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Many body effects in finite metallic carbon nanotubes. F. Guinea1,2 1Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid. CSIC. Cantoblanco. 28049 Madrid. Spain and 2Department of Physics. Boston University. 590 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA 5 Thenonhomogeneityofthechargedistributioninacarbonnanotubeleadstotheformationofan 0 excitonicresonance,inasimilarwaytotheoneobservedinX-rayabsorptioninmetals. Asaresult, 0 a positive anomaly at low bias appears in the tunnelling density of states. This effect depends on 2 thescreeningoftheelectron–electron interactionsbymetallicgates, andit modifiesthecouplingof n thenanotubeto normal and superconductingelectrodes. a J PACSnumbers: 73.63.Fg,73.23.Hk 0 1 Introduction. The addition of single electrons to fi- ] nite carbon nanotubes induces measurable effects, re- ll lated to the finite spacing between the energy levels metallicelectrode a andto the electrostaticenergyassociatedto the electron e h charge[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]The standard model for - imagecharge nanotube s Coulomb blockade[10, 11] assumes that the electrostatic e potentialinsidethesystemisraisedbytheadditionofan m individualelectron,preventingtunnellingunlessdifferent t. charge states are degenerate. The potential is supposed a tobeconstantthroughoutthesample. Whenitisnotthe m case,nonequilibriumeffectsmayoccur[12,13],whichare FIG. 1: Sketch of one of the geometries considered in order d- related to the Fermi edge singularities associated to the to calculate thecharge distribution in the nanotube. sudden ejection of a core electron in a metal[14]. One n o dimensional systems, like the nanotubes, are good can- c didates for observing these effects, as screening is sup- 1 [ pbreemssoedd,ulaantdedtbhyemeleectatrlloisctgaatitcespiontetnhteiiarlpirnosxidimeitthy.emOtchaenr ∆nn==t±|1M±.2coOs(tφhner/2b)|a.nTdshuws,itthhenele6=ctroMnichsatavteesaofgtahpe, two bands which cross the Fermi level can be described v effects related to modulations in the electrostatic poten- by the simple hamiltonian: 6 tial were considered in[15]. 1 Wecalculateinthispaperthechangesinthetunnelling 2 density of states due to the nonhomogeneity ofthe elec- =t c† c +h.c. (1) 1 H n,s n+1,s 0 trostaticpotential,fordifferentpossibleexperimentalse- Xn,s 5 tups. Theeffects discussedherelooksimilar,butaredif- 0 ferentfromthe Luttinger liquid featuresexpected neara TheFermivelocitycanbewrittenasv =2ta,whereais / contact[16, 17, 18, 19], which have also been observedin F t the lattice constant. We consider a finite nanotube with a nanotubes[20, 21]. m Lunitcells. Whenanelectronhopsintothenanotubeits The next section describes the model to be studied. chargewillbedistributedthroughoutitslength. Inafirst d- The main results are presented next. Then, we analyze approximation, this charge can be calculated using the n howtoincorporateLuttingerliquideffects. Theexpected Hartree or Hartree-Fock approximation. As the electro- o behavior at energies comparable to the spacing between static potential is weakly screened in a one dimensional c individual electronic levels is discussed next. The paper geometry, the charge distribution can be influenced by v: concludes with a sectionon possible experimentalconse- metallic gatesinthe vicinity. We firstconsiderthe setup i quences of the effects analyzed here. depicted in Fig.[1], where the electron is emitted from X The model. We consider only a nearest neighbor hop- a metallic electrode at one end of the nanotube. More r a ping, t, between π orbitals at the C atoms. Each sub- complicated geometries will be studied later. band in a zigzag nanotube can be modelled by a one Weconsiderthetwospindegeneratebandswhichcross dimensionaltightbinding hamiltonianwithtwositesper theFermilevel. Thepolarizationoftheremainingbands unit cell and two different hoppings, t and t(1+eiφn)= by the potential associatedto the chargeofa single elec- 2teiφn/2cos(φn/2),whereφn =(2πn)/N,n=1, ,N tron will be small, and it can be treated perturbatively. ··· − 1isthetransversemomentumassociatedtothesubband, The radius of the nanotube acts as a short distance cut- and N is the number of C atoms in a transverse section off of the Coulomb potential. We describe the effects of the nanotube. of the metallic electrode by an image charge induced by In a metallic nanotube, N = 3M, where n is an in- the physical charge on the nanotube. We approximate teger. There are two gapless bands, characterized by the electrostatic interactionbetweenelectronslocatedat 2 justified. We also find substantial Friedel oscillations, which have periodicity two, as k =π/a. F 0.050 The charge distribution depends strongly on the loca- 0.045 tion of the external electrodes. Fig.[3] compares the po- 0.040 2.10 tentialcalculatedpreviouslywiththe oneobtainedwhen Potential ( v / a )F0000....000022330505 Charge122222......900000802468 tehnedreofatrheetnwaonostyumbem,eatnrdicainllythpelaabcesednceeleocftreoledcetsroadtese,aaclhl 0.015 1.960 P20osition 40 other parameters being the same. 0.010 0 20 40 Position (a) 0.04 6 oFfIGa.n2a:nEotluecbterowstitahticanpoatdednittiiaolnaanlde2lecchtarrognea(inndseLt)=at1t0h2e4eudngiet Potential (v/a)F0.02 Density of states3450.00 0.05Energ0y.1 0(vF/a)0.15 0.20 cells. The parameters used are e /vF = 5.4, R/a = 3 and d/a=1. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Position (a) unit cells n and n as measured from the gate, as: 1 2 FIG. 3: Electrostatic potential induced by a single elec- d tron when there is one electrode (full line), two symmetri- Vtot(n1,n2) = Vel(n1 n2) Vel n1+n2+ callyplacedelectrodes(dashedline),andnoelectrodes(dash- − − (cid:18) a(cid:19) dotted line). The inset shows the non equilibrium density of d states for thesame three cases. V n n + +V ( n +n ) el 1 2 el 1 2 − (cid:18)− − a(cid:19) − e2 Vel(n) = (2) The effects associated with the non homogeneous √n2a2+R2 charge distribution after the injection of a single elec- tron are described, within the Hartree approximation where d is equal to twice the distance between the nan- used above, as a change of all electronic levels. Taking otube and the electrode, and R is the radius of the nan- this effect into account, the electronic density of states otube. Results. The electrostatic potential and the induced is changed as: i) The overlap between the initial and fi- nal eigenstates is reduced. In the limit of vanishing level charge when the number of electrons in one of the four spacing, this leads to the orthogonality catastrophe in- subbands at the Fermi level is one above half filling duced by the sudden switching of a local potential[23]. (which is taken as the neutral situation) is shown in ii) The potential shifts the electrons towards the elec- Fig.[2]. trode, enhancing the density of states at the Fermi level The calculations have been done using the Hartree initsvicinity. Thisisthesocalledexcitoniceffect[14,24] approximation. The results are significantly changed and it opposes the orthogonality catastrophe. if exchange is included. We find enhanced Friedel oscillations[22], and a sizable gap pinned at the Fermi The final localdensity ofstates, inthe limit of vanish- level. Some of these effects are due to changes in bulk ing level splitting, goes as D(ω) ω[(1−δ)2−1][14], where ∝ properties which are unrelated to the addition of elec- δ >0. Hence, for sufficiently small perturbations, δ <1, trons. In the following, we present results obtained thetunnellingdensityofstatesisenhancedattheendsof withintheHartreeapproximation,wherethefeaturesas- the nanotube. The effective density of states can be ob- sociated to single charges are easier to isolate. tainedbyassumingthatthehamiltonianafterthecharg- A non negligible fraction of the charge is localized by ingofthenanotubeismodifiedfromaninitialexpression itsimagenearthe electrode. This leadsto areductionof to = +δV , where δV is the modification of 0 f 0 sc sc H H H the repulsive electrostatic potential in that region. This theHartree-Fockpotentialinducedbytheextraelectron. effect is relatively small compared with the gaps of the Assuming that the tunnelling takes place at position 1 higher lying subbands of a small carbon nanotube, so and subband 1 near the edge of the nanotube, the tun- that the assumption of neglecting their polarization is nelling density of states at zero temperature is: 2 G(ω)= 0,N 0,N 2 n,N +1c† 0,N δ(ω ǫ +ǫ ) (3) jY6=1|f,jh | i0,j| ×Xn (cid:12)(cid:12)f,1h | 0| i0,1(cid:12)(cid:12) − n 0 (cid:12) (cid:12) 3 the Fourier transform of the expression: 6 G(t) = 0ψ(x=0)eiHtψ†(x=0)0 h | | i of states4 56 = h0|ψ(x=0)U−1eiH0tUψ†(x=0)|0i (5) Density 2 Density of states1234 wthhaetreth|e0ieinsdthoef tghroeunnadnosttautbeeoifsHat0,paonsditiwoneaxre=a0ss.uming 00.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 The hamiltonians in eq.(4) are quadratic in the boson 0 Energy ( vF / a ) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 coordinates, and the expression in eq.(5) can be calcu- Energy ( vF / a ) lated by normal ordering the operators, which depend exponentially on the bosonic degrees of freedom. If we neglectthebreakdownoftranslationalsymmetryinduced by the gates, and the long range effects of the Coulomb FIG. 4: Effective tunneling density of states at the end of a potential, the tunnelling density of states becomes: nanowirewithL=1024unitcells,usingthesameparameters as in Fig.[2]. The dotted line is the density of states in the 1 1−g2δV 2−1 absence of final state effects. The inset gives the density of D(ω) ω g(cid:16) vF(cid:17) (6) ∝| | states over theentire bandwidth of the conduction band. where g is the parameter which describes the Luttinger liquid properties, and δV = wNheelreecttrhoensst,aatnesd|jn,=N1i,(0,f)4,jiasrteheeigbeannsdtaitnedseoxf.HA0js,ftwheitshe t(e2rπa)c−t1iolnims,k→g0<R0∞1,eiaknxdδVLscu(txt)idnxge.r liquFiodr effreepctuslstiveendinto- statesareSlaterdetermi·n·a·nts,the calculationisreduced suppress the positive anomaly studied here. toasumofdeterminantsofoverlapsbetweenoneparticle In the presence of gates, the electron–electron poten- wavefunctions. tialisnottranslationallyinvariant. Thescreeningeffects ofthegatesreducelocallytheinteractions,whichareun- Results obtained for the injection in a neutral nan- screenedawayfromthegate. Arelatedsituationwascon- otubewithL=1024unitcellsandtheparameterswhich sidered in[27], a Luttinger liquid connected to non inter- lead to the electrostatic potentials shown in Fig.[3] are actinggates. Thequadratichamiltonian,eq.(4),whichis shown in the inset of Fig.[3], and, in more detail, in defined ona half line, x,y >0, canbe solvedby defining Fig.[4], where they are also compared with the results arelatedproblemontheentireaxis[28]. Wecanestimate obtained neglecting δV . sc in a simple way the value of the parameter g at the edge Luttinger liquid effects. The calculation discussed of the nanotube from the energy associatedto a fluctua- abovetakesinto account,in anapproximateway,the in- tionofthechargedensityonascalel <Linthatregion. teractioncorrectionsexpected atthe boundary of a Lut- This estimate, in the thermodynamic limit, leads to the tinger liquid. The anomalous exponent in the density charge compressibility and to the bulk value of g. In the of states can be estimated using first order perturbation absenceofscreeningbygates,theinversecompressibility theory, and it is finite within Hartree-Fock theory[25]. diverges logarithmically with the size of the system. It Note that the calculations also describe approximately is easy to show that, in the geometrydepicted in Fig.[1], the crossover to a Fermi liquid behavior at sufficiently theenergyassociatedtoafluctuationofsizel isgivenby high energies[25]. a term which diverges logarithmically as l minus For sufficiently long wires, we can use the bosoniza- → ∞ a term which tends to a constant. The second term de- tion approach. The calculation of the final state effects scribes the screening effects of the gate. Thus, for large leading to eq.(3) can be extended without too much dif- nanotubes and at sufficiently low energies, bulk effects ficulty to the case of a Luttinger liquid with forward in- determine the value of g, and the tunnelling density of teractions. The initial and final bosonized hamiltonians states will be given by eq.(6). At high energies, on the are[26]: other hand, the screening of the electron–electron inter- actionsbythegatemakesg 1andthenonequilibrium 1 v → = dx4πv Π2(x)+ F [∂ Φ(x)]2 effects described here will dominate. The crossover be- 0 F x H 2Zx>0 4π tweenthesetworegimesdepends onthelimitingvalueof e2 theinteraction,which,inturn,isinfluencedbyscreening + 8π2 Z dxZ dy∂xΦ(x)Vtot(x,y)∂yΦ(y) by other parts of the system (see below). x>0 y>0 Single electron properties. At sufficiently low ener- 1 = + dxδV (x)∂ Φ(x) (4) gies or temperatures, a finite nanotube behaves like a f 0 sc x H H 2π Zx>0 quantum dot[1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 29, 30].For the parame- ters used here, e2/v = 5.4, the level splitting and the F The hamiltonians and differ by a term which is charging energy are comparable. The Hartree calcula- 0 f H H linear in the boson fields, and there is a simple unitary tion described above allows us to estimate the charging transformation, which transforms one into the other. energy, E = E +E 2E . The Coulomb po- C N+1 N−1 N U − The calcuationof the density of states can be written as tential considered here, in the absence of gates, leads 4 to E e2L−1log(L/R). The screening by the vertical sity of states, although it is induced by the Coulomb in- C ≈ gates,asinFig.[1],reducesthisvaluebyaquantitywhich teraction. The strength of this anomaly depends on the scalesas L−1. For the parametersusedinFig.[2]we find screeningofthenanotubebymetalliccontactsandgates, a level spacing (in units of v /a) of ∆E = 0.00306, and and, presumably, it can be tuned experimentally. F a charging energy E =0.0196. Thestrengthoftheenhancementofthetunnellingden- C The final state effects considered here manifest them- sity of states can be suppressed by Luttinger liquid ef- selves,atthescaleofthelevelspacing,asadependenceof fects, for repulsive electron–electron interactions. Lut- the tunnelling amplitude onthe chargestate. This effect tinger liquid effects are reduced when the interaction is can be included by adding assistedhopping terms to the screened, which, on the other hand, favors the existence hamiltonian[31, 32, 33] (see also[34]). This effect, in our of the excitonic resonance. The effects discussed here case,israthersmall. UsingtheparametersinFig.[2],the should also be present in multiwall nanotubes. In a sys- valueofthesquareofthe renormalizedcreationoperator tem with many bands at the Fermi level, only one con- (see eq.(3)) at zero energy is 0.002616 for the transition tributes to the resonance, while the others induce an or- N N +1 and 0.002612for N +1 N +2 (note that thogonality catastrophe (note that we have considered → → these transitions involve the same electronic level). The four bands here, see eq.(3)). smallnessofthefinalstateeffectsonsingleparticlelevels The presence of an excitonic resonance makes the showsthattheenhancementoftheeffectivetunnellingof transport properties of the nanotube similar to those of states is a collective phenomenon, which arises from the Luttingerliquidswithattractiveinteractions. Itcanlead cumulativechangesinmanylevelsneartheFermienergy. to the enhancement of the proximity effect in nanotubes Conclusions. We have analyzed, semi–quantitatively, attached to superconducting electrodes[35, 36, 37], and the appearance of a low energy peak in the tunnelling increase, in general, the tendency towards superconduc- of states in nanotubes due to the inhomogeneous poten- tivity in these systems[38]. tial induced by the chargeof a single electron. This zero Acknowledgements. I am thankful to Boston Univer- biasanomalyiscloselyrelatedtotheexcitonicresonance sity, for its kind hospitality. 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