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LichtenbergerlDomsch/ScholtzlSticksel (Eds.) Managing in a Global World l I I i r Managemenllnlernalional Review Herausgeber / Editors: Prof. Dr. Klaus Macharzina UniversiUit Hohenheim, Stuttgart Prof. Dr. Martin K. Welge UniversiHit Dortmund Prof. Dr. Michael Kutschker Universitat Eichstatt, Ingolstadt Prof. Dr. Johann Engelhard Universitat Bamberg In der mir-Edition werden wichtige Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Forschung sowie Werke erfahrener Praktiker auf dem Gebiet des internationalen Managements veroffent licht. The series mir-Edition includes excellent academic contributions and experiential works of distinguished international managers. Bianka Lichtenberger/Michel E. Domschl Gert J. Scholtz/Peter Sticksel (Eds.) Managing in a Global World Case Studies in Intercultural Human Resource Management GABLER Die Deutsche Bibliothek -CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Managing in a global world : case studies in intercultural human resource management I Bianka Lichtenberger ... (Eds.) -Wiesbaden : Gabler, 1998 (mir-Edition) ISBN 978-3-409-12190-3 ISBN 978-3-322-91237-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-322-91237-4 Abonnenten von mir - Management International Review erhalten auf die in der mir Edition veroffentlichten Bucher 10% Rabatt. Subscribers to mir - Management International Review are entitled to a 10% price reduc tion on books published in mir-Edition. Aile Rechte vorbehalten © Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler GmbH, Wiesbaden 1998 Der Gabler Verlag ist ein Unternelunen der Bertelsmann Fachinforrnation. http://www.gabler-online.de Lektorat: Ute Wrasmann Das Werk einschlieBIich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschUtzt. Jede Verwertung auBerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulassig und stratbar. Das gilt insbesondere filr Vervielfaltigungen, Ubersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeiche rung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. HOchste inhaltliche und technische Qualitiit unserer Produkte ist unser Zie!. Bei der Produktion und Auslieferung unserer BUcher wollen wir die Umwelt schonen: Dieses Buch ist auf saurefreiem und chlorfrei gebleichtem Papier gedruckt. Die Wiedergabe von Gebrauchsnamen, Handelsnamen, Warenbezeichnungen usw. in diesem Werk berechtigt auch ohne besondere Kennzeichnung nicht zu der Annalune, daB soIche Namen im Sinne der Warenzeichen-und Markenschutz-Gesetzgebung als frei zu betrachten waren und daher von jederrnann benutzt werden dUrften. Vorwort Die intemationale Geschiiftstiitigkeit ist fUr die Untemehmen, die davon berUhrten Lander und die Weltwirtschaft zum Schltisselfaktor des Erfolgs geworden. Die Herausgeber beabsichtigen mit der Schriftemeihe mir-EditioD, die multidimensionalen Managementanforderungen der international en Untemehmenstiitigkeit wissenschaftlich zu begleiten. Die mir-EditioD soll zum einen der empirischen Feststellung und der theoretischen Verarbeitung der in der Praxis des international en Managements beobachtbaren Phanomene dienen. Zum anderen sollen die hierdurch gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in Form von systematisiertem Wissen, DenkanstaBen und Handlungsempfehlungen verfiigbar gemacht werden. Diesem angewandten Wissenschaftsverstandnis fiihlt sich seit nunmehr dreiBig Jahren auch die in tiber 40 Landem gelesene und jiingst von 1380 US-Professoren als "best rated journal" im intemationalen Management plazierte intemationale Fachzeitschrift mir - Management International Review - verpflichtet. Wiihrend dort allerdings nur kurzgefaBte Aufsiitze publiziert werden, soll hier der breitere Raum der Schriftemeihe den Autoren und Lesem die Maglichkeit zur umfanglichen und vertieften Auseinandersetzung mit dem jeweils behandelten Problem des intemationalen Managements eraffnen. Der Herausgeberpolitik von mir entsprechend, sollen auch in der Schriftemeihe innovative und dem Erkenntnisfortschritt dienende Beitriige einer kritischen Offentlichkeit vorgestellt werden. Es ist beabsichtigt, neben Forschungsergebnissen, insbesondere des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, auch einschliigige Werke von Praktikem mit profundem Erfahrungswissen im intemationalen Management einzubeziehen. Das Auswahlverfahren sieht vor, daB die Herausgeber gemeinsam tiber die VerOffentlichung eines in der Reihe erscheinenden Werkes entscheiden. Sie laden zur Einsendung von Manuskripten in deutscher oder englischer Sprache ein, die bei Auswahl jeweils in der Originalsprache publiziert werden. Die Herausgeber hoffen, mit dieser Schriftemeihe die fachliche Diskussion und praktische Lasung von Problemen des intemationalen Managements zu stimulieren und wUnschen der mir-EditioD eine positive Aufnahme in den Zielgruppen von Wissenschaft, Praxis und Studium des intemationalen Geschiifts. Klaus Macharzina Martin K. We1ge Michael Kutschker Johann Engelhard v Foreword Recognizing the importance of international business for firms, countries and the global economy at large the Series aims at covering the managerial requirements, objectives and tools of international business activity from the standpoint of applied research. mir-edition is to explore and analyze the real world phenomena of international management and to offer on a more general level systematic knowledge and advice in terms of practical recommendations to problem solutions. This basic understanding of research has also guided the editorial policy of mir Management International Review which has had its readers in more than 40 countries for thirty years. While in the Journal naturally there is only room for relatively short treatment of the respective subject matters the Series opens up the possibility for comprehensive and in-depth study and discussion of international management problems. Similar to the editorial policy of mir the volumes of the Series should contribute in an innovative manner to the progress of discovery both in the theoretical and practical dimension. It is therefore intended to include in the Series excellent academic contributions, particularly of the young generation of researchers, but also experiential works of distinguished international managers. Similar to the high aspiration level which has been achieved in mir and which has finally led to the Journal being ranked number one in International Management by 1380 US professors recently, only contributions of very high quality will be accepted in the Series. The selection decision will be taken collectively by the Editors. Manuscripts are invited in English and German language; they will be published in the original form. The Editors sincerely hope to stimulate the discussion and to assist in the solution of problems in the area of international management by way of the Series. They wish that mir-Edition will receive a positive welcome among the major target groups which comprise academics, students and managers in international business. Klaus Macharzina Martin K. Welge Michael Kutschker Johann Engelhard VII Preface This book presents selected case studies based on the foreign assignments of 120 young managers attending a course in Human Resources organized by Bianka Lichtenberger as part of the MBA program at the Rotterdam School of Management. These young managers describe their work experience in companies and organizations all over the world and reflect on what they see as the managerial challenges ofthe future. What relevance do these studies have to your international future? Well, let's take one case in point: ABB Ural ControlSystem is a joint venture between one German and two Russian companies. Let's go back to its beginning and say that you are the general manager. By Russian law only you are entitled to register the new company in Russia. However, to do that you have to have first signed your working contract with the new company. As Russian law also states that nobody is allowed to hold a leading position in more than one company, you will have to quit your job in your present company as soon as you have signed the contract. And of course you don't want to sign until the question of salary is satisfactorily resolved. As yet, however, it has been impossible to do this. Every time you and your employers set a specific sum (in rubles, of course) inflation makes the agreement obsolete in a matter of days. The German partner could arrange for payment in hard currency, but isn't willing to do so before the joint venture has gained a hard currency contract. Unfortunately though, the joint venture can't negotiate a contract of any kind until it is registered ...... (see case study no. 13). And these are only the initial problems you will have to face as general manager of ABB Ural ControlSystem! Hopefully you won't run into a jungle of bureaucracy and instability as perplexing as this one, but what kinds of skills will you need for survival in new and unpredictable situations? Current management literature names Communication and Human Resource Development as the two areas of competence which make the largest contribution by far to a manager's effectiveness in today's global environment. Managers themselves confirm this. They view the development and growth of "human" assets as crucial to managing the workplace today. Recent research findings reveal that a mixture of soft people management skills (interpersonal, organizational, leadership, communication and strategic Human Resource planning skills) now take precedence over the hard technical product knowledge and analytical skills that have traditionally been viewed as critical. And in international contexts, cultural awareness and sensitivity are of primary importance. Interactive teaching and learning methods can help managers a great deal in meeting the increasingly complex demands of their professions. The case study method is an interactive teaching and learning method which is close to real live. Every case study centers around a real, current situation in a company and treats a concrete problem which is either a general matter within the company or relates to a specific employee. Nowadays the case study method is applied around the world - but to very differing extents. While extensive use is made of case studies in the training and development of managers in North America, in Europe and IX Asia the method is still neglected. The reader will find a detailed description of the case study method and its methodological variants in the introduction to this book (see page 10). The studies we have selected are particularly those which constitute an addition to the case literature which already exists; i.e., most of them explore organizational situations in the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and East Asia. For consistency, American spelling has been adopted throughout the book. We would like to thank all the young managers whose cooperation made the publication of this book possible: Martin Hercules, Arun Prasad, Theodore Roubos, Feng Xian, Jesus Gonzalez Fernandez, Jonathan P. Myers, Sila Paramita, A. Pratolo Priyambodo, Eiichi Shimizu, Gert J. Scholtz, Eva Stump, Paul P. Weeda, Mechtild Wagner, Thomas Winkler, Kamal Ahuja, Manos Bardis, Gardner L. Bloemers, Karen Downey, Menno van Groeningen, and Julia van den Heuve!. A big thank also to Carol Whetstone and Walter Paetow for all their dedication and professionalism in correcting the manuscript and checking its English. Bianka Lichtenberger Michel E. Domsch Gert J. Scholtz Peter Sticksel x Contents Managing in a Global World (by Bianka Lichtenberger, Michel E. Domsch & Peter Sticksel) .............................................................................. 1 1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 1 2. Problems and Challenges of International Human Resource Management .................................................................................................. 2 3. Case Studies in International Human Resource Management.. ................... 5 4. Suggestions for Effectively Using the Cases .............................................. 10 Bibliography .................................................................................................... 14 1. Rona KG (by Martin Hercules) ........................................ 17 1. Corporate History ........................................................................................ 18 2. The Corporate Positioning. .......................................................................... 18 3. The Corporate Structure .............................................................................. 19 4. The Portuguese Subsidiary .......................................................................... 19 5. Training of the Sales Force ......................................................................... .20 6. The Influence of Culture ............................................................................. 20 6.1 Relations with Clients .............................................................................................. 21 7. Questions ..................................................................................................... 22 2. Travancore Mats (by Arun Prasad) ................................ 23 1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 24 2. Background. ................................................................................................. 24 3. Structure of Travancore Mats & Matting Co .............................................. 25 4. Existing System at Travancore Mats & Matting Co ................................... 25 5. Reasons for the Success ofTravancore Mats & Matting Co ...................... 26 XI 6. Questions ..................................................................................................... 27 3. AcrylBaths (by Theodore Roubos) ................................ 29 1. The Company .............................................................................................. 30 2. A Telephone Call. ........................................................................................ 30 3. The Problem ................................................................................................ 31 4. The Announcement ..................................................................................... 33 5. Questions ..................................................................................................... 34 4. The Payment and Reward System in XMPMH (by Feng Xian) .................................................................. 35 1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 36 2. XMPMH ...................................................................................................... 36 2.1 Background and Nature ............................................................................................ 36 2.2. Human Resources Complement ............................................................................... 36 2.3. Relationships with Foreign Cultures ........................................................................ 37 3. The Formal Remuneration and Reward System in XMPMH. .................... 37 3.1 Government Grading System ................................................................................... 37 3.2. Years of Government Service .................................................................................. 37 3.3. Position in Company ................................................................................................ 38 3.4. Municipal Cost of Living Allowance: ...................................................................... 38 3.5. The Bonus System .................................................................................................... 38 4. The Informal Reward System. ..................................................................... 39 5. Questions ..................................................................................................... 39 5. The Iberduero S.A. and Hidrola S.A. Merger (by Jesus Gonzalez Fernandez) ..................................... 41 1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 42 2. The Impact of the Process on Human Resources ....................................... .42 3. Questions ..................................................................................................... 44 XII

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