can define the error en = yˆn − yˆ and the residual R=P(I −N−1)A (19) rn =M yˆn−b . Both arekrelatedk throkugh k k k k The approximate Jacobi relaxation step is therefore de- M en =rn (22) fined as k k k yˆn+1 =Ryˆn+b and yˆ0 =0 (20) Ifweareabletosolveexactlyforequation(22),theoverall problem is solved. The idea of the multi-grid algorithmis One clearly sees that if this iterative scheme converges, to solve approximately for equation (22) using a coarser it is towards the full solution of equation 17. To perform “grid” at resolution k −1, where the relaxation scheme thesesuccessivesteps,itisextremelyfruitfultoremember should converge faster. We thus need to define a fine-to- theassumedstationarityofthenoise.Indeedwhereasthis coarse operator, in order to define the new problem on assumption implies a circulant noise covariance matrix in the coarse grid and solve for it. We also need a coarse-to- realspace,ittranslatesinFourierspaceinthediagonality fine operator in order to inject the solution onto the fine of the noise covariance matrix. This is naturally another grid. The approximation to the error en is finally added k formulationoftheconvolutiontheorem,sinceastationary to the solution. The coarse grid solver is usually applied matrix acts on a vector as a convolution, and a diagonal afterafewiterationsonthefinelevelhavebeenperformed matrixactsasasimplevectorproduct,thusaconvolution (inpracticeweperform3to5iterations).Naturally,since in real space is translated as a product in Fourier space. the solution to the problem on the coarse level relies also The point is that the manipulation of the matrix N−1 is on the same relaxation scheme, it can be itself acceler- considerably lighter and will be henceforth performed in ated using an even coarser grid. This naturally leads to a Fourier space. Applying the matrix R to a map reduces recursive approach of the problem. then to the following operations in order We defined our fine-to-coarse operator to be an aver- aging of the values of the 4 fine pixels contained in each 1. “observe” the previous stripes map yˆn coarse pixel. The coarse-to-fine operator is just a straight 2. Fourier transform the resulting data stream injection of the value of the coarse pixel into the 4 fine 3. apply the low-pass filter W =I−N−1 pixels. The most important issue is the temporal rebin- 4. inverse Fourier transform back to real space ning of the data stream since the speed of the iterative 5. co-add the resulting data stream into the map yˆn+1. scheme at a given level is actually set by the two Fourier transforms.Weperformedthatresamplingbysimplytak- Assuming that the normalised noise power spectrum ing eachtime we go up one level one point out of two. At α canbe approximatedbyP(f)=1+(f0/f) ,the low-pass thelowerresolutions,thisreductionissuchthattheitera- filter associated to each relaxation step is given by tion cost is negligible when comparedto that at higher k; fα it allows fast enough iterations that full convergence may W(f)= 0 (21) fα+fα be reached. In practice we choose a minimal level k = 3 0 Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code 5 defined by N = 8 and iterate a few hundred times to Weintroduced5distinctlevelsofresolutiondefinedby side reach exact convergence. their N parameter in the HEALPix package (Go´rski side Finallythenavigationthroughlevelsallowsseveralop- et al. 1998). The higher resolution level is imposed by tions to be taken. Either we go up and down through all the pixelisation noise level requirement (section 2.2.3) to ′ the levels successively (the so-called “V-cycle”) or we fol- N = 256 (pixel size ∼ 13.7) whereas the lower one is side low more intricate paths (e.g. the “W-cycle” where at a N = 8 (pixel size ∼ 7.3o). Therefore these two config- side given level we go down and up all the lower levels before urations each offer an interesting test since they differ by goingupandvice-versa).Sinceitturnsoutthatlevelsare the sky coverage and the noise power spectrum. We iter- relatively disconnected in the sense that the scales well ate 3 times at each level except at the lowest one where solved at a given resolution are only slightly affected by we iterate 100 times. thesolutionatahigherlevel,the“V-cycle”isappropriate and is the solutionwe adopt in the two following configu- 3.2. Results rations. The algorithm is as efficient in both situations. Whereas forARCHEOPSwhosetimelineislongerduetothehigher 3. Practical application to ARCHEOPS and sampling frequency it took 2.25 hours on a SGI ORIGIN TopHat experiments 2000 single processor, it took around 1.5 hours for the We now aim at demonstrating the capabilities of this al- TopHat daily data stream. gorithmwith simulated data whose characteristicsare in- In figures 1 and 2 we depict from top to bottom and spired by those of the ARCHEOPS and TopHat experi- from left to right the initial co-added data, the recon- ments. structed noise map, the hit map, i.e. the number of hit per pixels atthe highestworkedoutresolution,the initial 3.1. Simulation signalmapaswellasthereconstructedsignalmapandthe error map. We see that the destriping is excellent in both The ARCHEOPS and TopHat experiments are very sim- situations and the signal maps recovered only contain an ilar with respect to their scanning strategy. Indeed both apparently isotropic noise. We note the natural correla- use a telescope that simply spins at a constant rate (re- tion between the error map and the hit map. Finally, we spectively3and4RPM)aboutitsverticalaxis.Thusdue stress that no previous filtering at all has been applied. to Earth rotation the sky coverage of both is performed Figure 3 shows how the noise map is reconstructed at through scan circles whose axis slowly drifts on the sky. variousscales.Thisisamereillustrationofourmulti-grid Nevertheless, because of the different launch points (re- work. spectively on the Arctic circle (Kiruna, Sweden) and in Antarctica (McMurdo)) and their different telescope axis elevation(respectively∼41o or12o)theydo nothavethe 3.3. Tests same sky coverage. At this point, some tests are required to cautiously vali- Otherwise the two experiments do not use the same date our method. First, as was stated below, as soon as bolometers technology, neither the same bands nor have the iterative algorithm has converged, the solution is by the same number of bolometers. But even if we try to be construction the optimal solution, similar to the one that fairlyrealistic,ourgoalthoughisnottocomparetheir re- would be obtained by the full matrix inversion. As a cri- spective performances but rather to demonstrate two ap- teriumforconvergencewerequiredthe2-normofresiduals plications of our technique in different settings. We then to be of the order of the machine accuracy. simulate for each a data stream of ∼ 24 hrs duration WeinitiallyhaveaGaussianrandomnoisestreamfully with respectively a sampling frequency of 171 and 64 Hz. characterisedby its powerspectrum.Thereforean impor- The TODs contain realistic CMB and Galactic signal for tant test is to check wether the deduced noise stream (by a band at 143 GHz. Note that this is a one day data “observing” the stripe map, see § 4.3 for further details streamfor TopHat (out of 10 expected) and that this fre- definition)is Gaussianandhasthe samepowerspectrum. quency choice is more appropriate for ARCHEOPS than Onfigure4weensurethattheevaluatednoisetimestream for TopHat (whose equivalent band is around 156 GHz), is indeed gaussian.As depicted onfigure 5,where we plot but this is realistic enoughfor our purpose.We generated in the ARCHEOPScaseboth the analyticalexpressionof a Gaussian noise time stream with the following power the spectrumaccordingtowhichwegeneratethetimeline spectrum P(f) ∝ (1+(f /f)α)−1 with f = 0.24 knee knee and its recoveredform, the agreementis excellent. We re- and 1 Hz, and α = 1.68 and 1. The noise amplitude per callthatweassumedatthebeginningaperfectknowledge channelischoosensothatitcorrespondsforARCHEOPS of the noise inorder to define the filters.This is naturally (24 hours)andTopHat3 (10days offlight)to 30/8µK on unrealisticbuttheissueofnoiseevaluationisdiscussedin ′ ′ ′ average per 20 pixel, with a beam FWHM of 10 / 20. section 4.3 below. We plotted as well the probability dis- 3 Lloyd Knox privatecommunication tribution function (PDF) of the final error map, i.e. the 6 Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code Fig.1. Simulated ARCHEOPS Kiruna flight : From top to bottom and from left to right, the co-added map and the inputGalactic+ CMBsignalmap,the reconstructednoise(stripes)andsignalmaps,the hitcountandtheerrormap (Arbitrary unit). The fact thatthe coverageis notfully symmetricalis due to the fact that we consideredslightly less ′ than 24hr. Mollweide projection with pixels of 13.7 (HEALPix N =256). Arbitrary units. side Fig.2. Simulated TopHat one day flight : From top to bottom and from left to right, the co-added map and the input CMB + Galaxy signal map, the reconstructed noise (or stripes) and signal map, the hit count and error map. The factthat the coverageis notfully symmetricalis due to the fact that we consider only 18.2hrof flight.Gnomonic ′ projection with pixel of 13.7 (HEALPix N = 256). Note that the slight visible stripping is correlated to the side incomplete rotation pattern. Arbitrary units. Fig.3. Multi-grid noise map recovery : In this plot we show in the ARCHEOPS Kiruna case how the noise map is reconstructed at various levels, corresponding respectively to N =8,16,32,64. side recovered noisy signal map minus the input signal map 4.2. Scalings (figure 4). This PDF is well fitted by a gaussian whose parameters are given in figure 4. The PDF of the error We have found that this multi-grid algorithm translates map displays some non-gaussianwings. Let us recall here naturally in a speed up greater than 10 as compared to a that this is no surprise here because of the non-uniform standard Jacobi method. This is illustrated in figure (7) sky coverage as well as the slight residual stripping, both where we plotted the evolution of the 2-norm of residu- due to the non-ideal scanning strategy, i.e. that produces als for the two methods in terms of the number of iter- a non-uniform white noise in pixel space. ations in ’cycle units’. One cycle corresponds to 8 itera- tions at levelk for a standardJacobimethod whereas Another particularly important test consists in check- max it incorporatesaddionally going up and down all the low- ingtheabsenceofcorrelationbetweenthe recoverednoise est levels in the multi-grid case. Thus the cycle timing map and the initial signal map. We could not find any is not exactly the same but the difference is negligible which is no surprise since we are iterating on a noise map since the limiting stages are definitely the iterations per- (see § 2.2.2) which does not contain any signal up to the formedatmaximumresolution.Notethefactthattheeffi- pixelisationnoise,thatisensuredtobenegligiblewithre- ciency of the multi-gridmethodallows us to solve exactly gardstotheinstrumentalnoisebychoiceoftheresolution the system up to the machine accuracy (small rebounds k (see § 2.2.1). max at the bottom of the curve) in approximately 135mn for (N ∼8 106,N ∼8 105) on a SGI ORIGIN 2000 sin- tod pix gle processor. Since the limiting stages are the FFT’s at 4. Discussion the higher levels,this algorithmscalesas O(N lnN ). tod tod 4.1. Why is such an algorithm so efficient ? IntermsofmemorystorageitscalesnaturallyasO(N ) tod sinceonecrucialfeatureofthisiterativemethodistohan- The efficiency of such a method can be intuitively un- dle only vectorsandnever anexplicitmatrix.The scaling derstood. Indeed, although the Jacobi method is known of this problem is formally independent of the number of to converge very safely it suffers intrinsically from a very pixels N . pix slow convergence for large-scale correlations (which origi- nate mainly in the off diagonal terms of the matrix to be inverted) (Press et al. 1992). This is illustrated on figure 4.3. The noise estimation issue and noise covariance 6: there we show the maps of residuals after solving this matrix estimation systemusingastandard Jacobimethodonsimulateddata with 50, 100, 150, and 200 iterations. We used the same The estimationofthe statisticalpropertiesofthe noise in simulationandthereforethesameskycoverage.Obviously the timestreamisanimportantissueforthiskindofalgo- the largest structures are the slowest to converge (imply- rithm.Indeed,whereastillnowwehaveassumedaperfect ing observed large scale residual patterns). As a conse- prior knowledge of the noise power spectrum in order to quence it seems very natural to help the convergence by definethefilters,itmightnotbethateasyinpracticesince solving the problem at larger scales. Whereas large-scale we can not separate the signal from the noise. We will structures will not be affected by a scale change, smaller therefore aim at making a joint estimation of the signal structures will converge faster. and the noise. This has been pioneered recently by (Fer- Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code 7 Fig.6. Residual map after 50, 100, 150 and 200 iterations of a standard Jacobi method. This has been performed on simulated data for one bolometer with a nominal noise level.The sky coverageis that of ARCHEOPScoming Kiruna flight. The residual large scale patterns illustrate the difficulties the standard Jacobi method faces to converge. The stripes free area are the ones of scan crossing (see the hit map in figure 1). Fig.4. In the TopHat case we plot from top to bottom Fig.5. Recovery of the noise power spectrum in the therecoveredprobabilitydistributionfunctionofthenoise Archeopscase(top:linearx-axis,bottom:logx-axis):The stream evaluated along the timeline as well as the error redthindashedlineshowsthe initialanalyticnoisepower map PDF. In this two cases a fit to a gaussian has been spectrumusedtogeneratethe inputnoisestreamandthe performedwhoseparametersarewritteninsidethefigures. bluethicklinedenotestherecoveredoneafter6iterations. No significant departure from gaussianity are detected. Therecoveredonehasbeenbinnedasdescribedinsection The arbitrary units are the same as the ones used for the 4.3andbothhavebeennormalisedso thatthe white high previously shown maps. frequency noise spectrum is equal to one. The agreement is obviously very good. No apparent bias is visible. Note that a perfect noise power spectrum prior knowledge has been used in this application. reira and Jaffe 2000) and implemented independently by (Prunet et al. 2000). The latter implementation is rather straightforwardin our particularcase since it just implies reevaluating the filters after a number of iterations, given simulations.Makinguseof(16)ourevaluationofthenoise the (current) estimation of the signal map and thus of timeline nˆn at the nth iteration and at level max is the signal data stream. Nevertheless its non-obvious con- vergence properties have to be studied carefully through nˆn =d−A(yˆn +Pd). (23) kmax 8 Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code till the convergence is reached, i.e. we evaluate the noise power spectrum with the previously mentioned binning only at the last step. Proceeding this way, the conver- gence towards the correct spectrum is both fast (3 noise evaluations) and stable. Second,the outputofanymap-makingshouldcontain as well an evaluation of the map noise covariance matrix (ATN−1A)−1. Given such a fast algorithm and given an evaluation of the power spectrum, it is natural to obtain it through a Monte-Carlo algorithm fueled with various realizationsofthenoisetimelinegeneratedusingthe eval- uated power spectrum. This part will be presented in a future work. However we illustrate it very briefly by a very rough C determination (which is in no way an ap- ℓ propriateC estimate). To this purpose we perform a one ℓ day TopHat like simulation including only the CMB sig- Fig.7. The evolution of the 2-norm of residuals with nal plus the noise. From this data stream we obtain an the number of iterations at level max. Whereas the blue “optimal”signalmapaswellasanevaluationofthe noise dashed line is standard iterative Jacobi, the solid red line powerspectrumusingthepreviouslydescribedalgorithm. is the iterative multi-grid Jacobi method. A full multi- With the help of the anafast routine of the HEALPix grid cycle incorporates 3 iterations at level max before package we calculate this way a rough Csignal. Using the ℓ going down and up all the levels. The sharp jumps corre- estimated noise power spectrum we generate 10 realisa- sponds to the moment when the scheme reach againlevel tionsofthenoiseandgetconsequently10“optimal”noise max and thus take the full benefits fromthe resolutionat maps.ForeachofthemwemeasureasbeforeC andaver- ℓ lowerlevels.Notethattheverysharpfeaturesafter∼100 age them to obtain Cnoise. In order to debiase the signal ℓ iterationsareduetothefactwereachedthemachineaccu- powerspectrumrecoveredinthisway,wesubstractCnoise ℓ racy which is almost out of reach for a standard iterative to Csignal. The power spectrum obtained in this manner method. ℓ includesaswellsomespatialcorrelationsduetosomelight residual stripping and thus does not correspond to white noise (at least in the low ℓ part). For the aim of compar- Then we compute its spectrum and (re-) define the re- ison we compute the power spectrum of the input signal quired filters. We then go through several multi-grid measured the same way, Cinput, and plotted both Cinput ℓ ℓ cycles (5 in the above demonstrated case) before re- as well as Csignal − Cnoise averaged in linear bands of evaluating the noise stream. Very few evaluations of the ℓ ℓ constantwidth ∆ℓ=80.The agreementis obviouslyvery noise are needed before getting a converged power spec- good as illustrated on figure 9. The error bars take into trum (around 2). In such an implementation, no noise accountboththesamplinginducedvarianceaswellasthe priors at all are assumed. This is illustrated on one par- beamspreading(Knox1995).Afewcommentsneedtobe ticular worked out example in the case of a 4 hours made at this point. This is in no way an appropriate C ℓ ARCHEOPS like flight (more detailed considerations will measurement since we are not dealing properly here with be discussed somewhere else). To reduce the number of the sky coverage induced window function which triggers degreesoffreedomwebintheevaluatednoisepowerspec- some spurious correlations within the C s. We thus do ℓ trum using a constant logarithmic binning (∆lnf =0.15 not take into account the full-structure of the map noise in our case) for f ≤ 2 f and a constant linear bin- knee covariance matrix. Nevertheless, the efficiency of such a ning (∆ f = 0.08 Hz in our case) for higher frequency. roughmethodisencouragingformoredetailedimplemen- Thefigure8showsthe genuineandevaluatednoisepower tation and a full handling of the noise covariance matrix. spectrum. The initial noise power spectrum was a real- Note finally that this is a naturally parallelised task istic one P(f) ∝ (1+(f /f)α) to which we added knee which should therefore be feasible very quickly. some small perturbations (the two visible bumps) to test themethod.Notethesmallbiasaroundthetelescopespin frequencyatfspin =0.05Hz:thisisillustrativeofthediffi- 4.4. Application to genuine data and hypothesis culties wefundamentallyface toseparatesignalandnoise atthisparticularfrequencythroughequation(16).Natu- The application to genuine data could be problematic if rally,thisbiaswasnotpresentinthecasedemonstratedon our key hypothesis were not to be fulfilled thus we have figure 5 where we assumed a prior knowledge of the spec- to discuss them. Concerning the noise, we assumed that trum. This possible bias forced us to work with a coarser it is Gaussian in order to derive our map estimator and binning (∆lnf = 1.) in the 1/f part of the spectrum stationary in order to exploit the diagonality of its noise Dor´e, Teyssier, Bouchet, Vibert & Prunet: MAPCUMBA: a fast multi-grid CMB map-making code 9 Fig.9. In the case of a one day flight of the TopHat ex- periment we perform a very approximate evaluation of the recoveredsignal band powers (black) which has to be compared to the input signal power spectrum (red line). Bothhavebeenmeasuredthesamewayusingtheanafast routine of the HEALPix package. These band powers (∆ℓ=80) have been performed using a fast Monte-Carlo evaluationofCnoise (dashedblueline)whichdoesnotcor- ℓ respond exactly to white noise since there remains some spatial correlations.This constitutes in no way an appro- priateC measurementbutisanencouragingsteptowards ℓ a full Monte-Carlo treatment. In this paper,we have presented an originalfast map- making method based on a multi-grid Jacobi algorithm. Fig.8. Evaluation of the noise power spectrum (top: lin- It naturally entails the possibility of a joint noise/signal ear x-axis, bottom: log x-axis): the red thin dashed line estimation. We propose a way to generate the noise co- shows the initial noise power spectrum obtained from the variance matrix and illustrate its ability on a simple C ℓ input noise streamand the blue thick line denotes the re- estimation.Theefficiencyofthismethodhasbeendemon- covered one after 5 iterations. Both have been smoothed strated in the case of two coming balloon experiments, and normalised so that the white high frequency noise namely ARCHEOPS and TopHat but it naturally has a spectrumisequaltoone.Theagreementisobviouslyvery more general range of application. This tool should be of good. Note that no noise priors at all have been used in natural interest for Planck and this will be demonstrated this evaluation. somewhere else. Furthermore, due to the analogy of the formalisms, this should have some applications as well in the component separation problem. covariance matrix in Fourier space. Both hypothesis are We hope to apply it very soon on reasonable for a nominal instrumental noise, at least par- ARCHEOPS data. The FORTRAN 90 code whose tially on (sufficiently long) pieces of timeline. If not, we results have been presented is available at would have to cut the bad parts and replace them by a http://ulysse.iap.fr/download/mapcumba/. constrained realization of the noise in these parts. Con- cerning the signal, no particular assumptions are needed Acknowledgements. Wewould like to acknowledge Eric Hivon in the method we are presenting. At this level, we ne- for fruitful remarks, Lloyd Knox for stimulating discussions glected as well the effect of the non perfect symmetry of and information on the TopHat experiment and the develop- the instrumental beam. This effect should be quantified ers of the HEALPix (G´orski et al. 1998) package which has for a real experiment (Wu et al. 2000; Dor´e et al. 2000). considerably eased thiswork. Anothertechnicalhypothesisisthenegligibilityofthepix- elisation noise with respect to the instrumental noise but References since this is fully under control of the user it should not be a problem. 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