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MANUAL OF OsteopatTheicch nique ALAN STODDARD M.B.B,. S.D,. O.D,. Phys.Mcd COt/suitltP thDysIiIckIal le dicjne BrookH ospiLUloll,l t/Oll HUTCHINSON MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS Lolldoll HUTCHINSON MEDICAL PUBLICATIONSL TD /78-20G2r eaPto rtlalld LSorlrledeWolIl, l LondonM elbourneS ydney AucklanBdo mbayT oronto JohannesbNuerwg Y ork * Firsptl lhliOschteodb 1er9 59 SeconIdm pressJiaollllu a1r9y6 1 TltirIdm press(iRoenl ·jNsOeId')e mb1e96r2 FOllrI,mItp ressMiaorlc/h1 964 FiffIlm,pr essFieohnr ll/l9l6f6) , SixtIhm p"ss;AoU"K ll1s9t6 9 <0 Alan Stod1da9r5d9 Thibso okh as beseellil /T li mesp,r i"tielGdlr eaBlr ila;It OiWlh ilAer 'p apreb yA I/chPorre sWsi d hOllblyffW /i llB.r em/oblolt.oh f T ip/fEese's,e x 090 511221 CO NTENTS Prt/ares 7,9 PRINCIPLES OF OSTEOPATHIC TECHNIQUE Il Makinagd iangosisR estoratoifmo onb iliRleYl-axatoifoe nx traneous structuPraesss ive move(maernltisc ulation)-sIpencdiifiraced cjtu st­ mentsD irecstp eciafdijcu stments-Sptehcriufs-itMcsi -nimumf orce 2 THE DIAGNOSIS OF TilE OSTEOPATHIC SPINAL LESION 25 DefinitiCohna racteriTsytpiecsso fl esion-Diagnporsotciccd ure­ Mobilitteys ts 3 ATLAS OF TECHNIQUES 87 Articulatory techniques SortS-pteicsisfiutcee c htneicqhuncisq­ues Neck Cervico-thaorreaacT ihco racairce aT horacciacg eL umbar regioPne lvis 4 THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS 230 Herniatdeids cPsr olapsdeids cCsh ronidci sdce egneratiSopni nal traction Appt'lIllix 260 Thea pophy<;feaacle ls-Tnhoer mamlo vementosft hes pineS urface markings II/dex 273 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDlTlON Iti sw itcho nsiderpalbelaes aurnedn ota litptrlied e Itw hraittt eh is prefatcote h see conedd itioofmn y m anuaTlh.e f actth atth eriesa d emand fotrh be ooks howtsh eriess tinlele fdo rad escripotfti hoemn a nipulative techniquuseesbd y o steopaths. Onlyaf ewm inopro inhtasv bee eanl terientd h et echniqtuheesm selves, butt het heoretical doefst chreli epstiiwoornni ttbeynD r LouisBau rns thiryteya rs haagsbo e eonm itteIwd a.s a dvisbeydm ediccaoll leatguoe s do this, bseolc iatutisleske n owna boutth eh istoloagnidcm aolr bid anatomcyh angwehsi ch followt ots rpaiunjmaoali ntasn,dt heo bserva­ tiomnasd eb yD r Burnwse roen a nimaSlusc.h c hangdeosn otn ecessarily occuirnh umans pineasn,dm oreovtehrec hronolosgeiqcuaeln ocfte h ose changiesbs o untdo be fallacious. Thed escripotfti hoeno steopastphiincla els iionCn h apte2 ri sa des­ criptoifoa n c liniecnatli btays eodn o bservartaitohnte hra no ne xperi­ mentaelv idenacnedt, h eriesn od oubtth atth es yndroimsea realiTthye. reaswohny I p refteorr etatihnes pecieapli th'eots teopaftohrti hcic'so n­ ditiiostn h atth eo steopawtehrste h fei rtsoat t temtphted escripotfti hoins elu,einvtei atnydt hedye sertvhece r edfiottr h iIstm. i ghwte lble c allaend interdnearla ngemoefan v te rtebjroailnb tu,ts ucaht erimsr ealnloby e tter except ittwh oautl bde m orea cceptatbool pep onenotfts h eo steopathic concept. Whena ndb yw haptr ocetshseo steopastphiincla els imoenr geisn ttoh e disc syndirsdo embea tabbultea ,s I s ayi nC hapt4e rb Je lietvheam tu ch antecetdhceas d veonfts ymptoimnsd islce sioannsds, u cphr ocesmseersi t clossteu dy. Tohfuo ssw eh oa ricn tereisntt hesedu bjemcuts kte eopu re yes openf orn ewk nowledgienw hatevfeire ldi-tih fa sa nyb earionngt he subject. 10t hem eantiam ed escripotfit oenc hniqoufme asn ipulawthiiocnh haveb eenf ountdo h avep ractivcaallu eev,e nt hougehm pirically per­ formeids, desiIrtaw boluel.bed wonderftuobl e a blteo e xplaeixna ctly what happwheennsa joinits manipubluattt ehded, e taimlasya lways remaionb scuIrfet .h tee chniqduowe osr ka,si nf actth edyo u,s inmge thods baseodn a natomiacnadml e chaniccoanls iderawteia orneas c,h ievoiunrg objectiIvfte h.e p ractitdieovneelro ap kse en seonfts ies stueen siaonnd palpatiaonnd,l earntso c o-orditnhateve a riocuosm ponenitnsa ny manipulahtoiwoenv esri mplheew, ilalc hiesvuec ceMsasn.y p atiewnitlsl beg ratefaunldp, r ovidheedd oesn otf orgtehte c ontrian dicattioo ns manipulahteiw oinl l raise the ofsh tiamtsuesal nfdb o oftt hh ea rto f 7 8 PREFACES manipulaatsia o wnh oleI.w ouldh,o weveurr,g teh ep ractitniootnt eor concenterxactleu siovne tlhyed etaiolfst echniqnuoesrt, o l imihti s horiztoont hsei ngalnedi solastpeidn jaoli nbtu,ta lwaytsob eairn m ind thaotn ej oinitsj usatp arotf t hes keleftraalm ewoTrhke.w holsep inteh,e wholbeo dyt,h ew holmea nh ast ob ea djustteohd i esn vironment. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Thep urpoosfet hibso oki st os edto wna ndi llusttrhaemt aei nt ech­ niquoefsm anipulautsieoidnn o steopaptrhaicct iTchee.ra er en umerous techniqaunedms a nym oreo ft hema rei nc onstaunstet han1 h aved es­ cribebdu,tIh avien cluodnedlt yh osweh icIhp ersonhaallvfyeo untdo b e moste ffectTihveae .r to fm anipulaitsia o vne riyn dividmuaatlt earn d certtaeicnh niqaurmeeo sr e approfporsrio amtepe r actititohnaoentr hse rs. Thet echniqmuaeysa lhla veto b em odifietdot hen eedosf b othp racti­ tionaenrdp atieTnhted. e taoiflp sr ocedaurrceel easrolmye whpaetr sonal, but whtihlees mea y varyb etweeonn cp ractitiaonndae nro thetrh,e underlymientgh osdh oulbde b aseudp ont hes amep rincipTlheess.e princiIp hlaevse elaboinrt ahtefie rds cth aptbeurt,t hep ractitmiaoyn er welfiln dt hahte h ast oa daptth efi nedre tatiolh si msealnfdh isp atient. Ther eadweirl fli ntdh atth ep rinciopflt eesc hniqhueersee n unciated are somewhadti fferent fromt hosoef p revioousst eopattehxitcb oobkustI submitth atth eayr eb aseudp ona natomiacnadml e chanifcaaclat nsd a re supporbtyet dh ep racLiecxaple rieonfmc aen yy earosfa ctipvrea ctiinc e theo steopafitehlidc. Them anuailsm erelayno utliannedi sn ota na ttemtpotb ec ompre­ hensiNvoer.i st heb ookw rittjeunsf to rb eginnearnsd,w, h ilieti sp ri­ maridliyr ecttoet dh eo steopastthuidce anntd g raduaittie s,h opetdh at alplr actitioofnw ehrast,e vsecrh ooolft houghwti,lfi ln ds omethionfg valuieni tpsa geIs h.a vwer ittietfn o r tahlolsw eh oa spitroep erfecitni on thea rto fm anipulatainodna ,l thoutghheo steopatphriocf esshiaosn contribmuotreed thaannyo thetro t hee laboraotfit oenc hniqtuhees , arotf m anipulaiLsni ootnt he sporleer ogaotfi vteoh set eopRaatthh.e irt ist hep rerogaotfit vheep atieTnhte.p atiehnatsa righttoe xpeac th igh degreoefs kiilnla ltlh osweh op urpotrotp ractmiasnei pulatIitio sn . desiratbhleer,e ftorode i,s seminaaswt ied elays p ossibtlheea vailable knowledogfet hiwso rks ot hatth em aximumn umberosf s uffering humanimtayy d eribveen efiAts. f ara sI known,o pureloys teopathic technitqeuxet bohoaksb eenp ublisihnet dh icso unttrhyo ugshe veral excelloenneths a vbee ewnr ittienAn m erica. A greadte amlo rec oulhda vbee ewnr ittaennd,p robabwliylb le l ater, ont hew ider asopfOe sctteso patbhuytI, h avree strimcytseedpl rfi marily top ractical imnta htitbseo rosk . Itm ustn otb et houghhto,w evetrh,a bte cautsheem anuailsl imited tot echnique protcheadotus rteeso pattrheiact miesns to l imitTehde. underlypirnign ciopfOl set eopaitsth hya stt ructguorvee rfnusn ction, that 9 10 PREFACES disturbaonrcs etsru ctiunrw eh atevteirs swuiet htihn eb odyw illle atdo disturbaonffc uensc tioinnjt nhga t strauncdti,un rl eu rn,o ft hef unction oft heb odya sa wholeT.h e objective, tihnet rheeof sotreeo,p athic approaicsth h ceo mplertees toraotfti hoesnt ructiunrtaelg irnit thyeb ody. Thihsi gahi mm ayn otb ea chievbeudtt haitst hgeo aaln,d w hatever means areu sedt or estohraer moniosutsr uctiunrtaelg ratthieosnfe,a lwli thin thea mbiotf o steopathic practtihcifesr. a mWeiwtoohrfiko n s teopathic treatmeOnUtfc, h ief agemnacnyu amilas n ipulaotfij ooni nbtust,a lsoof importaanrcee tihmep rovemoefnp to stutrhee,e ncourageomfeg noto d lymphataincdv enoudsr ainatgheei, m provemoefnt th ea rterbilaolo d flowt,h er emovoaflm echanical obstructiomnesa nisbf yn ecseusr­gical sary, the reopfvo issicteiroan, u seto hfee xercifsoerss t rengthening muscloerst hes tretcohfic nogn tracttiesds uTehset. h emies t hagti vean structursaolulnyfd r amewortkh,eb odilfyu nctiwoinlspl r oceehda r­ moniousalnydh ealthTihleye .l aboraotfit ohne soes teopamtehaiscu res belonrga thmeorr et oa textbooofPk r inciipnlO esst eopatbhuyts, u ffice ith erjeu stto e numerastoem eo ft hem ethods. Thet echniqoufem sa nipulatdieosnc rihbeerdea rel imitteodt he vertebcroallu mann dp elvipsa,r tilnyo rdetro k eept heb ookw ithin reasonableb ultai lmsibote sc autsheeo steopaitnhfliuce nucpeo nt hea rt ofm anipulaitismo unc hm ores ignificiansn pti ntahla ni no thejro int manipulas-tibountt her eademru stn ota ssumteh aots teopattrheiact ­ menti sl imitteotd h esp inEev.e rjyo inetv,e rtyi sseuvee,rc ye lilnt heb ody influenecveesr oyt hesrt ructiuntr hea bto dyT.h eraer es timulaatnodr y inhibittroerayt metnovt iss cearnads oft (itsrseuaetsm;me anytb ed irected ton ormalitzhiean ugt onomniecr vosuyss teamf,f ecvtiic negr omolainodn vasomotiaonnds oo n.O steopatthrieca tmetnhte,nh ,a sa muchw ider significtahnacnem ereljyo intte chniqaunedst, h ereftohriems,a nuails butas malpla rotf t hel argseurb jeocfOt s teopaitthsye lf. Theraer ef Olmlari ns ectitoont sh eb ookT.h efi rscth aptdeera lwsi th thep rinciopflm easn ipulatteicvhen iqtubees; e conwdi tahd escripotfi on theo steopastphiincla els ioint,ss i gnificiannt cheeo veraplalt teornf theo steopactohnicce opft heaalntdhd iseafsoel,l owbeyd a detailed accouonftt hed iagnoosfit sh eo steopastphiincla els ioTnnt. h et hird sectitohnec hiesfu bstaonfct eh em anuailst ob ef oundI.ti sa na tlaosf techniqwuietsih,l lustraatdijoancestn ott h ed escriptiwoansst .h ouIgth t desiratbola er rantgheem ailetrh usso a st om aket hep rocedure more readiulnyd erstoIotid s.n otorioduisffilcyu tlotd escritbheed etaiolfs techniaqnudew, i thotuhteh elopf i llustraittii soa nlsm,o sitm possible. Ideally, teschhonuilbqdedu eesm onstrraattehdte hra bne r eaadb oubtu,t , evewni tthh eb estte achienrt sh ew orltde,x tboaorkeis n valuafbolrte h e studetnodt w elulp ona ndr efbearc tko t imaen da gaiIntw. i lbles eetnh at theraer et hreseu bdivisiinto hniscs h aptveirz,s. o ft-titsescuhen iques, PREFACES II articultaetcohryn iqaunedss pecitfeicch niqaunedst ,h ey daerael wti th regionsaolt lhya atl tlh et echniqoufee asc rhe giaorne i na convenient sequenfcoetr e achainndgt reatmpeunrtp osTehsefi. n aclh aptiesr devoted tot hem anipulatteicvhen iqwuheisca hr ea pplicatbot lheev ariosutsa ges ofi nterverdtiesblcre asli oannsd,i nt hisse ctitorna cttieocnh niqaurees descriibnde de tabielc autshee pyl asyu cahn i mportraonltie n t het reat­ mento fd islce sions. Durintgh ep reparaolfit ohni msa nuaIl h aveb eenm uchi ndebted tom y secretGairlyl,i Warni ghfto,rh erp ainstaaknidnp ga tietnytp ing andr etypitnomg y, r adiograEpdhietrKh,n ottf,o rt heh elsph eg avien makintgh eX -rafyi lmtso,M r.A .E .S ai tf ort hep hotograaplhsymo,y daughtaenrd M rs.B .S hearefro rb einsgu che xcellmeondte lst,o Drs.W . Hargrave-WiBl.sH o.Pn e,n tnaenyd D .T urnefro rre adianngd critictihzesic nrgi bputt,m osto fa lIlh avbee einn debtteoDd r .A ndrew TaylSotri wlhlo i n1 87s4t arttehdef irsscth ooilnO steopaatthK yi rks­ vilMlies,s ouUr.iS,. AW.i thoDurt.S tilpli'osn eerwionrgki nO steopathy, thea rotf m anipulawtoiuolnnd e vehra vea chievtehdep lacoefi mporl­ ancweh iciht h oldtso daSyt.e adialnydc ontinuosuisnlctyeh etnh ous­ andosf o steopahtahvsem adei tt heilri few'osr kt ou set himse thoodf treattihnegi njrueda ndt hes icSko.m em ayh avef ailleadm entaibnl y havinign adequkantoew ledogfte h ei nstrumtehnetwy e rue sinbgu tt he majorihtayv es ucceeidnerd e nderiinnvga luasbelrev itcome a nkinidn theeifrf otrota sd vantcheea ratn ds cienocfOe s teopathy. Them edicparlo fesshiaosln a ggefda rb ehintdh eo steopatphrioc­ fessiiondn e velopainndtg e achtihneag r otf m anipulaatnidoi nth ass adly neglecttheemd e chaniccaauls oefsd iseaasnedd isabiIlitit sby e.c ause oft hitsh aat s eparsactheo ooflt houghhatd t ob em aintaiinnet dh ep ast and shtaislt lo b em aintainbeudtw; h ent hel ruiem portaonfct eh e structfuarcatlho ars b eenf ullrye cogniazneddw ,h ent hem edicparlo ­ fessihoansm odifieidt tsh inkionngt heslei neasn da ddemde chanical derangemteont thse liirs otfe tiologfiaccatloi rnds i seatshee,tn h erwei ll nol ongbeera nyn eefdo ras eparoartgea nizaatnidto hnew orlwdi lble a healthainedhr a ppipelra cteol ivien A.l reatdhyer ecogniotfit ohnei nter­ vertebdriasllce siboyno rthodmoexd icihnaesf ocusaetdt entoinot nh e spincaoll umint;ls o caaln dr emoteef feacrtebs e ttuenrd erstaonoddi ti s beinrge cognitzheadt tlheessieoc nasu sdei sturbaonfcl ehsea utonomic nervosuyss temo satse opahtahvcsel aimfeodmr a nyy earAst.p re,etnhte re isa keeann da wakeniinngt eriensm ta nipulaatnidom na nyd octors are tryidnigf ferteencth niqwuietsh osuutffi cieknnto wledagned w ithoau t propearn alyosfit sh ej oinmte chaniTchse.t echniqhueersoe u tlinaerde the outcoofsm oem ethilnigke ei ghyteya rosfd evelopmienmn atn ipula­ tioann da ret,h erefwoorret,h oyft hea ttentoifao lnwl h od esitroee xcel int himse thoodf p ractice. PNRIN CIPLOEFS O STEPOATHITCE CHNIQUE IOSTEOPATHYw ea rceo ncewrintethdh ees tabliasnhdmm aeinnt­ tenaonftc hene o rmsatlr ucitnutreagolrft i htbeyo dayn tdo a chieve theinswd e u sdei vemresteh oTdhse.ms eet homdasyb ec lassiinfi ed thrgereo ups: (IT)h et echnioqfju oeismn atn ipulia.teti.ho enn ,o rmaliozfa t.ion mobilaintpdyo sitainotdnh r,ee lief oft eanbsininoo rnmm uaslc les, ligamceanptssau,nl fdea ss cia. (2M)a nipultaetcihvneio qtuheteshr a jno int cordriercetcfitooernd s. examptloie m,p rcoiver culvaetnioaounnsdl, y mphdartaiicn tahgee , repositoifvo insicanengrsd ao ,tf its tsrueea tments. (3O)t hmeert howdhsi chahv aest heaiirmt hiem proveomrre enstt ora­ tioonfn ormal meicnht ahbneoi dcyss,u cahst hceo rrecotfi on posttuhrseeu ,r gicalo far benmoorvmaall w htiiacsrhsie um epse ding natuartet'esma ptrt est urtnhibeno gdt yon ormaanled,x ercainsde s activwihtiicehs t home alipn taaniidnm prnoovrem maelc hanics. Altlh ecsoem wei thtihbner oaadsepreo cftt ho es teopaaptphrioca ch, buitnt hbioso wke a rmea inly cownicttehhr feni erhdse ta diLnegut.s deatlh ewni tthhp er incoiftp hlteee sc hnoifjq ouien t manipulation. Our immedpiuartpeio sts here e storoafnt oiromna l coinntd hijeto iiwonent ss ardee alwiintgIh ti. s c leaurnlnye cetsosm aarnyi punloartmjeao li nts. Therebfeorfeod,re es crtihbdeie ntgao ifml asn ipultaetcihvneii qtiu se s, necestsoka nroyaw n udn derswthaaantbd n orsmtaailt pser esent. THE FIRSTP RINCIPLE,t heins,t hmea kionfga diaginsAo.ss t he establiosfah d mieangtn iosos fpi asr amount iImh paovdreet vaontceed aw hoclhea pter 2()tC oht ahppitrseo rb lIenim at.r dee scrtiebcehdn iques ofd iagnosism-ombaiiltnieltsyyt s-awrhoeif cg hr evaatl aunedm ust ofn ecesbseui stepyd r itooar n tye chnioqfmu aensi pulation. Ina rriavitan dgi agnoofst ihjseo int wfema uuslftti rst exclude patholcohgaincTgahelsa i.tts o s awye m usetx cltuhdoecs hea ndgueteso disewahsiecl he atdol ocsatlr ucatlutrearlia ntt ihovena rious com­ poneonftt shj eo icnhta;n gesm awyhm iisclhue sai dn ttoh inktihnaagt 13

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