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Management of Emissions at Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company PDF

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United Arab Emirates University Scholarworks@UAEU Theses Electronic Theses and Dissertations 5-1999 Management of Emissions at Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Abdul Aziz R Al Nuaimi Follow this and additional works at:https://scholarworks.uaeu.ac.ae/all_theses Part of theEnvironmental Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Al Nuaimi, Abdul Aziz R, "Management of Emissions at Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company" (1999).Theses. 554. https://scholarworks.uaeu.ac.ae/all_theses/554 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Scholarworks@UAEU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholarworks@UAEU. For more information, please [email protected]. MANAGEMENT OF EMISSIONS AT ABU DHABI GAS LIQUEFACTIONC OMPANY A ThesiSsu bmittiendP artial Fulffiolrtl hmee nt Degreoef M .Sci.n E nvironmenStcaile nce By AbdulAz iz Ali R.A IN uaimi Facultyo fS cience UniteAdr abE miratUensi versity (June1,9 99) SUPERVISORS ProfesEssosra mA bdulH afIz Heado fC ivil EnginDeeeprairntgm ent ColleogfeE ngineering UniteAdr abE miratUensi versity Dr.M unjeMda raqa AssistParnotf essor CiviEln gineerDienpga rtment ColleogfeE ngineering UniteAdr abE mirates University Dr.M ohamedH assaAnI M arzouqi AssiasnttP rofessor Chemicaanld P etroleEunmg ineerDienpga rtment ColleogfeE ngineering UniteAdr abE mirateUsn iversity \I The Thesiso f Abdul AzizA liR ashed AINuaimif ort he degreeo f Mastero f Sciencei n EnvironmentSacli encesi s approved. •.................•..................•••....... �.�� ���������� Chairo f CommitteeP,r of.E ssam Abdul Hafiz ••.••...........•.........•......• .........................•.... . .......•.......................................... ExaminingC ommitteeM ember,D r.M ahmoud FathyA bd-Rabbo ( .•••.....•••..••....•.. ........ ..............................•........................... .....•..•....... ............ Examiinng CommitteeM ember,D r.R eyadh AI Mehaideb C ..f.\.:..Jj.� .'S.h.B..:.i\ R. . . \;\�� 5? h- ....... 00000000000000000000000.0000000000.00000000 •• 000.000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0000.000 Dean of The Facultoyf Science, UnitedA rab EmiratesU niversity ABSTRACT Gasi ndustrinit ehseU niteAdr abE mirataersev astglryo winigno rdetro m ainlcyo pe witht hei ncreasing fdoermea nnedr gpyr oductiaoswn esl als f ort hew iseu tilizatoifo n gasa ssociwaitteh ctrhue doei lE.n vironmepnrtoabll ecmosu plweidt hg ase mployment necessittahtede esv elopmoefna t m anagemetnetc hniqtuheasct a nl eatdo be ttecro ntrol of emissiofrnosm gasp rocessciongm paniseisn ce soomfe t heseem issioanrse unavoidafbolrse a ferteya sons. Thiss tudsyu ggesat frsa mewortko be usedt oc ontreomli ssiofrnosm AbuD habGia s LiquefactCioomnp any( ADGAS)i nD asI slanwdh,i chr epresean ttysp icmaalj ogras processcionmgp aniyn t her egion, tihnrvouegsht igaotfti hoeni sm pacotfi ntroduac ing modificiaotns chemew,i thitnh eu nitp rocessoens t,h eq ualiotfyt hes urrounding atmosphere. A baselisnteu dfyo rc urreenmti ssianodn sg rounlde veclo ncentraotfif oonuspr o llutants (sulphduiro xidnei,t rogen ocxairdboenms o,n oxidaen dp articulwaatsee ss)t ablished.A computmeord ewla st heuns edt os imulattheep roposemdo dificatiionon rsd etror educe grounlde veclo ncenttiroantsh aetx ceerde gulatsotrayn dards. Two maina pproacwheerse c onsidetroem di nimizeg rounlde veclo ncentratFiiornsst., reduciflnogw ofg asi nttoh efl arebsy adding comprteosr seocrosv aenry e xcesgsa s from goinign ttoh ef lardeusr inogp eratiSoencso.n udp,gr adinsgu lphruerc oveurnyi ttso a higheerffi ciencayn ds omeo therre ducticoann a lsob e accomplisthherdo ugh sweetenoifnfu ge lg asd irecttoeu dt iitlies. Thes tudcyo ncludtehdat th er ateosfe mittgeadsa tA DGAS LiquefiNeadt urGaals P lant aree xceeditnhgee xposulriem iutnsd earl le mergenacnyd c urrennotnn alo peration conditiGoansst .u rbinaensdbo ilerwse rep rovetdo be them ajosro urcfeosr n itrogen oxideasn dc arbon monoxwihdiel,boe t h sulphruerc oveurnyi tasn dg ast urbinaerse contributtiont gh ee missioofns ulphduiro xidIen.t hem eantimuep,g radionfgt he sulphurre coveruyn ittso 97.5%re sultiend 3 0% decreaisne sulphudri oxide concentraAt isoing.n ificdaenctr eaisnne i trogoexni deasn dc arbonm onoxidaesw elals particucloantcee ntrarteisounlsfrt oemd a ddinagt hirbodi l-off-cgoamsp ressor. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wouldl ikteo e xpremsys specisailn cearpep reaciattoti hoenc ommittee memberwsh oh aves upervimsye sdt udpyr ograIma .m especiagrlaltye futlo my advisoPrrso fessor EssaHma fiAzba dnudDl r .M unjeMda raqfao rt heir continufooulsl ouwp a ndg uidantcher oughtohuetM .Scp rogramA.l soI, woulldi kteo t hanDkr .M ohamedH assaAnl M arzoufqoihr i sf eedbaacnkd advice. AlsoI, gr eatltyh antkh eF aculotfyS ciencoeft heU niteAdr abE mirates Universfiotrty h eisru ppoarntd g ivinmge theo pportuntioct oym pletthee M.Scp.r ogram. Speciatlh anktso t hem anagemenatn dp ersonnoefl A bu Dhabi Gas LiquefacCtoimopna nLyi mitfeodrt hesiurp poarntda llowimneg t oc onduct thefi eldst udaytD asI sland. Finallvye,r ys pecitahla nktso m y familfyo rt heipra tienacned s upport durintgh et imoef t hipsr ogram. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTARCT IV AKNOWLEDGEMENT V TABLEO FC ONTENTS VI LISOTF T ABLES x LISOTF F IGURES XlI LISOTF A BBREVIATION XIV LISOTF S YMBOLES XVI CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1 1.G1E NERAL 1 1.O2B JECTIVES 1 1.MAN3A GEMENT FRAMEWORK 2 1.A4P PROACH 3 1.T5HE SIS STRUCTURE 3 CHAPTER EMISSIONM ANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 2 2.I1N TRODUCTION 5 2.G2E NERAL DESCRIPTIOONF LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS PROCESSING 6 2.MAIN3 EMISSION SOURCES 8 2.E4N VIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH IMP ACT OF EMISSIONS 9 2.R5E GULATIONSO N EMISSIONSAND AIR QUALITY 11 VI Page CHAPTER 3 SITED ESCRIPTION 3.I1NT RODUCTION 14 3.G2EO GRAPHICALL OCATION 14 3.L3IQ UEFIENDA TURAL GAS PLANATT ADGAS 16 3.13C .ompression 16 33..S2vve etening 17 33..D3r ying 18 33..F4r actionation 18 3.3L.iq5u efaction 18 33..S6ul phur Recovery 19 3.3Ut.i7l ities 19 3.3St.o8r aTgaen ks 20 CHAPTER DATA COLLECTION ANALYSIS 4 AND 41.I NTRODUCTION 21 4.ME2T EOROLOGICAL DATA 21 4.E3M ISSIOSNO URCES 23 CHAPTER AIRD ISPERSIONM ODELING 5 5.I1NT RODUCTION 31 5.M2O DELINGT ECHNIQUES 31 5.A3VA ILABLEM ODELS 33 54.I NDUSTRIASLO URCEC OMPLEX MODEL 35 5.G5EN ERALA SSUMPTIONS ASSOCIATEDW ITH INDUSTRIALS OURCEC OMPLEX MODEL 36 5.M6O DEL EQUATIONS 37 5.M7O DEL VERIFICATIOENX AMPLE 39 vii Page CHAPTER 6 MODELING OF GROUND CONCENTRATIONS UNDER EXISTINGO PERATIONS 61.I NfRODUCTION 41 6.C2O MPLIANCEW ITH ATMOSPHERIC EMISSIONR EGULATIONS 41 6.G3R OUND LEVELC ONCENTRATION UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS 43 6.G4R OUND LEVELC ONCENTRATION UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 48 6.G5R OUND LEVELC ONCENTRATION UNDER COMBINED CONDITIONS 55 6.S6U MMARY 56 CHAPTER MODELING OF GROUND CONCENTRATIONS 7 UNDER MODIFIED OPERATINGC ONDITIONS 71.I NTRODUCTION 57 7.U2P GRADINGS ULPHURR ECOVERYU NITS 58 7.A3D DITIONALB OILO FFG AS COMPRESSOR 63 7.N4I TROGENP URGINIG 67 7.O5THE R EMISSION IMPROVEMENT 67 7.15F .ueGla sS weetening 67 7.5R.ed2u ciGnrgo unLde veClo ncentrations 67 7.5F.la3rI em provement 68 7.S6UMMA RY 68 CHAPTER8 CONCLUSIONSAND RECOMMENDATIONS 81.C ONCLUSIONS 69 VlII Page 8.R2EC OMMENDATONS FOR TillSS TUDY AND FOFUTURER WORK 70 REFERENCES 72 APPENDICES APPENDIXA 74 APPENDIXB 80 APPENDIXC 83 IX

Liquefaction Company (ADGAS) in Das Island, which represents a typical major gas processing .. Potential temperature gradient (OT/& + n (KIm).
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