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Preview Manual: Forbes Corporate Warrior

KEYBOARD COMMANDS move arrow keys fire weapon CTRL (hold down for rapid fire) choose weapon number keys (1 through 9) rotate thru weapons TAB change speed hold down SHIFT and arrow key strafe hold down ALT and arrow key increase Thrifty orientation Z or DELete A increase Luxury orientation or INSert sell stock/equity END buy back stock/equity HOME increase debt PG UP decrease debt PG DN scan competitor C answer the video phone SPACE BAR advanced Radar Mode R radar zoom in / zoom out +/- (press several times) shield On/Off S exit to main menu ESC 1 57463-9 From the DiaryofDr. Carolyn Hart DATE: 9.24.2006 FROM: Dr. Carolyn Hart ENTRY 1.0 TO: ProspectiveCorporateWarrior In mydaysattheacademy, a professortold methatthedisciplineofeconomicsexaminesa RE:The DSMI Helmetandyourmission world inwhich limitless needsandfinite resourcesgetrationed bya conceptcalled "price." In — medieval Europe, blackpeppercarried as muchvalueas precious metals because ittookovera I havespenta decadeofmylifedeveloping the DSMI helmet a devicewhich permits itswearer yeartoship pepperfromAsiatothecontinent. Similarly, in equatorial Africa, elitefamiliestraded to battlecompeting companiesand capture marketshare in a graphicallydisplayed real-time gold forsalt. Today, speed and deliveryofinformation promotea greaterselection ofgoods in the environmentreminiscentof20th centuryvideogames. The helmetempowersthewearerto marketplace. Real-time information allowssquadsofworkersto be roused from theirbeds in the instantaneouslyexecute manufacturing, distribution, marketing, sales, and investmentdecisions. middleofthe nightbased on point-of-saledata. Fuel tankers in theArctic reversecourseafterone phonecall based oncommodityprices. Forces beyond mycontrol have made itimperativethatI disappear, and I havechosenyou to Whatwould happen ifthose needscould be metatexponentiallyfasterspeeds. Whatifthe inheritmyinvention. I havearranged foryouto begiven a small amountofdigital cash an—dthe worldwere illuminated byaccessto perfectinformation? reinsofa startupcompany. T—hehelmetwillgiveyoutheopportunitytogrowthiscompany its Forone, there'd bean end to hunger: distribution channelswould open instantaneously. Asa earningsand itsstockprice atan astonishing speed.To helpyou trackyourprogress, profits result, scarcecommoditiescouldeasilybe replaced bygoodsfromcompeting producers. and growth statisticsare posted periodicallyon the helmet'sVital StatisticsCenter. Nopovertyorunemployment: hyper-competitive marketsforgoodswould guaranteethe lowestprices. Workerswould earn efficientmarketwages, could easily bewarnedofjob Onceyou puton the DSMI helmet, youwill becomeaCorporateWarrior. In thisworld, cash is obsolescence,would gain accessto instant, global labor needswhen theydecideto moveon. ammunition and amountofcash isyourhealth. Whatifsomeonecould access perfectinformation?Whatifsomeonecould see it, and hearit thesamewayweseeobjects?Achieving this has been mygoal fortenyears. Twentymore hours Good luck. will tell thetaleofmysuccess, orfailure. ENTRY 1.5 I can'tbelieve it: aworking prototype. Tothink I'veactuallydepicted marketforcesthrough a graphical user interface! Butmyown physical reflexesaretooslowtoadapttothedevice's rapid stimuli. Using thistool in a real-timevirtual business matrixwill bea problem. Need tofinetune theoptical data displays, and implementtheaudiofeatureset. ENTRY2.0 Snuckovertothe Food Station forcoffee. Feel likea fugitive. Startedto memorizethefacesof people I seewhen I leave home. Carl atthe Food Station wished mea happybirthday. I had for- gotten all aboutit. I'd liketo blamethis lapseon stress, butcometothinkofit, I forgotmybirth- daylastyeartoo. ENTRY2.5 ENTRY4.0 Need atleastfive hours uninterrupted concentration to mapoutOptical andAural Stimulus Things havetaken a turn fortheworst. Someone broke into myhome. Mybogus lab notesfor MarketInterface. (OASMI?) (Need a betteracronym.) the invention havedisappeared, which meansthey'll be backforthe real thing. I havealreadygained access byremoteconnection totheworld'sexchanges. Everysecurities, ENTRY4.5 — commodities, commercial and consumertransaction appearsas usabledata. Sodo interestrates, I thinkabouttraders liketheon—ewho lives in mybuilding. Howwould someone likethat inflation, GNP, and all majoreconomic indicators. perform ifhe had perfectinformation ifheemployed the—DSMI helmet?Ambitionwouldn'tbe ENTRY3.0 a problem. Trading reflexeswould serveasan advantage it'stheirlackofperspectivethat Itworks! Thereceptorsoftwaretracked mark—etactivityand economic indicatorsatten times concerns me. Tradersaretoo reckless, toocapricious. Howcouldtheyvaluecustomerwants, a thespeed ofthefastestcentral statistical engine and all ofthis information isaccessiblethrough healthycash stream, thesignificanceofpriceand quality?Carelessness inanyoftheseareas a single interface. New name: the DirectStimulusMarketInterface (DSMI) helmet. causes instantfailurewhenyou usethe DSMI helmet. ENTRY3.5 ENTRY4.6 Hadthe mostpeculiarvisitorattheofficetoday. Said hewasfrom a research organization. Whatifa traderhad a little help? I could download mypersonalitytoa Neural Feature The man offered mea suspiciouslylucrativefellowshipopportunity. I saidwhyso much. Said he Extraction Cartridgeand embed thecartridge intothe DSMI helmet. Then, atleastI could be knewmywork. Buteven mycolleaguesdon'tknowwhatI'm reallydo—ing. I even keepa setoffake virtuallypresenttoadvise. lab notesthatdocumentthecreation ofa computer-simulated market notan actual VR ENTRY5.0 connection toreal-world markets. Beforegoing tothe Food Station this morning I puta small pieceoftapewherethefrontdoor Consequently, I called the registraroveratthe Foundation Complex. Shetold methey had no meetsthe jamb. Thetapewasoutofplacewhen I returned. How'dtheygeta key? Whoever recordoftheacademic research foundation myvisitorsaid hewasfrom. I did a namesearch on entered gotnothing: I had destroyed all myreal lab notes, and myDSMI helmetmanual is hidden thegrid. Hedoesn'texist. Then I checked theaddresson his businesscard. Upcomesthe nameof in thesamefileasthisdiary. Iftheywantto understand myresearch, they'll havetogetitfrom me a research subsidiaryofTheGroupofTwelve. An information cartel! News reports blamed them personally. forthedisappearanceoftwoWorldCourtJudges lastyear. ENTRY6.0 TheGroupofTwelvealreadypossessa similarinformation device, buttheirs is moreexpen- Downloading my personalitytocartridge may notbeeno—ugh. I contacted fivetrusted sive, hasfewerfeatures, and istightlycontrolled. Iftheyweretoobtain the DSMI, theywill have colleaguesand apprised them ofthereal aimsofmyproject and I explained mypredicament. effectivelycornered the marketon perfectinformation. Thatwould change myeconomic model— I'll re-codethe interfaceso its information is mirrored to mycolleagues' PCsanytimethe DSMI is from a benign—marketplacetoa malevolenttheaterofwar, wherethe hoarding ofinformation connected tothegrid. Ifthedevicefalls intothewrong hands, they'd beabletoexpose its misuse. and resources byanelitegroup,would generate monopolies, shortages, stockpiles, destitution, Alternatively, ifI find someoneworthyenough toactivatethe DSMI helmet, they'd beavailableto domination, and oppression. advisethem. I increased bandwidth capacityin the DSMI helmettoaccommodateavideo phone: ensurCeletahralty,itsI nteecehdnotloofgiyndisswoimdeeolnyediwshtroibcutaend.learn tousethe DSMI helmetifI disappear, and mycoI'llllaedamguietsitwiwlalsbetoaubclheintgotcoalsleaenytthiemme!worryaboutmysafety.Theysaid, "Carolyn, to hell with the project, it's notworth compromisingyourlife."Touching. ButI've lived a solitaryexistencefor so long....keeping itall to myself, likea spy. Even now, Forbes ® Corporate Warrior nearing theend ofthe project, Ican hardlyimaginetheday-to-dayhappiness I'vesacrificed. Ican Business is War: Succeed and Get Rich or Fail and Liquidate cqhuaaonttiIi'cfv,yetscruoocmucbeelsestdo,itnchitivhniekliolzfaabtt,ihoneb.uhtelhmoewtdasoaynouarqiutahnmteitfiycallolvyedaernidvefdrigeinfdts—hipa?giftofordertoour wFohrebreesaCllorbpuosrianteessWtarrarnisoacrttiaoknsesarpelaccoenidnucatefudturiinstoinc,ecguitathnrtoavti,rtucaalpiatarleinsati.c,Theelreectraorneicnowobrolrdders, ENTRY7.0 nocountriesand justthree rules: Pressure istoo much. Toodistracting. Havevacated homeentirely. Cutoffall contactwith RULE 1: Supplywhatyourcustomersdemand. others. Need atleastsixmore hourstocompletethisthing. Sleptfouroutofthe last30 hours. Must RULE 2: Elevateyourstockprice. appointa userto bring the DSMI onlineforreal, andtosharethesecretsofsuccesswith the rest RULE 3: Constantlyreplenishyourcash stream. ofthe businessworld. Failureto perform inanyofthesecategorieswill resultina fatallyearlyretirementplan. Forbes ENTRY7.5 Corporate Warriorsatisfiesyour megalomaniacal urgetocaptureworld markets, wagewaronthe I thoughtitwassafeatwork. Someone proved mewrong byransacking myoffice. Asecurity competition and getinsanelyrich intheprocess. Cash isammunition and amountofcash isyour administrator named LexLoughead saidthatitwascompulsoryformetovisitthesecuritydepotfor health. Raiseyourstock pricetothetopofthegraph towinthe—level. Fightandcapture an interview "to insureagainstfurtherlapses in security." I've neverheard ofanysuch routine competitor's customerswith ninefuturisticweaponsofbusiness ordiean illiquid, insolvent, practice, norofanysecurityadministratornamed Lughead, orLoughead. I panicked. Stayed till it inconspicuouscorporate death. wasdark, turned outthe lights inthe lab, climbed down thefireescape, ranto mycar. Package Contents This meansthatnow, I have no job, andone lessplacetogo. • FORBESCorporate WarriorCD-ROMdisc ENTRY9.5 • FORBESCorporate WarriorUser'sGuide I need atleasttwo more hourstofinish detailing the instructions, and thefinal download ofmy • Registration Cardwith LicenseAgreementandWarranty personalitytothe Neural Extraction Cartridge. System Requirements ENTRY 10.0 • PCwith486DX2/66 MHzor higherprocessor (Pentium 90orhigherstrongly Businessaswar. Havingworked as research cybereconometrician all mylife, I never recommended) sympathizedwith theanalogyofthe marketplaceas battlefield. Through the ruthlessactsofvarious 8MB RAM companies, I nowunderstand thatin orderto prevail againsttheseselectand powerful few, you • 30MBavailable hard diskspace amutsrtuebeChorapvoerwaittehWeaqrurailorf.erNocoitthy.inNgonleetsshewliellssd,o.I still believethathonorand integrityaretheactsof • SVGAgraphics (256colorswith 640x480 resolution) ENTRY 11.0 • Double-speed CD-ROMdriveorfaster I coulTdheredaollwynlusoeadaicsufpinoifshceodf.feTeh.e DSMI helmetis packaged. Shall I riska triptothe Food Station? •• MMPoCu-sceomopractoimbplaetisboluendpocianrtding device (Joystickoptional) LOG-NO FURTHER ENTRIESAVAILABLE • Windows®95 Registration Information Tobeeligibleforfree productinformation and specialoffers, registerbymailwiththeenclosed card, onlineathttp://www.byronpreiss.com, orvia e-mail [email protected]. Installing the Disc Main Menu 1. RestartWindowsand do notstartanyotherapplications. TheMain Menu appearsatthe beginning ofeverygameand 2. Insertthe ForbesCorporate Warriordisc intoyourCD-ROMdrive. accessed atanytimeduring thegame bypressing 43S..taTClyriptceikntShgtearttl,ehttetehreDonifssyecoleucrtCRDun-RfrOoMmdtrhievepofpo-lulpowmeednbuy.: Asetup ENSeC.wMGaakemeyou-rClsieclkecttoiosntaartnda cnleicwkgOaKm.e. 21.. CSleilcekctStParrot.grams, then selectBPMCfrom thesidepop-upsubmenu. LSoaavdeGGaammee--CClliicckkttoolsoaavdeatheprceuvriroeunstlygasmaev.ed game. 3. Highlightand clickthe icon forForbesCorporate Warrior. Help-Clicktoviewhelpscreensand keycommands. Exiting the Disc Afterviewing helpscreens, press "Cancel" on theMain Toexitthistitle, doanyoneofthefollowing: Menu to return tothegame. •Press ESC then clicktheQUITbutton. Credits-Clicktoviewthecreditsscreens. •Hold down theALTand F4 keys. Multiplayer-Clicktostarta multiplayergame. •ClicktheQUITbutton on theMain Menu. Quit-Clicktoquitthegame. Skipping the Introduction CQluicikcaktaSntyartitmeto bypasstheopening screens. The Vital Statistics Center 1. StartForbesCorporate Warrior. TheVital StatisticsCenter (VSC) screen isdisplayed atthe beginning ofeach level. Thisstreamlined 2. Click HELP in the main menu and readthrough all helpscreens. financial summaryisyourreal-time reportcard; itexplainsyourstatusgoing intothe nextlevel. 3. ClickNEWGAME onceyou are backatmain menu. YoucanalsoactivatetheVSC byclicking thetableton thedeskinyouroffice. Thedetailed busi- 4. ClicktheVR helmetlying on thedesk. ness modelvariablesaredisplayed in theVital StatisticsCenterasfollows: 5. When thevideo phoneon bottom rightturnsgreen, pressSPACE BARfor importantinformation. Level Number: Current level number. Thegameconsistsof 15 levels. 6. Usethe radar in the lowerleftcornerofthescreen to help locatecompetitors Stock Price: Currentpriceatwhich oneshareofstockcan besoldorpurchased. z(roeodmdoitns)anadndoubtonbuyspwreesaspiongnsthaen+damnadrk-etkesyhsa.re (whitedots). You can CPEasRha:tio: RLiaqtuiiodofastsheetsProincehaofndt.hestocktothe Earningsofthecompany. 7. Usethearrowkeystocruise around untilyou spotacompetitor. Shootcompetitors bypressing theCTRLkey. Asyou shoot, youwill bestealing customers, reducing the Earnings: Quarterlynetincome. competitor's marketsizeand increasingyourmarketsize. MarketSize: Potential quarterlyrevenueforyourcompany. 8. Run overbonus marketsharecubesto pickup marketshare. Debt: Amountborrowed and currentlyowed. 9. Find newweaponsand run overthem toacquire. PressTABtoswitch Equity: Percentofstock held byyourcompany (treasuryshares). betweenyourweapons. Outstanding Shares: Numberofshares issued. 10. PressAorZtoalignyourproductsupplywithyourcustomer'sdemand, NetMargin: The percentageofrevenue leftafterdirectcostsareexpensed increaseearningsand boostyourstockprice. butbeforeoperating costsand overhead areexpensed. 11- To reach the nextlevel,you mustgetyourstockpricetothetopofthegraph. Distribution Range: Rangeofweapons (b—etween 1 and 100). 4. Videophone Fixed Operating Costs:Quarterlyfixedcosts increaseswhenyou make more luxuriousgoods. When thevideophoneturnsgreen, press SPACE BARtogethintsfromyourtrusted advisors. InterestRate: Annualized interestrateon debt. 5. Stock Price Graph Variance: Difference betweenyourorientation and marketorientation (see below). Each level takes placeoverfourquarters. Getyourstockpricetothetopofthegraph beforethe MarketOrientation: Whatyourcustomers reallywant(1 = thrifty, 100 = luxury) fourth quarteroryouwill be liquidated. Boosting earningsand marketsize isthe bestwayto CompanyOrientation: Whatyourcompany makes (1 = thrifty, 100 = luxury) improveyourstock price. Competitors Disabled: Numberofcompetitorsyou eliminated in the previous level. 6. News Ticker Shows important (and notso important) newseventsthatmayaffectyourcompany. 7. Birds Eye Radar The Game Screen Competitorsareshown in red. Bonusweaponsand marketshareareshown inwhite. Press +/- D1i.spPlalyasyiemrporSttaanttissttaiticssticsabout s8e.veWraelatipmeosntozNoaommein aInnddioucta.tPorress Rtotoggle between regularand advanced radar modes. yourcompany. Displaysthe nameofthecurrently selectedweapon. You begin with onlyoneweapon (the Price Cash-liquid assetson hand. Slicer) and find more in advanced levels. PressTABornumberkeystochangeweapons. Earnings-quarterly netincome (increases cash when positive, decreasescashwhen Macroeconomic Events negative). Theeconomyvaries in each level. Economiceventsaredisplayed in the newsticker. Each level is Debt-amountborrowed and currentlyowed. characterized byeitherboom or bustevents. Sometimes macroeconomic eventscauseconsumer Equity-percentownership inyourcompany demand toshift. In a recession, forexample, consumersasa grouptend todemand morethrifty, (whenyou sell stockthis numbergoesdown). economical goods. Thiswill affectyourearningsand stock price. MarketSize-representsthevalueof customerbaseas measured by potential The Landscape quarterlygross revenue. Thearena has nogeographical significance. The landscape isa graphical representation of 2. Supply and Demand Indicator markets. Wallsare marketbarriers such asgovernmentregulation. In real life, onecorner might Showswhatyou make (topwhitearrow) andwhatyourcustomerswant (bottomwhitearrow). Also representthe marketforchildren's bicycleswhileanothercornermightbetheadultbicycle market. showsthesameforthecompetitoryou scanned orshotlast (red arrows). Adjustwhatyou makeso Moving into new marketscostsa little money. Sometimesyou can find untapped marketsfreefor thatitmatcheswhatyourcustomerswantby pressing theAand Z keys. thetaking (theseappearon the radaraswhitedots). Moreoftenyou havetofightcompetitors 3. Competitor Statistics for markets. Displays importantstatisticsaboutyourcompetitor. Watch thechanges in competitor'sMarketSize togaugeyourweapon'seffectiveness. Ifthecompetitoris in range, this information appearswhen you fireorpress "C". Thriftvs. Luxury SUPPLY Productsand customerscan becategorized byhoweconomical theyare. In real life, generic Thrifty pharmaceuticalsareThriftyproductswhile highlyadvertised, branded pharmaceuticalsare In thisexample, Weaponsthatpromote Goods Luxuryproducts. Itcould bethatthesetwo productsare identical. Whatmatters isthecustomer's quality (Ad BlasterorMarketing Missile) DEMAND perception and whatthecustomerwants. arethe mosteffectivebecausethe AboutYour Company competitor is producing economical Yourcompanymakesanything orperformsanyserviceyou can imagine. Itdoesn'tmatterwhat goods buthiscustomerswantmore you makeordo; whatmatters isthatyou meetcustomers' demandforpriceand quality. upscalegoods. What it Means to Meet Customer Demand In real life, companiesdo notmakeexactlywhattheircustomerswant. There isalwaysa degree ofcompromise. Forexample, yourcompanymightsell 90octanefuel even though someofyour SUPPLY customerswould ratherbuy87octanefuel and paya littleless. Until anothergascompanyshows upwith 87octane, thosecustomerswill continuetobuyfromyou. iiiiMimii mmtmtm Luxury In thegame, thedifferencebetweenwhatyou supplyandwhatyourcustomersdemand iscalled "Variance." LowVariance isgood. The lowertheVariance, the harderitisfora competitortosteal DEMAND awayyourcustomers. Lowvariance results in higherearningsand stockpriceforyou. You adjust In thisexample, PriceWeapons (PriceSlicerorPrice Pounder) arethe mosteffectivebecausethe Variance bypressing theAand Z keys. Adjusting supplytoward Luxury ("A" key) is moreexpen- competitoris producing luxurygoods buthiscustomerswantmoreeconomical goods. sivethan towardThrifty ("Z" key). Variance hasa greatimpacton earningsandyourstockprice. Sometimesa minoradjustmentin Supplyisenough to boostyourstockpricetothe nextlevel in the HI game. Scanning Competitors You can obtain importantcompetitive information byputting thecross-hairon thecenterofa competitorand pressing "C". Thecompetitor'sVariance (supplyand demand) characteristicsare displayed atthetopofthescreen (red arrows) and thecompetitor's name, stockprice, cash and cemfaafsrehkc.teitvSeos.mizeTethieamrseeasdmicesopmclpoeamtypieetdtoiratstivtaehreeintofouoptrmroiafgthirtoanonfgiesthorebetqsauciirrenieenndg.wyPhoreeusnstioynogmuo"vfCie"reciwlsoefsareepreofnaorsndsactdaocneonmsipnengtoitttororebsdeubcuet wcInohmatphteisthiietsxoarc'muspsltceou,msetriots'msewhraasnrtwd.antFotu.srttYehaoelurmacowaraen,ytrytyoheushcaooromtepienmtgaiktaoirns'gpseclciuuaxslutrowymeegarospoodbnsecw(athuhiesceThahkieseonivsoetmrawkThoiarntpgetdheeox,actfolry thisSrteedaucleisngcasAh.way Competitor's Customers e(ixnatmhpilsec)asoerabdyjupsrteswshiangttyhoeu"sZu"ppkleyy).toNmooter:epclroessesliyngmatthech"Zw"hakteythiencthoimspeetxiatmorp'lsecwuislltodmeecrrsewasaent Stealing customersfrom competitors isan importantgoal. Tosteal awaycustomersyou haveto earningsand makeyou morevulnerabletoattack, so becareful. In higherlevelsyoucan try adjustyourVarianceappropriately, hita competitorwiththe rightweapon and avoid getting hit allyingwith a priceoriented company (CarpetBaggerforexample) and havetheallydisablethe TTAVlH£pB^^^HBHHBMMHMHMBMBp^^^^^IH yaonudrseZlfk.eyYso.u adjustVariance by pressing theA competitorforyou. Weapons Dodging Competitive Fire Weapons representthetoolsofbusiness. Mostweaponsaredesigned tosteal customersaway Itis importanttododgecompetitivefire. Youcan easilygetintoa no-win slugfestwhereyou are from competitors. Asyou useaweapon, watch thecompetitor's marketsize in the upperright stealing customersawayfrom thecompetition asfastastheyarestealing customersawayfrom Tchorenreeraorfetthheresecrteyepne.sYoofuwregaopaolnsis:toPrdiceec,reQausaelitity. and Special. yfiorui.ngYwohuilceanretarveoaitdintghi(sCsTiRtLua+tioDnObyWNstraAfiRngROthWec+omSpHeItFiTt)o.r (pressing ALT+ARROW+ CTRL) or Price Weapons Radar Priceweapons includethe PriceSlicerandthe Price Bomb (moreexpensiveand powerfulversion The radargivesyou a birdseyeviewofthe playing field. Yourcompanyisthewhitearrowin the ofthe PriceSlicer). In real life, priceweaponsarethetacticsand actionsthatcompanies useto center. Competitors appearas red dotswhile bonusweaponsand marketsharecubesappearas promote price, such as heavydiscounting, couponing, and priceguarantees. whitedots. The radarallowsyou toseeobjectsthatarefaraway (press "-" repeatedlytozoom Quality Weapons out) and nearby (press "+" repeatedlytozoom in). Qualityweapons includetheAd Blasterand Marketing Missile (moreexpensiveand powerful Advanced Radar Mode version oftheAd Blaster). In real life, qualityweaponsarethetacticsand actions thatcompanies Press "R"totoggle between "Advanced" and "Normal" radar mode. Advanced radar modegives useto promotequality. Forexample, hiring a celebritytoendorseyourproduct, ortargeting you a bird's-eyeviewofthe playing field, includingwalls. Advanced RadarMode is particularly advertising contenttoa particularcustomerdesire. useful fornavigating through the upperlevel mazeenvironments. Special Weapons PAC Shield Special weapons includethe Head Hunter (stealsawaythecompetitor'stoptalentand makes it The PAC (Political Action Committee) Shield protectsyou from competitorsand isactivated by moreexpensiveto move), Distribution Disruptor (stealsawaythecompetitor'sweapon range), pressing "S."ThecostofkeepingyourPAC shield on iscomputed asa percentageofyourcash on Legal Laser (freezesthecompetitor) andTakeoverTorpedo (acquirescompetitorand competitor's hand; cash continuestogodown as long astheshield ison. The PAC shield isexpensivesouse it markets). In real life, Special Weaponsaretacticsand actionsthatimpacta company'soperations sparingly. directly, unlike Priceand QualityWeapons, which steal customers. Selling Stock to Raise Cash Weapons Acquisition Cash can be increased byselling shares inyourcompany. Tosell stock, pressthe END key. Each You acquireweapons byrunning overthem. Importantweaponsareoften found nearwherea timeyou pressthe END key, 5%ofyourcompanyissold atthecurrentshare price. Youcan'tsell competitorwasdisabled. Ifyou run overa weaponthathasalready been acquired, your morethan 100%ofyourcompanyso becarefulwhenyou decidetosell. Youcan buybackshares distribution (weapon range) is increased slightly. anytime bypressing the HOME key. Buying backshares reducescash. Remember, "buylowsell Firing Weapons high." PresstheCTRLkeytofirethecurrentlyselectedweapon. Hold down theCTRLkeyforrapid fire Increasing Debt to Raise Cash action. Someweaponsareveryexpensiveso becareful whenyou hold down CTRL. Some Cash can be increased byraising debt. To increasedebt, pressthe PAGE UP key. Debtcan only whietatpoobnese(ftfheectTivaek.eoverTorpedo, Legal LaserandAlliance Harpoon, forexample) requirea single be raised ifyou have positiveearnings. You mayreducedebtbypressing the PAGE DOWN key. Basic Business Assumptions The business model in thisgame makessome basic assumptionsaboutbusiness. Knowing them will helpyou succeed asaCorporateWarrior. Multiplayer Given equal marketsizes, and all else being equal, acompanyproducing luxury Clickon "Multiplayer" in theMain Menu to playthe head-to-head version ofForbes Corporate gaStoolocadkrsgepwriiilcmlephaiacsvtmeoosnhtilsgythoeacrkfeupanrrcintciieo.nngsoftheaanrnaincgso.mpAansmyalplroidnuccreiansgetihnrifetayrgnoiondgss.will have NWeartrwioorrkoGvaermeth"eiIfnyteoruneatroerhaonstyinngetawomraktcthhatorsu"pJpooirntastNheetTwCoPr/kIPGapmroet"ocoifl.yoCuliacrkeotnhe"Sstearctonad Acompanyproducing luxurygoodswill have higherfixedoperating coststhan a playerto log on. The personwho isstarting the networkgamewill begiven his IPaddress companythatproducesthriftygoods. which he should then giveto hisopponent. Itcosts moretoconverttoa luxurygoods producer (bypressing theA key) than it coststoconverttoa thriftygoods producer (bypressing theZ key). Theclosera competitor'ssupplymatchescustomerdemand (i.e. the lowerits market variance), the moreshots ittakestosteal awayall ofthecompetitor'scustomers. Thecloseryour products match yourcompetitor'scustomerdemand, theeasierit The Competition istosteal awaythosecustomers. Helpful Hints Carpetbaggers Read the help screens. Behavior: Wanderers. Setmonitorto 256colorsto improvegamespeed. Hold down CTRLwhen you fire. Orientation: Tend to producethriftyeconomical goods. Ifoneweapon's notworking, tryanother. MarketSize: Nothing towrite homeabout. Press "R" togetthe layoftheland. Cash: Notexactlyrolling in it. Press "+" and "-" several timestozoom the radarin and out. Weapon Range: Good range. Abouta one iron. Read the HintMefileforan in-depth listofhints. Speed: You can leavethem in thedustin run (SHIFT) mode. Selectyourweapon carefullyoryou willwasteyourcash. Try pressing ALTwhenyou move. Run mode: Avoid getting hitbypressing SHIFTand pressing an arrowkey. Besuretoadjusttowhatyourcustomerswantbypressing theAorZ keys. Undercutters wSceaanpnoinngdeispfernede.sTohnetphreicseitoufatwioena.ponsdep—endson the level. Theeffectofthe Behavior: Wanderers. Becareful notto useyourshield too much itdrainscash. Orientation: Usuallysell atcutthroatprices. You don'talways haveto killyourcompetitorstowin. MarketSize: Aboutaverage. Shooting thealliance harpoon makesyourcompetitoran ally. Cash: Respectable butnota heavy. Numbers in red mean you are in the negative. Weapon Range: Abouta five iron. Ifyour marketsize issmall, fixed operating costs maycauseyourearningsto Speed: You can leavethem in the dustin run (SHIFT) mode. be negative no matter how lowyourVariance. Tensor-Tech Titans Martini Men Behavior: Wanderers. Behavior: Wanderers. Orientation: Tendtoproduce high-end goods. Orientation: Appreciate luxurygoods. MarketSize: Makesyou salivate justthinking aboutit. MarketSize: On the small side. Cash: Practically printmoney. Cash: Notexactlyrolling in it. Weapon Range: Good range, abouta oneiron. Weapon Range: Good range. Abouta one iron. Speed: Notexactlyquickontheirfeet.Outrunthem in run (SHIFT) mode. Speed: You can leavethem in the dustin run (SHIFT) mode. Conglomerados Spikers J Behavior: Won'tmesswithyou unlessyou messwith the Behavior: Stalkyou in groups. Orientation: Usuallyproduce upscalegoodsand services. Orientation: Usually produce high end luxurygoods. MarketSize: Sitting on a big pileofcustomers. MarketSize: Betterthan a kick in thepants. Cash: High rollers. Cash: Checksalwaysclearbutthey're notgiving itaway, Weapon Range: Good, abouta one iron. Weapon Range: Goodweapon range, abouta one iron. Speed: Conglomeradosstay in one place. Speed: You can leavethem in thedustin run (SHIFT) mode. Nifty Thrifties Behavior: Stalkyou. Orientation: Tendtoproducethriftyeconomical goods. MarketSize: Nothing to sneezeat. Prizes, Contests and Competitions Cash: Deep pockets. In orderto seeyour highestscore, click"FORBESCorporate WarriorHigh Score&Contests!" from Weapon Range: Goodweapon range, aboutafive iron. the pop-up submenu. With an Internetconnection and a Web browser, postyourscoreand enter Speed: Fasterthanachicken atavoodooceremony. contests! Visithttp://www.byronpreiss.com and http://www.forbes.com formore information. Piranhas Technical Support Services Behavior: Stalkthe playerin packs. Orientation: Tend to produce rock bottom thriftyeconomical goods For help using thisdisc, pressthe ESC keytogotothe main menu, then click HELP, and then MarketSize: Small. clickOK. Ifyou still need assistance, pleasecall ourtechnical supportlineat 1-970-339-7137, Cash: Sitsatthefivedollartable. 24 hours-a-day, 7days-a-week. Weapon Range: Abouta seven iron. Speed: Fast, you can'toutrun them.

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