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CELEBRATING 25 YEARS 2015 Directory of Services & Solutions CIVIL NETWORKING ELECTRICAL FINANCE GEOLOGY INFORMATION SECURITY SAFETY TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT MECHANICAL PROJECT A Worldwide Leader in Technical, Function Management Training & Consulting www.mastersconsultant.com C 3 Why Choose Masters Consultant? 4 Instructional Programs 6 e-Learning Solutions 8 Training Services O 9 IT Certified Programs & Professional Services 10 Consulting Solutions 12 HR Consultancy 15 Masters Competency Assessment Softwares & Tests 29 Project Management Consultancy N 35 Masters Client List 37 Certified Industrial, Inspection, ASME, ISO & NDT Programs 38 Civil & Construction Engineering 50 Communications & Networking 54 Electrical Power, Instruments & Control Systems T 65 Finance, Banking, Insurance & Budgeting Programs 74 Garden Management & Pest Control E 75 Geology, Drilling, Welding, Soil & Inspection Engineering 79 Health, Safety, Environment & Healthcare Service Management 99 Information Technology Courses (IT) 100 Instrumentations, Control & Telecommunications Engineering N 104 Laboratory Management & Operations 116 Maintenance & Reliability Engineering 123 Management, Leadership, Training & HR 151 Marine & Offshore Engineering 152 Mechanical Engineering & Oil Operation T 165 Oracle-Business Suite Training 168 Process Engineering, Water Desalination & Chemical Engineering S 176 Project & Contract Management 191 Purchasing, Inventory, Supply Chain, Logistics & Transport Management 198 Quality Assurance & Quality Management Systems 200 Welding, Metallurgy & Corrosion Engineering www.mastersconsultant.com Who We Are www.mastersconsultant.com U.S.A CAIRO U.A.E K.S.A WHY CHOOSE MASTERS CONSULTANT? Mastershasalwaysbeenagreatplacetoworkbutwehave worked very hard during the last twenty years to make it even better. We have recruited a number of well trained, highly motivatedinnovativemanagersandtrainerstocopewithour ever increasing project demands. We are committed to global unification of work practice and standards, offering template solutions to regional offices and clients alike. And we have implemented a program of high-involvement innovation through policies which: Make people management our highest priority Link staff trainingtoglobalandregionalbusinessplanningInstallTEAM structures formally train our leaders to assist quicker TEAM cohesiveness. Focus on TEAM work rather than individual tasks through the incorporation of project management concepts Shift focus to knowledge management rather than task management because we see our people as 'assets' to be cultivated rather than 'labour costs' to be minimized Wehaveacomprehensiveproductset,withareliableandunrivalledpubliccourseschedule.Trainingisdelivered atanumberoflocationsthroughouttheEurope,MiddleEast,AsiaandAfricabyfullycertifiedtrainingprofession- als.OurLearningServicesteamcanprovideyouwitharangeofcustomizedprograms.TheseincludeManaged TrainingServices,TrainingNeedsAnalysis,applicationrolloutsandbespoketechnicaltraininganddevelopment, as well as non-IT skills training such as project management, health and safety and business processes. Ourwebportal,iconnect,enablesyoutomanageormonitorthetrainingweprovideyouwithfromthecomfort of your own office. A secure log-in via the Masters Consultant web site gives you access to personal accounts, company accounts and specific personalized pricing as well as your spend history and future bookings. “Master’s mission has always been to develop training programs and resources that are driven by excellence and innovation. Our objective is to deliver programs and products in ways that are sure to enhance individual and organizational performance for our clients.” 3 A major company asked us to teach our International Gas Business Workshop in 1996 for its international managers. Since then, we have been invited back twice each year to teach it for them, with consistently high ratings from participants. Instructional Programs An integrated understanding of business fundamentals is Over 4500 graduates of our management programs have critical to management success in the oil and gas industry. rated them as “outstanding” for their excellent faculty, To provide this important learning opportunity, Masters timely and realistic content, innovative business games, offers comprehensive management programs tailored to and attentive staff. the oil, gas, and power businesses. These programs are Our PROGRAM TOPICS offered in USA and other key international cities on an TYPICALLY INCLUDE : open-enrollment basis. ■International Petroleum Business Program We also tailor our programs to the specific needs of individual companies and teach them in private in-house ■International Gas Business programs and regional multi-company offerings. These Management Certificate Program 3- or 5-day workshops are intensive explorations into all areas of the oil, gas, and power industries. (Many of our ■Foundations of Law, Accounting, and Economics clients continue to schedule our in-house programs year for the Oil and Gas Manager after year.) ■Management Skills and Practices Each program combines lectures by experienced energy for the Oil and Gas Manager business specialists with a classic Mastersbusiness ■International Petroleum workshop that allow participants working in teams to Management Certificate Program develop and manage an energy business over a simulated 20-year period. The business game is computerized so ■ E&P Project Development Workshop that each team’s decisions can be captured and its overall performance measured. This form of learning is ideal for experienced managers, because it allows them to interact and learn from each other in the context of a realistic and challenging case study. 4 1979 Masters develops its first set of “Career Development Plans” INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM TOPICS for Mobil Oil. (Since then, many companies worldwide have TYPICALLY INCLUDE: asked Masters to assist in preparing similar “roadmaps” for the competency development of their workforces – from entry-level (OFFERED IN SUCHDIVERSE LOCATIONSAS DUBAI, K.S.A, EUROP technical specialists to senior management personnel.) EGYPT, NIGERIA, MALAYSIA, ANDINDONESIA.) 1988 As corporations are being transformed from functional “silos” ■International Gas Business Workshop to more horizontal organizations, Masters creates its classic energy management “Certificate” programs to meet the need ■International Petroleum Business Workshop for an integrated understanding of business fundamentals. These highly-regarded 2- to 4-week programs, dedicated to ■International Power Business Workshop the integrated value chains of the energy business (oil, gas and power), consist of lectures by recognized specialists, visits to regional energy sites, and team participation in ■Petrochemicals, Refining and Gas Processing Workshop specially-designed business games. 1992 ■Petroleum Project Economics and Risk Analysis Responding to company requests, Masters packages an abbreviated form of its management programs into ■Effective Negotiating Skills Workshop one-week workshop sessions and begins offering them on an in-house basis. ■Project Management of Oil & Gas Projects ■Upstream Petroleum Agreements: Legal and Economic Aspects 5 e-Learning Solutions Masters is the industry leader in developing and publishing IPIMS.ep also serves as the foundation for all Masters innovative and effective e-Learning solutions for the Blended Learning Programs. Masters believes that blended international oil and gas industry. We offer a wide range learning, a combination of traditional and e-Learning of e-Learning solutions to answer the diverse needs of our methods, leads to more effective and longer-lasting worldwide customers. competency building. We offer a series of very effective blended learning programs in petroleum technology CAMS SYSTEM that develops advanced levels of competency. Each Our award-winning International Petroleum Industry program integrates lectures, workshops, mentor guidance, Multimedia System (CAMS) is a comprehensive IPIMS.ep, and specially designed e-Learning assignments learning resource. It covers all areas of E&P Technology (Action Learning) to build life-long, job-required skills. and Operations and has been written by industry specialists to meet the learning needs of practicing PETROLEUM ONLINE: AN IN-DEPTH professionals. With integrated state-of-the-art delivery INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL OIL tools, from competency models to challenging hands-on AND GAS INDUSTRY E&P assignments, the CAMS system provides companies As the global demand for energy increases and the with the flexibility to create custom learning solutions that experienced energy workforce edges closer to retirement meet the specific needs of their workforce. age, there is a rapidly growing need for new personnel in the worldwide oil and gas industry. New workers need Companies can link 750 courses from CAMS into a comprehensive industry orientation program that is their competency models and thereby have an easily- challenging enough to prepare them for the rigors of the job implemented, proprietary system for developing their and accessible enough to get them up and running quickly. worldwide personnel. And because CAMS courses are SCORM Certified, they can be integrated seamlessly into Petroleum Online, the latest e-Learning series from Masters , a company’s Learning Management System. CAMS is designed for anyone who wants to know how the is a powerful and cost-effective learning system that is international oil and gas industry “works.” This includes now a core resource for over 160 leading international oil and gas companies, including super majors, national oil companies, service companies and independents. 6 After completing a successful pilot test, a major international company launched CAMS System on a global basis and is now using this innovative e-Learning system to train over 25,000 E&P specialists worldwide. 1994 Understanding the power of information technology to transform the learning process, Masters begins digitizing its E&P Video Library into a multimedia knowledge database, including more than 100 hours of video, 17,000 graphics and 10,000 pages of text. 1995 Masters packages its multimedia knowledge database into a CD-ROM delivery system and calls it “the International Petroleum Industry Multimedia System (CAMS).” 1997 As technology advances, a Local Area Network (LAN) version of CAMS is made available for client servers. both new and established oil and gas company employees, 1998 With the advent of streaming video, the Internet/Intranet from board members to operators, as well as the many version of CAMS is developed, beta tested, and issued. individuals and organizations that provide services to the (It remains unique to the industry. No competitor has industry. The series consists of 12 challenging e-Learning challenged this comprehensive offering.) modules that cover all key sectors of the industry, from 1998 exploration to marketing, and illustrates how they all In alliance with Petroleos de Venezuela, Masters begins building the Action Learning component of CAMS (a fit together. comprehensive set of practical assignments that encourage “Learning by Doing”). It is devoted to the important E&P BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Technology area of Integrated Reservoir Management. ESSENTIALS FOR INTERNATIONAL 1998 OIL AND GASINDUSTRY PERSONNEL Masters Training Services Group is engaged by Shell Part of being an effective employee in the petroleum Petroleum, to undertake a three year assignment to train local nationals to become competent industry includes understanding its key business O&M specialists. This assignment stimulates Masters to fundamentals. To meet this need, Masters is now formalize its Competency Assurance Process (“CAP”). developing and publishing a highly-regarded series of general business e-Learning programs in the “MBA Essentials” areas of corporate finance, leadership, communications, human resource management, and project management. All courses are self-paced, flexible, relevant, based on real-world experience, and cost-effective. GO TO WWW.MASTERSCONSULTANT.COM TOLEARNMOREABOUT: ■ CAMS SYSTEM ■ PETROLEUM ONLINE ■ BUSINESS ESSENTIALS FOROILANDGASPERSONNEL ■ ONLINE CERTIFICATEANDDIPLOMAPROGRAMS ■ BLENDED LEARNING PROGRAMS 7 We are making excellent progress in a major assignment to evaluate the competencies and enhance the skills of 1000 O&M personnel who work at large oil production and gas processing facilities in Africa. This engagement builds on the success of our other projects in tthhee MMiiddddllee EEaasstt,, NNoorth Africa, and Asia. Training Services The Masters Training Services Group provides a variety of THE COMPETENCY ASSURANCE PROCESS training services for clients worldwide. Our many years of Our proprietary Competency Assurance Process, which experience within the oil and gas industry, as well as the has evolved since our first publication on the subject comprehensive resources we have developed, enable us to in 1982 ( Manpower Planning and Development: The provide a very thorough and highly-regarded approach to Developing World), is a rational and time-tested approach training and competency building. for building competent workforces. First, our specialists work with clients to prepare their training and recruitment In recent years, our work has focused on the building of strategy. Then we build competency models for each competent workforces in the critical areas of Exploration job title in the facility or specialty area and identify the and Production (E&P) and Operations and Maintenance training (lecture, e-Learning, or on-the-job) required to (O&M). In the latter area, our assignments have included achieve competency objectives. the development of specialists in oil and gas production, drilling, gas processing, LNG, power and refining projects Using the competency models, we then assess employees in the Middle East, North and West Africa, Asia, U.S. and against specified job competencies and identify gaps South America. in order to deliver custom training programs for each individual. As a result, competency gaps are soon closed A typical objective for our clients is to ensure that across the organization and clients are assured that each member of their workforce is competent to perform each employee is competent to meet the O&M or E&P his job. Often the goal is to train local nationals so that job requirements. each employee develops the skills necessary to perform his job to international standards of competency. Achieving this goal permanently lowers operating costs and makes sustainable, long-term contributions to the growth of the host country. To successfully help our clients meet these goals, we employ our proprietary Competency Assurance Process, leverage the vast resources of our Competency Resource Center, and utilize our teams of committed specialists to bring each engagement to a successful conclusion. 8 IT Professional Services Our Professional Services division offers a wide range of world-class ICT services and solutions including consultancy, deployment & implementation and technical support to meet today's most sophisticated businesses and IT organization needs. Our competencies cover various products, technologies and multiple areas of specialization including security, mobil- ity, VoIP & IP telephony, networking infrastructure, advanced infrastructure, operating systems, custom development, information worker and databases. Our service offerings includebasiccomplimentaryservicessuchasprojectmanagement,documentation,report- ing, testing, and simulations. 9

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