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MANY VALUED TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS MANY VALUED TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Ulrich Hăhle Fachbereich M athematik Bergische Universităt, Wuppertal, Germany ~. " Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Hohle, Ulrich. Many valued topology and its applieations / Ulrieh Hohle. p. em. Includes bibliographieal referenees and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-5643-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-1617-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-1617-0 1. Topology. 1. Title. QA611 .H695 2001 51421--de21 2001020266 Copyright i.tI2001 by Springer Seienee+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2001 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover lst edition 2001 AH rights reserved. No part of this publieation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, meehanieal, photo eopying, reeording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Printed on acid-free paper. To Gisela and Felix Preface Many valued mathematical structures have grown out of the theory of lattice valued sets from the mid-sixties of the last century and now form a new branch of lattice theory interacting with different areas of mathematics. This book develops some of these interactions between general topology and many valued structuresaswell as some oftheresultingapplicationsto probability theory and non-classical logics. Most of the material of this book is a natural outgrowth of results and ideas I presented at various conferences and workshops on category theory, topology, functional analysis and probability theory during the last decade. Explicitly, I would like to mention here the Northwest German Category Seminar, the annual International Linz Seminar organized by E.P. Klement (Linz), and the weekly Workshop on Functional Analysis held by R. Meise (Diisseldorf) and D. Vogt (Wuppertal). The stimulating atmosphere of all these seminars and workshops was an essential prerequisite to the preparation of this book and played a crucial role in the process of rethinking and revising some aspects of many valued topology. In particular, I am most grateful to B. Banaschewski and H. Herrlich for their most valuable comments and hints on the theory of frames and the history of topology. Furthermore my deepest thanks go to S.E. Rodabaugh and A.P. Sestak for their enthusiastic support of this project and for their profound influence on the treatment of many valued sobriety and the stratification axiom. I alsogratefully acknowledge a .G.Smolyanov's comments on topological problems related to the Minlos-Sazonov theorem, and the con tinuingsupport I received from B.Schweizer concerning the development of the theory of stochastic metricspaces. In writing a book of this kind, it is very important that one can depend and rely on the support of many talented and committed individuals. I wish to ex press my sincere gratitude to P. Eklund, J. Gutierrez Garda,T. Kubiak, M.A. De Prada Vicente, A.P. Sestak and M. Tidten for their indispensable help eli minating misprints and polishing up the presentation. My deepest appreciation goesto mywifeforher never-endingpatienceand selflesssupport accompanying this work. Finally,Iwant to acknowledgeKluwer Academic Publishers for their cooperation in bringing this project to completion, and particularly to Mr. G. Folven for his capable assistance and patience concerning deadlines. Wuppertal, November 2000 U. H. Contents Introduction 5 I Categorical Foundations 11 1 Categorical Preliminaries 13 1.1 (Epi, extremal mono)-categories . 13 1.2 Monads . 16 1.3 Problems . 25 2 Partially Ordered Monads 29 2.1 Partially ordered objects . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.2 Trace of partially ordered objects . . . . . 38 2.3 Axioms of partially ordered monads in C . 42 2.4 Some examples of ordered monads . . . . 48 2.4.1 Q-valued proper power set monad in SET . 49 2.4.2 <5-valued filter monad in SET 50 2.5 Problems . . 53 3 Categorical Basis of Topology 55 3.1 Topological space objects . . 55 3.2 Density and closed hulls . .. 60 3.3 The Hausdorffseparation axiom 67 3.4 The regularity axiom . 72 3.5 Compactness 89 3.6 Problems . 103 II Many Valued Topology 105 4 Quantic Basis ofFilter Theory 107 4.1 GL-moI1oidswith square roots 109 4.2 Q-valued filters . . . . . . . . . 120 4.3 Stratified <5*-valued filters . . . 125 4.4 Examples of stratified 15*-valuedfilters . 137 2 CONTENTS 4.5 Problems . . . . . . 143 5 Many Valued Topological Spaces 145 5.1 Motivating problem . 146 5.2 Axioms of many valued topologies ... . 149 5.3 Many valued spatiality and sobrifications 158 5.3.1 £-sobrification and spectral theory in Hilbert spaces. 159 5.3.2 lffi(n)-sobrificationand almost everywhere defined random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 5.3.3 Boolean valued topologiesand frames . 171 5.4 lB-valuedtopologies and convergence . 174 5.4.1 Heyting algebra valued topologies and limit structures 176 5.5 Stratified lB.-valued topologicalspaces . 180 5.5.1 Rigid, many valued real line . 188 5.6 Change of Basis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 5.6.1 Spatial frames and the hypergraph functor 200 5.7 Problems . 202 6 Many Valued Convergence Theory 205 6.1 Density and closed subsets . 208 6.2 Limit points and the many valued T . 212 2-axiom 6.2.1 T -axiom and quantale valued topologies 215 2 6.2.2 The T;-axiom and stratified lB.-valued topologies 217 6.3 The many valued regularity axiom . 220 6.3.1 Regular Heyting algebra valued topological spaces 222 6.3.2 Star-regular, rigid lB.-valued topological spaces . 226 6.4 Many valued compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 6.4.1 Compact, Heyting algebra valued topological spaces 236 6.4.2 Star-compactness and the stratification axiom. 243 6.5 Problems . 249 III Applications Of Many Valued Topology 253 7 Stochastic Metrics 255 7.1 Stochastic metric spaces . 255 7.2 Topological properties ofstochastic metrics 259 7.3 Problems . 277 8 Stochastic Processes 279 8.1 Outer measures and stochastic processes 279 8.2 Linear stochastic processes ..... 283 8.3 Uniformly continuous trajectories. 287 8.4 Continuous linear trajectories 290 8.4.1 Minlos' Theorem 299 8.5 Problems . 314 CONTENTS 3 9 Probability Measures 317 9.1 lBT -valued compactifications 317 m 9.2 lBT -valued continuous extensions 325 m 9.3 Problems 329 10 Topologies on M-Valued Sets 331 10.1 Local M-valued filter monad 335 10.2 Topological axioms for M-valued sets . . . . . . . . . . 350 10.2.1 Topologies on M-valued sets as sheavesover M 356 10.3 Problems 359 Appendix 361 A.l Regularity based on ortholattices 361 A.2 Topologization of Menger spaces . 364 Bibliography 367 Author Index 375 Subject Index 377 Introduction Around the beginning of the 20th century General Topology arises from the effort for establishing a solid basis for Analysis and is intimately related to the success of set theory. Closed sets already appear in the work of G. Cantor; a first axiom system of neighborhoods is presented in D. Hilbert's famous axio matization of the plane (cr. pp. 234-235 in [39]); the notion of free ultmfilters is anticipated by F. Riesz by his definition of ideale Verdichtungsstelle (cf. [88]). One of the important contributions of F. Hausdorff consists in the freeing of the neighborhood notion from its restriction to exclusive application to higher dimensional manifolds (cf. [114]). As an illustration of this step we quote from F. Hausdorff's famous book Grundziige der Mengenlehre (1914) the following passage: EineTheoriederraumlichen Punktmengenwiirdenun,verrnoge der zahl reichen mitspielendenEigcnschaften des gewohnlichen Raumes,natiirlich einen sehr spczicIlen Charakter tragen, und wenn man sich vornherein auf diesen einzigen Fallfestlegen woIlte,so wiirde man fiir Punktmengen einer Geraden, ciner Ebene, einer Kugel usw. jedesmal eine neue The orie Zll entwickeln haben. Die Erfahrung hat gezeigt, daf man diesen Pleonasmus vermeiden und eine allgemeinerc Thcoric aufstellen kann, die nicht nur die genannten Falle, sondern auch noch andere Mengen (Riemannsche Fliichen, Riiume von endlichen und unendlich vielen Di mensionen,Kurven-und Funktionenmengenu.a.) umfafit (cf.pp.210-211 in [37]). Even though Hausdorff is aware oftheimportant roleof neighborhoodsand the significant interplay between neighborhoods and open: sets, he does not succeed in identifying systems ofopen sets with neighborhood systems. As H. Herrlich, M. Husek and G. PreuB explain in their note on the history of the notion of topologicalspace (cf. [40]), Hausdorff's neigborhood systems are not topologies, but open neighborhood bases according to the contemporary terminology. This shortcoming is independently removed by C. Kuratowski 1922 (cf. [68])and H. Tietze 1923 (cf. [111]) by including supersets of Hausdorff's neighborhoods. In contrast to C. Kuratowski who only lays down the following formulation: lThe name open set has been coined by C. Caratheodory (cf. p. 40 in [14]). U. Höhle, Many Valued Topology and Its Applications © KIuwer Academic Publishers 2001 6 INTHODUCTION Ondit que E est un entourage du point p,lorsquepest situe it l'interieur de E (cr.p. 189 in [68]). H. Tietze gives a full axiomatization of this extended concept of neighbor hoods and formulates that system ofneighborhood axioms which later has been adopted by standardtextbookson generaltopology. At thesametime H.Tietze introducesan axiomsystemforopensubsetsand proves theequivalencebetween the axiomsofopen subsets and neighborhoodaxioms. Up to a minimal tighten ingby P. Alexandroff(cr. p. 298in [2]) Tietze'saxiomsystemofopensubsetshas been accepted byN.Bourbaki (1940)as afoundationofgeneraltopology. In this sense H. Tietze finishes the debate on the axiomatic foundations of topological spaces. A characteristic of this debate is the fact that intuitive interpretations of neighborhood axioms or axioms of open subsets play only a marginal role. It is interesting to see that neither the work of Hausdorff nor the important contributions of Kuratowski and Tietze contain any relevant remark referring to an intuitive understanding of topological spaces. Hausdorff only motivates topological spaces by metric spaces and defines a topological space as a set E in which certain subsets U(x) are related to points x of E satisfying a certain collection ofaxioms (cf.p. 211-213in [37]). Referring to Hausdorff's definition of topological spaces, in 1923H. Tietze feels the necessity to add in a footnote that these relations by the way are quite arbitrary assignments (d. p. 292 in [111]). Up to the author's knowledge there exists only one vague comment on the intuitive nature of topological spaces given by A. Appert in 1951: Pour qu'un ensembleE d'objects de nature quelconquc puisseetre con sidere commerepondant auconcept intuitifdespatialite, ilest necessaire de s'etre donne non seulement les elements au points de I'ensemble E, maisaussid'avoir precisecertaines relations deproximiteau desituation decespoints lesuns par rapport aux autres. C'est seulement quand ces relations auront ete fixees quel'on pourra dire qu'une topologie est intro duite dansI'ensembleE, ouencoreque E est un ensemble topologique (cf. p. 10 in [3]). After the emergence of categor'y theory in the mid-forties of the 20th century this lack of intuitive understanding makes the categorical axiomatization of topological spaces difficult and therefore leads to the following problem: What are the categorical axioms of topological spaces ? In contrast to general topology it is immediately clear that algebraic structures can be internalized in certain categorical frameworks - e.g. group theory can be done within any category with finite products (cf. [22]), or monoids can be defined in any monoidal category (cf. [74, 75]). On the other hand, there have been attempts to do topology in a categorical framework which lead to the concept of topological categories. Essentially, these categories share the important property of existence ofinitial and final structureswith the category of ordinary topological spaces (see e.g. [1]). In this sense categorical topology does not make any contributionto thesolutionoftheabove-mentioned problem.

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