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Manual of Aesthetic Surgery 1 PDF

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Werner L. Mang . Manual of Aesthetic Surgery 1 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Werner L. Mang MANUAL OF AESTHETIC SURGERY 1 • Rhinoplasty • Rhytidectomy Eyelid Surgery • Otoplasty • Adjuvant Therapies, Including laser Surgery 171 Medical Illustrations byHans Jörg Schütze 9 Plates of Surgical Instruments and 32 Photographs t Springer Professor Dr. med. Dr. habil. WERNER 1. MANG Ărztlicher Direktor der Bodenseeklinik Lindau Klinik fiir Plastische und Ăsthetische Chirurgie Unterer Schrannenplatz 1 88131 Lindau / Germany Tel. +49 (o) 83825094; Fax +49 (o) 838228932 Internet: www.bodenseeklinik.de APL-Professor, Klinikum rechts der Isar TU Miinchen Klinik fiir HNO / Plastische Operationen Ismaninger StraBe 22 81675 Miinchen / Germany Additional material to this book can be downloaded from http://extras.springer.com. ISBN 978-3-662-08481-6 ISBN 978-3-662-08479-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-08479-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mang, W. L. (Werner L.) Manual of aesthetic surgery / Werner L. Mang. p.; cm. Includes bibliographical references. Contents: 1. Rhinoplasty, rhytidectomy, eyelid surgery, otoplasty, adjuvant therapies, including laser surgery. ISBN 978-3-662-08481-6 1. Surgery, Plastic -Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Surgery, Plastic -Atlases. 1. Tîtle. [DNLM: 1. Surgery, Plastic - methods -Atlases. 2. Reconstructive Surgical Procedures - methods -Atlases. WO 517 M277m 2002] RDl19.M355 2002 617.9' 5-dc21 00-061916 This work is subject to copyright. AII rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcast ing, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplicationofthis publi cation or parts thereofis permittedonlyunder the provisions ofthe German Copyright Law ofSeptember 9, 1965, in its currentversion, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Viola tions are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. http://www.springer.de © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002 Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 2002 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 2002 The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protec tive laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product liability: The publishers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information about the application of operative techniques and medica tions contained in this book. In every individual case the user must check such information byconsult ing the relevant literature. Medical Illustrations: Hans T6rg Schiitze, K6ln Cover-Design: Erich Kirchner, Heidelberg Typesetting, printing and binding: Stiirtz AG, Wiirzburg Printed on acid -free paper SPIN 10709567 543210 This book is dedicated to my wife Sybille, and OUf children, Thomas and Gloria. Without their unswerving support, I would not have been able to write such a voluminous textbook in addition to my heavy workload at the dinic. They had to spend countless weekends and holidays without me. I hope that I can make it up to them some day. Introduction Aesthetic surgery is an interdisciplinary specialty. Its members are re cruited from the fields of surgery, gynecology, orthopedics, otolaryngol ogy (ENT), maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, and dermatology. In most cases, they are specialists who have become inter ested in practicing aesthetic surgery after completing their specialist training. Aesthetic surgery is not synonymous with plastic surgery. During their training in aesthetic surgery, aspiring aesthetic surgeons have to leam special surgical techniques, which are unfortunately not adequately de scribed in the postgraduate training catalogues. This manual has been prepared as an audiovisual medium. It presents the most important standard operations in the field of aesthetic surgery in a clearly understandable style. We hope that the manual will help young surgeons to leam the techniques of aesthetic surgery and - equally important - to avoid mistakes and complications. The Manual is primarily aimed at specialists in aesthetic surgery. How ever, it is also suitable for physicians who become interested in aesthetic surgery after finishing medical school who would like to find out about the field and for the natural target group of physicians who want to leam the techniques of aesthetic surgery after completing their specialist training. For this reason, Vol. 1 of the manual presents the following standard op erations in audiovisual form: - Rhinoplasty - Rhytidectomy - Upper eyelid surgery - Lower eyelid surgery - Otoplasty (anthelixplasty) - Laser surgery and adjuvant therapies, part 1 In line with the author's didactic concept, the manual is accompanied by a DVD video containing a video film of each operation and by a surgical atlas with 160 color illustrations. In the surgical atlas, the individual steps are shown again and explained in detail in the accompanying text. This structure allows the physician to reproduce each surgical step pre cisely and to master the associated techniques. VII There are obviously several variations of each surgical technique. The author has deliberately concentrated on the standard operations as his contribution toward "demystifying" the field of aesthetic surgery. This reflects his conviction that aesthetic surgery, like any other kind of sur gery, is a reproducible discipline which can be learned. The manual is designed to serve two purposes: the education of young surgeons and quality assurance in the field of aesthetic surgery. It is the only work of its kind available internationally. This manual was written at the urgent request of many of the numerous physicians who come to the author's dinic every day as observers. The objective of the manual is to give a large number of physicians asolid, broad, and interdisciplinary foundation in aesthetic surgery. This is evi dent at many points in the manual and especially in the words of intro duction written by the following authors: - George Brennan, MD, University Professor, ENTand Facial Plastic Surgery, New Port Beach, California, USA - Mario Ceravolo, MD, University Professor, General Plastic Surgery, Rome, Italy - Steven M. Hoefflin, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Plastic and Re constructive Surgery, Santa Monica, USA - Volker Jahnke, MD, University Professor, ENTand Plastic Operations, Charite, Berlin, Germany - Roland Kaufmann, MD, University Professor, Dermatology, Frankfurt, Germany - Corey Maas, MD, University Professor, ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, USA - Hamid Massiha, MD, University Professor, Plastic Surgery, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA - Ivo Pitanguy, MD, University Professor, Plastic Surgery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Gerhard Sattler, MD, Dermatology, Darmstadt, Germany - Rainer Schmelzle, MD, University Professor, Maxillofacial Plastic Sur- gery, Hamburg, Germany Volume 2 presents the standard aesthetic operations performed on the body. This volume has been prepared in partnership with internationally recognized aesthetic surgeons under the guidance of the author. It covers the remaining areas of aesthetic surgery comprehensively and profes sionally. With the publication of the manual, the entire spectrum of aes thetic surgery is now available in the form of an audiovisual system. VIII Volume 2 deals with the following surgical techniques: - Aesthetic surgery of the breast Liposuction Abdominoplasty (tightening of the abdominal wall) Tightening of the skin on the extremities Hair transplants Adjuvant therapies, part 2 The standardized surgical procedures described in detail in Vol. 1 of the manual are presented in abridged form below. Rhinoplasty About 70% of all functional-aesthetic rhinoplasties are performed to reshape long noses with a bump. For this reason, the manual presents a reproducible and simple technique for correcting this type of nose deformity. In addition, several variations are briefly described. During aesthetic nasal tip correction using the eversion method, a muco sal epitheliallayer inevitably remains following the rem oval oflarge por tions of the alar cartilage. The more the tip is reduced, the more excess skin there will be. This so-called Mang's triangle is resected following suturing in order to achieve nonirritable healing of the skin inside the nasal wings without step formation. Strictures and steno ses can be avoided by taking pains to leave the mucosa intact during the removal of alar cartilage. Furthermore, the removal of equal-sized triangles on both sides facilitates aesthetic shap ing of the nasal wings. Rhytidectomy Using the Tumescence Technique The manual presents a standardized surgical facelift operation using the tumescence technique. This procedure involves simple and gentle dis section with transection of the osteodermalligaments, as described by Hoefflin (Extended supraplatysma plane facelift called ESP lift. Dissection of the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS) is not necessary, since the sagging caused by the aging process is a problem oflipocuta neous tissue and - similar to breast ptosis - is not attributable to fascia and muscle layers at deeper levels. The method presented is standardized, easy to reproduce, and gentle to the tissue. In addition, it involves very little loss ofblood and yields excellent long-term results. The tumescence facelift technique presented here for the first time facilitates dissection and is therefore an especially good approach for newcomers to aesthetic surgery. This method of face lifting produces the best long-term results. IX Upper Eyelid Surgery Following the surgical steps shown in the manual, even an inexperienced aesthetic surgeon can perform upper eyelid blepharoplasty without any difficulty. The manual shows exacrly how the excess skin is removed symmetrically on both sides after the surgical area has been marked. In addition, it demonstrates the pointwise medial and intermediate separa tion of the orbital septum in preparation for liposuction. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is one of the most frequently performed op erations in the field of aesthetic surgery; it is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. This procedure achieves a dramatic aes thetic effect with a modest investment of surgical effort; moreover, it en joys a high degree of acceptance among patients. Lower Eyelid Surgery Lower eyelid blepharoplasty requires substantial surgical skill and ex perience. Whereas skin can be removed in the upper eyelid region with out any difficulty, the resection of excess skin in the lower eyelid area re quires great circumspection and restraint. The surgical technique pre sented takes account of all the important steps, such as surgical planning, liposuction, and skin resection. In addition, it provides precise instruc tions on how to prevent complications so that even a beginner will not make any serious mistakes. The operation can be carried out under local anesthesia or with a larynx mask. The most important points to observe here are the exact liposuction (of "baggy eyes"), proper hemostasis, and gentle skin resection. An inexper ienced surgeon should initially remove too little rather than too much skin. Otoplasty Out of the large number of otoplasty (anthelixplasty) procedures de scribed in the literature, the manual presents a surgical procedure devel oped by the author which successfully combines the converse and Sten ström operations. This operation is carried out in easily understandable anatomical steps. The auride is repositioned without any tension at a 300 angle; as a result of the removal of the concha, modest ear reduction is achieved. This operation is suitable for patients aged 6 or older; it can be per formed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. x Adjuvant Therapies, Part I Adjuvant forms of therapy administered during or after surgical pro ce dures - or as a single form of therapy - playa very important role in the area of aesthetic facial surgery. However, it is very important that the correct form of therapy should be selected for each type of skin aging. The manual presents a critical assessment of each individual method along with practical instructions enabling the surgeon to perform them independently. In the chapter on laser therapy and adjuvant therapies, a great deal of attention has been devoted to tricks, techniques, mistakes, and risks. As a result, even an inexperienced physician can quickly ob tain an overview of the most important procedures in aesthetic surgery currently performed on an outpatient basis. In Part 1 the film presents - Skin resurfacing with the ultrapulsed C0 laser 2 The atlas presents - Dermabrasion - Lipotransfer - Biological implants (collagen, hyaluronic acid) - Clostridium botulinum toxin In Part 2 many other current adjuvant therapies will be presented in the film. This manual has been created to put aesthetic surgery on a serious pro fessional foundation equal to that of the other surgical specialties and to offer standard techniques. Conscientious patient instruction, correct evaluation of the indication for surgery, and quality-oriented and standardized surgical techniques, together with good follow-up care, guarantee satisfied patients. WERNER L. MANG XI

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