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Managing Agile Projects PDF

422 Pages·2005·7.17 MB·English
by  Kevin
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What are people saying about this book? Congratulations on putting together such an extensive and valuable book on Managing Agile Projects – this is the kind of contribution that will accelerate the adoption of Agile Development into large corporate Enterprises. Managing Agile Projects is the kind of book that will make everyone realize that Agile Development is a true revolution in the way we manage software development — from its practices to its attitude. This comprehensive book demystifies difficult issues such as facilitating social interactions, interacting with stakeholders, and producing just the right amount of artifacts such as documentation, while providing detailed explanations of practices to install day-to-day agile activities such as requirements gathering, testing, integration and release management. This practical guide will help executives, managers, and developers to understand the true characteristics of agile development and agile project management, and how these characteristics are different than other types of development and management. This book is an essential read for those who want to understand how to develop software with less risk, and less cost, while maintaining high quality and employee satisfaction. Mike Beedle, CEO New Governance Inc. Once again, Kevin Aguanno provides the Project Management Discipline with yet another tool to aid in the execution of projects. Not only does Managing Agile Projects identify the areas of concern or potential issues associated with implementing new concepts, or even change, it also provides the mitigation tactics that a Project Manager can use in his Toolbox. Managing Agile Projects is easy to read and is written with practical examples to which we ALL can relate...a reference for ANYONE within the Project Management Discipline including educators, trainers, practitioners and those aspiring to be practitioners. Lisa Jacobsen Project Management Institute (PMI) Kevin Aguanno’s Managing Agile Projects is a welcome addition to the complex issues surrounding managing software development projects using agile methods. It is neither too extreme nor too general, it’s “just right.” The reader will find a broad set of experience based recommendations for managing projects that use agile methods as well as practical advice on how to introduce agile to an organization. Since agile is itself an emerging process, Kevin’s is a critical step along the way to a mature process based on adapting the best practices from a variety disciplines ranging from XP to CMMI. Glen B. Alleman Kevin Aguanno has brought together a book on project management that hits the target dead center. The target is, of course, that all projects are unique; therefore the approach should be unique, or “agile,” as well. This book represents a consolidation of very powerful, practical, and applicable approaches to project management, a definite asset in my project management toolkit. Its relevance reaches beyond IT and into industries were constant changes and rapid responses are required to survive and deliver successful projects. Stéphane Deschênes, PMP Managing Agile Projects Editor Kevin Aguanno, PMP®, MAPM First Edition Multi-Media Publications Inc. (cid:153)(cid:153)(cid:153)(cid:153)(cid:153) Lakefield, Ontario Managing Agile Projects Edited by Kevin Aguanno Published by: Multi-Media Publications Inc. R.R. #4B, Lakefield, Ontario, Canada, K0L 2H0 http://www.mmpubs.com/ All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the respective authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Copyright © 2004 by Kevin Aguanno. Authors of individual chapters retain copyright ownership of their individual works. ISBN (paperback edition): 1-895186-11-0 ISBN (PDF edition): 1-895186-12-9 First printing 2005. Printed in USA. Published in Canada. National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Managing agile projects / edited by Kevin Aguanno. -- 1st ed. (The project management essentials library) Issued also in electronic format. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-895186-11-0 (pbk.) 1. Project management. I. Series. HD69.P75A38 2004 658.4’04 C2004-902800-6 Table of Contents Acknowledgments.......................................................11 Dedication..................................................................13 PPPPPaaaaarrrrrttttt OOOOOnnnnneeeee::::: IIIIInnnnntttttrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn............................................................1111155555 Introduction .................................................. 17 Why do we Need New Methods?....................18 What is Different about Agile Methods?.........21 What are the Benefits of Being Agile?.............25 Why do we Need This Book? .........................45 The Roots of Agililty ..................................... 53 The Agile Manifesto .......................................60 Agile and CMM(I)..........................................62 PPPPPaaaaarrrrrttttt TTTTTwwwwwooooo::::: MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggiiiiinnnnnggggg AAAAAgggggiiiiillllleeeee PPPPPrrrrrooooojjjjjeeeeeccccctttttsssss iiiiisssss DDDDDiiiiiffffffffffeeeeerrrrreeeeennnnnttttt..................................................6666677777 Managing Agile Projects is Different ............. 69 An Introduction to Iterative and Incremental Delivery ................................. 75 Defining our terms .........................................76 Different ways to plan a project......................77 What’s so extreme in Extreme Programming?.82 What’s the best way to plan a project?.............84 Learning from Agile Software Development .. 87 Buy Information or Flexibility........................88 Ten Principles.................................................90 Emergent Order Through Visionary Leadership ............................................... 115 The Problem: Project Manager as Uninspired Taskmaster .....................118 The Solution: Project Manager as Visionary Leader...............................121 The Means: An Agile Project Management Framework........................................122 The Engineering of Unstable Requirements........................................... 141 Active Stakeholder Participation .................. 147 Who is a Project Stakeholder?.......................149 What does it mean to be an Active Participant?.......................................152 Inclusive Modeling With Business Stakeholders......................................154 Dealing With The Nay Sayers ......................156 The Heightened Importance of Communication ...................................... 159 Factors Affecting Communication ................160 Communication Modes................................161 Effective Communication .............................163 PPPPPaaaaarrrrrttttt TTTTThhhhhrrrrreeeeeeeeee::::: AAAAAgggggiiiiillllleeeee MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeemmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt TTTTTeeeeeccccchhhhhnnnnniiiiiqqqqquuuuueeeeesssss ......................................................................................................... 111116666655555 Agile Management Techniques.................... 167 Requirements Documents that Win the Race......................................................... 175 Basic steps of the approach ...........................177 Identify the essential documentation content180 Choose the appropriate modeling technique.190 Succeeding with Agile Fixed Price Contracts 197 Process Agility and Software Usability......... 225 Agile Documentation................................... 241 Appropriate Reasons to Create Documents...243 Inappropriate Reasons to Create Documents 245 Documentation Trade-offs............................247 The Essence of Traveling Light.....................249 When is a Document Agile?..........................250 When Should You Update Documentation?..252 Effective Documentation Handoffs...............253 Increasing the Agility of Documentation ......254 Extreme Testing........................................... 259 Unit Tests .....................................................261 Functional Tests............................................263 Test Reporting..............................................265 Agile Meetings............................................. 271 PPPPPaaaaarrrrrttttt FFFFFooooouuuuurrrrr::::: TTTTThhhhheeeeerrrrreeeee AAAAArrrrreeeee NNNNNooooo SSSSSiiiiilllllvvvvveeeeerrrrr BBBBBuuuuulllllllllleeeeetttttsssss............................................................................................................................................ 222228888833333 There are No Silver Bullets .......................... 285 Extreme Methods Lead to Extreme Quality Problems.................................................. 299 Benefits.........................................................304 Dubious Values and Practices........................306 The C3 Project Revisited..............................314 The VCAPS Project Revisited.......................315 Missing Answers...........................................316 Alternatives...................................................318 Synchronizing Agile Projects........................ 323 Stealth Methodology Adoption.................... 333 Focus on the Benefits....................................337 Introduce Agile Methods to your Project......338 RRRRReeeeesssssooooouuuuurrrrrccccceeeeesssss ...................................................................................................................................................... 333335555577777 Chapter Notes ............................................. 359 Contributor Profiles .................................... 385 Editor: Kevin Aguanno................................386 Scott Ambler.................................................387 Sanjiv Augustine ...........................................388 Alistair Cockburn .........................................389 David Cohen ................................................390 Larry Constantine.........................................391 Patricia Costa................................................392 David Hussman............................................393 Ronald E. Jeffries..........................................394 Gerold Keefer ...............................................395 Kirstin Kohler...............................................396 Mike Lindvall ...............................................397 Barbara Paech ...............................................398 Linda Rising .................................................399 Jim Tomayko................................................400 Pascal Van Cauwenberghe.............................401 Susan Woodcock...........................................402 Bibliography................................................ 403

Are you being asked to manage a project with unclear requirements? High levels of change? A team using Extreme Programming or other Agile Methods? If you are a project manager or team leader who is interested in learning the secrets of successfully controlling and delivering agile projects, then thi
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