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Preview Man’s participation in God’s perfections according to Saint Gregory of Nyssa

ST'UDIA ANSELMIANA METOY~IA eEOY PHILOSOPHICA THEOLOGICA MAN'S PARTICIPATION IN GOD'S PERFECTIONS EDIT A A PROFESSORIBUS INSTITUTI PONTIFICII ACCORDING TO SAINT GREGORY OF NYSSA S. ANSELMI DE URBE by , . FASCICULUS LV DA VID 1. BALAS, S. O. Ost, P-O~NT-IF~IC-IU-M -IN-ST-IT~U.TU-M- S.- A-NS-EL-M-I -~ -RO-M-AE- -~ -19-66 n. B. C.» LIBRERIA HERDER ~ ROMAE ~ 1966 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Table of contents v Preface VII Abbreviations - «S igla » IX Bibliography XI I. Sources.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI NIHIL OBSTAT II. Works and Articles on St. Gregory of Nyssa ........... XIV Ex Abbatia B. M. V. de Dallas, die IS Iunii I965 III. General Works........................................ XVII t ANSELMUS NAGY Abbas de Dallas et Vicarius Abbatis Praesidis Introduction I Congregationis Zircensis 1. The Theme of Participation before St. Gregory of Nyssa .... I 2. The Theme of Participation in St. Gregory of Nyssa: « Status Quaestionis» ..... ...................................... . 14 3. Aims and Plan of Our Investigation ..................... . 18 I. The Hierarchy of Being 23 IMPRIMATUR 1. The Rejection of Subordinationism: No Intermediary between Ex Abbalia S. Mariae Cryptaeferratae, die IS martii I966 God and Creature ................................... . 23 ffi THEoDoRus 2. The Theme of the « Division of Beings» in the Works of Gregory 34 3. The Hierarchy of Being: a Synthetic View ............... . 50 Arch. Ordinarius 4. The Place of Participation ........................... . 52 II. The Participation in Divine Goodness 54 I. Analysis of CE I Ch. 22................................ 54 2. Divine Goodness and Its Participation before Gregory...... 64 3. God as Absolnte Goodness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4. The Participants of Goodness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 III. The Partaking of Divine Life I. Analysis of CE III, VI 66-80 ........................... . 2. Life as a Divine Attribnte before Gregory ............... . 3. God as Life Itself ................................... . 4. The Participation of the True Life •..................... VI Table 0/ Colttents IV. The Participation in Being 100 1. De Vita. lVloysis II 22-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 2. The « Real Being» and Its Participation before Gregory.... 102 3. God as the Real' Being ................................ 108 PREFACE 4- The Participation in Being . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II5 V. The Negative Implications of Participation: The Onto logical Difference between God and the Spiritual Creatures 121 Early in the course of my theological studies at the PontificiltJlt I. « By Participation» vs. « By Itself» ...................... 121 Athenaeum Anselmianwln, Rome, I was introduced to the works 2. Composition vs. Simplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 and the doctrine of St. Gregory of Nyssa under the direction of the 3· « More and Less» vs. Infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Rev. Polycarp Sherwood, O. S. B., then Professor of Patristics at 4- Mutability vs. Immutability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 5· Temporality vs. Eternity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Sant'Anselmo, and soon I, began a more thorough investigation of the thought of this author. With the progress of my study of Greg VI. The Positive Implications of Participation: « Partici- ory's works I realized more and more the central importance of pation» in the History of Salvation . . . . , . . . . .. 141 the idea of participation in his theology. I came to the conclusion 1. Participation and the Primordial Vocation of Man... . . ..... 142 that a deeper investigation of this notion should precede inquiries 2. Participation and Redemption in Christ .................. 150 3· Participation and Spiritual Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 152 into other aspects of his doctrine. The result is the present book. 4· Participation and Eschatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5. The Partaking of God» ................................ 158 I feel deeply grateful to all who in so many ways have assiste~ « me by their counsel, criticism, and suggestions, in particular: the Conclusion .... -' ' .. , .. 162 Rev. Polycarp Sherwood, O. S. B., the Rev. Cyprian Vagaggini, Appendix: Plutarch's De Iside and Osir1:de and St. Gregory O. S. B., then the Dean of the Theological Faculty at the Ansel of Nyssa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 168 mianum, the Rev. Alphonse Kemmer, O. S. B., the Rev. Jean Gribomont, O. S. B., and Prof. Endre von Ivanka, Graz. Indices 171 I would also like to give special thanks to the Right Rev. 1. Index of N alnes ........................ . ........... . Anselm Nagy, S. O. Cist., Abbot of the Cistercian Monastery «Our Lady II. Index of Greek Words ............................... . III. Index of Subjects ................................... . of Dallas», Irving, Texas, and Vicar of the Abbot of Zirc, Hunga IV. Index of Analyzed Texts of Gregory ................. . ry, for the possibility of prolonged theological studies and of conti nued scholarly work, and to several of my confreres, without whose generous technical help and constant encouragement the present work could not have been finished, also to the Administration of the University of Dallas for the reduction of my teaching load in order to facilitate the completion of this work. Though my mother tongue is Hungarian, the English text is mine; for some corrections I am indebted to the Rev. Polycarp Sherwood and Mr, Don R. Scho!, VIII Pre/ace Finally I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Rev. Jean P. Muller, O. S. B. for having accepted my work for publica tion in the Studia Anselmiana. ABBREVIA TrONS - «SIGLA» May this study on a theologian of a still undivided Christia nity be a modest contribution to the renewal and reunion of Chris tians in our times. BZ Byzantinische Zeitsclll'ift· CE Contra Eunomium January, I965 DAVID L. BALAs S. O. Cist. DSp Dictionnaire de la Spiritualill! asceUque et mystique Cistercian Monastery DTC Dictionnaire de tlu!ologie catllolique Route 2, Box I DTP Divus Thomas (Piacenza) Irving, Texas 75060, U. S. A' EC E'/Iciclopedia Cattolica EF Enciclopedia Filosofica EO Ecllos d'Oriellt ER The Ecclesiastical Review GCS Die griechischen clwistlichen Schriftsteller del' el'sien drei ] ahrhunderie Lampe G. W. H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, (Oxford, 1961 tJ.) LCC Library of Chri~tian Classics LfThK Lexikon fiir Theologie 'lind Kirche (2nd ed.) Liddell-Scott .H. G. Liddell - R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed., Ox ford, 1940) OChP Orientalia Christiana pel'iodica PG lYligne, Patrologia Graeca Ph] Philosophisches ] ahrbuch PW Paulys Realencyklopadie del' klassischen A ltertwl/.swissellscliaft RACh Realle:¥ikon fiir A ntike u'/Id ClwisfentulII RAM Revue d' asceUque et de mystique REAug Revue des Etudes Augustinie'/1.nes REByz Revue des Etudes byzantines RevSR Revue des Sciences religieuses RHE Revue d' H istoire Ecclesiastique RESP Revue des sciences philosopkiques et theologiques RSR Recherches de science religieuse RTh Revue Thomiste SA Studia A nselmiana SCh Sources chretiennes Sch Scholastik SVF ]. von Arnim, StoicoruJ/I VeteruHl Fragmenta, vo1s. I-III (Leip zig, 1903-05) x Abbreviations - « Sigla » Th Coli. T Ju!%gie ThL Theologische Literaturzeitung ThWzNT Theologisches Worterbuch ZUlli Neue'll Testament BIBLIOGRAPHY 1'5 Theological Studies TU Texte und Untersuchungen ZUI' altchristlichen Literatul' L Sources. VCh Vigiliae c1wistianae VM Vita Moysis I. ST GREGORY OF NYSSA. ZfKg Zeitschrilt IiiI' Kirchengeschichte ZfkTh Zeitsclwilt IiiI' lwtholische Theologie a) Editions. ZfntW Zeitschrilt fUr die neutestamentliche Wissel/schalt und die Kunde diw iilteren I{i rche Note: We refer to the works of St. Gregory of Nyssa by indicating 1. the (usuallly abbreviated) title and subdivision (if any) of the work (books are indicated by Roman, chapters and paragraphs by Arabic numerals), 2. the volume, page, and (if necessary) lines of the critical edition used (Ro man numerals refer to the corresponding volume of the edition directed by W. JAEGER, « Sr. » to the edition of the Or. cat. by J. H. 5RAWLEY; the edi tion of the De vita 1I10)Jsis by J. DANr:hou is referred to simply by indica ting the subdivisions of the work into paragraphs), 3. volume and column of Migne PG. Of the complete critical edition of Gregorii Nysseni Opera, under the di rection of '0l. JAEGER - continued since his decease by H. LANGERBECK - the following volumes have been published (Leiden: Brill): Volumen I: Contra Eunofl1'ium Libri. Iteratis curis edidit Wernerus IAE GER. Pars prior: Liber I et II (Vulgo I et XIIB), 1960. Volumen II: Contra Eunomiutn Libri. Iteratis curis ediditWernerus JAEGER. Pars ahera: Liber III (Vulgo III-XII); Reflttalio Confessionis Eu- nomii (Vulgo Lib. II), 1960. Volumen III, Pars I: OPera Dogmatica 1I1illora, Pars I. Edidit Frideri cus MUELLER, 1958. Volumen V: In PsalmoY/lim Inscriptiolles. Edidit Jacobus McDONOUGH; In Sextum Psalmum de Octava. Edidit Jacobus McDONOUGH; In Ecclesiasten Homiliae. Edidit Paulus ALEXANDER, 1962. Volumen VI: In Canticutn CanticoruJIl. Edidit Hermannus LANGER BECK, 1960. Volumen VIII, Pars I: Opera Ascetica, Ediderunt Wernerus JAEGER, J. P. CAVARNOS, Virginia Woods CALLAHAN, 1952. Volumen VIII, Pars II: Epistulae. Edidit Georgius PASguALI. Editio ahera, 1959. For the Or. cat. and the De vita 1I10ysis 1 we have used the following se parate editions: The Catechetical Oration of Gregory of Nyssa. Edited by J. H. SRAWLEY = Cambridge Patristic Texts (Cambridge, 1903; reprinted 1956). We refer also 1 I was not able to use yet vol. VII, I of the critical edition of Leiden: De Vita Moysis. Edidit H. MUSURILLO, 1964. XII Bibliography I. Sources·· XIII to the subdivisions of the chapters found in L. M:ERIDIER, Gregoire de Nysse, There are, on the other hand, some surely authentic works, not contai Discours CatecMtique (Paris, 1908). ned in PG 44-46: Gregoire De Nysse, La vie de lYIolse ou !mite de la perfection en matiere Ad EustatMum de San eta Trini!ate: GregorU Nysseni OPera III, I, pp. de vertu. Introdnction et traduction de J. DANI:ELOV. Deuxieme edition revue 3-16: PG 32, 684-696. et augmentee du texte critique ~ ·SCh I bis(Paris, 1955). De 1:nstituto christiano: Gregorii Nysseni Opera VIII, I, pp. 40-89 (in For all the other works of Gregory not contained in these editions the PG 46, 287-306 only an excerpt is given). text used is that of the PG 44-46. The new introductions to the reprint of tliese volumes (Turnhout: Brepols, 1959) contain complete information on other older editions (cf. also J. QUASTEN, Patrology . III (Westminister, MId., 1960) c) Chronology of his wor/ls. pp. 254-296). For the chronology of Gregory's works cf. beside the introduction of P G and the general patrologies referred to above, especially J. DANI:ELOU, La chro- nologie des sermons ... ; ID., Le mariage ... ; ID., Gregoire de Nysse, La vie de MOise, b) A uthenticity of his works. pp. II-X; DIEKAMP, Literargeschichtliches ... ; JAEGER, Gregorii Nysseni OPera II, pp. VI-XIII; ID., Two Rediscovered Works ... , pp. 14-36 and 1I5-I42; LIESKE, Concerning the authenticity of Gregory's works, systematic information p. 54 n. 18; PASQUALI, Le lettere ... ; VOLKER, p. II n. I; LEBOURLIER, pp. 179- is given in the new introduction to the reprint of PG 44-46 (cf. also O. BAR 180. DENHEWER, Geschicltte del' altkirchlichen Literatur. Vol. III (Freiburg i. B., 1923,) pp. 188-220 and 671-672; QUASTEN, loco cit.). According to the present d) Translations. state of research, the following works cannot be considered as authentic (or are at least of dubious authenticity): The translations we have given of Gregory's texts try to follow more closely his thought and terminology than the extant versions. The following PG 44, 257-298: In verba « Faciamns Hominem I' Homiliae II. English translations, however, have been often consulted and partly used: (Cf. J. DANIELOU, La chronologie ... , pp. 349-350; Merki, Select Writings and Letters of Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa. Translated, with = pp. 165-173). Prolegomena, Notes, and Indices, by W. MOORE and H. A. WILSON A Se- 1327-1346: De eo quid sit « ad imaginem et silnilitudinem ll. lect Library of Nicene and Post-Nicelle Fathers of the Christian Church. Secol)d 45, 187-222: De anin/a. Series, vol. V. (New York, 1893). 1281-1302: Adversus Arium et Sabellht/ll. . (Cf. MUELLER in Gregori Nys- St. Gregory of Nyssa: The Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes. Translated and = seni OPera III, I, p. LXI). Annotated by H. C. GRAEF Ancient Christian Writers, vol. XVIII (West 46, 193-234: Testimonia adversus Judaeos ex Veteri Testamento. minster, MId., 1954). 541-542 : Contra lYI anichaeos oratio. Christologj' of the Later Fathers. Edited by E. R. HARDY and C. C. RICH 627-652 : In resurrectionem. Christi oratio I I. ARDSON = LCC 3 (Philadelphia, 1954). - Contains Ad Abl. (pp. 256-267) 683-690: In resurrection em Christi oratio V. and the Or. cat. (pp. 268-325). 819-850: De vita S. P. Epll1'aem Syri. From Glory to Glory. Texts from Gregory of Nyssa's Mystical Writings. 893-958: De vita B. Gregorii Thaumaturgi. Selected and with and Introduction by J. DANI:ELOU, Translated and Edited 1I01-1I08: Ep. XXVI.: Ad Evagritun monaclmm, de Divinitate. (Cf. by H. MUSURILLO (New York, 1961). F. REFOUL:E, La date de la le/tre a Evagre (PG 46, 1I01- Note: all the other available translations are indicated in the new intro 1I08): RSR 49 (1961) 520-548). duction to PG 44-46. l1I2B: Fragmentu.m 4. (Gregory's interpretation of « primogeni tus is quite different in the authentic works). II lII2C: Fragmentmn 5. (It shows a much more developed Chris 2. OTHER AUTHORS. tological doctrine than Gregory's authentic works. Cf., however, QUASTEN, op. cit., pp. 281 and 283 on this Ep. a) Church Fathers. ad Philippitm). 1I1I-1I26: Fragmentum 6.: ex libro « De cognitione Dei ll. The works of the Greek Fathers are referred to or quoted according to II25-1I26: Fragmentu1Il 7. (The distinction between « Deus II et « Di the GCS (indicating the number of the volume of their works - in Roman vinitas II is not found in Gregory's authentic works). numerals - page and lines) or the PG (indicating the number of the volume II51-II82 : De occursu Dom.ini. - in Arabic numerals ~ and column). XIV Bibliography II. Works a'nd Articles on St. Greg~ry 0/ Nyssa xv ~~~~~~~~~~--~--~-- b) Non-Christian Authors. 10., G'Yigoire de Nysse et Plotin: Congres de Tours et Poitiers (Paris 1954) 259-262. Non-Christian Greek writers are referred to or quoted according to the 10" Gregorio Nissen.o, santo: EC 6 (Cittit del Vaticano, 1951) 1096-II1I. Loeb Classical Library. Often quoted works, not included there, and thus re 10., Le mariage de G'Yigoire de Nysse et la chronologie de sa vie: REAug 2 (1956) ferred to according to separate editions are: 71-78. ALBINUS, Epitome. Ed. P. LOUIS = Nouvelle Collection de textes et do- 10" Le mystere du c'!tlte dans les sermons de saint G'Yigoire de Nysse: VOIn christ- cuments (Paris, 1945). lichen NJysteriwn. GesaJnmelte Arbeitell ZUlli Gediichtnis von 0, Casel PLOTIN, Emu!ades. Ed. E. BREHIER = Collectioll des UlIiversites de France (Dusseldorf, 1951) 76-92. (Paris, 1924-1938). 10., NJystique de la tenebre chez Gregoire de Nysse: DSp 2 (Paris, 1953) 1872- PORPHYRIUS, Isagoge. Ed. A. BUSSE (Berlin, 1887). 1885. PROCLUS, The Elements of Theology. A revised Text with Translation, 10., Notes sur trois textes eschatologiques de swint Gregoire de Nysse: RSR 30 Introduction and Commentary by E. R. DODDS (Oxford, 2I963). (1940) 348-356. Other separate editions occasionally used are indicated in the footnotes. 10., La notion de confins (P.c:e6pLO~) chez Gregoire de Nysse: RSR 49 (1961) 16I-197· 10., Platonistlle et tMologie mystique. Doctrine spirituelle de saint Gregoire de = Nysse Th 2 (2nd ed.; Paris, 1954). II. Works (ttld A rticles on St. Gregory of Nyssa. 10., La resurrection des corps chez Gregoire de Nysse: VCh 7 (1953) 154-170. 10., Saint Gregoire de Nysse dans l'histoire du monachisme: TMologie de la vie Note: These works are quoted simply by the name of the author (and monastique. Etudes sur la tradition patristique = Th 49 (Paris, 1961) I31- the first words of the title if there are several works of the same author). I41. 10., La typologie de la semaine au Ive siecle: RSR 35 (1948) 382-411. ARMSTRONG, A. H., Platonic Elelllentsin St. Gregory of Nyssa's Doctrine of DIEl{AMP, F., Die Gotteslehre des hi. Gregor von Nyssa I (Munster 1896). NIa'/l: Dominica'll Studies I (1948) II3-126. 10., LitB1'argeschichtliches Zit del' Eunomianischen J(ontroverse: BZ 18 (1909) 10., The Theory of the Non-Existence of Nlatier in Plotinus and the Cappado- 1-13· cians: Stlldia Patristica V = TV 80 (Berlin, 1962) 427-429. DORRIES, H., Christlicher HUI/Ianism1ls 'lind monckische Geistethik: ThL 79 AUFHAUSER, ]., Die Heilslehre des hI. Gregor von Nyssa (Mitnchen, 1910). (1954) 643-656. BALTHASAR, H. V. von, Prese1lce et Pen see. Essai sur la philosophie religielfse FLEURI, F., Le sens de /a « division des sexes » chez Gregoire de Nysse: RevSR de Gregoil'e de Nysse (Paris, 1942). 27 (1953) lO5-II 1. BAYER, ]., Gregors VOIl Nyssa Got/esbegriU (Giessen; 1935). GAtTH, ]., La conception de la libertt! chez Gregoire de Nysse = Etudes de phil. CALLAHAN, ]. F., Greek PhilosoPhy and the Cappadocian Cosmology: DUll/- mediiv. 43 (Paris 1953). barton Oaks Papers II (1958) 29-57. GILLET, R" L' homme divinisateur cosmique dans la pen see de saint Gregoi1'e 10., Gregory of Nyssa and the Psycholog'icat View of Time: Atti del XII. COII- de Nysse: Studia Patristica VI = TV 81 (Berlin, 1962) 62-83. gresso hlternazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 1958 (Firenze, 1960) 59-66. GOMES DE CASTRO, M., Die Trinitiitslehre des hl. Gregor von Nyssa = Freiburger CHERNISS, H., The Platonism of Gregory of Nyssa (Berkeley, 1930). Theol. Studien 50 (Freiburg i. B., 1938). CORSINI, E., Nouvelles perspectives SHr Ie problellle des sou,rces de l'Hexaellleron GONZALEZ, S., La formula MIA 'OY~IA TPEI~ TIIO~TA~EI~ en san Grego- de G'Yigoire de Nysse: Studia Patristica 1 = TV 63 (Berlin, 1957) 94-103. rio de Nisa = Analecta Gregorialla 2I (Roma, 1939). DANIELOU, ]., Akoloutllia chez Gregoire de Nysse: Rev SR 27 (1953) 219-249, ID., El realisll10 platonico de S. Gregorio de Nisa: Gregorial1ulII 20 (1939) I89- 10., L'apocatastase chez saillt G'Yigoire de Nysse: RSR 30 (1940) 328-347. 206. 10., La chronologie des sermons de saillt Gregoire de Nysse: Rev SR 29 (1955) GRIBOMONT, J" Le De Instituto Christiano et Ie 1I1essaUanisme de Gregoire de 346-372. Nysse: Studia Patl'istica V = TU 80 (Berlin, 1962) 312-322. 10., COII/ble dumat et eschatologie chez Gregoire de Nysse: Festgabe Joseph Lortz GRONAU, C., De Basilio, Gregorio Nazianzeno Nyssenoque Platonis imitalo- II (Baden-Baden, 1958) 27-45. ribus (Gottingen 1908). 10., Essai sur Ie mystere de l'kistoire (Paris 1953). 10., Poseidonios und die jiidisch-christliche Genesisexegese (Leipzig, 1914). 10., L'etat du Christ apres la mort d'apres saint Gregoire de Nysse: Historisches HERMANN, G., Gregor-ii Nysseni sententiae de salute adipiscenda (Halle, 1875). J ahrbuch 77 (1958) 63-72. HILT, F., Des hi. Gl'egors von Nyssa LeIwe vom NI el1schen systematisch darge- 10., E~ttlol1le, l'Arien et l'exegese neoplatoniciemle d'll Cratyle: Revue des Etudes stellt (KOln, 1890), grecques 69 (1956) 412-432. HOLL, K., AmpMlochilts von Ikonium in sei'uelll Ve1'hiiltnis zu den grosse'll 10., Gregoire de Nysse et Ie Messalianisme: RSR 48 (1960) II9-134. Kappadoziern (Titbirigen -Leipzig, 1904). XVI Bibliography III. General Works XVI! ID., Ueber die Gregor von Nyssa zugeschriebene Sohrift « Adversus Arhtm et Sa- MERlO, H., 'OM0101:11: 0E!) Von del' platonischen Angleiclmng Gottes zur bellium »: ZfKg 25 (1904) 380-398. Gottiilmlichkeit bei Gregor von Nyssa = Paradosis 7 (Fribourg, I952). HORN, G., Le miroir et la nuee. Deux modes de connaissance de Dieu chez S. MEYER, W., Die Gotteslehre des Gregor von Nyssa (Leipzig, 1894). Gregoire de Nysse: RAM 6 (1925) 378-389. MOELLER, E. G., Gregorii Nysseni doctrinam de Ito minis natura et jUustravii ISAYE, G., L'U/nite de l'operation divine dans les ecrUs de S. Gregoire de Nysse: et Ctl·1n Origeniana comparavit ... (Halle, 1854). RSR 27 (1937) 422-429. MUCKLE, J. T., The Doctrine of St. Gregory of Nyssa on 1I1an as Image of God: IvANKA, E. von, Die Auto/'schaft del' Homilien El~ 't"0 IIo~'~O'wfl-e:v O!v6pwrrov Mediaeval Studies 7 (1945) 55-85. xed e1x6va '~fl-e:'t"€pav xal 0fl-0(wO'w. M. P. Gr. 44, 257-297: BZ 36 (1936) NluELLER, F., Del' zwanzigste Brief des Gregor von Nyssa: Hermes (1939) 66-91. 46-57. OTIS, B., Cappadoda}/. Tho/Jght as a Coherent. System: Dumbarton Oaks Papers ID., Die QueUe von Cicero's De natura deorum II, 45-60 (Poseidonios bel Gre- 12 (1958) 95-124. gor von Nyssa): A rchivum Philologicllin 59 (1935) 10-21. PASguALI, G., Le lettere di Gregorio di Nissa: Studi italia'ni di Filologia Clas- ID., VOIII PlatonislIIlts ZitI' Theorie der Nlystik: Sch II (1936) 163-195. sica 3 (I923) 75-I36. JAEGER, W., Two Rediscovered Works of Ancient Christian Literature: Greg- PELLEGRINO, M., It platonismo di S. Gregorio Nisseno nel dialogo intorno al- ory of Nyssa and lYlacarhts (Leiden, 1954). l'anima e alla rislwrezione: Rivista di Filosofia neo-scolastica 30 (1938) JANINI CUESTA, J., La Antropologia y la Medici'lla Pasloral de San Gregorio 437-474- de Nisa (Madrid, 1946). REBECCHI, L., L'a-ntropologia naturale di S. Gregorio Nisseno: DTP 46 (1943) KEMMER, A., Gregorius Nyssenus est-fie inter fontes J oa-nnis Cassiani n'ltJlle- I76-195, 309-341. randus?: OChP 21 (1955) 451-466. REICHE, A., Die kiinstlerischen Elemente in del' Welt und Lebeusanschauung ID., Gregor von Nyssa und Ps.-NIa karius. Del' Nlessalianisl1l'lls illl Lichte ostli- des Gregor von Nyssa (Jena 1897). cher Herzensmystik: Antonius NI agnus Eremita, Studia ad antiqlllllll 1110- SCHOElvIANN, J. B., Gregors von Nyssa theologische Anthropologie als Bildtheo- nachismul/1 specta'lltia = SA 39 (Roma, 1956) 268-282. logie: Sch 18 (1943) 31-53, 175-200. ID., Nlessalianism'lts bei Gregor VOII Nyssa IIlld Pseudo-Nlakari'lls: ReVile be- SOELL, G., Die .!VIariologie del' Kappadozier im Licht del' Dogmengeschichte: 11I!dictine 72 (1962) 278-306. Theologische Quartalsclwift I3I (1951) 163-188, 288-319, 426-457. KNACKSTEDT, H. 0., Die Theologie del' Jllngfriiulichkeit beim hI. Gregor von SUTCLIFFE, E., St. Gregory 0/ Nyssa and Paradise: ER 84 (1931) 337-350. Nyssa (Roma, 1940). UNTERSTEIN, K., Die uatiirliche Gotteserkenntnis nach der kappadozisclten KOCH, H., Das mystische Schallen bei}/I hl. Gregor von Nyssa: Theologische Kirchenviitern Basi/ius, Gregor von Nazianz und Gregor von Nyssa: Pro- Quartalschrift 80 (1898) 397-420. gramm des kath. hum. Gymnashttns Strallbing fill' das Schuliahr 1901-2, KRAMPF, A., Del' Urzusta-nd des lYlensclien Hach del' LeIwe des hI. 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Esquisse d'une doc- = trine NIuseum Lessiamtm, Section tMologique 49 (Paris, 1951). III. General TF orks. LIESKE, A., Die Theologie del' Christllsmystik Gregors von N)lssa: ZfkTh 70 (1948) 49-93, 129-168, 315-340. MCCLEAR, E., The Fall of Man and Original Sin in tlte Theolog)1 0/ Gregory ABRAMOWSIG, L., Zur Theologie Theodors von Mopsuestia: ZfKg 72 (1961) of Nyssa: TS 9 (1948) 175-212. 263-293. MCGARRY, W. J., St. Gregory of Nyssa and Admn's Body: Thought IO (1935- ALBERTS, M., Untersuchungen ilber die Schriften des Eunomhts (Wittenberg, 36) 8.1-94· 1908). MALEVEZ, L., L'eglise dans Ie Christ: RSR 25 (1935) 257-291, 418-443, ALTANER, B., Augustinus, Gregor von Nazianz 'lind Gregor von Nyssa: Revue MERIDIER, L., L'influence de la seconde .sophistique sur l'oeuvre de Gregoire .Benedictine 61 (1951) 54-62. de Nysse (Paris-Rennes, 1906). ID., Patr%gie (5th ed.; Freiburg i. B., I958). 2 XVIII Bibliography III. 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Tommaso d'Aquino rD., PlothUts' Doctrine of the Infinite and its Significance for Christian Thou-ght: (2nd ed., Torino, 1950). Downside Review 73 (1955) 57-58. FESTUGIlmE, A. J., Divinisation du chretien: Suppl. Ii la Vie Spirituelle 59 ID., Salvation, Plotinian and Christia11: Downside Review 75 (1957) 126-139. (1939) 90-99. ARMSTRONG, A. H. - MARKUS R. A., Christian Faith and Greek PhilosoPhy ID., L'enfant d'Agrigente: Chretientt! 6 (Paris, 1941). (London, 1960). ID., L'ideal religieux des Grecs et I'Eva.ngile (2nd ed., Paris, 1932). = ARNOU, R., De « Platonis'lllo » Patrum Textus et Documentc~, Series Theolo- FINANCE, J., de, Etre et agir dans la Philosophie de saint Thomas (Paris, 1945). gica 21 (Roma, 1935). GEIGER, L. B., La participation dans let philosophie de S. Thomas d'Aqui-n ID., Platonisme des Peres: DTC 12 (Paris, 1935) 2258-2392. = Bibliotheque Thomiste 23 (2nd ed., Paris, 1953). 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N., Infinity in Plotinus: a Reply: Gregorianulit 40 (1959) 75-98. GRUBER, G., ZQH. Tl1esen, Stufen und Jltlitteilu-ng des waliren Lebens bei CORSINI, E., Il trattato « De divinis nOlninibus » dello Pseudo-Dionigi e i eollt- = Origenes 1I1iinchener Theologische Studien, II Syst. Abteilung 23. Band menti neoplatonici al Parmenide (Torino, 1962). = (Munchen, 1962). CROUZEL, H., Origene et la « conaissance mystique)) Jltluseum Lessianum, GUTHRIE, W. K. C. - GIGON, 0., etc., Recherches sur la tradition platollicienne Section thiologique 56 (Paris-Bruges, 1961). = = Entretims sur I' antiqltite classique 3 (Vandoevres-Geneve, 1958). ID., Thiologie de l'image de Dieu chez Origene Th 34 (Paris, 1956). HANSE, H., « Gott ltaben)) in del' A11tike Wild illl fri/lim Christentwl!. Eine re- DALMAIS, 1., Divinisation, II. Patristique Grecque: DSp 3 (Paris, 1957) 1376- ligions - und begritJsgeschichtliche Unters'ltclmng = Religionsgescliichtliche 1379. Versuche ulld Vorarbeiten 27 (Berlin, 1939). DANIELOU, J., Message evangelique et cultlwe hellenistique aux lIe et IIIe siec- les = Histoire des doctrines chretiennes avant Nict!e II (Tournai, 1961). HANSE, H., [I.€'t'exw, etc.: ThWzNT 2 (1935) 830-832. HAUCK, F., xOLv6~, etc.: ThWzNT 3 (Stuttgart, 1938) 789-810. ID., Origen (transl. by W. Mitchell) (New York, 1955). HENLE, R. J., Saint Thomas and Platonism: A Study of the Plato and Plato- rD., Theologie du judeo-Christianisme = Histoire des doctrines chretiennes nic Texts in the Writings of Saint Thomas (The Hague, 1956). avant Nict!e I (Tournai, 1958). HENRY, P., Hellenisfll.us 'lind Christelltum: LfThK 5 (Freiburg i. B., 1960) DELLING, G., [I.€'t'aA·t]\jn~, [I.€'t'C(AC([I.~avc»: ThWzNT 4 (Struttgart, 1942) II. 215-222. DODDS, E. R., - THEILER, W., etc., Les sources de Plorin = Entretiens SII-r ID., Les etats du texte de Ploti'll = 1I1useum LessiaollulII, Section philosophique l'untiquite classique 5 (Vandoeuvres - GenEwe, 1960). 20 (Paris, 1938). Xx Bibtiography III. General Works XXI HOFFMANN, E., l\IIethexis und Meta:ry be'i Platon: Jahresberichte des philolo- ID., ed., Theology and Evolution. A Sequel to Evolution and Theology by Va- gischen Vereins :m Berlin 45 (Berlin, 1919) 48-7°. rioHs Writers (London-Glasgow, 1949). ID., Platonisl1Ius 1md Mystik im AltertulII = Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger l\1uRALT, A. de, De la Participation dans Ie Sophiste de Platon: Studia Philo- Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos. -hist. ](lasse. J g. 1934-35. 2. Abhand sophica 17 (1957) 101-120. lung (Heidelberg, 1935). l\1uSZNER, F., ZOH. Die Anschauung vom « Leben» im vierten Eva'l1gelillll/. = HOPFNER, TH., Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegyptiacae Fontes Historiae 'IInler Beriicksichtigung del' Johannesbriefe. Ein Beitrag ;mr biblischen ReligiollulI1 ... Fasc. II, Partes I-V (Bonn, 1922-1925). Theologie = 1I1iinchel1er Theologische St1ldiB1l, I. Hist. Abteilu1lg, 5, Band ID., Plutarch iiber Isis und Osiris. 2 vols. (Prag, 194°-1941). (Miinchen, 1952). HUBER, G., Das Sein und das Absolute. Studien zur Geschichte der ontologischen NAPOLI, G. di, La cOl1cezione dell'essere nella filosofia greca (Milano, 1955). Problematik in del' spatantiken Pkilosophie = Studia Pkilosophica, Suppl. NORRIS, R. A., l\IIanhood and Christ. A Study i'n the Christology of Theodore VI (Basel. 1955). of M opsuestia (Oxford, 1963). IVANKA, E. VON, Del' Aufbau del' Schrift « De divinis nomin,ibus» des Pseudo- ORBE, A., Hacia la pri'l1lera teologia de la procesiol1 del Verbo = Estudios Va- Dionysios: Sch 15 (1940) 386-393. lentinianos I, I = Analecta Gregoriana 99 (Roma, 1958). ID., Helle'llisches und Clwistliches im frUhbyza'lltinischen Geistesleben Wien, 1948. PESCH, W. - SCHLETTE, H. R., Teilhabe. I. Biblisch, II. Problemgeschichtlich ID., Palamisl/l.'l.ts 'ulld Vatertradition: 1054-1954. L'Eglise et les Eglises II (Che 1f'11d syslematisch: Handbuch theologischer GrundbegritJe II (Miinchen, vetogne, 1955) 29-46. 1963) 630-64I. ID., Plato Clwistiamts. UebeY'Jlahllle und Umgestaltwng des PlatonisJnlts durch PETAVlUS, D., Dogmata Theologica, 8 vols. (Ed. nova, Paris, 1865-1867). die Vater (Einsiedeln, 1964) . PHILIPPE, M. D., La participation dans la Philosopkie d'Aristote: RTh 49 ID., PlatoniSllt'lts und Neuplatonismus: Handbuch theologischer GrundbegritJe (1949) 254-277. II (Miinchen, 1963) 324-334. POHLENZ, M., Die Stoa. Geschichte einer geistigen Bewegung I-II (2nd ed., G6t In., Teilltaben, Hervorgang und Hierarchie bei Pseudo-Dionysios und bei Prok- tingen, 1959 and 1955). los: Actes du Xlo Congres International de Philosophie, Bruxelles, 1953. PRESTIGE, G. L., God in Patristic Thought (2nd ed., London, 1952). Vol. XII (Amsterdam, 1953) 153-158. PUECH, A., Histoire de la litterature grecque clm!tie'l1l1e depuis les origines i ItS- JAEGER, W., Early Christianity a.nd Greek Paideia (Cambridge, Mass., 1961). qu'd la fin du IT10 siecle. 3 vols. (Paris, 1928-1930). ID., Nemesios von ElIlesa. Quellenforschungen zwn NMtplaton'isJllus und seine'll PRUCHE, B., ed., Basile de Cesade: TraUe du Sa'int-Esprit = SCh 17 (Paris, Anfangen bei Poseidonios (Berlin, 1914). 1947). KEMMER, A., Maria mid Martha. Zur Deut'ungsgeschiclite von Ll~ 10, 38ff. QUASTEN, J" Patrology, 3 vols. (Westminster, Md., 1950-1960). illl alte'll Monchtum: Erbe und Au/trag 40 (1964) 355-367. RAD, G. von - BERTRAN, G. - BULTMANN, R., ~aw, ... etc.: ThWzNT 2 (1935) LADNER, G. B., The Idea of Reform. Its Impact on Christian Thought and Ac- 833-877. tion in the Age of the Fathers (Cambridge, Mass., 1959). RAHNER, H., Die Gottesgeburt. Die LeIwe del' Kirchenvater von del' Geburt Chri- LEBON, J., Le sort du « Consubstantiel» niceel!: RHE 47 (1952) 485-529; sti im Herzen des Glaubigen: ZfkTh 59 (1935) 334-418. 48 (1953) 632-682. REINHARDT, K., Posidonios von Apameia, del' Rhodier genan,lIt: PW 43 (1953) LOT-BoRODINE, M., La doctri'/le de la deification dans l'Eglise grecque jusqu'au 558-826. Xlo siecle: Revue de l'histoire des religions 53 (1932) 5-43, 325-574; 54 RogUES, R., A propos des sources du pseudo-Denys: RHE 56 (1961) 449-464. (1933) 8-55. ID., L'univers dionysien. Structure hierarchique d'll moude selon le Pseudo-Denys LUBAC, H. de, Sttrnaturel = Th 8 (Paris, 1946). = Th 29 (Paris, 1954). MAINBERGER, G., Die Seinsstujung als 1I1ethode und Metaphysik. Untersll- Ross, W. D., Aristotle (5th ed., London, 1949). chung libel' « 111 ehr und Weniger» als Grundlage Zit einem mogUchen Got- Id., Plato's Theory of Ideas (Oxford, 1951). tesbeweis bei Platon umd Aristoteles = Studia Friburgensia, Neue FoI SCHWYZER, H. R., Plotinos: PW 41 (1950) 471-952. ge 24 (Fribourg, 1959). SEESEMANN, H., Del' BegritJ KOINONIA im Neuen Testal/lent (Giessen, = MARECHAL, J., Etudes sur la Psychologle des l11ystiqlles II l\IIuseum Les- 1933). sianul11, Section philosophique 19 (Paris, 1937). SHERWOOD, P., The Earlier Ambigua of Saint 1I1aximus the Confessor al/d His MEINHOLD, P., Pneumatomachoi: PW 21 (1951) ro66-rro1. Refutation of Origenism = SA 36 (Roma, 1955). MERK1, H., Ebenbildlichkeit: RACh 4 (1959) 459-479. SLOMKOWSK1, A., L'etat primitif de l'hol1m1B dans la tradition de l'eglise avant MERLAN, PH., From Platonism to Neoplatonism (The Hague, 1953). saint Augustin (Paris, 1925). :MESSENGER, E. C., Evollltion a1ld Theology. The Problems of Man's Origin (Lon- SOHNGEN, G., Die neuplatonische Scholastik 'lind l\IIysUk del' Teilhabe be'i Plotin; don, 1931). PhJ 49 (1936) 98-120,

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