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Управление качеством в международных корпорациях / Management of production quality in international corporations PDF

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Preview Управление качеством в международных корпорациях / Management of production quality in international corporations

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» МИНИCTEPCTBO ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ АВТОНОМНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» УПРАВЛЕНИЕ КАЧЕСТВОМ В МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ КОРПОРАЦИЯХ MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCTION QUALITY IN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIONS ПРАКТИКУМ на английском языке Направление подготовки 38.03.02 – Менеджмент Профиль подготовки «Международный менеджмент» Бакалавриат Ставрополь 2016 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» УДК 338.24:005.22:005.336.3(075.9) Печатается по решению ББК 65. 290-2 я73 редакционно-издательского совета У 67 Северо-Кавказского федерального университета Рецензенты: д-р экон. наук, профессор Т. Ю. Анопченко (Южный федеральный университет), д-р экон. наук, профессор Н. В. Лазарева У 67 Управление качеством в международных корпорациях (англ.): практикум на англ. яз. / авт.-сост.: Е. Ф. Боброва, О. А. Борис. – Ставрополь: Изд-во СКФУ, 2016. – 167 с. Пособие представляет собой составную часть учебно-мето- дического комплекса курса «Управление качеством в международ- ных корпорациях (англ.)», разработанного в соответствии с требова- ниями ФГОС ВПО. Предлагаемый материал позволит студентам усвоить совре- менные представления об управлении качеством в международных корпорациях, факторах и условиях, обеспечивающих эффективное формирование и управление качеством, а также овладеть основа- ми методологии и методики в области тотального управления каче- ством; приобрести базовые навыки практической работы в области развития и управления процессами повышения качества продукции. Предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 38.03.02 – Менеджмент. УДК 338.24:005.22:005.336.3(075.9) ББК 65. 290-2 я73 Авторы-составители: канд. экон. наук, доцент Е. Ф. Боброва, канд. экон. наук, доцент О. А. Борис © ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2016 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Practical training Предисловие Пособие разработано на основе программы курса «Управле- ние качеством в международных корпорациях (англ.)», предна- значенного для студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Ме- неджмент». Дисциплина относится к вариативной части профессиональ- ного цикла. Ее освоение происходит в 8 семестре. Цель освоения дисциплины – формирование общекультур- ных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетен- ций будущих студентов по направлению подготовки 38.03.02 – Менеджмент. Применение метода системного анализа к изучению данного курса определяет следующие его задачи: – усвоение современных теоретических представлений обу- правлении качеством в России и за рубежом, факторах и услови- ях, обеспечивающих эффективное формирование и управление качеством; – овладение основами методологии и методики в области то- тального управления качеством; – приобретение базовых навыков практической работы в об- ласти развития и управления процессами повышения качества продукции. Для успешного освоения дисциплины студентам необходимы базовые знания дисциплин «Исследование систем управления», «Теория организации».При изучении дисциплины «Управление качеством в международных корпорациях (англ.)» очень важно понять механизмы действия бизнеса. Данный курс логически связан с такими дисциплинами как «Методы принятия управлен- ческих решений», «Управление международными проектами», изучаемыми в вузе. Процесс изучения дисциплины направлен на формирование общекультурных компетенций: – способность использовать основы экономических знаний в различных сферах деятельности (ОК-3); – способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной фор- мах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач меж- личностного и межкультурного взаимодействия (ОК-5); 3 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Management of production quality in international corporations – общепрофессиональных компетенций: – способность находить организационно-управленческие ре- шения и готовностью нести за них ответственность с позиций со- циальной значимости принимаемых решений (ОПК-2); – профессиональных компетенций: – владение навыками стратегического анализа, разработки и осуществления стратегии организации, направленной на обе- спечение конкурентоспособности (ПК-3); – способность анализировать взаимосвязи между функцио- нальными стратегиями компаний с целью подготовки сбаланси- рованных управленческих решений (ПК-5). 4 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Practical training PRACTICAL TRAINING 1. MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCTION QUALITY, ITS MODERN FEATURES AND DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this practice – to discuss and fix bases of production quality management, its modern features and development. This practice will allow creating competences OK-3: ability to use bases of economic knowledge in various fields of activity; and OK-5: ability to communication in oral and written forms in the Russian and foreign languages for the solution of problems of interpersonal and cross-cultural interaction and also to acquire the following knowledge and abilities: – knowledge of production quality bases; – understanding of an order of its organization in the companies’ activity; – ability to define, what elements belong to quality management and how to use them for development of the company. Relevance of practice consists in necessity to know quality management bases. Theoretical part Total Quality Management (TQM) is a method for an organization to effectively implement quality enhancing strategies into their functional systems, as well as their managerial departments, in order to maintain continuous improvements of quality for all products and services. This implementation of quality improving initiatives can be facilitated not only by mathematical processes and models, but organizational consistency and excellence. Total Quality Management incorporates the features like: products that meet customers’ needs, and control of processes to ensure their ability to meet design requirements and quality improvements for the continued enhancement of quality. Customer is the driving force behind quality of design. Customer satisfaction is based on the subjective comparison between the expectations and the actual quality received. The sales of the product clearly generate the hard currency; one must also recognize that customer satisfaction is derived from ancillary services associated with product and the sensitivity and timeliness with which the problems are handled. Quality system should possess a sound behavioral as 5 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Management of production quality in international corporations well as technical perspective. To develop such a quality system, the management should research the customer preferences, train employees to be sensitive to customer needs and reward employees for making customer satisfaction a primary objective. Quality Control processes in business are aimed at ensuring a good or service is of the standard of quality that the manufacturer or supplier has determined. Under the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM), quality control extends to every aspect of the way a business operates. In the case of a manufactured good it means that during design, production, and servicing the quality of work and materials must be up to the standard laid down. William Edwards Deming (eng. William Edwards Deming) better known as Edward Deming is an internationally known scholar, author of numerous works in the field of quality management. The greatest fame for his work in Japan. He had the greatest influence on the revival of post-war Japan. William Edwards Deming was born 14 October 1900 in Sioux city, Iowa (Sioux City, Iowa and grew up in Polk city, Iowa on the chicken farm of his grandfather Henry Coffin Edwards, and then on a farm in Powell, Wyoming, purchased by his father. Father – William albert Deming (eng. William Albert Deming). Mother – plam Irene Edwards (eng. Pluma Irene Edwards). William Edwards Deming died 20 December 1993, in Washington in the United States. The emphasis put on quality control in many countries in recent years was to a large extent a response to the competitive edge Japanese businesses had achieved by paying attention to quality. However, it was an American management consultant, W. Edwards Deming, who brought the message to the Japanese that “the consumer is the most important part of the production line”, and who taught them methods that would help them control quality. He was the pioneer of total quality management theories and practices used the concept of quality as an instrument to increase the productivity and success of organizations throughout Japan in the 1950’s. The varieties of methods in which this quality concept can be implemented into an organization are solely dependent on the organizational mind- state. According to Deming, as quality is increased, costs decrease. This is fundamentally different than the typical business concepts taught in many management majors, which insist that an increase 6 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Practical training in quality comes at a cost to the company as a decrease in profits. Deming’s philosophy of quality can be broken down into four axioms: 1) quality and costs are not opposites, or trades-offs, with one being improved at the expense of the other. Instead both can be constantly improved. The meaning of quality is different from conventional views that mistake exotic materials and fail-safe designs for quality. Quality is best understood from the point of view of the customer, but one important component of quality is improvement of uniformity; 2) variation is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It is not an exception or fault. Variation is treated differently depending on whether we are dealing with a stable or unstable system. A stable system creates both success and failures. Lowering the number of defects in a stable system can only be achieved by working on the system; 3) cooperation is a fundamental ingredient that leads to improvement; 4) competition is often at work and helps determine which products and which companies survive, but there are times when competition is irrelevant and times when competition is inappropriate. Case: Features quality management in Japanese companies Toyota Quality management company Toyota based on fourteen principles that will be described below: Section I: The philosophy of long-term. Principle 1: to make management decisions based on the long term, even if it is detrimental to short-term financial goals. Use a systematic and strategic approach when setting goals, all operational decisions should be subject to such an approach. Realize its place in the history of the company and try to bring it to a higher level. Work on the organization, improve and rebuild it, moving to the main goal, which is more important than making a profit. Conceptual understanding of their destination – the foundation of all the other principles. Your main task – to create value for the consumer, society and the economy. Assessing any kind of activity in the company, taking into account, decide whether it is the problem. Be responsible. Strive to control their own destiny. Believe in your strength and abilities. Be responsible for what you do, maintain and improve the skills that allow you to produce added value. 7 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Management of production quality in international corporations Section II. Correct process gives correct results. Principle 2: The process in a continuous stream helps to identify problems. Rearrangement process so as to create a continuous flow, effectively providing value addition. To minimize the time that is a work in progress with no traffic. Create traffic stream product information and to establish links between the processes and people that any problems are identified immediately. This flow must become part of the organizational culture, understood by all. This is the key to continuous improvement and development of people. Principle 3: Use the pull system to avoid overproduction. Make it so that domestic consumer who takes your job, got what he needed, at the right time and in the right quantity. The basic principle: the system «just in time» supply of goods must be replenished only when their consumption. Minimize the amount of work in process inventory and warehousing. Keep left a small number of products and fill up these stocks to the extent that, as a consumer takes them. Be sensitive to daily fluctuations in consumer demand, which give more information than computer systems and graphics. This will help to avoid unnecessary losses in the cluster stocks. Principle 4: distribute the workload evenly (heydzunka): work like a turtle, and not as a hare. Elimination of losses – only one of the three conditions for the success of lean manufacturing. Elimination of the overload of people and equipment, and the smoothing of uneven production schedule is no less important. This is often misunderstood in the companies that are trying to apply the principles of lean manufacturing. Work on a uniform distribution of load in all the processes related to the production and service. This is the alternative to the alternation of hectic activity and downtime typical of mass production. Principle 5: Make a stop production in order to address the work culture, if required quality. Quality for the consumer determines your value proposition. Use all the modern quality assurance methods. Build equipment that is capable of recognizing their own problems and stop when they are identified. Develop a visual notification 8 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Practical training system team leader and its members that the machine or process require their attention. Jidoka (machines with human intelligence) – the foundation for the «integration» of quality. Take care that the organization had a system of support, ready for prompt resolution of problems and taking corrective action. The principle of stopping or slowing down the process shall provide the necessary quality of «first time» and become an integral part of the work culture of the company. This will improve the performance of processes in the future. Principle 6: Common tasks – the basis for continuous improvement and the delegation of authority to staff. Use stable, repeatable methods of work, it will make the results more predictable, improve the coherence of the work, and the yield will be more uniform. This base flow and pull. Safeguard the accumulated knowledge about the process of standardizing the best at the moment methods. Do not hinder creative expression aimed at improving the standard; consolidate the gains new standard. Then the experience of one employee can be transferred to the person who will replace him. Principle 7: Use visual control so that no problem has not gone unnoticed. Use simple visual aids to help employees quickly identify where they comply with the standard, and where deviated from it. Do not use a computer monitor, if it distracts the worker from the work area. Create a simple system for visual monitoring in the workplace, contributing to the maintenance of flow and pull. If possible, reduce the amount of reporting to a single sheet, even if we are talking about the most important financial decisions. Principle 8: Use only reliable, proven technology. Technologies are designed to help people, and not to replace them. Often is first to perform the process manually before you enter additional equipment. New technologies are often unreliable and difficult to standardize, and it threatens to flow. Instead unproven technology is better to use a well-known, the exhaust process. Before introducing new technology and equipment, tests should be performed in real-world conditions. Reject or modify the technology that goes against your culture, can disrupt the stability, reliability and predictability. 9 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Management of production quality in international corporations And yet, to encourage their people to not forget about the new technologies, when it comes to finding new ways. Operatively to introduce proven technologies that have been tested and do flow more perfect. Section III. Adds value to the organization by developing its employees and partners. Principle 9: Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others. Better educate their leaders than to buy them outside the company. A leader must not only fulfill their tasks and have people skills. He needs to practice the philosophy of the company and lead by example to the case. A good leader must know how the daily work of their hands, only then he can become a real teacher’s philosophy. Principle 10: Educate exceptional people and teams who follow the philosophy of the company. Create a strong, stable workplace culture with enduring value orientations and beliefs that are shared and all. Teach exceptional people and work teams to act in accordance with the corporate philosophy, which allows you to achieve exceptional results. Have been working hard to strengthen the industrial culture. Formed cross-functional teams to improve quality and productivity and to improve the flow by solving complex technical problems. Equip people with the tools that will improve your business. Tirelessly to train people to work as a team toward a common goal. Learn to work in a team must each. Principle 11: Respect your partners and suppliers, confronting them with the challenges and helping them improve. Respect your partners and suppliers, to treat them as equal participants in a common cause. Create conditions for partners to encourage their growth and development. Then they will realize that they are valued. Confronts them with the challenges and help solve them. Section IV. Permanent solution to the fundamental problems of stimulating lifelong learning. Principle 12: In order to understand the situation, it is necessary to see all the eyes (Gent genbutsu). Solving problems and improving processes, you should see what is happening with their own eyes and personally verify the data, and 10

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