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Many-body spin Berry phases emerging from the $π$-flux state: antiferromagnetic/valence-bond-solid competition PDF

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Preview Many-body spin Berry phases emerging from the $π$-flux state: antiferromagnetic/valence-bond-solid competition

Many-body spin Berry phases emerging from the π-flux state: antiferromagnetic/valence-bond-solid competition Akihiro Tanaka and Xiao Hu Computational Materials Science Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Sengen 1-2-1 Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan () We uncover new topology-related features of the π-flux saddle-point solution of the D=2+1 5 Heisenbergantiferromagnet. Wenotethatsymmetriesofthespinonssustain abuilt-incompetition 0 0 between antiferromagnetic (AF) and valence-bond-solid (VBS) orders, the two tendencies central 2 to recent developments on quantum criticality. An effective theory containing an analogue of the Wess-Zumino-Witten term is derived, which generates quantum phases related to AF monopoles n with VBS cores, and reproduces Haldane’s hedgehog Berry phases. The theory readily generalizes a J to π-fluxstates for all D. 9 Our understanding on quantum critical points parameter,the condensation of which would give way to 1 [1]/phases [2] in D=2+1 antiferromagets, and the issue aVBSstate. Indeedwewillseethatincorporationofthis ] ofdeconfinementthereinhaverecentlyundergonearapid feature is essential in recovering Haldane’s Berry phase l e sequence ofdevelopments. Competition betweenantifer- starting from the π-flux state. r- romagnetic(AF)andvalence-bond-solid(VBS)-like fluc- Continuum fermion model The π-flux hopping Hamil- st tuations constitute the basic premises for much of these tonian on a two dimensional square lattice is Hπ = . activities. These theories have brought into wide recog- tc† T c ,whereT withµ=x,ygeneratestrans- t i,µ,σ iσ µ iσ µ a nitiontherelevanceofmonopoledefectsoftheAForder- Plation by one site. The π-flux condition imposes the m parameter and in particular the nontrivial Berry phase anticommutation relation {T ,T } = 0, which im- x y - factors [3,4] associated with such objects. Here, with mediately leads to the spinon’s dispersion E(k) = d n these new perspectives, we revisit the Berry phase ef- ±t cos2kx+cos2ky with Dirac nodes at k = (π2,±π2). o fect [5] in states emerging from the π-flux saddle point It ips convenient to group together the four cites sharing c solution of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet [6], a popu- a unit plaquette (Fig.1) into components (with spin in- [ lar point of departure for studying undoped and lightly dices) of a Dirac spinor, Ψ=t (ψ1σ,ψ2σ,ψ3σ,ψ4σ) [8]. 2 doped cuprate Mott insulators. We find that their topo- v logicalpropertiesareratherrich. Amongourfindingsare 5 (1) a chiral symmetry of the π-flux Dirac fermion relat- 6 ing the AF and VBS orders, which lead us to a natural r+eˆ r+eˆ +eˆ 3 y x y framework for studying their mutual competition, (2) a 1 0 lowenergyeffectivetheorywithanovelmany-spinBerry 5 phasetermforwhichthe contributionsfromacomposite 0 defect(seebelow)reproducethemonopoleBerryphases, / 4 3 t (3) a natural extension of such framework to arbitrary a dimensionswithpossiblerelevancetohigherdimensional r r+eˆ m spin liquids. 1 2 x - d It is worth digressing on the second point before pro- n ceeding to the more technical aspects. An important FIG.1. Lattice used to derivecontinuum Dirac theory o feature of monopole excitations is the energy cost due c to the rapid modulation of the AF order near the sin- To fix the representation of the Dirac gamma matri- : v gular core. Meanwhile, in the discussions which follow, ces, we account for the π-flux condition by assigning Xi thesystemtakesadvantageoftheinherentAF-VBScom- negative hopping integrals −t to links residing on ev- petition and saves energy by escaping into a local VBS ery other horizontal rows; all other links have positive r a stateatthedefectcores. Suchphysicsshareinspiritwith hopping integrals, +t. Linearizing around the nodes, work by Levin and Senthil [7], who study AF-VBS com- we arrive at the Dirac action (hereafter we employ Eu- petition starting from the VBS side. In that work, the clidean spacetime conventions) L = iΨ¯6∂Ψ, where the four-state clock ordering of the VBS state is disordered slashindicates the contractionwith the gammamatrices throughtheintroductionofZ4 vortices. Closeinspection γ0 =σ0⊗σz,γ1 =−σ0⊗σx,γ2 =σy⊗σy. Here the first ofthe lattice modelshowsthat these defects haveanAF (second) matrix within a direct product determines the core,asopposedtoconventionalvorticeswithfeatureless block structure (the matrix elements within the cells). singularcores;hencetheircondensationleadstotheN´eel Hermele et al have recently shown that the algebraic state. Likewise, it is natural to expect a VBS core to be spin liquid described by the π-flux Hamiltonian is sta- present in a hedghog-like configuration of the AF order ble against monopoles, at least for large-N [2]. We now 1 moveawayfromthiscriticalphasebysupplementingthe which enables one to rewrite the variation of the theory with mass terms so that the system can acquire fermionicdeterminantS =−lndetD[v ]intoaform eff (2+1) AF order. Indeed, earlier worksonthe π-flux state show suitable for generating a derivative expansion: [9]thatasubstantialimprovementonthe variationalen- 1 ergy is acheived by adding on a spin density wave term δS =−tr D†δD . (3) HSDW = iM(−1)ix+iyc†iσσzciσ, which appears to be eff (cid:20)−∂2+m2−m6∂V(2+1) (cid:21) in accordPwith angular resolved photoemission experi- It is easy to see that a nonlinear sigma (NLσ) model ments on cuprate Mott insulators [10]. Being interested S = 1 d3x(∂ v )2 arises,withg anonuniversal in extracting the dependence of the effective action and NLσ 2g µ (2+1) possible Berry phase terms on the N´eel unit director n, coupling coRnstant. Less trivial is an imaginary contribu- we make in HSDW the generalization σz → n·σ, which tion to eq.(3), δSB2+P1, which we pick up at third order in powers of 6∂V . As is usual with Wess-Zumino type isphysicallyapotentialenergytermimposingthe gener- (2+1) ationofAFspinmomentwiththe space-time-dependent terms, one recovers the action S2+1 from its variation BP orientation n(τ,x,y). In the continuum limit this be- δS2+1withtheaidofanauxiliaryvariablet∈[0,1]which BP comes the mass term LAF = imAFΨ¯(n·σ)Ψ. Next, we smoothly sweeps the extended function v(2+1)(t,xµ) be- recall[8,11]thatincontrasttousualirreduciblerepresen- tween its two asymptotics, a fixed value at t = 0, say tationsforDiracfermionsinD=2+1wherethenotionof (0,0,0,0,1), and the physical value at t = 1, v(2+1)(xµ). chirality is absent (no “γ ”s), we have two generators The result is 5 of chiral transformations at our disposal, γ = σ ⊗σ 3 z y −2πiǫ 1 andγ5 =σx⊗σy whichanticommutemutuallyaswellas SB2+P1= Area(aSbc4d)eZ dtZd3xva∂tvb∂τvc∂xvd∂yve, (4) withthespace-timecomponentsγ ,γ andγ . Onereads 0 0 1 2 off from the explicit matrix elements that the effects of 5 chiral mass terms proportional to Ψ¯γ3Ψ and Ψ¯γ5Ψ each where Area(S4) = Γ2π(52) = 38π2. Topologically, this is - 2 amounttobreakinglatticetranslationalsymmetrybyin- i2π times the winding number which counts the number troducing bond alternationst→t+(−1)iµδt in the hor- of times the compactified “space-time” {(t,xµ)} isomor- izontal (µ=x) and vertical (µ=y) directions. A crucial phic to S3 × S1 ∼ S4 wraps around the target space observation here is that the SDW and the two VBS or- (also S4) for v (t,x ). It is important not to con- (2+1) µ dering potentials iΨ¯QΨ, Ψ¯γ Ψ and Ψ¯γ Ψ (Q ≡ n·σ) fusethisactionwithHopforChern-Simonsterms,which 3 5 all belong to the family of chirally rotated mass terms havebeenstudiedextensivelyinthecontextofchiralspin Lchiral ∝iΨ¯Qei(αγ3+βγ5)⊗QΨ (α,β ∈R), i.e. they trans- systems [14] and are strongly tied to the dimensionality formintooneanotherbysuitablechiraltransformations. D=2+1. Indeed, as we now show, the foregoing readily Finally we mention that in the 4D irreducible represen- generalizes to theories of AF-VBS competition in arbi- tation we have another possible mass term [11] Ψ¯γ γ Ψ trary space-time dimensions D=d+1, where for each d 3 5 which has relevance to chiral spin liquids (see footnote we find topological terms that are generalized versions [21]). We do not retain this P- and T-violating term. of S2+1. We will return to the physical contents for the BP Bosonization The preceeding implies that the sponta- specific case of D=2+1 later. neous breaking of the chiral symmetry present in the AF-VBS competition for general D Our detour starts π-flux state can lead to AF or VBS orders, depending by mentioning a generic property of Clifford algebras onthe chiralanglesα and β. This motivates us to study [15] which lies behind this generalization. Property: theAF-VBScompetitionintermsofthefollowingtheory Let n be the number of matrices spanning the algebra with a generalized mass term (equivalent to Lchiral), {γi,γj} = 2δij(i,j = 1,...,n). Representations for this algebra can be realized by a set of 2p ×2p γ -matrices i L2+1 =iΨ¯ 6∂+mV Ψ, (1) where either n = 2p or n = 2p +1. To see why this F (2+1) (cid:2) (cid:3) goes hand in hand with the construction of a fermionic where V ≡ v1σ + v2σ + v3σ + iγ v4 + iγ v5, theory describing AF-VBS competition let us consider a (2+1) x y z 3 5 and v ≡ (v1,...,v5) is a five component unit vec- π-flux state on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice. The (2+1) tor. Thefirstthreecomponentscompriseavectorv ≡ latter, in analogy with the D=2+1 case, is defined by AF (v1,v2,v3)whichisparalleltonandincompetitionwith theanticommutivityamongthegeneratorsoftranslation a VBS-like order parameter (v4,v5). We now show that {Tl,Tm} = 0 for l 6= m(l,m = 1,...,d). This gives rise this theory can be “bosonized” in terms of v , to toDiracnodeswithintheBrillouinzone.(Ford=1,where (2+1) yieldaneffectiveactionwhichcontainsanewBerryphase therearenonotionsofflux-lineswhichpierceplaquettes, term. Centraltothisfeatisthefollowingrelation[12,13] itsufficesto simply startwithafree tight-bindingmodel satisfiedbytheDiracoperatorD[v ]=i6∂+imV which gives rise to massless Dirac fermions. The argu- (2+1) (2+1) and its hermitian conjugate, mentsbelowappliesforthiscaseaswell.) Ingoingtothe continuumlanguage,Diracspinorsareconstructedbydi- D†D=−∂2+m2−m6∂V , (2) vidingalllatticesitesintocellsconsistingof2d sites. The (2+1) 2 Dirac matrices γ are therefore 2d×2d matrices. Mean- the mathematical property forementioned when we put µ while, what we wish to construct is a fermionic theory p = d. (It is also straightword to work out an explicit of the form Ld+1 = iΨ¯[6∂ + V ]Ψ, where notations derivation of Ld+1 starting from the lattice theory.) F (d+1) F are obvious extensions from those used in the D=2+1 case. The number of Dirac matrices required for this TheDiracoperatorD[v(d+1)]obeyseqs.(2)and(3),in purpose is 2d+ 1, there being in addition to the d+1 which the replacement v(2+1) → v(d+1) is to be made. space-time components γ ,...,γ , a total of d chiral ma- Carrying out the derivative expansion as before we ob- 0 d trices (“γ ”s), each standing for the directions available tain the low energyeffective theory which is an O(3+d) 5 for dimerization. We see that this fits in nicely with NLσ model suppplemented with the topological term −2πi 1 SBd+P1 = Area(Sd+2)Z dtZ dd+1xǫα1···αd+3vα1∂tvα2∂τvα3∂x1vα4 ···∂xdvαd+3. (5) 0 For D=1+1 (d=1), the isotropic O(4) theory with the models within the context of D=2+1 quantum chromo- partition function Z[v(1+1)] = Dv(1+1)e−(SNLσ+SB1+P1) dynamics [19], where current algebras similar to those has been identified (e.g. [12,16]R) with the conformally which determine the conformal field theory contents of invariant SU(2) Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model, theWZWmodelwerederived. Weneedbeawarethough, 1 the fixed point theory for the S=1/2Heisenberg antifer- oftheprivellagedroleofdimensionalityD=1+1forwhich romagnet [17]. It is instructive to analyze the effect of the coupling constantbecomes dimensionless. Hence the introducingdifferenttypesofanisotropybetweentheAF intriguing possibility of a nontrivial infrared fixed point and dimer sectors in this model [16], breaking down the is unresolved,andwarrantsfurther study fromthe view- symmetry to O(3)×Z or lower (the appearance of Z point of exotic quantum spin systems. 2 2 is a remnant of the underlying lattice). First, the effec- We now let an anisotropic term favoring the AF sector, tive theory for the AF limit reduces at the semiclassical e.g. of the form −αvAF2 with α>0, take us away from level to the O(3) NLσ model at topological angle θ =π, theisotropicregime. Incontrasttosimilarmodelsinthe as originally proposed by Haldane [3]. Taking the oppo- irreduciblerepresentation[20],heretherearenotopolog- site limit with complete dimerization makes the kinetic icallyconservedfermioniccurrentswhichforbidschanges and Berry phase terms of the O(3) AF sector vanish, in the Skyrmion number Qxy = 41π dxdyn·∂xn×∂yn reflecting the quenching of the spin moment. An inter- [21]. Finding Berryphases accompaRnyingsuch processes mediate situation arises when the anisotropy modulates requires us to extract the dependence of eq.(4) on n, in space, physically corresponding to a distribution of which proceeds in two steps. We first integrate over the nonmagnetic impurities. This induces S=1/2 moments auxiliary variable t. We use without loss of generality in the background of a singlet state, whose spin Berry the parametrization v1 = sin(tϕ)π1, v2 = sin(tϕ)π2, phases are responsible for novel power-law correlations. v3 = sin(tϕ)π3, v4 = sin(tϕ)π4, and v5 = −cos(tϕ), Theisotropic(WZW)pointmaybeviewedinlightofthis where π = (π1,..,π4) is a four component unit vector. picture as the case where the anisotropy acquires a tem- The resulting Lagrangiandensity is poral dependence as well. The main insight gained from 1 L= sin2ϕ(∂ π)2+(∂ ϕ)2 +iθq +L , (6) these examples is how the interplay between AF (spin 2g µ µ τxy anis momentgenerating)anddimer(spinmomentquenching) (cid:2) (cid:3) orderingtendenciesdeterminestheBerryphase,whichin where θ = π(1 − 89cosϕ + 81cos3ϕ), qτxy ≡ turn acts back on the ordering of the system. Turning 2π12ǫabcdπa∂τπb∂xπc∂yπd, and Lanis is the anisotropy to higher dimensions, three dimensional spin liquid sys- term. Notice that the first and third terms vanish, as tems which may be realized in frustrated magnets have they must, under the spin-moment quenching condition lately received considerable interest, where again subtle ϕ = 0. When the phase field ϕ is locked at a con- Berry phase effects due to monopole configurations can stantvalue-correspondingtofixingthe bondalternation be present [18]. We believe our approach as applied to strength in the vertical direction relative to the mag- the D=3+1 case with the novel Berry phase term S3+1 nitude of the remaining four components of v, this re- BP provides a new route to capture the topological proper- duces to the D=2+1 O(4) nonlinear sigma model with ties of such systems. a θ-term [12]. (This intermediate model should thus Monopoles and Berry phases Returning now to the be relevant to spin systems with anisotropic bond al- D=2+1 case, the isotropic O(5) theory has the inter- ternation [22,23].) Going on to the second step, we esting feauture ofbeing the higher dimensionalanalogue now parametrize the components of π as π1 = sinφn1, of the WZW model in the sense detailed above. This π2 = sinφn2, π3 = sinφn3, π4 = −cosφ. The Berry parallelism has been explored to some extent for related phase term can now be recasted in a way which explic- itly depends on monopole-like configurations [24]. The 3 result, obtained by integrating by parts, is methods also offers a framework to explore exotic Berry i 9 1 phases in D=3+1 spin systems as well. L =− (2φ−sin2φ)(1− cosϕ+ cos3ϕ)ρ , (7) BP 2 8 8 m We acknowledgehelpful discussionsand/orcorrespon- where ρm = ∂τ(ǫ4aπbcna∂xnb∂cnc)+c.p. is the monopole dI.eHnceersbuwti,thC.PMroufsd.ryA,.SA.bMaunroavk,aLm.iBaanldenLts.,YGu..Baskaran, charge density. Integrating ρ over a space-time re- m gion surrounding the center of the monopole event gives the change in the Skyrmion number between the two time-slices before and after occurence of the event, i.e. dτdxdyρ =∆Q . m xy R [1] T. Senthil, A. Vishwanath, L. Balents, S. Sachdev and a b b a M. P. A.Fisher, Science 303 1490 (2004). [2] MHermele,T.Senthil,M.P.A.Fisher,P.A.Lee,N.Na- b a a b gaosa and X. G. Wen,Phys. Rev.B 70 214437 (2004). [3] F. D.M. Haldane, Phys.Rev.Lett. 61 1029 (1988). [4] N.ReadandS.Sachdev,Phys.Rev.Lett.621694(1989). [5] J. B. Marston, Phys. Rev.B 42 R10804 (1990). FIG.2. Sequence of π rotations around a dual site which [6] I. Affleck and J. B. Marston, Phys. Rev. B. 37 R3774 2 simulateously rotates the direct sites and the VBS order pa- (1988); G. Kotliar, Phys.Rev. B 37 3664 (1988). rameter. [7] M.LevinandT.Senthil,Phys.Rev.B70220403(2004). [8] A. W. W. Ludwig, M. P. A. Fisher, R. Shankar and G. A spatially modulated pattern in the monopole Berry Grinstein, Phys. 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