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MAN B&W Two-stroke MC/MC-C Engines PDF

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Preview MAN B&W Two-stroke MC/MC-C Engines

Engine Selection Guide Two-stroke MC/MC-C Engines ThisbookdescribesthegeneraltechnicalfeaturesoftheMCProgramme This Engine Selection Guide is intended as a 'tool' for assistance in the initial stagesofaproject. As differences may appear in the individual suppliers’ extent of delivery, please contacttherelevantenginesupplierforaconfirmationoftheactualexecutionand extentofdelivery. ForfurtherinformatoinseetheProjectGuidefortherelevantenginetype. ThisEngineSelectionGuideandmostoftheProjectGuidesareavailableonaCD ROM. Thedataandotherinformationgivenissubjecttochangewithoutnotice. 5th Edition February 2000 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide Engine Data Engine Power Specificfueloilconsumption(SFOC) Thetablecontainsdataregardingtheenginepower, Specific fuel oil consumption values refer to brake speed and specific fuel oil consumption of the en- power,andthefollowingreferenceconditions: ginesoftheMCProgramme. ISO3046/1-1986: Engine power is specified in both BHP and kW, in Blower inlet temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 °C roundedfigures,foreachcylindernumberandlay- Blower inlet pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1000mbar outpointsL1,L2,L3andL4: Charge air coolant temperature. . . . . . . . . . .25 °C Fuel oil lower calorific value. . . . . . . .42,700 kJ/kg L1designatesnominalmaximumcontinuousrating (10,200 kcal/kg) (nominal MCR), at 100% engine power and 100% enginespeed. Although the engine will develop the power speci- fied up to tropical ambient conditions, the specific L2, L3 and L4 designate layout points at the other fueloilconsumptionvarieswithambientconditions threecornersofthelayoutarea,chosenforeasyref- and fuel oil lower calorific value. For calculation of erence. thesechanges,seesection2. Power L1 SFOCguarantee L3 Thefiguresgiveninthisprojectguiderepresentthe valuesobtainedwhentheengineandturbocharger L2 are matched with a view to obtaining the lowest possible SFOC values and fulfilling the IMO NO x emissionlimitations. L4 Speed TheSpecificFuelOilConsumption(SFOC)isguar- anteedforoneengineload(power-speedcombina- Fig.1.01:Layoutdiagramforenginepowerandspeed tion),thisbeingtheoneinwhichtheengineisopti- mised. Overload corresponds to 110% of the power at MCR,andmaybepermittedforalimitedperiodof Theguaranteeisgivenwithamarginof5%. onehourevery12hours. As SFOC and NO are interrelated parameters, an x Theenginepowerfiguresgiveninthetablesremain engineofferedwithoutfulfillingtheIMONO limita- x validuptotropicalconditionsatsealevel,ie.: tions is subject to a tolerance of only 3% of the SFOC. Blower inlet temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 °C Blower inlet pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1000mbar Seawater temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 °C Lubricatingoildata The cylinder oil consumption figures stated in the tablesarevalidundernormalconditions. Duringrunning-inperiodsandunderspecialcondi- tions,feedratesofupto1.5timesthestatedvalues shouldbeused. 430100 400 198 22 27 1.01 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide TheenginetypesoftheMCprogrammeare identifiedbythefollowinglettersandfigures 6 S 70 MC-C C Compactengine Design S Stationaryplant C Camshaftcontrolled Concept E Electroniccontrolled(IntelligentEngine) Engineprogramme Diameterofpistonincm S Superlongstroke approximately4.0 Stroke/boreratio L Longstroke approximately3.2 K Shortstroke approximately2.8 Numberofcylinders 1783439-1.0 Fig.1.02:Enginetypedesignation 430100 400 198 22 27 1.02 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide KW Power BHP Mean Engine Layout Engine effective Numberofcylinders type point speed pressure r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 34320 40040 45760 51480 57200 62920 68640 K98MC L1 94 18.2 46680 54460 62240 70020 77800 85580 93360 Bore 27480 32060 36640 41220 45800 50380 54960 980mm L2 94 14.6 37320 43540 49760 55980 62200 68420 74640 Stroke 30660 35770 40880 45990 51110 56210 61320 2660mm L3 84 18.2 41700 48650 55600 62550 69500 76450 83400 24540 28630 32720 36810 40900 44990 49080 L4 84 14.6 33360 38920 44480 50040 55600 61160 66720 34260 39970 45680 51390 57100 62810 68520 K98MC-C L1 104 18.2 46560 54320 62080 69840 77600 85360 93120 Bore 27420 31990 36560 41130 45700 50270 54840 980mm L2 104 14.6 37260 43470 49680 55890 62100 68310 74520 Stroke 30960 36120 41280 46440 51600 56760 61920 2400mm L3 94 18.2 42120 49140 56160 63180 70200 77220 84240 24780 28910 33040 37170 41300 45430 49560 L4 94 14.6 33720 39270 44880 50490 56100 61710 67320 29340 34230 39120 44010 S90MC-C L1 76 19.0 39900 46550 53200 59850 Bore 23520 27440 31360 35280 900mm L2 76 15.2 31980 37300 42640 47970 Stroke 23580 27510 31440 35370 3188mm L3 61 19.0 32060 37400 42750 48090 18840 21980 25120 28260 L4 61 15.2 25610 29880 34150 38420 29340 34230 39120 44010 48900 53790 58680 L90MC-C L1 83 19.0 39480 46480 53120 59760 66400 73040 79680 Bore 18780 21910 25040 28170 31300 34430 37560 900mm L2 83 12.2 25500 29750 34000 38250 42500 46750 51000 Stroke 21900 25550 29200 32850 36500 40150 43800 2916mm L3 62 19.0 29760 34720 39680 44640 49600 54560 59520 14040 16380 18720 21060 23400 25740 28080 L4 62 12.2 19080 22260 25440 28620 31800 34980 38160 18280 22850 27420 31990 36560 41130 45700 50270 54840 K90MC L1 94 18.0 24880 31100 37320 43540 49760 55980 62200 68420 74640 Bore 11700 14650 17580 20510 23440 26370 29300 32230 35160 900mm L2 94 11.5 15920 19900 23880 27860 31840 35820 39800 43780 47760 Stroke 13720 17150 20580 24010 27440 30870 34300 37730 41160 2550mm L3 71 18.0 18640 23300 27960 32620 37280 41940 46600 51260 55920 8800 11000 13200 15400 17600 19800 22000 24200 26400 L4 71 11.5 11960 14950 17940 20930 23920 26910 29900 32890 35880 1784678-9.0 Fig.1.03a:Powerandspeed 430100 400 198 22 27 1.03 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide kW Power BHP Mean Engine Layout Engine effective Numberofcylinders type point speed pressure r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 27360 31920 36480 41040 45600 50160 54720 K90MC-C L1 104 18.0 37260 43470 49680 55890 62100 68310 74520 Bore 21900 25550 29200 32850 36500 40150 43800 900mm L2 104 14.4 29820 34790 39760 44730 49700 54670 59640 Stroke 23280 27160 31040 34920 38800 42680 46560 2300mm L3 89 18.0 31620 36890 42160 47430 52700 57970 63240 18600 21700 24800 27900 31000 34100 37200 L4 89 14.4 25320 29540 33760 37980 42200 46420 50640 23280 27160 31040 S80MC-C L1 76 19.0 31680 36960 42240 Bore 14880 17360 19840 800mm L2 76 12.2 20280 23660 27040 Stroke 17460 20370 23280 3200mm L3 57 19.0 23760 27720 31680 11160 13020 14880 L4 57 12.2 15180 17710 20240 15360 19200 23040 26880 30720 34560 S80MC L1 79 19.0 20880 26100 31320 36540 41760 46980 Bore 9840 12300 14760 17220 19680 22140 800mm L2 79 12.2 13360 16700 20040 23380 26720 30060 Stroke 11480 14350 17220 20090 22960 25830 3056mm L3 59 19.0 15600 19500 23400 27300 31200 35100 7360 9200 11040 12880 14720 16560 L4 59 12.2 10040 12550 15060 17570 20080 22590 14560 18200 21840 25480 29120 32760 36400 40040 43680 L80MC L1 93 18.0 19760 24700 29640 34580 39520 44460 49400 54340 59280 Bore 9320 11650 13980 16310 18640 20970 23300 25630 27960 800mm L2 93 11.5 12640 15800 18960 22120 25280 28440 31600 34760 37920 Stroke 10960 13700 16440 19180 21920 24660 27400 30140 32880 2592mm L3 70 18.0 14880 18600 22320 26040 29760 33480 37200 40920 44640 7000 8750 10500 12250 14000 15750 17500 19250 21000 L4 70 11.5 9520 11900 14280 16660 19040 21420 23800 26180 28560 21660 25270 28880 32490 36100 39710 43320 K80MC-C L1 104 18.0 29400 34300 39200 44100 49000 53900 58800 Bore 17340 20230 23120 26010 28900 31790 34680 800mm L2 104 14.4 23520 27440 31360 35280 39200 43120 47040 Stroke 18540 21630 24720 27810 30900 33990 37080 2300mm L3 89 18.0 25200 29400 33600 37800 42000 46200 50400 14820 17290 19760 22230 24700 27170 29640 L4 89 14.4 20160 23520 26880 30240 33600 36960 40320 1784678-9.0 Fig.1.03b:Powerandspeed 430100 400 198 22 27 1.04 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide kW Power BHP Mean Engine Layout Engine effective Numberofcylinders type point speed pressure r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12420 15525 18630 21735 24840 S70MC-C L1 91 19.0 16880 21100 25320 29540 33760 Bore 7940 9925 11910 13895 15880 700mm L2 91 12.2 10800 13500 16200 18900 21600 Stroke 9320 11650 13980 16310 18640 2800mm L3 68 19.0 12660 15825 18990 22155 25320 5960 7450 8940 10430 11920 L4 68 12.2 8100 10125 12150 14175 16200 11240 14050 16860 19670 22480 S70MC L1 91 18.0 15280 19100 22920 26740 30560 Bore 7200 9000 10800 12600 14400 700mm L2 91 11.5 9760 12200 14640 17080 19520 Stroke 8440 10550 12660 14770 16880 2674mm L3 68 18.0 11440 14300 17160 20020 22880 5400 6750 8100 9450 10800 L4 68 11.5 7320 9150 10980 12810 14640 11320 14150 16980 19810 22640 L70MC L1 108 18.0 15380 19225 23070 26915 30760 Bore 7240 9050 10860 12670 14480 700mm L2 108 11.5 9840 12300 14760 17220 19680 Stroke 8480 10600 12720 14840 16960 2268mm L3 81 18.0 11540 14425 17310 20195 23080 5420 6775 8130 9485 10840 L4 81 11.5 7380 9225 10070 12915 14760 9020 11275 13530 15785 18040 S60MC-C L1 105 19.0 12280 15350 18420 21490 24560 Bore 5780 7225 8670 10115 11560 600mm L2 105 12.2 7860 9825 11790 13755 15720 Stroke 6760 8450 10140 11830 13520 2400mm L3 79 19.0 9200 11500 13800 16100 18400 4340 5425 6510 7595 8680 L4 79 12.2 5880 7350 8820 10290 11760 8160 10200 12240 14280 16320 S60MC L1 105 18.0 11120 13900 16680 19460 22240 Bore 5240 6550 7860 9170 10480 600mm L2 105 11.5 7120 8900 10680 12460 14240 Stroke 6120 7650 9180 10710 12240 2292mm L3 79 18.0 8320 10400 12480 14560 16640 3920 4900 5880 6860 7840 L4 79 11.5 5320 6650 7980 9310 10640 1784678-9.0 Fig.1.03c:Powerandspeed 430100 400 198 22 27 1.05 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide kW Power BHP Mean Engine Layout Engine effective Numberofcylinders type point speed pressure r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7680 9600 11520 13440 15360 L60MC L1 123 17.0 10400 13000 15600 18200 20800 Bore 4920 6150 7380 8610 9840 600mm L2 123 10.9 6680 8350 10020 11690 13360 Stroke 5760 7200 8640 10080 11520 1944mm L3 92 17.0 7800 9750 11700 13650 15600 3680 4600 5520 6440 7360 L4 92 10.9 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 6320 7900 9480 11060 12640 S50MC-C L1 127 19.0 8580 10725 12870 15015 17160 Bore 4040 5050 6060 7070 8080 500mm L2 127 12.2 5500 6875 8250 9625 11000 Stroke 4740 5925 7110 8295 9480 2000mm L3 95 19.0 6440 8050 9660 11270 12880 3040 3800 4560 5320 6080 L4 95 12.2 4120 5150 6180 7210 8240 5720 7150 8580 10010 11440 S50MC L1 127 18.0 7760 9700 11640 13580 15520 Bore 3640 4550 5460 6370 7280 500mm L2 127 11.5 4960 6200 7440 8680 9920 Stroke 4280 5350 6420 7490 8560 1910mm L3 95 18.0 5840 7300 8760 10220 11680 2760 3450 4140 4830 5520 L4 95 11.5 3720 4650 5580 6510 7440 5320 6650 7980 9310 10640 L50MC L1 148 17.0 7240 9050 10860 12670 14480 Bore 3400 4250 5100 5950 6800 500mm L2 148 10.9 4640 5800 6960 8120 9280 Stroke 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 1620mm L3 111 17.0 5440 6800 8160 9520 10880 2560 3200 3840 4480 5120 L4 111 10.9 3480 4350 5220 6090 6960 5240 6550 7860 9170 10480 S46MC-C L1 129 19.0 7140 8925 10710 12495 14280 Bore 4200 5250 6300 7350 8400 460mm L2 129 15.2 5700 7125 8550 9975 11400 Stroke 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800 1932mm L3 108 19.0 5980 7475 8970 10465 11960 3520 4400 5280 6160 7040 L4 108 15.2 4780 5975 7170 8365 9560 1784678-9.0 Fig.1.03d:Powerandspeed 430100 400 198 22 27 1.06 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide kW Power BHP Mean Engine Layout Engine effective Numberofcylinders type point speed pressure r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4320 5400 6480 7560 8640 9720 10800 11880 12960 S42MC L1 136 19.5 5880 7350 8820 10290 11760 13230 14700 16170 17640 Bore 3460 4325 5190 6055 6920 7785 8650 9515 10380 420mm L2 136 15.6 4700 5875 7050 8225 9400 10575 11750 12925 14100 Stroke 3660 4575 5490 6405 7320 8235 9150 10065 10980 1764mm L3 115 19.5 4960 6200 7440 8680 9920 11160 12400 13640 14880 2920 3650 4380 5110 5840 6570 7300 8030 8760 L4 115 15.6 3980 4975 5970 6965 7960 8955 9950 10945 11940 3980 4975 5970 6965 7960 8955 9950 10945 11940 L42MC L1 176 18.0 5420 6775 8130 9485 10840 12195 13550 14905 16260 Bore 2540 3175 3810 4445 5080 5715 6350 6985 7620 420mm L2 176 11.5 3460 4345 5190 6055 6920 7785 8650 9515 10380 Stroke 2980 3725 4470 5215 5960 6705 7450 8195 8940 1360mm L3 132 18.0 4060 5075 6090 7105 8120 9135 10150 11165 12180 1920 2400 2880 3360 3840 4320 4800 5280 5760 L4 132 11.5 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500 7150 7800 2960 3700 4440 5180 5920 6660 7400 8140 8880 S35MC L1 173 19.1 4040 5050 6060 7070 8080 9090 10100 11110 12120 Bore 2380 2975 3570 4165 4760 5355 5950 6545 7140 350mm L2 173 15.3 3220 4025 4830 5635 6440 7245 8050 8855 9660 Stroke 2520 3150 3780 4410 5040 5670 6300 6930 7560 1400mm L3 147 19.1 3420 4275 5130 5985 6840 7695 8550 9405 10260 2020 2525 3030 3535 4040 4545 5050 5555 6060 L4 147 15.3 2740 3425 4110 4795 5480 6165 6850 7535 8220 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500 7150 7800 L35MC L1 210 18.4 3520 4400 5280 6160 7040 7920 8800 9680 10560 Bore 2080 2600 3120 3640 4160 4680 5200 5720 6240 350mm L2 210 14.7 2820 3525 4230 4935 5640 6345 7050 7755 8460 Stroke 2200 2750 3000 3850 4400 4950 5500 6050 6600 1050mm L3 178 18.4 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 6750 7500 8250 9000 1760 2200 2640 3080 3520 3960 4400 4840 5280 L4 178 14.7 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6600 6600 7200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 S26MC L1 250 18.5 2180 2725 3270 3815 4360 4905 5450 5995 6540 Bore 1280 1600 1920 2240 2560 2880 3200 3520 3840 260mm L2 250 14.8 1740 2175 2610 3045 3480 3915 4350 4785 5220 Stroke 1360 1700 2040 2380 2720 3060 3400 3740 4080 980mm L3 212 18.5 1860 2325 2790 3255 3720 4185 4650 5115 5580 1100 1375 1650 1925 2200 2475 2750 3025 3300 L4 212 14.8 1480 1850 2220 2590 2960 3330 3700 4070 4440 1784678-9.0 Fig.1.03e:Powerandspeed 430100 400 198 22 27 1.07 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide g/kWh Specificfueloilconsumption Lubricatingoilconsumption g/BHPh Withhighefficiencyturbochargers Systemoil Cylinderoil Approx. g/kWh Atloadlayoutpoint 100% 80% kg/cyl.24h g/BHPh K98MC 171 165 and L1 126 121 K98MC-C 162 158 L2 119 116 0.8-1.2 7.5-11 0.6-0.9 171 165 L3 126 121 162 158 L4 119 116 S90MC-C 167 165 L1 123 121 160 157 L2 118 116 0.95-1.5 7-10 0.7-1.1 167 165 L3 123 121 160 157 L4 118 116 L90MC-C 167 165 L1 123 121 155 154 L2 114 113 167 165 0.8-1.2 L3 123 121 7-10 0.6-0.9 155 154 L4 114 113 K90MC 171 169 L1 126 124 159 158 L2 117 116 0.8-1.2 7-10 0.6-0.9 171 169 L3 126 124 159 158 L4 117 116 1784679-2.0 Fig.1.04a:Fuelandlubricatingoilconsumption 430 100 100 198 22 28 1.08 MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide g/kWh Specificfueloilconsumption Lubricatingoilconsumption g/BHPh Withhighefficiencyturbochargers Systemoil Cylinderoil Approx. g/kWh Atloadlayoutpoint 100% 80% kg/cyl.24h g/BHPh K90MC-C 171 169 L1 126 124 165 162 L2 121 119 0.8-1.2 7-10 0.6-0.9 171 169 L3 126 124 165 162 L4 121 119 S80MC-C 167 165 L1 123 121 155 154 L2 114 113 0.95-1.5 6-9 0.7-1.1 167 165 L3 123 121 155 154 L4 114 113 S80MC 167 165 L1 123 121 155 154 L2 114 113 0.95-1.5 6-9 0.7-1.1 167 165 L3 123 121 155 154 L4 114 113 L80MC 174 171 L1 128 126 162 160 L2 119 118 0.8-1.2 6-9 0.6-0.9 174 171 L3 128 126 162 160 L4 119 118 1784679-2.0 Fig.1.04b:Fuelandlubricatingoilconsumption 430 100 100 198 22 28 1.09

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