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Male courtship preferences demonstrate discrimination against allopatric colour morphs in a cichlid fish. PDF

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Preview Male courtship preferences demonstrate discrimination against allopatric colour morphs in a cichlid fish.

doi:10.1111/jeb.12074 Male courtship preferences demonstrate discrimination against allopatric colour morphs in a cichlid fish € P. ZOPPOTH, S. KOBLMULLER & K. M. SEFC DepartmentofZoology,UniversityofGraz,Graz,Austria Keywords: Abstract allopatricdivergence; Whether premating isolation is achieved by male-specific, female-specific or Cichlidae; sex-independent assortative preferences often depends on the underlying LakeTanganyika; evolutionary processes. Here we test mate preferences of males presented malepreference; withfemalesofdifferentallopatriccolourvariantsofthecichlidfishTropheus matechoice; sp., a Lake Tanganyika endemic with rich geographical colour pattern varia- reproductiveisolation; tion,inwhichthestrengthofsexualisolationvariesbetweenpopulations.We Tropheus. conductedtwo-waymatechoiceexperimentstocomparebehaviourofmales of a red-bodied morph (population Moliro) towards females from their own population with behaviour towards females from four allopatric populations at different stages of phylogenetic and phenotypic divergence. Males courted same-population females significantly more intensely than females of other populations, and reduced their heteromorphic courtship efforts both with increasing genetic and increasing phenotypic distinctness of the females. In particular,femalesofacloselyrelatedred-bodiedpopulationreceivedsignifi- cantly more courtship than either genetically distinct, similarly coloured females (‘Kirschfleck’ morph) or genetically related, differently coloured females (‘yellow-blotch’ morph), both of which were courted similarly. Genetically and phenotypically distinct females (Tropheus polli) were not courted at all. Consistent with previous female-choice experiments, female courtship activity also decreased with increasing genetic distance from the males’ population. Given successful experimental and natural introgression between colour morphs and the pervasive allopatry of related variants, we consider itunlikelythat assortative preferencesof bothsexes weredrivenby direct selection during periods of secondary contact or, in turn, drove colour pattern differentiation in allopatry. Rather, we suggest that sexual isolation evolvedasby-productofallopatricdivergence. assortative preferences support this hypothesis (Saetre Introduction et al., 1997; Russell et al., 2006; Hochkirch et al., 2007; Assortative and conspecific mate preferences play an Kozak & Boughman, 2009; Verzijden et al., 2009; important role in maintaining reproductive isolation O’Rourke & Mendelson, 2010). Nonetheless, a fairly between species or among morphs within a species large proportion of studies comparing male and female (Ritchie, 2007). It has been argued that the pressure to mate preferences between sympatric species and in avoid hybridization should be stronger on the sex pay- hybrid zones found that male mate choice contributes ing the higher costs for mating mistakes, which is fre- equally or even more than female choice to sexual iso- quently assumed to be the female (Parker & Partridge, lation (Knight & Turner, 1999; Seehausen et al., 1999; 1998; Wirtz, 1999; but see Servedio, 2007). Several Jiggins et al., 2001; Shine et al., 2002, 2004; Peterson empirical examples of female biases in the strengths of et al., 2005; Svensson et al., 2007; Pryke & Griffith, 2007; Pierotti et al., 2008; Espinedo et al., 2010), either because males incur high costs by courtship and by Correspondence:KristinaM.Sefc,DepartmentofZoology,Universityof Graz,Universit€atsplatz2,8010Graz,Austria.Tel.:+43(0)3163805601; mating mistakes (Albert & Schluter, 2004; Peterson fax:+43(0)3169875;e-mail:[email protected] et al., 2005; Svensson et al., 2007) or because of ª2012THEAUTHORS.J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 577 578 P. ZOPPOTH ET AL. processes other than reinforcement and direct selection or may have been promoted during periods of second- on mating preferences (Jiggins et al., 2004; Nosil et al., arycontactwithothermorphsprecipitatedbylakelevel 2007; Pierotti et al., 2008; Espinedo et al., 2010; Men- fluctuations (Sturmbauer et al., 2005; Egger et al., delson & Shaw, 2012). For example, sexual isolation 2007). With uniparental maternal brood care and a can arise as a by-product of allopatric divergence (Coy- mating system leading to a male-biased operational sex ne & Orr, 2004), in which case a sex bias in the ratio (Sefc, 2008), avoidance of potentially disadvanta- strength of assortative preferences is not necessarily geous inter-morph matings would be expected to evolve expected. Accordingly, assortative preferences were primarily in females. However, inter-morph fertility in strong in both males and females of a Lake Malawi experimental crosses (K.M. Sefc, personal observation) cichlid fish species when given the choice between as well as natural introgression between morphs and individuals from their own and from an allopatric pop- the putative hybrid origin of some colour morphs ulation(Pauerset al.,2010). (Egger et al., 2007, 2012) cast doubt on whether het- The endemic Lake Tanganyika genus Tropheus eromorphic matings necessarily incur severe costs on comprises another cichlid species complex with rich eitherof thesexes. allopatric colour pattern variation (Konings, 1998; In the previous mate choice experiments, females Schupke, 2003). Most Tropheus populations are sexually were offered a two-way choice between a homomor- monomorphic or display only subtle sexual differences phic and a heteromorphic male, and interactions of in size and colour pattern, and males and females each females with the males were scored in categories repre- defend their individual territories. Both sexes employ senting aggression and mate preference. Although colour signals to communicate in social and sexual designed as female choice experiments, both male and interactions (Nelissen, 1976). For mating, females give female preferences could have contributed to the up their territories and move into a chosen male’s terri- observed patterns, for instance because the intensity of tory for several days to weeks until spawning, upon male courtship apparently influences female prefer- which they leave the male and mouthbrood their off- ences in within-population interactions (Steinwender spring alone for about 4 weeks (Yanagisawa & Nishida, et al., 2012). In this study, we quantified behaviour in 1991). Genetic analyses indicated that broods are fertil- homomorphic and heteromorphic intersexual interac- ized by a single male each, that is presumably by the tions to examine whether males discriminate against females’ temporary social mates (Egger et al., 2006). heteromorphic females and modify their behaviour Dispersal of the stenotopic rock-dwellers is restricted by according to theirphenotypic and phylogenetic distance habitat barriers, and significant genetic differentiation from the heteromorphic stimulus females. A two-way as well as slight colour pattern differentiation exists male choice design was selected to assess male mate among many adjacent populations, whereas large and preferences in situations when both homomorphic and longstanding barriers such as river estuaries often sepa- heteromorphic choices are available. Behaviours of rate highly distinct colour variants (Egger et al., 2007; females, for which the experiment presented a Koblmu€ller et al., 2011). The classification of the geo- no-choice situation, were scored to assess congruency graphically separated, phenotypically diverse but closely with malebehaviour. related colour variants into the nominal species is not The tested males belong to a red-bodied morph completely resolved, and populations are typically spec- occurring in southern Lake Tanganyika (population ified by cheironyms indicating their geographical origin Moliro, Fig. 1), proposed alternatively to represent its or colour pattern. The most recent common ancestor of own species Tropheus sp. ‘red’ (Konings, 1998) or the species complex (the genus Tropheus excepting the belong to Tropheus moorii (Egger et al., 2007). Females clearly divergent Tropheus duboisi) dates back to approx- of the red-bodied morph displayed strictly assortative imately 1.5 million years ago (Ma; Koblmu€ller et al., mating preferences vis-(cid:2)a-vis several distinct morphs in 2010). Divergence times between individual popula- previous studies (Egger et al., 2008; Hermann, 2011; H. tions range between this onset of diversification and Brindl & K. M. Sefc unpublished), but did not discrim- the population fragmentation associated with the latest inate against a closely related and similarly coloured major lake level rise between 10 000 and 20 000 years population (Egger et al., 2010). For this study, the ago (Egger et al., 2007; Koblmu€ller et al., 2011), provid- heteromorphic stimulus females were chosen from ing opportunities to examine reproductive isolation at populations with different degrees of genetic and col- differentlevels ofphenotypic andgeneticdistance. our pattern differentiation from the Moliro population, Studies of mate choice in laboratory experiments and namely a genetically closely related and similarly in an artificially admixed field population suggested coloured population of the same red-bodied lineage that reproductive isolation among allopatric morphs (Ndole), a related population with a distinct yellow- depends (with exceptions) on the extent of phenotypic blotch colouration (population Chiseketi, T. moorii), and genetic differentiation (Salzburger et al., 2006; a genetically distinct population with a red ‘Kirsch- Egger et al., 2008, 2010, 2012). Where present, assorta- fleck’ (cherry-blotch) colour pattern (assigned to Tro- tive preferences may either have evolved in allopatry pheus sp. ‘black’ by Konings, 1998) and a genetically ª2012THEAUTHORS. J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Malematechoiceamongcichlidcolourmorphs 579 Fig.1 Phylogeneticrelationships,colourpatternvariationandgeographicaldistributionoftheTropheuspopulationsusedinthisstudy. ThephylogenetictreeofTropheuspopulationsisbasedonAFLPdataandanalysesbyEggeretal.(2007).Thecolouredbarsnexttothetree indicatethecladesinwhichthetestedpopulationsareplaced.Colouredlinesalongthelakeshorerepresentthedistributionofthe Tropheusmorphs(greylines:stripedTropheuspolli;blacklines:‘Kirschfleck’morph;yellowlines:theyellow-blotchmorph;redlines:the red-bodiedmorph).PhotographscourtesyofWolfgangGessl(www.pisces.at). and phenotypically distinct population assigned to Tro- were divided into three compartments for two stimulus pheus polli (Fig. 1). females (outer compartments, 45 cm) and the test male (centre compartment, 60 cm) by mesh partitions (mesh size 13 mm). The tanks were equipped with internal Materials and methods box filters, heaters and overhead lights, and each com- The fish were wild caught adults imported by an orna- partment was provided with identical hollow bricks mental fish trader. Prior to the experiments, the fish serving as hiding place and territory focus. The fish were weighed, measured and transferred into individ- were allowed an acclimatization period of 2 days after ual aquaria (60 9 30 9 30 cm) equipped with internal introduction into the experimental tank, during which box filters, heaters and hollow bricks and illuminated males and females remained separated by the partitions with overhead white light in a 12:12 h light:dark but were able to communicate by visual, olfactory and cycle. acoustic signals. This part of the trial corresponds to the Experimental setup was analogous to the female- ‘decision phase’ of the design by Egger et al. (2008), choice design developed for Tropheus by Egger et al. during which the test fish can assess the two stimulus (2008, 2010). Experimental tanks (150 9 70 9 50 cm) fish under standardized conditions. Next, males were ª2012THEAUTHORS.J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 580 P. ZOPPOTH ET AL. allowed to interact freely with each of the two stimulus number of times the female was involved in a ‘T- females at a time in ‘sequential access’ test sessions position’ display, that is, either presented herself to the (Egger et al., 2008), for which the partition between maleorlethimnuzzlehergenitalpapilla,or,withroles the male and one of the females was removed, whereas reversed, nuzzled the papilla of her courtship partner. a nontransparent panel was positioned between the Tallies were summed across the three access sessions to male and the other female to prevent distraction of the obtainonedatapoint foreach male-femalepair. tested individuals and manipulation of the by-standing To account for the repeated use of individual males female. In the next session, the male was given access and females, we employed generalized linear mixed to the other female. Access sessions lasted for 20 min models (GLMM) with male and female identities as after the first interaction between the pair. Intervals crossed random factors. As male behaviour towards between access sessions were at least 1 h. Each trial homomorphic females did not differ between experi- consisted of three access sessions per stimulus female, ments (see Results), data from all four experiments and the order of access (beginning with either the were combined to build models testing for morph- homomorphic or the heteromorphic female) was alter- dependent differences in male and female behaviour. nated between trials. The scoring of unobstructed inter- As the response variables were tallies of events, models actions between pairs had proven necessary in previous were fitted with negative binomial error distributions experiments, which had shown that association time (NB1 or NB2, dependent on which model achieved the and interactions through a partition did not predict higher AIC value) and log link functions, and included mating preferences, but could represent territorial total observation time as offset. Analyses were con- behaviour as well (Egger et al., 2008). Furthermore, the ducted in R v. 2.15.0 (R Development Core Team, repetitions of the access sessions take into account that http://www.R-project.org) withpackage glmmADMB. males and females interact over a longer period of time during theirpre-spawning pair-bondingphase. Results Males of the Moliro population (n = 15 males) were given a choice of one female from the Moliro popula- Behaviour of males towards homomorphic females did tion (the ‘homomorphic’ female, n = 19 females) and notdifferbetweenexperiments,andtherewasnoeffect one female from one of the four other populations (the of body size asymmetry between males and females on ‘heteromorphic’ female), resulting in four experiments the amounts of male aggression displays and male with the four different heteromorphic populations. Het- courtship quivers towards homomorphic females (Table eromorphic stimulus females were from Ndole (n = 13 S2). Courtship quivers towards homomorphic females trials, five females), Chiseketi (n = 20 trials, eight occurred in all trials (minimum rate of 0.1 quivers per females), a location north of Mabilibili (‘Kirschfleck’; minute). In five trials (7.5% of all trials), homomorphic n = 20 trials, eight females) and a location south of Iso- females receivednomaleaggression. nga (T. polli; n = 14 trials, eight females). Logistic con- Homomorphic male behaviours were compared with straints limited the numbers of stimulus females that behaviours towards females of the four different could be used in the experiments. Figure 1 illustrates heteromorphic populations. The intensity of male the geographical distribution, genetic relatedness and courtship, scored as number of courtship quivers, colour patterns of the different morphs. Individuals towards homomorphic females was significantly stron- were used in one to three trials (once, in four trials) ger than towards heteromorphic females (Table 1). per experiment (Table S1). Body sizes (standard length, Moreover, the courtship intensities towards the differ- SL) of individuals are reported as supplementary infor- ent heteromorphic populations differed significantly mation (Table S1). Relative body size differences from each other except for the similar quiver rates between males and females were calculated as towards the Chiseketi and the ‘Kirschfleck’ females RSD = (male SL (cid:1) female SL)/(male SL + female SL). (Table 1). In particular, males courted the phenotypi- Fish were observed continuously during the access cally and genetically similar Ndole females more inten- sessions and components of their behaviour were sely than both, the phenotypically similar, genetically scored with EthoLog 2.2 (Ottoni, 2000). Males and distinct ‘Kirschfleck’ females and the phenotypically females court (among other behaviours) by quiver dis- distinct, genetically related Chiseketi females. Males did plays, and mutual courtship involves reciprocal T-posi- not court females of the phenotypically and genetically tions, in which one of the pair quivers and the other distinctT. pollipopulation (Fig. 2). one nuzzles the genital papilla of the partner (Nelissen, Female courtship was observed only in encounters 1976). Courtship quivers of males and aggressive dis- between the Moliro males and females from Moliro, plays (charges and displays with spread fins) of males Ndole and Chiseketi, and there was a positive correla- and females were tallied to provide measures of male tionbetweenmaleandfemalecourtshipactivity(Fig. 2, courtship and male and female aggression respectively. Table S3). The genetically and phenotypically similar Female sexual behaviour was quantified as the sum of Ndole females courted Moliro males as frequently as the number of courtship quivers by the female and the did the homomorphic Moliro females, and the rate, at ª2012THEAUTHORS. J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Malematechoiceamongcichlidcolourmorphs 581 Table1 Generalizedlinearmixedmodels(GLMM)estimates(interceptsandeffectestimatesbwithstandarderrorsSE)oftheeffectsof femalepopulationontheratesofmalecourtshipquivers.Themodelwasfittedusinganegativebinomialerrordistribution(NB2)witha loglinkfunction,andmaleandfemaleidentityascrossedrandomfactors.Pairwisecomparisonsbetweenfemalepopulationswerecarried outbyre-runningmodelsandalternatingthepopulationusedasreference.Negativesignsofthebvaluesindicatethatcourtshiptowards thefocuspopulationwaslessvigorousthantowardsthereferencepopulation. Referencepopulation(interceptestimate(cid:3)SE) Focuspopulation Moliro(0.58(cid:3)0.25) Ndole((cid:1)0.65(cid:3)0.41) Chiseketi((cid:1)2.04(cid:3)0.36) ‘Kirschfleck’((cid:1)2.39(cid:3)0.37) Ndole b=(cid:1)1.22(cid:3)0.39 P=0.0015 Chiseketi b=(cid:1)2.62(cid:3)0.33 b=(cid:1)1.39(cid:3)0.44 P=3.8910(cid:1)15 P=0.0015 ‘Kirschfleck’ b=(cid:1)2.94(cid:3)0.33 b=(cid:1)1.72(cid:3)0.44 b=(cid:1)0.33(cid:3)0.39 P=<2910(cid:1)16 P=9.0910(cid:1)5 P=0.40 Tropheuspolli b=(cid:1)7.60(cid:3)1.07 b=(cid:1)6.38(cid:3)1.11 b=(cid:1)4.98(cid:3)1.09 b=(cid:1)4.65(cid:3)1.09 P=1.3910(cid:1)12 P=9.2910(cid:1)9 P=5.1910(cid:1)6 P=2.1910(cid:1)5 which female courtship vigour increased with increas- ing male quiver rates, did not differ between the two morphs. In contrast, this rate was significantly higher in females from the genetically related but phenotypi- cally distinct Chiseketi population (Fig. 2, Table S3). Females of the genetically and phenotypically distinct T. polli and the genetically different but similarly col- oured ‘Kirschfleck’ did not court the males at all (Fig. 2). Males directed significantly more aggressive behav- iour against heteromorphic females than against females of their own population, but did not vary their levels of aggression between the different heteromor- phic populations (Fig. 3; Table S4). Female aggression was displayed almost exclusively by Moliro females (Fig. 3; TableS5). Fig.2 Ratesofmaleandfemalecourtshipandbodysize Fig.3 RatesofaggressivedisplaysbyMoliromalesagainstfemales asymmetry(RSD)betweenmalesandfemales.Theregressionlines ofdifferentpopulations(upperpanel),andbyfemalesofthe aredrawnusingtheinterceptsandslopesestimatedbythe differentpopulationsagainstMoliromales(lowerpanel).Different generalizedlinearmixedmodels(GLMM)reportedinTableS3. lettersaboveboxplotsindicatesignificantpairwisecontrastswithin Greytrianglesmarktheaveragecourtshipratesofmalesand panels[generalizedlinearmixedmodels(GLMM)inTablesS4 females(omittedinthepanelforTropheuspolli). andS5]. ª2012THEAUTHORS.J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 582 P. ZOPPOTH ET AL. not necessarily reflections of female behaviour and Discussion preferences (Takahashi et al., 2008), but may rather We found that (i) aggressive and courtship behaviour result from male mating preferences and the ability of of males towards homomorphic females was indepen- malesto discriminate between populations. dent of the morph of the alternative stimulus female, The importance of male mate choice for species isola- (ii) males behaved differently towards homomorphic tioningeneralisdifficulttoassess.Thenumberoftaxa, and heteromorphic females in the contexts of both in which male preferences have been examined, is still courtship and aggression, and addressed significantly rathersmallandthestudiedtaxadifferdistinctlyincon- more courtship and significantly less aggression to ditions known or assumed to influence the evolution of homomorphic females, and (iii) the intensity of male mating preferences (Parker & Partridge, 1998; Servedio, heteromorphic courtship, but not of aggression, 2007),suchas matingandbreedingsystems,patternsof depended on the females’ population, as genetically current and past geographical distributions, natural and and phenotypically similar females received signifi- sexual selection regimes and hybrid fitness. In several cantly more courtship than females of genetically and/ taxa, only the females displayed strong assortative pref- or phenotypically distant populations. Females from erences (Tetrix ground hoppers, Hochkirch et al., 2007; genetically distant populations also showed reduced darters, O’Rourke & Mendelson, 2010; guppies, Russell courtship activity towards Moliro males, but an oppo- et al., 2006; Ficedula flycatchers, Saetre et al., 1997), site trend in the allocation of aggression, which they whereas in others, males contributed significantly or only displayed in homomorphic encounters. Aggression exclusively to the maintenance of assortative mating between males and females reflects competition for (damselflies, Svensson et al., 2007; Heliconius butterflies, feeding territories (Yanagisawa & Nishida, 1991), and Jiggins et al., 2001, 2004; mosquito fish, Espinedo et al., may have been determined by the interplay of body 2010; garter snakes, Shine et al., 2004; cichlid fishes, size asymmetries, which were in favour of the Moliro Pauers et al., 2010; Egger et al., 2010; present study). males especially in the heteromorphic encounters Frequently, assortative male preferences were found in (Fig. 2), and sexual attraction between the pair, which studies of sympatric taxa, where costs of nonassortative interferes withagonistic behaviour. mating could explain the evolution of mate choice in Observations of different courtship intensities males, for example to avoid egg predation by allomor- between different morphs are consistent with previous phic females led to a stickleback male’s nest (Albert & studyonreproductiveisolationinTropheus,whichdem- Schluter, 2004). Moreover, low hybrid fitness favours onstrated that discrimination against foreign popula- assortative mate choice in males when mating opportu- tions is not universal and amongst other possible nities are limited (Peterson et al., 2005) or when court- factors dependent on the similarity between the shipisassociatedwithmortalityrisks,asforexampledue involved morphs (Salzburger et al., 2006; Egger et al., to predation on conspicuous, courting male damselflies 2008, 2010, 2012). In particular, in female choice (Svenssonet al.,2007). experiments with the Moliro population and another During allopatric divergence, assortative preferences red-colouredpopulation (Chimba; closelyrelated toand can arise in both sexes for example when the social resembling the Ndole population tested in this study), systempromotessexualimprintingandlearning(Verzij- courtship was equally likely to occur within and den et al., 2012) or as a consequence of the correlated between populations (Egger et al., 2010). In contrast, divergence of sensory systems and signals (Boughman, Moliro females exhibited strictly assortative mate choice 2002). Indeed, assortative mate preferences of cichlids in two-way laboratory trials and in mixed-morph have been shown to be influenced by sexual imprinting breeding populations, when the alternative populations (Verzijden & ten Cate, 2007; Verzijden et al., 2008) and had distinctcolour patterns (bluish and yellow-blotched by associations between sensory systems, signals and populations), whereas Moliro males occasionally environmental variation (Maan & Seehausen, 2010). courted or mated with the heteromorphic females Both processes could theoretically be at work in Tro- (Egger et al., 2008; Hermann, 2011; H. Brindl & K. M. pheus, as their territorial system, involving social inter- Sefc, unpublished). The present data suggest that male actions with numerous conspecifics, may be conducive courtship behaviour can contribute to sexual isolation to learning and individual recognition, and as divergent between Moliro and other populations, provided that selection implied in colour pattern differentiation (Mat- male courtship affects the probability of mating (Fors- tersdorfer et al., 2012) could also have acted on the gren, 1997; Oliveira et al., 2000; Shamble et al., 2009; sensory system. Mate discrimination by both sexes and Lehtonen, 2012). Asymmetric courtship between Mol- the weak isolation between similar phenotypes are con- iro males and ‘Kirschfleck’ females and between sistent with both sexual imprinting on and a sensory Chiseketi females and Moliro males further suggest that bias for homomorphic phenotypes, but discrimination courtship can be displayed by one sex independent of betweenthesimilarlycolouredbutdifferentlypatterned the behaviour of the other sex. Hence, the population- Moliro and ‘Kirschfleck’ might be expected to be dependent courtship intensities on the part of males are weaker if preferences were based on biased colour ª2012THEAUTHORS. J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY Malematechoiceamongcichlidcolourmorphs 583 perception. Selection could also have targeted mate Although males behaved similarly to Chiseketi and preferences directly or by reinforcement in periods ‘Kirschfleck’ females, the females of the two popula- when population displacements associated with lake tions differed in their courtship behaviour towards levelfluctuationsresultedinsecondarycontactofdiffer- Moliro males. ‘Kirschfleck’ females did not respond to entiated morphs (Egger et al., 2007). It is certainly unli- male courtship at all, whereas Chiseketi females kely that each of the different pairs of morphs in this showed a higher courtship rate relative to male court- study have been interacting with each other in their ship activity than forexample the homomorphic Moliro past, but it has been proposed that single bouts of rein- females. Although the exaggerated heteromorphic forcementmaygiverisetogeneralchoosiness(Coyne& courtship of Chiseketi females could be a consequence Orr, 2004). Nonetheless, offspring viability and fertility of a lack of choice offered to the females in our experi- in experimental crosses between some morphs (K.M. ment, it is also consistent with previous observations Sefc, personal observation), introgression and the made with females pertaining to the same yellow- potential hybrid origin of morphs (Sturmbauer et al., blotched morph (a population from Mbita Island), 2005; Egger et al., 2007), and the link between sexual which did not discriminate between homo- and hetero- isolation and genetic divergence provide no support for morphic males in laboratory two-way female choice selection against heteromorphic mating. Furthermore, tests against a bluish morph (Nakaku; Egger et al., while genetically distinct lineages of Tropheus co-occur 2010), and spawned preferentially with the bluish atsomelocations,itisstrikingthatthereisnosympatry males in experimental ponds stocked with yellow- of related colour variants (Konings, 1998; Egger et al., blotch andbluish Tropheus(Hermann,2011). 2007), which would be expected if premating isolation Overall,matechoicedataofTropheussuggestthatsex- was a product of secondary contact. Finally, a Fisherian ual isolation among populations increases with increas- run-away process driven by female preferences has ing genetic distance. Positive correlations between been implied in the allopatric colour differentiation in a premating isolation and genetic distance have also been cichlid species complex from Lake Malawi, consistent observed in other allopatric species pairs, including with assortative mating in experimental situations Drosophilaflies(Coyne&Orr,1997)andhaplochromine (Knight&Turner,2004).Ifmatepreferencesweredriv- cichlids (Stelkens et al., 2009). In the haplochromines, ing colour pattern differentiation in Tropheus, we would whichisthecichlidcladecomprisingthegenusTropheus expectstrongdiscriminationalreadyintheearlieststage (Koblmu€ller et al., 2008), premating isolation was esti- of divergence, which is, however, not the case between matedtoaccumulatefastestduringinitialdivergenceand the genetically related morphs studied here (Moliro and reach completion after 4.8/10/22 million years (Myr), Ndole)and previously(Moliro andChimba, Eggeret al., depending on the underlying molecular clock (Stelkens 2010). et al.,2009).Inourexperiment,thedeficiencyinrepro- In previous studies of mate choice between Tropheus ductively motivated interactions between males of the populations, the extent of colour pattern differentiation MoliropopulationandfemalesofT. polliandthe‘Kirsch- between populations covaried with their genetic dis- fleck’ population is consistent with the proposed species tance, and it was not possible to discern whether body delineations (Konings, 1998; Egger et al., 2007), colour differences affected sexual isolation indepen- provided that Moliro females do not successfully solicit dently of divergence time (Egger et al., 2010). In this matings from the foreign males, which has not been study, we compared sexual isolation in four different testedhere.Sofar,however,red-morphfemalesexerted combinations of genetic and colour pattern differentia- strictlyassortativematechoiceintwo-wayandmultiple tion, and presented Moliro males with heteromorphic choice experiments with twoother distinct morphs (Eg- choices of genetically and phenotypically similar ger et al., 2008; Hermann, 2011; H. Brindl & K. M. Sefc females (Ndole), genetically and phenotypically distinct unpublished).Using amolecularclockcalibrationcorre- females (T. polli), genetically related females with sponding to the one yielding the 4.8 Myr estimate for distinct colour pattern (Chiseketi) and genetically dis- the completion of premating isolation in the above ha- tinct but similarly coloured females (‘Kirschfleck’). plochrominestudy,themostrecentcommonancestorof Males did not differentiate in their courtship rates the Tropheus species complex (excluding T. duboisi), and between the latter two heteromorphic populations hence the maximum divergence between populations, (Chiseketi and ‘Kirschfleck’), whereas they displayed datestoapproximately1.5 Ma (Koblmu€lleret al.,2010). significantly more courtship quivers to the genetically This does not necessarily imply that isolation evolved and phenotypically similar population (Ndole), and sig- exceptionally fast in Tropheus, as premating isolation nificantly less courtship towards the genetically and among the haplochromine species was estimated in phenotypically distinct T. polli. Apparently, male dis- no-choicetestsanddiscriminationagainstheterospecifics crimination was influenced not only by colour pattern in the presence of conspecific females, as in our experi- differences but also by divergence in other, for example ments, may be achieved earlier during divergence. olfactory or acoustic, cues (Plenderleith et al., 2005; Accounting further for the imprecision of molecular Verzijdenet al.,2010). clock dating and the different measures of premating ª2012THEAUTHORS.J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY ª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 584 P. ZOPPOTH ET AL. isolation(spawning inStelkenset al.,2009vs. courtship morphs of the endemic Lake Tanganyika cichlid genus intheTropheusstudies),thetimespanwithinwhichsex- Tropheus.Hydrobiologia615:37–48. ual isolation evolved among Tropheus populations fits Egger, B., Mattersdorfer, K. & Sefc, K.M. 2010. 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ZOPPOTH ET AL. effects (b (cid:3) SE) of female population (Moliro, Ndole, Supporting information Chiseketi) and male courtship intensity (quiver rate) on Additional Supporting Information may be found in the female courtship. onlineversion ofthisarticle: Table S4 Generalized linear mixed model estimating Table S1 Body size(standard length SL) of females and effects (b (cid:3) SE) of female population on male aggres- males, and the number of times each individual was sion. usedin theexperiments. Table S5 Generalized linear mixed model estimating Table S2 Generalized linear mixed model estimating effects (b (cid:3) SE) of female population on female aggres- effects of experiment (heteromorphic female popula- sion. tion) and RSD (relative body size difference between the male and the homomorphic female) on aggressive DatadepositedatDryad:doi:10.5061/dryad.b78g9 and courtship behaviour of Moliro males towards the homomorphic Molirofemales. Received 25 July 2012; revised 15 October 2012; accepted 12 Table S3 Generalized linear mixed model estimating November2012 ª2012THEAUTHORS. J.EVOL. BIOL.26(2013)577–586 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGYª2012EUROPEANSOCIETY FOREVOLUTIONARYBIOLOGY

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