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Volume 8 #2 Quarterly Magazine of the Barbados Investment & Development Corporation April - June 2012 ISSN 2077-3382 Explore to Grow Manufacturing Barbados’ Entrepreneurial Culture ideas Aero Farm Barbados Also inside: PG. 8 PG. 10 PG. 12 CleverGrocer EGO Scholar World O Words Solution EXPLORE TO GROW The Barbados Investment & Development Corporation being given opportunities to purchase new imported products (BIDC) is preparing to launch a major product that are being offered in many instances at cheaper prices and commercialization initiative. a wider range. It is anticipated that through the ETG, new and emerging sectors with potential for import substitution and Explore to Grow (ETG) is a new programme which has been set export will be developed in addition to a range of new products up by the BIDC to facilitate the development of new products with linkages to Barbadian heritage and culture. and processes. It is the vehicle through which the Corporation will drive its new research and development thrust. The initiatives and activities under Explore to Grow will be implemented through a Review and Action Committee. It will The programme sets up a formal process for capturing and also see a synergy of efforts across Divisions of the BIDC and filtering new product ideas for development. The Corporation, business support agencies. It is expected that this would yield whilst providing the avenue through which a rich pool of ideas greater and sustainable results which will yield new products for can be vetted and developed, will pursue this initiative in exports, increased earnings of collaboration with its clients and stakeholders. Collaborate to foreign exchange, more efficient innovate is the underlying theme of the programme and this deployment of resources in synergy of effort should prove very effective in introducing a terms of people and money and range of new or enhanced products for local and international more competitive and viable markets. local enterprises which are better positioned for commercial The BIDC’s Manager of Research and Information Services, Ms. success. Fern Lewis, said there are several reasons why a new product development strategy and mechanism is essential at this time. The Explore to Grow initiative According to her, “The current economic crisis, coupled with is also intended as a support fierce competition at home and abroad has made it increasingly mechanism for the Corporation’s difficult for local businesses to survive on just their core products Innovation programme. and services. With limited resources available to dedicate to research and development, translating ideas into viable products can be particularly challenging. One of the BIDC’s strategic Fern Lewis goals in the year ahead is to increase the capacity of local Explore to Grow (ETG) is a new businesses to be creative and innovative and through the ETG programme which has been set up by our clients will be in a better position to visualize and pursue new opportunities.” the BIDC to facilitate the development of new products and processes. Lewis also took note of continued intensification of competition for the domestic market as local consumers are increasingly Barbados Business Catalyst • April - June 2012 3 Contents April - June 2012 Volume 8 #2 Explore To Grow 3 Editor’s Desk - Trade Shows, Expos & Conferences 5 Barbados’ Entrepreneurial Culture 6 - 7 Put CleverGrocer On Your List 8 - 9 EGOScholar 10 - 11 World o words 12 The Waste Game 13 Aeroponics 14 -15 Crown-ing Moment 16 Unlocking Entrepreneurship: Towards Innovative Solutions 17 BMEX 2012 18 - 19 Pushing Innovation 20 Technoscope 21 Barbados Must Use Innovation 22 Don’t Work for Yourself 23 Eye Daze 24 Inspiring Innovation 25 Why Innovate 26 Less Talk More Action 27 Barbados Economic Review 28 BBC Notebook 30 EcoScope 31 When In...The USA 32 PG. 16 TradeScope 33 Manufacts 34 - 35 Aiming For Excellence The BARBADOS BUSINESS CATALYST is published quarterly by the Research, Information and Design Services Division of the Barbados Investment & Development Corporation. It offers information and advice on trade and commercial issues to the business community. Information contained herein may be reproduced if accredited to the BIDC. Items of interest to local manufacturers, exporters, entrepreneurs and potential investors are welcome. Editor: PG. 23 PG. 25 Jane Brome, Email: [email protected] Don’t Work For Yourself Inspiring Innovation Editorial Team: Fern Lewis, Email: [email protected] Pedro Hutchinson, Email: [email protected] Sylvia Taitt, Email: [email protected] Design & Layout: G&A Communications Inc. Cnr. Harts Gaps & Hastings Main Road, Christ Church. Tel: (246) 437-2214; Fax: (246) 228-5204; E-mail: [email protected] Disclaimer: Some of the views expressed in this publication are the views of the writers and not necessarily those of the BIDC. © 2012 BIDC. Printed By: PG. 18 PG. 17 COT Caribbean Graphics, #16 Newton Industrial Estate, Christ Church. Tel (246) 420 8550 • Fax (246) 420 8555 • Email: [email protected] BMEX 2012 Foromic XV 4 Barbados Business Catalyst •April - June 2012 Editor’s Desk By Jane L. Brome Moving towards a sustainable Executive Coach Cheryl Gittens meanwhile elaborates on some future requires a new common mistakes made by entrepreneurs and how to avoid strategic approach driven by them. entrepreneurial and innovation-led initiatives. We’re also introducing in this edition, new columnist, Ashish Uttamchandani whose expertise in ICT should keep you We’ve sought in this edition to bring this topic to the fore under entertained and informed about the technologies that can assist the thematic concept of Manufacturing Ideas. in working smarter. We’ve tracked finalists in this year’s National Innovation We hope you enjoy this issue and share with you these words of Competition, celebrating their stories of success and putting the great minds in hope of inspiring and helping you to achieve your spotlight on these up-and-coming entrepreneurs seeking to take goals and live your dreams. advantage of emerging business opportunities. From software development to educational games and applications of renewable energy for the aeroponic growth of food crops, they all aspire to shape the future of Barbados. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, And since the future belongs to the young among us, in this every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave edition, we also share the views of youth entrepreneurship every other idea alone. This is the way to success that is way development expert, Dr. Marcia Brandon, on improving the great giants are produced.” enabling environment for young entrepreneurs and building an entrepreneurial culture here. Swami Vivekananda Trade Shows, Expos and Conferences COPYRIGHT LAW THE ESSENTIALS, JULY 19-21 AND 25-26, 2012 HOME EXPO 2012, SEPTEMBER 20 - 24, 2012 Hosted by the UWI Faculty of Law this seminar will be of interest to artistes Living Smart is the theme of this year’s popular Home Expo. Patrons to the expo will business owners, event promoters, Attorneys-t-Law and others. Presenter be treated to an exhibition to trigger ideas on how to truly live smart, from energy Prof Eddy Ventose will be referring to both international and Caribbean issues saving to green living to maximising knowledge for the next home project. This and materials in a lecture/discussion format. It will be held at the Moot Court, year’s expo will be open for four days to accommodate the widest cross-section of Faculty of Law, Cave Hill. buyers, seekers and browsers at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre. Contact: 246 417 4215 or 246 417 4227 Contact: http://www.homexpobarbados.com/ ANIMEKON 2012, AUGUST 25-26, 2012 FOROMIC XV – INTER-AMERICAN FORUM ON MICROENTERPRISE, As Barbados’ first and only pop culture convention, AnimeKon continues to set OCTOBER 1-3, 2012 the standard for events of this nature within the Caribbean. Now in its third Foromic serves as a platform of dissemination and dialogue with partner stakeholder year of operation, AnimeKon has proven itself to be more than just a one off on an annual basis and its objective is to contribute to the dissemination of success. AnimeKon has captured the attention and imagination of fans of all knowledge and best practices in the area of microenterprise development in Latin ages, not only in Barbados but also in Trinidad & Tobago, Portugal, the USA, America and the Caribbean. It is set to attract up to 1,300 delegates. the UK, India, Malaysia and Canada. The 2012 exp will be held at the Lloyd Contact: http://events.iadb.org/calendar/event Erskine Sandiford Centre Contact: http://animekonexpo.com BBaarrbbaaddooss BBuussiinneessss CCaattaallyysstt •• AApprriill -- JJuunnee 22001122 55 Entrepreneurial Development Barbados’ Entrepreneurial Culture By Dr. Marcia Brandon What is the entrepreneurial culture of Barbados? generation to generation (Guiso This is a question that we have consistently asked et al 2006). An ourselves as youth entrepreneurship experts here at the entrepreneurial Barbados Youth Business Trust (BYBT) over the past 16 years. culture is based on the premise that shared belief systems, similar From our ongoing research we know that the entrepreneurial ways of earning a living and common educational arrangements culture in Barbados is presently transitioning. Sixteen years ago can be combined to create ways of life which embrace when we started the BYBT, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial culture can influence time were words used almost exclusively by BYBT. Now, not only preference, work-leisure trade-offs and risk-taking attitudes. have the words become popular among the general public, but Cultures which have values based on high levels of leisure, wage- promoting entrepreneurship as a catalyst for job creation, wealth based rather than project-based work hours, fear of failure, low generation, poverty reduction and other social, economic and levels of creativity which lead to innovation, an education system political solutions have become part of everyone’s agenda. which values theory above practicality and creative thinking, will not become entrepreneurial very fast. Those that do place high It has taken a significant amount of effort, partnership building, value on these factors are likely to create more entrepreneurs, as lobbying, educating, training, sensitization, promotion entrepreneurship is multifaceted, cross-sectoral and complex. It and outreach on the part of the network of business and requires long term, consistent efforts. entrepreneurship development organizations in Barbados to bring about this change in behaviour and attitude towards Culture takes a long time to change. It may take another decade entrepreneurship. However, we still have a way to go. Barbados or two of the same type of sustained efforts and changes that and the rest of the Caribbean, countries with histories of people we have seen over the past 16 years, among national, cultural, working for others (government or other employers), are political and economic institutions for a full entrepreneurial seeing a change. Young people are naturally looking to work for culture to be created in Barbados and indeed the Caribbean. themselves now in preference to looking for a job. In a 2011 It is quite easy to start a business in Barbados, in terms of survey by BYBT among 100 unemployed youth (50 males, 50 registration. However, the taxes and other statutory regulations females, within the 18-25 year age group) over 90% of the males can be prohibitive for a young entrepreneur. That is why said they wanted to start their own businesses and over 80% of BYBT is so fundamental in this landscape, because we have females agreed. Over 75% of them had at least one business idea strong, established partners who help us to help these young and had thought as far as where to go to get help to start the entrepreneurs to incorporate companies, create contracts and business. partnerships, do Intellectual Property (IP) at very reduced costs or for free. We continue to lobby Government to waive these Culture is defined as customary beliefs and values that ethnic, costs for young start-ups. In this global economic climate where religious and social groups transmit fairly unchanged from businesses are closing, jobs have become less, migration is not 6 Barbados Business Catalyst •April - June 2012 Entrepreneurial Development Barbados and the rest of the Caribbean, countries with histories of people working for others (government or other employers), are seeing a change. Young people are naturally looking to work for themselves now in preference to looking for a job. so much an option, governments are downsizing, everyone has PARTNERING FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS to be looking for ways to create their own jobs. Improving the Some of BYBT’s strengths lie in building strong, durable enabling environment, especially for youth to become decently partnerships, promoting the work of the Trust and the employed through entrepreneurial means, is critical. successes of the young entrepreneurs as well as inculcating a culture of gratitude and productivity among our nation’s youth. HOW DOES THIS IMPACT ON BYBT’s WORK? Contributing to the development of the wider Caribbean is also The lack of a strong entrepreneurial culture in Barbados one of our achievements. We have helped eight countries to presented an excellent opportunity for BYBT 16 years ago start youth business trusts and will continue to do so over the to influence, create and bring about change. BYBT is now a years to come. pioneer, an innovator, a best practice in Barbados, the Caribbean and globally. Being the first in this non-traditional sector and The task of changing mindsets in order to change cultures being able to show impact and sustainability has strongly is a national mandate. Until our people understand fully and positioned BYBT as a highly specialised organization. Therefore completely what is it like to be employers instead of employees, it is not just the young people who want to start businesses or then our culture will remain the same. One of BYBT’s mandates those who have businesses who need BYBT’s expertise; it is the is to help as many young people as possible to become governments, the NGO sector, the private sector, the regional innovative, entrepreneurial employers, even if they do not sector, the international development agencies, the universities, remain as such over the long term. This type of experience and international NGOs, CBOs, among others. This demand has exposure will help a young person to better understand their increased significantly over the past five years, as countries role and responsibilities when they enter a firm to become a part grapple with finding jobs for youth, increasing the capacity of of its team. NGOs and building partnerships. According to “The Entrepreneurship Barometer” (carried out STEPS BYBT HAS TAKEN TO PROMOTE A MORE for the G20 summit in Nise, in October, 2011), at the end of ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE the survey conducted on more than 1,000 entrepreneurs, it was BYBT has utilised some very non-traditional approaches concluded that: to help in promoting an entrepreneurial culture. We view Ability to innovate is perceived as a key factor in the approach entrepreneurship as both an art and a science and have been to improve the entrepreneurial culture in the G20 countries; training young people to balance these variables. Some additional There is more tolerance and understanding from economies strategies we have been utilising are bringing international with a strong entrepreneurial culture towards failure in entrepreneurs and resource persons of Barbados to help to business and they don’t regard it as an entry barrier, but as an exposure young people to different cultures and ways of doing opportunity to learn; things. We have been waging a war on failure. Demystifying These countries make an effort to promote successful failure and using it as a learning tool is our goal. Failure is neither entrepreneurial stories in universities and in the media; a shame nor a death sentence. It shortens the learning curve and Entrepreneurs consider that the most effective way of contributes to problem solving. promoting entrepreneurship is by emphasizing its role of creating jobs. Other strategies include building and maintaining a strong business mentorship programme, one which helps to transfer Barbados is therefore on the right track. Our task, which we knowledge from the entrepreneurial elders to the young cannot afford to refuse, is not easy but neither is it impossible. entrepreneurs; ongoing building of the Trust team’s capacity to We need to continue to work together to change our mindsets ensure the efficient operations of the organization and shaping and behaviours to make entrepreneurship natural. highly skilled, competent professionals who can deliver the services the young entrepreneurs require. Dr. Marcia Brandon is a youth entrepreneurship development expert. BYBT has established a strong, nurturing youth entrepreneurship She works with donor organizations to design, monitor and evaluate eco-system for young people to start businesses and flourish. development projects/programmes. She is the Co-founder and There are several young entrepreneurs in Barbados who serve as Regional Director of the Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Youth role models and peer mentors for young people to emulate and Entrepreneurship. learn from. Barbados Business Catalyst • April - June 2012 7 E-Shopping Put CleverGrocer On Your List We’ve tracked finalists in this year’s National Innovation Competition, celebrating their stories of success and putting the spotlight on these up- and-coming entrepreneurs seeking to take advantage of emerging business opportunities. From software development to educational games and applications of renewable energy for the aeroponic growth of food crops, they all aspire to shape the future of Barbados. Here is the Barbados Business Catalyst’s interview with Shannon Clarke, developer of the CleverGrocer: Shannon Clarke Briefly describe Why did you choose to pursue the your project? entrepreneurial path? CleverGrocer is an interactive I have been particularly interested in website and mobile application which practically applying my knowledge in software aims to help consumers save money when development towards the creation of a service purchasing their desired items from grocery that will challenge other world-class software stores. It transforms the traditional task of writing applications while also maintaining a focus on providing a shopping list on a notepad into creating a dynamic, social and financial benefits to the local and regional interactive shopping list which can be tailored according to your community. It became apparent to me that the best method preferences. for achieving this goal is to create a sustainable product and service run as a business rather than a non-profit. This vision has What inspired your idea? guided me through the formulation of the business model for CleverGrocer and its future growth. I was originally inspired by the pricing lists published by the Ministry of Commerce & Trade in our local newspapers. Those What is the target market/market potential for your lists gave consumers the opportunity to review the different product(s)? prices of items in the basket of goods. However, I realized that its analytical format was not very intuitive or easy to use by CleverGrocer will market its services to retailers locally, consumers. CleverGrocer was created to provide consumers regionally and eventually internationally. The growth of the with such information so that they can quickly and easily make usage of mobile technology and social media has become an decisions regarding where they will purchase the desired items. area of concern for retailers around the world because global Furthermore, I wished to encourage consumers to maximize consumer behaviour is showing an increasing trend to make their spending power, hence consumers using CleverGrocer will purchasing decisions based on what information is available receive recommendations to match their shopping preferences. about desired products. This has further complicated retailers’ 8 Barbados Business Catalyst •April - June 2012 E-Shopping woes regarding changing consumer behaviour since their Unlike other shopping software which only methods of promoting their products and services can no longer solely depend on their physical location. Retailers now need to allow for the discovery of prices for individual split their marketing efforts across the various advertising media items, CleverGrocer provides consumers despite there being no clear method for analyzing the impact of with purchasing recommendations based on that advertising. CleverGrocer will provide affordable advertising services and methods to directly engage their customers through all of the items they have included on their mobile advertisements, online consumer engagement platforms shopping list. and an e-commerce platform. What’s the one thing that differentiates your innovation? What can we look forward to from your venture? Unlike other shopping software which only allow for the discovery of prices for individual items, CleverGrocer provides CleverGrocer will remain committed to enhancing the shopping consumers with purchasing recommendations based on all of the experience for all stakeholders. In order to achieve this, it will items they have included on their shopping list. This provides a continually improve its product and services in order to better simpler and more convenient experience for consumers who serve its customers. The CleverGrocer website and mobile apps only need to create their shopping lists on the website/mobile will become available in August 2012. application in order to receive various helpful recommendations. Barbados Business Catalyst • April - June 2012 9 E-Learning The EGOScholar Solution Kevin Lovell & Jason Cadogan K evin Lovell and Jason Cadogan are revolutionizing education with the EGOScholar Media Services system. The system seeks to supplement the traditional teaching and learning methods in a multimedia format of music, dance, digital and traditional art, social networking, games, film, television, interactive 2D and 3D animations and other creative channels.Both in their early 30s, Lovell and Cadogan have designed EGOScholar Media Services to teach traditional subject matter with an emphasis on how those subjects impact life and the real world. Marketed under a Know, Show And Grow tagline, Lovell built in the 1800s and it is a one-size–fits-all model of education, explained these key elements on which the system has been which focuses on a read/write learning style and treats the pure built: and applied sciences as superior subjects compared to the arts. The fundamental problem is - how can society employ such a Know: Self-discovery leads to self-efficacy in learning. Our system when the process of learning in each person is so diverse system instills confidence by changing students’ perception of and unique? academic concepts and using life to explain these concepts. “Our solution was to design an e-learning application and other Show: Once a student has started the process of self-discovery, technologies that allow students to express themselves via they are then ready to share that discovery with others in their the creative arts in every discipline so as to learn and explain sphere of influence, and the world. academic concepts, thereby recreating a renaissance/scientific revolution age in our time.” Grow: As students learn about themselves and share those discoveries with others, their horizons will expand, thereby Lovell, an SAT scholar, and Cadogan, a Barbados Scholar, both increasing the desire to learn more about one-self, creating a parents and teachers, suggested that the current school system sustainable cycle of self-discovery, self-efficacy and personal is biased to accommodate one set of thinking and learning. And improvement. Lovell insists, “We’re using this current school system to the detriment of our society. Through innovation, EGOScholar can He added, “The aim of EGOScholar is to uplift and allow for self- create an opportunity to go where no one has gone before. actualization and we want to instill the belief in children that I am, Innovation is the capacity to create something out of seemingly I can and I will”. nothing.” As Cadogan explained, “Education is one of the key pillars of Cadogan went further, noting, “As much as we look at persons society. However, the current public education system was like Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo and Newton of the 10 Barbados Business Catalyst •April - June 2012

The BIDC's Manager of Research and Information Services, Ms. Fern Lewis development strategy and mechanism is essential at this time. According to .. hydroponic and aeroponic field to the Barbadian market and in the near
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