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Managing Cash Flow An Operational Focus Rob Reider Peter B. Heyler John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2003 by Rob Reider and Peter B. Heyler. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley &Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at www.copyright.com. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, 201-748-6011, fax 201-748-6008, e-mail: [email protected] Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty:While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidential, consequential, or other damages. For general information on our other products and services, or technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at 800-762-2974, outside the United States at 317-572-3993 or fax 317-572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Reider, Rob, 1940– Managing cash flow / by Rob Reider, Peter B. Heyler. p. cm. ISBN 0–471–22809–5 (acid free) 1. Cash management. I. Heyler, Peter B. II. Title. HG4028.C45 R453 2003 658.15'244 – dc21 2002012147 Printed in the United States of America. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents About the Authors v Acknowledgments viii Introduction 1 Chapter 1: Understanding Cash Management 9 Cash Flow Basics 12 History, The Fed, and Float 21 Bank Issues and Concerns 28 Conclusion 33 Chapter 2: Managing Cash Flow—Receipts and Disbursements 35 Using the Balance Sheet 36 Cash Receipts 39 Cash Disbursements 58 Conclusion 67 Chapter 3: Planning and Budgeting 69 Relationship between Planning and Budgeting 71 Strategies for Competitive Advantage 74 Strategic Planning Process 76 Short-Term Planning 81 Conclusion 94 Chapter 4: Analyzing the Sales Function 95 Cash Management Study 95 Purpose of the Sales Function 96 Conclusion 122 Chapter 5: Cost Reduction Analysis Procedures 123 Benchmarking Strategies 124 Activity Based Costing Principles 152 Conclusion 174 Chapter 6: Analyzing Non-Value-Added Functions 176 Looking at the Accounting Function 177 Choosing What to Analyze 179 Identifying Goals and Basic Business Principles 182 Prioritizing Activities 184 iii iv Managing Cash Flow Financial Reporting 185 Developing the Cash Management Analysis Survey Form 188 Compiling the Data 188 Analyzing the Data 192 Organizational Issues 198 Budget Analysis 200 Analysis of Functional Costs 202 Analysis of Accounting Operations 206 Activity Based Costing Applications 211 Developing Recommendations 213 Specific Recommendations 214 Organization Recommendations 233 Other Areas for Review 235 Conclusion 237 Chapter 7: Investing, Financing, and Borrowing 239 Investing Excess Cash 239 Financing Sources for the Business 250 Borrowing for Cash Shortfalls 251 Conclusion 262 Chapter 8: Planning Cash Flow 263 Cash Flow Planning 263 Managing Cash Balances 276 Cash Planning Approaches 279 Conclusion 282 Chapter 9: Controlling and Analyzing Cash Flow 285 Brief Look at FASB 95 285 Cash Flow Projections—Methodology 287 Cash Flow Reporting and Controls 293 Interpretation and Analysis of Cash Flow 300 Conclusion 322 Afterword 323 Appendix A—Cash Study: Managing Cash Flow 325 Appendix B—Cash Conservation Checklist 341 Index 347 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Rob Reider, CPA, MBA, PhD, is the president of Reider Associates, a management and organizational consulting firm located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, which he founded in 1976. Prior to starting Reider Associates, he was a manager in the Management Consulting Department of Peat, Marwick in Philadelphia. His areas of expertise encompass planning and budget systems, managerial and adminis- trative systems, computer processing, financial and accounting procedures, orga- nizational behavior and theory, management advisory services, large and small business consulting, management information and control techniques, and man- agement training and staff development. Rob has been a consultant to numerous large, medium, and small business- es of all types in the aforementioned areas (in both the private and public sectors). In addition, he has conducted many and varied operational reviews and bench- marking studies and has trained both internal staff and external consultants in these techniques. He is the course author and nationally sought after discussion leader and presenter for more than 20 different seminars that are conducted nationally for various organizations and associations. He has conducted more than 1,000 such seminars throughout the country and has received the AICPA Outstanding Discussion Leader of the Year award. Considered a national expert in the areas of operational reviews and bench- marking strategies, Rob provides specific consultation in the areas of general business management, development of internal and external consulting practices, organizational and management systems, and the development and conducting of continuing professional education (CPE) and other training programs. Rob is the course author of nine Reider Associates self study courses mar- keted nationally. He is also the author of the following books published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. • The Complete Guide to Operational Auditing • Operational Review: Maximum Results at Efficient Costs v vi Managing Cash Flow • Benchmarking Strategies: ATool for Profit Improvement • Improving the Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness of Not-for-Profits Rob has also been a presenter at numerous professional meetings and con- ferences around the country and has published articles in professional journals. He has been a frequent commentator on the educational video programs produced by Primemedia Workplace Learning such as The CPA Report, The Governmental Update, and the Accounting and Financial Managers Network Rob has earned the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Business Administration and Master of Science in Business (MBA) from Drexel University as well as Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Organizational and Management Psychology from Southwest University. He is currently listed in Who’s Who In The East and West, Who’s Who In The World, Who’s Who In Finance and Industry, Personalities In America, International Biography, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders In America, and Who’s Who In Executives And Businesses. For more information about Rob Reider and Reider Associates, visit his web site at www.reiderassociates.com/otp/ or e-mail him at hrreider@reiderassoci- ates.com. Peter B. Heyler, CPA, MBA, is president of his own consulting firm, PBH Executive Services, based in Missoula, Montana. He specializes in the areas of strategic, financial, and business development planning for small and medium- sized clients in a variety of businesses. He has experience and expertise in gener- al management, accounting, finance, business strategy, personnel management, and international business. Mr. Heyler has conducted CPE programs for the AICPAand many state CPA societies. He also presents seminars, workshops, and training programs for edu- cational and private organizations. He has been a full-time and/or adjunct facul- ty member of Rider College, Beaver College, Ursinus College and Bucks County (PA) Community College. Involvement in international consulting and manage- ment education with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Global Volunteers, the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), and the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School’s Applied Research Center has also been part of his past experience. He has had teaching and/or con- sulting experience in Ghana, Zambia, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Egypt, Albania, Poland, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, Romania, Spain, and England. Mr. Heyler is course co-author and seminar facilitator of the following CPE programs presented by Reider Associates: • How to Evaluate Capital Investment Opportunities • Managerial Accounting: AHow-To Guide for Management Decisions • Strategic Budgeting and Planning for Competitive Advantage • Effective Controllership for the Smaller Business About the Authors vii • Cash Flow: Managing the Lifeblood of the Organization • Financial Statement Analysis for Profit Improvement • Communicating Financial Information to Operations With nearly 15 years prior experience as an executive in private industry, Mr. Heyler assumed a variety of financial management responsibilities for three man- ufacturing companies, including Vice President of Finance and Administration, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer. Previously he was a Senior Accountant and Consultant with Arthur Young & Co. in New York and Philadelphia where he pro- vided services to many clients in widely diverse industries. Mr. Heyler earned a BA degree in Economics/Mathematics from Yale University and an MBAdegree from Harvard Business School. He also received his CPA certificate from New York and Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Montana Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Management Consultants, and the National Association of Corporate Directors, and has served on the boards of several for- profit and not-for-profit organizations. For more information about Peter Heyler or PBH Executive Services, the e- mail address is [email protected]. Rob and Peter have been seminar partners for over twenty years. In this capacity, they have co-developed, authored, and presented numerous profession- al seminars and self study courses. IT IS A GOOD AUTHOR WHO KNOWS HIS OWN MATERIAL. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge assistance from several people in assem- bling information for this book: Mark Lyons, president of Community Bank in Missoula, Montana, along with John Giuliani and Anne Robinson from Community Bank; and Neil Kyde of Neil G. Kyde, Inc. of Holicong, Pennsylvania. Their input and assistance in checking accuracy of certain parts of the book are greatly appreciated. However, the authors wish to absolve them all from any errors that may appear. Any such errors, of either commission or omission, are totally the responsibility of the authors. We also recognize that much of the value of this book has been the result of seminar participants who over the years have added comments and suggestions about the material that have found their way into the book. While we cannot explicitly thank them by name, we do acknowledge the value of their participation. It would be improper and ungrateful not to recognize the patience and stam- ina of our respective wives, Barbara Reider and Gingy Heyler. Without their will- ingness to put up with our frustrations, deadlines, and often aggravating behavior, the project would never have been completed. viii INTRODUCTION CASH IS KING! Cash availability is the lifeblood of the organization. With it, assuming there is proper management and economical, efficient, and effective operations, the company can grow and prosper—without it the organization perishes. Like the absence of water to anything living, the absence of cash to the business means death—slow, torturous, physically painful, and men- tally agonizing. Business owners, managers, shareholders, and many others have become enamored with sales and revenue increases, reported profits, earnings per share, price–earnings ratios, cost reductions, and related concepts that focus on the market capitalization of the business and its related stock price per share. Such sales and revenue increases calculated on accrual-based accounting principles may be unreal- istic when it comes to real sales to quality customers that can be collected in a time- ly fashion that ensure a real profit to the business. While these new yardsticks may be significant and even elegant scorekeeping measures for determining how well the enterprise is doing financially, they have minimal significance for the business without cash—unable to meet payroll, pay vendors, or—horror of horrors—make requisite tax payments. Profit is a periodic measure, calculated monthly, quarterly, and annually. Cash, however, is a daily concern. The eager search of the daily mail for incoming checks is not just greed or lust—it is often a survival issue. This book concentrates on cash management, the lifeblood of any business enterprise. The purpose of these materials is to help readers understand how to manage, plan, and analyze cash flow for their organizations. General focus is on helping the reader understand: • Cash flow and management techniques necessary for the business to func- tion economically, efficiently, and effectively • How to recognize and manage effectively the principal factors affecting cash receipts and cash disbursements in the organization • The impact of operations on the cash flow of the company • Organizational planning 1

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