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Male palp organ morphology of three species of ground spiders (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) PDF

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Preview Male palp organ morphology of three species of ground spiders (Araneae, Gnaphosidae)

Arachnologische Mitteilungen 45: 15-20 Karlsruhe,Juni 2013 Male palp organ morphology ofthree species ofground spiders (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) BorisZakharov&VladimirOvtcharenko doi; 10.5431/aramit4504 Abstract. A detailed morphological account ofthe male copulatory organs of three species of ground spiders, Sergioluscapulotus,HerpylluspropinquusandCallilepispluto(Araneae,Gnaphosidae),ispresented.Thelargesclerites (subtegulum,tegulum and embolus) appearto be homologous in all spiders.SergiolusandZelando havea plesio- morphic palp organization.The increased complexity in the male bulb organization creates a locking mechanism thatfixesthemalepalppositionduringintercourseinCallilepis,aswellasinEncoptarthria,TrachyzelotesandZelotes. The palp ofHerpyllus,togetherwithAnzacia, Drassodesand Intruda, demonstrates progressive modification ofthe malebulb. Keywords:Callilepispluto,ground-plan,Herpylluspropinquus,Sergioluscapulatus,tripartitemalebulb It is widely accepted that the male palp specifically (Zakharov&cOvtcharenko 2011).The closest condi- fits into the female epigynum of the same species. tion to the ancestral type ofmale palp was observed The importance ofmale and female genitalia in spe- in Zelanda erebus (L. Koch, 1873); a peculiar species cies identification has long been recognized, since from New Zealand. Drassodes lapidosus (Walckenaer, it was first used for this purpose (Westring 1861, 1802), Intruda signata (Hogg, 1900), and Anzacia Menge 1866,Wagner 1886, 1888, Engelhardt 1910, gemmea (Dalmas, 1917) demonstrate significant Comstock 1910, 1912). “simplification” in the male palp construction. The Studies ofmale palp morphology show that the embolic division ofthese spiders tends to fuse with plesiomorphic state forthis organ is characterizedby the tegulum and, thus, transforms the palp into an a tripartite organization (Haupt 1983, Kraus 1978, essentiallybipartite structure. By contrast, spiders of 1984, Szombathy 1915). This type of palp consists the genus EncoptarthriaMain, 1954 demonstrate an ofthree basic sclerites - a subtegulum, tegulum and increase in the complexityofmale palp organization & embolus- connected bythree inflatable membranes: (Ovtcharenko Zakharov 2007). Their palp con- the basal, medial, and embolar hematodochae. This tains an additional sclerite positioned between the type ofmale palp organization was termed “hydrau- tegulum and embolus,which probablyfunctions as a lic”,in contrast to the other type ofthe male palp he flexiblebridge andfacilitates movementbetween the termed “glandular” (Kraus 1978, 1984).The latter is tegulum and embolus. This present study continues characterized by the progressive fusion of all three the morphological studyofthe expanded male palps & sclerites into one capsule, accompanied by complete ofthe ground spiders (cf Zakharov Ovtcharenko reduction ofthe membranes and two bulb muscles. 2011). This progressive reduction of sclerites, membranes andmusclesevolvedseveraltimes (Kraus 1978, 1984, Materialsandmethods Huber 1994). Genital bulbs ofthe following species - which rep- Gnaphosid spiders can be divided into three ma- resent two groups of gnaphosid spiders (the Laro- jor groups according to their male palp organization nius and Herpyllus groups) (Murphy 2007) - were studied: Callilepispluto Banks, 1896, Herpylluspro- pinquus (Keyserling, 1887) and Sergiolus capulatus Thiscontributionwaspresentedatthe27thEuropeanCongressof (Walckenaer, 1837). All three species were collected Arachnology,Ljubljana,2012Sept.2-7. as follows: USA, Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NY, nBiotryisCoZlAlKeHgeARofOVth,eDCeiptyarUtnimveenrtsiotfyNoaftNureawlYSocrike,ncNees,wLYaoGruka,rUdSiAa,Ceo-mmamilu:- 4r24’29"N 74°01T8"W,June 1999, leg. A.Tanase- [email protected] vitch and V. Ovtcharenko,collV. Ovtcharenko. VCloamdmimuinriOtVyTCCoHllAeRgEeNoKfOt,heDCeiptayrUtnmiveenrtsiotfyNoaftuNreawlSYcoirke,ncNese,wHYoosrtko,sUSA, The male palps ofground spiders for this study e-mail:[email protected],[email protected] werepreparedusingastandardprocedure (Comstock submitted19.11.2012,accepted8.4.2013,online13.5.2013 1910, Sierwald 1990). The left palps were detached 16 B.Zakharov&V.Ovtcharenko and submerged overnight in a weak watery solu- first halfofthe tegulum - which is merely an out- tion of potassium hydroxide (KOH). It makes the growth ofthe membranouswalls ofthe tegulum and bulb expend to various degrees. The bulb was then iscloselyrelatedtothetipofthe embolus-islabeled transferred into distilledwater,where itcontinued to the conductor.The median apophysis is a heavyscle- % inflate. All prepared palps were preserved in 75 rotized structure that occupies a position more distal alcohol. Drawings were made with the aid ofa dis- onthetegulumthantheconductor.Itconnectstothe sectingmicroscope (Nikon SMZ-U).Drawingswere tegulum via an inflatable membrane, and does not scanned and corrected with the computer program, directly associate with the embolus.The embolic di- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4. vision ofthe bulb is identified by the constriction of Recent study on recognising homology status the sperm duct and its transformation into the nar- demonstrates that homology based on topology is row ejaculatory duct. According to this definition of A the best criterion for male palp structures. special the embolic division,the distal sclerotized tube is as- similarity is close to that oftopology and each cri- signed to the embolicbulb division (Sierwald 1990). terion is better and contains fewer violations than & homology based strictly on function (Agnarsson Results Coddington 2008). This study supports the tradi- The retrolateral tibial apophysis in Sergioluscapula- tionalview,andtopologystillremains the mostrelia- tus(Walckenaer, 1837) is a simple, massive, hooked ble criterionofhomology.Forthis reason,in orderto structure (Fig. 1).The basal and median hematodo- reach a decision on the homologous status ofa par- chae are well developed. The subtegulum and tegu- ticular structure of the bulb, the following classical lum are open spirals with a single loop.The median and widely applied criteria were used: 1) position of apophysis and conductor are absent.The embolus is the structure; 2) morphological similaritywith other short, curved clock-wise, and grooved. The area of known structures; 3) correspondence ofthe structure the embolus,close to its tip,has a membrane (Fig. 1, with other characteristics (Remane 1956, Patterson TM) which is associated with the embolus. The 1982,Coddington 1990, Sierwald 1990). function ofthis membrane is unknown; it probably As noted above, it is generally accepted that the plays asupportingrole duringcopulation.This mem- tripartite genitalbulb in male spiders is a plesiomor- brane does notconnectto the tegulum.Insteaditis a & phic characteristic (Platnick Gertsch 1976, Kraus membranous outgrowth ofthe base ofthe embolus. 1978, Haupt 1983, Sierwald 1990). This present Thus,takinginto accountthe topologicalcriterionof & studysupports the conclusion that the large sclerites homology (Agnarsson Coddington 2008), it can- (subtegulum and tegulum) are homologous across all not be regarded as a conductor, and we refer to it spiders (see also Kraus 1978, Coddington 1990, Si- as a“terminal membrane”.Proximallythe embolus is erwald 1990). These sclerites are organized around attached to the distaltubular membrane,which con- a tube. This tube has an enlarged, closed end (fun- nects it to the distalpart ofthe tegulum. dus), a long coiled tube (sperm duct), and a narrow Ingeneral,thebulbofthe Sergiolusisverysimple, tube with an opening at the end (ejaculatory duct) tripartite, has three well-separated major sclerites (Comstock 1910, 1912).This tube serves as atempo- (subtegulum, tegulum, and embolus), and lacks the rary sperm reservoir. Before mating, males fill their median apophysis and conductor. palps with sperm, which is stored here until mating The retrolateraltibialapophysis ofHerpylluspro- occurs. pinquus (Keyserling, 1887) is short, broad, slightly The terms proximal and distal here refer to the curved,andsharpatitstip (Fig.2).Thebasalandme- position ofa structure in relation to the trajectoryof dial hematodochae are well developed.The subtegu- the sperm duct.The structures thatoccupyaposition lum and tegulum are heavily sclerotized rings. The close to the fundus are considered proximally locat- median apophysis is a simple hook. The conductor ed.Ontheotherhand,the structures thatarecloseto is a comparatively simple, inflatable membrane. At the ejaculatoryduct are referred to here as distal. its tip this membrane is divided into two lobes.The The terms median apophysis and conductor are embolus is comparativelyshort.The proximalpart of used to name tegular apophyses that are supposed to the embolus is broad and fuses with the tegulum. Its be homologouswithin allgnaphosoids.Aninflatable distalpartis short,slender,hook-like,andrestsinthe membranous projection on the upper surface ofthe groove between the top lobes ofthe conductor. Malepalporganmorphologyofgroundspiders 17 Fig. 1a-b:Sergioluscapulatus, left palp; a. Ventral view; b. Lateral view. BH - basal hematodocha; Cy - cymbium; DTM - distal tu- bular membrane; E - embolus; ED -ejaculatory duct; MH - me- dian hematodocha; RTA - retrola- teral tibial apophysis; SD - sperm duct; St - subtegulum;T - tegu- lum;TIVl-terminalmembrane. In conclusion, the bulb of Herpyllus is among the through the distal tegular projection on one side and most modified male reproductive organs seen in the the broadbase ofthe embolus on the other side. ground spiders.The fusion ofthe embolus with the The median apophysis is attached to the tegulum tegulum transforms the male bulb of these spiders viaaflexible membrane,approximatelytwo-thirds of into abipartite structure. thewayalongtheventralpartofthetegularring.The The male of Callilepispluto Banks, 1896 does insertion ofthe median apophysis on the tegulum is not have a retrolateral tibial apophysis (Fig. 3). The closer to the embolic division than the insertion of cymbium ofthese spiders is very characteristic. It is the conductor.The shape ofthe median apophysis is flattened;itslengthis twotimeslongerthan itswidth veryunusual.Itisdividedintotwolarge,massive,and and somewhat spoon-shaped.The bulbus is well-de- heavily sclerotized hooks. The conductor is a small, veloped.Abasal hematodocha connects the subtegu- weakly-developed outgrowth ofthe membrane that lum to the petiolus and the alveolus ofthe cymbium. covers the tegulum. The median hematodocha connects the tegulum and The embolic part ofthe bulb is connected to the subtegulum. There is a distal tubular membrane be- tegulum by the distal tubular membrane. This flex- tween the tegulum and embolus that binds them ible membrane permits the embolus to rotate around Fig. 2a-b: Herpyllus propinquus, left palp; a. Prolateral view; b. Retrolateral view. BH - basal he- matodocha; Co - conductor;Cy- cymbium; E-embolus; MA-me- dian apophysis; SD- sperm duct; St-subtegulum;!-tegulum. 18 B.Zakharov&V.Ovtcharenko Fig. 3a-c: Callilepis pluto; left palp; a. Antero-retrolateral view; b. Ventral view; c. Prolateral view. BH - basal hemato- docha; Cy - cymbium; E - embolus; ED - ejaculatory duct; IS - intercalary sclerite;MA - median apophysis; SD - sperm duct;St-subtegulum;T-tegulum. the distal tegular projection as ifitwere an axis.The tegulum and embolus) of all Entelegynae are ho- embolus is very long, slender, slightly flattened and mologous.The basic hematodocha — the membrane semi-circularly curved. It has a broad basal part and that attaches the subtegulum to the alveolus ofthe bulged outgrowths on its distal part (embolar distal cymbium and the median hematodocha that binds projection).The most peculiar structure found in the the subtegulum and tegulum - are also homologous bulb ofthis species is along,narrowsclerite between across all Entelegynae. The use ofthe term “termi- the tegulum and the embolus (Fig. 3, IS). Its posi- nal hematodocha”(Comstock 1910, 1912) shouldbe tion, special relations with other sclerites ofthe bulb avoided because its description and position in the and function are similar to the intercalary sclerite bulb has notbeenclearlyidentified.Instead,theterm & found in Zelotes (Platnick Shadab 1983).It allows “distal tubular membrane”is used here for the mem- us to term this structure an“intercalary sclerite”here brane that connects the distal part of the tegulum too. Probably, this additional sclerite increases the to the proximal end ofthe distal sclerotized tube or mobility of the embolus during copulation, as was embolus.The term“terminal membrane”is proposed described for Zelotes (Senglet2004,2011,2012). for the membranous outgrowth ofthe embolus. Amongground spiders,thebulbs ofSergiolusand Discussion Zelanda are closest in morphologyto that ofthe an- Analysis ofthe present material allows us to further cestral male palp.All major sclerites and membranes develop an understanding ofthe organization ofthe are present in the male bulbs ofthese spiders. Ad- male palp in gnaphosid spiders.This study supports ditionally, some derived palp forms have increased the previous observation that there are three basic bulb complexity. The ground spiders of the genus ground-plans in gnaphosid male bulb morphology Callilepis^ as well as Encoptarthria, Zelotes and Tra- & & (Zakharov Ovtcharenko2011).Thetripartitegen- chyzelotes (Miller 1967, Platnick Shadab 1983, & ital bulb in male spiders is a plesiomorphic charac- Senglet2004,2011,2012,Zakharov Ovtcharenko & teristic (Platnick Gertsch 1976,Kraus 1978, 1984, 2011), have additional sclerites in the embolic divi- Haupt 1983, Coddington 1990, Sierwald 1990) and sion. They have a distal sclerotized tube (in Enco- includes three basic sclerites: a subtegulum, tegu- ptarthrid) or an intercalary sclerite (in Callilepis and lum and embolus that are bound together by inflat- Zelotes) between the tegulum and embolus that are able membranes. These large sclerites (subtegulum. flexiblyconnected to eachother.This additionalscle- Molepolporganmorphologyofgroundspiders 19 rite increases the mobility ofthe embolic part ofthe Acknowledgments bulb. Furthermore, on the embolic part ofthe bulb, The present studywas supported in part by an American Museum ofNatural History (New York). We thank the these spiders have subterminal and terminal apophy- National Science Foundation PEET (Partnerships for ses.The presence ofa number ofadditional sclerites EnhancingExpertiseinTaxonomy)programforproviding in the embolarpart suggests thatincreased complex- fundsthroughgrantDEB-9521631forrevisionofAustrala- ity in the male bulb organization creates a locking siangroundspiders(particularlythePI.oftheproject-Dr. mechanism duringintercoursein these spiders (Sier- Norman Platnick), and Research Foundation ofthe City wald &Coddington 1988,Huber 1994). UniversityofNewYorkforprovidingfunds throughgrant Herpyllus, together with the genera Anzacia, PSC-CUNY43-582.Authors thankMs. Patricia Malkin Drassodes and Intruda (Zakharov & Ovtcharenko for her excellent drawings. Dr. Sandra Dickinson for her valuable help with the text and two anonymous reviewers 2011),representsprogressivereductionofthenumber whose advicehelpedinpreparationofthis article. ofsclerites in the malebulb.The proximalpartofthe embolus and the distal end ofthe tegulum in these References & spiders are fused.Thus, the embolus in these spiders Agnarsson I Coddington JA 2008 Quantitative tests isfirmlyattachedtothetegulum andthe distaltubu- ofprimary homology. - Cladistics 24: 51-61 - doi: lar membrane completely disappears.The other ma- 10.1111/j.l096-0031.2007.00168.x CoddingtonJA 1990Ontogenyandhomologyinthemale jor sclerites ofthe bulb in spiders ofthese genera are palpus oforb-weaving spiders and their relatives,with also significantlyreduced. comments on phylogeny (Araneoclada: Araneoidea, Male bulb evolution in ground spiders was not Deinopoidea).-SmithsonianContributionstoZoology linear, and analogous structures may appear inde- 496: 1-50-doi: 10.5479/si.00810282.496 pendently in different groups. Such parallel evolu- ComstockJH 1910Thepalpi ofmale spiders.-Annals of tion ofthe male palp - characterized by a secondary the Entomological SocietyofAmerica3: 161-185 Comstock JH 1912 The spider book. Doubleday, Page simplification through fusion ofthe apical and me- & Company, Garden City, New York, 721 pp. - doi: dian bulbus sclerites and simultaneous reduction of 10.5962/bhl.title.3163 the extensible membrane - has occurred independ- EngelhardtVvon1910BeiträgezurKenntnisdesCopula- ently in many groups ofspiders. It was observed in tionsorganes einiger Spinnen.- Zeitschrift fürwissen- orthognath (e.g. Theraphosidae), haplogyne (Sicari- schaftliche Biologie 96: 32-117 idae, Scytodidae, Pholcidae), and entelegyne spiders HauptJ 1983 Vergleichende Morphologie der Genitalor- ganeundPhylogeniederliphistiomorphenWebspinnen {Castianeira, Corinnidae) (Kraus 1984, Huber 1994). (Araneae:Mesothelae):I.Revisionderbisherbekannten These observations suggest that there is a tendency Arten. - Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und in male spider palp evolution for the “pyriform male Evolutionsforschung21:275-293-doi:10.1111/j.l439- palp organ” to develop into the “glandular bulb” 0469.1983.tb00296.x (Kraus 1984). Gnaphosid spiders also follow this HuberB 1994Genitalbulb muscles inentelegyne spiders. -TheJournalofArachnology22: 75-76 major evolutionary trend, by which the embolus of O Kraus 1978 Liphistiusand the evolution ofspidergeni- their bulb fuses with the tegulum and thus changes talia.- Symposia ofthe Zoological SocietyofLondon the tripartite male palp into the bipartite.This proc- 42:235-254 ess tookplace independently manytimes in different KrausO1984Malespidergenitalia:evolutionarychangesin groups ofthe gnaphosid spiders. We observe this in structureandfunction.-VerhandlungendesNaturwis- tsheeenpriensDernatsssotduedsy ainndHeIrnptylrluudsa^(aZnadkhitarwoavs &p.reOvviotucshl-y MensegneschAaft1l8i6c6henPrVeeursesiinsscihneHSapmibnnuerng.NI..F.Ab2t7h:e3i7l3u-ng3.82- SchriftendernaturforschendenGesellschaftinDanzig, arenko 2011). Another phenomenon of the parallel N.F. 1 (4): 1-152,PI. 1-28 (=Tab. 1-63) transformation ofthe male bulb happens with those Miller F 1967 Studien über die Kopulationsorgane der ground spiders whose male palpal organ undergoes Spinnengattung T^elotes^Micaria,RobertasundDipoena an increase ofexternal construction complexity.Thus, nebst Beschreibung einiger neuen oder unvollkommen we have found the intercalary sclerite in the bulb of bekanntenSpinnenarten.-Actascientiarumnaturalium Academiae scientiarum bohemoslovacae, Brno, nova Callilepispluto. The topology, special similarity, and series 1:251-298,Tab.I-XIV functionofthis sclerite arethe sameastheintercalary MurphyJ2007Gnaphosidgeneraoftheworld.Britisharach- sclerite in Zelotes. However, these two genera belong nological Society,St.Neots.Vol. 1: 1-92,Vol.2: 93-605 to different subfamilies ofgnaphosid spiders and im- OvtcharenkoVI &ZakharovBP2007ApeculiarEncopt- plythat theymayhave developed independently. arthriagroupofgroundspiders(Araneae,Gnaphosidae) 20 B.Zakharov&V.Ovtcharenko fromAustralia.-AmericanArachnology,Newsletterof Senglet A 2012 Civizelotes new genus, and other new or theAmericanArachnological Society74: 8 littleknownZelotinae(Araneae,Gnaphosidae).-Revue PattersonC 1982Morphologicalcharactersandhomology. suisse de Zoologie 119:501-528 In:JoyseyKA&FridayAE(eds.)Problemsofphyloge- Sierwald P 1990 Morphology and homologous features neticreconstruction.SystematicsAssociation,Academic in the malepalpalorganin Pisauridae and otherspider Press,London,pp.21-74 families, with notes on the taxonomy of Pisauridae PlatnickNI1990Spinneretmorphologyandthephylogeny (Arachnida:Araneae).-Nemouria35: 1-59 ofgroundspiders(Araneae,Gnaphosoidea).-American SierwaldP&CoddingtonJA1988Functionalaspectsofthe PlaMtnuisckeuNIm&NovBiateahtersB2927080:61A-42revision ofthe Australian tmhaelemaptailpnaglboerhgaavnioirn(DAorlaonmeeadee,sPitseaneubrriodsaues),.w-itThh,enJootuesrnoanl ground spiders ofthe family Prodidomidae (Araneae: ofArachnology16:262-265 Gnaphosoidea).-BulletinoftheAmericanMuseumof SzombathyC 1915ÜberBauundFunctiondesBulbusder NaturalHistory298: 1-283-doi: 10.1206/0003-0090- männlichenKopulationsorganeh€i AgelenaundMygale.- (2006)298[1:AROTAG]2.0.CO;2 & Annaleshistorico-naturalesMuseiNationalisHungarici PlataniclcakdiNsItic aGnearlytssicsh.W-JAm1e97r6icTahne sMuubsoreduerms oNfovsipitdaetress: Wag1n3:er25W2-217868,6TaDfevVe-lVoIpment and morphology ofcopu- Plat2snp6ii0dc7ek:rNs1I-o1&f5tShehagdeanbusMZUelo1t9e8s3(AArraenveiasei,onGonfatphheosAimdearei)c.a-n lEOatbtntiocoghnriaeofsrytg,awSnaossLitioonuibaAisrtceahlnaeegiaoleep.srti-iIeImszptwweeorszatntaionairaIs,mkAponemtrMraootposorklsookwgasyg-oI Bulletin ofthe American Museum ofNatural History komUWniversitete (Moscow) 50:200-236 Rem1a74n:e9A7-1199526DieGrundlagendesnatürlichenSystems, WagCnreitrerium18f8u8rCdoipeulSyasttieomnastoircgadneerdSepsiMnnäennn.ch-eHnosraales dervergleichendenAnatomie und der Phylogenetik.2. 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