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Manager's Magazine 1992: Vol 67 Index PDF

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1992 Coded indiex MANAGERS m a g a z i n e Training, A to Z (May, p.7); Performance Stan- Subject Index dard Questionnaire (May, p28); Be There for Your People (May, p29); Dealing With Absen- ADVERTISING/PUBLIC RELATIONS teeism, Tardiness (June, p27); Challenging a No- tion (July, p10); Boost Retention (July, p23); Ease There Are No Shortcuts to Effective Marketing Your Burden — Delegate (July, p30); Reach for (June, p30); Vanity Appeal (June, p30) the Top (Part 1)(August, p20); How Strong Is Your Commitment to Teamwork? (August, p28); Flying as a Team (August, p29); Mastering GENERAL MANAGEMENT Change (September p21); Reach for the Top (Part A Common Bond (April, p11) 2)(September, p23); A Positive Work Culture: The Crucial Influences (September p27); How to Dis- agree Without Being Disagreeable (September AGENCY p28); Risky Business? (October p20); Strong Early Boot Camp (January, p10); Systems to Grow By Development (October p28); The Accountability Equation for Early Success (October p28); Where (January, p15); Managing With Heart (January, p17); Raising Productivity (February, p7); Get to Are You? (November p18); Managing New Know Your Agents (February, p22); The Insurer Agents (November, p28); Managing a Boss (No- Solvency Crisis (February, p30); Adapt or Fail vember, p29); After Selection (December p12); The Last Shall Be First (December, p18); How Well Are (June, p6); A Closer View (June, p15); Having Fun (June, p19); Exploding the Myth (June, p23); Boot You Doing? (December, p25) Camp to MDRT (July, p7); Agent Retention (July, p16); A Numbers Game (July, p18); A New Face ANNUITIES (August, p14); You Need Goals (September, p6); Planning to Succeed? (September p12); Passing Annuities Are Selling (February, p11) the Torch (October p8); . . . This Is Now (October p10); The Last Shall Be First (Part 1) (November p9); The Last Shall Be First (Part 2) (December, 1000.00 ASSOCIATIONS p18) An Updated Perspective on Community Ser- vice (January, p25) MEETING MATERIAL The Psychology of Selling (January, p.26); Taking SALES TECHNIQUES — CHARITY the Helm (May, p10); Prospecting (May, p30); Encouraging Charitable Giving (July, p35) The Prepared Presentation (June, p31); Sales Follow-through (September p31); Quality Busi- ness (October, p32); The Close (December, p32) 1800.00 COMMUNICATIONS Managers Magazine 12th Annual Agency Bulletin SUPERVANID SMANIAGOEMNEN T Winners (March, p23) Assigning Work (January, p22); Reaching for the Top (February, p18); Performance Appraisals Help 2000.08 EDUCATION Everyone (February, p25); The Sensational Se- Low Pressure, High-Profile Marketing niors (February, p29); Finding the Keys (April, (September, p30) p17); Beyond the Numbers (April, p22); Making Things Clear to the Team (April, p26); Agent Managers Magazine JANUARY 1993 19 Direct-Mail Ploys (December, p30); Direct-Mail Entrepreneurial Mentality (January, p.7); Estab- Options (December, p31) lishing a Performance Index (April, p30); Putting the Cart Before the Horse (October p.27); Getting Over the December Hump (November, p.27) College Funding Package (May, p.26) What Skills Will You Need to Succeed? (January, ir Idle, Busy, or Effective? (April, p.29); (MARKETING oe Reaching for Less (May, p31); Two Case Studies in Outcomes Motivation (July, p32); When Your Niche Marketing (July, p28); Making the Con- Performance Is Evaluated (July, p35); Praise (Au- nection (November p12) gust, p30); A Little Common Sense (Novembey p27); Energize Your People (December, p28) GOVERNMENT BENEFITS — CIVIL SERVICE Computing Social Security Benefits (May, p27) 5100.10 HOME SERVICE Persistency Pays Off in Recruiting (February, a ew p30); A Skill Development Program ae BILi y aie (November, p.25) The Myths of Selling Disability (October p31) , pes 51002 PLANANNDT IIMENC OGNTR OL INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Be The Starting Point to Planning (December p27) Top 10 Sales Mistakes (October p30) 2 Four Ways to Capitalize on the Recession APPROACH (February, p.27); Getting Help (April, p8); Your Just the Facts, Ma’am (April, p31); The Mature Agency . . . (April, p20); Do They Need a Shove? Market — Opening Up a Dialogue (October p30) (September, p19); It’s a Battleground (October p23); Assess Your Professional Equity (November, p.23); Personal — Professional? (November p24); When CLOSING/MOTIVATION = Frugal Becomes Cheap (November, p24) Improving Closing Ratios (April, p31) MEETING OBJECTIVES — You Call That a Vacation? (June, p.29) Confronting the Recession Objection (July, p34) JOINT WORK Nine Steps to Success (Part 1) (April, p12); Nine Improve Retention Using Mentors (June, p26) Steps to Success (Part 2) (May, p20); Agency 2001 (August, p5); Expect Results (October, p16) INVESTMENTS Heading Down (February, p10) Retention Through a Service Strategy (April, p27); An Eye on Life (August, p22) You Gotta Have Heart (June, p10) 20 JANUARY 1993 Managers Magazine cover); (February, inside front cover) Interview Guides (December, inside front cover) Taking a Chance (January, p20); Uncover the New-Agent Tools (May, inside front cover) Agency’s Recruiting Weakness (January, p.21); New Field Publications (June, inside front cover) And the Answer Is . . . (March, p6); Aim High New Prospects! (April, inside front cover); (May, (March, p8); Going Upscale (March, p13); Hiring inside back cover) a Recruiter? (March, p16); That's the One (March, Prepare to Prospect (November, p17) p19); Prospecting for Agents (March, p21); Oh, The Productivity Planner (May, outside back By the Way (April, p25); Selection Economy cover) (May, p15); Reaching Higher (May, p18); Good Selecting for Success (December, inside back cover) News for Recruiters (May, p.25); Three Perspec- Selection (January, inside back cover) tives on Agent Referrals (May, p27); A Small- Selling (February, inside back cover) Business Approach (June, p.25); Business Insur- Top 10 (December, outside back cover) ance or Personal Insurance? (June, p.26); TRAC-IT PLUS (November, p8) Managers Recommend Referral Recruiting (July, p31); Five Factors Enhance Reference Checking (July, p31); Improve Your Results With Classi- Batce Bkasi cs fieds (August, p.25); Whos at the Top of Your Or- Developing the Management Team (January, p3); ganization (August, p. 26); What You Can Expect Managing Activity (February, p3); The ABCs of (September, p.26); Referrals Contest (September, Recruiting Through Nominators (May, p3); p27); References as Referrals (October p26); Re- Want to Flourish? (November, p3) sponding to Growth (November p26); A Key to Selection (December p6); What's In It For You? (December, p8); Emerging Markets (December p26) The Catalyst Providing Better Client Service (February, p32); PUBLIC RELATIONS Service Counts (April, p32); Unexpected Service (June, p32); Trend 1 (November p31) Credibility (February, p12) Collectors Corner POLICYHOLDER SERVICE Managing a Laugh (February, p9); Translating Re- Reinforcing the Policyowner Review (June, p28); cruits’ References (March, p32); 10 Ways You Can Customer-Centered Selling (July, p33); Im- Tell It'S Going To Be a Bad Day (April, p7); proving Customer Service (August, p30); Penny Speaking of Speaking (June, p9); 10 Things That Wise, Dollar Foolish?(August, p31); High-Class an Agency Manager Will Never Hear During a Customer Appreciation (August, p31); Un- Lifetime (July, p27); Speaking of Prospects common Contact (December, p.29); Small Is In (December, p11) (December, p30) Guest Editorial Put Recruiting on Automatic (March, p2); Help Upscale Your Marketing, Upscale Your Reten- Yourself and the Industry (April, p3); Strength- tion (April, p30); Portable Reminders (April, p31); ening the Industry (July, p3); Whos Holding the The Power of Referred Leads (August, p26) Queen? (October, p3) President's Page The Art of Asking for a Name (February, p.28) An Appreciation of Sadness (January, p2); Get Involved (February, p.2); Using Time (April, p2); Commitment Is the Key (May, p2); Looking For- ward (June, p2); A Tip of the Hat (July, p2); AMTC (March, inside front cover); (April, outside Looking to Lead? (October p2); Blazing a Trail back cover); (November, p.22) (November, p.2); A Tribute to Ernie Cragg An Agent's Guide to Life Insurer Ratings (December, p.2) (January, outside back cover); (February, outside back cover) Customer Service (April, inside back cover) The High-Retention Agency (January, inside front Managers Magazine JANUARY 1993 21 FENKER, DANIEL E,, CLU, ChFC, “Business Insurance or AUTHOR INDEX Personal Insurance” (June, p.26) FENNIMAN, WILLIAM W, CLU, ChFC, “Developing the ANDERSON, BURR JR, “Managing Activity” (February, p3) Management Team” (January, p3) ARMSTRONG, BARRY G,, “Adapt or Fail” (June, p6) FITZPATRICK, GRAHAM, “Five Factors Enhance Reference ARTHUR, JOHN, CIAM, “Performance Standard Checking” (July, p31) Questionnaire” (May, p28) FLEMING, JOHN D, “You Gotta Have Heart” (June, p10) AUCOIN, J. REGINALD, “The ABCs of Recruiting Through GOODMAN, LEONARD A. III, “Systems to Grow By” Nominators” (May, p3) (January, p15) BAXTER, HARRY III, “Help Yourself and the Industry” GRAHAM, JAY A, “Getting Help” (April, p8) (April, p3) GRAHAM, JOHN R,, “What Skills Will You Need to BENJAMIN, DELVIN E, J.D, “Boot Camp” (January, p10); Succeed?” (January, p23); “Reaching for Less” “Taking a Chance” (January, p20); “Uncover the (May, p31); “There Are No Shortcuts to Effective Agency's Recruiting Weakness” (January, p.21); Marketing” (June, p30); “Customer-Centered “Oh, By the Way” (April, p25); “A Small-Busi- Selling” (July, p33); “Small Is In” (December, p30) ness Approach” (June, p25); “Agency 2001” (August, p5); “Referrals Contest” (September p27) GREEN, LARRY, “Reinforcing the Policyowner Review” BILLINGSBY, J. LEE, CLU, ChFC, RHU, “Reaching for the (June, p28) Top” (February, p18) HALLORAN, MICHAEL, CLU, ChFC, “Put Recruiting on Automatic” (March, p.2) BLAKELY, JOHN, CLU, “Upscale Your Marketing, Upscale Your Retention” (April, p30) HARRIS, RICHARD B, Ph.D, “Expect Results” (October p16) BLAKESLEY, STEPHEN J., CLU, ChFC, “Your Agency ... “ HASSON-BROWN, CHARLYN, “Hiring a Recruiter?” (April, p20) (March, p16) BURKHARD J. THOMAS JR,, and Richard B. Worth, “Idle, HELMICH, STEVEN, FAII, “Agent Training, A to Z” Busy, or Effective?” (April, p29) (May, p.7) CASSAM, GLAN, CIAM, “Performance Appraisals Help HILLIER, STUART, “Two Case Studies in Outcomes Motiva- Everyone” (February, p25) tion” (July, p32); “Strong Early Development” COWAN, HOWARD B,, CLU, ChFC, “Aim High” (March, p8); (October, p.28) “Nine Steps to Success” (Part 1) (April, p12); HINCHCLIFFE, RAYMOND H,, “A Numbers Game” “Nine Steps to Success” (Part 2) (May, p.20); (July, p18) “Risky Business?” (October p20) HOGAN, TIMOTHY A, “Improving Closing Ratios” CRAGG, ERNEST E,, CLU, FLMI, “An Appreciation of Sad- (April, p31) ness” (January, p.2); “Get Involved” (February, p.2); “Using Time” (April, p2); “Commitment Is the HORN, PETER J., CIAM, “The Power of Referred Leads” Key” (May, p2); “Looking Forward” (June, p2); (August, p.26) ‘A Tip of the Hat” (July, p2); “Thanks to the Great Ones” (August, p2) HOSMANEK, THOMAS J, CLU, “Where Are You?” (November, p18) CUNNINGHAM, W. PAT, CLU, ChFC, “Finding the Keys” (April, p17); “The Accountability Equation for HUNT, WILLIAM G. JR, CLU, ChFC, “Strengthening the Early Success” (October p28) Industry” (July, p3) DAISLEY, H. ROGER, CLU, ChFC, RHU, “Exploding the KEENE, CAMERON C,, CLU, “Managing With Heart” Myth” (June, p23); “Planning to Succeed?” (January, p17) (September, p12) KELLY, THOMAS H.,, “A Common Bond” (April, p11) DAY, CAROL, ChFC, “Mastering Change” (September p.21) KINKADE, GARY V, CLU, ChFC, “Boot Camp to MDRT” DUNCAN, SUSAN R, J.D, “A Key to Selection” (July, p7) (December, p6) KRUMROY, ROBERT E,, CLU, ChFC, “Making the EASTON, GRAEME, “Responding to Growth” Connection” (November p12) (November, p.26) 22 JANUARY 1993 Managers Magazine LAU, KEITH H., CLU, ChFC, “Having Fun” (June, p19) PELL, ARTHUR R, Ph.D, “Assigning Work” (January, p22); “Making Things Clear to the Team’ (April, p26); LEE, MICHELLE, LUTCE “An Eye on Life” (August, p.22) “Be There for Your People” (May, p29); “Dealing With Absenteeism, Tardiness” (June, p27); LEFFERTS, JOHN, CLU, ChFC, CFP “The Last Shall Be “When Your Performance Is Evaluated” (July, First” (Part 1) (November, p9); “The Last Shall Be p35); “Praise” (August, p30); “How to Disagree First” (Part 2) (December p18) Without Being Disagreeable” (September p28); LINDENBERG, SHERRI K,, and Jose S. Suquet, “Want to “Energize Your People” (December p.28) Flourish?” (November, p3) RAGAGLIA, BRAD M, “After Selection” (December, p12) LINN, JAMES E. II, CLU, ChFC, LUTCE “Agent Retention” RICHARDS, ROBERT J., CLU, CFP, “A Closer View” (July, p16) (June, p15) LOVAS, MICHAEL, “Credibility” (February, p12) RINGUET, RAY, CIAM, DipAII, FALA, “Improve Retention LOVIER, PETER J., CLU, “Niche Marketing” (July, p.28) Using Mentors” (June, p.26) MCCULLOUGH, ALISTAIR R., CIAM, “Selection Economy” SCANLON, JAMES T, “Heading Down” (February, p10) (May, p15) SCULLY, JOHN C,, CLU, “Create a Vision” (September, p.2); MCLEAN, SHARON D, RHU, “Just the Facts, Ma’am” “Looking to Lead?” (October p2); “Blazing a (April, p31) Trail” (November p.2); “A Tribute to Ernie Cragg” (December, p2) MAGA, ALFRED D, “Establishing a Performance Index” (April, p30) SEWARD J. C., “The Sensational Seniors” (February, p.29) MANN, NED “Raising Productivity” (February, p7) SHANNON, JOSEPH, “Portable Reminders” (April, p31) MASZTAL, JACI JARRETT, Ph.D, and Todd A. Silverhart, SILVERHART, TODD A,, Ph.D, and Jaci Jarrett Masztal, Ph.D, “Beyond the Numbers” (April, p22) Ph.D, “Beyond the Numbers” (April, p22) MULHEARN, CYNTHIA A,, and John D. Stout, Ph.D, STOUT, JOHN D, Ph.D, and Cynthia A. Mulhearn, “Get to “Get to Know Your Agents” (February, p22) Know Your Agents” (February, p22); “What's In It for You?” (December, p8) MUNCIE, MARVIN E. JR, CLU, CPCU, “Entrepreneurial Mentality” (January, p7) SUQUET, JOSE S,, and Sherri K. Lindenberg, “Want to Flourish?” (November, p3) NAHORNEY, DANIEL J,, ‘Annuities Are Selling” (February, p11); “And the Answer Is. . .” (March, p6); TEPATTI, ROBERT J., FLMI, CLU, ChFC, “Reaching Higher” “Going Upscale” (March, p13); “Prospecting for (May, p18) Agents” (March, p21); “Challenging a Notion” TIPPETTS, J. EDWARD, CLU, ChFC, “That's the One” (July, p10); “A New Face” (August, p14); “You (March, p19) Need Goals” (September p6); “Do They Need a Shove?” (September, p19); “Passing the Torch” WARNER, ROBERT L,, CLU, ChFC, “College Funding (October, p8) Package” (May, p26) NELSON, WARREN A,, CLU, LUTCE “Boost Retention” WEBB, JEFE CIAM, “A Positive Work Culture: The Crucial (July, p23) Influences” (September p27) NORWOOD, GROVER, CLU, ChFC, “Providing Better Client WELCH, PATRICK C,, CLU, “. . . This Is Now” (October p11) Service” (February, p32); “Service Counts” (April, p32); “Unexpected Service” (June, p32); “The WHIPPLE, CHARLES J. III, CLU, ChFC, “Putting the Cart Next Marketplace” (Part 1) (September, p32) Before the Horse” (October p27) NOUN, TONY H,, “The Starting Point to Planning” WORTH, RICHARD B,, and J. Thomas Burkhard Jr, “Idle, (December, p27) Busy, or Effective?” (April, p29) OECHSLI, MATT, “Reach for the Top” (Part 1) (August, p20); YEO MIKE, “It's a Battleground” (October p23) “Reach for the Top” (Part 2) (September p23) ZULTOWSKI, WALTER H,, Ph.D, “Whos Holding the OSLER, WAYNE, CIAM, “Retention Through a Service Queen?” (October, p3) Strategy” (April, p27) PARKER, BRUCE G. JR, CLU, LUTCE “Taking the Helm” (May, p10) Managers Magazine JANUARY 1993 23

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