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MALDEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1512 00464 184 8 w e tfAl DBN HIGH SCHOOL m a k e 4 y e One Dozen Quality ft? Drawing pencils a r s l as 12 Good Reasons Preferred P«wl t a l i f e t i m y * s ? r -> <r~f / '> r i r / 1 e /VwcvV »/ #12 MALDONIAN PENCILS the best in Malden Established 2009 school rated # 1 in Malden four years in a row Malden High School V 77 Salem Street, Malden, MA 02148 ~ Established In 1857 DEFINING OUR CLASS Overcoming the greatest obstacle, possibly in ones life: becoming freshman, this class has proven that there is nothing that can stand in their way when it comes to school spirit. Since the beginning of Freshman year, this devoted and driven class continued to beat the upperclassmen at all of the Spirit Week festivities including: tug of war, relay races, Wacky Tacky Day and other events throughout this high-spirited week. This is not only the beginning for this class, but it proves that they are passionate about everything they participate in. Defining this class as passionate would limit them to one meaning and that is one adjective they are not: limited. This class can be defined in many ways. One way to describe this class would be to say they are creative. Even as Freshmen they created a game called: Zombie Tag. Running around mischievously upon the first and second floors of the school, while trying to escape becoming "infected" by the zombies, these kids gave their class something to look forward to. Being the generous class that they are, when becoming sophomores they decided to pass this game off to the incoming freshman, the class of 2013, in order to make room on their schedules for bigger and better things. Becoming sophomores was a success for this class; they passed with flying colors. This class is exceptional at being friendly towards others. During the fall month of October in 2010 this class held a cash wash to raise money for that day in the future when they would become seniors. It was a beautiful fall day, while this class washed, scrubbed, wiped, s sprayed and cleaned down tons of cars. In doing this carwash the class of 2012 was able to intermingle with class mates and underclassmen who were supporting other classes and clubs in an attempt to also make some money. (Being this friendly class it is hard to believe that anyone could talk badly about them). Their friendliness continued throughout the year, and they became a family with one another as well as mentors to the younger classes. Cracking down the whip after the lovely seasons of Fall and Winter, Spring comes and with it MCAS. This is one of the most crucial tests that this class has to endure; scores determine whether they graduate or not. This class persevered through this stressful time, showing underclassmen and Malden High that they are driven. They are determined to receive those advanced scores. They want to set an example for subsequent classes. They have conquered this test and have successfully progressed as a class that can perform under pressure. . ... . . ..... .. ... , Being under all the pressure the class needed to blow off some steam. Once again their creativity kicked in and they created the First Annul Dodge Ball Tournament. It became a fundraiser for the class. All faculty, staff and students, as well as the public could participate in this fun-filled day. In order for the class to gain money, it cost a fee to join the tournament. There was a great turn out and people of all ages where able to have fun thanks to this energetic class. They raised a lot of money by holding this tournament and everyone got to see that this class has fun and energetic members in it. Ending the year in a fun and energetic way, these sophomores became superior juniors. Starting their year off as social butterflies they collaborated on a homecoming dance with the new sophomores. This was a night where they could be carefree and have a good time dancing and mingling with their peers. Being social is something that most high school students strive for in their four years of high school. This class demonstrates being social with excellence. Up until this point in time, they have been an all around amazing class that upperclassmen, underclassmen, faculty and staff should personally get to know. IN TWELVE DIFFERENT WAYS I These socialites continue their up-beat morale. One of the biggest events of their high school careers happens in March, Junior Varieties. This class proves to be comical. They repeatedly made their audiences roar with laughter during their Thursday Night and Friday Night Live themed show, which paid homage to NBC's famous "Saturday Night Live" television series. ----- .----- .- —---—- ———- As the Spring approached for these upperclassmen, it was time to get serious. Another test of their patience and intelligence was just around the corner; SATs. Although the Spring season is a peaceful time, these juniors were cramming the books and studying hard for this test that would define where they go to college. Needless to say even though the pressure was on for this class they worked through it extremely well. One could say they were calm and relaxed while taking one of the hardest tests of their lives. With their junior year coming to a close this class became anxious and excited to rule the school next year. Their devotion and motivation helped this class present their comrades, the class of 2011, a wonderful pre-party extravaganza called, "Red Carpet." Not only did this class respect the seniors they showed the seniors a wonderful beginning to their evening of prom. They set high expectations for the class of 2013 to show them a wonderful time before their up-coming prom in the spring of 2012. To end their junior year with triumph,foreshadowing what will come next year, these juniors raise money for their class yet again during the graduation slush sales. Although I the money they raise will go to their class, they are helpful to their upperclassmen, the lass of 2011. They take into consideration that people will want a refreshment during the graduation ceremony and provide the audience with these as well as snacks. This class is very generous and thoughtful to say the least and are always willing to give a helping hand to any class, whether it be juniors, sophomores or freshman. As senior this class has become prepared for what awaits them in the "real world." It all begins in the fall when college essays are being written . This class worked non-stop to visit colleges, wrote their essays and chose the best possible place to continue their education. This class put their best foot forward in order to create interesting essays that got them into their respective colleges. This class is inspiring to all underclassmen. They set an example by showing the other classes what it takes to get through senior year with flying colors. As the school year and their final year came to an end these seniors deserved to be noticed as all-around good students and citizens of the city of Malden.They have been through the highs and lows as a class, not always communicating and playing fair, but at the end of the days weeks and months that have accumulated to their senior year they can say it has been amazing. This class has been deserving of the final event that marks them as high school alumni: graduation. It is a day they can remember for the rest of their lives. Although graduating is a great accomplishment in itself, they will continually wish to be back in high school, back to the easier days of their lives. They will realize that graduating from Malden High School is something to be proud of and will wear blue, gold and white with pride. 3 "Two Thousand and 'Twelve' (rood Reasons There is no way as individuals for us to take the past 12 or so years that have been the landscape of our lives and try to decide what one thing has been the most important and impressive event - the "life-changer." There have been so many people, times - good and bad, happy and sad, and there have been so many occasions where we could step back and say, "Wow, that really helped shape me into the person I am today!" that pinpointing one experience table of Contents would be virtually impossible. The more we think about it, the more we come to realize that it has been a whole collection of things that have come together to make us who and what we are as individuals. However, when it comes to us as a class, the Class of 2012, there are certain key items that jump to the top of the list as game changers; those things that we could not do without as we now look back on the four years that were our career at Malden High School. Taking a group of the class and asking them to answer the question, "What have you experienced at MHS that made us come together as a class?" might garner 50 or so items. Analyzing those items, one would see that there is a common thread that lumps some items in with others, while certain aspects stand out. Taking those special Class History ... 2-3 'stand out' items and allowing them to exist on their own would allow one to Theme ... 4 agree that there are about a dozen that were absolutely important and Dedication ... 5 Advisors ... 6-7 specifically meaningful in bringing some 400 individuals together under one Officers — 8-9 moniker - The Class of 2012. Without those dozen, or 'twelve' items, we would Survey ... 15 not be the Class of 2012, and that is undisputable. Portraits ... 17 It is probably no coincidence that there are "twelve good reasons" for us Junior Varieties... 32 coming to be what we are, the Class of 2012; it's part of our namesake, two Superlatives ... 40 thousand and 12. So, as a way of commemorating the finale of our four years Senior Biographies 46 at MHS, we will highlight those 12 reasons. Each part of this yearbook will pay Underclassmen ... 59 homage to something, one of the 12, that made us, well, '12. We'll celebrate Faculty A Staff... 83 our rigorous academics in all levels of classes, athletic achievements on Sports ... 93 Clubs A Activities 138 various courts and fields, the leadership of our advisors, the quality of our Advertisements 167 publications like "The Blue and Gold," "The Oracle," and "The Maldonian," our mentoring of the underclassman, the association we share with the faculty and staff, vast involvement in clubs like Project 540 , the Fine Arts Club, and The Key Club, great exuberance at activities such as Junior Varieties, Class Car Washes and the Senior Prom, the respect we had for the administration, the acceptance of all our cultural diversity, the welcomed support of our parents and the community, and finally, maybe most importantly, each and every single student who is a part of the Class of 2012. Without every single one of us, we are not what we claim to be - a unified group of young adults, ready to face the world in the career and life choices we choose, and always in our hearts, willing to call ourselves proud members of the Malden High School Class of 2012. We may leave MHS behind, but we take with us, all of the great experiences, all of the reasons we are who we are in the history of the Malden Public Schools. Our We Give our Book to... Dedication In It For The long Haul... A True Wearer of Woe 6- Gold Not many Malden High School employees can make the claim that they have only worn the Blue and Gold their entire life. This year's yearbook dedication recipient is one of the few and the proud who can and does. As a student, she attended and graduated with enough blue and gold in her veins that when she began her career Jeannie Marqvardo as a secretary she saw no other place more appropriate to apply her skills than at her alma mater where she has been ever since. As A honest friend and true a parent, she was proud to send her own children to Malden High mentor to all MHS School. As a motherly figure, she tends to her duties as both students. Jenkins and Brunelli House administrative assistant with a touch of intuition that is quick to pick up on the needs of the kids she sees everyday. A staple at almost all MHS sporting events, she is also the individual who is singularly responsible for arranging and coordinating the annual Malden High School Scholarship Night which, without her hardwork and dedication, would not be able to send hundreds of seniors off to college with Whether she is attending to over a quarter of a million dollars in award matters in the Jenkins or the money. It is because of all these wonderful Brunelli House office, the days things, as well as the fact that she is a run a lot smoother at MHS fantastic person, that we the Class of 2012 when Ms. Marquardo is on the dedicate our yearbook to one dedicated job. Taking tickets at the woman - football games. Ms. Jeanne Marquardo Thanks! fake Us Back To When... "|!s. Marquardo is the best secretary. We love her because she is willing to do anything for us." In her senior year at MHS, - Matt Sullivan 2012 Jeanne Grasso took business classes and stated she wanted to be a secretary. She was also "I know if I need help with a big Bruins fan and was part something, Ms. Marquardo is the only of the Pep Club. one I can go to. I love her. She brightens my day." Jeanne with her - Faiza Moughal 2014 'ride', a 440 muscle "Ms. Marquardo is that motherly figure that car, which she is always there when you need someone to worked on talk to. She is also the only person who herself in her could deal with all of Mr. Mahoney's spare time. shenanigans!" - Domenic Fontana 2012 2012 Advisors ■■■01 "Mr. Marques is one of the most dedicated and passionate teachers I have had the pleasure of meeting at MHS. His carefree attitude made programming classes, NHS meetings, and ski trips more enjoyable for all of us." Pan Holmqvist - 2012 FUN! . For Mr. Marques the last four years working with Mary Ann Seagar has been great. The class officers have been nothing less than amazing. It has been really impressive to watch this class change and transforms so quickly. Although the intended goal that Mr.Marques had from the start of the 2012 class from freshman year was not reached, which was to have the entire class broken up into teams of colors and have a homeroom rep for each, the class did quite well. They delivered 6 and had a great time throughout the years.

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