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Managing Mobility in an Always-Best-Connected IP Network PDF

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J Y V Ä S K Y L Ä S T U D I E S I N C O M P U T I N G 170 Jari Kellokoski Managing Mobility in an Always-Best-Connected IP Network JYVÄSKYLÄ STUDIES IN COMPUTING 170 Jari Kellokoski Managing Mobility in an Always-Best-Connected IP Network Esitetään Jyväskylän yliopiston informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan suostumuksella julkisesti tarkastettavaksi yliopiston Agora-rakennuksen auditoriossa 2 elokuun 9. päivänä 2013 kello 12. Academic dissertation to be publicly discussed, by permission of the Faculty of Information Technology of the University of Jyväskylä, in building Agora, auditorium 2, on August 9, 2013 at 12 o’clock noon. UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ JYVÄSKYLÄ 2013 Managing Mobility in an Always-Best-Connected IP Network JYVÄSKYLÄ STUDIES IN COMPUTING 170 Jari Kellokoski Managing Mobility in an Always-Best-Connected IP Network UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ JYVÄSKYLÄ 2013 Editors Timo Männikkö Department of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä Pekka Olsbo, Sini Tuikka Publishing Unit, University Library of Jyväskylä URN:ISBN:978-951-39-5268-6 ISBN 978-951-39-5268-6 (PDF) ISBN 978-951-39-5267-9 (nid.) ISSN 1456-5390 Copyright © 2013, by University of Jyväskylä Jyväskylä University Printing House, Jyväskylä 2013 ABSTRACT Kellokoski,Jari ManagingMobilityinanAlways-Best-ConnectedIPNetwork Jyväskylä: UniversityofJyväskylä,2013,70p.(+includedarticles) (JyväskyläStudiesinComputing ISSN1456-5390;170) ISBN978-951-39-5267-9(nid.) ISBN978-951-39-5268-6(PDF) Finnishsummary Diss. Thisthesisconcentratesonaccessnetworkselectionandmobilitymanagementin a heterogeneous network environment. There are three main themes which are investigated. The first theme is about Always-Best-Connected access network where the network selection process is improved by taking into account factors suchaslinkquality,applicationorserviceused,linkcost,locationdataandband- width. Thenetworkselectionalsofollows3GPPEPCANDSFinformationwhen- ever it is available, and the performance of a network selection algorithm im- plementation is evaluated. The second theme is about challenges and problems of the standards and implementations used for the presented solutions. As the solutions andideas presentedin thisthesis wereimplemented andtheir perfor- mance evaluated, a number of challenges, modifications and configurations in the Android and Maemo frameworks and Linux operating system were found. Finally, the third theme addresses one possible path toward multihomed user equipments,wherenetworkaccessmayoccursimultaneouslyovermultiplenet- workinterfaces. Themainmotivationforthisistheperformanceevaluationfrom thefirsttheme,whichindicatedthatreal-timecommunicationcannotbehanded over-withoutcompromisesinuserexperience-betweenaccesstechnologiesifthe networkinterfacesarenotusedsimultaneously. Withsimultaneousconnections thereisatrade-offwithpowerefficiencywhichisalsoevaluated. Keywords:MobilityManagement,Handover,Always-Best-Connected,3GPPEPC, Multihoming Author JariKellokoski DepartmentofMathematicalInformationTechnology UniversityofJyväskylä Finland Supervisor ProfessorTimoHämäläinen DepartmentofMathematicalInformationTechnology UniversityofJyväskylä Finland Reviewers ProfessorTienVanDo DepartmentofNetworkedSystemsandServices BudabestUniversityofTechnologyandEconomics Hungary AssociateProfessorFrantišekJakab DepartmentofComputersandInformatics TechnicalUniversityofKošice Slovakia Opponent ProfessorHannuJaakkola IndustrialapplicationsofIT/SoftwareSystems TampereUniversityofTechnology,Pori Finland ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thisdissertationhastakenandgivenalotworkfromme. Butitwouldnothave been possible just by me. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Pro- fessorTimoHämäläinenforalltheinspirationandguidanceduringmyyearsin universityafterNokia fadedawayfromtheJyväskylä. Myresearchwas partof projectsfoundedbyTekes,DepartmentofMathematicalInformationTechnology andprivatelyheldcompanies,andwouldnothavebeenpossiblewithoutthem. In addition, I would like to thank my people who I worked with and specially JoonasKoskinenandJanneVillikkafortheirhelpinmypublications. Mythanks goalsototheTeliaSonerafoundationwhichhelpedmetocompletingthisthesis withitsfunding. I am grateful to the reviewers of my thesis Professor Tien Van Do and As- sociate Professor František Jakab for their constructive comments and Professor HannuJaakkolaforbeingmyopponent. IalsowouldliketothankSteveLegrand fortranslatingmylanguagetoproperEnglish. Iwouldalsoliketothankallyou people on the 5th floor coffee room who had coffee or tea with me while dis- cussingnon-workrelatedthings. Finally, I would like to thank my parents and brother for their full sup- port my whole life. My sincerest gratitude goes to my loving wife Heli for her patience, support and encouragement and to my wonderful daughters Iina and Enniforremindingmeaboutthelifeoutsidethetelecommunicationlaboratory. GLOSSARY 3GPP 3rdGenerationPartnershipProject AAA Authentication,AuthorizationandAccounting ABC Always-Best-Connected ANDSF AccessNetworkDiscoveryandSelectionFunction CAGR CompoundAnnualGrowthRate CoA CareofAddress eNodeB E-UTRANNodeB EPC EvolvedPacketCore EPS EvolvedPacketSystem E-UTRAN Evolved-UniversalTerrestrialRadioAccess GSM GlobalSystemforMobile HA HomeAgent HBM Host-BasedMobility HetNet HeterogeneousNetwork HSPDA HighSpeedPacketDataAccess HSS HomeSubscriberServer IEEE InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers IETF InternetEngineeringTaskForce IFOM IPFlowMobility IoT InternetofThings IP InternetProtocol LMA LocalMobilityAnchor LTE LongTermEvolution M2M MachinetoMachine MAG MobileAccessGateway MAPCON MultiAccessPDNConnectivity MIP MobileIP MME MobilityManagementEntity MN MobileNode MPTCP MultipathTransmissionControlProtocol NA NeighborAdvertisement NBM Network-BasedMobility NS NeighborSolicitation PCRF PolicyandChargingRuleFunction PDN PacketDataNetwork PDN-Gw PacketDataNetworkGateway PMIPv6 ProxyMobileIPv6 QoS QualityofService RTP Real-TimeProtocol SAE SystemArchitectureEvolution SCTP StreamControlTransportProtocol SGw ServingGateway SSL SecureSocketLayer SW Software TCP TransmissionControlProtocol UDP UserDatagramProtocol UE UserEquipment UMTS UniversalMobileTelecommunicationsSystem WiMAX WorldwideInteroperabilityforMicrowaveAccess WLAN WirelessLocalAreaNetwork VoIP VoiceoverIP VPN VirtualPrivateNetwork

PDN. Packet Data Network. PDN-Gw. Packet Data Network Gateway. PMIPv6. Proxy Mobile IPv6. QoS. Quality of Service. RTP. Real-Time Protocol. SAE Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. WiMAX. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WLAN. Wireless Local Area Network.
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