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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Manual of Military Training, by James A. Moss This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Manual of Military Training Second, Revised Edition Author: James A. Moss Release Date: September 26, 2008 [EBook #26706] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MANUAL OF MILITARY TRAINING *** Produced by Brian Sogard, Chris Logan and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net Manual of Military Training (SECOND, REVISED EDITION) BY COLONEL JAMES A. MOSS UNITED STATES ARMY (Officially adopted by ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE [105] of our military schools and colleges.) Intended, primarily, for use in connection with the instruction and training of Cadets in our military schools and colleges and of COMPANY officers of the National Army, National Guard, and Officers' Reserve Corps; and secondarily, as a guide for COMPANY officers of the Regular Army, the aim being to make efficient fighting COMPANIES and to qualify our Cadets and our National Army, National Guard and Reserve Corps officers for the duties and responsibilities of COMPANY officers in time of war. Price $2.25 GENERAL AGENTS GEORGE BANTA PUBLISHING COMPANY Army and College Printers MENASHA—WISCONSIN Copyright 1917 By Jas. A. Moss FIRST EDITION First impression (October, 1914) 10,000 Second impression (September, 1915) 10,000 Third impression (March, 1916) 10,000 Fourth impression (July, 1916) 10,000 Fifth impression (February, 1917) 3,000 Sixth impression (April, 1917) 4,000 SECOND EDITION First impression (May, 1917) 40,000 Second impression (August, 1917) 30,000 Third impression (November, 1917) 50,000 Total 167,000 Publishers and General Distributers GEORGE BANTA PUBLISHING CO., MENASHA, WIS. OTHER DISTRIBUTERS (Order from nearest one) Boston, Mass. The Harding Uniform and Regalia Co., 22 School St. Chicago, Ill. A. C. McClurg & Co. Columbus, Ohio. The M. C. Lilley & Co. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. U. S. Cavalry Association. Book Dept., Army Service Schools. Fort Monroe, Va. Journal U. S. Artillery. Kalamazoo, Mich. Henderson-Ames Co. New York. Baker & Taylor Co., 4th Ave. Army and Navy Coöperative Co., 16 East 42nd St. Ridabock & Co., 140 West 36th St. Warnock Uniform Co., 16 West 46th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Jacob Reed's Sons, 1424 Chestnut. Portland, Ore. J. K. Gill Co. San Antonio, Tex. Frank Brothers Alamo Plaza. San Francisco, Cal. B. Pasquale Co., 115–117 Post St. Washington, D. C. Army and Navy Register, 511 Eleventh St. N. W. Meyer's Military Shops, 1331 F. St. N. W. U. S. Infantry Association, Union Trust Bldg. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Philippine Education Co., Manila, P. I. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, H. T. CANAL ZONE: Post Exchange, Empire, C. Z. NOTE In order to learn thoroughly the contents of this manual it is suggested that you use in connection with your study of the book the pamphlet, "QUESTIONS ON MANUAL OF MILITARY TRAINING," which, by means of questions, brings out and emphasizes every point mentioned in the manual. "QUESTIONS ON MANUAL OF MILITARY TRAINING" is especially useful to students of schools and colleges using the manual, as it enables them, as nothing else will, to prepare for recitations and examinations. The pamphlet can be gotten from the publishers, Geo. Banta Publishing Co., Menasha, Wis., or from any of the distributers of "MANUAL OF MILITARY TRAINING." Price 50 cts., postpaid. Cover Insert Fig. I Cover Insert Fig. I Cover Insert Fig. II Cover Insert Fig. II Cover Insert Fig. III Cover Insert Fig. III PREFATORY Not only does this manual cover all the subjects prescribed by War Department orders for the Junior Division, and the Basic Course, Senior Division, of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, but it also contains considerable additional material which broadens its scope, rounding it out and making it answer the purpose of a general, all-around book, complete in itself, for training and instruction in the fundamentals of the art of war. The Company is the basic fighting tactical unit—it is the foundation rock upon which an army is built—and the fighting efficiency of a COMPANY is based on systematic and thorough training. This manual is a presentation of MILITARY TRAINING as manifested in the training and instruction of a COMPANY. The book contains all the essentials pertaining to the training and instruction of COMPANY officers, noncommissioned officers and privates, and the officer who masters its contents and who makes his COMPANY proficient in the subjects embodied herein, will be in every way qualified, without the assistance of a single other book, to command with credit and satisfaction, in peace and in war, a COMPANY that will be an efficient fighting weapon. This manual, as indicated below, is divided into a Prelude and nine Parts, subjects of a similar or correlative nature being thus grouped together. PRELUDE. The Object and Advantages of Military Training. PART I. Drills, Exercises, Ceremonies, and Inspections. PART II. Company Command. PART III. Miscellaneous Subjects Pertaining to Company Training and Instruction. PART IV. Rifle Training and Instruction. PART V. Health and Kindred Subjects. PART VI. Military Courtesy and Kindred Subjects. PART VII. Guard Duty. PART VIII. Military Organization. PART IX. Map Reading and Sketching. A schedule of training and instruction covering a given period and suitable to the local conditions that obtain in any given school or command, can be readily arranged by looking over the TABLE OF CONTENTS, and selecting therefrom such subjects as it is desired to use, the number and kind, and the time to be devoted to each, depending upon the time available, and climatic and other conditions. It is suggested that, for the sake of variety, in drawing up a program of instruction and training, when practicable a part of each day or a part of each drill time, be devoted to theoretical work and a part to practical work, theoretical work, when possible, being followed by corresponding practical work, the practice (the doing of a thing) thus putting a clincher, as it were, on the theory (the explaining of a thing). The theoretical work, for example, could be carried on in the forenoon and the practical work in the afternoon, or the theoretical work could be carried on from, say, 8 to 9:30 a. m., and the practical work from 9:30 to 10:30 or 11 a. m. Attention is invited to the completeness of the Index, whereby one is enabled to locate at once any point covered in the book. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance received in the revision of this Manual in the form of suggestions from a large number of officers on duty at our military schools and colleges, suggestions that enabled him not only to improve the Manual in subject-matter as well as in arrangement, but that have also enabled him to give our military schools and colleges a textbook which, in a way, may be said to represent the consensus of opinion of our Professors of Military Science and Tactics as to what such a book should embody in both subject-matter and arrangement. Suggestions received from a number of Professors of Military Science and Tactics show conclusively that local conditions as to average age and aptitude of students, interest taken in military training by the student body, support given by the school authorities, etc., are so different in different schools that it would be impossible to write a book for general use that would, in amount of material, arrangement and otherwise, just exactly fit, in toto, the conditions, and meet the requirements of each particular school. Therefore, the only practical, satisfactory solution of the problem is to produce a book that meets all the requirements of the strictly military schools, where the conditions for military training and instruction are the most favorable, and the requirements the greatest, and then let other schools take only such parts of the book as are necessary to meet their own particular local needs and requirements. "MANUAL OF MILITARY TRAINING" is such a book. Jas. A. Moss Camp Gaillard, C. Z., March 4, 1917. TABLE OF CONTENTS Par. No. PRELUDE OBJECT AND ADVANTAGES OF MILITARY TRAINING Object of: Setting-Up Exercises, Calisthenics, Facings and Marchings, Saluting, Manual of Arms, School of the Squad, Company Drill, Close Order, Extended Order, Ceremonies, Discipline—Advantages: Handiness, Self-Control, Loyalty, Orderliness, Self-Confidence, Self-Respect, Training Eyes, Teamwork, Heeding Law and Order, Sound Body. 1–23 PART I CHAPTER I. INFANTRY DRILL REGULATIONS—Definitions—General Remarks —General Rules for Drills and Formations—Orders, Commands, and Signals—School of the Soldier—School of the Squad—School of the Company—School of the Battalion—Combat—Leadership—Combat Reconnaissance—Fire Superiority—Fire Direction and Control— Deployment—Attack—Defense—Meeting Engagements—Machine Guns —Ammunition Supply—Mounted Scouts—Night Operations—Infantry Against Cavalry—Infantry Against Artillery—Artillery Supports—Minor Warfare—Ceremonies—Inspections—Muster—The Color—Manual of the Saber—Manual of Tent Pitching—Appendices A and B. 24– 710 CHAPTER II. MANUAL OF THE BAYONET—Nomenclature and Description of the Bayonet—Instruction without the Rifle—Instruction with the Rifle— Instruction without the Bayonet—Combined Movements—Fencing Exercises—Fencing at Will—Lessons of the European War—The "Short point"—The "Jab." 711– 824 CHAPTER III. MANUAL OF PHYSICAL TRAINING—Methods—Commands— Setting-Up Exercises—Rifle Exercises. 825– 860 CHAPTER IV. SIGNALING—General Service Code—Wigwag—The Two-Arm Semaphore Code—Signaling with Heliograph, Flash Lanterns, and Searchlight—Sound Signals—Morse Code. 861– 866 PART II COMPANY COMMAND CHAPTER I. GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF A COMPANY— Duties and Responsibilities of the Captain and the Lieutenants—Devolution of Work and Responsibility—Duties and Responsibilities of the First Sergeant and other Noncommissioned Officers—Contentment and Harmony—Efficacious Forms of Company Punishment—Property Responsibility—Books and Records. 867– 909 CHAPTER II. DISCIPLINE—Definition—Methods of Attaining Good Discipline— Importance—Sound Discipline—Punishment—General Principles. 910– 916 PART III [Pg 6] [Pg 7] MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS PERTAINING TO COMPANY TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION CHAPTER I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF COMPANY TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION—Object of Training and Instruction—Method and Progression—Individual Initiative—The Human Element—Art of Instruction on the Ground—Ocular Demonstration. 917– 941 CHAPTER II. GENERAL COMMON SENSE PRINCIPLES OF APPLIED MINOR TACTICS—Art of War Defined—Responsibilities of Officers and Noncommissioned Officers in War—General Rules and Principles of Map Problems, Terrain Exercises, the War Game, and Maneuvers— Estimating the Situation—Mission. 942– 953 CHAPTER III. GENERAL PLAN OF INSTRUCTION IN MAP PROBLEMS FOR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES— INSTRUCTION IN DELIVERING MESSAGES. 954– 958 CHAPTER IV. THE SERVICE OF INFORMATION—General Principles of Patrolling —Sizes of Patrols—Patrol Leaders—Patrol Formations—Messages and Reports—Suggestions for Gaining Information about the Enemy— Suggestions for the Reconnaissance of Various Positions and Localities— Demolitions—Problems in Patrolling. 959– 1019 CHAPTER V. THE SERVICE OF SECURITY—General principles—Advance Guard —Advance Guard Problems—Flank Guards—Rear Guard—Outposts— Formation of Outposts—Outguards—Flags of Truce—Detached Posts— Examining Posts—Establishing the Outpost—Outpost Order— Intercommunication—Outpost Problems. 1020– 1079 CHAPTER VI. THE COMPANY ON OUTPOST—Establishing the Outpost. 1080 CHAPTER VII. THE COMPANY IN SCOUTING AND PATROLLING—Requisites of a Good Scout—Eyesight and hearing—Finding Way in Strange Country —What to do when Lost—Landmarks—Concealment and Dodging— Tracking—The Mouse and Cat Contest—Flag Stealing Contest. 1081– 1090 CHAPTER VIII. NIGHT OPERATIONS—Importance—Training of the Company— Individual Training—Collective Training—Outposts. 1091– 1108 CHAPTER IX. FIELD ENGINEERING—Bridges—Corduroying—Tascines—Hurdles —Brush Revetment—Gabions—Other Revetments—Knots—Lashings. 1109– 1139 CHAPTER X. FIELD FORTIFICATIONS—Object—Classification—Hasty Intrenchments—Lying Trench—Kneeling Trench—Standing Trench— Deliberate Intrenchments—Fire Trenches—Traverses—Trench recesses; sortie steps—Parados—Head Cover—Notches and Loopholes—Cover Trenches—Dugouts—Communicating Trenches—Lookouts—Supporting Points—Example of Trench System—Location of Trenches—Concealment of Trenches—Dummy Trenches—Length of Trench—Preparation of Foreground—Revetments—Drainage—Water Supply—Latrines— Illumination of the foreground—Telephones—Siege Works. 1140– 1172 CHAPTER XI. OBSTACLES—Object—Necessity for Obstacles—Location—Abatis— Palisades—Fraises—Cheveaux de Frise—Obstacles against Cavalry— Wire Entanglements—Time and Materials—Wire Fence—Military Pits or Trous de Loup—Miscellaneous Barricades—Inundations—Obstacles in Front of Outguards—Lessons from the European War—Wire Cheveaux de Frise—Guarding Obstacles—Listening Posts—Automatic Alarms—Search Lights. 1173– 1193 CHAPTER XII. TRENCH AND MINE WARFARE—Asphyxiating Gases—Protection against Gases—Liquid Fire—Grenades—Bombs—Aerial Mines—Winged Torpedoes—Bombs from Air-Craft—Protection against Hand Grenades— Tanks—Helmets—Masks—Periscopes—Sniperscopes—Aids to Firing— Mining—Countermining. 1194– 1211 CHAPTER XIII. MARCHES—Marching Principal Occupation of Troops in Campaign- Physical Training Hardening New Troops—Long Marches Not to Be Made with Untrained Troops—A Successful March—Preparation—Starting— Conduct of March—Rate—Marching Capacity—Halts—Crossing Bridges and Fords—Straggling and Elongation of Column—Forced Marches— Night Marches—No Compliments Paid on March—Protection on March —Fitting of Shoes and Care of Feet. 1212– 1229 Par. No. [Pg 8] [Pg 9] CHAPTER XIV. CAMPS—Selection of Camp Sites—Desirable Camp Sites—Undesirable Camp Sites—Form and Dimensions of Camps—Making Camp—Retreat in Camp—Parade Ground—Windstorms—Making Tent Poles and Pegs Fast in Loose Soil—Trees. 1230– 1240 CHAPTER XV. CAMP SANITATION—Definition—Camp Expedients—Latrines— Urinal Tubs—Kitchens—Kitchen Pits—Incinerators—Drainage—Avoiding Old Camp Sites—Changing Camp Sites—Bunks—Wood—Water—Rules of Sanitation—Your Camp, Your Home. 1241– 1255 CHAPTER XVI. INDIVIDUAL COOKING—Making Fire—Recipes—Meats— Vegetables—Drinks—Hot Breads—Emergency Ration. 1256– 1275 CHAPTER XVII. CARE AND PRESERVATION OF CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT—Clothing—Pressing—Removing Stains—Shoes—Cloth Equipment—Washing—Shelter Tent—Mess Outfit—Leather Equipment— Points to Be Remembered. 1276– 1320 CHAPTER XVIII. CARE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE RIFLE—Importance—Care of Bore—How to Remove Fouling—Care of Mechanism and Various Parts— How to Apply Oil—Army Regulation Paragraphs About Rifle— Nomenclature of Rifle. 1321– 1343 PART IV RIFLE TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION Object and Explanation of Our System of Instruction—Individual Instruction —Theory of Sighting—Kinds of Sights—Preliminary Drills—Position and Aiming Drills—Deflection and Elevation Correction Drills—Gallery Practice —Range Practice—Use of Sling—Designation of Winds—Zero of Rifle— Estimating Distances—Wind—Temperature—Light—Mirage—Combat Practice—Fire Discipline—Technical Principles of Firing—Ballistic Qualities of the Rifle—Cone of Fire—Shot Group—Center of Impact—Beaten Zone —Zone of Effective Fire—Effectiveness of Fire—Influence of Ground— Grazing Fire—Ricochet Shots—Occupation of Ground—Adjustment of Fire—Determination of Range—Combined Sights—Auxiliary Aiming Points —Firing at Moving Targets—Night Firing—Fire Direction and Control— Distribution of Fire—Individual Instruction in Fire Distribution—Designation of Targets—Exercises in Ranging, Target Designation Communication, etc. 1344– 1450 PART V CARE OF HEALTH AND KINDRED SUBJECTS CHAPTER I. CARE OF THE HEALTH—Importance of Good Health—Germs—The Five Ways of Catching Disease—Diseases Caught by Breathing in Germs— Diseases Caught by Swallowing Germs—Disease Caught by Touching Germs—Diseases Caught from Biting Insects. 1451– 1469 CHAPTER II. PERSONAL HYGIENE—Keep the Skin Clean—Keep the Body Properly Protected against the Weather—Keep the Body Properly Fed— Keep the Body Supplied with Fresh Air—Keep the Body well Exercised— Keep the Body Rested by Sufficient Sleep—Keep the Body Free of Wastes. 1470– 1477 CHAPTER III. FIRST AID TO THE SICK AND INJURED—Object of Teaching First Aid—Asphyxiation by Gas—Bite of Dog—Bite of Snake—Bleeding —Broken Bones (Fractures)—Burns—Bruises—Cuts—Dislocations— Drowning—Electric Shock—Fainting—Foreign Body in Eye, in Ear— Freezing—Frost Bite—Headache—Heat Exhaustion—Poison—Sprains— Sunburn—Sunstroke—Wounds—Improvised Litters. 1478– 1522 PART VI MILITARY COURTESY AND KINDRED SUBJECTS Par. No. [Pg 10] [Pg 11] CHAPTER I. MILITARY DEPORTMENT AND APPEARANCE—PERSONAL CLEANLINESS—FORMS OF SPEECH—DELIVERY OF MESSAGES. 1523– 1531 CHAPTER II. MILITARY COURTESY—Its Importance—Nature of Salutes and Their Origin—Whom to Salute—When and How to Salute—Usual Mistakes in Saluting—Respect to Be Paid the National Anthem, the Colors and Standards. 1532– 1575 PART VII GUARD DUTY Importance—Respect for Sentinels—Classification of Guards—General Rules—The Commanding Officer—The Officer of the Day—The Commander of the Guard—Sergeant of the Guard—Corporal of the Guard —Musicians of the Guard—Orderlies and Color Sentinels—Privates of the Guard—Countersigns and Paroles—Guard Patrols—Compliments from Guards—General Rules Concerning Guard Duty—Stable Guards—Troop Stable Guards—Reveille and Retreat Gun—Formal Guard Mounting— Informal Guard Mounting. 1576– 1857 PART VIII MILITARY ORGANIZATION Composition of Infantry, Cavalry and Field Artillery Units up to and Including the Regiment. 1858 PART IX MAP READING AND SKETCHING CHAPTER I. MAP READING—Definition of Map—Ability to Read a Map—Scales— Methods of Representing Scales—Construction of Scales—Scale Problems —Scaling Distances from a Map—Contours—Map Distances—Slopes— Meridians—Determination of Positions of Points on Map—Orientation— Conventional Signs—Visibility. 1859– 1877 CHAPTER II. MILITARY SKETCHING—The Different Methods of Sketching— Location of Points by Intersection—Location of points by Resection— Location of Points by Traversing—Contours—Form Lines—Scales— Position Sketching—Outpost Sketching—Road Sketching—Combined Sketching—Points for Beginners to Remember. 1878– 1893 Par. No. PRELUDE THE OBJECT AND ADVANTAGES OF MILITARY TRAINING 1. Prelude. We will first consider the object and advantages of military training, as they are the natural and logical prelude to the subject of military training and instruction. Object 2. The object of all military training is to win battles. Everything that you do in military training is done with some immediate object in view, which, in turn, has in view the final object of winning battles. For example: 3. Setting-up exercises. The object of the setting-up exercises, as the name indicates, is to give the new men the set- up,—the bearing and carriage,—of the military man. In addition these exercises serve to loosen up his muscles and prepare them for his later experiences and development. [Pg 12] [Pg 13] 4. Calisthenics. Calisthenics may be called the big brother, the grown-up form, of the setting-up exercise. The object of calisthenics is to develop and strengthen all parts and muscles of the human body,—the back, the legs, the arms, the lungs, the heart and all other parts of the body. First and foremost a fighting man's work depends upon his physical fitness. To begin with, a soldier's mind must always be on the alert and equal to any strain, and no man's mind can be at its best when he is handicapped by a weak or ailing body. The work of the fighting man makes harsh demands on his body. It must be strong enough to undergo the strain of marching when every muscle cries out for rest; strong enough to hold a rifle steady under fatigue and excitement; strong enough to withstand all sorts of weather, and the terrible nervous and physical strain of modern battle; and more, it must be strong enough to resist those diseases of campaign which kill more men than do the bullets of the enemy. Hence the necessity of developing and strengthening every part and muscle of the body. 5. Facings and Marchings. The object of the facings and marchings is to give the soldier complete control of his body in drills, so that he can get around with ease and promptness at every command. The marchings,—the military walk and run,—also teach the soldier how to get from one place to another in campaign with the least amount of physical exertion. Every man knows how to walk and run, but few of them how to do so without making extra work of it. One of the first principles in training the body of the soldier is to make each set of muscles do its own work and save the strength of the other muscles for their work. Thus the soldier marches in quick time,—walks,—with his legs, keeping the rest of his body as free from motion as possible. He marches in double time,—runs,—with an easy swinging stride which requires no effort on the part of the muscles of the body. The marchings also teach the soldier to walk and run at a steady gait. For example, in marching in quick time, he takes 120 steps each minute; in double time, he takes 180 per minute. Furthermore, the marchings teach the soldier to walk and run with others,—that is, in a body. 6. Saluting. The form of salutation and greeting for the civilian consists in raising the hat. The form of salutation and greeting for the military man consists in rendering the military salute,—a form of salutation which marks you as a member of the Fraternity of Men-at-arms, men banded together for national defense, bound to each other by love of country and pledged to the loyal support of its symbol, the Flag. For the full significance of the military salute see paragraph 1534. 7. Manual of Arms. The rifle is the soldier's fighting weapon and he must become so accustomed to the feel of it that he handles it without a thought,—just as he handles his arms or legs without a thought,—and this is what the manual of arms accomplishes. The different movements and positions of the rifle are the ones that experience has taught are the best and the easiest to accomplish the object in view. 8. School of the Squad. The object of squad drill is to teach the soldier his first lesson in team-work,—and team- work is the thing that wins battles. In the squad the soldier is associated with seven other men with whom he drills, eats, sleeps, marches, and fights. The squad is the unit upon which all of the work of the company depends. Unless the men of each squad work together as a single man,—unless there is team-work,—the work of the company is almost impossible. 9. Company Drill. Several squads are banded together into a company,—the basic fighting unit. In order for a company to be able to comply promptly with the will of its commander, it must be like a pliable, easily managed instrument. And in order to win battles a company on the firing line must be able to comply promptly with the will of its commander. The object of company drill is to get such team-work amongst the squads that the company will at all times move and act like a pliable, easily managed whole. 10. Close Order. In close order drill the strictest attention is paid to all the little details, all movements being executed with the greatest precision. The soldiers being close together,—in close order,—they form a compact body that is easily managed, and consequently that lends itself well to teaching the soldier habits of attention, precision, team-work and instant obedience to the voice of his commander. [Pg 14] In order to control and handle bodies of men quickly and without confusion, they must be taught to group themselves in an orderly arrangement and to move in an orderly manner. For example, soldiers are grouped or formed in line, in column of squads, column of files, etc. In close order drill soldiers are taught to move in an orderly manner from one group or formation to another; how to stand, step off, march, halt and handle their rifles all together. This practice makes the soldier feel perfectly at home and at ease in the squad and company. He becomes accustomed to working side by side with the man next to him, and, unconsciously, both get into the habit of working together, thus learning the first principles of team-work. 11. Extended Order. This is the fighting drill. Modern fire arms have such great penetration that if the soldiers were all bunched together a single bullet might kill or disable several men and the explosion of a single shell might kill or disable a whole company. Consequently, soldiers must be scattered,—extended out,—to fight. In extended order not only do the soldiers furnish a smaller target for the enemy to shoot at, but they also get room in which to fight with greater ease and freedom. The object of extended order drill is to practice the squads in team-work by which they are welded into a single fighting machine that can be readily controlled by its commander. 12. Parades, reviews, and other ceremonies. Parades, reviews and other ceremonies, with their martial music, the presence of spectators, etc., are intended to stimulate the interest and excite the military spirit of the command. Also, being occasions for which the soldiers dress up and appear spruce and trim, they inculcate habits of tidiness,—they teach a lesson in cleanliness of body and clothes. While it is true it may be said that parades, reviews and other ceremonies form no practical part of the fighting man's training for battle, they nevertheless serve a very useful purpose in his general training. In these ceremonies in which soldiers march to martial music with flags flying, moving and going through the manual of arms with perfect precision and unison, there results a concerted movement that produces a feeling such as we have when we dance or when we sing in chorus. In other words, ceremonies are a sort of "get-together" exercise which pulls men together in spite of themselves, giving them a shoulder-to-shoulder feeling of solidity and power that helps to build up that confidence and spirit which wins battles. 13. Discipline. By discipline we mean the habit of observing all rules and regulations and of obeying promptly all orders. By observing day after day all rules and regulations and obeying promptly all orders, it becomes second nature, —a fixed habit,—to do these things. Of course, in the Army, like in any other walk of life, there must be law and order, which is impossible unless everyone obeys the rules and regulations gotten up by those in authority. When a man has cultivated the habit of obeying,—when obedience has become second nature with him,—he obeys the orders of his leaders instinctively, even when under the stress of great excitement, such as when in battle, his own reasoning is confused and his mind is not working. In order to win a battle the will of the commander as expressed through his subordinates down the line from the second in command to the squad leaders, must be carried out by everyone. Hence the vital importance of prompt, instinctive obedience on the part of everybody, and of discipline, which is the mainspring of obedience and also the foundation rock of law and order. And so could we go on indefinitely pointing out the object of each and every requirement of military training, for there is none that has no object and that answers no useful purpose, although the object and purpose may not always be apparent to the young soldier. And remember that the final object of all military training is to win battles. Advantages of Military Training The following are the principal advantages of military training: 14. Handiness. The average man does one thing well. He is more or less apt to be clumsy about doing other things. The soldier is constantly called upon to do all sorts of things, and he has to do all of them well. His hands thus become trained and useful to him, and his mind gets into the habit of making his hands do what is required of them,—that is to say, the soldier becomes handy. Handy arms are a valuable asset. [Pg 15] [Pg 16] 15. Self-control. In the work of the soldier, control does not stop with the hands. The mind reaches out,—control of the body becomes a habit. The feet, legs, arms and body gradually come under the sway of the mind. In the position of the soldier, for instance, the mind holds the body motionless. In marching, the mind drives the legs to machine-like regularity. In shooting, the mind assumes command of the arms, hands, fingers and eye, linking them up and making them work in harmony. Control of the body, together with the habit of discipline that the soldier acquires, leads to control of the mind,—that is, to self-control. Self-control is an important factor in success in any walk of life. 16. Loyalty. Loyalty to his comrades, to his company, to his battalion, to his regiment becomes a religion with the soldier. They are a part of his life. Their reputation is his; their good name, his good name; their interests, his interests,— so, loyalty to them is but natural, and this loyalty soon extends to loyalty in general. When you say a man is loyal the world considers that you have paid him a high tribute. 17. Orderliness. In the military service order and system are watchwords. The smooth running of the military machine depends on them. The care and attention that the soldier is required to give at all times to his clothes, accouterments, equipment and other belongings, instill in him habits of orderliness. Orderliness increases the value of a man. 18. Self-confidence and self-respect. Self-confidence is founded on one's ability to do things. The soldier is taught to defend himself with his rifle, and to take care of himself and to do things in almost any sort of a situation, all of which gives him confidence in himself,—self-confidence. Respect for constituted authority, which is a part of the soldier's creed, teaches him respect for himself,—self-respect. Self-confidence and self-respect are a credit to any man. 19. Eyes trained to observe. Guard duty, outpost duty, patrolling, scouting and target practice, train both the eye and the mind to observe. Power of observation is a valuable faculty for a man to possess. 20. Teamwork. In drilling, patrolling, marching, maneuvers and in other phases of his training and instruction, the soldier is taught the principles of team-work,—coöperation,—whose soul is loyalty, a trait of every good soldier. Teamwork,—coöperation,—leads to success in life. 21. Heeding law and order. The cardinal habit of the soldier is obedience. To obey orders and regulations is a habit with the soldier. And this habit of obeying orders and regulations teaches him to heed law and order. The man who heeds law and order is a welcome member of any community. 22. Sound body. Military training, with its drills, marches, and other forms of physical exercise, together with its regular habits and outdoor work, keeps a man physically fit, giving him a sound body. A sound body, with the physical exercise and outdoor life of the soldier, means good digestion, strength, hardiness and endurance. A sound body is, indeed, one of the greatest blessings of life. The Trained Soldier 23. Look at the trained soldier on the following page; study him carefully from top to bottom, and see what military training does for a man. THE TRAINED SOLDIER [Pg 17] [Pg 18] The Trained Soldier WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIM, EH? PART I DRILLS, EXERCISES, CEREMONIES AND INSPECTIONS CHAPTER I INFANTRY DRILL REGULATIONS (To include Changes No. 20, Aug. 18, 1917.) DEFINITIONS (The numbers following the paragraphs are those of the Drill Regulations, and references in the text to certain paragraph numbers refer to these numbers and not to the numbers preceding the paragraphs.) (Note.—Company drills naturally become monotonous. The monotony, however, can be greatly reduced by repeating the drills under varying circumstances. In the manual of arms, for instance, the company may be brought to open ranks and the officers and sergeants directed to superintend the drill in the front and rear ranks. As the men make mistakes they are fallen out and drilled nearby by an officer or noncommissioned officer. Or, the company may be divided into squads, each squad leader drilling his squad, falling out the men as they make mistakes, the men thus fallen out reporting to a designated officer or noncommissioned officer for drill. The men who have drilled the longest in the different squads are then formed into one squad and drilled and fallen out in like manner. The variety thus introduced stimulates a spirit of interest and rivalry that robs the drill of much of its monotony. It is thought the instruction of a company in drill is best attained by placing special stress on squad drill. The noncommissioned officers should be thoroughly instructed, practically and theoretically, by one of the company officers and then be required to instruct their squads. The squads are then united and drilled in the school of the company.—Author.) DEFINITIONS 24. Alignment: A straight line upon which several elements are formed, or are to be formed; or the dressing of several elements upon a straight line. [Pg 19] [Pg 20] Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Note.—The line A-B, on which a body of troops is formed or is to be formed, or the act of dressing a body of troops on the line, is called an alignment.—Author. 25. Base: The element on which a movement is regulated. 26. Battle sight: The position of the rear sight when the leaf is laid down. Fig. 2 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 27. Center: The middle point or element of a command. (See Figs. 2, 3 and 5.) (The designation "center company," indicates the right center or the actual center company, according as the number of companies is even or odd.—Par. 298.) 28. Column: A formation in which the elements are placed one behind another. (See Figs. 4, 5, 6.) 29. Deploy: To extend the front. In general to change from column to line, or from close order to extended order. 30. Depth: The space from head to rear of any formation, including the leading and rear elements. The depth of a man is assumed to be 12 inches. (See Figs. 4, 5, 6.) 31. Distance: Space between elements in the direction of depth. Distance is measured from the back of the man in front to the breast of the man in rear. The distance between ranks is 40 inches in both line and column. (See Figs. 4, 5, 6.) Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 6 32. Element: A file, squad, platoon, company, or larger body, forming part of a still larger body. 33. File: Two men, the front-rank man and the corresponding man of the rear rank. The front-rank man is the file [Pg 21] leader. A file which has no rear-rank man is a blank file. The term file applies also to a single man in a single-rank formation. 34. File closers: Such officers and noncommissioned officers of a company as are posted in rear of the line. For convenience, all men posted in the line of file closers. 35. Flank: The right or left of a command in line or in column; also the element on the right or left of the line. (See Figs. 2, 3 and 4.) 36. Formation: Arrangement of the elements of a command. The placing of all fractions in their order in line, in column, or for battle. 37. Front: The space, in width, occupied by an element, either in line or in column. The front of a man is assumed to be 22 inches. Front also denotes the direction of the enemy. (See Figs. 2, 3 and 5). 38. Guide: An officer, noncommissioned officer, or private upon whom the command or elements thereof regulates its march. 39. Head: The leading element of a column. (See Figs. 4, 5 and 6.) 40. Interval: Space between elements of the same line. The interval between men in ranks is 4 inches and is measured from elbow to elbow. Between companies, squads, etc., it is measured from the left elbow of the left man or guide of the group on the right, to the right elbow of the right man or guide of the group on the left. (See Fig. 3.) 41. Left: The left extremity or element of a body of troops. 42. Line: A formation in which the different elements are abreast of each other. (See Figs. 2 and 3.) 43. Order, close: The formation in which the units, in double rank, are arranged in line or in column with normal intervals and distances. 44. Order, extended: The formation in which the units are separated by intervals greater than in close order. 45. Pace: Thirty inches; the length of the full step in quick time. 46. Point of rest: The point at which a formation begins. Specifically, the point toward which units are aligned in successive movements. 47. Rank: A line of men placed side by side. 48. Right: The right extremity or element of a body of troops. 49. Note. In view of the fact that the word "Echelon" is a term of such common usage, the following definition is given: By echelon we mean a formation in which the subdivisions are placed one behind another, extending beyond and unmasking one another either wholly or in part.—Author. BATTALION IN ECHELON COMPANIES UNMASKING WHOLLY COMPANIES UNMASKING IN PART INTRODUCTION 50. Object of military training. Success in battle is the ultimate object of all military training; success may be looked for only when the training is intelligent and thorough. (1) 51. Commanding officers accountable for proper training of organizations; field efficiency; team-work. Commanding officers are accountable for the proper training of their respective organizations within the limits prescribed by regulations and orders. (2) [Pg 22]

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